Example #1
function run_sql_script($scriptlocation)
    if ($script = file_get_contents($scriptlocation)) {
        // global $CONFIG;
        $errors = array();
        $script = preg_replace('/\\-\\-.*\\n/', '', $script);
        $sql_statements = preg_split('/;[\\n\\r]+/', $script);
        foreach ($sql_statements as $statement) {
            $statement = trim($statement);
            // $statement = str_replace("prefix_",$CONFIG->dbprefix,$statement);
            if (!empty($statement)) {
                try {
                    $result = do_query($statement);
                } catch (Exception $e) {
                    $errors[] = $e->getMessage();
        if (!empty($errors)) {
            $errortxt = "";
            foreach ($errors as $error) {
                $errortxt .= " {$error};";
            throw new Exception('error running script: ' . $scriptlocation . ":" . $errortxt);
    } else {
        throw new Exception('ScriptNotFound:' . $scriptlocation);
Example #2
function show_wahlen($row)
    $listen_gueltig = $stimmen_gesamt - $stimmzettel_ungueltig - $listen_ungueltig;
    $listen_summe = $listen_gueltig - $listen_enthaltungen;
    $kandidaten_gueltig = $stimmen_gesamt - $stimmzettel_ungueltig - $kandidaten_ungueltig;
    $kandidaten_summe = $kandidaten_gueltig - $kandidaten_enthaltungen;
    print "\\section{Wahl zum {$wahl_name}}\n";
    if (simple_query("SELECT count(*) FROM liste " . "WHERE wahl = {$wahl_id}") > 1) {
        print "\\subsection*{Listenstimmen}\n";
        // Gesamt-Informationen
        print "Wahlberechtigte: {$wahlberechtigt}, " . "abgegebene Stimmzettel: {$stimmen_gesamt}, " . "Wahlbeteiligung: " . percent($stimmen_gesamt, $wahlberechtigt) . "\\%" . "\n\n" . "ungültige Stimmzettel: {$stimmzettel_ungueltig}, " . "ungültige Stimmen: {$listen_ungueltig} " . "gültige Stimmen: {$listen_gueltig}, " . "\n\n" . "Enthaltungen: {$listen_enthaltungen} " . "\n\n";
        print "\\begin{tabular}{lrrrrl}\n" . "Liste & Stimmen & Anteil & Quote & Sitze & \\\\\\hline\n";
        // Listen-Tabelle
        do_query("SELECT liste.name_kurz, liste.name_lang, " . "anzeige_red as r, anzeige_green as g, " . "anzeige_blue as b, " . "hoechstzahl, sitze, los, " . "sum(liste_urne.stimmen) AS stimmen, " . "{$listen_summe} AS summe " . "FROM liste, urne, liste_urne " . "WHERE liste.id = liste_urne.liste " . "AND urne.id = liste_urne.urne " . "AND urne.status = " . $GLOBALS["ok_status"] . " " . "AND wahl = {$wahl_id} " . "GROUP BY liste.id " . "ORDER by liste.nummer", show_listen);
        print "\\hline\\end{tabular}\n\n";
        $num_los = simple_query("SELECT los FROM liste " . "WHERE wahl = {$wahl_id} " . "AND los > 0");
        if ($num_los > 0) {
            print "(+1): ggf. +1 von {$num_los} Restsitzen " . "per Los\n\n";
    // Kandidaten
    print "\\subsection*{Kandidierendenstimmen}\n";
    // Gesamt-Daten
    print "Wahlberechtigte: {$wahlberechtigt}, " . "abgegebene Stimmzettel: {$stimmen_gesamt}, " . "Wahlbeteiligung: " . percent($stimmen_gesamt, $wahlberechtigt) . "\\%" . "\n\n" . "ungültige Stimmzettel: {$stimmzettel_ungueltig}, " . "ungültige Stimmen: {$kandidaten_ungueltig}, " . "gültig: {$kandidaten_gueltig} " . "\n\n";
    if ($max_stimmen_wert == 1) {
        print "Enthaltungen: {$kandidaten_enthaltungen} " . "\n\n";
    // Kandidaten
    do_query("SELECT liste.id AS liste_id, " . "liste.name_kurz AS liste_name_kurz, " . "liste.name_lang AS liste_name_lang, " . "anzeige_red AS r, " . "anzeige_green AS g, " . "anzeige_blue AS b, " . "kandidat.typ AS kandidat_typ, " . "kandidat.status AS status, " . "kandidat.vorname AS kandidat_vorname, " . "kandidat.nachname AS kandidat_nachname, " . "sum(kandidat_urne.stimmen) AS stimmen " . "FROM liste, kandidat, urne, kandidat_urne " . "WHERE kandidat.id = kandidat_urne.kandidat " . "AND urne.id = kandidat_urne.urne " . "AND liste.id = kandidat.liste " . "AND urne.status = " . $GLOBALS["ok_status"] . " " . "AND liste.wahl = {$wahl_id} " . "GROUP BY kandidat.id " . "ORDER BY liste.nummer, liste.id, status, stimmen DESC, " . "kandidat.listenplatz", show_kandidaten);
    if ($num_los != 0) {
        print "\\footnotemark{(*)} {$num_los} Restsitze werden per " . "Los auf die gekennzeichneten Listen verteilt.\n\n";
Example #3
function show_similar_codes($reference)
    $reference = strtolower($reference);
    $result = do_query("\n            SELECT deposref, uid FROM users WHERE uid > 1\n        UNION\n            SELECT deposref, uid FROM old_deposrefs\n        ORDER BY deposref\n    ");
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
        $deposref = strtolower($row['deposref']);
        $scores[$deposref] = round((9 + similar_text($reference, $deposref) - levenshtein($reference, $deposref)) * 100 / 18);
        $uid[$deposref] = $row['uid'];
    $first = true;
    foreach ($scores as $deposref => $score) {
        if ($score >= 50) {
            if ($first) {
                $first = false;
