public function execute($task) { if (JDEBUG) { dumpMessage("JoopoaUserController Execute: " . $task); } parent::execute($task); }
public function sobre() { if (JDEBUG) { dumpMessage("JoopoaUserController Execute: " . $task); } JRequest::setVar('view', 'joopoauser'); JRequest::setVar('layout', 'default'); //JRequest::setVar('hidemainmenu', 1); parent::display(); }
protected function getLabel($flag = false) { $debug = true; $debug = false; // Here I handle dependant load of categories static $count = array(); static $from_params = null; static $defaults = array(); //~ static $runNumber = 0; //~ $runNumber++; if (isset($this->element['label'])) { $this->element['label'] = $this->_replaceNestedJtextConstants($this->element['label']); } if (isset($this->element['description'])) { $this->element['description'] = $this->_replaceNestedJtextConstants($this->element['description']); } if (!$flag || !isset($this->origname)) { $this->origname = (string) $this->fieldname; } if (!isset($defaults[$this->origname])) { $default = $this->getAttribute('default'); //~ if (trim($default) != '') { //~ } $defaults[$this->origname] = $default; } $this->defaults = $defaults; //~ echo '<pre style="background:#efefef">'.PHP_EOL; //~ print_r($this->origname); //~ echo '</pre>'.PHP_EOL; if (isset($this->element['source_parameter']) && isset($this->element['target_parameter']) && $flag) { //$this_field_name = $this->name; $this_field_name = (string) $this->element['name']; $this_field_name = $this->origname; //~ echo '<pre> $this_field_name ='.PHP_EOL; //~ print_r($this_field_name); //~ echo '</pre>'.PHP_EOL; if ($debug) { dumpMessage($this_field_name); } if ($debug) { dumpTrace(); } if (empty($from_params)) { $key_in_params = (string) $GLOBALS['variablefield']['fields'][0]->element['name']; $from_params = $GLOBALS['variablefield']['fields'][0]->form->getData()->toObject()->params->{$key_in_params}; //~ echo '<pre>'.PHP_EOL; //~ print_r($from_params); //~ echo '</pre>'.PHP_EOL; if ($debug) { dump($from_params, '$from_params'); } } //~ echo '<pre style="background:red"> defaults = '.PHP_EOL; //~ print_r($defaults); //~ echo '</pre>'.PHP_EOL; if ($debug) { dump($this, '$this'); } if ($debug) { dumpMessage($this_field_name); } if (!isset($count[$this_field_name])) { $count[$this_field_name] = 0; } else { $count[$this_field_name]++; $count[$this_field_name]++; } $index = $count[$this_field_name]; $source_parameters = explode(',', (string) $this->element['source_parameter']); $target_parameters = explode(',', (string) $this->element['target_parameter']); //if($debug) dump ($this_field_name,'$this_field_name'); if ($debug) { dump((string) $this->element['target_parameter'], (string) $this->element['source_parameter']); } $get_joomla_content_type_by_id = (string) $this->element['get_joomla_content_type_by_id']; //if($debug) dump ($get_joomla_content_type_by_id,'$get_joomla_content_type_by_id'); foreach ($source_parameters as $k => $source_parameter) { $values = array(); //~ if($debug) dump ($source_parameter,'$source_parameter'); //~ if($debug) dump ($count[$this_field_name],'$count[$this_field_name]'); if ($debug) { dump($index, '$index'); } if (!isset($from_params[$source_parameter])) { for ($i = 0; $i < $index + 1; $i++) { if ($i == $index) { $values[] = $defaults[$source_parameter]; } else { $values[] = null; } } if ($debug) { dump($values, '$values 1'); } } else { $values = $from_params[$source_parameter]; if ($debug) { dump($values, '$values 2'); } } if (is_array($values[$index])) { $this->element[$target_parameters[$k]] = implode(',', $values[$index]); } else { if ($debug) { dumpMessage(' Setting <b>' . $target_parameters[$k] . '</b> to <b>' . $values[$index] . '</b>'); } $this->element[$target_parameters[$k]] = $values[$index]; } } } $basetype = isset($this->element['basetype']) ? $this->element['basetype'] : 'text'; $basetype = (string) $basetype; if ($basetype == 'group' || !empty($GLOBALS['variablefield']['current_group'])) { //If start or end of group return null; } else { //Let show the script, that the group has ended $formfield = JFormHelper::loadFieldType($basetype); $formfield->setup($this->element, ''); return $formfield->getLabel(); } return null; }
