Example #1
function do_filter($formatter, $options)
    if (!$options['filter']) {
        do_invalid($formatter, $options);
    $body = $formatter->page->get_raw_body($options);
    $filters = preg_split("/(\\||,)/", $options['filter']);
    if ($options['raw']) {
        $formatter->send_header('Content-Type: text/plain');
    } else {
        $formatter->send_header('', $options);
    foreach ($filters as $ft) {
        $body = $formatter->filter_repl(trim($ft), $body, $options);
    if ($options['raw']) {
        print $body;
    $formatter->send_title('', '', $options);
    print '<pre>' . $body . '</pre>';
    $formatter->send_footer("", $options);
Example #2
function do_vote($formatter, $options)
    global $DBInfo;
    if ($options['id'] == 'Anonymous') {
        if (!isset($options['msg'])) {
            $options['msg'] = '';
        $options['msg'] .= "\n" . _("Please Login or make your ID on this Wiki ;)");
        do_invalid($formatter, $options);
    if (!$options['ticket'] and !$options['vote']) {
        return '<html><h1>Error</h1></html>';
    $body = $formatter->page->get_raw_body();
    $lines = explode("\n", $body);
    $count = count($lines);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
        if ($test = preg_match_all("/\\[\\[Vote\\(([^\\]]+)\\)\\]\\]/", $lines[$i], $tickets)) {
            foreach ($tickets[1] as $ticket) {
                $tic = preg_replace($formatter->baserule, $formatter->baserepl, $ticket);
                if (md5($tic) == $options['ticket']) {
                    $save = $ticket;
                    $items = explode(",", $tic);
                    $rawitems = explode(",", $ticket);
                    for ($k = 0; $k < sizeof($items); $k++) {
                        preg_match("/(^.+)\\s+(\\d+)\$/", $items[$k], $match);
                        preg_match("/(^.+)\\s+(\\d+)\$/", $rawitems[$k], $rawmatch);
                        $votes[$rawmatch[1]] = (int) $match[2];
                        if (md5($match[1]) == $options['vote']) {
                            $voted = 1;
                    if ($voted) {
                        while (list($item, $count) = each($votes)) {
                            $args .= "{$item} {$count},";
                        $args = substr($args, 0, -1);
                        $lines[$i] = str_replace("[[Vote({$save})]]", "[[Vote({$args})]]", $lines[$i]);
    if ($voted) {
        $formatter->page->write(join("\n", $lines));
        $DBInfo->savePage($formatter->page, "Vote", $options);
        $options[msg] = _("Voted successfully");
    $formatter->send_header("", $options);
    $formatter->send_title("", "", $options);
    $formatter->send_footer("", $options);
Example #3
function do_format($formatter, $options)
    $mimes = array('text/plain' => 'html', 'text/xml' => 'text_xml');
    $mimetype = $options['mimetype'];
    $proc = !empty($options['proc']) ? $options['proc'] : '';
    if (!$mimetype) {
        $mimetype = 'text/plain';
    $pi = $formatter->page->get_instructions($dummy);
    if (!$formatter->wordrule) {
    if ($pi['#format'] == 'xsltproc') {
        $options['title'] = _("It is a XML format !");
        do_invalid($formatter, $options);
    if (!$formatter->page->exists()) {
        do_invalid($formatter, $options);
    } else {
        if (empty($proc) and array_key_exists($mimetype, $mimes)) {
            header("Content-type: " . $mimetype);
            print $formatter->processor_repl($mimes[$mimetype], $formatter->page->get_raw_body(), $options);
        } else {
            if (!empty($proc)) {
                #if (getProcessor($processor)) {
                #  do_invalid($formatter,$options);
                #  return;
                #header("Content-type: ".$mimetype);
                header("Content-type: text/plain");
                print $formatter->processor_repl($proc, $formatter->page->get_raw_body(), $options);
            } else {
                $processor = str_replace("/.", "__", $mimetype);
                header("Content-type: text/plain");
                if (getProcessor($processor)) {
                    print $formatter->processor_repl($processor, $formatter->page->get_raw_body(), $options);
                } else {
                    do_invalid($formatter, $options);
Example #4
function do_rcspurge($formatter, $options)
    global $DBInfo;
    # XXX
    if (!$options['show'] and $DBInfo->security->is_protected("rcspurge", $options) and !$DBInfo->security->is_valid_password($options['passwd'], $options)) {
        $title = sprintf('Invalid password to purge "%s" !', $options['page']);
        $formatter->send_header("", $options);
    if (!preg_match("/^[\\d:;\\.]+\$/", $options['range'])) {
        $options['title'] = _("Invalid rcspurge range");
        do_invalid($formatter, $options);
    $title = sprintf(_("RCS purge \"%s\""), $options['page']);
    $formatter->send_header("", $options);
    $formatter->send_title($title, "", $options);
    if ($options['range']) {
        $ranges = explode(';', $options['range']);
        foreach ($ranges as $range) {
            if (!trim($range)) {
            printf("<h3>range '%s' purged</h3>", $range);
            if ($options['show']) {
                print "<tt>rcs -o{$range} " . $options['page'] . "</tt><br />";
            } else {
                #print "<b>Not enabled now</b> <tt>rcs -o$range  data_dir/".$options[page]."</tt><br />";
                print "<tt>rcs -o{$range} " . $options['page'] . "</tt><br />";
                $fp = popen("rcs -o{$range} " . $formatter->page->filename . $formatter->NULL, 'r');
    } else {
        printf("<h3>No version selected to purge '%s'</h3>", $options['page']);
    $args['noaction'] = 1;
    $formatter->send_footer($args, $options);
Example #5
function do_aclinfo($formatter, $options)
    global $DBInfo;
    if ($DBInfo->security_class == 'acl') {
        list($allowed, $denied, $protected) = $DBInfo->security->get_acl('aclinfo', $options);
    } else {
        $options['msg'] = _("ACL is not enabled on this Wiki");
        do_invalid($formatter, $options);
    $formatter->send_header('', $options);
    $formatter->send_title('', '', $options);
    print '<h2>' . _("Your ACL Info") . '</h2>';
    if (in_array($options['id'], $DBInfo->owners)) {
        print '<h4>' . _("You are wiki owner") . "</h4>\n";
    } else {
        if (in_array($options['id'], $DBInfo->wikimasters)) {
            print '<h4>' . _("You are wiki master") . "</h4>\n";
        } else {
            print '<h4>' . _("Allowed actions") . "</h4>\n";
            print '<ul>';
            foreach ($allowed as $k => $v) {
                print '<li>' . $k . ': (' . $v . ')</li>';
            print '</ul>';
            print '<h4>' . _("Denied actions") . "</h4>\n";
            print '<ul>';
            foreach ($denied as $k => $v) {
                print '<li>' . $k . ': (' . $v . ')</li>';
            print '</ul>';
            print '</pre>';
            print '<h4>' . _("Protected actions") . "</h4>\n";
            print '<ul><li>';
            print implode('</li><li>', $protected);
            print '</li></ul>';
    $formatter->send_footer('', $options);
Example #6
function do_post_jme($formatter, $options)
    global $DBInfo;
    if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' && !$DBInfo->security->writable($options)) {
        $options['title'] = _("Page is not writable");
        return do_invalid($formatter, $options);
    $draw_dir = str_replace("./", '', $DBInfo->upload_dir . '/JME');
    $pagename = $options['page'];
    !empty($options['value']) ? $name = $options['value'] : !empty($options['name']) ? $name = $options['name'] : null;
    if (empty($name)) {
        $name = time();
    if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' and $options['mol']) {
        $dummy = explode('/', $name);
        $name = $dummy[count($dummy) - 1];
        $molname = $name . '.mol';
        $fp = fopen($draw_dir . '/' . $molname, 'w');
        if ($fp) {
            fwrite($fp, $options['mol']);
        $formatter->send_header('', $options);
        $formatter->send_title(_("Molecule successfully added"), '', $options);
        $formatter->send_footer('', $options);
    $formatter->send_header('', $options);
    $formatter->send_title(_("Edit Molecule"), '', $options);
    $script = <<<SCRIPT
<script type="text/javascript">
function setMolFile(obj) {
    var mol = document.JME.molFile();
    obj.mol.value = mol;

function getGauFile(obj) {
    var mol = document.JME.molFile();
    var lines = mol.split("\\n");
    var i=0;
    var gau="%chk=\\n# ub3lyp/6-311g(d,p) OPT FREQ POP=full\\n\\n";
    gau += obj.name.value + "\\n\\n0 1\\n";

    while (i < lines.length) {
        var mat = lines[i].match(/^\\s+([^\\s]+)\\s+([^\\s]+)\\s+([^\\s]+)\\s+([A-Z]{1,2})\\s+.*/);
        if (mat != null) {
            gau += mat[4] + ' ' + mat[1] + ' ' + mat[2] + ' ' + mat[3] + "\\n";

    obj.mol.value = gau + "\\n";
    $pubpath = $DBInfo->url_prefix . "/applets/JMEPlugin";
    print "<h2>" . _("Edit new molecule") . "</h2>\n";
    $name = _html_escape($name);
    print <<<FORM
<form method="POST" action="">
<applet code="JME.class" name="JME" codebase="{$pubpath}" archive="JME.zip"
width="360" height="315">
<param name=" options"  value="multipart; autoez";>
You have to enable Java and JavaScritpt on your machine !
</applet><br />
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="jme" />
<input type="hidden" name="name" value="{$name}" />
<input type="submit" name="submit_button" value="Submit" onclick="setMolFile(this.form)" />
<input type="button" name="gau_button" value="Get Gaussian input" onclick="getGauFile(this.form)" />
<input type="button" value="Get Mol" onclick="setMolFile(this.form)" />
<input type="reset" value="reset" />
<div class="molecule">
<textarea cols="50" rows="20" name="mol" /></textarea></div>
    $formatter->send_footer("", $options);
Example #7
function do_OeKaki($formatter, $options)
    global $DBInfo;
    if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' && !$DBInfo->security->writable($options)) {
        $options['title'] = _("Page is not writable");
        return do_invalid($formatter, $options);
    $oekaki_dir = $DBInfo->upload_dir . '/OeKaki';
    $pagename = $options['page'];
    $name = $options['value'];
    #  $fp=fopen('php://stderr','w');
    #  fputs($fp,"name=$name\n");
    #  fputs($fp,"page=$options[page]\n");
    #  if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']=='POST') {
    #    $len = $_SERVER['CONTENT_LENGTH'];
    #    fputs($fp,"len=$len\n");
    #    fputs($fp,"method=POST\n");
    #  }
    if (!$name) {
        $name = time();
    # XXX
    $pngname = 'OeKaki_' . _rawurlencode($name);
    $imgurl = "{$DBInfo->url_prefix}/{$oekaki_dir}/{$pngname}.png";
    $imgpath = "{$oekaki_dir}/{$pngname}.png";
    $dummy = 0;
    $backup_imgpath = $imgpath;
    while (file_exists($backup_imgpath)) {
        $dummy = $dummy + 1;
        $ufname = $pngname . "_" . $dummy;
        // rename file
        $upfilename = $ufname . ".png";
        $backup_imgpath = "{$oekaki_dir}/{$upfilename}";
        if ($formatter->page->exists()) {
            $body = $formatter->page->get_raw_body();
        } else {
            $body = '';
        if (!preg_match("/\n?\\[\\[OeKaki\\({$name}\\)\\]\\]\n?/i", $body)) {
            if (preg_match("/\n##Draw\n/i", $body)) {
                $body = preg_replace("/\n##Draw\n/", "\n##Draw\n[[OeKaki({$name})]]\n", $body);
            } else {
                $body .= "[[OeKaki({$name})]]\n";
            $log = "Oekaki drawing added";
            # XXX Oekaki post does not hav any information about user id.
            $DBInfo->savePage($formatter->page, $log, $options);
        if ($backup_imgpath != $imgpath) {
            copy($imgpath, $backup_imgpath);
        $raw = $GLOBALS['HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA'];
        $p = strpos($raw, "\r");
        if ($p < 0) {
            header("Content-type: text/plain");
            print "error\n\n";
        } else {
            $img = fopen($imgpath, 'w');
            if (is_resource($img)) {
                fwrite($img, substr($raw, $p + 2));
        header("Content-type: text/plain");
        print "ok\n\n";
        print $imgpath;
    if ($options['size'] and preg_match("/(\\d{3})x(\\d{3})/", $options['size'], $match)) {
        $sizex = $match[1];
        $sizey = $match[2];
        if ($sizex < 100 or $sizex > 600) {
            $sizex = 300;
        if ($sizey < 100 or $sizey > 600) {
            $sizey = 300;
    } else {
        $sizex = 300;
        $sizey = 300;
    $extra = "<param name='image_canvas' value='{$imgurl}'>";
    $formatter->send_header("", $options);
    $formatter->send_title(_("Create new picture"), "", $options);
    $prefix = $formatter->prefix;
    $now = time();
    $urlpgname = _rawurlencode($options['page']);
    $imgname = _rawurlencode($name);
    $url_exit = $formatter->link_url($urlpgname, "?ts={$now}");
    $url_save = $formatter->link_url($urlpgname, "----OeKaki----{$imgname}");
    $pubpath = $DBInfo->url_prefix . "/applets/OekakiPlugin";
    print "<h2>" . _("Edit Image") . "</h2>\n";
    print <<<APPLET
<applet code="pbbs.PaintBBS.class" archive="PaintBBS.jar"
 width="400" height="400" align="center">

<param name="image_width" value="{$sizex}">
<param name="image_height" value="{$sizey}">
<param name="image_bkcolor" value="#ffffff">
<param name="image_jpeg" value="true">
<param name="image_size" value="60">
<param name="compress_level" value="15">

<param name="undo" value="60">
<param name="undo_in_mg" value="15">

<param name="color_text"value="#708090">
<param name="color_bk" value="#A0A0BB">
<param name="color_bk2" value="#A0A0BB">
<param name="color_icon" value="#eeeeee">

<param name="color_bar" value="#8f93a1">
<param name="color_bar_hl" value="#ffffff">
<param name="color_bar_frame_hl" value="#eeeeee">
<param name="color_bar_frame_shadow" value="#aaaaaa">

<param name="bar_size" value="15">

<param name="url_save" value="{$url_save}">
<param name="url_exit" value="{$url_exit}">

<param name="tool_advance" value="true">
<param name="send_advance" value="true">

<param name="send_header" value="">
<param name="send_header_image_type" value="false">

<param name="poo" value="true">

<param name="thumbnail_width" value="100%%">
<param name="thumbnail_height" value="100%%">

