Example #1
            $Seniority = '';
            $Position_Domain = '';
            $W_From = '';
            $W_To = '';
            $Industry = '';
            $Sector = '';
    } else {
        $validated = false;
        $validationMessage = "You must add valid Work History data.";
// output the basic header HTML
include "../Includes/header.php";
//QuickLinks Bar
dumpQuickLinks(array(array("ID" => "Back", "url" => 'FounderDetails.php?FounderID=' . $FounderID, "name" => "Back To Founder Details")));
// message for the user on post operations
if (isset($validationMessage) && !empty($validationMessage)) {
    echo '<div class="' . ($validated == true ? 'info' : 'err') . '">' . $validationMessage . '</div>';
// no errors so far so render the page
if (isset($FounderID) && !empty($FounderID)) {
    $FounderName = getFounderName($FounderID);
    echo '<div class="info">Now viewing information for ' . $FounderName . " FounderID: " . $FounderID . "</div>";
    echo '<br>';
    echo '<form name = "myform" action="FounderWorkHistory.php" method="post" class="form-horizontal" role="form" onSubmit="return ValidateForm()">';
    // Fdiv for the woirk history
    echo '<div style="margin-left: 5px;" id="FounderWorkHisListDiv"></div>';
    // create the section header
    echo '<div class="row show-grid" style="margin-left: 5px; margin-top: 15px;">';
    echo '<div class="col-sm-3">';
Example #2
    $DataSource = $funding[0]->DataSource;
    $FundingSourceID = $funding[0]->FundingSourceID;
    $FundingTypeID = $funding[0]->FundingTypeID;
    $AwardDate = $funding[0]->AwardDate;
    $AwardAmount = $funding[0]->AwardAmount;
    $Comment = $funding[0]->Comment;
} else {
    echo '<div class="info">' . $validationMessage . '</div>';
// output the basic header HTML
include "../Includes/header.php";
// if we have a company id show the back link
if (isset($CompanyID) && !empty($CompanyID)) {
    // QuickLinks Bar
    dumpQuickLinks(array(array("ID" => "Back", "url" => '../Company/CompanyFunding.php?CompanyID=' . $CompanyID, "name" => "Back to Funding list")));
// message for the user on post operations
if (isset($validationMessage) && !empty($validationMessage)) {
    echo '<div class="info">' . $validationMessage . '</div>';
// no errors so far so render the page
if ($validated && isset($CompanyID) && !empty($CompanyID)) {
    $companyName = getCompanyName($CompanyID);
    //error_log("Aftermath CompanyID and Name: " . $CompanyID . " :   " . $companyName);
    if (!empty($AwardDate)) {
        $AwdDate = $AwardDate->format('m/d/Y');
    echo '<div class="info">Now viewing information for <b>' . $companyName . "</b></div>";
    echo '<form name = "myform" action="FundingDetails.php" method="post" class="form-horizontal" role="form" onSubmit="return ValidateForm()">';
    // create the section header
Example #3
if (isset($AddFunding)) {
    // validation
    if (isset($CompanyID) && !empty($CompanyID)) {
        // redirect to the company detail page
        header("Location: FundingDetails.php?CompanyID=" . $CompanyID);
        // terminate processing
    } else {
        $validated = false;
        $validationMessage = "Must be associated with a Company.";
// output the basic header HTML
include "../Includes/header.php";
dumpQuickLinks(array(array("ID" => "CompanyDetails", "url" => '../Company/CompanyDetails.php?CompanyID=' . $CompanyID, "name" => "Back To Company Details")));
// message for the user on post operations
if (isset($validationMessage) && !empty($validationMessage)) {
    echo '<div class="' . ($validated == true ? 'info' : 'err') . '">' . $validationMessage . '</div>';
echo '</br>';
// create a new form
echo '<form action="CompanyFunding.php" method="post">';
echo '<div style="margin-left: 20px;">';
dumpBasicSubmitButton("Refresh", "Refresh", "Refresh page", true);
echo '&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp';
dumpBasicSubmitButton("AddFunding", "AddFunding", "Add", true);
echo '</div>';
// add a div tag for the grid
echo '</br><div style="margin-left: 5px;" id="FundingListDiv"></div></br>';
// save the passed in company name for the return post
Example #4
// output the basic header HTML
include "../Includes/header.php";
// make an array for the quick links
