Example #1
 function get_smtp_user(&$user, &$pass)
     global $username, $smtp_auth_mech, $smtp_sitewide_user, $smtp_sitewide_pass;
     if ($smtp_auth_mech == 'none') {
         $user = '';
         $pass = '';
     } elseif (isset($smtp_sitewide_user) && isset($smtp_sitewide_pass) && !empty($smtp_sitewide_user)) {
         $user = $smtp_sitewide_user;
         $pass = $smtp_sitewide_pass;
     } else {
         $user = $username;
         $pass = sqauth_read_password();
     // plugin authors note: override $user or $pass by
     // returning an array where the new username is the
     // first array value and the new password is the
     // second array value e.g., return array($myuser, $mypass);
     $ret = do_hook_function('smtp_auth', array($user, $pass));
     if (!empty($ret[0])) {
         $user = $ret[0];
     if (!empty($ret[1])) {
         $pass = $ret[1];
Example #2
 * Return the value for the preference given by $string.
function getPref($data_dir, $username, $string, $default = '')
    global $prefs_cache;
    $result = do_hook_function('get_pref_override', array($username, $string));
    if (!$result) {
        cachePrefValues($data_dir, $username);
        if (isset($prefs_cache[$string])) {
            $result = $prefs_cache[$string];
        } else {
            $result = do_hook_function('get_pref', array($username, $string));
            if (!$result) {
                $result = $default;
    return $result;
 * Given a path to a SquirrelMail file, return a HTML link to it
 * @param string path the SquirrelMail file to link to
 * @param string text the link text
 * @param string target the target frame for this link
function makeInternalLink($path, $text, $target = '')
    sqgetGlobalVar('base_uri', $base_uri, SQ_SESSION);
    if ($target != '') {
        $target = " target=\"{$target}\"";
    $hooktext = do_hook_function('internal_link', $text);
    if ($hooktext != '') {
        $text = $hooktext;
    return '<a href="' . $base_uri . $path . '"' . $target . '>' . $text . '</a>';
Example #4
            case 3:
                if ($thold_data['expression'] != '') {
                    $currentval = thold_calculate_expression($thold_data, $currentval, $rrd_reindexed, $rrd_time_reindexed);
        if (is_numeric($currentval)) {
            $currentval = round($currentval, 4);
        } else {
            $currentval = '';
        db_execute("UPDATE thold_data SET \n\t\t\ttcheck=1, lastread='{$currentval}',\n\t\t\tlasttime='" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $currenttime) . "',\n\t\t\toldvalue='" . $item[$thold_data['name']] . "'\n\t\t\tWHERE id = " . $thold_data['thold_id']);
    /* check all thresholds */
    $sql_query = "SELECT td.*\n\t\tFROM plugin_thold_daemon_data AS tdd\n\t\tINNER JOIN thold_data AS td\n\t\tON td.id = tdd.id\n\t\tLEFT JOIN data_template_rrd AS dtr\n\t\tON dtr.id = td.data_template_rrd_id\n\t\tWHERE tdd.pid = '{$pid}' \n\t\tAND td.thold_enabled='on' \n\t\tAND td.tcheck=1";
    $tholds = do_hook_function('thold_get_live_hosts', db_fetch_assoc($sql_query));
    $total_tholds = sizeof($tholds);
    foreach ($tholds as $thold) {
    db_execute("UPDATE thold_data SET thold_data.thold_server_pid = '', tcheck=0 WHERE thold_data.thold_server_pid = '{$pid}'");
    db_execute("DELETE FROM `plugin_thold_daemon_data` WHERE `pid` = '{$pid}'");
    db_execute("UPDATE `plugin_thold_daemon_processes` SET `end` = " . time() . ", `processed_items` = " . $total_tholds);
function display_help()
    print "tbd  ... blablabla ...";
Example #5
 * @package squirrelmail
 * @subpackage prefs
/** Include global.php */
require_once SM_PATH . 'functions/global.php';
require_once SM_PATH . 'functions/plugin.php';
/** include this for error messages */
include_once SM_PATH . 'functions/display_messages.php';
sqgetGlobalVar('prefs_cache', $prefs_cache, SQ_SESSION);
sqgetGlobalVar('prefs_are_cached', $prefs_are_cached, SQ_SESSION);
$rg = ini_get('register_globals');
if (!sqsession_is_registered('prefs_are_cached') || !isset($prefs_cache) || !is_array($prefs_cache)) {
    $prefs_are_cached = false;
    $prefs_cache = array();
$prefs_backend = do_hook_function('prefs_backend');
if (isset($prefs_backend) && !empty($prefs_backend) && file_exists(SM_PATH . $prefs_backend)) {
    require_once SM_PATH . $prefs_backend;
} elseif (isset($prefs_dsn) && !empty($prefs_dsn)) {
    require_once SM_PATH . 'functions/db_prefs.php';
} else {
    require_once SM_PATH . 'functions/file_prefs.php';
/* Hashing functions */
 * Given a username and datafilename, this will return the path to the
 * hashed location of that datafile.