<param name="security_click" value="0">
<param name="security_timer" value="0">
<param name="security_url" value="">
<param name="security_post" value="false">
<b>NOTE:</b> You need a Java enabled browser to edit the drawing example.
    $formatter->send_footer("", $options);
Example #8
function do_ticket($formatter, $options)
    global $DBInfo;
    $word_length = 4;
    if (!empty($options['__seed'])) {
        // check seed
        // check referer
        $passwd = getTicket($options['__seed'], $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $word_length);
    } else {
        $options['title'] = _("Invalid use of ticket");
        do_invalid($formatter, $options);
    if (!empty($DBInfo->gdfontpath)) {
        putenv('GDFONTPATH=' . $DBInfo->gdfontpath);
    } else {
        // set default GDFONTPATH
        $old = getenv('GDFONTPATH');
        $path = $DBInfo->data_dir;
        if ($old) {
            $path = $old . ':' . $new;
        putenv('GDFONTPATH=' . $path);
    if (function_exists('ImageTtfText')) {
        while (!empty($DBInfo->ticket_font)) {
            if (is_numeric($DBInfo->ticket_font)) {
            $FONT = $DBInfo->ticket_font;
            if ($FONT[0] == '/' and !file_exists($FONT)) {
                $use_ttf = 0;
            } else {
                $FONT = $DBInfo->ticket_font;
                $use_ttf = 1;
    if (!empty($use_ttf)) {
        $pointsize = !empty($DBInfo->ticket_font_size) ? $DBInfo->ticket_font_size : 16;
        $angle = 0;
        //$size = Imagettfbbox($pointsize, 0, $FONT, $passwd);
        // XXX segfault :(
        $margin = $pointsize / 2;
        $size = array(0, 0, 0, 20, 65);
        //$w=$size[4]+20; # margin=20 ?
        $w = $pointsize * $word_length + $margin;
        $h = $pointsize + $margin;
        if ($DBInfo->use_ticket & 23) {
            $h += $pointsize / 3;
    } else {
        $FONT = 5;
        // giant
        if (!empty($DBInfo->ticket_gdfont)) {
            $FONT = $DBInfo->ticket_gdfont;
        $w = imagefontwidth($FONT) * strlen($passwd) + 10;
        $h = imagefontheight($FONT);
        $pointsize = $h;
        $h += 10;
    $im = ImageCreate($w, $h);
    $color = array();
    if (isset($DBInfo->captcha_bgcolor) and preg_match('/^#[0-9a-fA-F]$/', $DBInfo->captcha_bgcolor)) {
        $r = substr($DBInfo->captcha_bgcolor, 1, 2);
        $g = substr($DBInfo->captcha_bgcolor, 3, 2);
        $b = substr($DBInfo->captcha_bgcolor, 5, 2);
        $color[] = ImageColorAllocate($im, hexdec($r), hexdec($g), hexdec($b));
        // background
    } else {
        $color[] = ImageColorAllocate($im, 240, 240, 240);
        // default background
    $color[] = ImageColorAllocate($im, 0, 0, 0);
    // black
    $color[] = ImageColorAllocate($im, 255, 255, 255);
    // white
    $pen = rand(3, 19);
    $pen1 = rand(3, 19);
    for ($i = 0; $i < 18; $i++) {
        $color[] = ImageColorAllocate($im, rand(100, 200), rand(100, 200), rand(100, 200));
    if (!empty($use_ttf)) {
        $sx = $margin;
        $sy = $margin / 2 + $pointsize;
        ImageTtfText($im, $pointsize, $angle, $sx, $sy + 1, $color[$pen], $FONT, $passwd);
        ImageTtfText($im, $pointsize, $angle, $sx + 1, $sy, $color[$pen], $FONT, $passwd);
    } else {
        ImageString($im, $FONT, 5, 3, $passwd, $color[$pen]);
        ImageString($im, $FONT, 4, 4, $passwd, $color[$pen]);
    $grad = '';
    if ($DBInfo->use_ticket & 8) {
        $grad = 1;
    if ($DBInfo->use_ticket & 4) {
        _effect_distort($im, $pointsize, $grad);
    } else {
        if ($DBInfo->use_ticket & 16) {
            _effect_distort($im, $pointsize, $grad, 1);
    if ($DBInfo->use_ticket & 1) {
        _effect_blur($im, $color, 1, 1);
    if ($DBInfo->use_ticket & 2) {
        _effect_grid($im, $color, $pen1);
    if (function_exists("imagepng")) {
        header("Content-Type: image/png");
    } else {
        if (function_exists("imagegif")) {
            header("Content-Type: image/gif");
        } else {
            if (function_exists("imagejpeg")) {
                $jpeg_quality = 5;
                header("Content-Type: image/jpeg");
                imagejpeg($im, null, $jpeg_quality);
Example #9
function do_userform($formatter, $options)
    global $DBInfo;
    $user =& $DBInfo->user;
    # get cookie
    $id = !empty($options['login_id']) ? $options['login_id'] : '';
    $use_any = 0;
    if (!empty($DBInfo->use_textbrowsers)) {
        if (is_string($DBInfo->use_textbrowsers)) {
            $use_any = preg_match('/' . $DBInfo->use_textbrowsers . '/', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ? 1 : 0;
        } else {
            $use_any = preg_match('/Lynx|w3m|links/', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ? 1 : 0;
    $options['msg'] = '';
    # e-mail conformation
    if (!empty($options['ticket']) and $id and $id != 'Anonymous') {
        $userdb =& $DBInfo->udb;
        $suspended = false;
        if ($userdb->_exists($id)) {
            $user = $userdb->getUser($id);
        } else {
            if ($userdb->_exists($id, 1)) {
                // suspended user
                $suspended = true;
                $user = $userdb->getUser($id, 1);
        if ($user->id == $id) {
            if ($user->info['eticket'] == $options['ticket']) {
                list($dummy, $email) = explode('.', $options['ticket'], 2);
                $user->info['email'] = $email;
                $user->info['eticket'] = '';
                if ($suspended) {
                    if (empty($DBInfo->register_confirm_admin)) {
                    } else {
                        $userdb->saveUser($user, array('suspended' => 1));
                } else {
                $title = _("Successfully confirmed");
                $options['msg'] = _("Your e-mail address is confirmed successfully");
                if (!empty($DBInfo->register_confirm_admin)) {
                    $options['msg'] .= "<br />" . _("Your need to wait until your ID activated by admin");
            } else {
                if ($user->info['nticket'] == $options['ticket']) {
                    $title = _("Successfully confirmed");
                    $user->info['nticket'] = '';
                    $user->info['password'] = $user->info['npassword'];
                    $user->info['npassword'] = '';
                    $options['msg'] = _("Your new password is confirmed successfully");
                } else {
                    $title = _("Confirmation missmatched !");
                    $options['msg'] = _("Please try again to register your e-mail address");
        } else {
            if ($suspended) {
                $title = _("Please wait until your ID is confirmed by admin!");
            } else {
                $title = _("ID does not exist !");
            $options['msg'] = _("Please try again to register your e-mail address");
        $formatter->send_header("", $options);
        $formatter->send_title($title, "", $options);
        $formatter->send_footer("", $options);
        return '';
    $title = '';
    if ($user->id == "Anonymous" and !empty($options['emailreset'])) {
        setcookie('MONI_VERIFIED_EMAIL', '', time() - 3600, get_scriptname());
        $options['msg'] .= '<br />' . _("Verification E-mail removed.");
        $options['verifyemail'] = '';
        $user->verified_email = '';
    } else {
        if ($user->id == "Anonymous" and !empty($options['login']) and !empty($options['verify_email'])) {
            $email = base64_decode($options['login']);
            $ticket = base64_encode(getTicket($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $email, 10));
            if ($ticket == $options['verify_email']) {
                $options['msg'] .= '<br />' . _("Your email address is successfully verified.");
                $user->verified_email = $email;
                setcookie('MONI_VERIFIED_EMAIL', $email, time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 30, get_scriptname());
            } else {
                $options['msg'] .= '<br />' . _("Verification missmatched.");
        } else {
            if ($user->id == "Anonymous" and $options['verify'] == _("Verify E-mail address") and !empty($DBInfo->anonymous_friendly) and !empty($options['verifyemail'])) {
                if (preg_match('/^[a-z][a-z0-9_\\-\\.]+@[a-z][a-z0-9_\\-]+(\\.[a-z0-9_]+)+$/i', $options['verifyemail'])) {
                    if (($ret = verify_email($options['verifyemail'])) < 0) {
                        $ret = -$ret;
                        $options['msg'] .= '<br />' . 'ERROR Code: ' . $ret;
                        $options['msg'] .= '<br/>' . _("Invalid email address or can't verify it.");
                    } else {
                        if (!empty($DBInfo->verify_email)) {
                            if ($DBInfo->verify_email == 1) {
                                $options['msg'] .= '<br/>' . _("Your email address is successfully verified.");
                                setcookie('MONI_VERIFIED_EMAIL', $options['verifyemail'], time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 30, get_scriptname());
                            } else {
                                $opts = array();
                                $opts['subject'] = "[{$DBInfo->sitename}] " . _("Verify Email address");
                                $opts['email'] = $options['verifyemail'];
                                $opts['id'] = 'nobody';
                                $ticket = base64_encode(getTicket($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $opts['email'], 10));
                                $enc = base64_encode($opts['email']);
                                $body = qualifiedUrl($formatter->link_url('UserPreferences', "?action=userform&login={$enc}&verify_email={$ticket}"));
                                $body = _("Please confirm your e-mail address") . "\n" . $body . "\n";
                                $ret = wiki_sendmail($body, $opts);
                                $options['msg'] .= '<br/>' . _("E-mail verification mail sent");
                } else {
                    $options['msg'] .= '<br/>' . _("Your email address is not valid");
            } else {
                if ($user->id == "Anonymous" and !empty($options['login_id']) and isset($options['password']) and !isset($options['passwordagain'])) {
                    if (method_exists($user, 'login')) {
                        $user->login($formatter, $options);
                        $params = array();
                        $params['value'] = $options['page'];
                        do_goto($formatter, $params);
                    # login
                    $userdb = $DBInfo->udb;
                    if ($userdb->_exists($id)) {
                        $user = $userdb->getUser($id);
                        $login_ok = 0;
                        if (!empty($DBInfo->use_safelogin)) {
                            if (isset($options['challenge']) and $options['_chall'] == $options['challenge']) {
                                #print '<pre>';
                                #print $options['password'].'<br />';
                                #print hmac($options['challenge'],$user->info['password']);
                                #print '</pre>';
                                if (hmac($options['challenge'], $user->info['password']) == $options['password']) {
                                    $login_ok = 1;
                            } else {
                                # with no javascript browsers
                                $md5pw = md5($options['password']);
                                if ($md5pw == $user->info['password']) {
                                    $login_ok = 1;
                        if ($login_ok or $user->checkPasswd($options['password']) === true) {
                            $options['msg'] = sprintf(_("Successfully login as '%s'"), $id);
                            $options['id'] = $user->id;
                            if ($user->id == 'Anonymous') {
                                // special case. login success but ID is not acceptable
                                $options['msg'] = _("Invalid user ID. Please register again");
                            } else {
                                if (!isset($user->info['login_success'])) {
                                    $user->info['login_success'] = 0;
                                if (!isset($user->info['login_fail'])) {
                                    $user->info['login_fail'] = 0;
                                $user->info['last_login'] = gmdate("Y/m/d H:i:s", time());
                                $user->info['login_fail'] = 0;
                                // reset login
                                $user->info['remote'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
                                $use_refresh = 1;
                            $DBInfo->user = $user;
                        } else {
                            $title = sprintf(_("Invalid password !"));
                            if (!isset($user->info['login_fail'])) {
                                $user->info['login_fail'] = 0;
                            $user->info['remote'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
                    } else {
                        if (isset($options['login_id'][0])) {
                            if ($userdb->_exists($id, 1)) {
                                // suspended user
                                $title = sprintf(_("\"%s\" is waiting for activated by admin !"), $options['login_id']);
                            } else {
                                $title = sprintf(_("\"%s\" does not exist on this wiki !"), $options['login_id']);
                            $options['login_id'] = '';
                        } else {
                            $title = _("Make new ID on this wiki");
                        $form = macro_UserPreferences($formatter, '', $options);
                } else {
                    if (!empty($options['logout'])) {
                        # logout
                        header($user->unsetCookie(), false);
                        if (session_name() != '') {
                            $path = get_scriptname();
                            // for moniwiki internal
                            header('Set-Cookie: ' . session_name() . '=' . $user->id . '; expires=Tuesday, 01-Jan-1999 12:00:00 GMT; Path=' . $path, false);
                            // for some user plugins
                            $params = session_get_cookie_params();
                            header('Set-Cookie: ' . session_name() . '=' . $user->id . '; expires=Tuesday, 01-Jan-1999 12:00:00 GMT; Path=' . $params['path'], false);
                        // call logout method
                        if (method_exists($user, 'logout')) {
                            $user->logout($formatter, $options);
                        } else {
                            $options['msg'] = _("Cookie deleted !");
                        $user->id = 'Anonymous';
                        $DBInfo->user = $user;
                        $use_refresh = 1;
                    } else {
                        if (!empty($DBInfo->use_sendmail) and $options['login'] == _("E-mail new password") and $user->id == "Anonymous" and !empty($options['email']) and !empty($options['login_id'])) {
                            # email new password
                            $title = '';
                            if (!$use_any and $DBInfo->use_ticket) {
                                if ($options['__seed'] and $options['check']) {
                                    $mycheck = getTicket($options['__seed'], $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 4);
                                    if ($mycheck == $options['check']) {
                                        $ok_ticket = 1;
                                    } else {
                                        $title = _("Invalid ticket !");
                                } else {
                                    $title = _("You need a ticket !");
                            } else {
                                $ok_ticket = 1;
                            $userdb =& $DBInfo->udb;
                            if ($userdb->_exists($id)) {
                                $user = $userdb->getUser($id);
                            if ($ok_ticket and $user->id != "Anonymous") {
                                if ($options['email'] == $user->info['email'] and $user->info['eticket'] == '') {
                                    #make new password
                                    $mypass = base64_encode(getTicket(time(), $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 10));
                                    $mypass = substr($mypass, 0, 8);
                                    $options['password'] = $mypass;
                                    $old_passwd = $user->info['password'];
                                    if ($DBInfo->use_safelogin) {
                                        $ret = $user->setPasswd(md5($mypass), md5($mypass), 1);
                                    } else {
                                        $ret = $user->setPasswd($mypass, $mypass);
                                    $new_passwd = $user->info['password'];
                                    $user->info['password'] = $old_passwd;
                                    $user->info['npassword'] = $new_passwd;
                                    #make ticket
                                    $ticket = md5(time() . $user->id . $options['email']);
                                    $user->info['nticket'] = $ticket . "." . $options['email'];
                                    // save join agreement
                                    if (!empty($DBInfo->use_agreement) and !empty($options['joinagreement'])) {
                                        $user->info['join_agreement'] = 'agree';
                                        if (!empty($DBInfo->agreement_version)) {
                                            $user->info['join_agreement_version'] = $DBInfo->agreement_version;
                                    # XXX
                                    $opts['subject'] = "[{$DBInfo->sitename}] " . _("New password confirmation");
                                    $opts['email'] = $options['email'];
                                    $opts['id'] = 'nobody';
                                    $body = qualifiedUrl($formatter->link_url('', "?action=userform&login_id={$user->id}&ticket={$ticket}.{$options['email']}"));
                                    $body = _("Please confirm your new password") . "\n" . $body . "\n";
                                    $body .= sprintf(_("Your new password is %s"), $mypass) . "\n\n";
                                    $body .= _("Please change your password later") . "\n";
                                    $ret = wiki_sendmail($body, $opts);
                                    if (is_array($ret)) {
                                        $title = _("Fail to e-mail notification !");
                                        $options['msg'] = $ret['msg'];
                                    } else {
                                        $title = _("New password is sent to your e-mail !");
                                        $options['msg'] = _("Please check your e-mail");
                                } else {
                                    if ($options['email'] != $user->info['email']) {
                                        $title = _("Fail to e-mail notification !");
                                        $options['msg'] = _("E-mail mismatch !");
                                    } else {
                                        $title = _("Invalid request");
                                        $options['msg'] = _("Please confirm your e-mail address first !");
                            } else {
                                if (!$ok_ticket) {
                                    $title = _("Invalid ticket !");
                                } else {
                                    $title = _("ID and e-mail mismatch !");
                                $options['msg'] = _("Please try again or make a new profile");
                            $formatter->send_header("", $options);
                            $formatter->send_title($title, "", $options);
                            $formatter->send_footer("", $options);
                        } else {
                            if ($user->id == "Anonymous" and !empty($options['login_id']) and ($options['password'] and $options['passwordagain'] or $DBInfo->use_safelogin and $options['email'])) {
                                # create profile
                                $title = '';
                                if (!$use_any and !empty($DBInfo->use_ticket)) {
                                    if ($options['__seed'] and $options['check']) {
                                        $mycheck = getTicket($options['__seed'], $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 4);
                                        if ($mycheck == $options['check']) {
                                            $ok_ticket = 1;
                                        } else {
                                            $title = _("Invalid ticket !");
                                    } else {
                                        $title = _("You need a ticket !");
                                } else {
                                    $ok_ticket = 1;
                                $id = $user->getID($options['login_id']);
                                if (preg_match('/^[a-z][a-z0-9_\\-\\.]+@[a-z][a-z0-9_\\-]+(\\.[a-z0-9_]+)+$/i', $id)) {
                                    if (($ret = verify_email($id)) < 0) {
                                        $ret = -$ret;
                                        $options['msg'] .= '<br />' . 'ERROR Code: ' . $ret;
                                        $options['msg'] .= '<br/>' . _("Invalid email address or can't verify it.");
                                    } else {
                                        $options['email'] = $id;
                                } else {
                                    if (!preg_match("/\\//", $id)) {
                                // protect http:// style id
                                if (!empty($DBInfo->use_agreement) and empty($options['joinagreement'])) {
                                    $title = _("Please check join agreement.");
                                } else {
                                    if ($ok_ticket and $user->id != "Anonymous") {
                                        if (!empty($DBInfo->use_safelogin)) {
                                            $mypass = base64_encode(getTicket(time(), $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 10));
                                            $mypass = substr($mypass, 0, 8);
                                            $options['password'] = $mypass;
                                            $ret = $user->setPasswd(md5($mypass), md5($mypass), 1);
                                        } else {
                                            $ret = $user->setPasswd($options['password'], $options['passwordagain']);
                                        if (!empty($DBInfo->password_length) and strlen($options['password']) < $DBInfo->password_length) {
                                            $ret = 0;
                                        if ($ret <= 0) {
                                            if ($ret == 0) {
                                                $title = _("too short password!");
                                            } else {
                                                if ($ret == -1) {
                                                    $title = _("mismatch password!");
                                                } else {
                                                    if ($ret == -2) {
                                                        $title = _("not acceptable character found in the password!");
                                        } else {
                                            if ($ret < 8 and empty($DBInfo->use_safelogin)) {
                                                $options['msg'] = _("Your password is too simple to use as a password !");
                                            $udb = $DBInfo->udb;
                                            if ($options['email']) {
                                                if (preg_match('/^[a-z][a-z0-9_\\-\\.]+@[a-z][a-z0-9_\\-]+(\\.[a-z0-9_]+)+$/i', $options['email'])) {
                                                    if (($ret = verify_email($options['email'])) < 0) {
                                                        $options['email'] = '';
                                                        // reset email address
                                                        $ret = -$ret;
                                                        $options['msg'] .= '<br />' . 'ERROR Code: ' . $ret;
                                                        $options['msg'] .= '<br/>' . _("Can't verify E-mail address! Please check your email address.");
                                                } else {
                                                    $options['msg'] .= '<br/>' . _("Your email address is not valid");
                                            if ($udb->isNotUser($user)) {
                                                if (!empty($DBInfo->no_register)) {
                                                    $options['msg'] = _("Fail to register");
                                                    $options['err'] = _("You are not allowed to register on this wiki");
                                                    $options['err'] .= "\n" . _("Please contact WikiMasters");
                                                    do_invalid($formatter, $options);
                                                $title = sprintf(_("Successfully added as '%s'"), _html_escape($user->id));
                                                $options['id'] = $user->id;
                                                $ticket = md5(time() . $user->id . $options['email']);
                                                $user->info['eticket'] = $ticket . "." . $options['email'];
                                                if (!empty($DBInfo->use_safelogin)) {
                                                    $options['msg'] = sprintf(_("Successfully added as '%s'"), $user->id);
                                                    $options['msg'] .= '<br />' . _("Please check your mailbox");
                                                $args = array();
                                                if ($options['email'] == $id or !empty($DBInfo->register_confirm_email)) {
                                                    $args = array('suspended' => 1);
                                                if (!empty($DBInfo->register_confirm_admin)) {
                                                    $args = array('suspended' => 1);
                                                if (!empty($DBInfo->register_confirm_admin)) {
                                                    if (!empty($options['msg'])) {
                                                        $options['msg'] .= '<br />';
                                                    $options['msg'] .= _("Your need to wait until your ID activated by admin");
                                                // save join agreement
                                                if (!empty($DBInfo->use_agreement) and !empty($options['joinagreement'])) {
                                                    $user->info['join_agreement'] = 'agree';
                                                    if (!empty($DBInfo->agreement_version)) {
                                                        $user->info['join_agreement_version'] = $DBInfo->agreement_version;
                                                if (empty($DBInfo->use_safelogin) && empty($args['suspended'])) {
                                                $ret = $udb->addUser($user, $args);
                                                # XXX
                                                if (!empty($options['email']) and preg_match('/^[a-z][a-z0-9_\\-\\.]+@[a-z][a-z0-9_\\-]+(\\.[a-z0-9_]+)+$/i', $options['email'])) {
                                                    $options['subject'] = "[{$DBInfo->sitename}] " . _("E-mail confirmation");
                                                    $body = '';
                                                    if (!empty($DBInfo->email_register_header) and file_exists($DBInfo->email_register_header)) {
                                                        $body = file_get_contents($DBInfo->email_register_header);
                                                        $body = str_replace(array('@sitename@'), array($DBInfo->sitename), $body);
                                                    $body .= _("Please confirm your email address") . "\n\n";
                                                    $body .= qualifiedUrl($formatter->link_url('', "?action=userform&login_id={$user->id}&ticket={$ticket}.{$options['email']}"));
                                                    $body .= "\n";
                                                    if (!empty($DBInfo->use_safelogin)) {
                                                        $body .= "\n" . sprintf(_("Your initial password is %s"), $mypass) . "\n\n";
                                                        $body .= _("Please change your password later") . "\n";
                                                    $ret = wiki_sendmail($body, $options);
                                                    if (is_array($ret)) {
                                                        $options['msg'] .= $ret['msg'];
                                                    } else {
                                                        $options['msg'] .= '<br/>' . _("Confirmation E-mail sent");
                                            } else {
                                                # already exist user
                                                $user = $udb->getUser($user->id);
                                                if ($user->checkPasswd($options['password']) === true) {
                                                    $options['msg'] .= sprintf(_("Successfully login as '%s'"), $id);
                                                    $options['id'] = $user->id;
                                                    # XXX
                                                } else {
                                                    $title = _("Invalid password !");
                                    } else {
                                        if (empty($title)) {
                                            $title = _("Invalid username !");
                            } else {
                                if ($user->id != "Anonymous") {
                                    # save profile
                                    $udb =& $DBInfo->udb;
                                    $userinfo = $udb->getUser($user->id);
                                    if (!empty($options['password']) and !empty($options['passwordagain'])) {
                                        $chall = 0;
                                        if (!empty($DBInfo->use_safelogin)) {
                                            if (isset($options['_chall'])) {
                                                $chall = $options['challenge'];
                                            } else {
                                                $chall = rand(100000);
                                                $options['password'] = hmac($chall, $options['password']);
                                        //echo 'chall=',$chall,' ',$options['password'];
                                        if ($userinfo->checkPasswd($options['password'], $chall) === true) {
                                            if ($DBInfo->use_safelogin) {
                                                $mypass = md5($options['passwordagain']);
                                                // XXX
                                                $ret = $userinfo->setPasswd($mypass, $mypass, 1);
                                            } else {
                                                $ret = $userinfo->setPasswd($options['passwordagain']);
                                            if ($ret <= 0) {
                                                if ($ret == 0) {
                                                    $title = _("too short password!");
                                                } else {
                                                    if ($ret == -1) {
                                                        $title = _("mismatch password !");
                                                    } else {
                                                        if ($ret == -2) {
                                                            $title = _("not acceptable character found in the password!");
                                                $options['msg'] = _("Password is not changed !");
                                            } else {
                                                $title = _("Password is changed !");
                                                if ($ret < 8) {
                                                    $options['msg'] = _("Password is too simple to use as a password !");
                                        } else {
                                            $title = _("Invalid password !");
                                            $options['msg'] = _("Password is not changed !");
                                    if (isset($options['user_css'])) {
                                        $userinfo->info['css_url'] = $options['user_css'];
                                    if (isset($options['timezone'])) {
                                        list($hour, $min) = explode(':', $options['timezone']);
                                        $min = $min * 60;
                                        $min = $hour < 0 ? -1 * $min : $min;
                                        $tz_offset = $hour * 3600 + $min;
                                        $userinfo->info['tz_offset'] = $tz_offset;
                                    if (!empty($DBInfo->use_agreement) and !empty($options['joinagreement'])) {
                                        $userinfo->info['join_agreement'] = 'agree';
                                        if (!empty($DBInfo->agreement_version)) {
                                            $userinfo->info['join_agreement_version'] = $DBInfo->agreement_version;
                                    $button_check_email_again = !empty($options['button_check_email_again']) ? 1 : 0;
                                    if ($button_check_email_again and !empty($userinfo->info['eticket'])) {
                                        list($dummy, $email) = explode('.', $userinfo->info['eticket'], 2);
                                        if (!empty($email)) {
                                            $options['email'] = $email;
                                    if (!empty($options['email']) and $options['email'] != $userinfo->info['email']) {
                                        if (preg_match('/^[a-z][a-z0-9_\\-\\.]+@[a-z][a-z0-9_\\-]+(\\.[a-z0-9_]+)+$/i', $options['email'])) {
                                            if (($ret = verify_email($options['email'])) < 0) {
                                                $ret = -$ret;
                                                $options['msg'] .= '<br />' . 'ERROR Code: ' . $ret;
                                                $options['msg'] .= '<br />' . _("Invalid email address or can't verify it.");
                                            } else {
                                                $ticket = md5(time() . $userinfo->info['id'] . $options['email']);
                                                $userinfo->info['eticket'] = $ticket . "." . $options['email'];
                                                $options['subject'] = "[{$DBInfo->sitename}] " . _("E-mail confirmation");
                                                $body = qualifiedUrl($formatter->link_url('', "?action=userform&login_id={$user->id}&ticket={$ticket}.{$options['email']}"));
                                                $body = _("Please confirm your email address") . "\n" . $body;
                                                $ret = wiki_sendmail($body, $options);
                                                if (is_array($ret)) {
                                                    $options['msg'] = $ret['msg'];
                                                } else {
                                                    $options['msg'] = _("E-mail confirmation mail sent");
                                        } else {
                                            $options['msg'] = _("Your email address is not valid");
                                    if (!empty($userinfo->info['idtype']) and $userinfo->info['idtype'] == 'openid' and isset($options['nick']) and $options['nick'] != $userinfo->info['nick']) {
                                        $nick = $userinfo->getID($options['nick']);
                                        // nickname check XXX
                                        if (!$udb->_exists($nick)) {
                                            $userinfo->info['nick'] = $nick;
                                        } else {
                                            $options['msg'] = _("Your Nickname already used as ID in this wiki");
                                    if (!isset($options['msg'])) {
                                        $options['msg'] = _("Profiles are saved successfully !");
                                } else {
                                    if ($user->id == "Anonymous" and isset($options['openid_url'])) {
                                        # login with openid
                                        include_once 'lib/openid.php';
                                        $process_url = qualifiedUrl($formatter->link_url("UserPreferences", "?action=userform"));
                                        $trust_root = qualifiedUrl($formatter->link_url(""));
                                        $openid = new SimpleOpenID();
                                        $openid->SetRequiredFields(array('nickname', 'email', 'fullname'));
                                        $openid->SetOptionalFields(array('language', 'timezone'));
                                        if ($openid->GetOpenIDServer()) {
                                            // Send Response from OpenID server to this script
                                            // This will redirect user to OpenID Server
                                        } else {
                                            $error = $openid->GetError();
                                            #echo "ERROR CODE: " . $error['code'] . "<br>";
                                            #echo "ERROR DESCRIPTION: " . $error['description'] . "<br>";
                                            $options["msg"] = sprintf(_("Authentication request was failed: %s"), $error['description']);
                                    } else {
                                        if (!empty($options['openid_mode']) and $options['openid_mode'] == 'id_res') {
                                            // OpenID result
                                            include_once 'lib/openid.php';
                                            if (!preg_match('/utf-?8/i', $DBInfo->charset)) {
                                                $options['openid_sreg_nickname'] = iconv('utf-8', $DBInfo->charset, $options['openid_sreg_nickname']);
                                                $options['openid_sreg_fullname'] = iconv('utf-8', $DBInfo->charset, $options['openid_sreg_fullname']);
                                            $openid = new SimpleOpenID();
                                            $openid_validation_result = $openid->ValidateWithServer();
                                            if ($openid_validation_result == true) {
                                                // OK HERE KEY IS VALID
                                                $userdb =& $DBInfo->udb;
                                                // XXX
                                                // XXX
                                                if (!empty($options['openid_language'])) {
                                                    $user->info['language'] = strtolower($options['openid_sreg_language']);
                                                if ($userdb->_exists($options['openid_identity'])) {
                                                    $user = $userdb->getUser($options['openid_identity']);
                                                    $user->info['idtype'] = 'openid';
                                                    $options['msg'] .= sprintf(_("Successfully login as '%s' via OpenID."), $options['openid_identity']);
                                                    // always save
                                                } else {
                                                    if (!empty($DBInfo->no_register) and $DBInfo->no_register == 1) {
                                                        $options['msg'] = _("Fail to register");
                                                        $options['err'] = _("You are not allowed to register on this wiki");
                                                        $options['err'] .= "\n" . _("Please contact WikiMasters");
                                                        do_invalid($formatter, $options);
                                                    if ($options['openid_sreg_nickname']) {
                                                        $nick = $user->getID($options['openid_sreg_nickname']);
                                                        if (!$userdb->_exists($nick)) {
                                                            $user->info['nick'] = $nick;
                                                        } else {
                                                            $options['msg'] = sprintf(_("Your Nickname %s already used as ID in this Wiki."), $nick);
                                                    $user->info['email'] = $options['openid_sreg_email'];
                                                    $user->info['idtype'] = 'openid';
                                                    $options["msg"] .= sprintf(_("OpenID Authentication successful and saved as %s."), $options['openid_identity']);
                                                $options['id'] = $user->id;
                                            } else {
                                                if ($openid->IsError() == true) {
                                                    // ON THE WAY, WE GOT SOME ERROR
                                                    $error = $openid->GetError();
                                                    $options["msg"] = sprintf(_("Authentication request was failed: %s"), $error['description']);
                                                } else {
                                                    // Signature Verification Failed
                                                    $options["msg"] = _("Invalid OpenID Authentication request");
                                                    echo "INVALID AUTHORIZATION";
                                        } else {
                                            if (!empty($DBInfo->use_agreement) and $options['login'] == _("Make profile")) {
                                                $options['agreement'] = 1;
                                                $form = macro_UserPreferences($formatter, '', $options);
                                            } else {
                                                $options["msg"] = _("Invalid request");
    $myrefresh = '';
    if (!empty($DBInfo->use_refresh) and !empty($use_refresh)) {
        $sec = $DBInfo->use_refresh - 1;
        if (!empty($options['return_url'])) {
            $lnk = $options['return_url'];
        } else {
            $lnk = $formatter->link_url($formatter->page->urlname, '?action=show');
        $myrefresh = 'Refresh: ' . $sec . '; url=' . qualifiedURL($lnk);
    $formatter->send_header($myrefresh, $options);
    $formatter->send_title($title, "", $options);
    if (!$title && (empty($DBInfo->control_read) or $DBInfo->security->is_allowed('read', $options))) {
        $lnk = $formatter->link_to('?action=show');
        if (empty($form)) {
            echo sprintf(_("return to %s"), $lnk);
        } else {
            echo $form;
    } else {
        if (!empty($form)) {
            print $form;
        #    else $formatter->send_page("Goto UserPreferences");
    $formatter->send_footer("", $options);
Example #10
function do_theme($formatter, $options = array())
    global $DBInfo;
    if (!empty($DBInfo->theme_css)) {
        $options['title'] = _("Theme disabled !");
        $options['msg'] = _("Please contact WikiMasters");
        do_invalid($formatter, $options);
        return _("Theme disabled !");
    $theme = '';
    if (preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$/', $options['value'])) {
        $theme = $options['value'];
    } else {
        if (preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$/', $options['theme'])) {
            $theme = $options['theme'];
    $themes = macro_Theme($formatter, '', array('call' => 1));
    if (!in_array($theme, $themes)) {
        $title = _("Invalid Theme");
        $theme = null;
    } else {
        if ($options['id'] == 'Anonymous') {
            if ($theme == $_COOKIE['MONI_THEME']) {
                $theme = null;
        } else {
            if ($theme == $DBInfo->user->info['theme']) {
                $theme = null;
            } else {
                if (empty($DBInfo->user->info['theme']) && $theme == $DBInfo->theme) {
                    $theme = null;
    if ($options['clear']) {
        if ($options['id'] == 'Anonymous') {
            #header("Set-Cookie: MONI_THEME=dummy; expires=Tuesday, 01-Jan-1999 12:00:00 GMT; Path=".get_scriptname());
            #header("Set-Cookie: MONI_CSS=dummy; expires=Tuesday, 01-Jan-1999 12:00:00 GMT; Path=".get_scriptname());
            setcookie('MONI_THEME', 'dummy', time() - 60 * 60 * 24 * 30, get_scriptname());
            setcookie('MONI_CSS', 'dummy', time() - 60 * 60 * 24 * 30, get_scriptname());
            $cleared = 1;
        } else {
            # save profile
            $udb = $DBInfo->udb;
            $userinfo = $udb->getUser($options['id']);
            $userinfo->info['theme'] = "";
            $userinfo->info['css_url'] = "";
        $msg = '<h2>' . _("Theme cleared.") . ' ' . sprintf(_("Goto %s"), $formatter->link_repl("UserPreferences")) . '</h2>';
    } else {
        if (!empty($theme)) {
            $themedir = $formatter->themedir;
            if (file_exists($themedir . "/header.php")) {
                # check
                $options['css_url'] = $formatter->themeurl . "/css/default.css";
                if ($options['save'] and $options['id'] == 'Anonymous') {
                    setcookie("MONI_THEME", $theme, time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 30, get_scriptname());
                    setcookie("MONI_CSS", $options['css_url'], time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 30, get_scriptname());
                    $title = _("Theme is changed");
                    $msg = "Goto " . $formatter->link_repl("UserPreferences");
                } else {
                    if ($options['save'] and $options['id'] != 'Anonymous') {
                        # save profile
                        $udb = $DBInfo->udb;
                        $userinfo = $udb->getUser($options['id']);
                        $userinfo->info['theme'] = $theme;
                        $userinfo->info['css_url'] = $options['css_url'];
                        $msg = "Goto " . $formatter->link_repl("UserPreferences");
                    } else {
                        $title = "";
                        $want = _("Do you want to apply this theme ?");
                        $btn = _("OK");
                        $msg = <<<FORM
<form method='post'>
<input type='hidden' name='action' value='theme' />
<input type='hidden' name='theme' value="{$theme}" />
{$want} <input type='submit' name='save' value='{$btn}' /> &nbsp;

