require 'example_functions.php';

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            <span class="navbar-brand">JREAM\array_key_depth()</span>

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echo definition('array_key_depth');
run('Simple', 'not_here', $simple);
run('Named', 'frontend', $named);
run('Nested', 'supervisor', $nested);
</div><!-- /container -->
Example #2
function haxe($str)
    $lines = explode("\n", $str);
    $str = '';
    foreach ($lines as $ln) {
        $ln = preg_replace('/(\\!\\=|\\>\\=|\\<\\=|\\|\\||\\=\\=|\\&\\&)/', '<span class="operator">\\1</span>', $ln);
        if (preg_match('/^\\s*(class )|(interface )/', $ln)) {
            $ln = classDef($ln);
        } elseif (preg_match('/(var )|(function )/U', preg_replace('/(\\/\\/.*$)/U', '', $ln))) {
            $ln = definition($ln);
        } else {
            $ln = preg_replace('/\\@(dispatch|param|result|return|author|throws|throw|exception)/', '<span class="tag \\1">@\\1</span>', $ln) . "\n";
            # @tags
        $ln = preg_replace('/^(\\s*(\\*|\\/\\*).*)$/', '<i>\\1</i>', $ln);
        $ln = preg_replace('/^(\\s*\\*\\/)/', '<i>\\1</i>', $ln);
        $ln = preg_replace('/(?<!\\:)(\\/\\/.*)$/', '<i>\\1</i>', $ln);
        $ln = preg_replace('/(\\s|\\()(([a-z0-9_]+\\.)+[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)/', '\\1<type>\\2</type>', $ln);
        $ln = preg_replace('/(\\s+)(!([.a-zA-Z0-9_]+))([^=.a-zA-Z0-9_])/', '\\1\\3\\4', $ln);
        $ln = preg_replace('/([^a-zA-Z0-9_])(this|super)([^a-zA-Z0-9_])/', '\\1<span class="\\2">\\2</span>\\3', $ln);
        $ln = preg_replace('/([^a-zA-Z0-9_])(package|cast|null|false|true|return)([^a-zA-Z0-9_])/', '\\1<span class="\\2">\\2</span>\\3', $ln);
        $ln = preg_replace('/([^a-zA-Z-0-9_])if(\\s*)\\(/', '\\1<span class="if">if</span>\\3(', $ln);
        $str .= $ln;
    return "<div class=\"haxe\">\n" . imports($str) . "</div>";
Example #3
if (!$res0) {
    exit('An error occurred');
$query = $mysqli->prepare("\n\tSELECT DISTINCT def_id FROM definitions\n\tWHERE def_lang = 'en'\n\tAND def_type IS NULL\n\tAND word_id != (?)\n\tAND def_value != ''\n\tAND def_value != (?)\n\tAND word_id in (\n\t\tSELECT word_id FROM words WHERE word_lang = '{$la}'\n\t)\n\tAND word_id NOT IN (\n\t\tSELECT word_id FROM attributes\n\t\tWHERE attr_tag = 'template' OR attr_tag = 'hidden'\n\t)\n\tORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 4\n");
$res1 = NULL;
sql_getmany($query, $res1, ["is", $word->id(), definition($db, $res0[0])->value()]);
if (!$res1) {
    exit('An error occurred');
#$res1 = choose_n_unique($res1, 4);
$res = array_merge($res0, $res1);
$options = [];
foreach ($res as &$r) {
    $options[] = str_replace("\n", ", ", definition($db, $r)->value());
$correct = $options[0];
$indices = array_keys($options);
$correct_index = array_values(array_filter($indices, function ($i) use($options, $correct) {
    return $options[$i] == $correct;
<div id="pantheumsmallquiz">
<h3 style="margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:0.2em;"><?php 
echo display_word_name($word);
 <span data-i18n="can_mean">can mean</span>...</h3>
<div style="margin-bottom:0.2em;font-size:90%;" id="pantheumsmallquiz-time">
Example #4
function main()
    // Load globals
    global $errorPrefix;
    global $classMapFilename;
    global $generateMarkdown;
    global $lang;
    global $idRanges;
    global $autoIncrement;
    // Set up our paths and file handler
    $scriptPath = realpath(dirname(__FILE__));
    $classMapPath = join(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, [$scriptPath, 'data', $classMapFilename]);
    touch($classMapPath . '.txt');
    // Make sure the file exists
    $classMap = file($classMapPath . '.txt', FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES | FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES);
     * Get any existing ID maps
    	'type' =>
    				'classname' => 'SomeClass',
    				'namespace' => '\IPS\appname',
    				'id'        => [ 199, NULL ],
    				'path'      => 'sources/SomeClass/SomeClass.php'
    				'classname' => 'SubClass',
    				'namespace' => '\IPS\appname\SomeClass',
    				'id'        => [ 100, ord( 'B' ) ],
    				'path'      => 'sources/SomeClass/SubClass.php'
    $maps = [];
    $mappedPaths = [];
    $curType = NULL;
    $index = 0;
    foreach ($classMap as $line) {
        // Type definition?