 * @param string username the username of the current user
 * @param string dir the squirrelmail datadir
 * @param string datafile the name of the file to open
Example #6
/* Display error messages */
if (!empty($formerror)) {
    echo html_tag('table', html_tag('tr', html_tag('td', "\n" . '<br /><strong><font color="' . $color[2] . '">' . _("ERROR") . ': ' . htmlspecialchars($formerror) . '</font></strong>' . "\n", 'center')), 'center', '', 'width="100%"');
/* Display the address management part */
if ($showaddrlist) {
    /* Get and sort address list */
    $alist = $abook->list_addr();
    if (!is_array($alist)) {
        $abook->error = htmlspecialchars($abook->error);
        plain_error_message($abook->error, $color);
    usort($alist, 'alistcmp');
    // filter listing as needed
    $hook_return = do_hook_function('abook_list_filter', $alist);
    if (!empty($hook_return)) {
        $alist = $hook_return;
    $prevbackend = -1;
    $headerprinted = false;
    $compose_to_in_new_window_javascript = ' onclick="var send_to = \'\'; var f = document.forms.length; var i = 0; var grab_next_hidden = \'\'; while (i < f) { var e = document.forms[i].elements.length; var j = 0; while (j < e) { if (document.forms[i].elements[j].type == \'checkbox\' && document.forms[i].elements[j].checked) { var pos = document.forms[i].elements[j].value.indexOf(\':\'); if (pos >= 1) { grab_next_hidden = document.forms[i].elements[j].value; } } else if (document.forms[i].elements[j].type == \'hidden\' && grab_next_hidden == document.forms[i].elements[j].name) { if (send_to != \'\') { send_to += \', \'; } send_to += document.forms[i].elements[j].value; } j++; } i++; } if (send_to != \'\') { comp_in_new(\'' . $base_uri . 'src/compose.php?send_to=\' + send_to); } return false;"';
    echo html_tag('div', '<a href="#AddAddress">' . _("Add address") . '</a>', 'center') . "\n";
    /* List addresses */
    if (count($alist) > 0) {
        echo addForm($form_url, 'post', 'address_book_form');
        if ($abook->add_extra_field) {
            $abook_fields = 6;
        } else {
            $abook_fields = 5;
Example #7
 * Decodes encoded message body
 * This function decodes the body depending on the encoding type.
 * Currently quoted-printable and base64 encodings are supported.
 * decode_body hook was added to this function in 1.4.2/1.5.0
 * @param string $body encoded message body
 * @param string $encoding used encoding
 * @return string decoded string
 * @since 1.0
function decodeBody($body, $encoding)
    $body = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $body);
    $encoding = strtolower($encoding);
    $encoding_handler = do_hook_function('decode_body', $encoding);
    // plugins get first shot at decoding the body
    if (!empty($encoding_handler) && function_exists($encoding_handler)) {
        $body = $encoding_handler('decode', $body);
    } elseif ($encoding == 'quoted-printable' || $encoding == 'quoted_printable') {
         * quoted_printable_decode() function is broken in older
         * php versions. Text with \r\n decoding was fixed only
         * in php 4.3.0. Minimal code requirement 4.0.4 +
         * str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $body); call.
        $body = quoted_printable_decode($body);
    } elseif ($encoding == 'base64') {
        $body = base64_decode($body);
    // All other encodings are returned raw.
    return $body;
 * Format message toolbar
 * @param string $mailbox Name of current mailbox
 * @param int $passed_id UID of current message
 * @param int $passed_ent_id Id of entity within message
 * @param object $message Current message object
 * @param object $mbx_response
function formatMenubar($aMailbox, $passed_id, $passed_ent_id, $message, $removedVar, $nav_on_top = TRUE)
    global $base_uri, $draft_folder, $where, $what, $color, $sort, $startMessage, $PHP_SELF, $save_as_draft, $enable_forward_as_attachment, $imapConnection, $lastTargetMailbox, $data_dir, $username, $delete_prev_next_display, $compose_new_win, $javascript_on;
    //FIXME cleanup argument list, use $aMailbox where possible
    $mailbox = $aMailbox['NAME'];
    $topbar_delimiter = '&nbsp;|&nbsp;';
    $double_delimiter = '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;';
    $urlMailbox = urlencode($mailbox);
    $msgs_url = $base_uri . 'src/';
    $nav_row = '<tr><td align="left" colspan="2" style="border: 1px solid ' . $color[9] . ';"><small>';
    // Create Prev & Next links
    // Handle nested entities first (i.e. Mime Attach parts)
    if (isset($passed_ent_id) && $passed_ent_id) {
        // code for navigating through attached message/rfc822 messages
        $url = set_url_var($PHP_SELF, 'passed_ent_id', 0);
        $entities = array();
