} // deleteBooking // Set up inital date $_SESSION["todaydate"] = date('Ymd'); // Checks if currentweek button has been pressed // to call setToCurrentWeek function if (isset($_POST["currentweek"])) { setToCurrentWeek(); } elseif (isset($_POST["nextweek"])) { setToNextWeek($_POST["nextweek"]); } elseif (isset($_POST["prevweek"])) { setToPreviousWeek($_POST["prevweek"]); } elseif (isset($_POST["book"])) { createBooking($_POST["book"], $conn); } elseif (isset($_POST["undo"])) { deleteBooking($_POST["undo"], $conn); } else { setToCurrentWeek(); } // else // Establish the date of each day, store in individual variables $mondate = $_SESSION["mondate"]; // calculate whole week $tuedate = findNextDate($mondate); $weddate = findNextDate($tuedate); $thudate = findNextDate($weddate); $fridate = findNextDate($thudate); ?> <!-- Form used to change to previous or next week Set values to current mondate, so that next mondate Can be set as +1 week (or -1 week for previous)-->
$numBlocks = $numBlocks - 1; } //change the endtime to appropriate value $row['endTime'] = date("H:i:s", $endTime); $end = $row['endTime']; } } //Cancel booking //This is not the user and the user is not an admin if ($bookingUserID != $_SESSION["netID"] && $_SESSION["class"] != "Admin") { http_response_code(406); //Invalid Entry } else { //it is the user's own booking or they are admin foreach ($bookingIDList as $bid) { deleteBooking($db, $bid); } $admin = false; if ($_SESSION["class"] == "Admin" && $bookingUserID != $_SESSION["netID"]) { //cancelled by admin $admin = true; $to = $bookingUserID . "@queensu.ca"; } else { $to = userEmail(); } cancelRecurring($room, $building, $cancelDates, $start, $end, $reason, $desc, $numP, $db, $to, $admin); http_response_code(200); //success } //Close the connection $db = NULL;
cancelBooking($room, $building, $startDate, $start, $end, $reason, $desc, $numP, $db, $to, true); //determnes which week the booking was booked in $week = determineWhichWeek($bookingDate); //return hours to the appropriate week and group for ($i = 0; $i < count($hrsSourceList); $i++) { if (strtolower($hrsSourceList[$i]) == "weekly") { returnWeeklyHoursToUser($db, $week, $bookingUserID, 0.5); } else { returnSpecialHoursToUser($db, $bookingUserID, $hrsSourceList[$i], 0.5); } } http_response_code(200); //success } else { //otherwise they are admin or deleting a faculty booking deleteBooking($db, $bookingID); //check if admin is deleting a different user's booking if ($bookingUserID != $_SESSION["netID"]) { $to = $bookingUserID . "@queensu.ca"; cancelBooking($room, $building, $startDate, $start, $end, $reason, $desc, $numP, $db, $to, true); } else { $to = userEmail(); cancelBooking($room, $building, $startDate, $start, $end, $reason, $desc, $numP, $db, $to, false); } } http_response_code(200); //sucess } } } //Close the connection
function saveBooking($activityids, $edit_userid = FALSE) { include_once "includes/sessionhandler.php"; require "includes/config.php"; $userid = $_SESSION['loginuserid']; $activity_data = $_SESSION['activitydetails']; if ($edit_userid) { $userid = $edit_userid; } deleteBooking($userid); $activitiesfordb = implode("|", $activityids); if (mysql_query("INSERT INTO `activities_bookings` (`user_id` ,`bookings`) VALUES ('{$userid}', '{$activitiesfordb}');")) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($activityids); $i++) { if ($activity_data[$activityids[$i]]) { //allocate a place (adjust counter) mysql_query("UPDATE `activities` SET `placestaken` = `placestaken` + 1 WHERE `id` = {$activityids[$i]} LIMIT 1 ;"); } } if ($edit_userid) { $_SESSION['message'] = 2; } else { //refresh booking id cache in session $user_bookings = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `activities_bookings` WHERE `user_id` = {$userid} LIMIT 1;"); $user_bookings = mysql_fetch_object($user_bookings); $user_bookings->bookings = explode("|", $user_bookings->bookings); $_SESSION['userbookings'] = $user_bookings; $_SESSION['booked_activitys'] = $activityids; } } else { $_SESSION['message'] = 22; unset($_SESSION['booked_activitys']); //activities weren't stored so clear cache } }