$qlinks = array(array("ID" => "EditFounder", "url" => '../Founder/Founder.php?CompanyID=' . $CompanyID, "name" => "View/Edit Founder(s)"), array("ID" => "EditFunding", "url" => 'CompanyFunding.php?CompanyID=' . $CompanyID, "name" => "View/Edit Funding"), array("ID" => "EditSectors", "url" => 'CompanySectors.php?CompanyID=' . $CompanyID, "name" => "View/Edit Sector(s)"), array("ID" => "EditTechnologies", "url" => 'CompanyTechnologies.php?CompanyID=' . $CompanyID, "name" => "View/Edit Technology(s)"));
$qlinks2 = array(array("ID" => "EditEvent", "url" => 'CompanyEvent.php?CompanyID=' . $CompanyID, "name" => "View/Edit Event"), array("ID" => "EditPreviousOtherNames", "url" => 'PreviousOtherNames.php?CompanyID=' . $CompanyID, "name" => "View/Edit Associated Name(s)"));
//QuickLinks Bar
if (isset($FounderID) && !empty($FounderID)) {
    $qlinks2[] = array("ID" => "CompanyListing", "url" => 'FounderCompany.php?FounderID=' . $FounderID, "name" => "Back to Company Listing for Founder");
} else {
    $qlinks2[] = array("ID" => "CompanyListing", "url" => 'company.php', "name" => "Back to Company Listing");
// show the links
// message for the user on post operations
if (isset($validationMessage) && !empty($validationMessage)) {
    echo '<div class="' . ($validated == true ? 'info' : 'err') . '">' . $validationMessage . '</div>';
// no errors so far so render the page
if ($validated && isset($company) && !empty($company)) {
    echo '<div class="info">Now viewing information for ' . $CompanyName . " CompanyID: " . $CompanyID . "</div>";
    echo '<form name = "myform" action="CompanyDetails.php" method="post" class="form-horizontal" role="form" onSubmit="return ValidateForm()">';
    echo '<br>';
    echo '<table style="margin-left: 20px; width: 900px;">';
    echo '<tr>';
    echo '<td width="12%" class="bold">';
    echo 'Company Name';
    echo '</td>';
    echo '<td width="25%" style="padding-right: 5px">';
Example #5
include_once "FormsUtil.php";
// get the user session helper object
include_once 'UserHelper.php';
// get the user info object from the session
$userInfo = getUserSessionObj();
// init the validation variables
$validationMessage = 'Functionality not implemented yet';
$validated = true;
// get whether they clicked proceed or other possible info
$title = "Financing";
$scripts = "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"Financing.js\" />";
// output the basic header HTML
include "../Includes/header.php";
echo '</br>';
// message for the user on post operations
if (isset($validationMessage) && !empty($validationMessage)) {
    echo '<div class="' . ($validated == true ? 'info' : 'err') . '">' . $validationMessage . '</div>';
// create a new form
echo '<form action="Financing.php" method="post">';
// create the section header
echo '<div class="row show-grid">';
// create grid column
echo '<div class="col-sm-6">';
// show the control
dumpBasicSubmitButton("Refresh", "Refresh", "Refresh page", true);
echo '</div>';
echo '</div>';
Example #6
include "../Includes/header.php";
if (isset($UpdateGrid)) {
    $inputCol = $Checkboxes;
    // save the selections to session
    $userInfo->extraData["Company"] = $inputCol;
    echo '<script type="text/javascript">';
    echo 'var ChosenCol =' . json_encode($inputCol) . ';';
    echo '</script>';
} elseif (isset($userInfo->extraData["Company"]) && !empty($userInfo->extraData["Company"])) {
    $inputCol = $userInfo->extraData["Company"];
    echo '<script type="text/javascript">';
    echo 'var ChosenCol =' . json_encode($inputCol) . ';';
    echo '</script>';
// QuickLinksBar
// message for the user on post operations
if (isset($validationMessage) && !empty($validationMessage)) {
    echo '<div class="' . ($validated == true ? 'info' : 'err') . '">' . $validationMessage . '</div>';
// create a new form
echo '<form action="Company.php" method="post">';
// Bootstrap table for Adding Company
echo '<div class="row show-grid" style="margin-left: 5px; margin-top: 15px; width: 900px">';
echo '<div class="col-sm-2">';
dumpBasicSubmitButton("Refresh", "Refresh", "Refresh page", true);
echo '</div>';
echo '<div class="col-sm-4">';
//dumpBootTextField("CompanyName", "CompanyName", 50, 50, '', "Enter a New Company Name");
dumpSearchBootTextField("CompanyName", "CompanyName", "autocomplet()", 50, 50, '', "Enter a New Company Name");
echo "<ul id='SearchCompanyNameList'></ul>";
Example #7
if (isset($AddMerger)) {
    // validation
    if (isset($CompanyID) && !empty($CompanyID)) {
