Example #1
function error($inMessage)
    $inMessage = str_replace('"', '\\"', $inMessage);
    //echo '/* ({error: true, message: "' . $inMessage . '"}) */';
    echoJson(array('error' => true, 'message' => $inMessage));
  * Get list of source message category names
 public function actionGetCategoryNames($term)
     $res = array();
     if ($term) {
         $command = Yii::app()->db->createCommand("SELECT DISTINCT category FROM source_message WHERE category LIKE :name ORDER BY category ASC LIMIT 20");
         $command->bindValue(":name", '%' . $term . '%', PDO::PARAM_STR);
         $res = $command->queryColumn();
  * Get city info by zip
 public function actionGetCityInfoByZip($zipCode)
     $city = USCity::model()->find('city_zip=:zipcode', array(':zipcode' => $zipCode));
     if (!$city) {
         echoJson(array('error' => at('Sorry, That zip code does not exists.')));
     // Get state id
     $state = USState::model()->find('short=LOWER(:short)', array(':short' => strtolower($city->city_state)));
     // Get us country
     $country = Country::model()->find('short=LOWER(:short)', array(':short' => 'us'));
     $info = array('city_name' => $city->city_name, 'city_zip' => $city->city_zip, 'city_state' => $state ? $state->id : 0, 'country' => $country ? $country->id : 0);
     $text = at("Zip Code Exists.\nCity Name: {cityname}, State: {state}", array('{cityname}' => $city->city_name, '{state}' => $city->city_state));
     echoJson(array('info' => $info, 'text' => $text));
  * Get list of user names
 public function actionGetUserNames($term)
     $res = array();
     $list = array();
     if ($term) {
         $command = Yii::app()->db->createCommand("SELECT id, name FROM user WHERE name LIKE :name ORDER BY name ASC LIMIT 20");
         $command->bindValue(":name", '%' . $term . '%', PDO::PARAM_STR);
         $res = $command->queryAll();
     if (count($res)) {
         foreach ($res as $row) {
             $list[] = array('label' => $row['id'], 'value' => $row['name']);
require_once $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . '/bamboo/config.php';
require_once $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . '/bamboo/func.php';
try {
    $sql_select = "select /*일반글 키워드 갯수대로 리스팅*/ ";
    $sql_select .= "\tkeyword as '키워드' ";
    $sql_select .= "    , count(*) as 'count' ";
    $sql_select .= "from tbl_keyword ";
    $sql_select .= "where b_code like '%G%' ";
    $sql_select .= "group by keyword ";
    $sql_select .= "order by count desc ";
    $sql_select .= "limit 0, 5; ";
    $rs = mysqli_query($connect, $sql_select);
    if (!$rs) {
        throw new Exception("error with query -1", 1);
    $json_array = array();
    while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($rs)) {
        $keyword = $row['키워드'];
        $count = $row['count'];
        $json = array('keyword' => $keyword, 'count' => $count);
        array_push($json_array, $json);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    $json = array('state' => '0', 'message' => $e->getMessage());
//DB연결 해제
Example #6
 * Echo a json string with the 500 error code
 * @param mixed $value
function echoJsonError($value)
    header('HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error');
Example #7
 public function set_score()
     $work_id = I('work_id');
     $dimension_data = I('dimension_data');
     $type = I('dimension_data');
     $data = [];
     $userId = $_SESSION['authId'];
     $all_score = 0;
     $workModel = new WorkModel();
     foreach ($dimension_data as $k => $v) {
         $dimensionid_score = split('__', $v);
         $dimensionid = $dimensionid_score[0];
         $score = $dimensionid_score[1];
         $work_dimension_data['work_id'] = $work_id;
         $work_dimension_data['dimension_id'] = $dimensionid;
         $work_dimension_data['score'] = $score;
         $work_dimension_data['user_id'] = $userId;
         $work_dimension = M('Work_dimension');
