function main() { global $db; do_table_header("Obsedb CMS Mod Library"); print "<tr><td style=\"background: #fff;\">"; $phpVersion = phpversion(); if ($phpVersion >= 5) { print '<h3 style="padding-left: 5px;"><span style="color: green;">Beta</span></h3>'; if (!isset($_REQUEST['platform'])) { $xmlfile = simplexml_load_file(''); foreach ($xmlfile as $platform) { print '<div style="font-size: 10pt; padding: 10px; width: 300px; background-color: #fff; border: 1px solid #f5f5f5;">'; print '<a href="content.php?platform=' . $platform->var . '">' . $platform->title . '</a>'; print '</div><br />'; } } else { $xmlfile = simplexml_load_file('' . $_REQUEST[platform]); foreach ($xmlfile as $Mod) { print '<div style="padding: 10px; width: 300px; background-color: #fff; border: 1px solid #f5f5f5;">'; print '<div style="font-size: 10pt;">' . $Mod->title . '</div>'; print '<a href="content.php?do=import_Mod&Mod=' . $Mod->url . '">Import Mod</a>'; print '</div><br />'; } } } else { print '<h3 style="margin: 0px;"><span style="color: green;">Error</span></h3>'; print "You must have PHP version 5 or greater to access the content download system."; } print "</td></tr>"; do_table_footer(); }
function main() { global $db; do_table_header('Downloads'); echo "<tr><td class=\"formlabel\"><b>"; $alpha = array('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0'); foreach ($alpha as $value) { echo "<a href=\"downloads.php?browse={$value}\">{$value}</a> "; } echo "</b></td></tr>"; if (empty($_REQUEST['browse'])) { $browse = 'A'; } else { $browse = $_REQUEST['browse']; } $sections = FetchSections('Obsedb_Mods_sections'); $Mods = $db->Execute("SELECT id,title,section\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM `Obsedb_Mods`\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE `title` LIKE '" . $browse . "%'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY `title`;"); while ($row = $Mods->FetchNextObject()) { echo '<tr><td style="font-size: 8pt;" class="formlabel">'; echo '<a href="downloads.php?do=add&id=' . $row->ID . '">[add download]</a> '; echo '<a href="downloads.php?do=manage&id=' . $row->ID . '">[manage downloads]</a> '; echo ' <b>' . clean($row->TITLE) . '</b> (' . $sections["{$row->SECTION}"] . ')'; echo '</td></tr>'; } do_table_footer(); }
function add_section() { do_form_header("screenshots.php"); do_table_header("Add Section"); do_text_row("Title", "title"); do_submit_row("Add Section"); echo '<input type="hidden" name="do" value="add_section_confirm">'; do_table_footer(); do_form_footer(); }
function edit_template($title) { global $db; do_table_header("Manage Templates"); $result = $db->Execute("SELECT * FROM Obsedb_templates WHERE `title` = '{$title}';"); do_form_header('templates.php'); do_blank_row("Editing Template"); print "<tr><td class=\"formlabel\">\n" . "<textarea rows=\"20\" cols=\"70\" name=\"html\">" . stripslashes($result->fields['html']) . "</textarea></td></tr>"; do_submit_row("Save Template"); print '<input type="hidden" name="title" value="' . $title . '">'; print '<input type="hidden" name="do" value="save">'; do_table_footer(); do_form_footer(); }
function manage() { global $db; $result = $db->Execute("SELECT id,title\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM `Obsedb_Mods`\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE `id` = '{$_REQUEST['id']}';"); do_table_header("Cheats: " . clean($result->fields['title'])); $result = $db->Execute("SELECT id,title,Modid\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM `Obsedb_cheats`\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE `Modid` = '{$_REQUEST['id']}'\n\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY `title`;"); echo '<tr><td style="font-size: 8pt;" class="formlabel">'; if ($result->RecordCount() == 1) { echo '<b>There is 1 cheat for this Mod.</b>'; } else { echo '<b>There are ' . $result->RecordCount() . ' cheats for this Mod.</b>'; } echo '</td></tr>'; while ($row = $result->FetchNextObject()) { echo "<tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td style='font-size: 8pt;' class='formlabel'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<a href=\"cheats.php?do=edit&id={$row->ID}\">[edit cheat]</a>\n\t\t\t\t\t<a href=\"cheats.php?do=delete&id={$row->ID}\">[delete]</a> \n\t\t\t\t\t" . clean($row->TITLE) . "\n\t\t\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t\t\t</tr>"; } do_table_footer(); }