                $formatter->send_header("", $options);
                $formatter->send_title($title, "", $options);
                print $msg;
                $formatter->send_footer("", $options);
        } else {
            $title = _("Please select a theme");
    $formatter->send_header("", $options);
    $formatter->send_title($title, '', $options);
    if (empty($msg)) {
        echo macro_Theme($formatter);
    } else {
        echo $msg;
    $formatter->send_footer("", $options);
Example #11
function do_rating($formatter, $options)
    global $DBInfo;
    if (!$DBInfo->security->writable($options)) {
        $options['title'] = _("Page is not writable");
        return do_invalid($formatter, $options);
    if ($options['id'] == 'Anonymous') {
        $options['msg'] .= "\n" . _("Please Login or make your ID on this Wiki ;)");
        do_invalid($formatter, $options);
    $formatter->send_header('', $options);
    $oraw = $formatter->page->get_raw_body();
    list($nth, $dum, $v) = explode(',', base64_decode($options['mid']), 3);
    $val = explode(',', $v);
    if (sizeof($val) >= 2) {
        $total = $val[0];
        $count = $val[1];
    } else {
        $total = $val[0];
    if (isset($count)) {
        $count = max(1, $count);
    } else {
        $count = 1;
    $value = $total / $count;
    // averaged value
    if ($total == 0 and $count == 1) {
        $count = 0;
    $value = (!empty($value) and 0 < $value and 6 > $value) ? $value : 0;
    $check = '[[' . $dum . '(' . $v . ')]]';
    $rating = $options['rating'] ? (int) $options['rating'] : 1;
    $rating = min(5, max(0, $rating));
    $total += $rating;
    // increase total rating
    if (is_numeric($nth)) {
        $raw = str_replace("\n", "", $oraw);
        $chunk = preg_split("/({{{.+}}})/U", $raw, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
        #print '<pre>';
        #print '</pre>';
        $nc = '';
        $k = 1;
        $i = 1;
        foreach ($chunk as $c) {
            if ($k % 2) {
                $nc .= $c;
            } else {
                $nc .= "" . $i . "";
                $blocks[$i] = str_replace("", "\n", $c);
        $nc = str_replace("", "\n", $nc);
        $chunk = preg_split('/((?!\\!)\\[\\[.+\\]\\])/U', $nc, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
        $nnc = '';
        $ii = 1;
        $matched = 0;
        for ($j = 0, $sz = sizeof($chunk); $j < $sz; ++$j) {
            if (($j + 1) % 2) {
                $nnc .= $chunk[$j];
            } else {
                if ($nth == $ii) {
                    $new = '[[Rating(' . $total . ',' . $count . ')]]';
                    if ($check != $chunk[$j]) {
                    $nnc .= $new;
                    $matched = 1;
                } else {
                    $nnc .= $chunk[$j];
        if (!empty($blocks)) {
            $formatter->_array_callback($blocks, true);
            $nnc = preg_replace_callback("/(\\d+)/", array(&$formatter, '_array_callback'), $nnc);
    if (empty($matched)) {
        if (!empty($DBInfo->use_rating)) {
            $dum = '';
            $pi = $formatter->page->get_instructions($dum);
            $old = !empty($pi['#rating']) ? $pi['#rating'] : '';
            $new = '#rating ' . $total . ',' . $count;
            if ($old) {
                list($ts, $cnt) = explode(',', $old);
                $raw = preg_replace('/^#rating\\s+.*$/m', $new, $oraw, 1);
            } else {
                if (!$formatter->pi) {
                    $raw = $new . "\n" . $oraw;
                } else {
                    $body = $oraw;
                    $head = '';
                    while (true) {
                        list($line, $body) = explode("\n", $body, 2);
                        if ($line[0] == '#') {
                            $head .= $line . "\n";
                        } else {
                            $body = $line . "\n" . $body;
                    $raw = $head . $new . "\n" . $body;
            #print "<pre>".$raw."</pre>";
            $nnc =& $raw;
        } else {
            $options['title'] = _("Invalid rating request !");
            $formatter->send_title('', '', $options);
            $formatter->send_footer('', $options);
    $DBInfo->savePage($formatter->page, "Rating", $options);
    #print "<pre>";
    #print "</pre>";
    #print $check;
    $options['title'] = _("Rating successfully !");
    $formatter->send_title('', '', $options);
    $formatter->send_page('', $options);
    $formatter->send_footer('', $options);
Example #12
function do_post_fixbacklinks($formatter, $options = array())
    global $DBInfo;
    if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' && !$DBInfo->security->writable($options)) {
        $options['title'] = _("Page is not writable");
        return do_invalid($formatter, $options);
    $options['name'] = trim($options['name']);
    $new = $options['name'];
    if (!empty($DBInfo->use_namespace) and $new[0] == '~' and ($p = strpos($new, '/')) !== false) {
        // Namespace renaming ~foo/bar -> foo~bar
        $dummy = substr($new, 1, $p - 1);
        $dummy2 = substr($new, $p + 1);
        $options['name'] = $dummy . '~' . $dummy2;
    if (isset($options['name'][0]) and $options['name']) {
        if ($DBInfo->hasPage($options['name'])) {
            $formatter->send_header('', $options);
            $new_encodedname = _rawurlencode($options['name']);
            $fixed = 0;
            $msg = '';
            $title = sprintf(_("backlinks of \"%s\" page are fixed !"), $options['page']);
            $comment = sprintf(_("Fixed \"%s\" to \"%s\""), $options['page'], $options['name']);
            if ($options['pagenames'] and is_array($options['pagenames'])) {
                $regex = preg_quote($options['page']);
                //$options['minor'] = 1; # disable log
                foreach ($options['pagenames'] as $page) {
                    $p = new WikiPage($page);
                    if (!$p->exists()) {
                    $f = new Formatter($p);
                    $body = $p->_get_raw_body();
                    $nbody = preg_replace("/{$regex}/m", $options['name'], $body);
                    // FIXME
                    if ($nbody !== false && $body != $nbody) {
                        if (!$options['show_only']) {
                            $DBInfo->savePage($f->page, $comment, $options);
                        $msg .= sprintf(_("'%s' is changed"), $f->link_tag(_rawurlencode($page), "?action=highlight&amp;value=" . $new_encodedname, _html_escape($page))) . "<br />";
            if ($fixed == 0) {
                $title = _("No pages are fixed!");
            $formatter->send_title($title, '', $options);
            if ($fixed > 0) {
                print $msg;
                print sprintf(_("'%s' links are successfully fixed as '%s'."), _html_escape($options['page']), $formatter->link_tag($new_encodedname, "?action=highlight&amp;value=" . $new_encodedname, _html_escape($options['name'])));
            $formatter->send_footer('', $options);
        } else {
            $title = sprintf(_("Fail to fix backlinks of \"%s\" !"), $options['page']);
            $options['msg'] = sprintf(_("New pagename \"%s\" is not exists!"), $options['name']);
            $formatter->send_header('', $options);
            $formatter->send_title($title, '', $options);
            $formatter->send_footer('', $options);
    $title = sprintf(_("Fix backlinks of \"%s\" ?"), $options['page']);
    $formatter->send_header('', $options);
    $formatter->send_title($title, '', $options);
    $obtn = _("Old name:");
    $nbtn = _("New name:");
    $pgname = _html_escape($options['page']);
    print "<form method='post'>\n        <table border='0'>\n        <tr><td align='right'>{$obtn} </td><td><b>{$pgname}</b></td></tr>\n        <tr><td align='right'>{$nbtn} </td><td><input name='name' /></td></tr>\n";
    if (!empty($options['value']) and $options['value'] == 'check_backlinks') {
        $button = _("Fix backlinks");
        print "<tr><td colspan='2'>\n";
        print check_backlinks($formatter, $options);
        print "</td></tr>\n";
    } else {
        $button = _("Check backlinks");
    if ($DBInfo->security->is_protected("fixbacklinks", $options)) {
        print "<tr><td align='right'>" . _("Password") . ": </td><td><input type='password' name='passwd' /> " . _("Only WikiMaster can fix backlinks of this page") . "</td></tr>\n";
    if (!empty($options['value']) and $options['value'] == 'check_backlinks') {
        print "<tr><td colspan='2'><input type='checkbox' name='show_only' checked='checked' />" . _("show only") . "</td></tr>\n";
    print "<tr><td></td><td><input type='submit' name='button_fixbacklinks' value='{$button}' />";
    print "<input type='hidden' name='value' value='check_backlinks' />";
    print "</td></tr>\n";
    print "\n        </table>\n        <input type='hidden' name='action' value='fixbacklinks' />\n        </form>";
    $formatter->send_footer('', $options);
Example #13
function do_post_DeletePage($formatter, $options)
    global $DBInfo;
    if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' && !$DBInfo->security->writable($options)) {
        $options['title'] = _("Page is not writable");
        return do_invalid($formatter, $options);
    $page = $DBInfo->getPage($options['page']);
    if (!$page->exists()) {
        $formatter->send_header('', $options);
        $title = _("Page not found.");
        $formatter->send_title($title, '', $options);
        $formatter->send_footer('', $options);
    // check full permission to edit
    $full_permission = true;
    if (!empty($DBInfo->no_full_edit_permission) or $options['id'] == 'Anonymous' && !empty($DBInfo->anonymous_no_full_edit_permission)) {
        $full_permission = false;
    // members always have full permission to edit
    if (in_array($options['id'], $DBInfo->members)) {
        $full_permission = true;
    if (!$full_permission) {
        $formatter->send_header('', $options);
        $title = _("You do not have full permission to delete this page on this wiki.");
        $formatter->send_title($title, '', $options);
        $formatter->send_footer('', $options);
    // get the site specific hash code
    $ticket = $page->mtime() . getTicket($DBInfo->user->id, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
    $hash = md5($ticket);
    if (isset($options['name'][0])) {
        $options['name'] = urldecode($options['name']);
    $pagename = $formatter->page->urlname;
    if (isset($options['name'][0]) and $options['name'] == $options['page']) {
        $retval = array();
        $options['retval'] =& $retval;
        $ret = -1;
        // check hash
        if (empty($options['hash'])) {
            $ret = -2;
        } else {
            if ($hash == $options['hash']) {
                $ret = $DBInfo->deletePage($page, $options);
            } else {
                $ret = -3;
        if ($ret == -1) {
            if (!empty($options['retval']['msg'])) {
                $title = $options['retval']['msg'];
            } else {
                $title = sprintf(_("Fail to delete \"%s\""), _html_escape($page->name));
        } else {
            if ($ret == -2) {
                $title = _("Empty hash code !");
            } else {
                if ($ret == -3) {
                    $title = _("Incorrect hash code !");
                } else {
                    $title = sprintf(_("\"%s\" is deleted !"), _html_escape($page->name));
        $myrefresh = '';
        if (!empty($DBInfo->use_save_refresh)) {
            $sec = $DBInfo->use_save_refresh - 1;
            $lnk = $formatter->link_url($formatter->page->urlname, "?action=show");
            $myrefresh = 'Refresh: ' . $sec . '; url=' . qualifiedURL($lnk);
        $formatter->send_header($myrefresh, $options);
        $formatter->send_title($title, "", $options);
        $formatter->send_footer('', $options);
    } else {
        if (isset($options['name'][0])) {
            #print $options['name'];
            $options['msg'] = _("Please delete this file manually.");
    $title = sprintf(_("Delete \"%s\" ?"), $page->name);
    $formatter->send_header("", $options);
    $formatter->send_title($title, "", $options);
    $btn = _("Summary");
    print "<form method='post'>\n{$btn}: <input name='comment' size='80' value='' /><br />\n";
    if (!empty($DBInfo->delete_history)) {
        print _("with revision history") . " <input type='checkbox' name='history' />\n";
    print "\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"hash\" value=\"" . $hash . "\" />\n";
    $pwd = _("Password");
    $btn = _("Delete Page");
    $msg = _("Only WikiMaster can delete this page");
    if ($DBInfo->security->is_protected("DeletePage", $options)) {
        print "{$pwd}: <input type='password' name='passwd' size='20' value='' />\n{$msg}<br />\n";
    print "\n    <input type='hidden' name='action' value='DeletePage' />\n    <input type='hidden' name='name' value='{$pagename}' />\n    <span class='button'><input type='submit' class='button' value='{$btn}' /></span>\n    </form>";
    #  $formatter->send_page();
    $formatter->send_footer('', $options);
Example #14
function do_sendping($formatter, $options)
    global $DBInfo, $_release;
    if (!$formatter->page->exists()) {
        $options['msg'] = _("Error: Page Not found !");
        do_invalid($formatter, $options);
    if (strtolower($DBInfo->charset) == 'utf-8') {
        $checked = 'checked="checked"';
    if (!$options['trackback_url']) {
        $url = $formatter->link_url($formatter->page->urlname);
        $raw_body = $formatter->page->_get_raw_body();
        if ($options['value']) {
            $lines = explode("\n", $raw_body);
            $count = count($lines);
            # add comment
            for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
                if (preg_match("/^({{{)?#!blog (.*)\$/", $lines[$i], $match)) {
                    if (md5($match[2]) == $options['value']) {
                        list($tag, $user, $date, $title) = explode(" ", $lines[$i], 4);
                        $found = 1;
                        if ($match[1]) {
                            $end_tag = '}}}';
            if ($found) {
                # a blog page with multiple entries
                if ($end_tag) {
                    for (; $i < $count; $i++) {
                        if (preg_match("/^}}}\$/", $lines[$i])) {
                        } else {
                            if (preg_match("/^----\$/", $lines[$i])) {
                        $excerpt .= $lines[$i] . "\n";
                } else {
                    # a blog page with a single entry
                    list($dummy, $entry) = explode("\n", $raw_body, 2);
                    list($excerpt, $comments) = explode("\n----\n", $entry, 2);
            } else {
                $options['msg'] = _("Error: No entry found!");
                do_invalid($formatter, $options);
        } else {
            # a plain wiki page
            $excerpt = substr($raw_body, 0, 400);
            $title = $options['page'];
        $COLS_MSIE = 80;
        $COLS_OTHER = 85;
        $cols = preg_match('/MSIE/', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ? $COLS_MSIE : $COLS_OTHER;
        $rows = $options['rows'] > 5 ? $options['rows'] : 8;
        $cols = $options['cols'] > 60 ? $options['cols'] : $cols;
        $formatter->send_header("", $options);
        $formatter->send_title(_("Send TrackBack ping"), "", $options);
        $msg1 = _("TrackBack Ping URL");
        print "<form method='post' action='{$url}'>\n";
        print "<b>{$msg1}</b>: <input name='trackback_url' size='60' maxlength='256' style='width:200' /><br />\n";
        if ($options['value']) {
            $options['value'] = _html_escape($options['value']);
            print "<input type='hidden' name='value' value=\"{$options['value']}\" />\n";
        $msg2 = _("Title");
        $title = _html_escape($title);
        print "<b>{$msg2}</b>: <input name='title' value=\"{$title}\" size='70' maxlength='70' style='width:200' /><br />\n";
        if ($DBInfo->use_resizer > 1) {
            echo <<<JS
<script type="text/javascript" src="{$DBInfo->url_prefix}/local/textarea.js"></script>
        print <<<FORM
<div class="resizable-textarea" style='position:relative'><!-- IE hack -->
<textarea class="wiki resizable" id="content" wrap="virtual" name="excerpt"
 rows="{$rows}" cols="{$cols}" class="wiki">{$excerpt}</textarea></div>
        $mb_msg = _("mb encoded");
        $send_msg = _("Send ping");
        $reset = _("Reset");
        print <<<FORM2
<b>{$mb_msg}</b> <input type="checkbox" name="mbencode" {$checked} />&nbsp;
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="sendping" />
<span class="button"><input class="button" type="submit" value="{$send_msg}" /></span>&nbsp;
<span class="button"><input class="button" type="reset" value="{$reset}" /></span>&nbsp;
        $formatter->send_footer("", $options);
    # send Trackback ping
    $trackback_url = $options['trackback_url'];
    $title = urlencode(_stripslashes($options['title']));
    $blog_name = urlencode($DBInfo->sitename . ":{$options['id']}");
    $excerpt = _stripslashes($options['excerpt']);
    if ($options['mbencode']) {
        if ($checked and function_exists('iconv') and strtolower($DBInfo->charset) != 'utf-8') {
            $excerpt = iconv($DBInfo->charset, 'utf-8', $excerpt);
        if (function_exists('mb_encode_numericentity')) {
            $new = mb_encode_numericentity($excerpt, $DBInfo->convmap, 'utf-8');
            if ($new) {
                $excerpt = $new;
            $new = mb_encode_numericentity($title, $DBInfo->convmap, 'utf-8');
            if ($new) {
                $title = $new;
        } else {
            include_once 'lib/compat.php';
            $new = utf8_mb_encode($excerpt);
            if ($new) {
                $excerpt = $new;
            $new = utf8_mb_encode($title);
            if ($new) {
                $title = $new;
    $excerpt = urlencode($excerpt);
    $url = $formatter->link_url($options['page'], "#{$options['value']}");
    $url = urlencode(qualifiedUrl($url));
    $query_string = "title={$title}&url={$url}&blog_name={$blog_name}&excerpt={$excerpt}";
    if (strstr($trackback_url, '?')) {
        $trackback_url .= "&" . $query_string;
        $fp = @fopen($trackback_url, 'r');
        $result = @fread($fp, 4096);
        /* debug code
            $debug_file = 'trackback.log';
            $fp = fopen($debug_file, 'a');
            fwrite($fp, "\n*****\nTrackback URL query:\n\n$trackback_url\n\nResponse:\n\n");
            fwrite($fp, $result);
            fwrite($fp, "\n\n");
    } else {
        $trackback_url = parse_url($trackback_url);
        $http_request = 'POST ' . $trackback_url['path'] . " HTTP/1.0\r\n";
        $http_request .= 'Host: ' . $trackback_url['host'] . "\r\n";
        $http_request .= 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' . "\r\n";
        $http_request .= 'Content-Length: ' . strlen($query_string) . "\r\n";
        $http_request .= "\r\n";
        $http_request .= $query_string;
        $fs = @fsockopen($trackback_url['host'], 80);
        @fputs($fs, $http_request);
        /* debug code
            $debug_file = 'trackback.log';
            $fp = fopen($debug_file, 'a');
            fwrite($fp, "\n*****\nRequest:\n\n$http_request\n\nResponse:\n\n");
            while(!@feof($fs)) {
              fwrite($fp, @fgets($fs, 4096));
            fwrite($fp, "\n\n");
    $formatter->send_header("", $options);
    $formatter->send_title(_("Trackback sent"), "", $options);
    #$formatter->send_page("Return: $result");
    print "Return: {$result}";
    $formatter->send_footer("", $options);
Example #15
function do_comment($formatter, $options = array())
    global $DBInfo;
    if (!$DBInfo->security->writable($options)) {
        $formatter->preview = 1;
        $options['title'] = _("Page is not writable");
        return do_invalid($formatter, $options);
    } else {
        if (!$DBInfo->hasPage($options['page'])) {
            $options['err'] = _("You are not allowed to add a comment.");
            $options['title'] = _("Page does not exists");
            return do_invalid($formatter, $options);
    if (!empty($options['usemeta'])) {
        $use_meta = 1;
    $cols = get_textarea_cols();
    $rows = (!empty($options['rows']) and $options['rows'] > 5) ? $options['rows'] : 8;
    $cols = (!empty($options['cols']) and $options['cols'] > 60) ? $options['cols'] : $cols;
    $url = $formatter->link_url($formatter->page->urlname);
    $button_preview = !empty($options['button_preview']) ? $options['button_preview'] : 0;
    $use_any = 0;
    if (!empty($DBInfo->use_textbrowsers)) {
        if (is_string($DBInfo->use_textbrowsers)) {
            $use_any = preg_match('/' . $DBInfo->use_textbrowsers . '/', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ? 1 : 0;
        } else {
            $use_any = preg_match('/Lynx|w3m|links/', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ? 1 : 0;
    $ok_ticket = 0;
    if (empty($use_any) and !empty($DBInfo->use_ticket) and $options['id'] == 'Anonymous') {
        if ($options['__seed'] and $options['check']) {
            $mycheck = getTicket($options['__seed'], $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 4);
            if ($mycheck == $options['check']) {
                $ok_ticket = 1;
            } else {
                $options['msg'] = _("Invalid ticket !");
                $button_preview = 1;
        } else {
            if (!$button_preview) {
                $options['msg'] = _("You need a ticket !");
            $button_preview = 1;
    } else {
        $ok_ticket = 1;
    if ($options['savetext']) {
        $savetext = _stripslashes($options['savetext']);
        $savetext = str_replace("\r", "", $savetext);
        $savetext = rtrim($savetext);
    if (!empty($savetext) and empty($button_preview) and !empty($DBInfo->spam_filter)) {
        $text = $savetext;
        $fts = preg_split('/(\\||,)/', $DBInfo->spam_filter);
        foreach ($fts as $ft) {
            $text = $formatter->filter_repl($ft, $text, $options);
        if ($text != $savetext) {
            $button_preview = 1;
            $options['msg'] = _("Sorry, can not save page because some messages are blocked in this wiki.");
    if (!empty($button_preview) && !empty($options['savetext'])) {
        if (empty($options['action_mode']) or $options['action_mode'] != 'ajax') {
            $formatter->send_header("", $options);
            $formatter->send_title(_("Preview comment"), "", $options);
            $formatter->send_page($savetext . "\n----");
            $options['savetext'] = $savetext;
            print macro_Comment($formatter, '', $options);
            print $formatter->macro_repl('EditHints');
            $formatter->send_footer("", $options);
        return false;
    } else {
        if (empty($savetext)) {
            if (empty($options['action_mode']) or $options['action_mode'] != 'ajax') {
                $formatter->send_header("", $options);
                $formatter->send_title(_("Add comment"), "", $options);
                print macro_Comment($formatter, '', $options);
                print $formatter->macro_repl('EditHints');
                $formatter->send_footer("", $options);
            return false;
    $datestamp = $options['datestamp'];
    if ($formatter->page->mtime() > $datestamp) {
        $options['msg'] = '';
        if (empty($options['action_mode']) or $options['action_mode'] != 'ajax') {
            $formatter->send_header('', $options);
            $formatter->send_title(_("Error: Don't make a clone!"), '', $options);
            $formatter->send_footer('', $options);
        return false;
    $body = $formatter->page->get_raw_body();
    if ($options['id'] == 'Anonymous') {
        $id = $options['name'] ? _stripslashes($options['name']) : $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
    } else {
        $id = $options['id'];
    if (!empty($use_meta)) {
        $date = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s') . ' GMT';
        $savetext = rtrim($savetext) . "\n";
        $boundary = strtoupper(md5("COMMENT"));
        # XXX
        $idx = 1;
        if (preg_match_all('/-{4}(?:' . $boundary . ')?\\nComment-Id:\\s*(\\d+)\\n/m', $body, $m)) {
            $idx = $m[1][sizeof($m[1]) - 1] + 1;
        if ($options['id'] != 'Anonymous') {
            $id = '@USERNAME@';
        $meta = <<<META
Comment-Id: {$idx}
From: {$id}
Date: {$date}
        $savetext = "----" . $boundary . "\n{$meta}\n\n{$savetext}\n";
    } else {
        if (!empty($options['nosig'])) {
            $savetext = "----\n{$savetext}\n";
        } else {
            if ($options['id'] == 'Anonymous') {
                $savetext = "----\n{$savetext} -- {$id} @DATE@\n";
            } else {
                $savetext = "----\n{$savetext} @SIG@\n";
    while ($options['comment_id']) {
        list($nth, $dum, $v) = explode(',', base64_decode($options['comment_id']), 3);
        if ($v) {
            $check = '[[' . $dum . '(' . $v . ')]]';
        } else {
            $check = '[[' . $dum . ']]';
        if ($v) {
            $check2 = '<<' . $dum . '(' . $v . ')>>';
        } else {
            $check2 = '<<' . $dum . '>>';
        if (is_numeric($nth)) {
            $raw = str_replace("\n", "", $body);
            $chunk = preg_split("/({{{.+}}})/U", $raw, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
            // FIXME
            $nc = '';
            $k = 1;
            $i = 1;
            foreach ($chunk as $c) {
                if ($k % 2) {
                    $nc .= $c;
                } else {
                    $nc .= "" . $i . "";
                    $blocks[$i] = str_replace("", "\n", $c);
            $nc = str_replace("", "\n", $nc);
            if (preg_match_all('/(?!\\!)(?:\\<\\<|\\[\\[)Comment(?:.*?)(?:\\]\\]|>>)/', $nc, $m)) {
                if (count($m[0]) == 1) {
            $chunk = preg_split('/((?!\\!)(?:\\<\\<|\\[\\[).+(?:\\]\\]|>>))/U', $nc, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
            $nnc = '';
            $ii = 1;
            $matched = 0;
            for ($j = 0, $sz = sizeof($chunk); $j < $sz; ++$j) {
                if (($j + 1) % 2) {
                    $nnc .= $chunk[$j];
                } else {
                    if ($nth == $ii) {
                        $new = $savetext . $chunk[$j];
                        if ($check != $chunk[$j] and $check2 != $chunk[$j]) {
                        $nnc .= $new;
                        $matched = 1;
                    } else {
                        $nnc .= $chunk[$j];
            if (!empty($blocks)) {
                $formatter->_array_callback($blocks, true);
                $nnc = preg_replace_callback("/(\\d+)/", array(&$formatter, '_array_callback'), $nnc);
        if (!empty($matched)) {
            $body = $nnc;
    if (empty($matched)) {
        if ($options['comment_id'] and preg_match("/^((?:\\[\\[|\\<\\<)Comment\\(" . $options['comment_id'] . "\\)(?:\\]\\]|>>))/m", $body, $m)) {
            $str = $m[1];
            $body = preg_replace('/' . preg_quote($str) . '/', $savetext . $str, $body, 1);
        } else {
            if (preg_match("/\n##Comment\n/i", $body)) {
                $body = preg_replace("/\n##Comment\n/i", "\n##Comment\n{$savetext}", $body, 1);
            } else {
                if (preg_match("/^((\\[\\[|\\<\\<)Comment(\\([^\\)]*\\))?(\\]\\]|>>)/m", $body)) {
                    $body = preg_replace("/^((\\[\\[|\\<\\<)Comment(\\([^\\)]*\\))?(\\]\\]|>>))/m", $savetext . "\\1", $body, 1);
                } else {
                    $body .= $savetext;
    $DBInfo->savePage($formatter->page, "Comment added", $options);
    if ($options['action_mode'] == 'ajax') {
        return true;
    $options['msg'] = sprintf(_("%s is commented successfully"), $formatter->link_tag($formatter->page->urlname, "?action=show", $options['page']));
    $title = _("Comment added successfully");
    $myrefresh = '';
    if ($DBInfo->use_save_refresh) {
        $sec = $DBInfo->use_save_refresh - 1;
        $lnk = $formatter->link_url($formatter->page->urlname, "?action=show");
        $myrefresh = 'Refresh: ' . $sec . '; url=' . qualifiedURL($lnk);
    $formatter->send_header($myrefresh, $options);
    $formatter->send_title($title, '', $options);
    $opt['pagelinks'] = 1;
    # re-generates pagelinks
    $formatter->send_page('', $opt);
    $formatter->send_footer('', $options);
Example #16
function do_man_get($formatter, $options)
    global $DBInfo;
    $supported = array('C', 'bg', 'de', 'en', 'fr', 'hu', 'ja', 'pt', 'ru', 'sr', 'cs', 'de_DE', 'es', 'fr_FR', 'id', 'ko', 'nl', 'pt_BR', 'sk', 'sv', 'da', 'el', 'fi', 'hr', 'it', 'pl', 'ro', 'sl');
    if (!$options['man']) {
        $options['title'] = _("No manpage selected");
        do_invalid($formatter, $options);
    $LANG = '';
    if ($options['lang'] and in_array($options['lang'], $supported)) {
        $LANG = 'LANG=' . $options['lang'];
    if ($options['sec'] != intval($options['sec'])) {
    $cmd = $LANG . " man {$options['sec']} -a -w {$options['man']}";
    $fp = popen(escapeshellcmd($cmd) . $formatter->LOG, 'r');
    if (is_resource($fp)) {
        $fnames = array();
        while ($l = fgets($fp, 1024)) {
            if (preg_match('/\\.gz$/', $l)) {
                $fnames[] = trim($l);
    $err = $formatter->get_errlog();
    if ($err) {
        $err = '<pre class="errlog">' . $err . '</pre>';
    if (!$fnames) {
        $options['title'] = _("No manpage found");
        $options['msg'] = $err;
        // XXX
        do_invalid($formatter, $options);
    $sz = count($fnames);
    $man = array();
    if ($sz >= 1) {
        foreach ($fnames as $fname) {
            $man[] = $tmp = preg_replace("/\\.gz\$/", "", basename($fname));
        $options['page'] = "ManPage/{$man['0']}";
        $fname = $fnames[0];
    if ($DBInfo->hasPage($options['page'])) {
        $options['value'] = $options['page'];
        do_goto($formatter, $options);
    if (function_exists('gzfile')) {
        $raw = gzfile($fname);
        $raw = join('', $raw);
    } else {
        exec("zcat {$fname}", $raw);
        $raw = join("\n", $raw);
    if ($sz > 1) {
        $lnk = array();
        foreach ($fnames as $f) {
            $tmp = preg_match("@/([^/]+)?/man./([^/]+).(.)\\.gz\$@", $f, $m);
            $lang = 'en';
            if ($m) {
                if ($m[1] != 'man') {
                    $lang = $m[1];
                $myman = $m[2];
                $mysec = $m[3];
                $tag = '';
                if ($lang) {
                    $tag = $lang == 'ko' ? '(' . $lang . ')' : '';
                    $lang = '&amp;lang=' . $lang;
                $lnk[] = $formatter->link_tag('ManPage/' . $myman . '.' . $mysec, '?action=man_get&amp;man=' . $myman . '&amp;sec=' . $mysec . $lang, $myman . '.' . $mysec) . $tag;
        if (sizeof($lnk) > 0) {
            $options['msgtitle'] = implode(', ', $lnk);
    if ($DBInfo->man_charset and $DBInfo->man_charset != $DBInfo->charset) {
        if (function_exists('iconv')) {
            $ignore = '//IGNORE';
            // XXX
            $raw = iconv($DBInfo->man_charset, $DBInfo->charset . $ignore, $raw);
    if ($DBInfo->man_filter) {
        $raw = $formatter->filter_repl('simplere', $raw, array('page' => $DBInfo->man_filter));
    $options['savetext'] = $raw;
    if ($options['edit']) {
        $formatter->send_header("", $options);
        $formatter->send_title("", "", $options);
        print macro_EditText($formatter, $raw, $options);
    } else {
        if ($options['raw']) {
            $formatter->send_header("content-type: text/plain", $options);
            print $raw;
        } else {
            $formatter->send_header("", $options);
            $formatter->send_title("", "", $options);
            print $formatter->processor_repl('man', $raw, $options);
            $extra = '';
            if ($options['sec']) {
                $extra = '&amp;sec=' . $options['sec'];
            if ($options['lang']) {
                $extra = '&amp;lang=' . $options['lang'];
            $formatter->actions[] = '?action=man_get&man=' . $options['man'] . $extra . '&amp;edit=1 ' . _("Edit man page");
    $formatter->send_footer('', $options);
    // vim:et:sts=4:
Example #17
function do_html2pdf($formatter, $options)
    global $DBInfo, $Config;
    $conf = _load_php_vars("config/html2pdf.php");
    $libdir = !empty($conf['tcpdf_dir']) ? $conf['tcpdf_dir'] : 'tcpdf';
    $k_path_install = 'lib/' . $libdir . '/';
    # required for config/tcpdf.php
    @(require_once 'config/tcpdf.php');
    @(require_once 'lib/' . $libdir . '/config/lang/eng.php');
    @(require_once 'lib/' . $libdir . '/tcpdf.php');
    if (!class_exists('TCPDF')) {
        $options['title'] = _("The TCPDF class not found!");
        return do_invalid($formatter, $options);
    if (!class_exists('XTCPDF')) {
        class XTCPDF extends TCPDF
            var $toc = array();
            var $fontalias = array();
            function setFontAlias($alias)
                $this->fontalias = array();
                foreach ($alias as $k => $v) {
                    array_push($this->fontlist, $k);
                $this->fontalias = $alias;
            function AddFont($family, $style = '', $fontfile = '')
                $family = trim($family);
                if (!empty($family) and array_key_exists($family, $this->fontalias)) {
                    $family = strtolower($family);
                    $fontfile = $family;
                    $name = $this->fontalias[$family];
                    $fontfile = $this->fontalias[$family] . '.php';
                    $fontdata = parent::AddFont($family, $style, $fontfile);
                    $key = $fontdata['fontkey'];
                    if ($this->fonts[$key]['type'] == 'core') {
                        $this->fonts[$key]['name'] = $this->CoreFonts[$name];
                    return $fontdata;
                return parent::AddFont($family, $style, $fontfile);
            function getHtmlDomArray($html)
                $html = preg_replace('@<title>.*</title>@', '', $html);
                $html = preg_replace('@<head>.*</head>@s', '', $html);
                $html = preg_replace('@&quot;@', '"', $html);
                #$html = preg_replace('@>\s+<@',"><",$html);
                $html = preg_replace('@>\\n@', ">", $html);
                $html = preg_replace('@/\\*<\\!\\[CDATA\\[.*\\]\\]>\\*/\\n?@Us', '', $html);
                $html = preg_replace('@<pre[^>]*>@', '<pre style="background-color:black;color:white">', $html);
                $dom =& parent::getHtmlDomArray($html);
                $sz = count($dom);
                for ($i = 0; $i < $sz; $i++) {
                    $tag =& $dom[$i];
                    if (!empty($tag['opening']) and $tag['value'] == 'table') {
                        #} else if (!empty($tag['opening']) and $tag['value']=='pre') {
                        #    $tag['bgcolor']=array(0,0,0);
                        #    $tag['fgcolor']=array(255,255,255);
                        #    $tag['fontname']='courier';
                        #} else if (!empty($tag['opening']) and $tag['value']=='div') {
                        #    $tag['bgcolor']=array(100,100,100);
                #print "<pre>";
                #print "</pre>";
                return $dom;
            function closeHTMLTagHandler(&$dom, $key, $cell = false)
                $tag = $dom[$key];
                switch ($tag['value']) {
                    case 'h1':
                    case 'h2':
                    case 'h3':
                    case 'h4':
                    case 'h5':
                    case 'h6':
                        $i = $key;
                        $txt = '';
                        while ($dom[--$i]['value'] != $tag['value'] and $i > 0) {
                            if (!isset($dom[$i]['opening'])) {
                                $txt = $dom[$i]['value'] . $txt;
                        $num = key($this->toc);
                        $dep = count(explode('.', $num));
                        $this->Bookmark($num . ' ' . $this->toc[$num], $dep, $this->y);
                parent::closeHTMLTagHandler($dom, $key, $cell);
    // define the share directory to create img
    define('X_PATH_SHARE_IMG', $DBInfo->cache_public_dir . '/html2pdf/');
    if (!file_exists(X_PATH_SHARE_IMG)) {
        _mkdir_p(X_PATH_SHARE_IMG, 0777);
    // XXX
    $formatter->nonexists = 'always';
    $formatter->section_edit = 0;
    $formatter->perma_icon = '';
    $formatter->send_page('', array('fixpath' => 1));
    print '</body></html>';
    $html = ob_get_contents();
    # begin
    $pdf = new XTCPDF(PDF_PAGE_ORIENTATION, PDF_UNIT, PDF_PAGE_FORMAT, true, $DBInfo->charset);
    include_once 'function/toc.php';
    $toc = function_toc($formatter);
    $pdf->toc = $toc;
    $pdf->setFontAlias(array('monospace' => 'courier'));
    // set default header data
    $pdf->SetHeaderData($DBInfo->logo_img, 20, $formatter->page->name);
    # $pdf->SetAuthor('Your name');
    if (!empty($formatter->pi['#keywords'])) {
        $pdf->SetKeywords($keywords = $formatter->pi['#keywords']);
    // load default font
    // set header and footer fonts
    // $pdf->setHeaderFont(Array($conf['default_unifont'], '', PDF_FONT_SIZE_MAIN));
    $pdf->setHeaderFont(array(PDF_FONT_NAME_DATA, '', PDF_FONT_SIZE_DATA));
    $pdf->setFooterFont(array(PDF_FONT_NAME_DATA, '', PDF_FONT_SIZE_DATA));
    //set margins
    //set auto page breaks
    $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(TRUE, PDF_MARGIN_BOTTOM);
    //set some language-dependent strings
    //set image scale factor
    # initialize document
    # add a page
    $pdf->Bookmark($formatter->page->name, 0, 0);
    $pdf->writeHTML($html, true, 0, false, false);
    # output
    $pdf->output(date("Ymd", time()) . '.pdf', 'I');
Example #18
function do_uploadfile($formatter, $options)
    global $DBInfo;
    if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' && !$DBInfo->security->writable($options)) {
        $options['title'] = _("Page is not writable");
        return do_invalid($formatter, $options);
    // check staff members
    $can_replace = false;
    if (isset($DBInfo->members) and in_array($options['id'], $DBInfo->members)) {
        $can_replace = true;
    $files = array();
    $title = '';
    if (isset($options['data'])) {
        if (substr($options['data'], 0, 5) == 'data:') {
            $data = substr($options['data'], 5);
        } else {
            $data = $options['data'];
        $err = _("Fail to parse data string");
        while (preg_match('@^(image/(gif|jpe?g|png));base64,(.*)$@', $data, $match)) {
            $ret = base64_decode($match[3]);
            if ($ret === false) {
                $err = _("Fail to decode base64 data string.");
            } else {
                $name = isset($options['name'][0]) ? $options['name'] : 'unnamed';
                $name .= '.' . $match[2];
                $tmpfile = tempnam($DBInfo->vartmp_dir, 'DATA');
                $fp = fopen($tmpfile, 'wb');
                if (!is_resource($fp)) {
                    $err = _("Fail to open file.\n");
                fwrite($fp, $ret);
                $count = 1;
                $files['upfile']['name'][] = $name;
                $files['upfile']['tmp_name'][] = $tmpfile;
                $files['upfile']['error'][] = '';
                $files['upfile']['type'][] = $match[1];
                $err = '';
    if (!empty($err)) {
        echo $err;
    if (isset($_FILES['upfile']) and is_array($_FILES)) {
        if (!empty($options['multiform']) and $options['multiform'] > 1 or is_array($_FILES['upfile']['name'])) {
            $options['multiform'] = !empty($options['multiform']) ? $options['multiform'] : sizeof($_FILES['upfile']['name']);
            $count = $options['multiform'];
            $files =& $_FILES;
            if (!isset($options['rename'])) {
                $options['rename'] = array();
        } else {
            $count = 1;
            $files['upfile']['name'][] =& $_FILES['upfile']['name'];
            $files['upfile']['tmp_name'][] =& $_FILES['upfile']['tmp_name'];
            $files['upfile']['error'][] =& $_FILES['upfile']['error'];
            $files['upfile']['type'][] =& $_FILES['upfile']['type'];
            $options['rename'] = array($options['rename']);
            $options['replace'] = array($options['replace']);
    } else {
        if (isset($options['MYFILES']) and is_array($options['MYFILES'])) {
            // for SWFUpload action
            $count = sizeof($options['MYFILES']);
            $MYFILES =& $options['MYFILES'];
            $mysubdir = $options['mysubdir'];
            for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
                $myname = $MYFILES[$i];
                $files['upfile']['name'][] = $myname;
                $files['upfile']['tmp_name'][] = $DBInfo->upload_dir . '/.swfupload/' . $mysubdir . $myname;
                // XXX
                $files['rename'][] = '';
                $files['replace'][] = '';
    // Set upload err msg func.
    if (!empty($DBInfo->upload_err_func) and function_exists($DBInfo->upload_err_func)) {
        $upload_err_func = $DBInfo->upload_err_func;
    } else {
        $upload_err_func = '_upload_err_msg';
    $msg = array();
    $err_msg = array();
    $upload_ok = array();
    $js = '';
    $uploadid = !empty($options['uploadid']) ? $options['uploadid'] : '';
    if (!empty($uploadid) or !empty($options['MYFILES'])) {
        $js = <<<EOF
<script type="text/javascript">
function delAllForm(id) {
  if (!opener) return;
  if (id == '') return;
  var fform = opener.document.getElementById(id);