         $res = $work_dimension->add($work_dimension_data);
         if (!$res) {
             echoJson('1', '添加打分详情失败');
         $percent = $this->get_percent($dimensionid);
         $all_score += $percent * $score / 100;
         if (false === $percent) {
             echoJson('1', '获取权重失败');
     $all_score = sprintf('%f.2', $all_score);
     $work_data['score'] = $all_score;
     $work_data['is_have_score'] = '1';
     $work = M('Work');
     $res = $work->where(array('id' => $work_id))->save($work_data);
     if (!$res) {
         echoJson('1', '保存分数失败');
     echoJson('0', '打分成功');
    if (isPersonMatchingFilter(GET_uid(), $LEVEL1_FILTER)) {
        if (isPersonMatchingFilter(GET_uid(), $LEVEL2_FILTER)) {
            $allowExtendedInfo = 2;
        } else {
            $allowExtendedInfo = 1;
if ($allowExtendedInfo >= 1) {
    $LDAP_CONNECT = $allowExtendedInfo == 2 ? $LDAP_CONNECT_LEVEL2 : $LDAP_CONNECT_LEVEL1;
// most attributes visibility are enforced using ACLs on LDAP bind
// here are a few special cases
if ($allowExtendedInfo < 1) {
    foreach (array('memberOf', 'memberOf-all') as $attr) {
if ($allowInvalidAccounts) {
    $allowInvalidAccounts = $allowExtendedInfo >= 1;
$attrRestrictions = array('allowListeRouge' => $allowExtendedInfo > 0 || @$isTrustedIp || GET_uid() && isStaffOrFaculty(GET_uid()), 'allowMailForwardingAddress' => $allowExtendedInfo > 1, 'allowEmployeeType' => $allowExtendedInfo > 1);
$users = searchPeople(people_filters($token, $restriction, $allowInvalidAccounts), $attrRestrictions, $wanted_attrs, $KEY_FIELD, $maxRows);
if ($allowExtendedInfo) {
    foreach ($users as &$u) {
        $u["allowExtendedInfo"] = $allowExtendedInfo;
  * Add participant to a topic
 public function actionAddParticiapnt($userId, $topicId)
     if (!checkAccess('op_personalmessages_add_participants')) {
         echoJson(array('error' => at('Sorry, You are not allowed to perform this action.')));
     // Load the topic id
     $topic = PersonalMessageTopic::model()->findByPk($topicId);
     if (!$topic) {
         echoJson(array('error' => at('Sorry, We could not find that topic.')));
     // Load the user id
     $user = User::model()->findByPk($userId);
     if (!$user) {
         echoJson(array('error' => at('Sorry, We could not find that user.')));
     // Make sure the user is not the author
     if ($topic->author_id == $userId) {
         echoJson(array('error' => at('Sorry, That user is the topic author. He can not be added as a participant.')));
     // Make sure the user is not part of the topic already
     $participantExists = PersonalMessageParticipant::model()->exists('topic_id=:topic AND user_id=:user', array(':user' => $userId, ':topic' => $topic->id));
     if ($participantExists) {
         echoJson(array('error' => at('Sorry, That user is already a participant.')));
     // Add him
     $newParticipant = new PersonalMessageParticipant();
     $newParticipant->topic_id = $topic->id;
     $newParticipant->user_id = $userId;
     // Load the new participants list
     $participantsList = $this->renderPartial('_participants', array('model' => $topic), true);
     // Load the new add participant form
     $addParticipantsForm = $this->renderPartial('_add_participant', array('model' => $topic), true);
     // Success message
     $html = at("{name} added to the topic.", array('{name}' => $user->name));
     echoJson(array('html' => $html, 'participantsList' => $participantsList, 'addParticipantsForm' => $addParticipantsForm));
Example #10
 public function modPass()
     $type = I('type');
     $oldpass = I('oldpass');
     $newpass = I('newpass');
     if ('menu' == $type) {
     // 生成认证条件
     $map = array();
     // 支持使用绑定帐号登录
     $ses = $_SESSION;
     $map['account'] = $_SESSION['login_count'];
     $map["status"] = array('gt', 0);
     $authInfo = Rbac::authenticate($map);
     // 使用用户名、密码和状态的方式进行认证
     if (false === $authInfo) {
     } else {
         if ($authInfo['password'] != md5($oldpass)) {