        // redirect to the company detail page
        header("Location: MergerDetails.php?CompanyID=" . $CompanyID . "&FundingID=" . $FundingID);
        // terminate processing
    } else {
        $validated = false;
        $validationMessage = "Must be associated with a Company.";
// output the basic header HTML
include "../Includes/header.php";
dumpQuickLinks(array(array("ID" => "CompanyDetails", "url" => '../Company/FundingDetails.php?FundingID=' . $FundingID . '&CompanyID=' . $CompanyID, "name" => "Back To Funding Details")));
// message for the user on post operations
if (isset($validationMessage) && !empty($validationMessage)) {
    echo '<div class="' . ($validated == true ? 'info' : 'err') . '">' . $validationMessage . '</div>';
echo '</br>';
// create a new form
echo '<form action="CompanyMerger.php" method="post">';
echo '<div style="margin-left: 20px;">';
dumpBasicSubmitButton("Refresh", "Refresh", "Refresh page", true);
echo '&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp';
dumpBasicSubmitButton("AddMerger", "AddMerger", "Add", true);
echo '</div>';
// add a div tag for the grid
echo '</br><div style="margin-left: 5px;" id="MergerListDiv"></div></br>';
// save the passed in company name for the return post
Example #8
if (isset($AcquisitionID) && !empty($AcquisitionID)) {
    // get the acquisition data
    $acquisition = doGetAcquisition($AcquisitionID);
    // save the data in local variables for the form
    $CompanyID = $acquisition[0]->CompanyID;
    $Date = $acquisition[0]->Date;
    $Amount = $acquisition[0]->Amount;
    $Source = $acquisition[0]->Source;
// output the basic header HTML
include "../Includes/header.php";
//QuickLinks Bar
//if(isset($CompanyID) && !empty($CompanyID))
// QuickLinks Bar
dumpQuickLinks(array(array("ID" => "Back", "url" => '../Company/CompanyAcquisition.php?CompanyID=' . $CompanyID . '&FundingID=' . $FundingID, "name" => "Back to Acquisition list")));
// message for the user on post operations
if (isset($validationMessage) && !empty($validationMessage)) {
    echo '<div class="info">' . $validationMessage . '</div>';
echo '</br>';
// no errors so far so render the page
if (isset($CompanyID) && !empty($CompanyID)) {
    $companyName = getCompanyName($CompanyID);
    //error_log("Aftermath CompanyID and Name: " . $CompanyID . " :   " . $companyName);
    //$EDate = $AcquisitionDate->format('m/d/Y');
    echo '<div class="info">Now viewing information for <b>' . $companyName . "</b></div>";
    echo '<form name = "myform" action="AcquisitionDetails.php" method="post" class="form-horizontal" role="form" onSubmit="return ValidateForm()">';
    echo '</br>';
Example #9
    $MidInitial = $founder[0]->MidInitial;
    $FirstName = $founder[0]->FirstName;
    $Suffix = $founder[0]->Suffix;
    $PhoneNumber = $founder[0]->PhoneNumber;
    $Email = $founder[0]->Email;
    $Homepage = $founder[0]->Homepage;
    $Other_Name = $founder[0]->Other_Name;
    $F_Remark = $founder[0]->F_Remark;
    $NameSource = $founder[0]->NameSource;
    $ContactInfoSource = $founder[0]->ContactInfoSource;
    $HomepageSource = $founder[0]->HomepageSource;
// output the basic header HTML
include "../Includes/header.php";
//QuickLinks Bar
dumpQuickLinks(array(array("ID" => "AssocCompany", "url" => 'FounderCompany.php?FounderID=' . $FounderID, "name" => "Associated Company"), array("ID" => "EditWorkHistory", "url" => 'FounderWorkHistory.php?FounderID=' . $FounderID, "name" => "Edit Work History"), array("ID" => "EditEducation", "url" => 'FounderEdu.php?FounderID=' . $FounderID, "name" => "Edit Education"), array("ID" => "FounderListing", "url" => 'founders.php', "name" => "Back to Founder Listing")));
//dumpQuickLinks[] = array("ID" => "FounderListing", "url" => 'founders.php', "name" => "Back to Founder Listing");
// message for the user on post operations
if (isset($validationMessage) && !empty($validationMessage)) {
    echo '<div class="' . ($validated == true ? 'info' : 'err') . '">' . $validationMessage . '</div>';
echo '</br>';
// no errors so far so render the page
if (isset($founder) && !empty($founder)) {
    echo '<div class="info">Now viewing information for ' . $FirstName . " " . $LastName . ". FounderID: " . $FounderID . "</div>";
    echo '<form name = "myform" action="FounderDetails.php" method="post" class="form-horizontal" role="form" onSubmit="return ValidateForm()">';
