Example #1
 * Return service url for ticket based authentication.
 * $op Option for refreshing ticket or not.
 * @param string $username The username to use for user authentication.
function elis_files_utils_get_wc_url($url, $op = 'norefresh', $username = '') {

    $endpoint = elis_files_base_url();
    $ticket   = elis_files_utils_get_ticket($op, $username);

    if (false === strstr($url, '?') ) {
        return $endpoint . $url . '?alf_ticket=' . $ticket;
    } else {
        return $endpoint . str_replace('?', '?alf_ticket=' . $ticket . '&', $url);
Example #2
     * Download a file from alfresco - do we use this?
     * @param string $uuid a unique id of directory in alfresco
     * @param string $path path to a directory
     * @return array|null
    public function get_file($uuid, $file = '') {
        //error_log("get_file($uuid, '{$file}');");
        $node = $this->elis_files->get_info($uuid);
        if (empty($node)) {
            return null;

        // Test to make sure this works with, say, a teacher or someone non-admin
        $username = '';

    /// Check for a non-text file type to just pass through to the end user.
        $mimetype = !empty($node->filemimetype) ? $node->filemimetype : '';
        $ticket = elis_files_utils_get_ticket('refresh', $username);
        $url = str_replace($node->filename, urlencode($node->filename), $node->fileurl) . '?alf_ticket=' .

        $path = $this->prepare_file($file);
        $fp = fopen($path, 'w');
        $c = new curl;
        $response = $c->download(array(array('url'=>$url, 'file'=>$fp)));
        return array('path' => $path, 'url' => $url);
Example #3
 * Return a file from the repository server.
 * @uses $CFG
 * @uses $USER
 * @param string $uuid      Unique identifier for a node.
 * @param string $localfile A full system path (with filename) to download the contents locally.
 * @param bool   $return    Set to true to just return the file content (optional).
 * @param bool   $process   Whether to process text-based content for relative URLs for converting.
 * @param bool   $attachment true if desired as attachment, false(default) for file
 * @return mixed|bool Returns the file to the browser (with appropriate MIME headers) or False on failure.
    function read_file($uuid, $localfile = '', $return = false, $process = true, $attachment = false) {
        global $CFG, $USER;

        if (ELIS_FILES_DEBUG_TRACE) mtrace('read_file(' . $uuid . ')');

        $this->errormsg = '';

        $downloading = false;

        if (!empty($localfile)) {
            if (!$localfh = fopen($localfile, 'w')) {
                return false;

            $downloading = true;

        if (!($node = $this->get_info($uuid))) {
            return false;

        $username = '';

    /// Check for a non-text file type to just pass through to the end user.
        $mimetype = !empty($node->filemimetype) ? $node->filemimetype : '';

        $url = str_replace($node->filename, urlencode($node->filename), $node->fileurl) . '?alf_ticket=' .
               elis_files_utils_get_ticket('refresh', $username);

    /// IE compatibiltiy HACK!
        if (!$downloading &&
            strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'MSIE') !== false && ini_get('zlib.output_compression') == 'On') {

            ini_set('zlib.output_compression', 'Off');

        $processtypes = array(

    /// Don't process non-text and "known" filetypes for relative links.
        if ((strpos($mimetype, 'text') !== 0 && !in_array($mimetype, $processtypes)) || !$process) {
            if (!$downloading && !$return && $headers = get_headers($url)) {
                foreach ($headers as $header) {
                    if (0 === strpos(strtolower($header), 'http') ||
                        0 === strpos(strtolower($header), 'server') ||
                        0 === strpos(strtolower($header), 'set-cookie') ||
                        0 === strpos(strtolower($header), 'connection') ||
                        0 === strpos(strtolower($header), 'content-length')) {



            if (!$downloading && !$return) {
            /// Cache this file for the required amount of time.
                if (!empty($this->config->cache_time)) {
                    $age = $this->config->cache_time;
                } else {
                /// The "No" caching option has a value of zero, so
                /// this handles the default (not set), as well as selecting "No"
                    $age = 0;

                header('Cache-Control: max-age=' . $age);
                header('Expires: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time() + $age) . ' GMT');
                header('Pragma: ');

                $cd_header = 'Content-Disposition: ';
                if ($attachment) {
                    $cd_header .= 'attachment; ';
                header($cd_header .'filename="'. $node->filename .'"');

            /// Close session - not needed anymore.
                if (!$return) {

        /// Read the file contents in chunks and output directly.
            if ($fh = fopen($url, 'rb')) {
                if ($return) {
                    $buffer = '';
                if (!$downloading) {
                    while (!feof($fh)) {
                        if (($buf = fread($fh, 8192)) === false) {
                            return false;

                        if (!$return) {
                            echo $buf;
                        } else {
                            $buffer .= $buf;
                } else {
                /// Downloading locally, write the file contents to the local file handler.
                    $byteswritten = stream_copy_to_stream($fh, $localfh);
                    return ($byteswritten == $node->filesize);

            } else {
                return false;

            if ($return) {
                return $buffer;


    /// Process the file, re-writing relative links to direct URLs which will
        $filecontents = '';

    /// Read the file contents in chunks and output store for processing.
        if ($fh = fopen($url, 'r')) {
            while (!feof($fh)) {
                if (($filecontents .= fread($fh, 8192)) === false) {
                    return false;

        } else {
            return false;

        $this->fix_links($filecontents, $this->get_file_path($node->uuid));

    /// We've asked for the file contents to just be returned, so do that now.
        if ($return) {
            return $filecontents;

    /// Downloading locally, write the file contents to the local file handler.
        if ($downloading) {
            if (($byteswritten = fwrite($localfh, $filecontents, strlen($filecontents))) === false) {
                return false;
            } else {
                return true;

        if ($headers = get_headers($url)) {
            foreach ($headers as $header) {
                if (0 === strpos($header, 'HTTP') ||
                    0 === strpos($header, 'Server') ||
                    0 === strpos($header, 'Set-Cookie') ||
                    0 === strpos($header, 'Connection')) {



    /// Cache this file for the required amount of time.
        if (!empty($this->config->cache_time)) {
            $age = $this->config->cache_time;
        } else {
        /// The "No" caching option has a value of zero, so
        /// this handles the default (not set), as well as selecting "No"
            $age = 0;

        header('Cache-Control: max-age=' . $age);
        header('Expires: '. gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time() + $age) .' GMT');
        header('Pragma: ');

        $cd_header = 'Content-Disposition: ';
        if ($attachment) {
            $cd_header .= 'attachment; ';
        header($cd_header .'filename="'. $node->filename .'"');

    /// Close session - not needed anymore.

        echo $filecontents;