/** Function: efIACGetAllowedUsersFromGroupPages( &$groupNames )
 * Get the users with access to an article
 * $groupNames --> Groups that were within <accesscontrol> tags
 * Returns: Two arrays:
 *	[0] --> Users with full access
 *	[1] --> Users with read-only access
function efIACGetAllowedUsersFromGroupPages(&$groupNames)
    // Set up return arrays
    $allowedUsersFull = array();
    $allowedUsersReadOnly = array();
    // Go through each group and store the users
    foreach ($groupNames as $accessGroup) {
        // If group is listed as (ro), set readOnly to true
        $readOnly = false;
        $name = str_replace('(ro)', '', $accessGroup);
        if ($accessGroup !== $name) {
            $readOnly = true;
        // Get the page content for the Usergroup page
        $pageContent = efIACGetArticleContent('Usergroup:' . $name);
        if ($pageContent !== false) {
            // Get the list of users
            $usersFromGroup = explode('*', $pageContent);
            // Put the users in the appropriate return array as lowercase
            foreach ($usersFromGroup as $accessUser) {
                $trimmedUser = trim($accessUser);
                if ($trimmedUser != '') {
                    $userToAdd = strtolower($trimmedUser);
                    if ($readOnly) {
                        $allowedUsersReadOnly[] = $userToAdd;
                    } else {
                        $allowedUsersFull[] = $userToAdd;
    $allowedUsers[0] = $allowedUsersFull;
    $allowedUsers[1] = $allowedUsersReadOnly;
    efIACDebugList("(efIACGetAllowedUsersFromGroupPages) edit users: ", $allowedUsers[0]);
    efIACDebugList("(efIACGetAllowedUsersFromGroupPages) read users: ", $allowedUsers[1]);
    return $allowedUsers;
/** Function: efIACAccessControlUserCanHook( $title, $wgUser, $action,
 *						&$result )
 * Hook: userCan
 * Check the current user's rights to perform an action on a page
 * $title --> Title object for article being accessed
 * $wgUser --> Current user
 * $action --> Action being attempted
 * &$result --> Result to return (modifiable).
 * Returns: Whether this user has access to the page for this action
 * NOTE: Return value determines whether later functions should be run to
 *		check access
 *	   $result determines whether this function thinks the user should
 *		have access
 *	   This extension always returns the same value as $result
function efIACAccessControlUserCanHook($title, $wgUser, $action, &$result)
    // Option for whether to pass through if sysop
    global $egAdminCanReadAll;
    // Make sure we're dealing with a Title object
    $title = efIACMakeTitle($title);
    efIACDebugLog("(efIACAccessControlUserCanHook) checking access for " . $wgUser->getName() . " on '" . $title->getText() . "'");
    // Check if the user is a sysop
    $userIsSysop = efIACUserIsSysop($wgUser);
    // Pass through if user is a sysop and the option is set
    if ($egAdminCanReadAll && $userIsSysop) {
        efIACDebugLog("(efIACAccessControlUserCanHook) sysop access");
        return efIACReturnResult(true, $result);
    // Fail if article requires sysop and user is not one
    if (efIACArticleRequiresAdmin($title) && !$userIsSysop) {
        efIACDebugLog("(efIACAccessControlUserCanHook) sysop required");
        return efIACReturnResult(false, $result);
    // Get the content of the article
    $content = efIACGetArticleContent($title);
    // Get the access control list from that content
    $accessList = efIACGetAccessList($content);
    // Get the result of whether the user can access
    $localResult = efIACUserCanAccess($wgUser, $accessList, $action);
    return efIACReturnResult($localResult, $result);