$row = $cache[$id]; $rev[] = array('name' => $row['uname'], 'date' => $row['date'], 'reason' => $lang->phrase('admin_merge_edit_add'), 'ip' => $row['ip']); } $rev[] = array('name' => $my->name, 'date' => time(), 'reason' => $lang->phrase('admin_merge_edit_reason'), 'ip' => $my->ip); usort($rev, "cmp_edit_date"); $edit = ''; foreach ($rev as $row) { $edit .= "{$row['name']}\t{$row['date']}\t{$row['reason']}\t{$row['ip']}\n"; } $edit = trim($edit, "\n"); $db->query("UPDATE {$db->pre}postratings SET tid = '{$base['id']}' WHERE tid IN ({$iold})", __LINE__, __FILE__); $db->query("UPDATE {$db->pre}uploads SET tid = '{$base['id']}' WHERE tid IN ({$iold})", __LINE__, __FILE__); $db->query("UPDATE {$db->pre}vote SET tid = '{$base['id']}' WHERE tid IN ({$iold})", __LINE__, __FILE__); $db->query("UPDATE {$db->pre}replies SET topic = '{$topic}', name = '{$name}', comment = '{$_POST['comment']}', dosmileys = '{$_POST['dosmileys']}', dowords = '{$_POST['dowords']}', email = '{$email}', ip = '{$ip}', edit = '{$edit}', guest = '{$guest}' WHERE id = '{$base['id']}'", __LINE__, __FILE__); $db->query("DELETE FROM {$db->pre}replies WHERE id IN ({$iold})", __LINE__, __FILE__); ($code = $plugins->load('managetopic_pmerge_end')) ? eval($code) : null; UpdateTopicStats($info['id']); UpdateBoardStats($info['board']); $anz = count($ids); ok($lang->phrase('x_entries_merged'), "showtopic.php?topic_id=" . $base['id'] . "&action=jumpto&id=" . $base['topic_id'] . SID2URL_x); } } ($code = $plugins->load('managetopic_end')) ? eval($code) : null; } else { errorLogin($lang->phrase('not_allowed')); } $slog->updatelogged(); $zeitmessung = t2(); echo $tpl->parse("footer"); $phpdoc->Out(); $db->close();
FROM ' . $db->pre . 'topics WHERE id = ' . $_GET['id'] . ' LIMIT 1 ', __LINE__, __FILE__); $info = $gpc->prepare($db->fetch_assoc($result)); $my->p = $slog->Permissions($info['board']); $my->mp = $slog->ModPermissions($info['board']); $error = array(); if ($db->num_rows($result) < 1) { $error[] = $lang->phrase('query_string_error'); } if ($my->p['forum'] == 0) { $error[] = $lang->phrase('not_allowed'); } if (count($error) > 0) { errorLogin($error, 'forum.php' . SID2URL_1); } $catbid = $scache->load('cat_bid'); $fc = $catbid->get(); $last = $fc[$info['board']]; if ($last['topiczahl'] < 1) { $last['topiczahl'] = $config['topiczahl']; } $q = urldecode($gpc->get('q', str)); if (strlen($q) > 2) { $qUrl = '&q=' . urlencode($q); } else { $qUrl = ''; } if ($_GET['action'] == 'firstnew') { if ($info['last'] > $my->clv) {
$error = TRUE; } $upinfo = $db->fetch_assoc($result); $upinfo['name'] = $gpc->prepare($upinfo['name']); } else { $error = TRUE; } if ($error) { echo $tpl->parse("popup/header"); error($lang->phrase('query_string_error'), 'javascript: self.close();'); } $my->p = $slog->Permissions($upinfo['board']); $my->mp = $slog->ModPermissions($upinfo['board']); if ($my->p['attachments'] != 1) { echo $tpl->parse("popup/header"); errorLogin($lang->phrase('not_allowed'), 'javascript: self.close();'); } if ($_GET['action'] == "save") { if (is_array($_POST['delete']) && count($_POST['delete']) > 0) { if ($my->mp[0] == 1 || $upinfo['name'] == $my->id) { $ids = array(); foreach ($_POST['delete'] as $key => $value) { if (is_int($key) && $key > 0) { $ids[] = $key; } } $result = $db->query('SELECT file FROM ' . $db->pre . 'uploads WHERE mid = "' . $upinfo['name'] . '" AND id IN (' . implode(',', $ids) . ')', __LINE__, __FILE__); while ($row = $db->fetch_array($result)) { if (file_exists('uploads/topics/' . $row[0])) { @unlink('uploads/topics/' . $row[0]); }
