function sn_contact_view($template = null) { global $template_result, $lang; $template = gettemplate('contact', $template); $query = db_user_list("`authlevel` > 0 ORDER BY `authlevel` ASC"); // while($row = db_fetch($query)) foreach ($query as $row) { $template_result['.']['contact'][] = array('NAME' => $row['username'], 'LEVEL' => $lang['user_level'][$row['authlevel']], 'EMAIL' => $row['email']); } $template_result['PAGE_HEADER'] = $lang['ctc_title']; return $template; }
/** * SendSimpleMessage.php * * @version 1.3 * @copyright 2008 by Chlorel for XNova Revision history : 1.0 - Initial release (mise en fonction generique) 1.1 - Ajout gestion des messages par type pour le module de messages 1.2 - Correction bug (addslashes pour les zone texte pouvant contenir une apostrophe) 1.3 - Correction bug (integration de la variable $Time pour afficher l'heure exacte de l'evenement pour les flottes) 1.4 - copyright (c) 2010 by Gorlum for [+] Ability to mass-send emails. Mass-sending done via two queries - one for messages table, one for users table 1.5 - copyright (c) 2010-2011 by Gorlum for [+] SuperMassMailing - authlevel=3 player can send messages to whole server ('*' as $owners) */ function msg_ali_send($message, $subject, $ally_rank_id = 0, $ally_id = 0) { global $user; $ally_id = $ally_id ? $ally_id : $user['ally_id']; $list = ''; $query = db_user_list("ally_id = '{$ally_id}'" . ($ally_rank_id >= 0 ? " AND ally_rank_id = {$ally_rank_id}" : ''), false, 'id, username'); // while ($u = db_fetch($query)) foreach ($query as $u) { $sendList[] = $u['id']; $list .= "<br>{$u['username']} "; } msg_send_simple_message($sendList, $user['id'], SN_TIME_NOW, MSG_TYPE_ALLIANCE, $user['username'], $subject, $message, true); return $list; }
function sys_stat_calculate() { global $config, $sta_update_step; ini_set('memory_limit', $config->stats_php_memory ? $config->stats_php_memory : '1024M'); $user_skip_list = sys_stat_get_user_skip_list(); // $sn_groups_resources_loot = sn_get_groups('resources_loot'); $rate[RES_METAL] = $config->rpg_exchange_metal; $rate[RES_CRYSTAL] = $config->rpg_exchange_crystal / $config->rpg_exchange_metal; $rate[RES_DEUTERIUM] = $config->rpg_exchange_deuterium / $config->rpg_exchange_metal; $rate[RES_DARK_MATTER] = $config->rpg_exchange_darkMatter / $config->rpg_exchange_metal; $sta_update_step = -1; sta_set_time_limit('starting update'); $counts = $points = $unit_cost_cache = $user_allies = array(); sn_db_transaction_start(); sta_set_time_limit('calculating players stats'); $i = 0; // Блокируем всех пользователей classSupernova::db_lock_tables('users'); $user_list = db_user_list('', true, 'id, dark_matter, metal, crystal, deuterium, user_as_ally, ally_id'); $row_num = count($user_list); // while($player = db_fetch($query)) foreach ($user_list as $player) { if ($i++ % 100 == 0) { sta_set_time_limit("calculating players stats (player {$i}/{$row_num})", false); } if (array_key_exists($user_id = $player['id'], $user_skip_list)) { continue; } $resources = $player['metal'] * $rate[RES_METAL] + $player['crystal'] * $rate[RES_CRYSTAL] + $player['deuterium'] * $rate[RES_DEUTERIUM] + $player['dark_matter'] * $rate[RES_DARK_MATTER]; $counts[$user_id][UNIT_RESOURCES] += $resources; // $points[$user_id][UNIT_RESOURCES] += $resources; // А здесь мы фильтруем пользователей по $user_skip_list - далее не нужно этого делать, потому что if (!isset($user_skip_list[$user_id])) { $user_allies[$user_id] = $player['ally_id']; } } unset($user_list); classSupernova::cache_clear(LOC_USER, true); //pdump(classSupernova::$data[LOC_USER]); //pdump(classSupernova::$locks[LOC_USER]); sta_set_time_limit('calculating