                echo "<p>" . _("Did you mean one of these?  Higher percentage = closer match.") . "</p>\n";
                echo "<p>" . _("Click an entry to copy it to the form below, then click 'Deposit' again.") . "</p>\n";
                echo "<table class='display_data'>\n";
                echo "<tr><th>Reference</th><th>Match</th><th>UID</th></tr>\n";
            $formatted = format_deposref($deposref);
            echo "<tr", " class=\"me\"", " onmouseover=\"style.backgroundColor='#8ae3bf';\"", " onmouseout=\"style.backgroundColor='#7ad3af';\"", " onclick=\"ObjById('reference').value = '{$deposref}';\">";
            echo "<td>{$formatted}</td><td>{$score}%</td><td>{$uid[$deposref]}</td></tr>\n";
    if (!$first) {
        echo "</table>\n";
function run_query()
    if ($_GET["search_str"] != "") {
        $tmp_var = do_query($_GET["search_str"]);
        echo json_encode($tmp_var);
    } else {
        echo json_encode(array("-1" => array("")));
Example #5
function get_count()
    global $DB_TABLE;
    $result = do_query("SELECT DISTINCT (id) AS count FROM {$DB_TABLE}");
    $i = 0;
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
        $items[$i]['count'] = $row['count'];
    return $items;
Example #6
function delete_entry($mode, $sendername, $senderdomain, $src)
    global $deleted;
    if ($mode == "email") {
        $query = "DELETE FROM from_awl WHERE sender_name='" . addslashes($sendername) . "' AND sender_domain='" . addslashes($senderdomain) . "' AND src='" . addslashes($src) . "'";
        $deleted .= "<br />" . $sendername . "@" . $senderdomain . " (" . $src . ") deleted.";
    } else {
        $query = "DELETE FROM domain_awl WHERE sender_domain='" . addslashes($senderdomain) . "' AND src='" . addslashes($src) . "'";
        $deleted .= "<br />" . $senderdomain . " (" . $src . ") deleted.";
Example #7
function get_users_graph_data()
    $users = array();
    $query = "\n        SELECT " . sql_format_date('timest') . " AS timest2\n        FROM\n            users\n        WHERE\n            uid != 1\n        ORDER BY\n            timest;\n    ";
    $result = do_query($query);
    $count = 0;
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
        $timest = $row['timest2'];
        $users[$timest] = $count;
    return $users;
Example #8
function del_older_than($year, $month, $day, $hour, $minute, $seconds, $err)
    global $warning, $message;
    if ($err) {
        $warning = "Aborted: invalid date.";
    } else {
        $nicedate = $year . '-' . substr("00" . $month, -2, 2) . '-' . substr("00" . $day, -2, 2) . ' ' . substr("00" . $hour, -2, 2) . ':' . substr("00" . $minute, -2, 2) . ':' . substr("00" . $seconds, -2, 2);
        $query = "DELETE FROM connect WHERE first_seen < " . $year . substr("00" . $month, -2, 2) . substr("00" . $day, -2, 2) . substr("00" . $hour, -2, 2) . substr("00" . $minute, -2, 2) . substr("00" . $seconds, -2, 2);
        $message = 'Entries older than ' . $nicedate . ' deleted.';
        $warning = "<br />Sorting set to &#39;Seen at&#39; (ascending).";
Example #9
function make_interval_select($current)
    $rows = array();
    $sql = "select seconds, name from intervals order by seconds";
    $result = do_query($sql);
    while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {
        $row['link'] = makelink("interval", $row['seconds']);
        if ($row['seconds'] == $current) {
            $row['selected'] = "selected";
        } else {
            $row['selected'] = "";
        array_push($rows, $row);
    return $rows;
Example #10
function show_withdrawals()
    echo "<div class='content_box'>\n";
    echo "<h3>" . _("Withdraw requests") . "</h3>\n";
    $result = do_query("\n        SELECT requests.reqid as reqid, uid, amount, " . sql_format_date("timest") . " as timest, name, bank, acc_num, sort_code\n        FROM requests\n        JOIN uk_requests\n        ON uk_requests.reqid = requests.reqid\n        WHERE req_type = 'WITHDR'\n          AND curr_type = '" . CURRENCY . "'\n          AND status = 'VERIFY'");
    $first = true;
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
        if ($first) {
            $first = false;
            echo "<table class='display_data'>\n";
            echo "<tr>";
            // echo "<th>User</th>";
            echo "<th>" . CURRENCY . "</th>";
            echo "<th>Time</th>";
            echo "<th>Name</th>";
            echo "<th>Bank</th>";
            echo "<th>Account#</th>";
            echo "<th>BSB</th>";
            echo "</tr>\n";
        $reqid = $row['reqid'];
        // $uid = $row['uid'];
        $amount = internal_to_numstr($row['amount']);
        $timest = $row['timest'];
        $name = $row['name'];
        $bank = $row['bank'];
        $acc_num = $row['acc_num'];
        $sort_code = $row['sort_code'];
        echo "<tr>";
        echo active_table_row("me", "?page=view_request&reqid={$reqid}&show_finish");
        // echo "<td>$uid</td>";