  if (fform && fform.rows && fform.rows.length) { // for UploadForm
    for (var i=fform.rows.length;i>0;i--) {
  } else { // for SWFUpload
    var listing = opener.document.getElementById('mmUploadFileListing');
    if (listing) {
      var elem = listing.getElementsByTagName("li");
    } else if (fform) {


    $ok = 0;
    if ($files) {
        foreach ($files['upfile']['name'] as $f) {
            if ($f) {
                $ok = 1;
    if (!$ok) {
        if (isset($options['retval'])) {
            return false;
        // ignore
        #$title="No file selected";
        $formatter->send_header("", $options);
        $formatter->send_title($title, "", $options);
        print macro_UploadFile($formatter, '', $options);
        if (!in_array('UploadedFiles', $formatter->actions)) {
            $formatter->actions[] = 'UploadedFiles';
        $formatter->send_footer("", $options);
        return false;
    $key = $DBInfo->pageToKeyname($formatter->page->name);
    if ($formatter->page->name != 'UploadFile') {
        $dir = $DBInfo->upload_dir . '/' . $key;
        // support hashed upload_dir
        if (!is_dir($dir) and !empty($DBInfo->use_hashed_upload_dir)) {
            $prefix = get_hashed_prefix($key);
            $dir = $DBInfo->upload_dir . '/' . $prefix . $key;
    } else {
        $dir = $DBInfo->upload_dir;
    if (!file_exists($dir)) {
        _mkdir_p($dir, 0777);
    $comment = "File ";
    $uploaded = '';
    $log_entry = '';
    $protected_exts = !empty($DBInfo->pds_protected) ? $DBInfo->pds_protected : "pl|cgi|php";
    $safe_exts = !empty($DBInfo->pds_safe) ? $DBInfo->pds_safe : "txt|gif|png|jpg|jpeg";
    $protected = explode('|', $protected_exts);
    $safe = explode('|', $safe_exts);
    # upload file protection
    if (!empty($DBInfo->pds_allowed)) {
        $pds_exts = $DBInfo->pds_allowed;
    } else {
        $pds_exts = "png|jpg|jpeg|gif|mp3|zip|tgz|gz|txt|css|exe|pdf|hwp";
    $allowed = 0;
    if (isset($DBInfo->upload_masters) and in_array($options['id'], $DBInfo->upload_masters)) {
        // XXX WARN!!
        $pds_exts = '.*';
        $allowed = 1;
    $safe_types = array('text' => '', 'media' => '', 'image' => '', 'audio' => '', 'application' => 'bin');
    for ($j = 0; $j < $count; $j++) {
        # replace space and ':' strtr()
        $upfilename = str_replace(" ", "_", $files['upfile']['name'][$j]);
        $upfilename = str_replace(":", "_", $upfilename);
        preg_match("/^(.*)\\.([a-z0-9]{1,5})\$/i", $upfilename, $fname);
        if (!$upfilename) {
        } else {
            if ($upfilename) {
        $no_ext = 0;
        if (empty($fname[2])) {
            $fname[1] = $upfilename;
            $fname[2] = '';
            $no_ext = 1;
        if (!$allowed) {
            if (!empty($DBInfo->use_filetype)) {
                $type = '';
                $type = $files['upfile']['type'][$j] ? $files['upfile']['type'][$j] : 'text/plain';
                list($mtype, $xtype) = explode('/', $type);
                if (!empty($mtype) and array_key_exists($mtype, $safe_types)) {
                    $allowed = 1;
                    $fname[2] = $fname[2] ? $fname[2] : $safe_types[$mtype];
                } else {
                    if ($no_ext) {
                        $err_msg[] = sprintf(_("The %s type of %s is not allowed to upload"), $type, $upfilename);
            } else {
                $fname[2] = $fname[2] ? $fname[2] : 'txt';
                $no_ext = 0;
        $upfilename = preg_replace('/\\.$/', '', implode('.', array($fname[1], $fname[2])));
        if (!$allowed) {
            if (!$no_ext and !preg_match("/(" . $pds_exts . ")\$/i", $fname[2])) {
                if ($DBInfo->use_filetype and !empty($type)) {
                    $err_msg[] = sprintf(_("The %s type of %s is not allowed to upload"), $type, $upfilename);
                } else {
                    $err_msg[] = sprintf(_("%s is not allowed to upload"), $upfilename);
            } else {
                if ($fname[2] and in_array(strtolower($fname[2]), $safe)) {
                    $upfilename = $fname[1] . '.' . $fname[2];
                } else {
                    # check extra extentions for the mod_mime
                    $exts = explode('.', $fname[1]);
                    $ok = 0;
                    for ($i = sizeof($exts); $i > 0; $i--) {
                        if (in_array(strtolower($exts[$i - 1]), $safe)) {
                            $ok = 1;
                        } else {
                            if (in_array(strtolower($exts[$i - 1]), $protected)) {
                                $exts[$i] .= '.txt';
                                # extra check for mod_mime: append 'txt' extension: my.pl.hwp => my.pl.txt.hwp
                                $ok = 1;
                    if ($ok) {
                        $fname[1] = implode('.', $exts);
                        $upfilename = $fname[1] . '.' . $fname[2];
        $file_path = $newfile_path = $dir . "/" . $upfilename;
        $filename = $upfilename;
        if (!empty($options['rename'][$j])) {
            # XXX
            $temp = explode("/", _stripslashes($options['rename'][$j]));
            $upfilename = $temp[count($temp) - 1];
            preg_match("/^(.*)\\.([a-z0-9]{1,5})\$/i", $upfilename, $tname);
            $exts = explode('.', $tname[1]);
            $ok = 0;
            for ($i = sizeof($exts); $i > 0; $i--) {
                if (in_array(strtolower($exts[$i - 1]), $protected)) {
                    $exts[$i] .= '.txt';
                    $ok = 1;
            if ($ok) {
                $tname[1] = implode('.', $exts);
                $upfilename = $tname[1] . '.' . $fname[2];
            # check the extention of the new file name.
            $fname[1] = $tname[1];
            $newfile_path = $dir . "/" . $tname[1] . ".{$fname['2']}";
            if ($tname[2] != $fname[2]) {
                if (strtolower($tname[2]) == strtolower($fname[2])) {
                    # change the case of the file ext. is allowed
                    $newfile_path = $dir . "/" . $tname[1] . ".{$tname['2']}";
                } else {
                    $err_msg[] = sprintf(_("It is not allowed to change file ext. \"%s\" to \"%s\"."), $fname[2], $tname[2]);
        # is file already exists ?
        $dummy = 0;
        $myext = $fname[2] ? '.' . $fname[2] : '';
        while (@file_exists($newfile_path)) {
            $dummy = $dummy + 1;
            $ufname = $fname[1] . "_" . $dummy;
            // rename file
            $upfilename = $ufname . $myext;
            $newfile_path = $dir . "/" . $upfilename;
        $upfile = $files['upfile']['tmp_name'][$j];
        if (!empty($files['upfile']['error'][$j]) and $files['upfile']['error'][$j] != UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {
            $err_msg[] = _("ERROR:") . ' <tt>' . $upload_err_func($files['upfile']['error'][$j]) . ' : ' . $upfilename . '</tt>';
            if ($files['upfile']['error'][$j] == UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE) {
                $err_msg[] = "<tt>upload_max_filesize=" . ini_get('upload_max_filesize') . '</tt>';
        $_l_path = _l_filename($file_path);
        $new_l_path = _l_filename($newfile_path);
        if ($can_replace and !empty($options['replace'][$j])) {
            // only staff can replace
            // backup
            if ($newfile_path != $file_path) {
                $test = @copy($_l_path, $new_l_path);
            // replace
            $test = @copy($upfile, $_l_path);
            $upfilename = $filename;
        } else {
            $test = @copy($upfile, $new_l_path);
        if (!$test) {
            $err_msg[] = sprintf(_("Fail to copy \"%s\" to \"%s\""), $upfilename, $file_path);
            if ($files['upfile']['error'][$j] == UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE) {
                $err_msg[] = "<tt>upload_max_filesize=" . ini_get('upload_max_filesize') . '</tt>';
        chmod($new_l_path, 0644);
        $comment .= "'{$upfilename}' ";
        $title .= (!empty($title) ? "\\n" : '') . sprintf(_("File \"%s\" is uploaded successfully"), $upfilename);
        $fullname = _html_escape($formatter->page->name) . "/{$upfilename}";
        $upname = $upfilename;
        if (strpos($fullname, ' ') !== false) {
            $fullname = '"' . $fullname . '"';
        if (strpos($upname, ' ') !== false) {
            $upname = '"' . $upname . '"';
        if ($formatter->page->name == 'UploadFile') {
            $msg[] = "<ins>attachment:/{$upname}</ins>";
            $upload_ok[] = '/' . $upname;
            $log_entry .= " * attachment:/{$upname}?action=deletefile . . . @USERNAME@ @DATE@\n";
        } else {
            $msg[] = "<ins>attachment:{$upname}</ins> or";
            $msg[] = "<ins>attachment:{$fullname}</ins>";
            $upload_ok[] = $upname;
            $log_entry .= " * attachment:{$fullname}?action=deletefile . . . @USERNAME@ @DATE@\n";
    // multiple upload
    $comment .= "uploaded";
    if (!empty($DBInfo->upload_changes)) {
        $p = $DBInfo->getPage($DBInfo->upload_changes);
        $raw_body = $p->_get_raw_body();
        if ($raw_body and $raw_body[strlen($raw_body) - 1] != "\n") {
            $raw_body .= "\n";
        $raw_body .= $log_entry;
        $DBInfo->savePage($p, $comment, $options);
    } else {
        $DBInfo->addLogEntry($formatter->page->name, $REMOTE_ADDR, $comment, "UPLOAD");
    if (!empty($options['action_mode']) and $options['action_mode'] == 'ajax') {
        $err = implode("\\n", $err_msg);
        $err = strip_tags($err);
        if ($err) {
            $err .= "\\n";
        $formatter->header('Content-type: text/html; charset=' . $DBInfo->charset);
        $scr = '';
        if (!empty($options['domain']) and preg_match('/^[a-z][a-z0-9]+(\\.[a-z][a-z0-9]+)*$/i', $options['domain'])) {
            $scr = '<script type="text/javascript">document.domain="' . $options['domain'] . '";</script>';
        echo $scr . '
    {"title": "' . str_replace(array('"', '<'), array("'", '&lt;'), $title) . '",
     "msg": ["' . $err . strip_tags(implode("\\n", $msg)) . '"],
     "uploaded":' . $uploaded . ',
     "files": ["' . implode("\"\n,\"", $upload_ok) . '"]
        return true;
    $msgs = implode("<br />\n", $err_msg);
    $msgs .= implode("<br />\n", $msg);
    if (isset($options['retval'])) {
        $retval = array('title' => $title, 'msg' => $msgs, 'uploaded' => $uploaded, 'files' => $upload_ok);
        $ret =& $options['retval'];
        $ret = $retval;
        return true;
    $formatter->send_header("", $options);
    if ($uploaded < 2) {
        $formatter->send_title($title, "", $options);
        print $msgs;
    } else {
        $msg = $title . '<br />' . $msg;
        $title = sprintf(_("Files are uploaded successfully"), $upfilename);
        $formatter->send_title($title, "", $options);
        print $msgs;
    print $js;
    $formatter->send_footer('', $options);
    if (isset($options['MYFILES']) and is_array($options['MYFILES']) and session_id() != '') {
    return true;
Example #19
function do_Blog($formatter, $options)
    global $DBInfo;
    if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' && !$DBInfo->security->writable($options)) {
        $options['title'] = _("Page is not writable");
        return do_invalid($formatter, $options);
    $COLS_MSIE = 80;
    $COLS_OTHER = 85;
    $cols = preg_match('/MSIE/', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ? $COLS_MSIE : $COLS_OTHER;
    $rows = (!empty($options['rows']) and $options['rows'] > 5) ? $options['rows'] : 8;
    $cols = (!empty($options['cols']) and $options['cols'] > 60) ? $options['cols'] : $cols;
    $name = !empty($options['name']) ? $options['name'] : '';
    $url = $formatter->link_url($formatter->page->urlname);
    $pagename = _html_escape($formatter->page->name);
    if (!empty($formatter->refresh) or !empty($options['button_refresh'])) {
        $options['msg'] = sprintf(_("Blog cache of \"%s\" is refreshed"), $pagename);
    $savetext = "";
    if (!empty($options['savetext'])) {
        $savetext = _stripslashes($options['savetext']);
        $savetext = str_replace("\r", "", $savetext);
        $savetext = str_replace("----\n", "-''''''---\n", $savetext);
        $savetext = rtrim($savetext);
    # for conflict check
    if (!empty($options['datestamp'])) {
        $datestamp = $options['datestamp'];
    } else {
        $datestamp = $formatter->page->mtime();
    if (!empty($options['title'])) {
        $options['title'] = _stripslashes($options['title']);
    } else {
        $options['title'] = '';
    $options['title'] = _html_escape($options['title']);
    $button_preview = $options['button_preview'];
    if (!empty($savetext)) {
        $ok_ticket = 0;
        if (empty($use_any) and !empty($DBInfo->use_ticket) and $options['id'] == 'Anonymous') {
            if ($options['__seed'] and $options['check']) {
                $mycheck = getTicket($options['__seed'], $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 4);
                if ($mycheck == $options['check']) {
                    $ok_ticket = 1;
                } else {
                    $options['msg'] = _("Invalid ticket !");
                    $button_preview = 1;
            } else {
                if (!$button_preview) {
                    $options['msg'] = _("You need a ticket !");
                $button_preview = 1;
        } else {
            $ok_ticket = 1;
    if (empty($button_preview) && !empty($savetext)) {
        $url = $formatter->link_tag($formatter->page->urlname, '', $pagename);
        $options['msg'] = sprintf(_("\"%s\" is updated"), $url);
        if ($formatter->page->exists()) {
            $raw_body = $formatter->page->_get_raw_body();
        } else {
            $raw_body = "#action Blog " . _("Add Blog") . "\n##Blog\n";
        $lines = explode("\n", $raw_body);
        $count = count($lines);
        if ($options['id'] == 'Anonymous') {
            $id = $options['name'] ? _stripslashes($options['name']) : $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
        } else {
            $id = $options['id'];
        if (!empty($options['value'])) {
            # add comment
            for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
                if (preg_match("/^({{{)?#!blog (.*)\$/", $lines[$i], $match)) {
                    if (md5($match[2]) == $options['value']) {
                        list($tag, $user, $date, $title) = explode(" ", $lines[$i], 4);
                        $found = 1;
                        if ($match[1]) {
                            $endtag = '}}}';
            if (!empty($found)) {
                if (!empty($endtag)) {
                    for (; $i < $count; $i++) {
                        if (preg_match("/^}}}\$/", $lines[$i])) {
                            $found = 1;
                } else {
                    # XXX
                    $lines = explode("\n", rtrim($raw_body));
                    $i = count($lines);
                if (!empty($options['nosig'])) {
                    $lines[$i] = "----\n{$savetext}\n{$endtag}";
                } else {
                    $lines[$i] = "----\n{$savetext} @SIG@\n{$endtag}";
                $raw_body = join("\n", $lines);
            } else {
                $formatter->send_header("", $options);
                $formatter->send_title(_("Error: No blog entry found!"), "", $options);
                $formatter->send_footer("", $options);
        } else {
            # Blog entry
            // check timestamp
            if ($formatter->page->mtime() > $datestamp) {
                $options['msg'] = '';
                if ($options['action_mode'] == 'ajax') {
                    print "false\n";
                    print _("Error: Don't make a clone!");
                } else {
                    $formatter->send_title(_("Error: Don't make a clone!"), "", $options);
                    $formatter->send_footer("", $options);
            $entry = "{{{#!blog {$id} @date@";
            if (!empty($options['title'])) {
                $entry .= " " . $options['title'];
            $entry .= "\n{$savetext}\n}}}\n\n";
            if (preg_match("/\n##Blog\n/i", $raw_body)) {
                $raw_body = preg_replace("/\n##Blog\n/i", "\n##Blog\n{$entry}", $raw_body, 1);
            } else {
                $raw_body .= $entry;
        $myrefresh = '';
        if (!empty($DBInfo->use_save_refresh)) {
            $sec = $DBInfo->use_save_refresh - 1;
            $lnk = $formatter->link_url($formatter->page->urlname, "?action=show");
            $myrefresh = 'Refresh: ' . $sec . '; url=' . qualifiedURL($lnk);
        $formatter->send_header($myrefresh, $options);
        if (!empty($options['value'])) {
            $formatter->send_title(sprintf(_("Comment added to \"%s\""), $title), "", $options);
            $log = "Add Comment to \"{$title}\"";
        } else {
            $formatter->send_title(sprintf(_("Blog entry added to \"%s\""), $pagename), "", $options);
            if (!empty($options['title'])) {
                $log = sprintf(_("Blog entry \"%s\" added"), $options['title']);
            } else {
                $log = _("Blog entry added");
        $DBInfo->savePage($formatter->page, $log, $options);
        if ($options['action_mode'] == 'ajax') {
            print "true\n";
            print $options['msg'];
        } else {
    } else {
        # add entry or comment
        $formatter->send_header("", $options);
        if (!empty($options['value'])) {
            $raw_body = $formatter->page->_get_raw_body();
            $lines = explode("\n", $raw_body);
            $count = count($lines);
            for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
                if (preg_match("/^({{{)?#!blog (.*)\$/", $lines[$i], $match)) {
                    if (md5($match[2]) == $options['value']) {
                        list($tag, $user, $date, $title) = explode(" ", $lines[$i], 4);
                        $found = 1;
                        $lines[$i] = '#!blog ' . $match[2];
            if (!empty($found)) {
                $quote = '';
                for (; $i < $count; $i++) {
                    if (preg_match("/^}}}\$/", $lines[$i])) {
                    $quote .= $lines[$i] . "\n";
            if (empty($title)) {
                $title = $pagename;
            if (empty($found)) {
                $formatter->send_title("Error: No entry found!", "", $options);
                $formatter->send_footer("", $options);
            $formatter->send_title(sprintf(_("Add Comment to \"%s\""), $title), "", $options);
        } else {
            $formatter->send_title(sprintf(_("Add Blog entry to \"%s\""), $pagename), "", $options);
        $options['noaction'] = 1;
        if (!empty($quote)) {
            $quote = str_replace('\\}}}', '}}}', $quote);
            print $formatter->processor_repl('blog', $quote, $options);
            #print $formatter->send_page($quote,$options);
        $extra = '';
        $btn = _("Refresh");
        if ($options['id'] != 'Anonymous') {
            $extra = '<div style="text-align:right">' . '
        <span class="button"><input type="submit" class="button" name="button_refresh" value="' . $btn . '" /></span></div>';
        if (!empty($options['value'])) {
            print "<a name='BlogComment'></a>";
        print '<div id="editor_area">';
        print "<form method='post' action='{$url}'>\n";
        $myinput = '';
        if ($options['id'] == 'Anonymous') {
            $myinput .= '<b>' . _("Name") . "</b>: <input name='name' size='15' maxlength='15' value=\"{$name}\" />\n";
        if (empty($options['value'])) {
            $myinput .= '<b>' . _("Title") . "</b>: <input name='title' value=\"{$options['title']}\" size='70' maxlength='70' style='width:300px' /><br />\n";
        } else {
            print "<input type='hidden' name='value' value='{$options['value']}' />\n";
        print '<div class="editor_area_extra">' . $myinput . "</div>\n";
        $savetext = $savetext ? $savetext : 'Enter blog entry';
        if (!empty($DBInfo->use_wikiwyg)) {
            $wysiwyg_msg = _("GUI");
            $wysiwyg_btn = '&nbsp;<span class="button"><input class="button" type="button" tabindex="7" value="' . $wysiwyg_msg . '" onclick="javascript:sectionEdit(null,null,null)" /></span>';
        if ($DBInfo->use_resizer > 1) {
            echo <<<JS
<script type="text/javascript" src="{$DBInfo->url_prefix}/local/textarea.js"></script>
        print <<<FORM
<div class="resizable-textarea" style='position:relative'><!-- IE hack -->
<textarea class="wiki resizable" id="content" wrap="virtual" name="savetext"
 rows="{$rows}" cols="{$cols}" class="wiki">{$savetext}</textarea></div>
        if (!empty($options['value'])) {
            print "<input name='nosig' type='checkbox' />" . _("Don't add a signature") . "<br />";
        $save_msg = _("Save");
        $preview_msg = _("Preview");
        if (empty($use_any) and !empty($DBInfo->use_ticket) and $options['id'] == 'Anonymous') {
            $seed = md5(base64_encode(time()));
            $ticketimg = $formatter->link_url($formatter->page->urlname, '?action=ticket&amp;__seed=' . $seed);
            $captcha = <<<EXTRA
  <div class='captcha'><span class='captchaImg'><img src="{$ticketimg}" alt="captcha" /></span><input type="text" size="10" name="check" />
<input type="hidden" name="__seed" value="{$seed}" /></div>
        print <<<FORM2
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="Blog" />
<input type="hidden" name="datestamp" value="{$datestamp}" />
<span class="button"><input type="submit" class="button" value="{$save_msg}" /></span>&nbsp;
<span class="button"><input type="submit" class="button" name="button_preview" value="{$preview_msg}" /></span>
        if (!empty($DBInfo->use_wikiwyg) and $DBInfo->use_wikiwyg >= 3) {
            print <<<JS
<script type='text/javascript'>
    if (empty($savetext)) {
        #print $formatter->macro_repl('SmileyChooser');
        print macro_EditHints($formatter);
        print "<div class='wikiHints'>" . _("<b>horizontal rule</b> ---- is not applied on the blog mode.") . "</div>\n";
    if (!empty($options['button_preview']) && !empty($options['savetext'])) {
        if (!empty($options['title'])) {
            $formatter->send_page("== {$options['title']} ==\n");
    $formatter->send_footer("", $options);
Example #20
function do_blame($formatter, $params)
    global $DBInfo;
    $rev = '';
    $option = '';
    if (!empty($params['rev'])) {
        if (preg_match('/^\\d\\.\\d+$/', $params['rev'])) {