function list_sections() { global $db; do_module_header('Sections', 'Manage all the sections of your website'); do_table_header('Mod Sections'); do_blank_row('<a href="Mods.php?do=add_section">Add Section</a>'); $result = $db->Execute("SELECT id,title FROM `Obsedb_Mods_sections` ORDER BY `title`"); while ($row = $result->FetchNextObject()) { do_blank_row("<b>" . stripslashes($row->TITLE) . "</b>"); do_blank_row(" · <a href='Mods.php?do=Edit+Section&id={$row->ID}'>Change the section name</a>"); do_blank_row(" · <a href='Mods.php?do=Delete+Section&id={$row->ID}'>Delete the section</a>"); } do_table_footer(); do_table_header('News Sections'); do_blank_row('<a href="news.php?do=add_section">Add Section</a>'); $result = $db->Execute("SELECT id,title FROM `Obsedb_news_sections` ORDER BY `title`"); while ($row = $result->FetchNextObject()) { do_blank_row("<b>" . stripslashes($row->TITLE) . "</b>"); do_blank_row(" · <a href='news.php?do=Edit+Section&id={$row->ID}'>Change the section name</a>"); do_blank_row(" · <a href='news.php?do=Delete+Section&id={$row->ID}'>Delete the section</a>"); } do_table_footer(); do_table_header('Previews Sections'); do_blank_row('<a href="previews.php?do=add_section">Add Section</a>'); $result = $db->Execute("SELECT id,title FROM `Obsedb_previews_sections` ORDER BY `title`"); while ($row = $result->FetchNextObject()) { do_blank_row("<b>" . stripslashes($row->TITLE) . "</b>"); do_blank_row(" · <a href='previews.php?do=Edit+Section&id={$row->ID}'>Change the section name</a>"); do_blank_row(" · <a href='previews.php?do=Delete+Section&id={$row->ID}'>Delete the section</a>"); } do_table_footer(); do_table_header('Reviews Sections'); do_blank_row('<a href="reviews.php?do=add_section">Add Section</a>'); $result = $db->Execute("SELECT id,title FROM `Obsedb_reviews_sections` ORDER BY `title`"); while ($row = $result->FetchNextObject()) { do_blank_row("<b>" . stripslashes($row->TITLE) . "</b>"); do_blank_row(" · <a href='reviews.php?do=Edit+Section&id={$row->ID}'>Change the section name</a>"); do_blank_row(" · <a href='reviews.php?do=Delete+Section&id={$row->ID}'>Delete the section</a>"); } do_table_footer(); }
function editAnnouncementForm() { global $db; $result = $db->Execute("SELECT * FROM `Obsedb_announcements` WHERE `id` = '{$_REQUEST['id']}'"); do_form_header('index2.php'); do_table_header('Edit Announcement'); do_text_row($this->phrase['username'], 'user', $result->fields['user']); do_text_row($this->phrase['title'], 'title', stripslashes($result->fields['title'])); do_textarea_row($this->phrase['message'], 'text', stripslashes($result->fields['text'])); do_submit_row('Save Changes'); do_table_footer(); echo '<input type="hidden" name="do" value="edit_confirm">'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="' . $_REQUEST[id] . '">'; echo '</form>'; }