($code = $plugins->load('popup_edithistory_query')) ? eval($code) : null; $result = $db->query("\n\tSELECT r.ip, r.topic_id, r.board, r.edit, r.id, r.topic, r.date, u.name as uname, r.name as gname, u.id as mid, u.groups, r.email as gmail, r.guest \n\tFROM {$db->pre}replies AS r \n\t\tLEFT JOIN {$db->pre}user AS u ON r.name=u.id \n\tWHERE r.id = '{$_GET['id']}' \n\tLIMIT 1\n\t", __LINE__, __FILE__); $found = $db->num_rows($result); if ($found == 1) { $row = $gpc->prepare($db->fetch_assoc($result)); $my->p = $slog->Permissions($row['board']); } $error = array(); if ($found == 0) { $error[] = $lang->phrase('query_string_error'); } if ($found == 1 && $my->p['forum'] == 0) { $error[] = $lang->phrase('not_allowed'); } if (count($error) > 0) { errorLogin($error, 'javascript:self.close();'); } $catbid = $scache->load('cat_bid'); $fc = $catbid->get(); $last = $fc[$row['board']]; forum_opt($last); ($code = $plugins->load('popup_edithistory_start')) ? eval($code) : null; if ($row['guest'] == 0) { $row['mail'] = ''; $row['name'] = $row['uname']; } else { $row['mail'] = $row['gmail']; $row['name'] = $row['gname']; $row['mid'] = 0; $row['groups'] = GROUP_GUEST; }
if (check_hp($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) { $url = parse_url($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); if (strpos($config['furl'], $url['host']) !== FALSE) { $loc = htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); } } if (empty($loc)) { $loc = 'javascript:history.back(-1);'; } $slog->mark_read(); ok($lang->phrase('marked_as_read'), $loc); } elseif ($_GET['action'] == "markforumasread") { $board = $gpc->get('board', int); $my->p = $slog->Permissions($board); if (!is_id($board) || $my->p['forum'] == 0) { errorLogin(); } $result = $db->query('SELECT id FROM ' . $db->pre . 'topics WHERE board = ' . $board . ' AND last > ' . $my->clv, __LINE__, __FILE__); while ($row = $db->fetch_assoc($result)) { $my->mark['t'][$row['id']] = time(); } $my->mark['f'][$board] = time(); $slog->updatelogged(); ok($lang->phrase('marked_as_read'), 'showforum.php?id=' . $board); } elseif ($_GET['action'] == "rules") { $my->p = $slog->Permissions(); $breadcrumb->Add($lang->phrase('rules_title')); echo $tpl->parse("header"); echo $tpl->parse("menu"); $rules = $lang->get_words('rules'); ($code = $plugins->load('misc_rules_prepared')) ? eval($code) : null;
function forum_opt($array, $check = 'forum') { global $my, $lang, $tpl; extract($array, EXTR_PREFIX_ALL, 'f'); if ($f_opt == 'pw' && (!isset($my->pwfaccess[$f_id]) || $my->pwfaccess[$f_id] != $f_optvalue)) { if (!$tpl->tplsent('header')) { echo $tpl->parse('header'); } if (!$tpl->tplsent('menu')) { echo $tpl->parse('menu'); } GoBoardPW($f_optvalue, $f_id); } elseif ($f_opt == "re") { error($lang->phrase('forumopt_re'), $f_optvalue); } elseif ($f_invisible == 2) { error($lang->phrase('query_string_error')); } elseif (($check == 'postreplies' || $check == 'posttopics' || $check == 'edit') && $f_readonly == '1') { error($lang->phrase('forum_is_read_only')); } elseif ($my->p[$check] == 0 || $my->p['forum'] == 0) { errorLogin(); } }
} else { removeOldImages('uploads/pics/', $my->id); } if (count($error) == 0 && file_exists($my->pic) == false) { $error[] = $lang->phrase('unknown_error'); } if (count($error) > 0) { error($error, 'editprofile.php?action=pic'); } else { ($code = $plugins->load('editprofile_pic2_query')) ? eval($code) : null; $db->query("UPDATE {$db->pre}user SET pic = '{$my->pic}' WHERE id = '{$my->id}' LIMIT 1"); ok($lang->phrase('editprofile_pic_success'), "editprofile.php?action=pic" . SID2URL_x); } } elseif ($_GET['action'] == "pic") { if ($my->p['usepic'] == 0) { errorLogin($lang->phrase('not_allowed'), "editprofile.php"); } $breadcrumb->Add($lang->phrase('editprofile_pic')); echo $tpl->parse("header"); echo $tpl->parse("menu"); $filetypes = str_replace(",", $lang->phrase('listspacer'), $config['avfiletypes']); $filesize = formatFilesize($config['avfilesize']); $size = ''; if ($config['avwidth'] > 0) { $size .= $lang->phrase('editprofile_pic_w1'); } else { $size .= $lang->phrase('editprofile_pic_w2'); } if ($config['avheight'] > 0) { $size .= $lang->phrase('editprofile_pic_h1'); } else {
