function getBalance($user_phone_num) { checkConn(); if (!doesUserExist($user_phone_num)) { return -1; } $sql = "SELECT balance from `akshhhlt_blupay`.`users` where user_phone_num={$user_phone_num}"; $result = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['sqli_conn'], $sql); $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result); logToFile("getBalance for {$user_phone_num}", "balance = {$balance}"); return $row['balance']; }
$servername = ''; $dbusername = '******'; $dbpassword = '******'; $dbname = 'chukwuma_ophion'; $conn = new PDO("mysql:host={$servername};dbname={$dbname}", $dbusername, $dbpassword); //connects to database $conn->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); //shows errors //checks if Account exists function doesUserExist($username, $conn) { $stmt = $conn->prepare("SELECT username FROM user WHERE username = :username"); $stmt->bindParam(':username', $username); $stmt->execute(); if ($stmt->rowCount() > 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } $r = doesUserExist($username, $conn); if ($r == true) { header("location:"); } else { $acc = new Account(); $acc->createAccount($user_type, $name, $company_name, $company_id, $email, $username, $password, $address1, $address2, $country, $city, $state_province, $zip, $mainPhone, $altPhone); $acc->insertAccount($conn); header("location:"); /* Redirect browser */ } exit;
$textNode = $xmlDoc->createTextNode($_REQUEST['a']); $requestOptions->appendChild($textNode); } foreach ($actionArray as $action) { switch ($action) { case "setuprecord": $xmlRoot->appendChild(setUpRecord($dbconn, $ldapConfig, $xmlDoc, $_REQUEST['username'])); break; case "getPosts": $xmlRoot->appendChild(getPosts($dbConn, $xmlDoc, $_REQUEST['page'], $_REQUEST['sub'], $_REQUEST['user'], $_REQUEST['comments'])); break; case "email": phpMailer($xmlDoc, $_REQUEST['name'], $_REQUEST['email'], $_REQUEST['subject'], $_REQUEST['msg']); break; case "doesUserExist": $xmlRoot->appendChild(doesUserExist($dbconn, $xmlDoc, $_REQUEST['id'], $_REQUEST['user_type'])); break; case "addGoogleUser": $xmlRoot->appendChild(addGoogleUser($dbconn, $xmlDoc, $_REQUEST['id'], $_REQUEST['name'], $_REQUEST['email'], $_REQUEST['url'])); break; case "addPost": $xmlRoot->appendChild(addPost($dbconn, $xmlDoc, $_REQUEST['id'], $_REQUEST['title'], $_REQUEST['text'], $_REQUEST['url'], $_REQUEST['sub'])); break; case "userInfo": $xmlRoot->appendChild(userInfo($dbconn, $xmlDoc, $_REQUEST['id'])); break; case "editUsername": $xmlRoot->appendChild(editUsername($dbconn, $xmlDoc, $_REQUEST['id'], $_REQUEST['username'])); break; case "castVote": $xmlRoot->appendChild(castVote($dbconn, $xmlDoc, $_REQUEST['user_id'], $_REQUEST['post_id'], $_REQUEST['vote']));
function isMemberSetup($mysqli, $userId) { if (doesUserExist($mysqli, $userId)) { if ($stmt = $mysqli->prepare("SELECT setup FROM members WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1")) { $stmt->bind_param("i", $userId); $stmt->execute(); $stmt->store_result(); $stmt->bind_result($result); $stmt->fetch(); // Checks if member is setup if ($result == 0) { return false; } else { if ($result == 1) { return true; } } } else { return "Failed MYSQL Query"; } } else { return "User does not exist"; } }
validateSession(); header('Location: main.php'); } else { if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { // Clean arrays to prevent injection attacks slashAllInputs(); // Connects to your Database connectDatabase(); // makes sure they filled it in if (!$_POST['username'] || !$_POST['password']) { echoMainHeader(); echo "<h2>You did not fill in a required field.</h2>\n"; displayLogin(); } else { //Gives error if user dosen't exist if (!doesUserExist($_POST['username'])) { echoMainHeader(); echo "<h2>That user does not exist in our database.</h2>\n"; displayLogin(); } else { if (isValidUserPassword($_POST['username'], $_POST['password'])) { loginUser(); } else { echoMainHeader(); echo "Incorrect password, please try again.\n"; } } } echoMainFooter(); } }