        echo "<td>{$amount}</td>";
        echo "<td>{$timest}</td>";
        echo "<td>{$name}</td>";
        echo "<td>{$bank}</td>";
        echo "<td>{$acc_num}</td>";
        echo "<td>{$sort_code}</td>";
        echo "</tr>\n";
    if ($first) {
        echo "<p>No pending withdrawals.</p>\n";
    } else {
        echo "</table>\n";
    echo "</div>\n";
Example #11
function summa($type)
    $total_in = gmp_init('0');
    $query = "\n        SELECT SUM(amount) AS sum\n        FROM purses\n        WHERE type='{$type}'\n        ";
    $result = do_query($query);
    $row = get_row($result);
    $v = gmp_init($row['sum']);
    $total_in = gmp_add($total_in, $v);
    $query = "\n        SELECT SUM(amount) AS sum\n        FROM orderbook\n        WHERE type='{$type}' AND status='OPEN'\n        ";
    $result = do_query($query);
    $row = get_row($result);
    if (isset($row['sum'])) {
        $v = gmp_init($row['sum']);
        $total_in = gmp_add($total_in, $v);
    $query = "\n        SELECT SUM(amount) AS sum\n        FROM requests\n        WHERE curr_type='{$type}' AND req_type='WITHDR' AND status='VERIFY'\n        ";
    $result = do_query($query);
    $row = get_row($result);
    if (isset($row['sum'])) {
        $v = gmp_init($row['sum']);
        $total_in = gmp_add($total_in, $v);
    $total_in = gmp_strval($total_in);
    $total_out = gmp_init('0');
    $query = "\n        SELECT SUM(amount) AS sum\n        FROM requests\n        WHERE curr_type='{$type}' AND req_type='DEPOS' AND status='FINAL'\n        ";
    $result = do_query($query);
    $row = get_row($result);
    if (isset($row['sum'])) {
        $v = gmp_init($row['sum']);
        $total_out = gmp_add($total_out, $v);
    $query = "\n        SELECT SUM(amount) AS sum\n        FROM requests\n        WHERE curr_type='{$type}' AND req_type='WITHDR' AND status='FINAL'\n        ";
    $result = do_query($query);
    $row = get_row($result);
    if (isset($row['sum'])) {
        $v = gmp_init($row['sum']);
        $total_out = gmp_sub($total_out, $v);
    $total_out = gmp_strval($total_out);
    echo "{$type} = {$total_in}\t  {$total_out}\n";
    if (gmp_cmp($total_in, $total_out) != 0) {
        echo "*********** MISMATCH ****************\n";
Example #12
function get_orders()
    global $is_logged_in;
    $result = do_query("\n        SELECT\n            orderid, initial_amount, amount, type, initial_want_amount, want_amount, want_type\n        FROM\n            orderbook\n        WHERE\n            status = 'OPEN'\n        AND\n            uid = {$is_logged_in}\n    ");
    $orders = array();
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
        $orderid = $row['orderid'];
        $have_amount = $row['amount'];
        $have_currency = $row['type'];
        $want_amount = $row['want_amount'];
        $want_currency = $row['want_type'];
        if ($have_currency == 'BTC') {
            $text = sprintf("%s %s %s %s %s %s", _("Sell"), internal_to_numstr($have_amount, BTC_PRECISION), $have_currency, _("for"), internal_to_numstr($want_amount, FIAT_PRECISION), $want_currency);
        } else {
            $text = sprintf("%s %s %s %s %s %s", _("Buy"), internal_to_numstr($want_amount, BTC_PRECISION), $want_currency, _("for"), internal_to_numstr($have_amount, FIAT_PRECISION), $have_currency);
        array_push($orders, array('orderid' => $orderid, 'text' => $text, 'have_amount' => internal_to_numstr($have_amount), 'have_currency' => $row['type'], 'want_amount' => internal_to_numstr($want_amount), 'want_currency' => $want_currency));
    return $orders;
Example #13
function get_article($id)
    if (!($entry_all = return_query("SELECT * FROM enz_entries WHERE entry_id={$id}"))) {
        return 0;
    $entry = $entry_all[0];
    if ($cache_all = return_query("SELECT * FROM enz_cache WHERE cache_id={$id}")) {
        if ($cache_all[0]['creation_date'] + 604800 > time()) {
            $entry[text] = $cache_all[0][cached_text];
        } else {
            $entry = update_crosslinks($entry);
            do_query("UPDATE enz_cache SET cached_text='{$entry['text']}',creation_date=" . time() . " WHERE cache_id={$id}");
    } else {
        $entry = update_crosslinks($entry);
        do_query("INSERT INTO enz_cache (cache_id,cached_text,creation_date) VALUES ({$id},'{$entry['text']}'," . time() . ")");
    $entry['text'] = stripslashes($entry['text']);
    $entry['titel'] = stripslashes($entry['titel']);
    return $entry;
Example #14
function fetch_depth($rate_query, $field, $have, $want)
    $ret = array();
    $minimum_btc_amount = numstr_to_internal(MINIMUM_BTC_AMOUNT);
    $minimum_fiat_amount = numstr_to_internal(MINIMUM_FIAT_AMOUNT);
    if ($have == "BTC") {
        $big_enough = "amount >= {$minimum_btc_amount}  AND want_amount >= {$minimum_fiat_amount}";
    } else {
        $big_enough = "amount >= {$minimum_fiat_amount} AND want_amount >= {$minimum_btc_amount} ";