        $entity_count = array();
        $c = 0;
        foreach ($message->parent->entities as $ent) {
            if ($ent->type0 == 'message' && $ent->type1 == 'rfc822') {
                $entity_count[$c] = $ent->entity_id;
                $entities[$ent->entity_id] = $c;
        $prev_link = _("Previous");
        if ($entities[$passed_ent_id] > 1) {
            $prev_ent_id = $entity_count[$entities[$passed_ent_id] - 1];
            $prev_link = '<a href="' . set_url_var($PHP_SELF, 'passed_ent_id', $prev_ent_id) . '">' . $prev_link . '</a>';
        $next_link = _("Next");
        if ($entities[$passed_ent_id] < $c) {
            $next_ent_id = $entity_count[$entities[$passed_ent_id] + 1];
            $next_link = '<a href="' . set_url_var($PHP_SELF, 'passed_ent_id', $next_ent_id) . '">' . $next_link . '</a>';
        $par_ent_id = $message->parent->entity_id;
        $up_link = '';
        if ($par_ent_id) {
            $par_ent_id = substr($par_ent_id, 0, -2);
            if ($par_ent_id != 0) {
                $up_link = $topbar_delimiter;
                $url = set_url_var($PHP_SELF, 'passed_ent_id', $par_ent_id);
                $up_link .= '<a href="' . $url . '">' . _("Up") . '</a>';
        $nav_row .= $prev_link . $up_link . $topbar_delimiter . $next_link;
        $nav_row .= $double_delimiter . '[<a href="' . $url . '">' . _("View Message") . '</a>]';
        // Prev/Next links for regular messages
    } else {
        if (true) {
            //!(isset($where) && isset($what)) ) {
             * Check if cache is still valid
            if (!is_array($aMailbox['UIDSET'][$what])) {
                fetchMessageHeaders($imapConnection, $aMailbox);
            $prev = findPreviousMessage($aMailbox['UIDSET'][$what], $passed_id);
            $next = findNextMessage($aMailbox['UIDSET'][$what], $passed_id);
            $prev_link = _("Previous");
            if ($prev >= 0) {
                $uri = $base_uri . 'src/read_body.php?passed_id=' . $prev . '&amp;mailbox=' . $urlMailbox . '&amp;sort=' . $sort . "&amp;where={$where}&amp;what={$what}" . '&amp;startMessage=' . $startMessage . '&amp;show_more=0';
                $prev_link = '<a href="' . $uri . '">' . $prev_link . '</a>';
            $next_link = _("Next");
            if ($next >= 0) {
                $uri = $base_uri . 'src/read_body.php?passed_id=' . $next . '&amp;mailbox=' . $urlMailbox . '&amp;sort=' . $sort . "&amp;where={$where}&amp;what={$what}" . '&amp;startMessage=' . $startMessage . '&amp;show_more=0';
                $next_link = '<a href="' . $uri . '">' . $next_link . '</a>';
            // Only bother with Delete & Prev and Delete & Next IF
            // top display is enabled.
            if ($delete_prev_next_display == 1 && in_array('\\deleted', $aMailbox['PERMANENTFLAGS'], true)) {
                $del_prev_link = _("Delete & Prev");
                if ($prev >= 0) {
                    $uri = $base_uri . 'src/read_body.php?passed_id=' . $prev . '&amp;mailbox=' . $urlMailbox . '&amp;sort=' . $sort . '&amp;startMessage=' . $startMessage . '&amp;show_more=0' . "&amp;where={$where}&amp;what={$what}" . '&amp;delete_id=' . $passed_id;
                    $del_prev_link = '<a href="' . $uri . '">' . $del_prev_link . '</a>';
                $del_next_link = _("Delete & Next");
                if ($next >= 0) {
                    $uri = $base_uri . 'src/read_body.php?passed_id=' . $next . '&amp;mailbox=' . $urlMailbox . '&amp;sort=' . $sort . '&amp;startMessage=' . $startMessage . '&amp;show_more=0' . "&amp;where={$where}&amp;what={$what}" . '&amp;delete_id=' . $passed_id;
                    $del_next_link = '<a href="' . $uri . '">' . $del_next_link . '</a>';
            $nav_row .= '[' . $prev_link . $topbar_delimiter . $next_link . ']';
            if (isset($del_prev_link) && isset($del_next_link)) {
                $nav_row .= $double_delimiter . '[' . $del_prev_link . $topbar_delimiter . $del_next_link . ']';
    // Start with Search Results or Message List link.
    $msgs_url .= "{$where}?where=read_body.php&amp;what={$what}&amp;mailbox=" . $urlMailbox . "&amp;startMessage={$startMessage}";
    if ($where == 'search.php') {
        $msgs_str = _("Search Results");
    } else {
        $msgs_str = _("Message List");
    $nav_row .= $double_delimiter . '[<a href="' . $msgs_url . '">' . $msgs_str . '</a>]';
    $nav_row .= '</small></td></tr>';
    $menu_row = '<tr bgcolor="' . $color[0] . '"><td><small>';
    $comp_uri = $base_uri . 'src/compose.php' . '?passed_id=' . $passed_id . '&amp;mailbox=' . $urlMailbox . '&amp;startMessage=' . $startMessage . (isset($passed_ent_id) ? '&amp;passed_ent_id=' . $passed_ent_id : '');
    // Start form for reply/reply all/forward..
