Example #1
# $headers .= "--$boundary\r\n" .
#             "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1\r\n" .
#             "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\r\n\r\n";
# $headers .= chunk_split(base64_encode(
#             "A plain text version of the Nightly MTT Test Results " .
#             "is not yet available. Sorry."));
$headers .= "--{$boundary}\r\n" . "Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\r\n" . "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\r\n\r\n";
foreach (array_keys($ini) as $section) {
    $urls = array();
    $urls = preg_split("/\\s*url=\\s*/", $ini[$section]['url']);
    $email = $ini[$section]['email'];
    #$frequency    = $ini[$section]['frequency'];
    #$last_alerted = $ini[$section]['last_alerted'];
    $html = "";
    foreach ($urls as $url) {
        $html .= do_curl_get($url);
    print "\nGenerating report for [{$section}].";
    # If the HTML content returned is "1", then
    # something bad has happened
    if (1 == $html) {
        print "\ncurl error for [{$section}], possibly due to a PHP memory size overload.";
    } elseif (!contains_null_result_msg($html)) {
        $report = chunk_split(base64_encode($html));
        mail($email, $section, '', $headers . $report);
    } else {
        print "\nNull report for [{$section}], not mailing.";
    if ($report) {
        $ini[$section]['last_alerted'] = time();
Example #2

$topdir = "../..";
$title = "Portable Network Locality (netloc)";
include_once "{$topdir}/software/netloc/current/version.inc";
include_once "{$topdir}/projects/netloc/nav.inc";
include_once "{$topdir}/includes/header.inc";
include_once "{$topdir}/includes/curl_get.inc";

<p><strong>The Portable Network Locality (netloc) software is
distributed under the <?php 
print "<a href=\"http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php\">";
New BSD license</a>, listed below.</strong>

$str = do_curl_get("https://raw.github.com/open-mpi/netloc/master/COPYING");
print "<p><hr>\n<pre>\n{$str}\n</pre><p><hr>\n\n";
include_once "{$topdir}/includes/footer.inc";
Example #3

$topdir = "../..";
$title = "Portable Linux Processor Affinity (PLPA) License";
include_once "nav.inc";
include_once "{$topdir}/includes/header.inc";
include_once "{$topdir}/includes/curl_get.inc";
include_once "{$topdir}/projects/plpa/deprecated.inc";

<p><strong>The Portable Linux Processor Affinity (PLPA) software is
distributed under the <?php 
print "<a href=\"http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php\">";
New BSD license</a>, listed below.</strong>

$str = do_curl_get("http://svn.open-mpi.org/svn/plpa/trunk/LICENSE");
print "<p><hr>\n<pre>\n{$str}\n</pre><p><hr>\n\n";
include_once "{$topdir}/includes/footer.inc";
Example #4
<p>A script to build an Open MPI RPM from a source tarball <a
print $build_script;
">is available here</a>, and is
referred to as "<code>buildrpm.sh</code>" in the text below.
Additionally, you can build an Open MPI RPM from the SRPM (also
described below).</p>

<p>The text below is specific to the <?php 
print $ver;
 series of
Open MPI and <a href="<?php 
print $readme;
">is available here in a
printer-friendly format</a>.

<p>Note that the spec file (that the text below refers to) has many
more comments and explanations of rpmbuild-time configuration options,
and <a href="<?php 
print $specfile;
">is available here</a>.

$str = do_curl_get($raw_readme);
print "<p><hr>\n<pre>\n{$str}\n</pre><p><hr>\n\n";
include_once "{$topdir}/includes/footer.inc";
Example #5

$topdir = "../../..";
$title = "Open MPI: Version Number Methodology";
include_once "{$topdir}/software/ompi/versions/nav.inc";
include_once "{$topdir}/includes/header.inc";
include_once "{$topdir}/includes/curl_get.inc";

The following text is taken directly from the <?php 
print "<a href=\"https://github.com/open-mpi/ompi/blob/master/README\">";
Open MPI README file</a> in the development branch.

$str = do_curl_get("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/open-mpi/ompi/master/README");
# Extract just the sections we want from the README.
$str = preg_replace("/.+(\nOpen MPI Version Numbers.+)/si", "\$1", $str);
$str = preg_replace("/(.+)Checking Your Open MPI Installation.+/si", "\$1", $str);
$str = preg_replace("/={5,}/", "", $str);
$str = preg_replace("/\n\n\n/s", "\n\n", $str);
print "<p><hr>\n<pre>\n{$str}\n</pre><p><hr>\n\n";
include_once "{$topdir}/includes/footer.inc";
function get_did_update_peer_id($params)
    if (!isset($params['did'])) {
        return false;
    if (!isset($params['peer_id'])) {
        return false;
    $results = json_decode(do_curl_get('did/updatepeerid', $params), true);
    if ($results['status'] != 'success') {
        return false;
    } else {
        return $results['success'];
Example #7

$topdir = "../..";
$title = "Open Tool for Parameter Optimization (otpo)";
include_once "{$topdir}/software/otpo/current/version.inc";
include_once "{$topdir}/projects/otpo/nav.inc";
include_once "{$topdir}/includes/header.inc";
include_once "{$topdir}/includes/curl_get.inc";

<p><strong>The Open Tool for Parameter Optimization (otpo) software is
distributed under the <?php 
print "<a href=\"http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php\">";
New BSD license</a>, listed below.</strong>

$str = do_curl_get("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/open-mpi/otpo/master/LICENSEz");
print "<p><hr>\n<pre>\n{$str}\n</pre><p><hr>\n\n";
include_once "{$topdir}/includes/footer.inc";