if (isset($_REQUEST['term'])) { doFind(false); } else { doFind(true); } break; case 'sql': doSQL(); break; case 'variables': doVariables(); break; case 'processes': doProcesses(); break; case 'locks': doLocks(); break; case 'export': doExport(); break; case 'signal': doSignal(); break; default: if (adminActions($action, 'database') === false) { doSQL(); } break; } $misc->printFooter();
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $sessions[$index] = array("sessionId" => $row["sessionId"], "title" => $row["title"], "mediaPath" => retM3U8("session-" . $row["sessionId"] . ".mp4")); $index++; } } echo json_encode(array("exchangeDataState" => constant("RESPONSE_RETRIEVE_MOVIES"), "sessionsInServer" => $sessions)); }); break; case constant("REQUEST_PLAYLIST_ANDROID"): doSQL(function ($con) { $result = mysql_query("select sessionId,title,isEnd from Session"); $vodSessions = array(); $liveSessions = array(); $vodIndex = 0; $liveIndex = 0; if (!$result) { } else { while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { if ($row["isEnd"] == 1) { $vodSessions[$vodIndex] = array("sessionId" => $row["sessionId"], "title" => $row["title"], "mediaPath" => retMPD("session-" . $row["sessionId"] . ".mp4", $row["sessionId"])); $vodIndex++; } else { $liveSessions[$liveIndex] = array("sessionId" => $row["sessionId"], "title" => $row["title"], "mediaPath" => retMPD("session-" . $row["sessionId"] . ".mp4", $row["sessionId"])); $liveIndex++; } } } echo json_encode(array("exchangeDataState" => constant("RESPONSE_RETRIEVE_MOVIES"), "vodSessions" => $vodSessions, "liveSessions" => $liveSessions)); }); break; }
// $sessionId=0; // } echo json_encode(array('exchangeDataState' => constant('RESPONSE_UPLOAD_SESSION_ID'), 'sessionId' => $sessionId)); }); break; case constant("REQUEST_TO_UPLOAD"): $target_dir = "./video_repo/"; $upload_file = $_FILES["uploadFile"]; //$target_path = $target_dir . basename($request->{"segmentName"}); $file_name = "session-" . $request->{'sessionId'} . ".mp4_" . $request->{'segmentId'}; $target_path = $target_dir . $file_name; if (move_uploaded_file($upload_file["tmp_name"], $target_path)) { doSQL(function ($con) use(&$request, &$target_path, &$upload_file, &$file_name) { $result = mysql_query("INSERT INTO Segment(segmentId,sessionId,path,duration,timeScale,lengthInSecond,isEnd) VALUES('" . $request->{"segmentId"} . "','" . $request->{"sessionId"} . "','" . $file_name . "','" . $request->{"duration"} . "','" . $request->{"timeScale"} . "','" . $request->{"lengthInSecond"} . "','" . $request->{"isEnd"} . "')"); if (!$result) { echo json_encode(array('exchangeDataState' => constant("RESPONSE_UPLOAD_FAIL"))); } else { doTranscode($target_path, $request->{"lengthInSecond"}, $request->{"isEnd"}); if ($request->{"isEnd"} == 1) { mysql_query("UPDATE Session set isEnd=1 where sessionId = " . $request->{"sessionId"}); } echo json_encode(array('exchangeDataState' => constant("RESPONSE_UPLOAD_SUCCESS"))); } }); } else { echo json_encode(array('exchangeDataState' => constant("RESPONSE_UPLOAD_FAIL"))); } break; default: echo "error"; }
<?php require '../../phpinclude/init.php'; // get, check and clean inputs $email = check_text_input($_POST['email'], 1, 255, "Email", "/public/signin.php?err"); $password = check_text_input($_POST['password'], 1, 32, "Password", "/public/signin.php?err"); dbconnect(0); // email exists? $result = doSQL("select userID, password from users where email=?;", $email) or die("ERR"); if (!is_array($result)) { // error, email inexistent header("Location: /public/signin.php?err=1"); exit; } // get password $row = $result[0]; // check hash $passwordok = 0; if (crypt($password, $row['password']) === $row['password']) { $passwordok = 1; } if ($passwordok == 0) { // error, password wrong header("Location: /public/signin.php?err=1"); exit; } // sign in sessionstart($row['userID']); header("Location: /account/index.php?signin=1");