        if ($def = definition($line, strtoupper($lang['type']))) {
            $curType = strtolower($def);
            if (!isset($maps[$curType])) {
                $maps[$curType][$index] = [];
        // Classname definition?
        if ($def = definition($line, strtoupper($lang['classname']))) {
            $maps[$curType][$index]['classname'] = $def;
        // Namespace definition?
        if ($def = definition($line, strtoupper($lang['namespace']))) {
            $maps[$curType][$index]['namespace'] = $def;
        // ID definition?
        if ($def = definition($line, strtoupper($lang['id']))) {
            $suffix = NULL;
            if (!is_numeric($def)) {
                $suffix = substr($def, -1);
                $def = substr($def, 0, -1);
                $suffix = ord($suffix);
            $maps[$curType][$index]['id'] = [$def, $suffix];
        // Path definition?
        if ($def = definition($line, strtoupper($lang['path']))) {
            $maps[$curType][$index]['path'] = $def;
            $mappedPaths[] = $def;
    // Get a list of files
    $types = ['sources', 'modules', 'extensions', 'hooks', 'widgets', 'tasks', 'interface', 'setup', 'misc'];
    $filePaths = [];
    foreach ($types as $type) {
        // Ignore misc
        if ($type == 'misc') {
        $path = join(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, [$scriptPath, $type]);
        // Skip it if the directory does not exist
        try {
            $iter = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path, RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS), RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST, RecursiveIteratorIterator::CATCH_GET_CHILD);
        } catch (UnexpectedValueException $e) {
        $filePaths[$type] = [];
        foreach ($iter as $path => $file) {
            if ($file->isFile() and $file->getExtension() == 'php') {
                $filePaths[$type][] = $path;
    // Set our starting point for auto-incrementing ID's
    foreach ($types as $type) {
        // Ignore misc
        if ($type == 'misc') {
        list($min, $max) = $idRanges[$type];
        $autoIncrement[$type] = [$min, NULL];
        if ($maps and !empty($maps[$type])) {
            foreach ($maps[$type] as $map) {
                // ID Suffix
                if ($map['id'][1]) {
                    if ($map['id'][1] > (int) $autoIncrement[$type][1]) {
                        $autoIncrement[$type] = $map['id'];
                // ID Number
                if ($map['id'][0] > (int) $autoIncrement[$type][0]) {
                    $autoIncrement[$type] = $map['id'];
    // Iterate over our files
    foreach ($types as $type) {
        // Ignore misc
        if ($type == 'misc') {
        // Skip empty types
        if (empty($filePaths[$type])) {
        foreach ($filePaths[$type] as $fp) {
            $lines = file($fp, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES | FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES);
            // Attempt to match our ClassName and Namespace
            $className = NULL;
            $namespace = NULL;
            foreach ($lines as $line) {
                // All done?
                if ($className and $namespace) {
                // Namespace?
                if (preg_match('/namespace\\s+([^;]+);/', $line, $namespaceMatch)) {
                    $namespace = $namespaceMatch[1];
                // Class name?