    $target = '';
    $on_click = '';
    $method = 'method="post" ';
    if ($compose_new_win == '1') {
        if ($javascript_on) {
            $on_click = ' onclick="comp_in_new_form(\'' . $comp_uri . '\', this, this.form)"';
            $comp_uri = 'javascript:void(0)';
            $method = 'method="get" ';
        } else {
            $target = 'target="_blank"';
    $menu_row .= "\n" . '<form name="composeForm" action="' . $comp_uri . '" ' . $method . $target . ' style="display: inline">' . "\n";
    // If Draft folder - create Resume link
    if ($mailbox == $draft_folder && $save_as_draft) {
        $new_button = 'smaction_draft';
        $comp_alt_string = _("Resume Draft");
    } else {
        if (handleAsSent($mailbox)) {
            // If in Sent folder, edit as new
            $new_button = 'smaction_edit_new';
            $comp_alt_string = _("Edit Message as New");
    // Show Alt URI for Draft/Sent
    if (isset($comp_alt_string)) {
        $menu_row .= getButton('submit', $new_button, $comp_alt_string, $on_click) . "\n";
    $menu_row .= getButton('submit', 'smaction_reply', _("Reply"), $on_click) . "\n";
    $menu_row .= getButton('submit', 'smaction_reply_all', _("Reply All"), $on_click) . "\n";
    $menu_row .= getButton('submit', 'smaction_forward', _("Forward"), $on_click);
    if ($enable_forward_as_attachment) {
        $menu_row .= '<input type="checkbox" name="smaction_attache" />' . _("As Attachment") . '&nbsp;&nbsp;' . "\n";
    $menu_row .= '</form>&nbsp;';
    if (in_array('\\deleted', $aMailbox['PERMANENTFLAGS'], true)) {
        // Form for deletion. Form is handled by the originating display in $where. This is right_main.php or search.php
        $delete_url = $base_uri . "src/{$where}";
        $menu_row .= '<form name="deleteMessageForm" action="' . $delete_url . '" method="post" style="display: inline">';
        if (!(isset($passed_ent_id) && $passed_ent_id)) {
            $menu_row .= addHidden('mailbox', $aMailbox['NAME']);
            $menu_row .= addHidden('msg[0]', $passed_id);
            $menu_row .= addHidden('startMessage', $startMessage);
            $menu_row .= getButton('submit', 'delete', _("Delete"));
            $menu_row .= '<input type="checkbox" name="bypass_trash" />' . _("Bypass Trash");
        } else {
            $menu_row .= getButton('submit', 'delete', _("Delete"), '', FALSE) . "\n";
            // delete button is disabled
        $menu_row .= '</form>';
    // Add top move link
    $menu_row .= '</small></td><td align="right">';
    if (!(isset($passed_ent_id) && $passed_ent_id) && in_array('\\deleted', $aMailbox['PERMANENTFLAGS'], true)) {
        $menu_row .= '<form name="moveMessageForm" action="' . $base_uri . 'src/' . $where . '?' . '" method="post" style="display: inline">' . '<small>' . addHidden('mailbox', $aMailbox['NAME']) . addHidden('msg[0]', $passed_id) . _("Move to:") . '<select name="targetMailbox" style="padding: 0px; margin: 0px">';
        if (isset($lastTargetMailbox) && !empty($lastTargetMailbox)) {
            $menu_row .= sqimap_mailbox_option_list($imapConnection, array(strtolower($lastTargetMailbox)));
        } else {
            $menu_row .= sqimap_mailbox_option_list($imapConnection);
        $menu_row .= '</select> ';
        $menu_row .= getButton('submit', 'moveButton', _("Move")) . "\n" . '</form>';
    $menu_row .= '</td></tr>';
    // echo rows, with hooks
    $ret = do_hook_function('read_body_menu_top', array($nav_row, $menu_row));
    if (is_array($ret)) {
        if (isset($ret[0]) && !empty($ret[0])) {
            $nav_row = $ret[0];
        if (isset($ret[1]) && !empty($ret[1])) {
            $menu_row = $ret[1];
    echo '<table width="100%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" align="center" border="0">';
    echo $nav_on_top ? $nav_row . $menu_row : $menu_row . $nav_row;
    echo '</table>' . "\n";
function weathermap_singleview($mapid)
    global $colors;
    $is_wm_admin = false;
    $outdir = dirname(__FILE__) . '/output/';
    $confdir = dirname(__FILE__) . '/configs/';
    $userid = isset($_SESSION["sess_user_id"]) ? intval($_SESSION["sess_user_id"]) : 1;
    $map = db_fetch_assoc("select weathermap_maps.* from weathermap_auth,weathermap_maps where weathermap_maps.id=weathermap_auth.mapid and active='on' and (userid=" . $userid . " or userid=0) and weathermap_maps.id=" . $mapid);