    $query = "\n    SELECT\n        {$rate_query} AS rate,\n        {$field} as amount\n    FROM\n        orderbook\n    WHERE\n        type='{$have}'\n        AND want_type='{$want}'\n        AND status='OPEN'\n        AND {$big_enough}\n    ORDER BY\n        rate DESC\n    ";
    $result = do_query($query);
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
        $amount = internal_to_numstr($row['amount']);
        $rate = $row['rate'];
        //bitcoincharts uses NUMERIC(18,8)
        if ($rate < 1000000000) {
            array_push($ret, "[{$rate}, {$amount}]");
    return implode($ret, ", ");
Example #15
function bitcoin_withdraw($uid, $amount, $curr_type, &$voucher_code, &$reqid)
    $voucher = isset($_POST['voucher']);
    if ($voucher) {
        syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "address=voucher");
        $query = "\n            INSERT INTO requests (req_type, uid, amount, curr_type)\n            VALUES ('WITHDR', '{$uid}', '{$amount}', '{$curr_type}');\n        ";
    } else {
        $addy = post('address');
        try {
            $validaddy = bitcoin_validate_address($addy);
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            if ($e->getMessage() != 'Unable to connect.') {
                throw $e;
            throw new Problem(_("Sorry..."), _("We are currently experiencing trouble connecting to the Bitcoin network and so cannot verify that you entered a valid Bitcoin address.") . "</p><p>" . _("Your withdrawal request has been cancelled.") . "</p><p>" . _("Please try again in a few minutes."));
        if (!$validaddy['isvalid']) {
            throw new Problem(_('Bitcoin says no'), _('That address you supplied was invalid.'));
        syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "address={$addy}");
        $we_have = bitcoin_get_balance("*", 0);
        if (gmp_cmp($we_have, $amount) <= 0) {
            $message = sprintf(_("User %s is asking to withdraw %s BTC.  We only have %s BTC."), $uid, internal_to_numstr($amount, BTC_PRECISION), internal_to_numstr($we_have, BTC_PRECISION));
            email_tech(_("Exchange Wallet Balance is Too Low"), $message);
        $query = "\n            INSERT INTO requests (req_type, uid, amount, curr_type)\n            VALUES ('WITHDR', '{$uid}', '{$amount}', '{$curr_type}');\n        ";
    $reqid = mysql_insert_id();
    if ($voucher) {
        $voucher_code = store_new_bitcoin_voucher_code($reqid);
    } else {
        $query = "\n            INSERT INTO bitcoin_requests (reqid, addy)\n            VALUES ('{$reqid}', '{$addy}');\n        ";
Example #16
function show_links($is_logged_in, $is_admin, $is_verified)
    $show_duo = 0;
    if ($is_logged_in) {
        require_once 'db.php';
        $result = do_query("SELECT use_duo FROM users WHERE uid={$is_logged_in}");
        $row = get_row($result);
        $show_duo = !$row['use_duo'];
    if (!$is_logged_in) {
        show_link('login', _('Login'), _('Begin here'));
    show_link('news', _('News'), _("What's new?"));
    show_link('trade', _('Trade'), _('Buy and sell'));
    if ($is_logged_in) {
        show_link('profile', _('Profile'), _('Dox on you'));
    if ($is_logged_in) {
        show_link('statement', _('Statement'), _('Chronological ledger'));
    if ($is_logged_in) {
        show_link('deposit', _('Deposit'), _('Top up your account'));
    if ($is_logged_in) {
        show_link('withdraw', _('Withdraw'), _('Take out money'));
    show_link('orderbook', _('Orderbook'), _('Show orders'));
    if ($show_duo) {
        show_link('turn_on_duo', _('Security'), _('Use two-factor authentification'));
    if ($is_logged_in && !$is_verified) {
        show_link('identity', _('Identify'), _('Upload ID to get your account verified'));
    if (CHARTS_PAGE) {
        printf("<li><a target='_blank' href='%s'>%s</a>%s\n", CHARTS_PAGE, _('Charts'), _('From bitcoincharts.com'));
    show_link('help', _('Help'), _('Seek support'));
    if ($is_admin) {
        show_link('docs', _('Docs'), _('Show docs from unverified users'), 1);
    if ($is_admin) {
        show_link('users', _('Users'), _('Show registered users'), 1);
    if ($is_admin) {
        show_link('add_cash', _('Add cash'), _('Deposit using bank statement'), 1);
    if ($is_admin) {
        show_link('commission', _('Commission'), _('Show commission statement'), 1);
    if ($is_admin) {
        show_link('bank', _('Bank'), _('Show bank statement &amp; pending withdrawals'), 1);
    if ($is_admin) {
        show_link('freeze', _('Freeze'), _('Stop activity on the exchange'), 1);
    if ($is_admin) {
        show_link('graph', _('Charts'), _('Various admin graphs'), 1);
    if ($is_logged_in) {
        show_link('logout', _('Logout'), _('End this session'));
    echo "<br/><g:plusone annotation=\"bubble\" href=\"https://www.worldbitcoinexchange.com/\"></g:plusone>\n";
Example #17
$query = $_POST['query'];
if (isset($_POST['time'])) {
    if ($other != "") {
        printf("%s <br />", $other);