<div class="relative1"><input type="password" name="password" placeholder="Password" required></div> <div class="relative1"><input type="hidden" name="secondTime" value="true"></div> <div class="relative1"><input type="submit" value="Login"></div> </form> <form action="signUp.php" class="form"> <div class="relative"><input type="submit" value="Sign Up"></div> </form> </body> </html> <?php if ($_POST['secondTime'] == 'true') { require 'functions.php'; $userExists = doesUserExist($_POST['userName'], $_POST['password']); //echo $userExists; if ($userExists) { header('Location: placeOrder.php') && exit; } else { echo '<font size="5" id="invalidCredentials">Incorrect username and password combination</font>'; echo '<script language="javascript">'; echo ' = "url(\'static/images/loginBackground.png\')";'; echo '</script>'; } // echo '<font size="5" color="orange">Incorrect </div> }
if (1 == $_POST["submitted"]) { // and, every variable that is part of the form was actually received by // this file, meaning that the form was not hi- or side-jacked, if (whiteList()) { // and, both the username and password contain at least one character // (this is a redundancy check, since each form variable is marked // as “required” in the HTML form), if (0 < strlen($_POST['username']) && 0 < strlen($_POST['password'])) { // then process the username and password. // 1. Remove whitespace surrounding the username. // 2. Convert <, >, ', and " to their respective HTML entities // 3. Handle HTML5 code // 4. Use the UTF-8 character set $username = htmlentities(trim($_POST['username']), ENT_QUOTES | 'ENT_HTML5', "UTF-8"); $password = trim($_POST['password']); if (!doesUserExist($username)) { registerNewUser($username, $password); include_once "includes/"; header("Refresh: 5; ./index.php?action=login"); //change file path to login page! } else { header("Location: error.php?message_type=registration_error"); } } } } } ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html>
<?php if (!isset($_SESSION)) { session_start(); } include_once "functions.php"; if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { $salt = getSalt(); $username = $_POST['username']; $postPassword = $_POST['password']; $forbiddenProjects = $_POST['forbiddenProjects']; //as json --> encoded by javascript $accountType = $_POST['accountType']; $newUsername = $_POST['newUsername']; $userAlreadyExists = doesUserExist($username); //admin is allowed to change every password --> no check needed if (isUserAdmin($_SESSION['loggedIn'])) { if (!$userAlreadyExists) { addUser($newUsername, crypt($postPassword, $salt), $forbiddenProjects, $accountType); } else { overrideUserProperties($username, $postPassword, $forbiddenProjects, $accountType, $newUsername); } } } function overrideUserProperties($username, $password, $forbiddenProjects, $accountType, $newUsername) { $userArray = []; include "getUsersFromJSON.php"; $path_config_users = ""; include "paths.php"; if (!empty($userArray)) {
// and, every variable that is part of the form was actually received by // this file, meaning that the form was not hi- or side-jacked, if (whiteList()) { // and, both the email and password contain at least one character // (this is a redundancy check, since each form variable is marked // as “required” in the HTML form), if (0 < strlen($_POST['email']) && 0 < strlen($_POST['password']) && 0 < strlen($_POST['firstname'])) { // then process the email and password. // 1. Remove whitespace surrounding the email. // 2. Convert <, >, ', and " to their respective HTML entities // 3. Handle HTML5 code // 4. Use the UTF-8 character set $email = trim($_POST['email']); $password = trim($_POST['password']); $firstname = trim($_POST['firstname']); if (!doesUserExist($email)) { registerNewUser($email, $password, $firstname); include_once "includes/"; header("Refresh: 5; ./home.php"); } else { header("Location: error.php?message_type=registration_error"); } } } } } ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en">