planets stats'); $i = 0; $query = db_planet_list_resources_by_owner(); $row_num = db_num_rows($query); while ($planet = db_fetch($query)) { if ($i++ % 100 == 0) { sta_set_time_limit("calculating planets stats (planet {$i}/{$row_num})", false); } if (array_key_exists($user_id = $planet['id_owner'], $user_skip_list)) { continue; } $resources = $planet['metal'] * $rate[RES_METAL] + $planet['crystal'] * $rate[RES_CRYSTAL] + $planet['deuterium'] * $rate[RES_DEUTERIUM]; $counts[$user_id][UNIT_RESOURCES] += $resources; // $points[$user_id][UNIT_RESOURCES] += $resources; } // Calculation of Fleet-In-Flight sta_set_time_limit('calculating flying fleets stats'); $i = 0; $query = doquery("SELECT fleet_owner, fleet_array, fleet_resource_metal, fleet_resource_crystal, fleet_resource_deuterium FROM {{fleets}};"); $row_num = db_num_rows($query); while ($fleet_row = db_fetch($query)) { if ($i++ % 100 == 0) { sta_set_time_limit("calculating flying fleets stats (fleet {$i}/{$row_num})", false); } if (array_key_exists($user_id = $fleet_row['fleet_owner'], $user_skip_list)) { continue; } $fleet = sys_unit_str2arr($fleet_row['fleet_array']); foreach ($fleet as $unit_id => $unit_amount) { $counts[$user_id][UNIT_SHIPS] += $unit_amount; if (!isset($unit_cost_cache[$unit_id][0])) { $unit_cost_cache[$unit_id][0] = get_unit_param($unit_id, P_COST); } $unit_cost_data =& $unit_cost_cache[$unit_id][0]; $points[$user_id][UNIT_SHIPS] += ($unit_cost_data[RES_METAL] * $rate[RES_METAL] + $unit_cost_data[RES_CRYSTAL] * $rate[RES_CRYSTAL] + $unit_cost_data[RES_DEUTERIUM] * $rate[RES_DEUTERIUM]) * $unit_amount; } $resources = $fleet_row['fleet_resource_metal'] * $rate[RES_METAL] + $fleet_row['fleet_resource_crystal'] * $rate[RES_CRYSTAL] + $fleet_row['fleet_resource_deuterium'] * $rate[RES_DEUTERIUM]; $counts[$user_id][UNIT_RESOURCES] += $resources; // $points[$user_id][UNIT_RESOURCES] += $resources; } sta_set_time_limit('calculating unit stats'); $i = 0; $query = db_unit_list_stat_calculate(); $row_num = db_num_rows($query); while ($unit = db_fetch($query)) { if ($i++ % 100 == 0) { sta_set_time_limit("calculating unit stats (unit {$i}/{$row_num})", false); } if (array_key_exists($user_id = $unit['unit_player_id'], $user_skip_list)) { continue; } $counts[$user_id][$unit['unit_type']] += $unit['unit_level'] * $unit['unit_amount']; $total_cost = eco_get_total_cost($unit['unit_snid'], $unit['unit_level']); $points[$user_id][$unit['unit_type']] += (isset($total_cost['total']) ? $total_cost['total'] : 0) * $unit['unit_amount']; } sta_set_time_limit('calculating ques stats'); $i = 0; $query = db_que_list_stat(); $row_num = db_num_rows($query); while ($que_item = db_fetch($query)) { if ($i++ % 100 == 0) { sta_set_time_limit("calculating ques stats (que item {$i}/{$row_num})", false); } if (array_key_exists($user_id = $que_item['que_player_id'], $user_skip_list)) { continue; } $que_unit_amount = $que_item['que_unit_amount']; $que_item = sys_unit_str2arr($que_item['que_unit_price']); $resources = ($que_item[RES_METAL] * $rate[RES_METAL] + $que_item[RES_CRYSTAL] * $rate[RES_CRYSTAL] + $que_item[RES_DEUTERIUM] * $rate[RES_DEUTERIUM]) * $que_unit_amount; $counts[$user_id][UNIT_RESOURCES] += $resources; // $points[$user_id][UNIT_RESOURCES] += $resources; } sta_set_time_limit('archiving old statistic'); // Statistic rotation // doquery("DELETE FROM {{statpoints}} WHERE `stat_code` >= 14;"); doquery("DELETE FROM {{statpoints}} WHERE `stat_date` < UNIX_TIMESTAMP(DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL {$config->stats_history_days} DAY));"); doquery("UPDATE {{statpoints}} SET `stat_code` = `stat_code` + 1;"); sta_set_time_limit('posting new user stats to DB'); $data = array(); foreach ($user_allies as $user_id => $ally_id) { // $counts[UNIT_RESOURCES] дублирует $points[UNIT_RESOURCES], поэтому $points не заполняем, а берем $counts и делим на 1000 $points[$user_id][UNIT_RESOURCES] = $counts[$user_id][UNIT_RESOURCES] / 1000; $points[$user_id] = array_map('floor', $points[$user_id]); $counts[$user_id] = array_map('floor', $counts[$user_id]); $ally_id = $ally_id ? $ally_id : 'NULL'; $user_defence_points = $points[$user_id][UNIT_DEFENCE] + $points[$user_id][UNIT_DEF_MISSILES]; $user_defence_counts = $counts[$user_id][UNIT_DEFENCE] + $counts[$user_id][UNIT_DEF_MISSILES]; $user_points = array_sum($points[$user_id]); $user_counts = array_sum($counts[$user_id]); $data[] = $q = "({$user_id},{$ally_id},1,1,'{$points[$user_id][UNIT_TECHNOLOGIES]}','{$counts[$user_id][UNIT_TECHNOLOGIES]}'," . "'{$points[$user_id][UNIT_STRUCTURES]}','{$counts[$user_id][UNIT_STRUCTURES]}','{$user_defence_points}','{$user_defence_counts}'," . "'{$points[$user_id][UNIT_SHIPS]}','{$counts[$user_id][UNIT_SHIPS]}','{$points[$user_id][UNIT_RESOURCES]}','{$counts[$user_id][UNIT_RESOURCES]}'," . "{$user_points},{$user_counts}," . SN_TIME_NOW . ")"; sys_stat_calculate_flush($data); } sys_stat_calculate_flush($data, true); // Updating Allie's stats sta_set_time_limit('posting new Alliance stats to DB'); doquery("INSERT INTO {{statpoints}}\n (`tech_points`, `tech_count`, `build_points`, `build_count`, `defs_points`, `defs_count`,\n `fleet_points`, `fleet_count`, `res_points`, `res_count`, `total_points`, `total_count`,\n `stat_date`, `id_owner`, `id_ally`, `stat_type`, `stat_code`,\n `tech_old_rank`, `build_old_rank`, `defs_old_rank`, `fleet_old_rank`, `res_old_rank`, `total_old_rank`\n )\n SELECT\n SUM(u.`tech_points`)+aus.`tech_points`, SUM(u.`tech_count`)+aus.`tech_count`, SUM(u.`build_points`)+aus.`build_points`, SUM(u.`build_count`)+aus.`build_count`,\n SUM(u.`defs_points`)+aus.`defs_points`, SUM(u.`defs_count`)+aus.`defs_count`, SUM(u.`fleet_points`)+aus.`fleet_points`, SUM(u.`fleet_count`)+aus.`fleet_count`,\n SUM(u.`res_points`)+aus.`res_points`, SUM(u.`res_count`)+aus.`res_count`, SUM(u.`total_points`)+aus.`total_points`, SUM(u.`total_count`)+aus.`total_count`,\n " . SN_TIME_NOW . ", NULL, u.`id_ally`, 2, 1,\n a.tech_rank, a.build_rank, a.defs_rank, a.fleet_rank, a.res_rank, a.total_rank\n FROM {{statpoints}} as u\n join {{alliance}} as al on = u.id_ally\n left join {{statpoints}} as aus on aus.id_owner = al.ally_user_id and aus.stat_type = 1 AND aus.stat_code = 1\n LEFT JOIN {{statpoints}} as a ON a.id_ally = u.id_ally AND a.stat_code = 2 AND a.stat_type = 2\n WHERE u.`stat_type` = 1 AND u.stat_code = 1 AND u.id_ally<>0\n GROUP BY u.`id_ally`"); // Удаляем больше не нужные записи о достижении игрока-альянса db_stat_list_delete_ally_player(); // Some variables we need to update ranks $qryResetRowNum = 'SET @rownum=0;'; $qryFormat = 'UPDATE {{statpoints}} SET `%1$s_rank` = (SELECT @rownum:=@rownum+1) WHERE `stat_type` = %2$d AND `stat_code` = 1 ORDER BY `%1$s_points` DESC, `id_owner` ASC, `id_ally` ASC;'; $rankNames = array('tech', 'build', 'defs', 'fleet', 'res', 'total'); // Updating player's ranks sta_set_time_limit("updating ranks for players"); foreach ($rankNames as $rankName) { sta_set_time_limit("updating player rank '{$rankName}'", false); doquery($qryResetRowNum); doquery(sprintf($qryFormat, $rankName, 1)); } sta_set_time_limit("updating