SELECT topic, posts, sticky, status, last, board, vquestion, prefix FROM ' . $db->pre . 'topics WHERE id = ' . $_GET['id'] . ' LIMIT 1 '); $info = $gpc->prepare($db->fetch_assoc($result)); $my->p = $slog->Permissions($info['board']); $error = array(); if ($db->num_rows($result) < 1) { $error[] = $lang->phrase('query_string_error'); } if ($my->p['forum'] == 0) { $error[] = $lang->phrase('not_allowed'); } if (count($error) > 0) { errorLogin($error); } $catbid = $scache->load('cat_bid'); $fc = $catbid->get(); $last = $fc[$info['board']]; if ($last['topiczahl'] < 1) { $last['topiczahl'] = $config['topiczahl']; } $prefix = ''; if ($info['prefix'] > 0) { $prefix_obj = $scache->load('prefix'); $prefix_arr = $prefix_obj->get($info['board']); if (isset($prefix_arr[$info['prefix']])) { $prefix = $prefix_arr[$info['prefix']]['value']; $prefix = $lang->phrase('showtopic_prefix_title'); }
($code = $plugins->load('newtopic_startvote_prepared')) ? eval($code) : null; echo $tpl->parse("newtopic/startvote"); ($code = $plugins->load('newtopic_startvote_end')) ? eval($code) : null; } elseif ($_GET['action'] == "savevote") { $temp = $gpc->get('temp', int); $topic_id = $gpc->get('topic_id', int); if (!empty($_POST['Update'])) { $_POST['notice']['question'] = $_POST['question']; $fid = save_error_data($_POST['notice']); $slog->updatelogged(); $db->close(); viscacha_header("Location: newtopic.php?action=startvote&id={$board}&topic_id={$topic_id}&temp={$temp}&fid=" . $fid . SID2URL_x); exit; } if ($my->p['addvotes'] == 0 || !empty($info['vquestion'])) { errorLogin($lang->phrase('not_allowed'), "showforum.php?id=" . $info['board'] . SID2URL_x); } $result = $db->query('SELECT id, vquestion, board FROM ' . $db->pre . 'topics WHERE id = "' . $topic_id . '" LIMIT 1'); $info = $db->fetch_assoc($result); $error = $sqlwhere = array(); if ($db->num_rows($result) != 1) { $error[] = $lang->phrase('query_string_error'); } if (strxlen($_POST['question']) > $config['maxtitlelength']) { $error[] = $lang->phrase('question_too_long'); } if (strxlen($_POST['question']) < $config['mintitlelength']) { $error[] = $lang->phrase('question_too_short'); } if (count_filled($_POST['notice']) < 2) { $error[] = $lang->phrase('min_replies_vote');
function forum_opt($opt, $optvalue, $bid, $check = 'forum') { global $my, $lang, $tpl; if ($opt == 'pw' && (!isset($my->pwfaccess[$bid]) || $my->pwfaccess[$bid] != $optvalue)) { if (!$tpl->tplsent('header')) { echo $tpl->parse('header'); } if (!$tpl->tplsent('menu')) { echo $tpl->parse('menu'); } GoBoardPW($optvalue, $bid); } elseif ($opt == "re") { error($lang->phrase('forumopt_re'), $optvalue); } elseif ($my->p[$check] == 0 || $my->p['forum'] == 0) { errorLogin(); } }
while ($row = $db->fetch_num($votes)) { $voteaids[] = $row[0]; } if (count($voteaids) > 0) { $db->query ("DELETE FROM {$db->pre}votes WHERE id IN (".implode(',', $voteaids).")"); $anz += $db->affected_rows(); } $db->query ("DELETE FROM {$db->pre}vote WHERE tid = '{$info['id']}'"); $anz += $db->affected_rows(); $db->query("UPDATE {$db->pre}topics SET vquestion = '' WHERE id = '{$info['id']}'"); ok($lang->phrase('x_entries_deleted'),"showforum.php?id=".$info['board'].SID2URL_x); } elseif ($action == "pdelete") { if ($my->mp[0] == 1 && $my->mp[4] == 0) { errorLogin($lang->phrase('not_allowed'), 'showtopic.php?id='.$info['id'].SID2URL_x); } $ids = $gpc->get('ids', arr_int); if (count($ids) == 0) { error($lang->phrase('no_data_selected')); } $iid = implode(',', $ids); if ($config['updatepostcounter'] == 1 && $last['count_posts'] == 1) { $result = $db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS posts, name FROM {$db->pre}replies WHERE guest = '0' AND id IN ({$iid}) GROUP BY name"); while ($row = $db->fetch_assoc($result)) { $db->query("UPDATE {$db->pre}user SET posts = posts-{$row['posts']} WHERE id = '{$row['name']}'"); } }