    $info = sprintf("OK, 明天%s点我们在深圳湾口岸集合, 不见不散!", $time);
    printf("%s <br />", $info);
} else {
    if ($other != "") {
        $info = sprintf("%s", $other);
        printf("%s <br />", $info);
    } else {
        if ($query == "查询") {
        } else {
            if (isset($_POST['other'])) {
                printf("你还没有回答我呢!<br />");
function connect_db(&$link)
    $link = mysql_connect('localhost', 'test', '123456');
    if (!$link) {
        die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
    echo 'Connected successfully <br \\>';
    $db = "research";
Example #18
function show_api_keys()
    global $is_logged_in, $is_admin;
    echo "<div class='content_box'>\n";
    echo "<h3>" . _("API Keys") . "</h3>\n";
    $result = do_query("\n        SELECT\n            name, api_key, secret,\n            can_read,\n            can_trade,\n            can_withdraw,\n            can_deposit\n        FROM\n            api_keys\n        WHERE\n            uid = {$is_logged_in}\n        ORDER BY\n            name\n    ");
    $first = true;
    $count = 0;
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
        if ($first) {
            $first = false;
        $name = $row['name'];
        $key = $row['api_key'];
        $secret = $row['secret'];
        $can_read = $row['can_read'];
        $can_trade = $row['can_trade'];
        $can_withdraw = $row['can_withdraw'];
        $can_deposit = $row['can_deposit'];
        echo "<form action='' class='indent_form' method='post'>\n";
        echo "<table class='display_data'>\n";
        echo "<tr><th class='right'>" . _("Name") . "</th><th>{$name}</th></tr>\n";
        echo "<tr><th class='right'>" . _("Key") . "</th><td class='small_mono'>{$key}</td></tr>\n";
        echo "<tr><th class='right'>" . _("Secret") . "</th><td class='small_mono'>{$secret}</td></tr>\n";
        echo "<tr><th class='right'>" . _("Permissions") . "</th><td>";
        <input type='hidden' name='csrf_token' value="<?php 
        echo $_SESSION['csrf_token'];
" />
        <input type='hidden' name='update_permissions' value='true' />
        <input type='hidden' name='name' value='<?php 
        echo $name;
' />
        <input type='checkbox' id='read<?php 
        echo $count;
' name='read' value='1'<?php 
        if ($can_read) {
            echo " checked='checked'";
        <label style="margin: 0px; display: inline;" for='read<?php 
        echo $count;
        <input type='checkbox' id='trade<?php 
        echo $count;
' name='trade' value='1'<?php 
        if ($can_trade) {
            echo " checked='checked'";
        <label style="margin: 0px; display: inline;" for='trade<?php 
        echo $count;
        <input type='checkbox' id='withdraw<?php 
        echo $count;
' name='withdraw' value='1'<?php 
        if ($can_withdraw) {
            echo " checked='checked'";
        <label style="margin: 0px; display: inline;" for='withdraw<?php 
        echo $count;
        <input type='checkbox' id='deposit<?php 
        echo $count;
' name='deposit' value='1'<?php 
        if ($can_deposit) {
            echo " checked='checked'";
        <label style="margin: 0px; display: inline;" for='deposit<?php 
        echo $count;
        <input type='submit' value='<?php 
        echo _("Update Permissions");
' />
        <form action='' method='post' style='display: inline'>
        <input type='hidden' name='csrf_token' value="<?php 
        echo $_SESSION['csrf_token'];
" />
        <input type='hidden' name='delete_key' value='true' />
        <input type='hidden' name='name' value='<?php 
        echo $name;
' />
        <input type='submit' value='<?php 
        echo _("Delete Key");
' />
    if ($first) {
        echo "<p>You currently have no API keys.</p>\n";
        <div class='content_box'>
        <h3>Create New API Key</h3>
            <form action='' class='indent_form' method='post'>
                <input type='hidden' name='csrf_token' value="<?php 
    echo $_SESSION['csrf_token'];
" />
                <input type='hidden' name='add_key' value='true' />

                <label for='name'><?php 
    echo _("Name");
                <input id='name' type='text' name='name' value='my key' />

    echo _("Permissions");
                <input id='read' type='checkbox' name='read' value='1' checked='checked' />
                <label style="margin: 0px; display: inline;" for='read'>read</label>
                <input id='trade' type='checkbox' name='trade' value='1' />
                <label style="margin: 0px; display: inline;" for='trade'>trade</label>
                <input id='withdraw' type='checkbox' name='withdraw' value='1' />
                <label style="margin: 0px; display: inline;" for='withdraw'>withdraw</label>
                <input id='deposit' type='checkbox' name='deposit' value='1' />
                <label style="margin: 0px; display: inline;" for='deposit'>deposit</label>

                <br/><br/><input type='submit' value='Add New API Key' />