do_err($erraddr3, "Email in use"); } // check username still available $result = doSQL("select * from users where username=?;", $username) or do_err($erraddr1, "Database Error"); if (is_array($result)) { // no, exists, quit do_err($erraddr1, "Username in use"); } // check recaptcha $rcc = $_POST["rcc"]; $rcr = $_POST["rcr"]; $rch = base64_decode($_POST["rch"]); $rcstr = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] . "836429" . $rcc . "7364528" . $rcr; if (!(crypt($rcstr, $rch) === $rch)) { do_err($erraddrrc, "The reCAPTCHA was wrong " . $rcerr); } // hash password // create a random salt $salt = "\$2y\$10\$" . bin2hex(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(22)); // Hash the password with the salt $hash = crypt($password, $salt); // insert user $result = doSQL("insert into users (username, password, email) values (?, ?, ?);", $username, $hash, $email) or do_err($erraddr3, "Database Error"); $nid = $db->insert_id; // signin sessionstart($nid); // jump header('Location: ../account/index.php?signup=1'); ?>
</head> <body> <center> <br><h2>Sending Email...</h2> <?php // send test email $to = $_GET['predef']; if (isset($_GET['dyn'])) { if (!($_GET['dyn'] == "")) { $to = $_GET['dyn']; } } $result = doSQL("insert into sendemails (userID, sendto, sendfrom, sendsubject, sendmessage) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", 1, $to, $global_sendemailfrom, "Admin Email Test", "Testing 123...") or die("Error"); ?> Sent to <?php echo $to; ?> <br><br> Check the sendemails database table. <br><br> </center>
$sql = doSQL("select count(*) as tot from snsnotifications where messageid=?", $messageid) or die("error1"); $tot = 0; if (!is_array($sql)) { $tot = 0; } else { $tot = $sql[0]['tot']; $tot = $tot == "" ? 0 : $tot; } if ($tot > 0) { exit; } // new message $subject = ""; if (isset($msg['Subject'])) { $subject = $msg['Subject']; } $message = ""; if (isset($msg['Message'])) { $message = $msg['Message']; } $result = json_decode($message, true); if ($result['notificationType'] == "Complaint") { $emailaddr = $result['complaint']['complainedRecipients'][0]['emailAddress']; doSQL("insert into snsnotifications (messageid, subject, message, email) values (?, ?, ?, ?);", $messageid, $subject, $message, $emailaddr) or die("error2"); $nid = $db->insert_id; doSQL("update users set emailcomplaint=? where email=?;", $nid, $emailaddr) or die("error3"); exit; } // if we get here nothing has been inserted to snsnotifications, insert for posterity doSQL("insert into snsnotifications (messageid, subject, message, email) values (?, ?, ?, ?);", $messageid, $subject, $message, "") or die("error4"); }
<?php // an example of how to do a scheduled page // this page is 'cron'ed in aws/ami/admin/install_admin_template.php // output is piped to a log file (/var/log/ataglance.log) // with /usr/bin/logger // can be called without signing in $signin = 1; require "../init.php"; // these will be sent to the log file ini_set("show_errors", 1); // do a listing of log files $logdir = "/var/log/"; $logs = array("adminhttpderr.log", "webhttpderr.log", "javamail.log", "adminhttpd.log", "webhttpd.log", "ataglance.log"); foreach ($logs as $log) { $output = shell_exec('ls -lart ' . $logdir . $log . ' 2>&1'); $msg .= $output . "\n"; $output = shell_exec('tail -n 3 ' . $logdir . $log . ' 2>&1'); $msg .= $output . "\n\n"; } // send them in an email $result = doSQL("insert into sendemails (userID, sendto, sendfrom, sendsubject, sendmessage) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", 1, $global_sendemailfrom, $global_sendemailfrom, "At A Glance", $msg) or die("Error"); // send a message to the logfile echo "At a glance done";