ranks for Alliances"); // --- Updating Allie's ranks foreach ($rankNames as $rankName) { sta_set_time_limit("updating Alliances rank '{$rankName}'", false); doquery($qryResetRowNum); doquery(sprintf($qryFormat, $rankName, 2)); } sta_set_time_limit('setting previous user stats from archive'); doquery("UPDATE {{statpoints}} as new\n LEFT JOIN {{statpoints}} as old ON old.id_owner = new.id_owner AND old.stat_code = 2 AND old.stat_type = new.stat_type\n SET\n new.tech_old_rank = old.tech_rank,\n new.build_old_rank = old.build_rank,\n new.defs_old_rank = old.defs_rank ,\n new.fleet_old_rank = old.fleet_rank,\n new.res_old_rank = old.res_rank,\n new.total_old_rank = old.total_rank\n WHERE\n new.stat_type = 1 AND new.stat_code = 1;"); sta_set_time_limit('setting previous allies stats from archive'); doquery("UPDATE {{statpoints}} as new\n LEFT JOIN {{statpoints}} as old ON old.id_ally = new.id_ally AND old.stat_code = 2 AND old.stat_type = new.stat_type\n SET\n new.tech_old_rank = old.tech_rank,\n new.build_old_rank = old.build_rank,\n new.defs_old_rank = old.defs_rank ,\n new.fleet_old_rank = old.fleet_rank,\n new.res_old_rank = old.res_rank,\n new.total_old_rank = old.total_rank\n WHERE\n new.stat_type = 2 AND new.stat_code = 1;"); sta_set_time_limit('updating players current rank and points'); db_stat_list_update_user_stats(); sta_set_time_limit('updating Allys current rank and points'); db_stat_list_update_ally_stats(); // Counting real user count and updating values $config->db_saveItem('users_amount', db_user_count()); sn_db_transaction_commit(); }
case 'usr_level': # only for admins if ($user['authlevel'] < 3 || $NewLevel >= $user['authlevel']) { message($lang['sys_noalloaw'], $lang['sys_noaccess']); die; } $selected_user = db_user_by_username($Pattern, false, 'id'); $QryUpdate = db_user_set_by_id($selected_user['id'], "`authlevel` = '{$NewLvl}'"); $Message = $lang['adm_mess_lvl1'] . " " . $Pattern . " " . $lang['adm_mess_lvl2']; $Message .= "<font color=\"red\">" . $lang['adm_usr_level'][$NewLvl] . "</font>!"; AdminMessage($Message, $lang['adm_mod_level']); break; case 'ip_search': $bloc = $lang; $bloc['adm_this_ip'] = $ip; $SelUser = db_user_list("`user_lastip` = '{$ip}'"); //while ( $Usr = db_fetch($SelUser) ) { foreach ($SelUser as $Usr) { $UsrMain = db_planet_by_id($Usr['id_planet'], false, 'name'); $bloc['adm_plyer_lst'] .= "<tr><th>" . $Usr['username'] . "</th><th>[" . $Usr['galaxy'] . ":" . $Usr['system'] . ":" . $Usr['planet'] . "] " . $UsrMain['name'] . "</th></tr>"; } $SubPanelTPL = gettemplate('admin/admin_panel_asw2'); $parse['adm_sub_form2'] = parsetemplate($SubPanelTPL, $bloc); break; default: break; } } // Traiter les reponses aux formulaires if (isset($GET_action)) { $bloc = $lang;
function sys_stat_get_user_skip_list() { global $config; $result = array(); $user_skip_list = array(); if ($config->stats_hide_admins) { $user_skip_list[] = '`authlevel` > 0'; } if ($config->stats_hide_player_list) { $temp = explode(',', $config->stats_hide_player_list); foreach ($temp as $user_id) { $user_id = floatval($user_id); if ($user_id) { $user_skip_list[] = '`id` = ' . $user_id; } } } if (!empty($user_skip_list)) { $user_skip_list = implode(' OR ', $user_skip_list); $user_skip_query = db_user_list($user_skip_list); if (!empty($user_skip_query)) { foreach ($user_skip_query as $user_skip_row) { $result[$user_skip_row['id']] = $user_skip_row['id']; } } } return $result; }
