function fetch_blacklist($log_notice = true, $install_process = false) { global $config, $g; if (is_array($config['installedpackages']['dansguardianblacklist']) && is_array($config['installedpackages']['dansguardianblacklist']['config'])) { $url = $config['installedpackages']['dansguardianblacklist']['config'][0]['url']; $uw = "Found a previouns install, checking Blacklist config..."; } else { $uw = "Found a clean install, reading default access lists..."; } conf_mount_rw(); if ($install_process == true) { update_output_window($uw); } if (isset($url) && is_url($url)) { if ($log_notice == true) { print "file download start.."; unlink_if_exists("/usr/local/pkg/blacklist.tgz"); exec("/usr/bin/fetch -o /usr/local/pkg/blacklist.tgz " . escapeshellarg($url), $output, $return); } else { #install process if (file_exists("/usr/local/pkg/blacklist.tgz")) { update_output_window("Found previous blacklist database, skipping download..."); $return = 0; } else { update_output_window("Fetching blacklist"); download_file_with_progress_bar($url, "/usr/local/pkg/blacklist.tgz"); if (file_exists("/usr/local/pkg/blacklist.tgz")) { $return = 0; } } } if ($return == 0) { chdir(DANSGUARDIAN_DIR . "/etc/dansguardian/lists"); if (is_dir("blacklists.old")) { exec('rm -rf ' . DANSGUARDIAN_DIR . '/etc/dansguardian/lists/blacklists.old'); } rename("blacklists", "blacklists.old"); exec('/usr/bin/tar -xvzf /usr/local/pkg/blacklist.tgz 2>&1', $output, $return); if (preg_match("/x\\W+(\\w+)/", $output[1], $matches)) { if ($matches[1] != "blacklists") { rename("./" . $matches[1], "blacklists"); } read_lists($log_notice); } else { file_notice("Dansguardian - Could not determine Blacklist extract dir. Categories not updated", ""); } } else { file_notice("Dansguardian - Could not fetch blacklists from url", ""); } } else { if ($install_process == true) { read_lists(false, $uw); } elseif (!empty($url)) { file_notice("Dansguardian - Blacklist url is invalid.", ""); } } }
download_file_with_progress_bar("", $tmpfname . "/{$emergingthreats_filename}", "read_body_firmware"); update_all_status($static_output); update_status(gettext("Done downloading Emergingthreats rules file.")); } } } /* download pfsense rules file */ if ($pfsense_md5_check_ok != on) { if (file_exists("{$tmpfname}/{$pfsense_rules_filename}")) { update_status(gettext("Snortrule tar file exists...")); } else { unhide_progress_bar_status(); update_status(gettext("There is a new set of Pfsense rules posted. Downloading...")); update_output_window(gettext("May take 4 to 10 min...")); // download_file_with_progress_bar("http://www.mtest.local/pub-bin/oinkmaster.cgi/{$oinkid}/pfsense_rules.tar.gz", $tmpfname . "/{$pfsense_rules_filename}", "read_body_firmware"); download_file_with_progress_bar("", $tmpfname . "/{$pfsense_rules_filename}", "read_body_firmware"); update_all_status($static_output); update_status(gettext("Done downloading rules file.")); } } /* Compair md5 sig to file sig */ //$premium_url_chk = $config['installedpackages']['snort']['config'][0]['subscriber']; //if ($premium_url_chk == on) { //$md5 = file_get_contents("{$tmpfname}/{$snort_filename_md5}"); //$file_md5_ondisk = `/sbin/md5 {$tmpfname}/{$snort_filename} | /usr/bin/awk '{ print $4 }'`; // if ($md5 == $file_md5_ondisk) { // update_status(gettext("Valid md5 checksum pass...")); //} else { // update_status(gettext("The downloaded file does not match the md5 file...P is ON")); // update_output_window(gettext("Error md5 Mismatch...")); // exit(0);
$latest_version_pfsense = strtotime($latest_version); if (!$latest_version) { update_output_window(gettext("Unable to check for updates.")); require ""; exit; } else { if (pfs_version_compare($current_installed_buildtime, $g['product_version'], $latest_version) == -1) { update_status(gettext("Downloading updates") . "..."); conf_mount_rw(); if ($g['platform'] == "nanobsd") { $update_filename = "latest{$nanosize}.img.gz"; } else { $update_filename = "latest.tgz"; } $status = download_file_with_progress_bar("{$updater_url}/{$update_filename}", "{$g['upload_path']}/latest.tgz", "read_body_firmware"); $status = download_file_with_progress_bar("{$updater_url}/{$update_filename}.sha256", "{$g['upload_path']}/latest.tgz.sha256"); conf_mount_ro(); update_output_window("{$g['product_name']} " . gettext("download complete.")); } else { update_output_window(gettext("You are on the latest version.")); require ""; exit; } } } /* launch external upgrade helper */ $external_upgrade_helper_text = "/etc/rc.firmware "; if ($g['platform'] == "nanobsd") { $external_upgrade_helper_text .= "pfSenseNanoBSDupgrade "; } else { $external_upgrade_helper_text .= "pfSenseupgrade ";