            $rev = $params['rev'];
            $option = ' -r' . $rev;
    if (!$formatter->page->exists()) {
        $params['msg'] = _("Error: Page Not found !");
        do_invalid($formatter, $params);
    $formatter->send_header('', $params);
    if (isset($rev[0])) {
        $params['.title'] = sprintf(_("Blame r%s"), $rev);
    } else {
        $params['.title'] = sprintf(_("Blame of %s page"), _html_escape($formatter->page->name));
    $key = $DBInfo->getPageKey($formatter->page->name);
    // FIXME call blame
    $fp = popen("blame -x,v/ {$option} " . $key, 'r');
    //.' '.$formatter->NULL, 'r');
    $out = '';
    if (is_resource($fp)) {
        while (!feof($fp)) {
            $line = fgets($fp, 2048);
            $out .= $line;
    $formatter->send_title($title, '', $params);
    $lines = explode("\n", $out);
    $end = array_pop($lines);
    if ($end != '') {
        array_push($lines, $end);
    $u =& $DBInfo->user;
    $is_member = $u->is_member;
    // members
    $members = $DBInfo->members;
    // check modified blame or not
    if (($p = strpos($lines[0], "\t")) !== false && $p < 23) {
        $sep = "@\t@";
        $count = 5;
    } else {
        $sep = "@\\s+@";
        $count = 4;
    $ipicon = '<img src="' . $DBInfo->imgs_dir . '/misc/ip.png" />';
    if (!empty($DBInfo->use_avatar)) {
        if (is_string($DBInfo->use_avatar)) {
            $type = $DBInfo->use_avatar;
        } else {
            $type = 'identicon';
        $avatarlink = qualifiedUrl($formatter->link_url('', '?action=' . $type . '&amp;seed='));
    echo '<div class="wikiBlame"><table>';
    $ov = '';
    $alts = array('', ' alt');
    $j = 0;
    $ii = 1;
    $blame_url = $formatter->link_url($formatter->page->urlname, '?action=blame&rev=');
    foreach ($lines as $line) {
        $tmp = preg_split($sep, $line, $count);
        $v = trim($tmp[0]);
        if ($count == 4) {
            $u = trim($tmp[1], '(');
            $t = trim($tmp[2], '):');
            $l = $tmp[3];
        } else {
            $ip = $tmp[1];
            $u = $tmp[2];
            $t = $tmp[3];
            $l = $tmp[4];
            if (!empty($DBInfo->use_avatar)) {
                $crypted = crypt($ip, $ip);
                $mylnk = preg_replace('/seed=/', 'seed=' . $crypted, $avatarlink);
                $avatar = '<img src="' . $mylnk . '" style="width:16px;height:16px;vertical-align:middle" alt="avatar" />';
            } else {
                $avatar = '';
            if ($u == 'Anonymous') {
                if (!$is_member) {
                    $avatar . ($u = _mask_hostname($ip, 2));
                } else {
                    if (isset($DBInfo->interwiki['Whois'])) {
                        $wip = "<a href='" . $DBInfo->interwiki['Whois'] . "{$ip}' target='_blank'>{$ipicon}</a>";
                    } else {
                        $wip = "<a href='?action=whois&amp;q=" . $ip . "' target='_blank'>{$ipicon}</a>";
                    $u = $ip;
                    if (!empty($DBInfo->use_admin_user_url)) {
                        $u = '<a href="' . $DBInfo->use_admin_user_url . $u . '">' . $u . '</a>';
                    $u = $avatar . $u . $wip;
            } else {
                if (isset($DBInfo->interwiki['Whois'])) {
                    $wip = "<a href='" . $DBInfo->interwiki['Whois'] . "{$ip}' target='_blank'>{$ipicon}</a>";
                } else {
                    $wip = "<a href='?action=whois&amp;q=" . $ip . "' target='_blank'>{$ipicon}</a>";
                if ($is_member) {
                    if (!in_array($u, $members)) {
                        $u = $avatar . $u . $wip;
                    } else {
                        $u = $avatar . $u;
                } else {
                    $u = $avatar . $u;
            $t = date('y-m-d', $t);
        if ($ov != $v) {
            $alt = $alts[++$j % 2];
        } else {
            $alt = '';
        $link = '<a href="' . $blame_url . $v . '">' . $v . '</a>';
        echo '<tr><td class="version' . $alt . '">r' . $link, '</td> <td class="author' . $alt . '">', "{$u}", '</td> <td class="date' . $alt . '">', $t, '</td><td class="line">' . $ii . '</td><td class="src' . $alt . '">' . str_replace('<', '&lt', $l) . '</td></tr>';
        $ov = $v;
    echo '</table></div>';
    $formatter->send_footer('', $params);
Example #21
function do_merge($formatter, $params = array())
    global $DBInfo;
    if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' && !$DBInfo->security->writable($params)) {
        $params['title'] = _("Page is not writable");
        return do_invalid($formatter, $params);
    // check full permission to edit
    $full_permission = true;
    if (!empty($DBInfo->no_full_edit_permission) or $params['id'] == 'Anonymous' && !empty($DBInfo->anonymous_no_full_edit_permission)) {
        $full_permission = false;
    // members always have full permission to edit
    if (in_array($params['id'], $DBInfo->members)) {
        $full_permission = true;
    $is_new = !$formatter->page->exists();
    if (!$is_new and !$full_permission) {
        $formatter->send_header('', $params);
        $title = _("You do not have full permission to merge this page.");
        $formatter->send_title($title, '', $params);
        $formatter->send_footer('', $params);
    $pagename = isset($params['name'][0]) ? $params['name'] : '';
    $formatter->send_header('', $params);
    $force = 1;
    if (isset($_POST['name'][0]) and $DBInfo->hasPage($_POST['name'])) {
        $force = 0;
        if ($_POST['force']) {
            $force = 1;
    // validate rev
    if (!empty($params['rev'])) {
        $info = $formatter->page->get_info($params['rev']);
        if (empty($info[0])) {
            if (!empty($_POST['rev'])) {
    if (!empty($_POST['rev']) and isset($_POST['name'][0]) and $pagename !== $formatter->page->name and $DBInfo->hasPage($pagename)) {
        if (!empty($DBInfo->version_class)) {
            $user =& $DBInfo->user;
            $comment = _stripslashes($params['comment']);
            $tag = '{MERGE}';
            if (!empty($comment)) {
                $comment = $tag . ': ' . $comment . ': ';
            } else {
                $comment = $tag . ': ';
            $log = $REMOTE_ADDR . ';;' . $user->id . ';;' . $comment;
            $version = $DBInfo->lazyLoad('version', $DBInfo);
            if (!method_exists($version, 'merge')) {
                // check merge method
                $formatter->send_title(_("No merge method available."), '', $params);
                $formatter->send_footer('', $params);
            $params['log'] = $log;
            $ret = array();
            $params['retval'] =& $ret;
            // merge RCS revisions
            $merged = $version->merge($pagename, $formatter->page->name, $params);
            if (!$force) {
                $fname = tempnam($DBInfo->vartmp_dir, 'MERGED');
                $fp = fopen($fname . ',v', 'w');
                if (is_resource($fp)) {
                    fwrite($fp, $merged);
                // parse rlog
                require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/Info.php';
                $out = $version->rlog($fname . ',v', '');
                $params['simple'] = true;
                $info = _parse_rlog($formatter, $out, $params);
                @unlink($fname . ',v');
            } else {
                if ($merged !== false) {
                    // $params['retval']['comment'] has merged versions information
                    $log = $comment . $params['retval']['comment'];
                    $DBInfo->addLogEntry($pagename, $REMOTE_ADDR, $log, 'MERGE');
                    $indexer = $DBInfo->lazyLoad('titleindexer');
                    if ($is_new) {
                    } else {
                    $info = '';
        } else {
            $formatter->send_title(_("No version control available."), '', $params);
            $formatter->send_footer('', $params);
        $params['.title'] = _("Merge result.");
        $formatter->send_title(sprintf(_("%s is successfully merged."), $formatter->page->name), '', $params);
        if (!$force) {
            echo '<h3>' . _("This is a testing merge. Please confirm force option to merge it.") . '</h3>';
        echo $info;
        $formatter->send_footer('', $params);
    } else {
        if (!isset($params['name'][0]) || !$DBInfo->hasPage($params['name'])) {
            $title = _("Please select the original page to merge.");
        } else {
            if (empty($params['rev'])) {
                $title = _("Please select the revision to merge from.");
            } else {
                if ($DBInfo->hasPage($formatter->page->name)) {
                    $title = _("Are you really want to merge this page ?");
        $params['.title'] = _("Merge Page history.");
        $formatter->send_title($title, '', $params);
    $pname = _html_escape($pagename);
    $lab = _("Summary");
    $rev = !empty($params['rev']) ? _html_escape($params['rev']) : '';
    if (!empty($rev) && isset($pagename[0]) && $DBInfo->hasPage($pagename)) {
        $extra = '<input type="checkbox" name="force" />' . _("Force overwrite") . '<br />';
        $placeholder = sprintf(_("Merge [[%s]] with [[%s]] from r%s: "), $pname, _html_escape($formatter->page->name), $rev);
        echo "<form method='post'>\n{$lab}: <input name='comment' size='80' value='{$comment}' placeholder='{$placeholder}' /><br />\n";
        $btn = sprintf(_("Merge [[%s]] to [[%s]]:"), _html_escape($formatter->page->name), $pname);
        $msg = sprintf(_("Only WikiMaster can %s this page"), _("merge"));
        if ($DBInfo->security->is_protected("merge", $params)) {
            echo _("Password") . ": <input type='password' name='passwd' size='20' value='' />\n{$msg}<br />\n";
        echo <<<FORM
    <input type='hidden' name='name' value='{$pname}' />
    <input type='hidden' name='action' value='merge' />
    <input type='hidden' name='rev' value='{$rev}' />
    <input type='submit' value='{$btn}' />{$extra}
    } else {
        $btn = _("Select Page to Merge");
        echo <<<FORM
    <form method='get'>
    <input name='name' value='{$pname}' />
    <input type='hidden' name='action' value='merge' />
    <input type='submit' value='{$btn}' />{$extra}
    if (isset($pagename[0]) && $pagename !== $formatter->page->name && $DBInfo->hasPage($pagename)) {
        echo macro_Merge($formatter, $pagename, $params);
    $formatter->send_footer('', $params);
Example #22
function do_revert($formatter, $options)
    global $DBInfo;
    if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' && !$DBInfo->security->writable($options)) {
        $options['title'] = _("Page is not writable");
        return do_invalid($formatter, $options);
    // check full permission to edit
    $full_permission = true;
    if (!empty($DBInfo->no_full_edit_permission) or $options['id'] == 'Anonymous' && !empty($DBInfo->anonymous_no_full_edit_permission)) {
        $full_permission = false;
    // members always have full permission to edit
    if (in_array($options['id'], $DBInfo->members)) {
        $full_permission = true;
    $is_new = false;
    if (!$formatter->page->exists()) {
        $is_new = true;
    if (!$is_new and !$full_permission) {
        $formatter->send_header('', $options);
        $title = _("You do not have full permission to rollback this page on this wiki.");
        $formatter->send_title($title, '', $options);
        $formatter->send_footer('', $options);
    $formatter->send_header('', $options);
    $force = 1;
    if (isset($_POST['name'][0]) and $DBInfo->hasPage($_POST['name'])) {
        $force = 0;
        if ($_POST['force']) {
            $force = 1;
    // validate rev
    if (!empty($options['rev'])) {
        $info = $formatter->page->get_info($options['rev']);
        if (empty($info[0])) {
            if (!empty($_POST['rev'])) {
    if (!empty($_POST['rev']) and isset($_POST['name'][0]) and $force) {
        if (!empty($DBInfo->version_class)) {
            $user =& $DBInfo->user;
            $comment = _stripslashes($options['comment']);
            $key = $DBInfo->getPageKey($formatter->page->name);
            $version = $DBInfo->lazyLoad('version', $DBInfo);
            if ($force) {
            // try to delete
            $ret = $version->co($formatter->page->name, $_POST['rev'], array('stdout' => 1));
            chmod($key, 0666);
            $log = $REMOTE_ADDR . ';;' . $user->id . ';;' . $comment;
            $keyname = $DBInfo->_getPageKey($formatter->page->name);
            $DBInfo->addLogEntry($formatter->page->name, $REMOTE_ADDR, $comment, 'REVERT');
            $indexer = $DBInfo->lazyLoad('titleindexer');
            if ($is_new) {
            } else {
        } else {
            $formatter->send_title(_("No version control available."), "", $options);
            $formatter->send_footer('', $options);
        $formatter->send_title(sprintf(_("%s is successfully rollback."), $formatter->page->name), "", $options);
        $formatter->send_footer('', $options);
    } else {
        if (empty($options['rev'])) {
            $title = _("Please select old revision to revert.");
        } else {
            if ($DBInfo->hasPage($formatter->page->name)) {
                $title = _("Are you really want to overwrite this page ?");
                $extra = '<input type="checkbox" name="force" />' . _("Force overwrite") . '<br />';
            } else {
                $title = _("Are you really want to revert this page ?");
        $formatter->send_title($title, "", $options);
    $pagename = $formatter->page->name;
    $lab = _("Summary");
    $rev = !empty($options['rev']) ? $options['rev'] : '';
    if (!empty($rev)) {
        $comment = sprintf(_("Rollback to revision %s"), $rev);
        print "<form method='post'>\n{$lab}: <input name='comment' size='80' value='{$comment}' /><br />\n";
        $btn = _("Revert page");
        $msg = sprintf(_("Only WikiMaster can %s this page"), _("revert"));
        if ($DBInfo->security->is_protected("revert", $options)) {
            print _("Password") . ": <input type='password' name='passwd' size='20' value='' />\n{$msg}<br />\n";
        print "\n    <input type='hidden' name='action' value='revert' />\n    <input type='hidden' name='rev' value='{$rev}' />\n    <input type='hidden' name='name' value='{$pagename}' />\n    <input type='submit' value='{$btn}' />{$extra}\n    </form>";
    print macro_revert($formatter, $options['value'], $options);
    $formatter->send_footer('', $options);
Example #23
function do_revoke($formatter, $options)
    global $DBInfo;
    if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' && !$DBInfo->security->writable($options)) {
        $options['title'] = _("Page is not writable");
        return do_invalid($formatter, $options);
    $is_new = false;
    if (!$formatter->page->exists()) {
        $is_new = true;
    if ($is_new) {
        $formatter->send_header('', $options);
        $title = _("You can't revoke already deleted page.");
        $formatter->send_title($title, '', $options);
        $formatter->send_footer('', $options);
    // check revocable
    $params = array();
    $retval = array();
    $params['retval'] =& $retval;
    macro_Stat($formatter, $value, $params);
    $is_ok = false;
    if ($retval['first_author'] == $options['id'] || in_array($options['id'], $DBInfo->members)) {
        $is_ok = true;
    // get the site specific hash code
    $ticket = $formatter->page->mtime() . getTicket($DBInfo->user->id, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
    $hash = md5($ticket);
    $formatter->send_header('', $options);
    if ($is_ok && $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' && $hash == $options['hash']) {
        // simple comment check
        $comment = _stripslashes($options['comment']);
        $comment = trim($comment);
        $default = _("Revoke");
        if (isset($comment[0]) && ($p = strpos($comment, $default)) === 0) {
            $comment = substr($comment, strlen($default));
            $comment = trim($comment);
            $comment = ltrim($comment, ': ');
        $options['comment'] = isset($comment[0]) ? $default . ': ' . $comment : $default;
        $options['.revoke'] = true;
        $ret = $DBInfo->deletePage($formatter->page, $options);
        if ($ret == -1) {
            if (!empty($options['retval']['msg'])) {
                $title = $options['retval']['msg'];
            } else {
                $title = sprintf(_("Fail to revoke \"%s\""), _html_escape($formatter->page->name));
        } else {
            $title = sprintf(_("\"%s\" is successfully revoked !"), _html_escape($formatter->page->name));
        $formatter->send_title($title, '', $options);
        $formatter->send_footer('', $options);
    $pagename = $formatter->page->name;
    $lab = _("Summary");
    if (!$is_ok) {
        $title = _("You are not the first author of this page or do not have enough revoke permission");
        $formatter->send_title($title, '', $options);
        $formatter->send_footer('', $options);
    if ($retval['first_author'] == $options['id']) {
        $title = _("You are the first author of this page");
    } else {
        $title = _("Do you want to revoke this page?");
    $formatter->send_title($title, '', $options);
    $comment = _("Revoke");
    print "<form method='post'>\n    {$lab} : <input name='comment' size='80' value='{$comment}: ' /><br />\n";
    $btn = _("Revoke page");
    $msg = sprintf(_("Only WikiMaster can %s this page"), _("revoke"));
    if ($DBInfo->security->is_protected("revoke", $options)) {
        print _("Password") . ": <input type='password' name='passwd' size='20' value='' />\n{$msg}<br />\n";
    print "\n    <input type='hidden' name='action' value='revoke' />\n    <input type='hidden' name='hash' value='{$hash}' />\n    <input type='submit' value='{$btn}' />{$extra}\n    </form>";
    $formatter->send_footer('', $options);
Example #24
function wiki_main($options)
    global $DBInfo, $Config;
    $pagename = isset($options['pagename'][0]) ? $options['pagename'] : $DBInfo->frontpage;
    # get primary variables
    if (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) and $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') {
        // reset some reserved variables
        if (isset($_POST['retstr'])) {
        if (isset($_POST['header'])) {
        # hack for TWiki plugin
        $action = '';
        if (!empty($_FILES['filepath']['name'])) {
            $action = 'draw';
        if (isset($GLOBALS['HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA'])) {
            # hack for Oekaki: PageName----action----filename
            list($pagename, $action, $value) = explode('----', $pagename, 3);
            $options['value'] = $value;
        } else {
            $value = !empty($_POST['value']) ? $_POST['value'] : '';
            $action = !empty($_POST['action']) ? $_POST['action'] : $action;
            if (empty($action)) {
                $dum = explode('----', $pagename, 3);
                if (isset($dum[0][0]) && isset($dum[1][0])) {
                    $pagename = trim($dum[0]);
                    $action = trim($dum[1]);
                    $value = isset($dum[2][0]) ? $dum[2] : '';
        $goto = !empty($_POST['goto']) ? $_POST['goto'] : '';
        $popup = !empty($_POST['popup']) ? 1 : 0;
        // ignore invalid POST actions
        if (empty($goto) and empty($action)) {
            header('Status: 405 Not allowed');
    } else {
        // reset some reserved variables
        if (isset($_GET['retstr'])) {
        if (isset($_GET['header'])) {
        $action = !empty($_GET['action']) ? $_GET['action'] : '';
        $value = isset($_GET['value'][0]) ? $_GET['value'] : '';
        $goto = isset($_GET['goto'][0]) ? $_GET['goto'] : '';
        $rev = !empty($_GET['rev']) ? $_GET['rev'] : '';
        if ($options['id'] == 'Anonymous') {
            $refresh = 0;
        } else {
            $refresh = !empty($_GET['refresh']) ? $_GET['refresh'] : '';
        $popup = !empty($_GET['popup']) ? 1 : 0;
    // parse action
    // action=foobar, action=foobar/macro, action=foobar/json etc.
    $full_action = $action;
    $action_mode = '';
    if (($p = strpos($action, '/')) !== false) {
        $full_action = strtr($action, '/', '-');
        $action_mode = substr($action, $p + 1);
        $action = substr($action, 0, $p);
    $options['page'] = $pagename;
    $options['action'] =& $action;
    $reserved = array('call', 'prefix');
    foreach ($reserved as $k) {
    // unset all reserved
    // check pagename length
    $key = $DBInfo->pageToKeyname($pagename);
    if (!empty($options['action']) && strlen($key) > 255) {
        $i = 252;
        // 252 + reserved 3 (.??) = 255
        $newname = $DBInfo->keyToPagename(substr($key, 0, 252));
        $j = mb_strlen($newname, $Config['charset']);
        do {
            $newname = mb_substr($pagename, 0, $j, $Config['charset']);
            $key = $DBInfo->pageToKeyname($newname);
        } while (strlen($key) > 248 && --$j > 0);
        $options['page'] = $newname;
        $options['orig_pagename'] = $pagename;
        // original page name
        $pagename = $newname;
    } else {
        $options['orig_pagename'] = '';
    if (function_exists('local_pre_check')) {
        local_pre_check($action, $options);
    // load ruleset
    if (!empty($Config['config_ruleset'])) {
        $ruleset_file = 'config/ruleset.' . $Config['config_ruleset'] . '.php';
        if (file_exists($ruleset_file)) {
            $ruleset = load_ruleset($ruleset_file);
            $Config['ruleset'] = $ruleset;
        // is it robot ?
        if (!empty($ruleset['allowedrobot'])) {
            if (empty($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
                $options['is_robot'] = 1;
            } else {
                $options['is_robot'] = is_allowed_robot($ruleset['allowedrobot'], $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
        // setup staff members
        if (!empty($ruleset['staff'])) {
            $DBInfo->members = array_merge($DBInfo->members, $ruleset['staff']);
    $page = $DBInfo->getPage($pagename);
    $page->is_static = false;
    // FIXME
    $pis = array();
    // get PI cache
    if ($page->exists()) {
        $page->pi = $pis = $page->get_instructions('', array('refresh' => $refresh));
        // set some PIs for robot
        if (!empty($options['is_robot'])) {
            $DBInfo->use_sectionedit = 0;
            # disable section edit
            $page->is_static = true;
        } else {