    echo "</div>\n";
Example #19
                $index = $_POST['index'];
                $task = trim(preg_replace('/\\s{2,}/', ' ', $_POST['task']));
                $answer = trim(preg_replace('/\\s{2,}/', ' ', $_POST['content']));
                $task = htmlspecialchars($task, ENT_QUOTES);
                $strSQL = "INSERT INTO `task` (`content_id`, `index`, `task`, `answer`)\n                                VALUES ('{$content_id}', '{$index}', '{$task}', '{$answer}')";
                $ins_paragraph = do_query($strSQL);
                echo "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='0; url=post.php?content_id={$content_id}'>";
                // header("Location: post.php?content_id=".$content_id);
                <div class="content">
            $strSQL = "SELECT * FROM task WHERE content_id={$content_id} ORDER BY `index` ASC";
            $content_arr = do_query($strSQL);
            while ($content = mysql_fetch_array($content_arr)) {
                       <div class="task"><?php 
                echo $content['index'] . '. ' . $content['task'];
                       <div class="answer"><?php 
                echo '<p>' . $content['answer'] . '</p>';
                       <div><a href="<?php 
                echo '?content_id=' . $content_id . '&task=' . $content['task_id'];
Example #20
$table = "netflow_asn_" . $direction;
$sql = "select " . $asq . " asq, as_name, ";
$sql .= "sum(bytes)*8*" . $sampling_rate . "/" . $interval . " traffic, ";
$sql .= "sum(packets)*" . $sampling_rate . "/" . $interval . " pps ";
$sql .= "from " . $table . ",asn ";
$sql .= "where " . $asq . "=as_number ";
if ($if != "") {
    $sql .= "and tag = " . $if . " ";
if ($cust != "") {
    $sql .= "and tag2 = " . $cust . " ";
$sql .= "and stamp_inserted between '" . $stamp_min . "' and '" . $stamp_max . "' ";
$sql .= "group by " . $asq . " order by sum(bytes) desc limit " . $entry_limit;
$result = do_query($sql);
$total_traffic = 0;
$total_pps = 0;
$rows = array();
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {
    array_push($rows, $row);
    $total_traffic += $row['traffic'];
    $total_pps += $row['pps'];
/* clean formating */
foreach ($rows as $key => $row) {
    $traffic = formatUnit($row['traffic']);
    $pps = formatUnit($row['pps']);
    $rows[$key]['traffic'] = $traffic;
    $rows[$key]['pps'] = $pps;
Example #21
function update_4_15_2015()
    do_query("alter table forum\n        alter timestamp set default 0,\n        alter threads set default 0,\n        alter posts set default 0,\n        alter rate_min_expavg_credit set default 0,\n        alter rate_min_total_credit set default 0,\n        alter post_min_interval set default 0,\n        alter post_min_expavg_credit set default 0,\n        alter post_min_total_credit set default 0,\n        alter parent_type set default 0\n    ");
Example #22

/* form query */
$select_fields = join(", ", $fields["columns"]);
$query = "SELECT {$select_fields} FROM {$dbprefix}tickets WHERE ";
if ($type == "My") {
    $query .= "type = 'Open' AND (assignment = '{$AppUI->user_id}' OR assignment = '0') AND ";
} else {
    if ($type != "All") {
        $query .= "type = '{$type}' AND ";
$query .= "parent = '0' ORDER BY " . urlencode($column) . " {$direction} LIMIT {$offset}, {$limit}";
/* do query */
$result = do_query($query);
$parent_count = number_rows($result);
/* output tickets */
if ($parent_count) {
    print "<tr>\n";
    for ($loop = 0; $loop < count($fields["headings"]); $loop++) {
        print "<th align=" . $fields["aligns"][$loop] . ">";
        print "<a href=\"?m=ticketsmith&amp;type={$type}";
        print "&amp;column=" . $fields["columns"][$loop];
        if ($column != $fields["columns"][$loop]) {
            $new_direction = "ASC";
        } else {
            if ($direction == "ASC") {
                $new_direction = "DESC";
            } else {
                $new_direction == "ASC";
Example #23
            print "<td bgcolor=\"{$color}\"><a href=\"index.php?m=ticketsmith&a=view&ticket=" . $row["ticket"] . "\">" . $AppUI->_($row["type"]) . "</a></td>\n";
            /* do timestamp */
            print "<td bgcolor=\"{$color}\">\n";
            print get_time_ago($row["timestamp"]);
            print "</td>\n";
            /* end row */
            print "</tr>\n";
        print "</table>\n";
    } else {
        print "<em>" . $AppUI->_('none') . "</em>\n";
    print "</td>\n</tr>\n";
} else {
    /* get peer followups */
    $results = do_query("SELECT ticket, type FROM tickets WHERE parent = '{$ticket_parent}' ORDER BY ticket " . $CONFIG["followup_order"]);
    /* parse followups */
    while ($row = result2hash($results)) {
        $peer_tickets[] = $row["ticket"];
    /* count peers */
    $peer_count = count($peer_tickets);
    if ($peer_count > 1) {
        /* start row */
        print "<tr>\n";
        print "<td><strong>Followups</strong></td>\n";
        /* start cell */
