*   <topic>Education</topic>
 * </subject>
 * <subject>
 *   <topic>Health Education</topic>
 * </subject>
 * <subject>
 *   <topic>Other Data</topic>
 * </subject>
 * This script also updates the DC record after the changes are made.
 * @author Paul Church
 * @date July 2014
# grab the first user supplied parameter as the name of the collection
$collection = drush_shift();
if (!$collection) {
    drush_print("***Error: please provide the name of the collection as the first argument");
    drush_print("Example: drush php-script editMODSTopics.php islandora:collection_name_here");
// include all Tuque php files
$tuquePath = libraries_get_path('tuque') . '/*.php';
foreach (glob($tuquePath) as $filename) {
    require_once $filename;
# repository connection parameters
$url = 'localhost:8080/fedora';
$username = '******';
$password = '******';
# set up connection and repository variables
#!/usr/bin/env drush

 * This script is designed to update the DC record of an object based off the MODS record
 * Call this script using drush and supply it with the object PID you want to change as the parameter
 * @author Paul Church
 * @date August 2014
// grab the first user supplied parameter as the name of the collection
$objectPID = drush_shift();
if (!$objectPID) {
    drush_print("***Error: please provide the object PID as the first argument");
    drush_print("Example: drush php-script updateDublinCoreFromMODS.php RULA:13");
// include all Tuque php files
$tuquePath = libraries_get_path('tuque') . '/*.php';
foreach (glob($tuquePath) as $filename) {
    require_once $filename;
module_load_include('inc', 'islandora', 'includes/derivatives');
// require_once(drupal_get_path('module', 'islandora').'/includes/derivatives.inc');
// repository connection parameters
$url = 'localhost:8080/fedora';
$username = '******';
$password = '******';
// set up connection and repository variables
Example #3

//set fits.sh executable first... it could be at /opt/fits
//drush php-script regen-obj [root of book object]
# repository connection parameters
$url = 'localhost:8080/fedora';
$username = '******';
$password = '******';
# set up connection and repository variables
$connection = new RepositoryConnection($url, $username, $password);
$repository = new FedoraRepository(new FedoraApi($connection), new SimpleCache());
$root_pid = drush_shift();
$parent_obj = $repository->getObject($root_pid);
$itql = 'select $page_itql from <#ri>
        where $page_itql <fedora-rels-ext:isMemberOf> <info:fedora/' . $root_pid . '>
        order by $page_itql';
$page_objects = $repository->ri->itqlQuery($itql, 'unlimited', '0');
foreach ($page_objects as $page) {
    $page_pid = $page['page_itql']['value'];
    $object = islandora_object_load($page_pid);
    if (!$object->getDataStream('JP2')) {
        echo "regenerating OBJ for {$page_pid}\n";
        $obj_ds = $object['OBJ'];
        //url of image... http://fedora_repo_url:8080/objects/[pid]/datastreams/OBJ/content
        $file_url = $repo_url . '/objects/' . $page_pid . '/datastreams/OBJ/content';
        $drupal_result = drupal_http_request($file_url);
        if (!empty($drupal_result->data)) {
            //create a temporary file
            $new_file = file_save_data($drupal_result->data, file_default_scheme() . '://');
            $path = drupal_realpath($new_file->uri);
 * Usage: drush scr printDSInfo.php objectPID datastreamLabel
 * Example:  drush scr printDSInfo.php islandora:3 TECHMD
// grab the first user supplied parameter as the PID
$PID = drush_shift();
if (!$PID) {
    drush_print("***Error: please provide the PID as the first argument");
    drush_print("Example: drush php-script printDSInfo.php RULA:193");
// grab the second user supplied parameter as the DS name
$dslabel = drush_shift();
if (!$dslabel) {
    drush_print("***Error: please provide the DS name as the second argument");
    drush_print("Example: drush php-script printDSInfo.php RULA:193 OBJ.0");
# include all Tuque php files
$tuquePath = libraries_get_path('tuque') . '/*.php';
foreach (glob($tuquePath) as $filename) {
    require_once $filename;
// repository connection parameters
$url = 'localhost:8080/fedora';
$username = '******';
$password = '******';
// set up connection and repository variables
 * a provided path to an XSLT file.
 * This script also updates the DC record after the changes are made.
 * @author MJ Suhonos
 * @date September 2014
# grab the first user supplied parameter as the name of the collection
$collection = drush_shift();
if (!$collection) {
    drush_print("***Error: please provide the name of the collection as the first argument");
    drush_print("Example: drush php-script editMODSTopics.php islandora:collection_name_here /path/to/file.xsl");
# grab the second user supplied parameter as the name of the XSLT file
$xslt = drush_shift();
if (!$xslt) {
    drush_print("***Error: please provide the name of the XSLT as the second argument");
    drush_print("Example: drush php-script editMODSTopics.php islandora:collection_name_here /path/to/file.xsl");
if (!file_exists($xslt)) {
    drush_print("***Error: provided XSLT file/path does not exist: {$xslt}");
// include all Tuque php files
$tuquePath = libraries_get_path('tuque') . '/*.php';
foreach (glob($tuquePath) as $filename) {
    require_once $filename;
# repository connection parameters