            if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'GET' or $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'HEAD') {
                if (empty($action) and empty($refresh)) {
                    $page->is_static = empty($pis['#nocache']) && empty($pis['#dynamic']);
    // HEAD support for robots
    if (empty($action) and !empty($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) and $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'HEAD') {
        if (!$page->exists()) {
            header("HTTP/1.1 404 Not found");
            header("Status: 404 Not found");
        } else {
            if ($page->is_static or is_static_action($options)) {
                $mtime = $page->mtime();
                $etag = $page->etag($options);
                $lastmod = gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s \\G\\M\\T', $mtime);
                header('Last-Modified: ' . $lastmod);
                if (!empty($action)) {
                    $etag = '"' . $etag . '"';
                    header('ETag: ' . $etag);
                // checksum request
                if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_GET_CHECKSUM'])) {
                    header('X-Checksum: md5-' . md5($page->get_raw_body()));
    if (is_static_action($options) or !empty($DBInfo->use_conditional_get) and $page->is_static) {
        $mtime = $page->mtime();
        $etag = $page->etag($options);
        $lastmod = gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s \\G\\M\\T', $mtime);
        $need = http_need_cond_request($mtime, $lastmod, $etag);
        if (!$need) {
            $headers = array();
            $headers[] = 'HTTP/1.0 304 Not Modified';
            $headers[] = 'Last-Modified: ' . $lastmod;
            foreach ($headers as $header) {
    $formatter = new Formatter($page, $options);
    $formatter->refresh = !empty($refresh) ? $refresh : '';
    $formatter->popup = !empty($popup) ? $popup : '';
    $formatter->tz_offset = $options['tz_offset'];
    // check blocklist/whitelist for block_actions
    $act = strtolower($action);
    while (!empty($DBInfo->block_actions) && !empty($ruleset) && in_array($act, $DBInfo->block_actions)) {
        require_once 'lib/checkip.php';
        // check whitelist
        if (isset($ruleset['whitelist']) && check_ip($ruleset['whitelist'], $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) {
        $res = null;
        // check blacklist
        if (isset($ruleset['blacklist']) && check_ip($ruleset['blacklist'], $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) || isset($ruleset['blacklist.ranges']) && search_network($ruleset['blacklist.ranges'], $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) {
            $res = true;
        } else {
            if (!empty($DBInfo->use_dynamic_blacklist)) {
                require_once 'plugin/ipinfo.php';
                $blacklist = get_cached_temporary_blacklist();
                $retval = array();
                $ret = array('retval' => &$retval);
                $res = search_network($blacklist, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $ret);
                if ($res !== false) {
                    // retrieve found
                    $ac = new Cache_Text('ipblock');
                    $info = $ac->fetch($retval, 0, $ret);
                    if ($info !== false) {
                        if (!$info['suspended']) {
                            // whitelist IP
                        $res = true;
                    } else {
                        // expired IP entry.
                        $res = false;
        // show warning message
        if ($res) {
            $options['notice'] = _("Your IP is in the blacklist");
            $options['msg'] = _("Please contact WikiMasters");
            $options['msgtype'] = 'warn';
            if (!empty($DBInfo->edit_actions) and in_array($act, $DBInfo->edit_actions)) {
                $options['action'] = $action = 'edit';
            } else {
                if ($act != 'edit') {
                    $options['action'] = $action = 'show';
        // check kiwirian
        if (isset($ruleset['kiwirian']) && in_array($options['id'], $ruleset['kiwirian'])) {
            $options['title'] = _("You are blocked in this wiki");
            $options['msg'] = _("Please contact WikiMasters");
            do_invalid($formatter, $options);
            return false;
    // set robot class
    if (!empty($options['is_robot'])) {
        if (!empty($DBInfo->security_class_robot)) {
            $class = 'Security_' . $DBInfo->security_class_robot;
            include_once 'plugin/security/' . $DBInfo->security_class_robot . '.php';
        } else {
            $class = 'Security_robot';
            include_once 'plugin/security/robot.php';
        $DBInfo->security = new $class($DBInfo);
        // is it allowed to robot ?
        if (!$DBInfo->security->is_allowed($action, $options)) {
            $action = 'show';
            if (!empty($action_mode)) {
                return '[]';
        $DBInfo->extra_macros = '';
    while (empty($action) or $action == 'show') {
        if (isset($value[0])) {
            # ?value=Hello
            $options['value'] = $value;
            do_goto($formatter, $options);
            return true;
        } else {
            if (isset($goto[0])) {
                # ?goto=Hello
                $options['value'] = $goto;
                do_goto($formatter, $options);
                return true;
        if (!$page->exists()) {
            if (isset($options['retstr'])) {
                return false;
            if (!empty($DBInfo->auto_search) && $action != 'show' && ($p = getPlugin($DBInfo->auto_search))) {
                $action = $DBInfo->auto_search;
            // call notfound action
            $action = 'notfound';
        # render this page
        if (isset($_GET['redirect']) and !empty($DBInfo->use_redirect_msg) and $action == 'show') {
            $redirect = $_GET['redirect'];
            $options['msg'] = '<h3>' . sprintf(_("Redirected from page \"%s\""), $formatter->link_tag(_rawurlencode($redirect), '?action=show', $redirect)) . "</h3>";
        if (empty($action)) {
            $options['pi'] = 1;
        # protect a recursivly called #redirect
        if (!empty($DBInfo->control_read) and !$DBInfo->security->is_allowed('read', $options)) {
            $options['action'] = 'read';
            do_invalid($formatter, $options);
        $formatter->pi = $formatter->page->get_instructions();
        if (!empty($DBInfo->body_attr)) {
            $options['attr'] = $DBInfo->body_attr;
        $ret = $formatter->send_header('', $options);
        if (empty($options['is_robot'])) {
            if ($DBInfo->use_counter) {
                $DBInfo->counter->incCounter($pagename, $options);
            if (!empty($DBInfo->use_referer) and isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) {
                log_referer($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], $pagename);
        $formatter->send_title("", "", $options);
        $formatter->write("<div id='wikiContent'>\n");
        if (isset($options['timer']) and is_object($options['timer'])) {
        // force #nocache for #redirect pages
        if (isset($formatter->pi['#redirect'][0])) {
            $formatter->pi['#nocache'] = 1;
        $extra_out = '';
        $options['pagelinks'] = 1;
        if (!empty($Config['cachetime']) and $Config['cachetime'] > 0 and empty($formatter->pi['#nocache'])) {
            $cache = new Cache_text('pages', array('ext' => 'html'));
            $mcache = new Cache_text('dynamic_macros');
            $mtime = $cache->mtime($pagename);
            $now = time();
            $check = $now - $mtime;
            $_macros = null;
            if ($cache->mtime($pagename) < $formatter->page->mtime()) {
                $formatter->refresh = 1;
            // force update
            $valid = false;
            $delay = !empty($DBInfo->default_delaytime) ? $DBInfo->default_delaytime : 0;
            if (empty($formatter->refresh) and $DBInfo->checkUpdated($mtime, $delay) and $check < $Config['cachetime']) {
                if ($mcache->exists($pagename)) {
                    $_macros = $mcache->fetch($pagename);
                // FIXME TODO: check postfilters
                if (0 && empty($_macros)) {
                    #$out = $cache->fetch($pagename);
                    $valid = $cache->fetch($pagename, '', array('print' => 1));
                } else {
                    $out = $cache->fetch($pagename);
                    $valid = $out !== false;
                $mytime = gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s", $mtime + $options['tz_offset']);
                $extra_out = "<!-- Cached at {$mytime} -->";
            if (!$valid) {
                $formatter->_macrocache = 1;
                $formatter->send_page('', $options);
                $out = ob_get_contents();
                $formatter->_macrocache = 0;
                $_macros = $formatter->_dynamic_macros;
                if (!empty($_macros)) {
                    $mcache->update($pagename, $_macros);
                if (isset($out[0])) {
                    $cache->update($pagename, $out);
            if (!empty($_macros)) {
                $mrule = array();
                $mrepl = array();
                foreach ($_macros as $m => $v) {
                    if (!is_array($v)) {
                    $mrule[] = '@@' . $v[0] . '@@';
                    $options['mid'] = $v[1];
                    $mrepl[] = $formatter->macro_repl($m, '', $options);
                    // XXX
                echo $formatter->get_javascripts();
                $out = str_replace($mrule, $mrepl, $out);
                // no more dynamic macros found
                if (empty($formatter->_dynamic_macros)) {
                    // update contents
                    $cache->update($pagename, $out);
                    // remove dynamic macros cache
            if ($options['id'] != 'Anonymous') {
                $args['refresh'] = 1;
            // add refresh menu
        } else {
            $formatter->send_page('', $options);
            $out = ob_get_contents();
        // fixup to use site specific thumbwidth
        if (!empty($Config['site_thumb_width']) and $Config['site_thumb_width'] != $DBInfo->thumb_width) {
            $opts = array('thumb_width' => $Config['site_thumb_width']);
            $out = $formatter->postfilter_repl('imgs_for_mobile', $out, $opts);
        echo $out, $extra_out;
        // automatically set #dynamic PI
        if (empty($formatter->pi['#dynamic']) and !empty($formatter->_dynamic_macros)) {
            $pis = $formatter->pi;
            if (empty($pis['raw'])) {
                // empty PIs
                $pis = array();
            } else {
                if (isset($pis['#format']) and !preg_match('/#format\\s/', $pis['raw'])) {
                    // #format not found in PIs
            $pis['#dynamic'] = 1;
            // internal instruction
            $pi_cache = new Cache_text('PI');
            $pi_cache->update($formatter->page->name, $pis);
        } else {
            if (empty($formatter->_dynamic_macros) and !empty($formatter->pi['#dynamic'])) {
                $pi_cache = new Cache_text('PI');
                // reset PI
                // remove macro cache
                if (isset($out[0])) {
                    $cache->update($pagename, $out);
                // update cache content
        if (isset($options['timer']) and is_object($options['timer'])) {
        $formatter->write("<!-- wikiContent --></div>\n");
        if (!empty($DBInfo->extra_macros) and $formatter->pi['#format'] == $DBInfo->default_markup) {
            if (!empty($formatter->pi['#nocomment'])) {
                $options['nocomment'] = 1;
                $options['notoolbar'] = 1;
            $options['mid'] = 'dummy';
            echo '<div id="wikiExtra">' . "\n";
            $mout = '';
            $extra = array();
            if (is_array($DBInfo->extra_macros)) {
                $extra = $DBInfo->extra_macros;
            } else {
                $extra[] = $DBInfo->extra_macros;
            // XXX
            if (!empty($formatter->pi['#comment'])) {
                array_unshift($extra, 'Comment');
            foreach ($extra as $macro) {
                $mout .= $formatter->macro_repl($macro, '', $options);
            echo $formatter->get_javascripts();
            echo $mout;
            echo '</div>' . "\n";
        $args['editable'] = 1;
        $formatter->send_footer($args, $options);
    $act = $action;
    if (!empty($DBInfo->myplugins) and array_key_exists($action, $DBInfo->myplugins)) {
        $act = $DBInfo->myplugins[$action];
    if ($act) {
        $options['noindex'] = true;
        $options['custom'] = '';
        $options['help'] = '';
        $options['value'] = $value;
        $a_allow = $DBInfo->security->is_allowed($act, $options);
        if (!empty($action_mode)) {
            $myopt = $options;
            $myopt['explicit'] = 1;
            $f_allow = $DBInfo->security->is_allowed($full_action, $myopt);
            # check if hello/ajax is defined or not
            if ($f_allow === false && $a_allow) {
                $f_allow = $a_allow;
            # follow action permission if it is not defined explicitly.
            if (!$f_allow) {
                $args = array('action' => $action);
                $args['allowed'] = $options['allowed'] = $f_allow;
                if ($f_allow === false) {
                    $title = sprintf(_("%s action is not found."), $action);
                } else {
                    $title = sprintf(_("Invalid %s action."), $action_mode);
                if ($action_mode == 'ajax') {
                    $args['title'] = $title;
                    return ajax_invalid($formatter, $args);
                $options['title'] = $title;
                return do_invalid($formatter, $options);
        } else {
            if (!$a_allow) {
                $options['allowed'] = $a_allow;
                if ($options['custom'] != '' and method_exists($DBInfo->security, $options['custom'])) {
                    $options['action'] = $action;
                    if ($action) {
                        call_user_func(array(&$DBInfo->security, $options['custom']), $formatter, $options);
                return do_invalid($formatter, $options);
            } else {
                if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST" and $DBInfo->security->is_protected($act, $options) and !$DBInfo->security->is_valid_password($_POST['passwd'], $options)) {
                    # protect some POST actions and check a password
                    $title = sprintf(_("Fail to \"%s\" !"), $action);
                    $formatter->send_header("", $options);
                    $formatter->send_title($title, "", $options);
                    $formatter->send_page("== " . _("Please enter the valid password") . " ==");
                    $formatter->send_footer("", $options);
        $options['action_mode'] = '';
        if (!empty($action_mode) and in_array($action_mode, array('ajax', 'macro'))) {
            if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST") {
                $options = array_merge($_POST, $options);
            } else {
                $options = array_merge($_GET, $options);
            $options['action_mode'] = $action_mode;
            if ($action_mode == 'ajax') {
                $formatter->ajax_repl($action, $options);
            } else {
                if (!empty($DBInfo->use_macro_as_action)) {
                    # XXX
                    echo $formatter->macro_repl($action, $options['value'], $options);
                } else {
                    do_invalid($formatter, $options);
        // is it valid action ?
        $plugin = $pn = getPlugin($action);
        if ($plugin === '') {
            // action not found
            $plugin = $action;
        if (!function_exists("do_post_" . $plugin) and !function_exists("do_" . $plugin) and $pn) {
            include_once "plugin/{$pn}.php";
        if (function_exists("do_" . $plugin)) {
            if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST") {
                $options = array_merge($_POST, $options);
            } else {
                $options = array_merge($_GET, $options);
            call_user_func("do_{$plugin}", $formatter, $options);
        } else {
            if (function_exists("do_post_" . $plugin)) {
                if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST") {
                    $options = array_merge($_POST, $options);
                } else {
                    # do_post_* set some primary variables as $options
                    $options['value'] = isset($_GET['value'][0]) ? $_GET['value'] : '';
                call_user_func("do_post_{$plugin}", $formatter, $options);
        do_invalid($formatter, $options);
Example #25
function do_reverse($formatter, $options = array())
    global $DBInfo;
    if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' && !$DBInfo->security->writable($options)) {
        $options['title'] = _("Page is not writable");
        return do_invalid($formatter, $options);
    // check full permission to edit
    $full_permission = true;
    if (!empty($DBInfo->no_full_edit_permission) or $options['id'] == 'Anonymous' && !empty($DBInfo->anonymous_no_full_edit_permission)) {
        $full_permission = false;
    // members always have full permission to edit
    if (in_array($options['id'], $DBInfo->members)) {
        $full_permission = true;
    $is_new = false;
    if (!$formatter->page->exists()) {
        $is_new = true;
    if (!$is_new and !$full_permission) {
        $formatter->send_header('', $options);
        $title = _("You do not have full permission to rollback this page on this wiki.");
        $formatter->send_title($title, '', $options);
        $formatter->send_footer('', $options);
    $pagename = $formatter->page->urlname;
    $force = 1;
    if (isset($_POST['rev'][0]) && $DBInfo->hasPage($options['page'])) {
        $force = 0;
        if ($_POST['force']) {
            $force = 1;
    // validate rev
    $rev = isset($_POST['rev'][0]) ? $_POST['rev'] : $options['rev'];
    if (!empty($rev)) {
        $info = array();
        if (preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9\\.]+$/', $rev)) {
            $info = $formatter->page->get_info($rev);
        if (empty($info[0])) {
            // no version found
    // check ticket
    $ticket = getTicket($formatter->page->mtime() . $options['id'] . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDRESS']);
    if ($force and !empty($pagename) and !empty($_POST['rev']) and $ticket == $options['ticket']) {
        // simple comment check
        $comment = trim($options['comment']);
        $default = sprintf(_("Rollback to revision %s"), $rev);
        if (isset($comment[0]) && ($p = strpos($comment, $default)) === 0) {
            $comment = substr($comment, strlen($default));
            $comment = trim($comment);
            $comment = ltrim($comment, ': ');
        $comment = isset($comment[0]) ? $default . ': ' . $comment : $default;
        // get current revision
        $current_body = $formatter->page->_get_raw_body();
        // get old revision
        $body = $formatter->page->get_raw_body($options);
        if ($body == $current_body) {
            $title = sprintf(_("No change found."));
        } else {
            if ($body == '') {
                $title = sprintf(_("Empty Page!"));
            } else {
                $options['.reverted'] = 1;
                $ret = $DBInfo->savePage($formatter->page, $comment, $options);
                if ($ret != -1) {
                    $title = sprintf(_("%s is successfully rollbacked."), _html_escape($page->name));
                } else {
                    $title = sprintf(_("Failed to rollback %s page"), _html_escape($page->name));
        $formatter->send_header('', $options);
        $formatter->send_title($title, '', $options);
        $formatter->send_footer('', $options);
    $extra = '';
    if (empty($options['rev'])) {
        $title = _("Please select old revision to revert.");
    } else {
        if ($DBInfo->hasPage($formatter->page->name)) {
            if ($_POST['rev']) {
                $title = sprintf(_("Please check force overwrite to revert %s revision."), $rev);
            } else {
                $title = sprintf(_("Are you really want to overwrite %s page to %s revision ?"), $options['page'], $rev);
            $extra = '<input type="checkbox" name="force" />' . _("Force overwrite") . '<br />';
        } else {
            $title = sprintf(_("Are you really want to revert %s page to %s revision ?"), $options['page'], $rev);
    $formatter->send_header('', $options);
    $formatter->send_title($title, '', $options);
    if ($rev) {
        $msg = _("Summary");
        $btn = _("Revert page");
        $comment = sprintf(_("Rollback to revision %s"), $rev);
        $hidden = '<input type="hidden" name="ticket" value="' . $ticket . '" />';
        echo "<form method='post'>\n", "<span>{$msg}: </span><input name='comment' size='80' maxlength='80' value='{$comment}: ' />\n", "<input type='hidden' name='action' value='reverse' />\n", "<input type='hidden' name='rev' value='" . $rev . "' />\n", $hidden, "<br /><input type='submit' value='{$btn}' />{$extra}\n", "</form>";
    $params = array();
    $params['page'] = $options['page'];
    $params['info_actions'] = array('recall' => 'view', 'reverse' => 'revert');
    $params['title'] = '<h3>' . sprintf(_("Old Revisions of the %s"), _html_escape($formatter->page->name)) . '</h3>';
    echo $formatter->macro_repl('Info', '', $params);
    $formatter->send_footer('', $options);
Example #26
function do_SWFUpload($formatter, $options = array())
    global $DBInfo;
    if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' && !$DBInfo->security->writable($options)) {
        $options['title'] = _("Page is not writable");
        return do_invalid($formatter, $options);
    // check allowed file extensions
    $allowed_re = '.*';
    if (!empty($DBInfo->pds_allowed)) {
        $allowed_re = $DBInfo->pds_allowed;
    $swfupload_dir = $DBInfo->upload_dir . '/.swfupload';
    $mysubdir = '';
    if (!is_dir($swfupload_dir)) {
        $om = umask(00);
        mkdir($swfupload_dir, 0777);
        $fp = fopen($swfupload_dir . '/.htaccess', 'w');
        if ($fp) {
            $htaccess = <<<EOF
Options -Indexes
Order deny,allow
deny from all

