chdir('..'); require_once ''; $stations = $DB->getAll("SELECT id,name,external_id FROM stations"); foreach ($stations as $station) { $prices = fetchStationPrices($station['external_id']); if (empty($prices) || !array_key_exists('super', $prices)) { continue; } foreach ($prices as $fuel => $price) { //echo "$fuel $price {$station['name']}\n"; $fuel_id = $DB->getOne("SELECT id FROM fuels WHERE name='" . es($fuel) . "' LIMIT 1"); if (empty($fuel_id)) { $fuel_id = dbInsert('fuels', array('name' => es($fuel))); } $DB->query("UPDATE prices SET is_latest=0 WHERE fuel_id='" . ei($fuel_id) . "' AND station_id=" . ei($station['id'])); dbInsert('prices', array('station_id' => ei($station['id']), 'fuel_id' => ei($fuel_id), 'price' => ef($price), 'is_latest' => 1)); $t = intval(time() / 900) * 900; rammsteinUpdateRRD($station['id'], $fuel_id, $price, $t); } } function fetchStationPrices($station_id) { $url = '' . intval($station_id); $html = fetchHtml($url); #file_put_contents('dump/'.$station_id.'_'.time().'.html', $html); $html = preg_replace("/[\r\n\t ]+/", " ", $html); if (!preg_match('#pricesBox.*<tr>.*?Super.*?</tr>.*</div>#', $html, $m)) { return false; } if (!preg_match('#<table class="infoTable stationDetailsInfoTable">.*?</table>#', $m[0], $m)) { return false;
function parseMaillogLine($line) { global $INCOMING, $DB; // date hostname service pid message if (!preg_match('/([a-zA-Z]{3}[ ]+\\d{1,2} \\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}) ([^ ]*) ([^\\[]*)\\[(\\d*)\\]: (.*)$/', $line, $m)) { return false; } $date = strtotime($m[1]); $service = $m[3]; $msg = $m[5]; switch ($service) { case 'postfix/smtpd': if (preg_match('/^([^:]*): client=([^ ]*)/', $msg, $m)) { $INCOMINT[$m[1]] = array(); $INCOMING[$m[1]]['message_id'] = $m[1]; $INCOMING[$m[1]]['connect'] = $m[2]; $INCOMING[$m[1]]['arrived'] = $date; $INCOMING[$m[1]]['state'] = 'incoming'; } break; case 'postfix/cleanup': if (preg_match('/^([^:]*): message-id=<([^>]*)>/', $msg, $m)) { // vytvorime si v db zaznam o tejto sprave try { $mail =& $INCOMING[$m[1]]; dbInsert('messages', array('message_id' => es($m[2]), 'processing_id' => es($m[1]), 'state' => 'amavis', 'received' => es($mail['arrived']))); } catch (Exception $e) { //echo "$e\n\n"; // spravu uz mame v zozname, takze bud niekto spoofuje idcka a my // sa len tak nechame alebo je to druha cast prvej spravy (vysledok z amavisu) $INCOMING[$m[1]]['clone'] = 1; } } // z Cc Bcc a To headerov vykradneme cielove adresy (to_addr) if (preg_match('/([^:]*): warning: header (Cc|Bcc|To): ([^\\[]*)\\[/', $msg, $m)) { $mail =& $INCOMING[$m[1]]; if (!preg_match_all('/<[^>]*>/', $m[3], $addrs)) { continue; } foreach ($addrs as $addr) { $mail['to_addr'] .= $addr[0] . ','; } } break; case 'postfix/qmgr': // precitame zo spravy pocet prijmatelov, odosielatela a jej velkost if (preg_match('/^([^:]*):.*from=<[^>]*>/', $msg, $m)) { $id = $m[1]; // ak je to klonik (nieco co vypadlo z amavisu) tak to nechame tak... $mail =& $INCOMING[$id]; if ($mail['clone']) { continue; } if (preg_match('/from=([^, ]*)[, ]/', $msg, $m)) { $mail['from_addr'] = $m[1]; } if (preg_match('/size=([\\-\\d]*)/', $msg, $m)) { $mail['size'] = $m[1]; } if (preg_match('/nrcpt=([\\d]*)/', $msg, $m)) { $mail['nrcpt'] = $m[1]; } $DB->query("UPDATE messages SET \n\t\t\t\t\tsize='" . ei($mail['size']) . "', \n\t\t\t\t\tfrom_addr='" . es($mail['from_addr']) . "', \n\t\t\t\t\tto_addr='" . es($mail['to_addr']) . "' \n\t\t\t\tWHERE processing_id='" . es($id) . "'"); } // sprava bola odstranena z queue... odstranime si ju z nasich zoznamov // INCOMING a referenciu v DB if (preg_match('/^([^:]*): removed/', $msg, $m)) { $DB->query("UPDATE messages SET processing_id = NULL WHERE processing_id='" . es($m[1]) . "'"); unset($INCOMING[$m[1]]); } break; case 'postfix/smtp': if (preg_match('/^([^:]*):/', $msg, $m)) { $id = $m[1]; $mail =& $INCOMING[$id]; // ak sme nepozreli este vsetkych prijimatelov tak nas stale trapia /* if ($mail['nrcpt'] > 0) { if (preg_match('/to=(<[^>]*>)/', $msg, $m)) $mail['to_proc'] .