function _errorlog_sendEmailAlert() { if (!$GLOBALS['SETTINGS']['advanced']['phpEmailErrors']) { return; } // once run function once per page-view static $alreadySent = false; if ($alreadySent) { return; } $alreadySent = true; // check if email sent in last hour $sentInLastHour = mysql_count('_error_log', " `dateLogged` > (NOW() - INTERVAL 1 HOUR) AND email_sent = 1"); // send hourly alert if (!$sentInLastHour) { // send email $secondsAgo = time() - $GLOBALS['SETTINGS']['bgtasks_lastEmail']; if ($secondsAgo >= 60 * 60) { // don't email more than once an hour // get date format if ($GLOBALS['SETTINGS']['dateFormat'] == 'dmy') { $dateFormat = "jS M, Y - h:i:s A"; } elseif ($GLOBALS['SETTINGS']['dateFormat'] == 'mdy') { $dateFormat = "M jS, Y - h:i:s A"; } else { $dateFormat = "M jS, Y - h:i:s A"; } // load latest error list $latestErrors = mysql_select('_error_log', "`dateLogged` > (NOW() - INTERVAL 1 HOUR) ORDER BY `dateLogged` DESC LIMIT 25"); $latestErrorsList = ''; foreach ($latestErrors as $thisError) { $latestErrorsList .= date($dateFormat, strtotime($thisError['dateLogged'])) . "\n"; $latestErrorsList .= $thisError['error'] . "\n"; $latestErrorsList .= $thisError['filepath'] . " (line " . $thisError['line_num'] . ")\n"; $latestErrorsList .= $thisError['url'] . "\n\n"; } // set email_sent flag for ALL records mysql_update('_error_log', null, 'TRUE', array('email_sent' => 1)); // send email message $placeholders = array('error.hostname' => parse_url($GLOBALS['SETTINGS']['adminUrl'], PHP_URL_HOST), 'error.latestErrorsList' => nl2br(htmlencode($latestErrorsList)), 'error.errorLogUrl' => realUrl("?menu=_error_log", $GLOBALS['SETTINGS']['adminUrl'])); $errors = sendMessage(emailTemplate_loadFromDB(array('template_id' => 'CMS-ERRORLOG-ALERT', 'placeholders' => $placeholders))); // log/display email sending errors if ($errors) { trigger_error("Unable to send error notification email from " . __FUNCTION__ . ": {$errors}", E_USER_NOTICE); die(__FUNCTION__ . ": {$errors}"); } } } }
function forgotPassword() { global $SETTINGS, $TABLE_PREFIX, $PROGRAM_DIR; $GLOBALS['sentEmail'] = false; // Lookup username or email if (@$_REQUEST['usernameOrEmail']) { security_dieUnlessPostForm(); security_dieUnlessInternalReferer(); security_dieOnInvalidCsrfToken(); disableInDemoMode('', 'forgotPassword.php', false); // send emails $escapedNameOrEmail = mysql_escape($_REQUEST['usernameOrEmail']); $matchingUsers = mysql_select('accounts', "'{$escapedNameOrEmail}' IN(`username`,`email`)"); foreach ($matchingUsers as $user) { // get reset url $resetBaseUrl = array_value(explode('?', thisPageUrl()), 0); $resetCode = _generatePasswordResetCode($user['num']); $resetUrl = "{$resetBaseUrl}?menu=resetPassword&userNum=" . $user['num'] . "&resetCode={$resetCode}"; // send message - v2.50 switched to emailTemplate_loadFromDB() $emailHeaders = emailTemplate_loadFromDB(array('template_id' => 'CMS-PASSWORD-RESET', 'placeholders' => array('user.num' => $user['num'], '' => $user['email'], 'resetUrl' => $resetUrl))); $errors = sendMessage($emailHeaders); if ($errors) { alert("Mail Error: " . nl2br($errors)); } // $GLOBALS['sentEmail'] = true; } } // display errors if (array_key_exists('usernameOrEmail', $_REQUEST) && @$_REQUEST['usernameOrEmail'] == '') { alert(t("No username or email specified!")); } if (@$_REQUEST['usernameOrEmail'] && !$GLOBALS['sentEmail']) { alert(t("No matching username or email was found!")); } // showInterface('forgotPassword.php', false); exit; }
function cron_logErrorsOnDieOrExit() { if (!@$GLOBALS['CRON_JOB_LOG_NUM']) { return; } $summary = t("Returned errors"); $output = ob_get_clean(); $runtime = sprintf("%0.2f", microtime(true) - $GLOBALS['CRON_JOB_START']); // update job log entry mysql_update('_cron_log', $GLOBALS['CRON_JOB_LOG_NUM'], null, array('summary' => $summary, 'output' => $output, 'runtime' => $runtime)); // send email $secondsAgo = time() - $GLOBALS['SETTINGS']['bgtasks_lastEmail']; if ($secondsAgo >= 60 * 60) { // don't email more than once an hour // get email placeholders $cronLog = mysql_get('_cron_log', $GLOBALS['CRON_JOB_LOG_NUM']); $placeholders = array('' => $cronLog['createdDate'], 'bgtask.activity' => $cronLog['activity'], 'bgtask.summary' => nl2br(htmlencode($cronLog['summary'])), 'bgtask.completed' => $cronLog['completed'], 'bgtask.function' => $cronLog['function'], 'bgtask.output' => nl2br(htmlencode($cronLog['output'])), 'bgtask.runtime' => $cronLog['runtime'], 'bgtask.function' => $cronLog['function'], 'bgtasks.logsUrl' => realUrl("?menu=_cron_log", $GLOBALS['SETTINGS']['adminUrl']), 'bgtasks.settingsUrl' => realUrl("?menu=admin&action=general#background-tasks", $GLOBALS['SETTINGS']['adminUrl'])); // send message $errors = sendMessage(emailTemplate_loadFromDB(array('template_id' => 'CMS-BGTASK-ERROR', 'placeholders' => $placeholders))); if ($errors) { die("Mail Error: {$errors}"); } // update last emailed time $GLOBALS['SETTINGS']['bgtasks_lastEmail'] = time(); saveSettings(); } }