$bookingsql = "Select * FROM {$db_prefix}bookings inner join {$db_prefix}events on evEventID = bkEventID inner join {$db_prefix}players on plPlayerID = bkPlayerID where bkID = " . $bookingid; } else { $bookingsql = "Select * FROM {$db_prefix}events cross join {$db_prefix}players where evEventID = " . $eventid . " and plPlayerID = " . $playerid; } $result = ba_db_query($link, $bookingsql); $bookinginfo = ba_db_fetch_assoc($result); if ($playerid == 0 && ba_db_num_rows($result) == 0) { $sMsg = "You cannot view this booking"; $sURL = fnSystemURL() . 'admin.php?warn=' . urlencode($sMsg); header("Location: {$sURL}"); } $eventinfo = getEventDetails($bookinginfo['evEventID'], 0); //Delete if (($_POST['btnDelete'] != '' || $_POST['btnDeleteAndRebook'] != '') && CheckReferrer('admin_booking.php')) { if ($_POST['txtConfirm'] == 'CONFIRM') { deleteBooking($bookinginfo['bkID']); if ($_POST['btnDelete'] != '') { $sURL = fnSystemURL() . 'admin_manageevent.php?EventID=' . $bookinginfo['bkEventID']; } else { $sURL = fnSystemURL() . 'admin_booking.php?PlayerID=' . $bookinginfo['bkPlayerID'] . "&EventID=" . $bookinginfo['bkEventID']; } header("Location: {$sURL}"); } } //Update if ($_POST['btnSave'] != '' && CheckReferrer('admin_booking.php')) { $bookas = htmlentities(stripslashes($_POST['cboBookAs'])); $overriddenvalue = htmlentities(stripslashes($_POST['txtOverriddenExpectedValue'])); $overrideexpected = (int) $_POST['chkOverride']; $overriddenpaidvalue = htmlentities(stripslashes($_POST['txtOverriddenAmountPaid'])); $overridepaid = (int) $_POST['chkOverridePaid'];
<![endif]--> </head> <body> <!-- Main jumbotron for a primary marketing message or call to action --> <?php include "../common/process_DB.php"; if (!isset($_SESSION["User"])) { printAlert("danger", "You haven't sign in yet!", "index.php"); exit; } $result = $_SESSION["User"]; printNavbar($result); print '</div>'; if (isset($_POST['Delete'])) { $suc = deleteBooking($_SESSION["Email"], $_POST['HotelName'], $_POST['HotelAddr'], $_POST['RoomType'], $_POST['RoomQuant'], $_POST['StartDate'], $_POST['EndDate']); if ($suc) { printAlert("success", "Deleted", "index.php"); } else { printAlert("failure", "Failed", "index.php"); } } $userEmail = $_SESSION["Email"]; $userName = $_SESSION["User"]; ?> <div class="container theme-showcase" role="main"> <div class="jumbotron"> <div class="container"><div class="panel-group" role="tablist"> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-heading" role="tab" id="collapseListGroupHeading1"> <label>
// change session variable $_SESSION["password"] = $password; } } } catch (Exception $e) { echo "An error occured:<br>"; echo $e->getMessage(); } finally { echo "<button id='dismiss'>Dismiss</button>"; echo "</form>"; echo "</p>"; } } // Checks if a booking has been deleted through POST if (isset($_POST['deletebooking'])) { deleteBooking($_POST['deletebooking']); } // If new user has been entered if (isset($_POST['newuser'])) { createNewUser($_POST['newusername'], $_POST['newuserfullname'], $_POST['newuserpwd']); } // If Delete button pressed on one of the users if (isset($_POST['deleteuser'])) { deleteUser($_POST['deleteuser']); } // If Make Admin has been pressed if (isset($_POST['makeadmin'])) { makeAdmin($_POST['makeadmin']); } // If allow book vehicles has been pressed if (isset($_POST['bookvehicles'])) {
getPendingPaperwork($_REQUEST); break; case "embedhtmlreport": embedReport($_REQUEST); break; case "loadpane": showAdminPane($_REQUEST); break; case "getactivity": getActivityByID($_REQUEST['actid']); break; case "deleteactivity": deleteActivity($_REQUEST['actid']); break; case "deletebooking": deleteBooking($_REQUEST['uid']); break; case "generateuserlist": showUserList($_REQUEST); break; case "generategrouplist": showGroupList($_REQUEST); break; case "editbooking": editBooking($_REQUEST['userid']); break; case "getpaperwork": getPaperworkByID($_REQUEST['papid']); break; case "deletepaperwork": deletePaperwork($_REQUEST['papid']);