    echo '</br>';
    echo '<table style="margin-left: 20px; width: 900px;">';
    echo '<tr>';
    //First name
    echo '<td width="12%" class="bold">';
Example #10
    $Announcement = $funding[0]->Announcement;
    $AISource = $funding[0]->AISource;
    $RealizeIPO = $funding[0]->RealizeIPO;
    $IPODetails = $funding[0]->IPODetails;
    $IPOSource = $funding[0]->IPOSource;
//echo '<div class="info">' . $validationMessage . '</div>';
// output the basic header HTML
include "../Includes/header.php";
// if we have a company id show the back link
if (isset($CompanyID) && !empty($CompanyID)) {
    // QuickLinks Bar
    dumpQuickLinks(array(array("ID" => "Back", "url" => '../Company/CompanyFunding.php?CompanyID=' . $CompanyID, "name" => "Back to Funding list"), array("ID" => "EditMergers", "url" => 'CompanyMerger.php?CompanyID=' . $CompanyID . '&FundingID=' . $FundingID, "name" => "View/Edit Merger(s)"), array("ID" => "EditAcquisitions", "url" => 'CompanyAcquisition.php?CompanyID=' . $CompanyID . '&FundingID=' . $FundingID, "name" => "View/Edit Acquisition(s)")));
// message for the user on post operations
if (isset($validationMessage) && !empty($validationMessage)) {
    echo '<div class="info">' . $validationMessage . '</div>';
// no errors so far so render the page
if ($validated && isset($CompanyID) && !empty($CompanyID)) {
    $companyName = getCompanyName($CompanyID);
    //error_log("Aftermath CompanyID and Name: " . $CompanyID . " :   " . $companyName);
    if (!empty($AwardDate)) {
        $AwdDate = $AwardDate->format('m/d/Y');
    echo '<div class="info">Now viewing information for <b>' . $companyName . "</b></div>";
    echo '<form name = "myform" action="FundingDetails.php" method="post" class="form-horizontal" role="form" onSubmit="return ValidateForm()">';
    // create the section header
Example #11
    // get the event data
    $merger = doGetMerger($MergerID);
    // save the data in local variables for the form
    $CompanyID = $merger[0]->CompanyID;
    $StateID = $merger[0]->StateID;
    $Amount = $merger[0]->Amount;
    $Date = $merger[0]->Date;
    $Source = $merger[0]->Source;
// output the basic header HTML
include "../Includes/header.php";
//QuickLinks Bar
//if(isset($CompanyID) && !empty($CompanyID))
// QuickLinks Bar
dumpQuickLinks(array(array("ID" => "Back", "url" => '../Company/CompanyMerger.php?CompanyID=' . $CompanyID . '&FundingID=' . $FundingID, "name" => "Back to Merger list")));
// message for the user on post operations
if (isset($validationMessage) && !empty($validationMessage)) {
    echo '<div class="info">' . $validationMessage . '</div>';
echo '</br>';
// no errors so far so render the page
if (isset($CompanyID) && !empty($CompanyID)) {
    $companyName = getCompanyName($CompanyID);
    //error_log("Aftermath CompanyID and Name: " . $CompanyID . " :   " . $companyName);
    //$EDate = $EventDate->format('m/d/Y');
    echo '<div class="info">Now viewing information for <b>' . $companyName . "</b></div>";
    echo '<form name = "myform" action="MergerDetails.php" method="post" class="form-horizontal" role="form" onSubmit="return ValidateForm()">';
    echo '</br>';
Example #12
    $S7 = $event[0]->S7;
    $S8 = $event[0]->S8;
    $S9 = $event[0]->S9;
    $S10 = $event[0]->S10;
    $S11 = $event[0]->S11;
    $S12 = $event[0]->S12;
    $S13 = $event[0]->S13;
    $S14 = $event[0]->S14;
// output the basic header HTML
include "../Includes/header.php";
//QuickLinks Bar
//if(isset($CompanyID) && !empty($CompanyID))
// QuickLinks Bar
dumpQuickLinks(array(array("ID" => "Back", "url" => '../Company/CompanyEvent.php?CompanyID=' . $CompanyID, "name" => "Back to Event list")));
// message for the user on post operations
if (isset($validationMessage) && !empty($validationMessage)) {
    echo '<div class="info">' . $validationMessage . '</div>';
echo '</br>';
// no errors so far so render the page
if (isset($CompanyID) && !empty($CompanyID)) {
    $companyName = getCompanyName($CompanyID);
    //error_log("Aftermath CompanyID and Name: " . $CompanyID . " :   " . $companyName);
    //$EDate = $EventDate->format('m/d/Y');
    echo '<div class="info">Now viewing information for <b>' . $companyName . "</b></div>";
    echo '<form name = "myform" action="EventDetails.php" method="post" class="form-horizontal" role="form" onSubmit="return ValidateForm()">';
    echo '</br>';