= $m[1].','; if (--$mail['nrcpt'] == 0) $DB->query("UPDATE messages SET to_proc='".es($mail['to_proc'])."' WHERE processing_id='".es($id)."'"); }*/ // ak je to lokalny relay (amavis) tak odignorujeme co sa stalo if (preg_match('/relay=', $msg)) { continue; } //TODO: inac by sme mali zobrat status=(status) (status_msg) if (preg_match('/status=([^ ]*) \\((.*)\\)/', $msg, $m)) { $DB->query("UPDATE messages SET status='" . es($m[1]) . "', status_msg='" . es($m[2]) . "' WHERE processing_id='" . es($id) . "'"); } } break; case 'amavis': if (preg_match('/\\([^\\)]*\\) (Blocked|Passed) ([^,]*).*Message-ID: <([^>]*)>/', $msg, $m)) { $action = $m[1]; $status = $m[2]; $message_id = $m[3]; if ($action == 'Blocked') { $state = 'done'; $quarantine = ''; if (preg_match('/quarantine: ([^ ,]*)[, ]/', $msg, $m)) { $quarantine = $m[1]; } } else { $state = 'scanned'; $queued_as = ''; if (preg_match('/queued_as: ([^ ,]*)[, ]/', $msg, $m)) { $queued_as = $m[1]; } } $DB->query("UPDATE messages SET \n\t\t\t\t\tamavis_action='" . es($action) . "', \n\t\t\t\t\tamavis_status='" . es($status) . "', \n\t\t\t\t\tstate='" . es($state) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\tquarantine='" . es($quarantine) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\tprocessing_id='" . es($queued_as) . "'\n\t\t\t\tWHERE message_id='" . es($message_id) . "'"); } break; } //echo "$line\n"; }
#!/usr/bin/env php <?php // fix path chdir(realpath(dirname(__FILE__))); chdir('..'); require_once ''; $fuels = $DB->getAll("SELECT * FROM fuels ORDER BY name ASC"); $stations = $DB->getAll("SELECT * FROM stations ORDER BY name ASC"); foreach ($fuels as $fuel) { foreach ($stations as &$station) { $prices = $DB->getAll("SELECT * FROM prices WHERE station_id=" . ei($station['id']) . " AND fuel_id=" . ei($fuel['id']) . " ORDER BY ts ASC"); $start_t = strtotime($prices[0]['ts']) - 450; $end_t = strtotime($prices[sizeof($prices) - 1]['ts']); echo "start {$start_t}\n"; rammsteinCreateRRD($station['id'], $fuel['id'], $start_t); foreach ($prices as $price) { $t = strtotime($price['ts']); $t = intval($t / 900) * 900; rammsteinUpdateRRD($station['id'], $fuel['id'], $price['price'], $t); } } }
$fuels = $DB->getAll("SELECT * FROM fuels ORDER BY name ASC"); echo <<<EOT <br/> <ul id="navi" class="nav nav-tabs"> EOT; foreach ($fuels as $fuel) { echo '<li role="presentation"><a href="#' . $fuel['name'] . '" aria-controls="' . $fuel['name'] . '" role="tab" data-toggle="tab">' . ucfirst($fuel['name']) . '</a></li>'; } echo <<<EOT </ul> <div class="tab-content"> EOT; $prev_fuel = ''; $table_opened = false; foreach ($fuels as $fuel) { $prices = $DB->getAll("\n\t\tSELECT ts,price, AS station_name,s.address\n\t\tFROM prices p \n\t\tLEFT JOIN stations s ON\n\t\tWHERE is_latest=1 AND fuel_id=" . ei($fuel['id']) . "\n\t\tORDER BY fuel_id, station_name ASC"); echo <<<EOT <div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane" id="{$fuel['name']}"> <table class="table table-hover"> <thead> <tr> <th>Station</th> <th>EUR/l</th> <th>Last update</th> </tr> </thead> EOT; $lowest = 10; foreach ($prices as $price) { if ($price['price'] < $lowest) { $lowest = $price['price'];