$updater_url = "{$config['system']['firmware']['alturl']['firmwareurl']}"; } else { $updater_url = $g['update_url']; } $needs_system_upgrade = false; $static_text .= gettext("Downloading new version information..."); $nanosize = ""; if ($g['platform'] == "nanobsd") { if (!isset($g['enableserial_force'])) { $nanosize = "-nanobsd-vga-"; } else { $nanosize = "-nanobsd-"; } $nanosize .= strtolower(trim(file_get_contents("/etc/nanosize.txt"))); } if (download_file_with_progress_bar("{$updater_url}/version{$nanosize}", "/tmp/{$g['product_name']}_version", 'read_body', 5, 5) === true) { $remote_version = trim(@file_get_contents("/tmp/{$g['product_name']}_version")); } $static_text .= gettext("done") . "\\n"; if (!$remote_version) { $static_text .= gettext("Unable to check for updates.") . "\\n"; if (isset($curcfg['alturl']['enable'])) { $static_text .= gettext("Could not contact custom update server.") . "\\n"; } else { $static_text .= sprintf(gettext('Could not contact %1$s update server %2$s%3$s'), $g['product_name'], $updater_url, "\\n"); } } else { $static_text .= gettext("Obtaining current version information..."); panel_text($static_text); $current_installed_buildtime = trim(file_get_contents("/etc/version.buildtime")); $static_text .= "done<br />";
if (file_exists("{$snortdir}/{$emergingthreats_filename_md5}")) { /* Check if were up to date */ $emerg_md5_check_new = file_get_contents("{$tmpfname}/{$emergingthreats_filename_md5}"); $emerg_md5_check_old = file_get_contents("{$snortdir}/{$emergingthreats_filename_md5}"); if ($emerg_md5_check_new == $emerg_md5_check_old) { update_status(gettext("Emerging threat rules are up to date...")); log_error("Emerging threat rules are up to date..."); $emergingthreats = 'off'; } } } /* download emergingthreats rules file */ if ($emergingthreats == "on") { update_status(gettext("There is a new set of Emergingthreats rules posted. Downloading...")); log_error("There is a new set of Emergingthreats rules posted. Downloading..."); download_file_with_progress_bar("{$emerging_threats_version}/emerging.rules.tar.gz", "{$tmpfname}/{$emergingthreats_filename}"); update_status(gettext('Done downloading Emergingthreats rules file.')); log_error("Emergingthreats rules file update downloaded succsesfully"); } /* XXX: need to be verified */ /* Compair md5 sig to file sig */ //$premium_url_chk = $config['installedpackages']['snort']['config'][0]['subscriber']; //if ($premium_url_chk == on) { //$md5 = file_get_contents("{$tmpfname}/{$snort_filename_md5}"); //$file_md5_ondisk = `/sbin/md5 {$tmpfname}/{$snort_filename} | /usr/bin/awk '{ print $4 }'`; // if ($md5 == $file_md5_ondisk) { // update_status(gettext("Valid md5 checksum pass...")); //} else { // update_status(gettext("The downloaded file does not match the md5 file...P is ON")); // update_output_window(gettext("Error md5 Mismatch...")); // return;
<p> <?php /* Define necessary variables. */ $firmware_version = trim(file_get_contents('/etc/version')); $static_text = "Downloading current version information... "; update_output_window($static_text); $static_text .= "done.\n"; update_output_window($static_text); if (isset($curcfg['alturl']['enable'])) { $updater_url = "{$config['system']['firmware']['alturl']['firmwareurl']}"; } else { $updater_url = $g['update_url']; } update_status("Downloading current version information..."); $latest_version = download_file_with_progress_bar("{$updater_url}/version", "/tmp/{$g['product_name']}_version"); if (strstr($latest_version, "404")) { update_output_window("Could not download version information file {$updater_url}/version"); include ""; exit; } $current_installed_pfsense_version = str_replace("\n", "", file_get_contents("/etc/version")); $latest_version = str_replace("\n", "", file_get_contents("/tmp/{$g['product_name']}_version")); $needs_system_upgrade = false; if ($current_installed_pfsense_version != $latest_version) { $needs_system_upgrade = true; } if (!$latest_version) { if (isset($curcfg['alturl']['enable'])) { update_output_window("Could not contact custom update server."); } else {