    if (sizeof($map)) {
        # print do_hook_function ('weathermap_page_top', array($map[0]['id'], $map[0]['titlecache']) );
        print do_hook_function('weathermap_page_top', '');
        $htmlfile = $outdir . $map[0]['filehash'] . ".html";
        $maptitle = $map[0]['titlecache'];
        if ($maptitle == '') {
            $maptitle = "Map for config file: " . $map[0]['configfile'];
        html_graph_start_box(1, true);
<tr bgcolor="<?php 
        print $colors["panel"];
"><td><table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td class="textHeader" nowrap><?php 
        print $maptitle;
        if ($is_wm_admin) {
            print "<span style='font-size: 80%'>";
            print "[ <a href='weathermap-cacti-plugin-mgmt.php?action=map_settings&id=" . $mapid . "'>Map Settings</a> |";
            print "<a href='weathermap-cacti-plugin-mgmt.php?action=perms_edit&id=" . $mapid . "'>Map Permissions</a> |";
            print "<a href=''>Edit Map</a> ]";
            print "</span>";
        print "<tr><td>";
        if (file_exists($htmlfile)) {
            include $htmlfile;
        } else {
            print "<div align=\"center\" style=\"padding:20px\"><em>This map hasn't been created yet.";
            global $config, $user_auth_realms, $user_auth_realm_filenames;
            $realm_id2 = 0;
            if (isset($user_auth_realm_filenames[basename('weathermap-cacti-plugin.php')])) {
                $realm_id2 = $user_auth_realm_filenames[basename('weathermap-cacti-plugin.php')];
            $userid = isset($_SESSION["sess_user_id"]) ? intval($_SESSION["sess_user_id"]) : 1;
            if (db_fetch_assoc("select user_auth_realm.realm_id from user_auth_realm where user_auth_realm.us\n\t\t\t\ter_id='" . $userid . "' and user_auth_realm.realm_id='{$realm_id2}'") || empty($realm_id2)) {
                print " (If this message stays here for more than one poller cycle, then check your cacti.log file for errors!)";
            print "</em></div>";
        print "</td></tr>";
Example #10
 function getKey($user, $key, $default = '')
     global $prefs_cache;
     $result = do_hook_function('get_pref_override', array($user, $key));
     //FIXME: testing below for !$result means that a plugin cannot fetch its own pref value of 0, '0', '', FALSE, or anything else that evaluates to boolean FALSE.
     if (!$result) {
         if (isset($prefs_cache[$key])) {
             $result = $prefs_cache[$key];
         } else {
             //FIXME: is there justification for having these TWO hooks so close together?  who uses these?
             $result = do_hook_function('get_pref', array($user, $key));
             //FIXME: testing below for !$result means that a plugin cannot fetch its own pref value of 0, '0', '', FALSE, or anything else that evaluates to boolean FALSE.
             if (!$result) {
                 if (isset($this->default[$key])) {
                     $result = $this->default[$key];
                 } else {
                     $result = $default;
     return $result;
Example #11
 * Renames a mailbox.
function sqimap_mailbox_rename($imap_stream, $old_name, $new_name)
    if ($old_name != $new_name) {
        global $delimiter, $imap_server_type, $data_dir, $username;
        if (substr($old_name, -1) == $delimiter) {
            $old_name = substr($old_name, 0, strlen($old_name) - 1);
            $new_name = substr($new_name, 0, strlen($new_name) - 1);
            $postfix = $delimiter;
        } else {
            $postfix = '';
        $boxesall = sqimap_mailbox_list_all($imap_stream);
        $cmd = 'RENAME "' . $old_name . '" "' . $new_name . '"';
        $data = sqimap_run_command($imap_stream, $cmd, true, $response, $message);
        sqimap_unsubscribe($imap_stream, $old_name . $postfix);
        $oldpref_thread = getPref($data_dir, $username, 'thread_' . $old_name . $postfix);
        $oldpref_collapse = getPref($data_dir, $username, 'collapse_folder_' . $old_name . $postfix);
        removePref($data_dir, $username, 'thread_' . $old_name . $postfix);
        removePref($data_dir, $username, 'collapse_folder_' . $old_name . $postfix);
        sqimap_subscribe($imap_stream, $new_name . $postfix);
        setPref($data_dir, $username, 'thread_' . $new_name . $postfix, $oldpref_thread);