$error[] = $lang->phrase('not_allowed'); } $sqlfields = ''; ($code = $plugins->load('profile_ims_start')) ? eval($code) : null; if ($_GET['type'] == 'icq' || $_GET['type'] == 'aol' || $_GET['type'] == 'yahoo' || $_GET['type'] == 'msn' || $_GET['type'] == 'jabber' || $_GET['type'] == 'skype') { $imtext = $lang->phrase('im_' . $_GET['type']); } else { $error[] = $lang->phrase('query_string_error'); } $result = $db->query("SELECT id, name, icq, aol, yahoo, msn, jabber, skype {$sqlfields} FROM {$db->pre}user WHERE id = '{$_GET['id']}'"); $row = $slog->cleanUserData($db->fetch_assoc($result)); if (empty($row[$_GET['type']])) { $error[] = $lang->phrase('im_no_data'); } if (count($error) > 0) { errorLogin($error, 'profile.php?id=' . $_GET['id'] . SID2URL_x); } else { $t = $_GET['type']; $d = $row[$_GET['type']]; $breadcrumb->Add($imtext); echo $tpl->parse("header"); echo $tpl->parse("menu"); include "classes/class.imstatus.php"; $imstatus = new IMStatus(); $status = $imstatus->{$t}($d); if ($status) { $imstatus = $lang->phrase('im_status_' . $status); } else { $imstatus = $lang->phrase('im_no_connection') . '<!-- Error #' . $imstatus->error(IM_ERRNO) . ' occurred during query: ' . $imstatus->error(IM_ERRSTR) . ' -->'; } ($code = $plugins->load('profile_ims_prepared')) ? eval($code) : null;
echo $tpl->parse("menu"); ($code = $plugins->load('newtopic_startvote_prepared')) ? eval($code) : null; echo $tpl->parse("newtopic/startvote"); ($code = $plugins->load('newtopic_startvote_end')) ? eval($code) : null; } elseif ($_GET['action'] == "savevote") { $result = $db->query('SELECT id, vquestion FROM ' . $db->pre . 'topics WHERE id = "' . $_GET['topic_id'] . '" LIMIT 1'); $info = $db->fetch_assoc($result); $error = array(); if ($my->p['addvotes'] == 0 || !empty($info['vquestion'])) { $error[] = $lang->phrase('not_allowed'); } if ($db->num_rows() != 1) { $error[] = $lang->phrase('query_string_error'); } if (count($error) > 0) { errorLogin($error, "showforum.php?id=" . $board . SID2URL_x); } $error = array(); if (strxlen($_POST['question']) > $config['maxtitlelength']) { $error[] = $lang->phrase('question_too_long'); } if (strxlen($_POST['question']) < $config['mintitlelength']) { $error[] = $lang->phrase('question_too_short'); } if (count_filled($_POST['notice']) < 2) { $error[] = $lang->phrase('min_replies_vote'); } if (count_filled($_POST['notice']) > 50) { $error[] = $lang->phrase('max_replies_vote'); } ($code = $plugins->load('newtopic_savevote_errorhandling')) ? eval($code) : null;
$to = array('0' => array('name' => $old['name'], 'mail' => $old['email'])); $from = array(); xmail($to, $from, $data['title'], $data['comment']); } } if ($config['updateboardstats'] == 1) { UpdateBoardStats($board); UpdateBoardStats($_POST['opt_0']); } else { UpdateBoardLastStats($board); UpdateBoardLastStats($_POST['opt_0']); } ok($lang->phrase('x_entries_moved'), 'showforum.php?id=' . $board . SID2URL_x); } elseif ($_GET['action'] == "delete") { if ($my->mp[0] == 1 && $my->mp[4] == 0) { errorLogin($lang->phrase('not_allowed'), 'manageforum.php?action=index&id=' . $board . '&type=' . $_GET['action'] . SID2URL_x); } if (count($_POST['delete']) == 0) { $slog->updatelogged(); $db->close(); if (empty($_GET['action'])) { $url = 'showforum.php?id=' . $board . SID2URL_JS_x; } else { $url = 'manageforum.php?action=index&id=' . $board . '&type=' . $_GET['action'] . SID2URL_JS_x; } sendStatusCode(307, $config['furl'] . '/' . $url); exit; } $ids = implode(',', $_POST['delete']); if ($config['updatepostcounter'] == 1 && $info['count_posts'] == 1) { $result = $db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS posts, name FROM {$db->pre}replies WHERE guest = '0' AND topic_id IN({$ids}) GROUP BY name");