$sqlPlayer = "SELECT player_id from $playerstable where name = '$playerName'"; $result = mysql_query($sqlPlayer); $rows = mysql_num_rows($result); if ($rows != 1) { echo doParagraph("Error: Player ".doBold($playerName)." found ".$rows." times in database.".$back); } else { $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); $playerId = $row['player_id']; $sqlInsert = "INSERT INTO $minitournamenttable (ID, PLAYER_ID, LINK) ". "VALUES ('', '$playerId', '$forumLink')"; } $result = mysql_query($sqlInsert); echo doParagraph("Inserting tournament win for ".doBold($playerName)." - Result: ".doBold($result)); echo doParagraph('Please check the <a href="'.$forumLink .'">forum link</a> and the <a href="/tournaments.php">tournaments page</a> to see if everything is correct.'); } } else { ?> <?php echo getBoxTop("Report", "", false, null); ?> <form method="post" action="reportMini.php?submit=1" name="formReport"> <table class="formtable"> <tr> <td>Tournament winner</td> <td><select class="width150" size="1" name="playerName"> <option></option> <?php $sortby = "name ASC";
$gamesquery = "select * from $gamestable " . "WHERE (winner = '$name' OR winner2 = '$name' OR loser = '$name' OR loser2 = '$name') " . "AND deleted = 'no' " . "AND dateday = '$day' " . "ORDER BY date DESC"; $playergames = mysql_query($gamesquery); $gamescount = mysql_num_rows($playergames); $playerquery = "SELECT mail, sendGamesMail from $playerstable ". "WHERE name = '$name'"; $player = mysql_query($playerquery); $playerresult = mysql_fetch_array($player); $resultMsg .= doParagraph("Player: ".doBold($name)); while ($row_game = mysql_fetch_array($playergames)) { $gameId = $row_game['game_id']; $gameDate = $row_game['date']; $gametime = date("h:i a", $gameDate); $winpoints = $row_game['winpoints']; $winner = $row_game['winner']; $winner2 = $row_game['winner2']; if (strlen($winner2) > 0) { $winnerDisplay = $winner."/".$winner2; } else { $winnerDisplay = $winner; }
if (!$copywork) { echo "<p>Upload failed.</p>" . $contact; } else { chmod("../Cup/" . $picturename, 0644); $updateDate = time(); if (empty($slotId)) { $sql = "update {$tournamenttable} set extension = '{$ext}', updateDate = '{$updateDate}' where id='{$tournamentId}'"; mysql_query($sql); } else { $sql = "update {$tournamentimagestable} set ext = '{$ext}', user = '******', updateDate='{$updateDate}' where slot='{$slotId}' and id='{$tournamentId}'"; mysql_query($sql); } echo '<p>Upload of ' . $picturename . ' successful.</p><p>' . 'Please check the <a href="/tournaments.php">tournaments page</a> to see ' . 'if everything went correctly.</p>'; if (!empty($slotId)) { $linkUrl = $directory . '/tournaments.php?cup=' . $getParam . "#" . $slotId; echo doParagraph('Direct link to image on tournament page: <a href="' . $linkUrl . '">' . $linkUrl . '</a>'); } } } // image too big } // empty file } else { echo getBoxTop("Upload", "", false, null); ?> <form method="post" action="<? $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ?>" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <table class="formtable"> <tr> <td>Image Slot</td>