        print "<td valign=\"middle\">";
        /* form peer links */
        for ($loop = 0; $loop < $peer_count; $loop++) {
            if ($peer_tickets[$loop] == $ticket) {
Example #24
     //              header("Location: edit.php?content_id=".$cnt_id);
 $typehist = $_SESSION['work_type'];
 $classhist = $_SESSION['class'];
 if (isset($classhist)) {
     $class = $classhist;
     $cw_f = "AND `class`={$class}";
 if (isset($typehist)) {
     $type = $typehist;
     $cw_f = $cw_f . " AND `work_type`='{$type}'";
 $strSQL = "SELECT * FROM content WHERE section_id={$section_id} {$cw_f} ORDER BY `index` DESC";
 $histadded = do_query($strSQL);
 $strSQL2 = "SELECT `index` FROM `content` WHERE `section_id`={$section_id} {$cw_f} ORDER BY `index` DESC LIMIT 1";
 $res2 = do_query($strSQL2);
 $count = mysql_fetch_array($res2);
 $count1 = $count[0] + 1;
 switch ($typehist) {
     case 'theme':
         $theme = 'checked';
     case 'pract':
         $pract = 'checked';
     case 'lab':
         $lab = 'checked';
     case 'ticket':
         $ticket = 'checked';
Example #25
    do_query("UPDATE db_version SET version = 11");
    echo "... DB now at version 11! <br />";
if ($version < 12) {
    // Fixes to the pairing updates
    echo "Updating to version 12 (final changes for the pairing)... <br />";
    do_query("ALTER TABLE matches MODIFY COLUMN result VARCHAR(5) not null");
    do_query("UPDATE db_version SET version = 12");
    echo "... DB now at version 12! <br />";
if ($version < 13) {
    echo "Updating to version 13 (add players_editdecks to events)... <br />";
    do_query("ALTER TABLE events ADD COLUMN player_editdecks TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1'");
    do_query("UPDATE events SET player_editdecks = (finalized != 1)");
    do_query("UPDATE db_version SET version = 13");
    echo "... DB now at version 13! <br />";
if ($version < 14) {
    echo "Updating to version 14 (add drop_round to entries)... <br />";
    do_query("ALTER TABLE entries ADD COLUMN drop_round INTEGER");
    do_query("UPDATE db_version SET version = 14");
    echo "... DB now at version 14! <br />";
Example #26
function display_double_entry($curr_a, $curr_b, $base_curr, $uid, $is_admin)
    if (isset($_GET['show_all']) && get('show_all') == 'true') {
        $show_all = true;
    } else {
        $show_all = false;
    echo "<div class='content_box'>\n";
    if ($curr_a == 'BTC') {
        echo "<h3>" . sprintf(_("People selling %s for %s"), $curr_a, $curr_b) . "</h3>\n";
    } else {
        echo "<h3>" . sprintf(_("People buying %s for %s"), $curr_b, $curr_a) . "</h3>\n";
    $exchange_fields = calc_exchange_rate($curr_a, $curr_b, $base_curr);
    if (!$exchange_fields) {
        if ($curr_a == 'BTC') {
            echo "<p>" . sprintf(_("Nobody is selling %s for %s."), $curr_a, $curr_b) . "</p>";
        } else {
            echo "<p>" . sprintf(_("Nobody is buying %s for %s."), $curr_b, $curr_a) . "</p>";
        echo "</div>";
    list($total_amount, $total_want_amount, $rate) = $exchange_fields;
    echo "<p>" . _("Best exchange rate is") . " ";
    if ($base_curr == BASE_CURRENCY::A) {
        echo "<b>{$rate} {$curr_b}/{$curr_a}</b>";
    } else {
        echo "<b>{$rate} {$curr_a}/{$curr_b}</b>";
    echo ".</p>";
    if (!$show_all) {
        echo "<p>" . sprintf(_("Showing top %d entries"), DEFAULT_ORDERBOOK_DEPTH) . ":</p>";
<table class='display_data'>
    echo _("Cost / BTC");
    echo _("Giving");
    echo _("Wanted");
    if ($is_admin) {
        echo _("User");
        echo _("Cumulative Give");
        echo _("Cumulative Want");
    $show_query = 'LIMIT ' . DEFAULT_ORDERBOOK_DEPTH;
    if ($show_all) {
        $show_query = '';
    $query = "\n        SELECT\n            orderid,\n            amount,\n            want_amount,\n            uid={$uid} as me,\n            uid,\n            IF(\n                type='BTC',\n                initial_want_amount/initial_amount,\n                initial_amount/initial_want_amount\n            ) AS rate\n        FROM orderbook\n        WHERE type='{$curr_a}' AND want_type='{$curr_b}' AND status='OPEN'\n        ORDER BY\n            IF(type='BTC', rate, -rate) ASC, timest ASC\n        {$show_query}\n    ";
    $result = do_query($query);
    $cumulative_curr_a = 0;
    $cumulative_curr_b = 0;
    if ($curr_a == 'BTC') {
        $precision_a = BTC_PRECISION;
        $precision_b = FIAT_PRECISION;
    } else {
        $precision_a = FIAT_PRECISION;
        $precision_b = BTC_PRECISION;
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
        $amount_i = $row['amount'];
        $amount = internal_to_numstr($amount_i, $precision_a);
        $cumulative_curr_a = gmp_add($cumulative_curr_a, $amount_i);
        $want_amount_i = $row['want_amount'];
        $want_amount = internal_to_numstr($want_amount_i, $precision_b);
        $cumulative_curr_b = gmp_add($cumulative_curr_b, $want_amount_i);
        // MySQL kindly computes this for us.