                $preg = in_array($type, ['hooks', 'interface', 'setup']) ? '/class ([a-zA-Z_\\x7f-\\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\\x7f-\\xff]*).*/' : '/class _([a-zA-Z0-9_\\x7f-\\xff]*).*/';
                if (preg_match($preg, $line, $classNameMatch)) {
                    $className = $classNameMatch[1];
            if ($className and $namespace) {
                $path = array_pop(explode($type . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $fp));
                if (in_array($path, $mappedPaths)) {
                $mappedPaths[] = $fp;
                $idSet = popId($type);
                $maps[$type][] = ['classname' => $className, 'namespace' => $namespace, 'id' => $idSet, 'path' => $path];
                $id = (string) $idSet[0];
                if ($idSet[1]) {
                    $id = $id . chr($idSet[1]);
                print "ID {$id} assigned to class {$namespace}\\{$className}" . PHP_EOL;
    // Write our output
    $classMap = fopen($classMapPath . '.txt', 'w+');
    foreach ($maps as $type => $map) {
        foreach ($map as $subMap) {
            $id = (string) $subMap['id'][0];
            if ($subMap['id'][1]) {
                $id = $id . chr($id[1]);
            fwrite($classMap, strtoupper($lang['type']) . ': ' . ucfirst($type));
            fwrite($classMap, PHP_EOL);
            fwrite($classMap, strtoupper($lang['classname']) . ': ' . $subMap['classname']);
            fwrite($classMap, PHP_EOL);
            fwrite($classMap, strtoupper($lang['namespace']) . ': ' . $subMap['namespace']);
            fwrite($classMap, PHP_EOL);
            fwrite($classMap, strtoupper($lang['id']) . ': ' . $id);
            fwrite($classMap, PHP_EOL);
            fwrite($classMap, strtoupper($lang['path']) . ': ' . $subMap['path']);
            fwrite($classMap, PHP_EOL);
            fwrite($classMap, PHP_EOL);
    // Generate a markdown document
    if ($generateMarkdown) {
        $classMap = fopen($classMapPath . '.md', 'w+');
        foreach ($maps as $type => $map) {
            fwrite($classMap, '# ' . ucfirst($type));
            fwrite($classMap, PHP_EOL);
            foreach ($map as $subMap) {
                $id = (string) $subMap['id'][0];
                if ($subMap['id'][1]) {
                    $id = $id . chr($id[1]);
                fwrite($classMap, "{$lang['key']} | {$lang['value']}");
                fwrite($classMap, PHP_EOL);
                fwrite($classMap, str_repeat('-', strlen($lang['key'])) . ' | ' . str_repeat('-', strlen($lang['value'])));
                fwrite($classMap, PHP_EOL);
                fwrite($classMap, strtoupper($lang['type']) . ' | ' . ucfirst($type));
                fwrite($classMap, PHP_EOL);
                fwrite($classMap, strtoupper($lang['classname']) . ' | ' . $subMap['classname']);
                fwrite($classMap, PHP_EOL);
                fwrite($classMap, strtoupper($lang['namespace']) . ' | ' . $subMap['namespace']);
                fwrite($classMap, PHP_EOL);
                fwrite($classMap, strtoupper($lang['id']) . ' | ' . $id);
                fwrite($classMap, PHP_EOL);
                fwrite($classMap, strtoupper($lang['path']) . ' | ' . $subMap['path']);
                fwrite($classMap, PHP_EOL);
                fwrite($classMap, PHP_EOL);
Example #5
    foreach ($res as &$r) {
        $r = ["correct" => $r->word()->id() === $pick_db["word"]->id(), "value" => ((string) $r->path() ? "(" . $r->path() . ") " : "") . str_replace("\n", ", ", $r->value())];
    return $res;
}, "choices0-tooltip" => "Pick correct definition"]]], "random-definitions-stage28-29-fr" => ["name" => "Stage 28–29 Vocabulary (FR)", "category" => "Vocabulary", "lang" => "la", "options" => [["help" => "Choose a correct definition for the given word", "selections" => ["word" => function ($_, $db, $path) {
    $s = $db->searcher();
    $s->stmt .= "\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE word_id IN (\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT word_id FROM definitions\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE def_lang = 'en'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND def_type IS NULL\n\t\t\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND word_lang = 'la'\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND word_id NOT IN (\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT word_id FROM attributes\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE attr_tag = 'template' OR attr_tag = 'hidden'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND (\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT attr_value FROM attributes\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE word_id = words.word_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND attr_tag = 'clc-stage' \n\t\t\t\t\t\t) IN (28,29)";
    $s->args = [];
    return $s->rand();
}], "sentence" => [$OP_LQUOTE, function ($pick_db) {
    return format_word($pick_db["word"]->name());
}, $OP_RQUOTE, $OP_COLON, $OP_USER_INPUT], "answer0-language" => "en", "answer0" => function ($pick_db, $db) {
    global $mysqli;
    $query = $mysqli->prepare("\n\t\t\t\t\tSELECT DISTINCT def_id FROM definitions\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE def_lang = 'en'\n\t\t\t\t\tAND def_type IS NULL\n\t\t\t\t\tAND word_id = (?)\n\t\t\t\t");
    $res = NULL;
    sql_getmany($query, $res, ["i", $pick_db["word"]->id()]);
    if (!$res) {
        return NULL;
    $ret = [];
    $ret2 = [];
    foreach ($res as $r) {
        $ret = array_merge($ret, explode("\n", definition(defaultDB(), $r)->value()));
    foreach ($ret as $r) {
        $ret2 = array_merge($ret2, array_map("trim", explode(",", $r)));
    return ["correct" => explode(",", $ret[0]), "acceptable" => $ret2];
}, "answer0-tooltip" => "Type correct definition"]]], "009" => ["name" => "Synonyms", "lang" => "la", "category" => "Vocabulary", "n_questions" => "auto", "options" => [make_matching(["cædō" => "interficiō", "exeō" => "discēdō", "pulsō" => "verberō", "volō" => "cupiō"]), make_matching(["turba" => "multitūdō", "mīles" => "arma", "imperātor" => "rēx"])]]]);