// however it's a DDL command, and so if we're using slony we can't use it.
if ($pgdb && !$no_ddl) {
    $sql = "COPY sq_ast_lnk_tree (treeid, linkid, num_kids) FROM stdin;\n" . '-' . "\t" . '1' . "\t" . (string) count($index[1]);
} else {
    $sql = 'INSERT INTO sq_ast_lnk_tree (treeid, linkid, num_kids) VALUES (' . MatrixDAL::quote('-') . ', ' . MatrixDAL::quote(1) . ', ' . MatrixDAL::quote(count($index[1])) . ');';
echo $sql, "\n";
$echo_i = 0;
recurse_tree_create(1, '');
fwrite(STDERR, "\n");
if ($pgdb && !$no_ddl) {
    echo "\\.\n";
} else {
    echo "COMMIT;\n";
echo_headline($echo_i . ' TREE ENTRIES CREATED');
// as a part of bug fix #3864 Rebuilding Link Tree breaks triggers , ask user runnin the script to
// also run regenerate_treeids_for_triggers.php script as well
fwrite(STDERR, "\n\n*************************************************************************\n PLEASE RUN regenerate_treeids_for_triggers.php SCRIPT AFTER RECREATING\n LINK TREE IF YOU HAVE ANY TRIGGERS INSTALLED ON THE SYSTEM\n*************************************************************************\n\n");
$script_end = time();
$script_duration = $script_end - $script_start;
echo '-- Script Start : ', $script_start, '    Script End : ', $script_end, "\n";
echo '-- Script Duration: ' . floor($script_duration / 60) . 'mins ' . $script_duration % 60 . "seconds\n";
fwrite(STDERR, '-- Script Duration: ' . floor($script_duration / 60) . 'mins ' . $script_duration % 60 . "seconds\n");
//--        FUNCTIONS        --//
* Print a headline to STDERR
* @param string		$s	the headline
* @return void
$script_start = time();
// get trigger manager and all the triggers installed on the system
$tm =& $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->am->getSystemAsset('trigger_manager');
$trigger_list = MatrixDAL::executeAll('core', 'getTriggerList');
foreach ($trigger_list as $index => $trigger_data) {
    echo_headline(" REGENERATING TRIGGER " . $tm->id . ":" . $trigger_data['id']);
    // load the trigger and regenerate it, same as clicking commit on the backend :)
    $trigger = $tm->_loadTrigger($trigger_data['id']);
    $result = $tm->_saveTrigger($trigger);
    if (!$result) {
        echo_headline(' ERROR OCCURED WHILE TRYING TO SAVE TRIGGER ' . $tm->id . ':' . $trigger_data['id']);
fwrite(STDERR, "\n");
echo_headline(' TREE ENTRIES CREATED');
$script_end = time();
$script_duration = $script_end - $script_start;
echo '-- Script Start : ', $script_start, '    Script End : ', $script_end, "\n";
echo '-- Script Duration: ' . floor($script_duration / 60) . ' mins  ' . $script_duration % 60 . " seconds\n";
fwrite(STDERR, '-- Script Duration: ' . floor($script_duration / 60) . ' mins  ' . $script_duration % 60 . " seconds\n");
//--        FUNCTIONS        --//
* Print a headline to STDERR
* @param string		$s	the headline
* @return void
* @access public
function echo_headline($s, $echo_time = FALSE)