tpl_set_var('end_przejmij', ""); $acceptList = ''; foreach (listPendingCaches($usr['userid']) as $cache) { $acceptList .= "<tr><td>"; $acceptList .= "<a href='viewcache.php?cacheid=" . $cache['cache_id'] . "'>"; $acceptList .= $cache['name'] . "</a>"; $acceptList .= " <a href='chowner.php?cacheid=" . $cache['cache_id'] . "&accept=1'>[<font color='green'>" . tr('adopt_12') . "</font>]</a>"; $acceptList .= " <a href='chowner.php?cacheid=" . $cache['cache_id'] . "&accept=0'>[<font color='#ff0000'>" . tr('adopt_13') . "</font>]</a>"; $acceptList .= "</td>\n <td>" . strftime($dateformat, strtotime($cache['date_hidden'])) . "</td>\n </tr>\n "; } tpl_set_var('acceptList', $acceptList); } if (isset($_POST['username'])) { if (doesUserExist($_POST['username']) > 0) { // uzytkownik istnieje, mozna kontynuowac procedure $newUserId = doesUserExist($_POST['username']); $sql = "INSERT INTO chowner (cache_id, user_id) VALUES (" . sql_escape(intval($_REQUEST['cacheid'])) . ", " . $newUserId . ")"; mysql_query($sql); if (mysql_affected_rows() > 0) { tpl_set_var('info_msg', ' ' . tr('adopt_24') . ' <br /><br />'); $mailContent = tr('adopt_26'); $mailContent = str_replace('\\n', "\n", $mailContent); $mailContent = str_replace('{userName}', $usr['username'], $mailContent); $mailContent = str_replace('{cacheName}', getCacheName($_REQUEST['cacheid']), $mailContent); mb_send_mail_2(getUserEmail($newUserId), tr('adopt_25'), $mailContent, emailHeaders()); } else { tpl_set_var('error_msg', tr('adopt_22') . '<br /><br />'); } } else { $message = tr('adopt_23'); $message = str_replace('{userName}', $_POST['username'], $message);
function logOut($username) { $connection = pdo_connect(); $data = array(); if (doesUserExist($username)) { $query = <<<SQL UPDATE USERS SET Connected = ? WHERE Username = ? SQL; $statement = $connection->prepare($query); $result = $statement->execute(array(false, $username)); if ($result == true) { $data['logout'] = true; } else { $data['logout'] = false; $data['error'] = "Failed to logout the user"; } } else { $data['logout'] = false; $data['error'] = "User does not exist"; } echo json_encode($data); }
require_once "/home/akshhhlt/public_html/blupay/twilio-php-master/Services/Twilio.php"; require_once "/home/akshhhlt/public_html/blupay/db_helper.php"; require_once "/home/akshhhlt/public_html/blupay/keys.php"; // passwords, api key, etc. /*** Simulates texts ***/ $testingMode = TRUE; /***** TWILLIO ACCOUNT INFO *****/ $AccountSid = AccountSid; $AuthToken = AuthToken; $server_phone_num = server_phone_num; $client = new Services_Twilio($AccountSid, $AuthToken); // define and log relevant information $user_phone_num = $_GET["From"]; $message_body = $_GET["Body"]; $isExistingUser = doesUserExist($user_phone_num); $balance = getBalance($user_phone_num); $action = parseText($message_body); // check for keywords in message logToFile(time(), "SMS Recieved from \"{$user_phone_num}\". isExistingUser: {$isExistingUser}. Action: {$action}. SMS: {$message_body}"); if ($isExistingUser) { existing_user($action); } else { onboard_user($message_body); } /*** Asks new user for name, inserts user into db ***/ function onboard_user($message_body) { logToFile("onboard user", $message_body); session_start(); if (!strlen($_SESSION['lastTextTime'])) {