        // we trim the excessive 0
        $rate = clean_sql_numstr($row['rate']);
        $me = $row['me'];
        $uid = $row['uid'];
        if ($me) {
            echo "    ", active_table_row("me", "?page=view_order&orderid={$row['orderid']}");
        } else {
            echo "    ", active_table_row("them", "?page=trade&in={$curr_b}&have={$want_amount_i}&want={$amount_i}&rate={$rate}");
        echo "        <td>{$rate}</td>\n";
        echo "        <td>{$amount} {$curr_a}</td>\n";
        echo "        <td>{$want_amount} {$curr_b}</td>\n";
        if ($is_admin) {
            echo "        <td>{$uid}</td>\n";
            echo "        <td>" . internal_to_numstr($cumulative_curr_a, $precision_a) . " {$curr_a}</td>\n";
            echo "        <td>" . internal_to_numstr($cumulative_curr_b, $precision_b) . " {$curr_b}</td>\n";
        echo "    </tr>\n";
    echo "    <tr>\n";
    echo "        <td>" . _("Total") . ":</td>\n";
    // strstr's 3rd argument only works in PHP 5.3.0 and newer
    //   http://php.net/manual/en/function.strstr.php
    // use explode instead
    $total_amount = explode('.', $total_amount, 2);
    $total_amount = $total_amount[0];
    echo "        <td>{$total_amount} {$curr_a}</td>\n";
    echo "        <td></td>\n";
    echo "    </tr>\n";
    echo "</table>\n";
    if ($show_all) {
        echo "<p><a href='?page=orderbook&show_all=false'>&gt;&gt; " . _("hide") . "</a></p>\n";
    } else {
        echo "<p><a href='?page=orderbook&show_all=true'>&gt;&gt; " . _("show all") . "</a></p>\n";
    echo "</div>\n";
Example #27
function api_update_nonce($key, $old_nonce, $new_nonce)
    if (gmp_cmp($old_nonce, $new_nonce) < 0) {
        do_query("UPDATE api_keys SET nonce = '{$new_nonce}' WHERE api_key = '{$key}'");
    } else {
        throw new Exception("nonce should be monotonically increasing");
function kandidatenliste()
    do_query("SELECT " . "wahl.id                  AS wahl_id," . "wahl.name_lang           AS wahl_name," . "wahl.max_stimmen_wert    AS wahl_max_stimmen," . "wahl.max_kumulieren_wert AS wahl_max_kumulieren," . "wahl.panaschieren        AS wahl_panaschieren," . "liste.id                 AS liste_id," . "liste.name_kurz          AS liste_kurz," . "liste.name_lang          AS liste_lang," . "liste.nummer             AS liste_nummer," . "kandidat.typ             AS kandidat_typ," . "kandidat.vorname         AS kandidat_vorname," . "kandidat.nachname        AS kandidat_nachname," . "kandidat.fach            AS kandidat_extra," . "kandidat.listenplatz     AS kandidat_listenplatz " . "FROM wahl, liste, kandidat " . "WHERE wahl.id  = liste.wahl " . "AND   liste.id = kandidat.liste " . "ORDER BY wahl.name_kurz, wahl.id, " . "         liste.nummer, kandidat.listenplatz", do_row);
Example #29
function getAllSubCategories()
    $query = sprintf("SELECT c.category_name, s.subcategory_name\n\t\t\tFROM categories c\n\t\t\tJOIN subcategories s \n\t\t\tON c.category_id = s.category_id");
    $results = do_query($query);
    if ($results) {
        $rows = parse_categories($results);
        return array("status" => 1, "title" => "Success", "msg" => "Succesfully retrieved subcategories.", "results" => $rows);
    } else {
        return array("status" => 0, "title" => "Failure", "msg" => "Failed to connect to server.");
Example #30
require_once '../../util.php';
if (count($argv) < 3) {
    echo "fix_badref [bank statement ID (bid)] [deposref]\n";
$bid = $argv[1];
$deposref = $argv[2];
$query = "\n    SELECT entry\n    FROM bank_statement\n    WHERE\n        bid='{$bid}'\n        AND reqid IS NULL\n        AND status='BADREF'\n    ";
$result = do_query($query);
if (!has_results($result)) {
    echo "No results found for bank statement {$bid}...\n";
$row = get_row($result);
$entry = $row['entry'];
$entry = split(',', $entry);
$amount = $entry[6];
$amount = numstr_to_internal($amount);
$query = "\n    SELECT uid\n    FROM users\n    WHERE deposref='{$deposref}'\n    ";
$result = do_query($query);
if (!has_results($result)) {
    echo "No user found with deposref of {$deposref}...\n";
$row = get_row($result);
$uid = $row['uid'];
$query = "\n    INSERT INTO requests (\n        req_type,\n        uid,\n        amount,\n        curr_type\n    ) VALUES (\n        'DEPOS',\n        {$uid},\n        {$amount},\n        '" . CURRENCY . "'\n    )";
$query = "\n    UPDATE bank_statement\n    SET\n        reqid=LAST_INSERT_ID(),\n        status='FINAL'\n    WHERE\n        bid='{$bid}'\n        AND reqid is NULL\n        AND status='BADREF'\n    ";
echo "Done.\n";