        setPref($data_dir, $username, 'collapse_folder_' . $new_name . $postfix, $oldpref_collapse);
        do_hook_function('rename_or_delete_folder', $args = array($old_name, 'rename', $new_name));
        $l = strlen($old_name) + 1;
        $p = 'unformatted';
        foreach ($boxesall as $box) {
            if (substr($box[$p], 0, $l) == $old_name . $delimiter) {
                $new_sub = $new_name . $delimiter . substr($box[$p], $l);
                /* With Cyrus IMAPd >= 2.0 rename is recursive, so don't check for errors here */
                if ($imap_server_type == 'cyrus') {
                    $cmd = 'RENAME "' . $box[$p] . '" "' . $new_sub . '"';
                    $data = sqimap_run_command($imap_stream, $cmd, false, $response, $message);
                $was_subscribed = sqimap_mailbox_is_subscribed($imap_stream, $box[$p]);
                if ($was_subscribed) {
                    sqimap_unsubscribe($imap_stream, $box[$p]);
                $oldpref_thread = getPref($data_dir, $username, 'thread_' . $box[$p]);
                $oldpref_collapse = getPref($data_dir, $username, 'collapse_folder_' . $box[$p]);
                removePref($data_dir, $username, 'thread_' . $box[$p]);
                removePref($data_dir, $username, 'collapse_folder_' . $box[$p]);
                if ($was_subscribed) {
                    sqimap_subscribe($imap_stream, $new_sub);
                setPref($data_dir, $username, 'thread_' . $new_sub, $oldpref_thread);
                setPref($data_dir, $username, 'collapse_folder_' . $new_sub, $oldpref_collapse);
                do_hook_function('rename_or_delete_folder', $args = array($box[$p], 'rename', $new_sub));
Example #12
function thold_check_all_thresholds()
    global $config;
    include $config['base_path'] . '/plugins/thold/includes/arrays.php';
    include_once $config['base_path'] . '/plugins/thold/thold_functions.php';
    $sql_query = "SELECT td.*, dtr.data_source_name\n\t\tFROM thold_data AS td\n\t\tLEFT JOIN data_template_rrd AS dtr\n\t\tON dtr.id=td.data_template_rrd_id\n\t\tWHERE td.thold_enabled='on' AND td.tcheck=1";
    $tholds = do_hook_function('thold_get_live_hosts', db_fetch_assoc($sql_query));
    $total_tholds = sizeof($tholds);
    foreach ($tholds as $thold) {
    db_execute('UPDATE thold_data SET tcheck=0');
    return $total_tholds;
Example #13
 | GNU General Public License for more details.                            |
 | Cacti: The Complete RRDTool-based Graphing Solution                     |
 | This code is designed, written, and maintained by the Cacti Group. See  |
 | about.php and/or the AUTHORS file for specific developer information.   |
 | http://www.cacti.net/                                                   |

require(CACTI_BASE_PATH . "/include/auth/auth_arrays.php");

if (!defined('VALID_HOST_FIELDS')) {
	$string = do_hook_function('valid_device_fields', '(hostname|snmp_community|snmp_username|snmp_password|snmp_auth_protocol|snmp_priv_passphrase|snmp_priv_protocol|snmp_context|snmp_version|snmp_port|snmp_timeout)');
	define('VALID_HOST_FIELDS', $string);

/* file: user_admin.php, action: user_edit (device) */
$fields_user_user_edit_device = array(
	"username" => array(
		"method" => "textbox",
		"friendly_name" => __("User Name"),
		"description" => __("The login name for this user."),
		"value" => "|arg1:username|",
		"max_length" => "255",
		"size" => "70"
	"full_name" => array(
		"method" => "textbox",
Example #14
function decodeBody($body, $encoding)
    global $show_html_default;
    $body = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $body);
    $encoding = strtolower($encoding);
    $encoding_handler = do_hook_function('decode_body', $encoding);
    // plugins get first shot at decoding the body
    if (!empty($encoding_handler) && function_exists($encoding_handler)) {
        $body = $encoding_handler('decode', $body);
    } else {
        if ($encoding == 'quoted-printable' || $encoding == 'quoted_printable') {
            $body = quoted_printable_decode($body);
            while (ereg("=\n", $body)) {
                $body = ereg_replace("=\n", '', $body);
        } else {
            if ($encoding == 'base64') {
                $body = base64_decode($body);
    // All other encodings are returned raw.