             echoJson('1', '原密码输入错误');
         } else {
             $where['id'] = $_SESSION['authId'];
             $passdata['password'] = md5($newpass);
             $user = M('User');
             $res = $user->where($where)->save($passdata);
             if ($res) {
                 echoJson('0', '密码修改成功');
             } else {
                 echoJson('1', ' 服务器忙');
  * 修改部门信息
 public function dimensionedit()
     $Dimension = M('Dimension');
     $type = I('type');
     $id = I('id');
     $name = I('name');
     $remark = I('remark');
     $percent = I('percent');
     if ('showedit' == $type) {
         $deptinfo = $Dimension->where("id={$id}")->find();
         $this->assign('dimensioninfo', $deptinfo);
         $this->assign('deptid', $id);
     $data['name'] = $name;
     $data['percent'] = $percent;
     $data['remark'] = $remark;
     $where['Id'] = $id;
     $dimensionInfo = $Dimension->where($where)->select();
     if ($dimensionInfo) {
         $old_percent = $dimensionInfo[0]['percent'];
         $num = $percent - $old_percent;
         $percent = $this->judge_percent();
         $percent += $num;
         if ($percent > 100) {
             echoJson('1', '权重总值不能大于100');
     } else {
         echoJson('1', '保存失败');
     $res = $Dimension->where($where)->save($data);
     if ($res) {
         $percent = $this->judge_percent();
         $num = 100 - $percent;
         echoJson('0', '保存成功,剩余权重:' . $num);
     } else {
         echoJson('1', '保存失败');
Example #12
            $sql_select = "SELECT concat('U00000', ifnull(max(substring(b_code, -6))+1, '000001')) AS b_code FROM tbl_univ_board; ";
            $rs = mysqli_query($connect, $sql_select);
            $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($rs);
            $b_code = $row['b_code'];
            $select_insert = "INSERT INTO `bamboo`.`tbl_univ_board` \n\t\t\t(`b_code`, `m_uuid`, `b_contents`,`regdt`,`img_url`, `mov_url`, `b_blind_yn`, `b_univ`, `b_notice_yn`, `b_notice_date`) \n\t\t\tVALUES ('" . $b_code . "', '" . $uuid . "', '" . $contents . "',date_format(now(),'%Y%m%d%H%i%s') ,'" . $fullUrl . "', '', 'N', '" . $univ . "', '" . $notice . "', ''); ";
            if ($notice = 'Y') {
                $sql_select = "select m_device_token from tbl_member where m_univ = '" . $univ . "'; ";
                $rs = mysqli_query($connect, $sql_select);
                if (!$rs) {
                    throw new Exception("error with query -1", 1);
                while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($rs)) {
                    $device_token = $row['m_device_token'];
                    $alert = $univ . " 확성기 게시판에 새로운 글이 등록되었습니다.";
                    pushApns($device_token, $alert);
    $rs = mysqli_query($connect, $select_insert);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $keywordArrCnt; $i++) {
        $sql_insert = "INSERT INTO `bamboo`.`tbl_keyword` (`b_code`, `keyword`) VALUES ('" . $b_code . "', '" . $keywordArr[$i] . "'); ";
        $rs = mysqli_query($connect, $sql_insert);
} else {
    $arrayToSend = array('status' => 'FAILED');
//DB연결 해제
  * set file content
 public function actionAjaxSetThemeFileContent()
     // Init
     $fileId = getPostParam('fileId');
     $content = getPostParam('content');
     // Access check
     if (!checkAccess('op_theme_file_edit')) {
         echoJson(array('error' => at('Sorry, You are not allowed to edit theme files.')));
     // Check to make sure the theme file exists
     $themeFile = ThemeFile::model()->with(array('theme'))->findByPk($fileId);
     if (!$themeFile) {
         echoJson(array('error' => at('Sorry, We could not located that file.')));
     // Update theme content
     $themeFile->content = $content;
     // Log
     alog(at("Updated Theme '{name}', File {file}", array('{name}' => $themeFile->theme->name, '{file}' => $themeFile->file_location)));
     // Sync theme to save changes
     echoJson(array('html' => at('Theme File Saved!')));