Example #1
 $options->folderid = $trash->id;
 $success = true;
 $mails = email_get_mails($USER->id, $course->id, NULL, '', '', $options);
 // Delete reference mails
 if (!delete_records('block_email_list_foldermail', 'folderid', $trash->id)) {
     $success = false;
 // Get all trash mails
 if ($mails) {
     foreach ($mails as $mail) {
         // if mailid exist, continue ...
         if (get_records('block_email_list_foldermail', 'mailid', $mail->id)) {
         } else {
             // Mail is not reference by never folder (not possibility readed)
             if (email_delete_attachments($mail->id) and delete_records('block_email_list_mail', 'id', $mail->id)) {
                 $success = true;
 $url = email_build_url($options);
 // Notify
 if ($success) {
     notify(get_string('cleantrashok', 'block_email_list'));
 } else {
     notify(get_string('cleantrashfail', 'block_email_list'));
 $options->folderid = $id;
 $options->folderoldid = 0;
 email_showmails($USER->id, '', 0, 10, $options);
Example #2
 $trash = email_get_root_folder($USER->id, EMAIL_TRASH);
 /// If necessary, delete mail and delete attachments
 $options->folderid = $trash->id;
 $success = true;
 $mails = email_get_mails($USER->id, $course->id, NULL, '', '', $options);
 // Delete reference mails
 $DB->delete_records('block_email_list_foldermail', array('folderid' => $trash->id));
 // Get all trash mails
 if ($mails) {
     foreach ($mails as $mail) {
         // if mailid exist, continue ...
         if ($DB->get_records('block_email_list_foldermail', array('mailid' => $mail->id))) {
         } else {
             // Mail is not reference by never folder (not possibility readed)
             if (email_delete_attachments($mail->id) and $DB->delete_records('block_email_list_mail', array('id' => $mail->id))) {
                 $success = true;
 $url = email_build_url($options);
 // Notify
 if ($success) {
     echo $OUTPUT->notification(get_string('cleantrashok', 'block_email_list'), '');
 } else {
     echo $OUTPUT->notification(get_string('cleantrashfail', 'block_email_list'), '');
 $options->folderid = $id;
 $options->folderoldid = 0;
 email_showmails($USER->id, '', 0, 10, $options);
 $options->folderid = $trash->id;
 $success = true;
 $mails = email_get_mails($USER->id, $course->id, NULL, '', '', $options);
 // Delete reference mails
 if (!delete_records('email_foldermail', 'folderid', $trash->id)) {
     $success = false;
 // Get all trash mails
 if ($mails) {
     foreach ($mails as $mail) {
         // if mailid exist, continue ...
         if (get_records('email_foldermail', 'mailid', $mail->id)) {
         } else {
             // Mail is not reference by never folder (not possibility readed)
             if (email_delete_attachments($mail->id) and delete_records('email_mail', 'id', $mail->id)) {
                 $success = true;
 $url = email_build_url($options);
 // Notify
 if ($success) {
     notify(get_string('cleantrashok', 'block_email_list'));
 } else {
     notify(get_string('cleantrashfail', 'block_email_list'));
 $options->folderid = $id;
 $options->folderoldid = 0;
 email_showmails($USER->id, '', 0, 10, $options);