    return $body;
function sqimap_mailbox_rename($imap_stream, $old_name, $new_name)
    if ($old_name != $new_name) {
        global $delimiter, $imap_server_type, $data_dir, $username;
        if (substr($old_name, -1) == $delimiter) {
            $old_name = substr($old_name, 0, strlen($old_name) - 1);
            $new_name = substr($new_name, 0, strlen($new_name) - 1);
            $postfix = $delimiter;
        } else {
            $postfix = '';
        $boxesall = sqimap_mailbox_list($imap_stream);
        $cmd = 'RENAME "' . $old_name . '" "' . $new_name . '"';
        $data = sqimap_run_command($imap_stream, $cmd, true, $response, $message);
        sqimap_unsubscribe($imap_stream, $old_name . $postfix);
        $oldpref = getPref($data_dir, $username, 'thread_' . $old_name . $postfix);
        removePref($data_dir, $username, 'thread_' . $old_name . $postfix);
        sqimap_subscribe($imap_stream, $new_name . $postfix);
        setPref($data_dir, $username, 'thread_' . $new_name . $postfix, $oldpref);
        do_hook_function('rename_or_delete_folder', $args = array($old_name, 'rename', $new_name));
        $l = strlen($old_name) + 1;
        $p = 'unformatted';
        foreach ($boxesall as $box) {
            if (substr($box[$p], 0, $l) == $old_name . $delimiter) {
                $new_sub = $new_name . $delimiter . substr($box[$p], $l);
                if ($imap_server_type == 'cyrus') {
                    $cmd = 'RENAME "' . $box[$p] . '" "' . $new_sub . '"';
                    $data = sqimap_run_command($imap_stream, $cmd, true, $response, $message);
                sqimap_unsubscribe($imap_stream, $box[$p]);
                $oldpref = getPref($data_dir, $username, 'thread_' . $box[$p]);
                removePref($data_dir, $username, 'thread_' . $box[$p]);
                sqimap_subscribe($imap_stream, $new_sub);
                setPref($data_dir, $username, 'thread_' . $new_sub, $oldpref);
                do_hook_function('rename_or_delete_folder', $args = array($box[$p], 'rename', $new_sub));
Example #16
function plgexample_check_all_thresholds () {
	global $config;
	include_once($config['base_path'] . '/plugins/thold/thold_functions.php');
	$tholds = do_hook_function('thold_get_live_hosts', db_fetch_assoc("SELECT * FROM thold_data WHERE thold_enabled = 'on' AND tcheck = 1"));
	$total_tholds = sizeof($tholds);
	foreach ($tholds as $thold) {
		$ds = db_fetch_cell('SELECT data_source_name FROM data_template_rrd WHERE id=' . $thold['data_id']);
		thold_check_threshold ($thold['rra_id'], $thold['data_id'], $ds, $thold['lastread'], $thold['cdef']);
#	db_execute('UPDATE thold_data SET tcheck = 0');

	return $total_tholds;
 * Process messages list form and handle the cache gracefully. If $sButton and
 * $aUid are provided as argument then you can fake a message list submit and
 * use it i.e. in read_body.php for del move next and update the cache
 * @param  resource $imapConnection imap connection
 * @param  array $aMailbox (reference) cached mailbox
 * @param  string $sButton fake a submit button
 * @param  array  $aUid    fake the $msg array
 * @return string $sError error string in case of an error
 * @author Marc Groot Koerkamp
function handleMessageListForm($imapConnection, &$aMailbox, $sButton = '', $aUid = array())
    /* incoming formdata */
    $sButton = sqgetGlobalVar('moveButton', $sTmp, SQ_POST) ? 'move' : $sButton;
    $sButton = sqgetGlobalVar('expungeButton', $sTmp, SQ_POST) ? 'expunge' : $sButton;
    $sButton = sqgetGlobalVar('attache', $sTmp, SQ_POST) ? 'attache' : $sButton;
    $sButton = sqgetGlobalVar('delete', $sTmp, SQ_POST) ? 'setDeleted' : $sButton;
    $sButton = sqgetGlobalVar('undeleteButton', $sTmp, SQ_POST) ? 'setDeleted' : $sButton;
    $sButton = sqgetGlobalVar('markRead', $sTmp, SQ_POST) ? 'setSeen' : $sButton;
    $sButton = sqgetGlobalVar('markUnread', $sTmp, SQ_POST) ? 'unsetSeen' : $sButton;
    $sButton = sqgetGlobalVar('markFlagged', $sTmp, SQ_POST) ? 'setFlagged' : $sButton;
    $sButton = sqgetGlobalVar('markUnflagged', $sTmp, SQ_POST) ? 'unsetFlagged' : $sButton;
    sqgetGlobalVar('targetMailbox', $targetMailbox, SQ_POST);
    sqgetGlobalVar('bypass_trash', $bypass_trash, SQ_POST);
    sqgetGlobalVar('msg', $msg, SQ_POST);
    $sError = '';
    $mailbox = $aMailbox['NAME'];
    /* retrieve the check boxes */
    $aUid = isset($msg) && is_array($msg) ? array_values($msg) : $aUid;
    if (count($aUid) && $sButton != 'expunge') {
        $aUpdatedMsgs = false;
        $bExpunge = false;
        switch ($sButton) {
            case 'setDeleted':
                // check if id exists in case we come from read_body
                if (count($aUid) == 1 && is_array($aMailbox['UIDSET'][$aMailbox['SETINDEX']]) && !in_array($aUid[0], $aMailbox['UIDSET'][$aMailbox['SETINDEX']])) {
                $aUpdatedMsgs = sqimap_msgs_list_delete($imapConnection, $mailbox, $aUid, $bypass_trash);
                $bExpunge = true;
            case 'unsetDeleted':
            case 'setSeen':
            case 'unsetSeen':
            case 'setFlagged':
            case 'unsetFlagged':
                // get flag
                $sFlag = substr($sButton, 0, 3) == 'set' ? '\\' . substr($sButton, 3) : '\\' . substr($sButton, 5);
                $bSet = substr($sButton, 0, 3) == 'set' ? true : false;
                $aUpdatedMsgs = sqimap_toggle_flag($imapConnection, $aUid, $sFlag, $bSet, true);
            case 'move':
                $aUpdatedMsgs = sqimap_msgs_list_move($imapConnection, $aUid, $targetMailbox);
                sqsession_register($targetMailbox, 'lastTargetMailbox');
                $bExpunge = true;
            case 'attache':
                $aMsgHeaders = array();
                foreach ($aUid as $iUid) {
                    $aMsgHeaders[$iUid] = $aMailbox['MSG_HEADERS'][$iUid];
                if (count($aMsgHeaders)) {
                    $composesession = attachSelectedMessages($imapConnection, $aMsgHeaders);
                    // dirty hack, add info to $aMailbox
                    $aMailbox['FORWARD_SESSION'] = $composesession;
                // Hook for plugin buttons
                do_hook_function('mailbox_display_button_action', $aUid);
         * Updates messages is an array containing the result of the untagged
         * fetch responses send by the imap server due to a flag change. That
         * response is parsed in a array with msg arrays by the parseFetch function
        if ($aUpdatedMsgs) {
            // Update the message headers cache
            $aDeleted = array();
            foreach ($aUpdatedMsgs as $iUid => $aMsg) {
                if (isset($aMsg['FLAGS'])) {
                     * Only update the cached headers if the header is
                     * cached.