} } } else { $user = User::getKV('nickname', $nickname); $users = array($user->id); } $output = array(); foreach ($users as $id) { $user = User::getKV('id', $id); if (!$user) { throw new Exception("No user for id {$id}"); } $auth = twitterAuthForUser($user); $flink = Foreign_link::getByUserID($user->id, TWITTER_SERVICE); $friends->friends = $auth->friendsIds(); dumpMessage($flink, $friends); $timeline = $auth->statusesHomeTimeline(); foreach ($timeline as $status) { $output[] = prepMessage($flink, $status); } } usort($output, function ($a, $b) { if ($a->message->id < $b->message->id) { return -1; } else { if ($a->message->id == $b->message->id) { return 0; } else { return 1; } }
/** * Chama o Gateway conforme a forma que se chamou a função. * Se chamou com o prefixo getGW já retorna o Gateway instânciado. como * exemplo getGWNomegateway() retorna o gateway "Nomegateway" * * Se chamou no formato nomegateway_nomeFuncao() chama a função * nomeFuncao() do gateway chamado Nomegateway. * * @param String $name * @param array $args */ public function __call($name, $args) { //TODO interage sobre a variavel de instancia $gateway para obter o // seviço que atende a chamada desta função, servindo if (JDEBUG) { dump($name, "Nome da função chamada"); dump($args, "Argumentos passados"); dump(stripos($name, "getGW"), "Posição da String getGW"); dump(stripos($name, '_'), "Posição do separador nome gateway nome função"); } if (stripos($name, "getGW") === 0) { $gwName = ucfirst(str_replace('getGW', '', $name)); if (array_key_exists($gwName, $this->gateways)) { $gw = $this->gateways[$gwName]; if (JDEBUG) { dump($gw, "Gateway já existe"); } } else { if (JDEBUG) { dumpMessage("Criando Gateway"); } $filename = 'sawee_ws_client_' . strtolower($gwName) . '.php'; $filepath = $this->basedir . '/gateways/' . $filename; if (JDEBUG) { dump($filepath, "Caminho do arquivo do Gateway!"); } if (file_exists($filepath)) { require_once $filepath; $className = 'SAWEE_WS_Client_' . $gwName; $config = $this->getConfig(); $gw = new $className($config); $this->gateways[$gwName] = $gw; } else { $basedir = trim($this->basedir); if (empty($basedir)) { $basedir = "DIRETORIO NÃO INFORMADO"; } throw new SAWEEException("Não foi encontrado o Gateway: {$gwName} o Arquivo: {$filename} não existe no diretório base: {$basedir}"); } } if (JDEBUG) { dump($gw, "Gateway"); } return $gw; } elseif ($pos = stripos($name, '_') > 3) { $gwsplit = explode('_', $name, 2); $gwName = ucfirst($gwsplit[0]); $gwfunc = $gwsplit[1]; $getgwname = "getGW" . $gwName; $gw = $this->{$getgwname}(); if (JDEBUG) { dump($gw, "Gateway"); } if ($gw == null) { throw SAWEEException("Não foi possivel encontrar um Gateway de nome: {$gwName}, verifique o nome informado!"); } if (!method_exists($gw, $gwfunc)) { throw new SAWEEException("O objeto {$gwName}, não tem o método de nome: {$gwfunc}"); } $result = call_user_func_array(array($gw, $gwfunc), $args); if (JDEBUG) { dump($result, "Result from Gateway"); } return $result; } return null; }
require_once $helper; JoopoaHelper::addCustonACL(); /* * Tenha sempre certeza que o usuário tem acesso a este componente */ $user =& JFactory::getUser(); if (!$user->authorize('com_joopoa', 'manage')) { $mainframe->redirect('index.php', JText::_('ALERTNOTAUTH')); } $user_option = JRequest::getCmd('option'); $user_controller = JRequest::getCmd('controller', NULL); $user_task = JRequest::getCmd('task', 'view'); // controla se o script generico do adminform foi adicionado. global $scriptAdminForm; $scriptAdminForm = false; dumpMessage("Debug: Controler -> " . $user_controller); if (is_null($user_controller) || empty($user_controller)) { $controllerFile = JPATH_COMPONENT . DS . 'controller.php'; } else { $controllerFile = strtolower($user_controller); $controllerFile = JPATH_COMPONENT . DS . 'controllers' . DS . $controllerFile . '.php'; if (file_exists($controllerFile)) { $controllerClass = ucfirst($user_controller); } else { $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $app->enqueueMessage("Controlador Inexistente: " . $user_controller); JRequest::setVar('layout', NULL); JRequest::setVar('task', NULL); $controllerFile = JPATH_COMPONENT . DS . 'controller.php'; } }