            fwrite($fp, $htaccess);
    // check subdir
    if (!empty($DBInfo->swfupload_depth) and $DBInfo->swfupload_depth > 2) {
        $depth = $DBInfo->swfupload_depth;
    } else {
        $depth = 2;
    $seed = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . '.' . 'MONIWIKI';
    if ($DBInfo->seed) {
        $seed .= $DBInfo->seed;
    $myid = md5($seed);
    // FIXME
    if (session_id() != '') {
        // ip based
        if (0 and $_SESSION['_swfupload']) {
            // XXX flash bug?
            $myid = $_SESSION['_swfupload'];
        } else {
            if (!empty($options['value']) and ($p = strpos($options['value'], '/')) !== false) {
                $tmp = explode('/', $options['value']);
                $myid = $tmp[1];
    $prefix = substr($myid, 0, $depth);
    $mysubdir = $prefix . '/' . $myid . '/';
    // debug
    //foreach ($options as $k=>$v) {
    //    if (is_string($v))
    //         fwrite($fp,sprintf("%s=>%s\n",$k,$v));
    //foreach ($_SESSION as $k=>$v) {
    //    if (is_string($v))
    //         fwrite($fp,sprintf("%s=>%s\n",$k,$v));
    // set the personal subdir
    if (!empty($options['value']) and preg_match('/^[a-z0-9\\/]+$/i', $options['value'])) {
        //if ($mysubdir == $options['value']) // XXX check subdir
        //    $mysubdir = $options['value'];
        list($dum, $myval, $dum2) = explode('/', $options['value'], 3);
        // XXX
        if (!is_dir($swfupload_dir . '/' . $mysubdir)) {
            $om = umask(00);
            _mkdir_p($swfupload_dir . '/' . $mysubdir, 0777);
    //move the uploaded file
    if (isset($_FILES['Filedata']['tmp_name'])) {
        if (preg_match('/\\.(' . $allowed_re . ')$/i', $_FILES['Filedata']['name'])) {
            move_uploaded_file($_FILES['Filedata']['tmp_name'], $swfupload_dir . '/' . $mysubdir . $_FILES['Filedata']['name']);
        echo "Success";
    } else {
        if (isset($options['MYFILES']) and is_array($options['MYFILES'])) {
            include_once 'plugin/UploadFile.php';
            $options['_pds_subdir'] = $mysubdir;
            // a temporary pds dir
            $options['_pds_remove'] = 1;
            // remove all files in pds dir
            do_UploadFile($formatter, $options);
        } else {
            $formatter->send_header("", $options);
            $formatter->send_title("", "", $options);
            $out = macro_SWFUpload($formatter, '');
            print $formatter->get_javascripts();
            print $out;
            if (!in_array('UploadedFiles', $formatter->actions)) {
                $formatter->actions[] = 'UploadedFiles';
            $formatter->send_footer("", $options);
Example #27
function do_msgfmt($formatter, $options)
    global $DBInfo;
    if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' && !$DBInfo->security->writable($options)) {
        $options['title'] = _("Page is not writable");
        return do_invalid($formatter, $options);
    $po = '';
    $domain = 'PoHello';
    if (isset($options['msgid']) or isset($options['msgstr'])) {
        # just check a single msgstr
        header("Content-type: text/plain");
        $date = date('Y-m-d h:i+0900');
        $charset = strtoupper($DBInfo->charset);
        if (_stripslashes($options['msgid']) != '""') {
            $po = <<<POHEAD
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: {$domain} 1.1\\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: {$date}\\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: {$date}\\n"
"Last-Translator: MoniWiki <nobody@localhost>\\n"
"Language-Team: moniwiki <ko@localhost>\\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset={$charset}\\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\\n"

