function create_cmd_output(&$action, &$a_disk, &$disk, &$partition, &$umount)
    $cmdout = CMDOUT_PARA;
    $retvalue = <<<EOD

    switch ($action) {
        case "fsck":
            /* Get the id of the disk. */
            $id = array_search_ex($disk, $a_disk, "name");
            /* Get the filesystem type of the disk. */
            $type = $a_disk[$id]['fstype'];
            /* Check if disk is mounted. */
            $ismounted = disks_check_mount_fullname($disk . $partition);
            /* Umount disk if necessary. */
            if ($umount && $ismounted) {
                $diskinit_str = "<strong class='red'>" . gettext("Note") . ":</strong> " . gettext("The disk is currently mounted! The mount point will be removed temporary to perform selected command.") . "<br /><br />";
                $retvalue .= <<<EOD
              <div id="ismounted_out" style="font-family: Courier, monospace; font-size: small;">
              <pre style="font-family: Courier, monospace; font-size: small; font-style: italic;">{$diskinit_str}</pre>

                disks_umount_fullname($disk . $partition);
            switch ($type) {
                case "":
                case "ufs":
                case "ufs_no_su":
                case "ufsgpt":
                case "ufsgpt_no_su":
                    $button = create_toggle_button("Checking disk", "ufsgn_fsck_out");
                    $cmd = "/sbin/fsck_ufs -y -f " . escapeshellarg($disk . $partition);
                    $out = create_cmdout_container("ufsgn_fsck_out", $cmd);
                    $retvalue .= assemble_cmdout($button, $out);
                case "gmirror":
                case "gvinum":
                case "graid5":
                    $diskinit_str = sprintf(gettext("Use <a href='%s'>RAID tools</a> for this disk!"), "disks_raid_{$type}_tools.php");
                    $retvalue .= <<<EOD
                <div id="graid5_out" style="display: none; font-family: Courier, monospace; font-size: small;">
                <pre style="font-family: Courier, monospace; font-size: small; font-style: italic;">{$diskinit_str}</pre>
                case "msdos":
                    $button = create_toggle_button("Checking disk", "dos_fsck_out");
                    $cmd = "/sbin/fsck_msdosfs -y -f " . escapeshellarg($disk . $partition);
                    $out = create_cmdout_container("dos_fsck_out", $cmd);
                    $retvalue .= assemble_cmdout($button, $out);
            /* Mount disk if necessary. */
            if ($umount && $ismounted) {
                disks_mount_fullname($disk . $partition);
    return $retvalue;
 $notinitmbr = $_POST['notinitmbr'];
 /* Check if disk is mounted. */
 if (isAjax() && disks_check_mount_fullname($disk)) {
     $statustxt = sprintf(gettext("The disk is currently mounted! <a href=%s>Unmount</a> this disk first before proceeding."), "disks_mount_tools.php?disk={$disk}&amp;action=umount");
     $divcontents = "<div style='background:#990000'><table>";
     $divcontents .= "<tr><td>";
     $divcontents .= "<img src='/themes/{$g['theme']}/images/icons/icon_error.gif' width='28' height='32'>";
     $divcontents .= "</td><td><font color='white'><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;The following errors have occured:<p><ul>";
     $divcontents .= "<font color='white'><li> " . $statustxt . "</li>";
     $divcontents .= "</ul></td></table></div><br />";
     header("HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error");
     header("Status: 500 Internal Server Error. {$statustxt}");
     echo $divcontents;
 } else {
     if (disks_check_mount_fullname($disk)) {
         $errormsg = sprintf(gettext("The disk is currently mounted! <a href=%s>Unmount</a> this disk first before proceeding."), "disks_mount_tools.php?disk={$disk}&action=umount");
         $do_format = false;
 if ($do_format) {
     /* Get the id of the disk array entry. */
     $NotFound = 1;
     $id = array_search_ex($disk, $a_disk, "fullname");
     if ($id) {
         /* Set new filesystem type. */
         $a_disk[$id]['fstype'] = $type;
         $NotFound = 0;
     } else {
         $id = array_search_ex($disk, $a_gmirror, "fullname");