                    if (isset($aMailbox['MSG_HEADERS'][$iUid])) {
                        $aMailbox['MSG_HEADERS'][$iUid]['FLAGS'] = $aMsg['FLAGS'];
                     * Count the messages with the \Delete flag set so we can determine
                     * if the number of expunged messages equals the number of flagged
                     * messages for deletion.
                    if (isset($aMsg['FLAGS']['\\deleted']) && $aMsg['FLAGS']['\\deleted']) {
                        $aDeleted[] = $iUid;
            if ($bExpunge && $aMailbox['AUTO_EXPUNGE'] && ($iExpungedMessages = sqimap_mailbox_expunge($imapConnection, $aMailbox['NAME'], true))) {
                if (count($aDeleted) != $iExpungedMessages) {
                    // there are more messages deleted permanently then we expected
                    // invalidate the cache
                    $aMailbox['UIDSET'][$aMailbox['SETINDEX']] = false;
                    $aMailbox['MSG_HEADERS'] = false;
                } else {
                    // remove expunged messages from cache
                    $aUidSet = $aMailbox['UIDSET'][$aMailbox['SETINDEX']];
                    if (is_array($aUidSet)) {
                        // create a UID => array index temp array
                        $aUidSetDummy = array_flip($aUidSet);
                        foreach ($aDeleted as $iUid) {
                            // get the id as well in case of SQM_SORT_NONE
                            if ($aMailbox['SORT'] == SQSORT_NONE) {
                                $aMailbox['ID'] = false;
                                //$iId = $aMailbox['MSG_HEADERS'][$iUid]['ID'];
                            // unset the UID and message header
                        $aMailbox['UIDSET'][$aMailbox['SETINDEX']] = array_keys($aUidSetDummy);
                // update EXISTS info
                if ($iExpungedMessages) {
                    $aMailbox['EXISTS'] -= (int) $iExpungedMessages;
                // Change the startMessage number if the mailbox was changed
                if ($aMailbox['PAGEOFFSET'] - 1 >= $aMailbox['EXISTS']) {
                    $aMailbox['PAGEOFFSET'] = $aMailbox['PAGEOFFSET'] > $aMailbox['LIMIT'] ? $aMailbox['PAGEOFFSET'] - $aMailbox['LIMIT'] : 1;
                    $aMailbox['OFFSET'] = $aMailbox['PAGEOFFSET'] - 1;
    } else {
        if ($sButton == 'expunge') {
             * on expunge we do not know which messages will be deleted
             * so it's useless to try to sync the cache
             * Close the mailbox so we do not need to parse the untagged expunge
             * responses which do not contain uid info.
             * NB: Closing a mailbox is faster then expunge because the imap
             * server does not need to generate the untagged expunge responses
            sqimap_run_command($imapConnection, 'CLOSE', false, $result, $message);
            $aMbxResponse = sqimap_mailbox_select($imapConnection, $aMailbox['NAME']);
            // update the $aMailbox array
            $aMailbox['EXISTS'] = $aMbxResponse['EXISTS'];
            $aMailbox['UIDSET'] = false;
        } else {
            if ($sButton) {
                $sError = _("No messages were selected.");
    return $sError;
    private function singleMapHeader($mapID, $mapTitle, $mapHash)
        $colors = $this->colours;
        print do_hook_function('weathermap_page_top', '');
        html_graph_start_box(1, true);
        <tr bgcolor="<?php 
        print $colors["panel"];
                <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
                        <td class="textHeader"
        print $mapTitle;
        if ($this->isWeathermapAdmin()) {
            print "<span style='font-size: 80%'>";
            print "[ <a href='weathermap-cacti-plugin-mgmt.php?action=map_settings&id=" . $mapID . "'>Map Settings</a> |";
            print "<a href='weathermap-cacti-plugin-mgmt.php?action=perms_edit&id=" . $mapID . "'>Map Permissions</a> |";
            print "<a href=''>Edit Map</a> ]";
            print "</span>";