{ if (is_array($nresult)) { echo "<table border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5>"; $keys = array_keys($nresult[0]); echo "<tr bgcolor='cccccc'>"; foreach ($keys as $key) { echo "<td>" . $key . "</td>"; } echo "</tr>"; foreach ($nresult as $row) { echo "<tr>"; foreach ($row as $value) { echo "<td>" . $value . "</td>"; } echo "</tr>"; } echo "</table><br>"; } else { echo "<table border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5><tr bgcolor='cccccc'><td>{$ntablename} No Data</td></tr></table><br>"; } } // read the slow queries table $result = doSQL("select * from mysql.slow_log order by start_time asc;") or die("Query failed : " . mysql_error()); printtable($result, "slow_log"); ?> </center> </body> </html>
function sendemail($nuserID, $nto, $nsubject, $nmessage) { global $global_sendemailfrom; // check not bouncer or complainer $result = doSQL("select emailbounce, emailcomplaint from users where userID=?;", $nuserID) or do_std_err("Error getting mail details"); if (!is_array($result)) { do_std_err("Error getting mail details"); } if ($result[0]['emailbounce'] > 0) { do_std_err("Email has Bounced previous emails"); } if ($result[0]['emailcomplaint'] > 0) { do_std_err("Email has Complained about previous emails"); } // send $emsg = $nmessage . "\n\nThanks\n"; $result = doSQL("insert into sendemails (userID, sendto, sendfrom, sendsubject, sendmessage) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", $nuserID, $nto, $global_sendemailfrom, $nsubject, $emsg) or do_std_err("Error sending mail"); }
function sessionend($nuserID) { // session can at most last x seconds, eg 1 week = 604800 seconds global $global_sessionmaxtime; // send 2 dud cookies setcookie("TOKEN1", "0", time() + $global_sessionmaxtime, "/"); setcookie("TOKEN2", "0", time() + $global_sessionmaxtime, "/"); // wipe data in the database $result = doSQL("update users set sessiontoken1='', sessiontoken2='', sessionipaddress='', sessionuseragent='', sessionlastdateSQL=now() where userID=?;", $nuserID) or die("ERR"); return array(); }
echo "EMPTY"; exit; } if (strlen($username) > 16) { echo "LONG"; exit; } $illegal = check_legal_chars($username); if ($illegal == "Illegal Input") { echo "ILL"; exit; } // check any reserved words if (in_array(strtolower($username), $global_reserved_usernames)) { echo "TAKEN"; exit; } // username exists? dbconnect(0); $result = doSQL("select * from users where username=?;", $username) or die("ERR"); if (is_array($result)) { // exists echo "TAKEN"; } else { // available if ($submit == 1) { echo "SUB"; } else { echo "AVAIL"; } }
<?php require "helper.php"; $queryString = $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]; $strings = explode("_", $queryString); $quality = $strings[0]; $sessionId = $strings[1]; $segmentId = $strings[2]; doSQL(function ($con) use(&$quality, &$sessionId, &$segmentId) { $result = mysql_query("select isEnd from Segment where sessionId={$sessionId} and segmentId= {$segmentId}"); if (!$result) { echo json_encode(array('exchangeDataState' => constant("WAITING"))); } else { if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) { echo json_encode(array('exchangeDataState' => constant("WAITING"))); } else { $mp4URL = "http://pilatus.d1.comp.nus.edu.sg/~team01/video_repo/{$quality}/session-{$sessionId}.mp4_{$segmentId}.mp4"; $result = mysql_fetch_array($result); if ($result["isEnd"] == 0) { echo json_encode(array("exchangeDataState" => constant("PLAYABLE"), "mp4URL" => $mp4URL)); } else { echo json_encode(array("exchangeDataState" => constant("PLAYABLE_WITH_END"), "mp4URL" => $mp4URL)); } } } });