<td style="width:15%">Title</td>
            <td style="width:5%">log</td>
            <td style="width:25%">Keywords</td>
            <td style="width:30%">Details</td>                                                       
            <td style="width:5%"><strong>Option</strong></td>
$query = "SELECT * FROM page_setup ORDER BY p_code ASC";
$query_list = mysql_query($query);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query_list)) {
    echo '<tr class="table_data">';
    //echo 	'<td>'.$row['page_id'].'</td>';
    echo '<td>' . $row['p_code'] . '</td>';
    echo '<td>' . $row['page_name'] . '</td>';
    echo '<td>' . $row['title'] . '</td>';
    echo '<td>' . display_yes_or_no($row['allow_log']) . '</td>';
    echo '<td>' . $row['keywords'] . '</td>';
    echo '<td>' . $row['page_desc'] . '</td>';
    echo '<td><table><tr>';
    echo '       <td><a class="edit_link" href="config_page.php?page_id=' . $row['page_id'] . '" title="Edit"> <img src="' . EDIT . '" alt="Edit"> </a></td>';
    echo '</tr></table></td>';
    echo '</tr>';
// */
    <!--<div class="page_nav">
//this code show all page number //Show total page and current page
//echo $first.' '.$prev.' Showing page '.$pageNum.' of '.$max_page.' pages '.$next.' '.$last;
            <td style="width:5%">Active</td>
            <td style="width:5%">Lock</td>
            <td style="width:5%">Allow Email</td>
            <td style="width:5%">T A C</td>                                                       
            <td style="width:5%"><strong>Option</strong></td>
while ($row = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
    echo '<tr class="table_data">';
    echo '<td>' . $row['username'] . '</td>';
    echo '<td>' . $row['email'] . '</td>';
    echo '<td>' . display_role($row['role']) . '</td>';
    echo '<td>' . display_yes_or_no($row['active']) . '</td>';
    echo '<td>' . display_user_lock_yes_or_no($row['user_lock']) . '</td>';
    echo '<td>' . display_yes_or_no($row['allow_email']) . '</td>';
    echo '<td>' . display_yes_or_no($row['tac']) . '</td>';
    echo '<td><table><tr>';
    echo '       <td><a class="edit_link" href="edit_user.php?user_id=' . $row['user_id'] . '" title="Edit"> <img src="' . EDIT . '" alt="Edit"> </a></td>';
    echo '       <td><a class="delete" href="" OnClick="DeleteUser(' . $row['user_id'] . ');" title="Delete"> <img src="' . TRASH . '" alt="Trash"> </a></td>';
    echo '</tr></table></td>';
    echo '</tr>';
// */
    <div class="page_nav" style="padding:5px; text-align:center; margin:10px 0px 10px 0px;">
//this code show all page number //Show total page and current page
//echo $first.' '.$prev.' Showing page '.$pageNum.' of '.$max_page.' pages '.$next.' '.$last;
echo $first . ' ' . $prev . ' ';
for ($i = 1; $i <= $max_page; $i++) {
echo '</div><!--End fotorama-->';
echo '</div><!--End product_img_area-->';
                    </div><!--end gallary col-->
                    <div class="col-md-6" style="border:1px solid rgba(223, 223, 223, 1); border-radius:5px; background:#fff;">
                    	<div class="row">
                        	<div class="col-md-12">
echo '<div class=""> 
										<h4><strong>Features of ' . $query_item['i_name'] . '</strong></h4>										
echo '<table class="table" style=" width:95%; margin-left:15px;">';
echo '<tr><td>Category: </td><td>' . $query_item['i_cat_name'] . '</td></tr>';
echo '<tr><td>Item Code: </td><td>' . $query_item['i_code'] . '</td></tr>';
echo '<tr><td>Status: </td><td>' . display_yes_or_no($query_item['i_available']) . '</td></tr>';
if (!empty($query_item['brand_name'])) {
    echo '<tr><td>Brand: </td><td>' . $query_item['brand_name'] . '</td></tr>';
if (!empty($query_item['i_user_type'])) {
    echo '<tr><td>Item for: </td><td>' . $query_item['i_user_type'] . '</td></tr>';
//if(!empty($query_item['i_price'])){echo '<tr><td>Price: </td><td>'.$query_item['i_price'].'</td></tr>';}
if (!empty($query_item['i_quantity'])) {
    echo '<tr><td>Quantity: </td><td>' . $query_item['i_quantity'] . '</td></tr>';
echo '<tr><td>Date: </td><td>' . show_date($query_item['adate']) . '</td></tr>';
echo '</table>';