#: src/test.c

        $po .= 'msgid ' . _stripslashes($options['msgid']) . "\n";
        #    _stripslashes($options['msgstr']));
        $msg = _stripslashes($options['msgstr']);
        $po .= 'msgstr ' . $msg . "\n";
        $po .= "\n\n";
        $ret = _pocheck($po, 1);
        if ($ret == true) {
            print "true\n" . $po;
    if ($options['po'] and $options['btn']) {
        $formatter->send_header('', $options);
        $formatter->send_title(sprintf(_("Translation of %s"), $options['page']), '', $options);
        $comment = $options['comment'] ? _stripslashes($options['comment']) : "Translations are updated";
        $po = preg_replace("/(\r\n|\r)/", "\n", _stripslashes($options['po']));
        $ret = $DBInfo->savePage($formatter->page, $comment, $options);
        if ($ret != -1) {
            print "<h2>" . _("Translations are successfully updated.") . "</h2>";
        } else {
            print "<h2>" . _("Fail to save translations.") . "</h2>";
        $formatter->send_footer('', $options);
    $msgkeys = array_keys($options);
    $msgids = preg_grep('/^msgid-/', $msgkeys);
    $msgstrs = preg_grep('/^msgstr-/', $msgkeys);
    if (sizeof($msgids) != sizeof($msgstrs)) {
        print "Invalid request.";
    $rawpo = $formatter->page->_get_raw_body();
    $lines = explode("\n", $rawpo);
    $po = '';
    $comment = '';
    $msgid = array();
    $msgstr = array();
    foreach ($lines as $l) {
        if ($l[0] != 'm' and !preg_match('/^\\s*"/', $l)) {
            if ($msgstr) {
                $mid = implode("\n", $msgid);
                $id = md5($mid);
                $msg = preg_replace("/(\r\n|\r)/", "\n", _stripslashes($options['msgstr-' . $id]));
                $sid = md5(rtrim($msg));
                if ($options['md5sum-' . $id] and $options['md5sum-' . $id] != $sid) {
                    $comment = preg_replace('/#, fuzzy\\n/m', '', $comment);
                    $comment = str_replace(', fuzzy', '', $comment);
                # fix msgstr
                $po .= $comment;
                $po .= 'msgid ' . preg_replace('/(\\r\\n|\\r)/', "\n", _stripslashes($options['msgid-' . $id])) . "\n";
                $po .= 'msgstr ' . $msg . "\n";
                # init
                $msgid = array();
                $msgstr = array();
                $comment = '';
            if ($l[0] == '#' and $l[1] == ',') {
                if ($comment) {
                    $po .= $comment;
                    $comment = '';
                $comment .= $l . "\n";
            } else {
                if ($comment) {
                    $po .= $comment;
                    $comment = '';
                $po .= $l . "\n";
        } else {
            if (preg_match('/^(msgid|msgstr)\\s+(".*")\\s*$/', $l, $m)) {
                if ($m[1] == 'msgid') {
                    $msgid[] = $m[2];
                $msgstr[] = $m[2];
            } else {
                if (preg_match('/^\\s*(".*")\\s*$/', $l, $m)) {
                    if ($msgstr) {
                        $msgstr[] = $m[1];
                    } else {
                        $msgid[] = $m[1];
                } else {
                    $po .= $l . "\n";
    $formatter->send_header('', $options);
    $formatter->send_title(sprintf(_("Translation of %s"), $options['page']), '', $options);
    $e = _pocheck($po);
    #if ($e != true) return;
    #print $po;
    $url = $formatter->link_url($formatter->page->urlname);
    print "<form method='post' action='{$url}'>\n" . "<input type='hidden' name='action' value='msgfmt' />\n";
    print "<input type='submit' name='btn' value='Save Translation ?' /> ";
    print "Summary:" . " <input type='text' size='60' name='comment' value='Translations are updated' />" . "<br />\n";
    if ($options['patch']) {
        include_once 'lib/difflib.php';
        $rawpo = array_map(create_function('$a', 'return $a."\\n";'), explode("\n", $rawpo));
        $newpo = array_map(create_function('$a', 'return $a."\\n";'), explode("\n", $po));
        $diff = new Diff($rawpo, $newpo);
        $f = new UnifiedDiffFormatter();
        $f->trailing_cr = "";
        $diffs = $f->format($diff);
        $sz = sizeof(explode("\n", $diffs));
        print "<textarea cols='80' rows='{$sz}' style='width:80%'>";
        print $diffs;
        print "</textarea>\n";
    $po = _html_escape($po);
    print "<input type='hidden' name='po' value=\"{$po}\" />\n";
    print "</form>";
    $formatter->send_footer('', $options);
Example #28
function do_diff($formatter, $options = "")
    global $DBInfo;
    $range = !empty($options['range']) ? $options['range'] : '';
    $date = !empty($options['date']) ? $options['date'] : '';
    $rev = !empty($options['rev']) ? $options['rev'] : '';
    $rev2 = !empty($options['rev2']) ? $options['rev2'] : '';
    // check revision number
    if (!empty($rev) && !preg_match("/^[0-9a-f.]+\$/", $rev) || !empty($rev2) && !preg_match("/^[0-9a-f.]+\$/", $rev2)) {
        $options['title'] = _("Invalid revision numbers");
        $options['msg'] = _("Please set correct revision numbers");
        do_invalid($formatter, $options);
    if (!empty($options['rcspurge'])) {
        if (!$range) {
            $range = array();
        $rr = '';
        $dum = array();
        foreach (array_keys($range) as $r) {
            if (!$rr) {
                $rr = $range[$r];
            if ($range[$r + 1]) {
            } else {
                $rr .= ":" . $range[$r];
            $dum[] = $rr;
            $rr = '';
        $options['range'] = join(';', $dum);
        include_once "plugin/rcspurge.php";
        do_RcsPurge($formatter, $options);
    if (!empty($options['type']) and !in_array($options['type'], array('smart', 'fancy', 'simple'))) {
        $options['type'] = $DBInfo->diff_type;
    } else {
        $options['type'] = $DBInfo->diff_type;
    $title = '';
    if (!empty($DBInfo->use_smartdiff)) {
        $rev = substr($rev, 0, 5);
        $rev2 = substr($rev2, 0, 5);
        if ($rev and $rev2) {
            $msg = sprintf(_("Difference between r%s and r%s"), $rev, $rev2);
        } else {
            if ($rev) {
                $msg = sprintf(_("Difference between r%s and the current"), $rev);
            } else {
                $msg = _("latest changes");
        $title = $msg;
    $retval = array();
    $options['retval'] =& $retval;
    if ($date) {
        $options['rev'] = $date;
    $diff = macro_diff($formatter, '', $options);
    if (!empty($options['raw']) || $options['action_mode'] == 'ajax') {
        header('Content-Type: text/plain');
        if ($retval['msg']) {
            echo '<h2>' . $retval['msg'] . '</h2>';
        $class = 'Diff';
        if ($options['type'] == 'fancy' and !empty($options['inline'])) {
            $class .= 'Inline';
        if (isset($diff[0])) {
            echo '<div class="' . $options['type'] . $class . '">';
            echo $diff;
            echo '</div>';
    $formatter->send_header("", $options);
    $formatter->send_title($title, "", $options);
    $class = 'Diff';
    if ($options['type'] == 'fancy' and !empty($options['inline'])) {
        $class .= 'Inline';
    if (!empty($retval['msg'])) {
        echo '<h2>', $retval['msg'] . '</h2>';
    echo '<div class="' . $options['type'] . $class . '">';
    echo $diff;
    echo '</div>';
    if (empty($DBInfo->diffonly) and empty($options['smart'])) {
        print "<br /><hr />\n";
    $formatter->send_footer('', $options);
Example #29
function do_keywords($formatter, $options)
    global $DBInfo;
    $supported_lang = array('ko');
    $page = $formatter->page->name;
    if (empty($options['update']) and !empty($options['value'])) {
        $page = $options['value'];
    if (!$DBInfo->hasPage($page)) {
        $options['err'] = _("You are not able to add keywords.");
        $options['title'] = _("Page does not exists");
        do_invalid($formatter, $options);
    if (!empty($options['update']) or !empty($options['refresh'])) {
        $lk = $DBInfo->getPage(LOCAL_KEYWORDS);
        $force_charset = '';
        if ($DBInfo->force_charset) {
            $force_charset = '; charset=' . $DBInfo->charset;
        $formatter->send_header("Content-type: text/plain" . $force_charset);
        if (!$lk->exists()) {
            print sprintf(_("%s is not found."), LOCAL_KEYWORDS);
        $raw = $lk->get_raw_body();
        # update keylinks of LocalKeywords
        $kc = new Cache_text('keylinks');
        $lines = explode("\n", $raw);
        $all_keys = array();
        foreach ($lines as $l) {
            $l = trim($l);
            if ($l[0] == '#' or !$l) {
            $ws = preg_split('/((?<!\\S)(["\'])[^\\2]+?\\2(?!\\S)|\\S+)/', $l, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE | PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
            $ws = array_flip(array_unique($ws));
            // delete delims
            unset($ws[' ']);
            $ws = array_flip($ws);
            $ws = array_map(create_function('$a', 'return preg_replace("/^([\\"\'])(.*)\\\\1$/","\\\\2",$a);'), $ws);
            // delete ",'
            $ws = array_unique($ws);
            $all_keys = array_merge($all_keys, $ws);
            foreach ($ws as $k) {
                $rels = array_diff($ws, array($k));
                $krels = $kc->fetch($k);
                if (is_array($krels)) {
                    if ($nrels = array_diff($rels, $krels)) {
                        $rs = array_unique(array_merge($nrels, $krels));
                        $kc->update($k, $rs);
                        print "***** updated {$k}\n";
                } else {
                    if (sizeof($rels) > 1 and is_array($rels)) {
                        $kc->update($k, $rels);
                        print "***** save {$k}\n";
        print "OK";
    $args = array();
    $formatter->send_header('', $options);
    if (empty($options['suggest']) and (!empty($options['key']) and is_array($options['key']) or !empty($options['keywords']))) {
        if (!empty($options['keywords'])) {
            // following keyword list are acceptable separated with spaces.
            // Chemistry "Physical Chemistry" "Bio Chemistry" ...
            $keywords = _stripslashes($options['keywords']);
            $ws = preg_split('/((?<!\\S)(["\'])[^\\2]+?\\2(?!\\S)|\\S+)/', $keywords, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE | PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
            $ws = array_flip(array_unique($ws));
            // delete delims
            unset($ws[' ']);
            $ws = array_flip($ws);
            $ws = array_map(create_function('$a', 'return preg_replace("/^([\\"\'])(.*)\\\\1$/","\\\\2",$a);'), $ws);
            // delete ",'
            if (!is_array($options['key'])) {
                $options['key'] = array();
            $options['key'] = array_merge($options['key'], $ws);
        if (!empty($options['common'])) {
            $raw = "#format plain";
            $lang = $formatter->pi['#language'] ? $formatter->pi['#language'] : '';
            $lang = $options['lang'] ? $options['lang'] : $lang;
            if (in_array($lang, $supported_lang)) {
                $common_word_page = LOCAL_KEYWORDS . '/CommonWords' . ucfirst($lang);
            } else {
                $common_word_page = LOCAL_KEYWORDS . '/CommonWords';
            if ($DBInfo->hasPage($common_word_page)) {
                $p = $DBInfo->getPage($common_word_page);
                if (!$p->exists()) {
                    $dict = array();
                } else {
                    $raw = $p->get_raw_body();
                    $raw = rtrim($raw);
                    $lines = explode("\n", $raw);
                    $body = '';
                    foreach ($lines as $line) {
                        if ($line[0] == '#' or $line == '') {
                        $body .= $line . "\n";
                    $body = rtrim($body);
                    $dict = explode("\n", $body);
                $commons = array_diff(array_values($options['key']), $dict);
            } else {
                $p = $DBInfo->getPage($common_word_page);
                $commons = $options['key'];
            if (!empty($commons)) {
                $raw .= "\n" . implode("\n", $commons);
                $DBInfo->savePage($p, "Common words are added", $options);
            $formatter->send_title(sprintf(_("Common words are updated"), $options['page']), '', $options);
            $formatter->send_footer($args, $options);
        $cache = new Cache_text('keyword');
        $keys = $options['key'];
        $keys = array_flip($keys);
        $cache->update($page, array_keys($keys));
        # update 'keylinks' caches
        #$kc=new Cache_text('keylinks');
        #foreach ($options['key'] as $k) {
        #    // XXX
        #    $kv=unserialize($kc->fetch($k));
        #    if (!in_array($page,$kv)) {
        #        $kv[]=$page;
        #        $kc->update($k,serialize($kv));
        #    }
        $raw = "#format plain";
        $lk = $DBInfo->getPage(LOCAL_KEYWORDS);
        if (!$lk->exists()) {
            $dict = array();
        } else {
            $raw = $lk->get_raw_body();
            $raw = rtrim($raw);
            $lines = explode("\n", $raw);
            $body = '';
            foreach ($lines as $line) {
                if ($line[0] == '#' or $line == '') {
                $body .= $line . "\n";
            $body = rtrim($body);
        if (!empty($options['key'])) {
            // XXX
            $ks = array_map(create_function('$a', 'return (strpos($a," ") !== false) ? "\\"$a\\"":$a;'), $options['key']);
            $raw .= "\n" . implode(' ', $ks) . "\n";
            $DBInfo->savePage($lk, "Keywords are added", $options);
        $formatter->send_title(sprintf(_("Keywords for %s are updated"), $page), '', $options);
        $ret = '';
        foreach ($keys as $key => $val) {
            $ret .= $key . ',';
        $ret = substr($ret, 0, strlen($ret) - 1);
        print "<tt>#keywords {$ret}</tt>\n";
        if (!empty($DBInfo->use_keywords) or !empty($options['update'])) {
            # auto update the page with selected keywords.
            $body = $formatter->page->get_raw_body();
            $pi = $formatter->page->get_instructions($dum);
            if (!empty($pi['#keywords'])) {
                $tag = preg_quote($pi['#keywords']);
                $nbody = preg_replace('/^#keywords\\s+' . $tag . '/', '#keywords ' . $ret, $body, 1);
                if ($nbody != $body) {
                    $ok = 1;
            } else {
                $nbody = '#keywords ' . $ret . "\n" . $body;
                $ok = 2;
            if (!empty($ok)) {
                if ($ok == 1) {
                    $comment = "Keywords are updated";
                } else {
                    $comment = "Keywords are added";
                $DBInfo->savePage($formatter->page, $comment, $options);
                print "<h2>" . _("Keywords are updated") . "</h2>";
            } else {
                print "<h2>" . _("There are no changes found") . "</h2>";
        } else {
            # user confirmation
            $link = $formatter->link_url(_rawurlencode($page), '');
            $keys = explode(',', $ret);
            $ret = '';
            foreach ($keys as $key) {
                if ($key and strpos($key, ' ') !== false) {
                    $key = '"' . $key . '"';
                $ret .= $key . ' ';
            $btn = _("Update with these Keywords");
            $form = "<form method='post' action='{$link}'>";
            $form .= '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="keywords" />';
            $form .= '<input type="hidden" name="update" value="1" />';
            $form .= '<input type="hidden" name="keywords" value=\'' . $ret . '\' />';
            $form .= "<input type='submit' value='{$btn}' />\n";
            $form .= "</form>";
            print $form;
        $formatter->send_footer($args, $options);
    if (!empty($options['all']) or !empty($options['tour'])) {
        if (!empty($optiopns['sort']) and $options['sort'] == 'freq') {
            $sort = 'freq';
        $formatter->send_title('', '', $options);
        $myq = '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
        $myq = preg_replace('/&sort=[^&]+/i', '', $myq);
        if ($sort != 'freq') {
            $myq .= '&sort=freq';
            $txt = _("alphabetically");
            $ltxt = _("by frequency");
        } else {
            $txt = _("by size");
            $ltxt = _("alphabetically");
        $link = $formatter->link_tag(_rawurlencode($page), $myq, $ltxt);
        print "<h2>";
        print sprintf(_("Keywords list %s (or %s)"), $txt, $link);
        print "</h2>\n";
        if (!$options['limit']) {
            $options['limit'] = 0;
    } else {
        $formatter->send_title(sprintf(_("Select keywords for %s"), $options['page']), '', $options);
        $options['merge'] = 1;
        $options['add'] = 1;
    print macro_KeyWords($formatter, $options['page'], $options);
    $formatter->send_footer($args, $options);
Example #30
function do_subscribe($formatter, $options)
    global $DBInfo;
    if (!$DBInfo->notify and 0) {
        # XXX
        $options['title'] = _("EmailNotification is not activated");
        $options['msg'] = _("If you want to subscribe this page please contact the WikiMaster to activate the e-mail notification");
        do_invalid($formatter, $options);
    if ($options['id'] != 'Anonymous') {
        $udb =& $DBInfo->udb;
        $userinfo = $udb->getUser($options['id']);
        $email = $userinfo->info['email'];
        if (!$email) {
            $title = _("Please enter your email address first.");
    } else {
        $title = _("Please login or make your ID.");
    if ($options['id'] == 'Anonymous' or !$email) {
        $formatter->send_header("", $options);
        $formatter->send_title($title, "", $options);
        $formatter->send_page("== " . _("Goto UserPreferences") . " ==\n" . _("If you want to subscribe this page, just make your ID and register your email address in the UserPreferences."));
    if (isset($options['subscribed_pages'])) {
        $pages = preg_replace("/\n\\s*/", "\n", $options['subscribed_pages']);
        $pages = preg_replace("/\\s*\n/", "\n", $pages);
        $pages = explode("\n", $pages);
        $pages = array_unique($pages);
        $page_list = join("\t", $pages);
        $userinfo->info['subscribed_pages'] = $page_list;
        $title = _("Subscribe lists updated.");
        $formatter->send_header("", $options);
        $formatter->send_title($title, "", $options);
        $formatter->send_page("Goto [{$options['page']}]\n");
    $plist = _preg_search_escape($userinfo->info['subscribed_pages']);
    $check = 1;
    if (trim($plist)) {
        $plists = explode("\t", $plist);
        $prule = '^' . join("\$|^", $plists) . '$';
        if (preg_match('/(' . $prule . ')/', _preg_search_escape($options['page']))) {
            $title = sprintf(_("\"%s\" is already subscribed."), $options['page']);
            $check = 0;
    $pages = explode("\t", $userinfo->info['subscribed_pages']);
    if ($check) {
        if (!in_array($options['page'], $pages)) {
            $pages[] = $options['page'];
        $title = sprintf(_("Do you want to subscribe \"%s\" ?"), $options['page']);
    $page_lists = join("\n", $pages);
    $formatter->send_header("", $options);
    $formatter->send_title($title, "", $options);
    $msg = _("Subscribed pages");
    print "<form method='post'>\n<table border='0'><tr>\n<th>{$msg} :</th><td><textarea name='subscribed_pages' cols='30' rows='5' value='' />{$page_lists}</textarea></td></tr>\n<tr><td></td><td>\n    <input type='hidden' name='action' value='subscribe' />\n    <input type='submit' value='Subscribe' />\n</td></tr>\n</table>\n    </form>";
    #  $formatter->send_page();
    $formatter->send_footer("", $options);