/** * Implements hook_install(). */ function PROFILE_install() { global $base_url; $server_name = 'oauth2'; $client_key = 'client1'; $client_secret = md5(uniqid(rand(), TRUE)); $redirect_uri = $base_url . '/oauth2/authorized'; // Delete the client if already exists. $query = new EntityFieldQuery(); $clients = $query->entityCondition('entity_type', 'oauth2_server_client')->propertyCondition('server', $server_name)->propertyCondition('client_key', $client_key)->execute(); if (isset($clients['oauth2_server_client'])) { $cids = array_keys($clients['oauth2_server_client']); foreach ($cids as $cid) { entity_delete('oauth2_server_client', $cid); } } // Register a client on the oauth2 server. $client = entity_create('oauth2_server_client', array()); $client->server = $server_name; $client->label = 'Test OAuth2 Client'; $client->client_key = $client_key; $client->client_secret = $client_secret; $client->redirect_uri = $redirect_uri; $client->automatic_authorization = TRUE; $client->save(); }
/** * Create a token for a user, and return its value. * * @param string $token * The refresh token. * * @throws BadRequestException * * @return RestfulTokenAuth * The new access token. */ public function refreshToken($token) { // Check if there is a token that did not expire yet. /* @var \Drupal\restful\Plugin\resource\DataProvider\DataProviderEntityInterface $data_provider */ $data_provider = $this->getDataProvider(); $query = $data_provider->EFQObject(); $results = $query->entityCondition('entity_type', $this->entityType)->entityCondition('bundle', 'refresh_token')->propertyCondition('token', $token)->range(0, 1)->execute(); if (empty($results['restful_token_auth'])) { throw new BadRequestException('Invalid refresh token.'); } // Remove the refresh token once used. $refresh_token = entity_load_single('restful_token_auth', key($results['restful_token_auth'])); $uid = $refresh_token->uid; // Get the access token linked to this refresh token then do some cleanup. $access_token_query = new EntityFieldQuery(); $access_token_reference = $access_token_query->entityCondition('entity_type', 'restful_token_auth')->entityCondition('bundle', 'access_token')->fieldCondition('refresh_token_reference', 'target_id', $refresh_token->id)->range(0, 1)->execute(); if (!empty($access_token_reference['restful_token_auth'])) { $access_token = key($access_token_reference['restful_token_auth']); entity_delete('restful_token_auth', $access_token); } $refresh_token->delete(); // Create the new access token and return it. /* @var \Drupal\restful_token_auth\Entity\RestfulTokenAuthController $controller */ $controller = entity_get_controller($this->getEntityType()); $token = $controller->generateAccessToken($uid); return $this->view($token->id); }
/** * @AfterScenario */ public function cleanUpEntities($event) { foreach ($this->content as $entityType => $bundles) { $entityInfo = entity_get_info($entityType); $idProperty = $entityInfo['entity keys']['id']; foreach ($bundles as $bundleType => $entities) { foreach ($entities as $entity) { entity_delete($entityType, $entity->{$idProperty}->value()); } } } $this->content = array(); }
/** * Create a token for a user, and return its value. * * @param string $token * The refresh token. * * @throws RestfulBadRequestException * * @return \RestfulTokenAuth * The new access token. */ public function refreshToken($token) { // Check if there is a token that did not expire yet. $query = new EntityFieldQuery(); $results = $query ->entityCondition('entity_type', $this->entityType) ->entityCondition('bundle', 'refresh_token') ->propertyCondition('token', $token) ->range(0, 1) ->execute(); if (empty($results['restful_token_auth'])) { throw new \RestfulBadRequestException('Invalid refresh token.'); } // Remove the refresh token once used. $refresh_token = entity_load_single('restful_token_auth', key($results['restful_token_auth'])); $uid = $refresh_token->uid; // Get the access token linked to this refresh token then do some cleanup. $access_token_query = new EntityFieldQuery(); $access_token_reference = $access_token_query ->entityCondition('entity_type', $this->getEntityType()) ->entityCondition('bundle', $this->getBundle()) ->fieldCondition('refresh_token_reference', 'target_id', $refresh_token->id) ->range(0, 1) ->execute(); if (!empty($access_token_reference['restful_token_auth'])) { $access_token_id = key($access_token_reference['restful_token_auth']); entity_delete('restful_token_auth', $access_token_id); } $refresh_token->delete(); // Create the new access token and return it. $controller = entity_get_controller($this->getEntityType()); $token = $controller->generateAccessToken($uid); return $this->viewEntity($token->id); }
public function receive($endpoint, $payload = array()) { if (!array_key_exists('entities', $payload)) { throw new MalformedRequestException('The payload must contain entities to delete, but it does not.'); } $deleted[] = array(); foreach ($payload['entities'] as $to_delete) { if (Entity::exists($to_delete['entity_uuid'], $to_delete['entity_type'])) { publisher_set_flag('publisher_deleting'); $entity_ids = entity_get_id_by_uuid($to_delete['entity_type'], array($to_delete['entity_uuid'])); $entity_id = count($entity_ids) > 0 ? reset($entity_ids) : false; if ($entity_id === false) { continue; } entity_delete($to_delete['entity_type'], $entity_id); drupal_set_message(t('<strong>:type</strong> @title deleted successfully.', array(':type' => $to_delete['entity_type'], '@title' => $to_delete['entity_title']))); $deleted[] = $to_delete; } else { drupal_set_message(t('<strong>:type</strong> @title did not exist.', array(':type' => $to_delete['entity_type'], '@title' => $to_delete['entity_title']))); $deleted[] = $to_delete; } } return array('deleted' => $deleted); }
/** * Form submit handler. * @see entityqueue_subqueue_delete_form() */ function entityqueue_subqueue_delete_form_submit($form, &$form_state) { $queue = $form['#queue']; $subqueue = $form['#subqueue']; $handler = entityqueue_get_handler($queue); if ($handler->canDeleteSubqueue($subqueue)) { entity_delete('entityqueue_subqueue', $subqueue->subqueue_id); } $form_state['redirect'] = 'admin/structure/entityqueue/list/' . $queue->name . '/subqueues'; }
/** * Delete the current entity from the database. */ public function delete() { if ($this->getEntityType() == 'node') { node_delete($this->get('nid')); } else { entity_delete($this->getEntityType(), $this->get('id')); } }
/** * Reverts configuration done by the context. * * @AfterScenario */ public function revertConfiguration() { // Remove configuration entities. foreach ($this->configurationEntities as $configuration) { if ($configuration->entityType() == 'integration_consumer') { /** @var AbstractConsumer $consumer */ $consumer = ConsumerFactory::getInstance($configuration->getMachineName()); $consumer->processRollback(); // Remove consumer & its corresponding migration. Migration::deregisterMigration('test_consumer'); } $configuration->delete(); } if ($this->backendWasConfigured) { entity_delete('integration_backend', 'http_mock'); } if ($this->server && $this->server->isStarted()) { $this->server->stop(); } }
public function delete() { return \entity_delete($this->type, $this->definition->id); }
protected function delete_product($spid) { entity_delete('wechat_scan_product', $spid); }
function user_delete(&$user) { entity_delete('users', $user); }