do_submit_row('Install'); do_table_footer(); echo '<input type="hidden" name="do" value="install2">'; do_form_footer(); } if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'install2') { $record["title"] = $_REQUEST['title']; $record["url"] = $_REQUEST['filename']; $db->AutoExecute("Obsedb_modules", $record, 'INSERT'); SPMessage('Success | Module has been added to control panel', 'modules.php'); } if ($do == 'edit') { $result = $db->Execute("\n SELECT * FROM Obsedb_modules\n WHERE `id` = '{$id}'"); do_form_header('modules.php'); do_table_header('Module Configuration'); do_text_row('Name', 'title', stripslashes($result->fields['title'])); do_text_row('Target', 'url', stripslashes($result->fields['url'])); do_submit_row('Save Changes'); do_table_footer(); print '<input type="hidden" name="do" value="edit_confirm">'; print '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="' . $id . '">'; do_form_footer(); } if ($do == 'edit_confirm') { $title = $cp->getParam('title'); $url = $cp->getParam('url'); $record = array('title' => $title, 'url' => $url); $db->AutoExecute('Obsedb_modules', $record, "UPDATE", "`id` = '{$id}'"); SPMessage("Module configuration has been saved."); } $cp->footer();
function generate_matrix($type) { global $db; // Related News $result = $db->Execute("\n\t\tSELECT * FROM `Obsedb_matrix`\n\t\tWHERE `ctype` = '{$type}' AND `cid` = '{$_REQUEST['id']}' AND `reltype` = 'news';"); do_table_header("Related News"); echo '<TR><TD CLASS="formlabel">'; while ($row = $result->FetchNextObject()) { $article = $db->Execute("\n\t\t\tSELECT id,title\n\t\t\tFROM `Obsedb_news`\n\t\t\tWHERE `id` = '{$row->RELID}';"); echo '<a href="rcm_matrix.php?type=news&do=viewmatrix&id=' . $article->fields['id'] . '">'; echo stripslashes($article->fields['title']); echo '</a>'; echo " ( <A HREF=\"rcm_matrix.php?do=delete_resource&did={$row->ID}&type={$type}&id={$_REQUEST['id']}\">Delete</A> )<BR />"; } echo '<b><a href="rcm_matrix.php?do=create&type=' . $type . '&reltype=news&id=' . $_REQUEST['id'] . '">Create New Link</a></b>'; echo '</TD></TR>'; do_table_footer(); do_table_header("Related Mods"); echo '<TR><TD CLASS="formlabel">'; $result = $db->Execute("\n\t\tSELECT * FROM `Obsedb_matrix`\n\t\tWHERE `ctype` = '{$type}' AND `cid` = '{$_REQUEST['id']}' AND `reltype` = 'Mods'\n\t"); while ($row = $result->FetchNextObject()) { $Mod = $db->Execute("SELECT id,title FROM `Obsedb_Mods` WHERE `id` = '{$row->RELID}'"); echo '<a href="rcm_matrix.php?type=Mods&do=viewmatrix&id=', $Mod->fields['id'], '">', stripslashes($Mod->fields['title']), '</a>'; echo ' (<a href="rcm_matrix.php?do=delete_resource&did=' . $row->ID . '&type=' . $type . '&id=' . $_REQUEST[id] . '">Delete</a>)<br />'; } echo '<b><a href="rcm_matrix.php?do=create&type=', $type, '&reltype=Mods&id=', $_REQUEST[id], '">Create New Link</a></b>'; echo '</td></tr>'; do_table_footer(); do_table_header("Related Pages"); $result = $db->Execute("SELECT * FROM `Obsedb_matrix` WHERE `ctype` = '{$type}' AND `cid` = '{$_REQUEST['id']}' AND `reltype` = 'pages'"); echo '<tr><td class="formlabel" colspan="2">'; while ($row = $result->FetchNextObject()) { $Mod = $db->Execute("SELECT id,title FROM `Obsedb_pages` WHERE `id` = '{$row->RELID}'"); echo '<a href="rcm_matrix.php?type=pages&do=viewmatrix&id=', $Mod->fields['id'], '">', stripslashes($Mod->fields['title']), '</a>'; echo ' (<a href="rcm_matrix.php?do=delete_resource&did=' . $row->ID . '&type=' . $type . '&id=' . $_REQUEST[id] . '">Delete</a>)<br />'; } echo '<b><a href="rcm_matrix.php?do=create&type=', $type, '&reltype=pages&id=', $_REQUEST[id], '">Create New Link</a></b>'; echo '</td></tr>'; do_table_footer(); do_table_header('Related Reviews'); echo "<tr><td class=\"formlabel\" colspan=\"2\">"; $result = $db->Execute("SELECT * FROM `Obsedb_matrix` WHERE `ctype` = '{$type}' AND `cid` = '{$_REQUEST['id']}' AND `reltype` = 'reviews'"); while ($row = $result->FetchNextObject()) { $Mod = $db->Execute("SELECT id,title FROM `Obsedb_reviews` WHERE `id` = '{$row->RELID}'"); echo '<a href="rcm_matrix.php?type=reviews&do=viewmatrix&id=', $Mod->fields['id'], '">', stripslashes($Mod->fields['title']), '</a>'; echo ' (<a href="rcm_matrix.php?do=delete_resource&did=' . $row->ID . '&type=' . $type . '&id=' . $_REQUEST[id] . '">Delete</a>)<br />'; } echo '<b><a href="rcm_matrix.php?do=create&type=', $type, '&reltype=reviews&id=', $_REQUEST[id], '">Create New Link</a></b>'; echo '</td></tr>'; do_table_footer(); do_table_header('Related Previews'); $result = $db->Execute("SELECT * FROM `Obsedb_matrix` WHERE `ctype` = '{$type}' AND `cid` = '{$_REQUEST['id']}' AND `reltype` = 'previews'"); echo '<tr><td class="formlabel" colspan="2">'; while ($row = $result->FetchNextObject()) { $Mod = $db->Execute("SELECT id,title FROM `Obsedb_previews` WHERE `id` = '{$row->RELID}'"); echo '<a href="rcm_matrix.php?type=previews&do=viewmatrix&id=', $Mod->fields['id'], '">', stripslashes($Mod->fields['title']), '</a>'; echo ' (<a href="rcm_matrix.php?do=delete_resource&did=' . $row->ID . '&type=' . $type . '&id=' . $_REQUEST[id] . '">Delete</a>)<br />'; } echo '<b><a href="rcm_matrix.php?do=create&type=', $type, '&reltype=previews&id=', $_REQUEST[id], '">Create New Link</a></b>'; echo '</td></tr>'; do_table_footer(); do_table_header('Related Companies'); $result = $db->Execute("SELECT * FROM `Obsedb_matrix` WHERE `ctype` = '{$type}' AND `cid` = '{$_REQUEST['id']}' AND `reltype` = 'companies'"); echo '<tr><td class="formlabel" colspan="2">'; while ($row = $result->FetchNextObject()) { $Mod = $db->Execute("SELECT id,title FROM `Obsedb_companies` WHERE `id` = '{$row->RELID}'"); echo '<a href="rcm_matrix.php?type=companies&do=viewmatrix&id=', $Mod->fields['id'], '">', stripslashes($Mod->fields['title']), '</a>'; echo ' (<a href="rcm_matrix.php?do=delete_resource&did=' . $row->ID . '&type=' . $type . '&id=' . $_REQUEST[id] . '">Delete</a>)<br />'; } echo '<b><a href="rcm_matrix.php?do=create&type=', $type, '&reltype=companies&id=', $_REQUEST[id], '">Create New Link</a></b>'; echo '</td></tr>'; do_table_footer(); do_table_header('Related Screenshots'); $result = $db->Execute("SELECT * FROM `Obsedb_matrix` WHERE `ctype` = '{$type}' AND `cid` = '{$_REQUEST['id']}' AND `reltype` = 'screenshots'"); echo '<tr><td class="formlabel" colspan="2">'; while ($row = $result->FetchNextObject()) { $Mod = $db->Execute("SELECT id,title FROM `Obsedb_screenshots` WHERE `id` = '{$row->RELID}'"); echo '<a href="rcm_matrix.php?type=screenshots&do=viewmatrix&id=', $Mod->fields['id'], '">', stripslashes($Mod->fields['title']), '</a>'; echo ' (<a href="rcm_matrix.php?do=delete_resource&did=' . $row->ID . '&type=' . $type . '&id=' . $_REQUEST[id] . '">Delete</a>)<br />'; } echo '<b><a href="rcm_matrix.php?do=create&type=', $type, '&reltype=screenshots&id=', $_REQUEST[id], '">Create New Link</a></b>'; echo '</td></tr>'; do_table_footer(); }
function main() { global $db; $sections = array('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0'); do_table_header('View all companies by title'); echo "<tr><td class=\"formlabel\">"; foreach ($sections as $key => $value) { echo "<b><a href=\"companies.php?s={$value}\">{$value}</a></b> "; } echo "</td></tr>"; do_table_footer(); do_form_header('companies.php'); do_table_header('All Companies'); if (isset($_REQUEST['s'])) { $where = "WHERE Obsedb_companies.title LIKE '" . $_REQUEST[s] . "%'"; } $result = $db->Execute("SELECT,Obsedb_companies.title,Obsedb_companies.homepage\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM Obsedb_companies\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{$where}\n\t\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY Obsedb_companies.title;"); echo '<tr>'; echo '<td bgcolor="#DDDDDD" style="border-bottom: 1px solid #808080; border-top: 1px solid #808080;"><b>Title</b></td>'; echo '<td bgcolor="#DDDDDD" style="border-bottom: 1px solid #808080; border-top: 1px solid #808080;"><b>Homepage</b></td>'; echo '</tr>'; while ($row = $result->FetchNextObject()) { $bgcolor = $bgcolor == "#FFFFFF" ? "#F1EFE2" : "#FFFFFF"; echo '<tr><td bgcolor="' . $bgcolor . '">'; echo '<label for="id' . $row->ID . '">'; echo '<input type="radio" id="id' . $row->ID . '" name="id" VALUE="' . $row->ID . '">' . stripslashes($row->TITLE); echo '</label>'; echo '</td>'; echo '<td bgcolor="' . $bgcolor . '">' . stripslashes($row->HOMEPAGE) . '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } echo '<tr><td colspan="2" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">'; echo '<input type="submit" name="do" value="Edit Company">'; echo '<input type="submit" name="do" value="Delete Company">'; echo '<input type="submit" name="do" value="View Matrix">'; echo '</tr></td>'; do_table_footer(); do_form_footer(); }
function GenerateForm($target, $title, $do, $fieldarray, $hiddendata = '', $upload = 'false') { // ============================== // Generate a form from an array // ============================== if ($upload == 'false') { do_form_header($target); } else { print '<form method="post" action="' . $target . '" enctype="multipart/form-data">'; } do_table_header($title); foreach ($fieldarray as $key => $value) { switch ($value["type"]) { case 'text': do_text_row($value["title"], $value["name"], $value["value"]); break; case 'submit': do_submit_row($value["title"]); break; case 'textarea': do_table_footer(); do_table_header($value["title"]); do_textarea_row('', $value["name"], $value["value"]); break; case 'select': do_select_row($value["title"], $value["name"], $value["value"], $value["selected"]); break; case 'spacer': do_table_footer(); do_table_header($value["title"]); break; case 'file': print "<tr><td class=\"formlabel\" align=\"right\"><b>" . $value["title"] . "</b></td>"; print "<td class=\"formlabel\"><input type=\"file\" name=\"" . $value["name"] . "\"></td></tr>"; break; case 'blank': do_blank_row($value["title"]); break; } } do_table_footer(); echo '<input type="hidden" name="do" value="' . $do . '">'; if (!empty($hiddendata)) { foreach ($hiddendata as $key => $value) { echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"{$key}\" value=\"{$value}\">"; } } }
function add_poll() { global $db; do_form_header('polls.php'); do_table_header('Add New Poll'); do_text_row('Title', 'title'); do_table_footer(); do_table_header('Poll Options'); do_text_row('Option 1', 'option1'); do_text_row('Option 2', 'option2'); do_text_row('Option 3', 'option3'); do_text_row('Option 4', 'option4'); do_text_row('Option 5', 'option5'); do_text_row('Option 6', 'option6'); do_text_row('Option 7', 'option7'); do_text_row('Option 8', 'option8'); do_text_row('Option 9', 'option9'); do_text_row('Option 10', 'option10'); do_submit_row('Add Poll'); do_table_footer(); echo '<input type="hidden" name="do" value="add_poll_confirm">'; do_form_footer(); echo "You may add more options later if you need more than ten."; }
function edit_phrases($category, $label) { global $db, $cp; $phrases = $cp->getPhrases($category); do_form_header('configuration.php'); do_table_header($label); foreach ($phrases as $key => $value) { do_text_row($key, $key, $value); } do_submit_row('Save Phrases'); do_table_footer(); print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"category\" value=\"" . $category . "\">"; print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"do\" value=\"save_phrases\">"; do_form_footer(); }
function viewStatistics() { global $db; $result = $db->Execute("SELECT id FROM Obsedb_cheats"); $totalCheats = $result->RecordCount(); $result = $db->Execute("SELECT id FROM Obsedb_companies"); $totalCompanies = $result->RecordCount(); $result = $db->Execute("SELECT id FROM Obsedb_downloads"); $totalDownloads = $result->RecordCount(); $result = $db->Execute("SELECT id FROM Obsedb_Mods"); $totalMods = $result->RecordCount(); $result = $db->Execute("SELECT id FROM Obsedb_news"); $totalNews = $result->RecordCount(); $result = $db->Execute("SELECT id FROM Obsedb_previews"); $totalPreviews = $result->RecordCount(); $result = $db->Execute("SELECT id FROM Obsedb_reviews"); $totalReviews = $result->RecordCount(); $result = $db->Execute("SELECT id FROM Obsedb_screenshots"); $totalScreenshots = $result->RecordCount(); do_table_header('Database Statistics'); echo ' <tr> <td class="formlabel">'; echo ' <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" width="100%"> <tr> <td align="center"><strong>Total Cheats</strong><br />' . $totalCheats . '</td> <td align="center"><strong>Total Companies</strong><br />' . $totalCompanies . '</td> <td align="center"><strong>Total Downloads</strong><br />' . $totalDownloads . '</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center"><strong>Total Mods</strong><br />' . $totalMods . '</td> <td align="center"><strong>Total Articles</strong><br />' . $totalNews . '</td> <td align="center"><strong>Total Previews</strong><br />' . $totalPreviews . '</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center"><strong>Total Reviews</strong><br />' . $totalReviews . '</td> <td align="center"><strong>Total Screenshots</strong><br />' . $totalScreenshots . '</td> <td align="center"></td> </tr> </table>'; echo ' </td> </tr>'; do_table_footer(); }
function edit_section() { global $db; $result = $db->Execute("SELECT * FROM Obsedb_screenshots_sections WHERE id = {$_REQUEST['id']}"); if ($result) { $row = $result->FetchRow(); do_form_header("screenshots.php"); do_table_header("Edit Section"); do_text_row("Title", "title", stripslashes($row[title])); do_submit_row("Update"); echo '<input type="hidden" name="do" value="edit_section_confirm">'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="' . $row[id] . '">'; do_table_footer(); do_form_footer(); } }
function manageSections() { global $db; do_form_header('reviews.php'); do_table_header('Sections'); $result = $db->Execute("SELECT id,title FROM `Obsedb_reviews_sections` ORDER BY `title`"); while ($row = $result->FetchNextObject()) { $bgcolor = $bgcolor == "#ECECFF" ? "#FFFFFF" : "#ECECFF"; echo '<tr><td bgcolor="' . $bgcolor . '" colspan="2"><input type="radio" value="' . $row->ID . '" name="id"> ' . stripslashes($row->TITLE) . '</td></tr>'; } echo '<tr> <td colspan="2"> <input type="submit" name="do" value="Edit Section"> <input type="submit" name="do" value="Delete Section"> </td> </tr>'; do_table_footer(); echo '</form>'; }
function manage_users() { global $db; do_form_header('administrators.php'); do_table_header($this->phrase['manage_users']); $result = $db->Execute("SELECT * FROM `Obsedb_members` ORDER BY `PSEUDO`"); while ($row = $result->FetchNextObject()) { echo "<tr><td class=\"formlabel\"><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"id\" value=\"{$row->ID}\"></td>" . "<td class=\"formlabel\" width=\"100%\"><b>{$row->PSEUDO}</b></td></tr>"; } echo "<tr><td colspan=\"2\" class=\"formlabel\">" . "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"do\" value=\"" . $this->phrase['do_edit_user'] . "\"> " . "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"do\" value=\"" . $this->phrase['do_delete_user'] . "\"> " . "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"do\" value=\"" . $this->phrase['do_reset_password'] . "\"> " . "</td></tr>"; do_table_footer(); echo "</form>"; }
function search2() { global $db; do_table_header('Search results for "<i>' . stripslashes($_REQUEST['keywords']) . '</i>"'); switch ($_REQUEST['type']) { case 'null': die('Error: You must select a type of content to search.'); break; case 'companies': $result = $db->Execute("SELECT * FROM `Obsedb_companies` WHERE `title` LIKE '{$_REQUEST['keywords']}%' ORDER BY `title`"); while ($row = $result->FetchNextObject()) { echo "<tr><td><a href=\"rcm_matrix.php?type=company&do=viewmatrix&id={$row->ID}\">" . stripslashes($row->TITLE) . " (View Matrix)</a></td></tr>"; } break; case 'Mods': $result = $db->Execute("SELECT * FROM `Obsedb_Mods` WHERE `title` LIKE '{$_REQUEST['keywords']}%' ORDER BY `title`"); while ($row = $result->FetchNextObject()) { echo "<tr><td><a href=\"rcm_matrix.php?type=Mods&do=viewmatrix&id={$row->ID}\">" . stripslashes($row->TITLE) . " (View Matrix)</a></td></tr>"; } break; case 'links': $result = $db->Execute("SELECT * FROM `Obsedb_links` WHERE `title` LIKE '{$_REQUEST['keywords']}%' ORDER BY `title`"); while ($row = $result->FetchNextObject()) { echo "<tr><td><a href=\"rcm_matrix.php?type=links&do=viewmatrix&id={$row->ID}\">" . stripslashes($row->TITLE) . " (View Matrix)</a></td></tr>"; } break; case 'news': $result = $db->Execute("SELECT * FROM `Obsedb_news` WHERE `title` LIKE '{$_REQUEST['keywords']}%' ORDER BY `title`"); while ($row = $result->FetchNextObject()) { echo "<tr><td><a href=\"rcm_matrix.php?type=news&do=viewmatrix&id={$row->ID}\">" . stripslashes($row->TITLE) . " (View Matrix)</a></td></tr>"; } break; case 'previews': $result = $db->Execute("SELECT * FROM `Obsedb_previews` WHERE `title` LIKE '{$_REQUEST['keywords']}%' ORDER BY `title`"); while ($row = $result->FetchNextObject()) { echo "<tr><td><a href=\"rcm_matrix.php?type=previews&do=viewmatrix&id={$row->ID}\">" . stripslashes($row->TITLE) . " (View Matrix)</a></td></tr>"; } break; case 'reviews': $result = $db->Execute("SELECT * FROM `Obsedb_reviews` WHERE `title` LIKE '{$_REQUEST['keywords']}%' ORDER BY `title`"); while ($row = $result->FetchNextObject()) { echo "<tr><td><a href=\"rcm_matrix.php?type=reviews&do=viewmatrix&id={$row->ID}\">" . stripslashes($row->TITLE) . " (View Matrix)</a></td></tr>"; } break; case 'pages': $result = $db->Execute("SELECT * FROM `Obsedb_pages` WHERE `title` LIKE '{$_REQUEST['keywords']}%' ORDER BY `title`"); while ($row = $result->FetchNextObject()) { echo "<tr><td><a href=\"rcm_matrix.php?type=pages&do=viewmatrix&id={$row->ID}\">" . stripslashes($row->TITLE) . " (View Matrix)</a></td></tr>"; } break; } do_table_footer(); }
function edit_settings() { global $db, $LANG, $spconfig; do_form_header('Mods.php'); do_table_header($LANG['Mods_config']); $options = array('0' => $LANG['disabled'], '1' => $LANG['enabled']); do_select_row($LANG['show_tools'], 'Mod_tools', $options, $spconfig['Mod_tools']); do_select_row($LANG['popup_tools'], 'Mod_tools_popups', $options, $spconfig['Mod_tools_popups']); do_submit_row($LANG['save_settings']); do_table_footer(); echo '<input type="hidden" name="do" value="save_settings">'; do_form_footer(); }
function edit() { global $db; $result = $db->Execute("SELECT * FROM Obsedb_customfields WHERE id = {$_REQUEST['id']};"); $field = $result->FetchRow(); do_form_header('customfields.php'); do_table_header('Edit Custom Field'); do_text_row('Field Name', 'title', stripslashes($field['title'])); echo '<tr>' . '<td class="formlabel" align="right"><b>Module</b></td>' . '<td class="formlabel">' . '<select name="module">'; if ($field['module'] == 'Mods') { echo '<option value="Mods" selected>Mods Manager</option>'; } else { echo '<option value="Mods">Mods Manager</option>'; } echo '</select>' . '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr>' . '<td class="formlabel" align="right"><b>Field Type</b></td>' . '<td class="formlabel">' . '<select name="type">'; if ($field['type'] == 'text') { echo '<option value="text" selected>Single-Line Text Box</option>'; } else { echo '<option value="text">Single-Line Text Box</option>'; } if ($field['type'] == 'textarea') { echo '<option value="textarea" selected>WYSIWYG Editor</option>'; } else { echo '<option value="textarea">WYSIWYG Editor</option>'; } echo '</select>' . '</td></tr>'; do_submit_row('Update'); do_table_footer(); echo '<input type="hidden" name="do" value="edit_confirm">'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="' . $_REQUEST['id'] . '">'; do_form_footer(); }