function dashboard_userman() { list($section, $st, $delete) = GET('section, st, delete'); list($user_name, $user_pass, $user_confirm, $user_nick, $user_email, $user_acl) = GET('user_name, user_pass, user_confirm, user_nick, user_email, user_acl'); $per_page = 100; $section = intval($section); $st = intval($st); $grp = getoption('#grp'); $is_edit = FALSE; //visability Edit btton if (request_type('POST')) { cn_dsi_check(); // Do Delete if ($delete) { db_user_delete($user_name); cn_throw_message('User [' . cn_htmlspecialchars($user_name) . '] deleted'); $user_name = $user_nick = $user_email = $user_acl = ''; } else { $user_data = db_user_by_name($user_name); if (REQ('edit')) { if ($user_data === null) { $is_edit = FALSE; cn_throw_message("User not exists", 'e'); } } else { // Check user if (!$user_name) { cn_throw_message("Fill required field: username", 'e'); } if (!$user_pass) { cn_throw_message("Fill required field: password", 'e'); } if ($user_data !== null) { cn_throw_message("Username already exist", 'e'); } if ($user_confirm != $user_pass) { cn_throw_message('Confirm not match', 'e'); } // Invalid email if (!check_email($user_email)) { cn_throw_message("Email not valid", "e"); } elseif (db_user_by($user_email, 'email')) { cn_throw_message('Email already exists', 'e'); } } // Must be correct all if (cn_get_message('e', 'c') == 0) { // Edit user [user exist] if (REQ('edit')) { db_user_update($user_name, "email={$user_email}", "nick={$user_nick}", "acl={$user_acl}"); // Update exists (change password) if ($user_pass) { if ($user_confirm == $user_pass) { db_user_update($user_name, 'pass='******'User password / user info updated'); } else { cn_throw_message('Confirm not match', 'e'); } } else { cn_throw_message('User info updated'); } } else { if ($user_id = db_user_add($user_name, $user_acl)) { if (db_user_update($user_name, "email={$user_email}", "nick={$user_nick}", 'pass='******'t update user", 'e'); } } else { cn_throw_message("User not added: internal error", 'e'); } } } } } // ---- $userlist = db_user_list(); // Get users by ACL from index if ($section) { foreach ($userlist as $id => $dt) { if ($dt['acl'] != $section) { unset($userlist[$id]); } } } // Sort by latest & make pagination krsort($userlist); $userlist = array_slice($userlist, $st, $per_page, TRUE); // Fetch estimate user list foreach ($userlist as $id => $data) { $user = db_user_by($id); $userlist[$id] = $user; } // Retrieve info about user if ($user = db_user_by_name($user_name)) { $user_nick = isset($user['nick']) ? $user['nick'] : ''; $user_email = isset($user['email']) ? $user['email'] : ''; $user_acl = isset($user['acl']) ? $user['acl'] : ''; $is_edit = TRUE; } // By default for section if (!$user_acl) { $user_acl = $section; } cn_assign('users, section, st, per_page, grp', $userlist, $section, $st, $per_page, $grp); cn_assign('user_name, user_nick, user_email, user_acl, is_edit', $user_name, $user_nick, $user_email, $user_acl, $is_edit); echoheader('-@dashboard/style.css', "Users manager"); echo exec_tpl('dashboard/users'); echofooter(); }
function user_lookup($username) { $users = db_user_list(); foreach ($users as $uid => $acl) { $user = db_user_by($uid); if (isset($user['name']) && $user['name'] == $username) { return $user; } } return null; }
} if (isset($_POST["temat"]) && $_POST["temat"] != '') { $config->temat = $_POST['temat']; } if ($user['authlevel'] == 3) { $kolor = 'red'; $ranga = 'Administrator'; } elseif ($user['authlevel'] == 4) { $kolor = 'skyblue'; $ranga = 'GameOperator'; } elseif ($user['authlevel'] == 5) { $kolor = 'yellow'; $ranga = 'SuperGameOperator'; } if ($config->tresc != '' and $config->temat) { $Time = time(); $From = '<font color="' . $kolor . '">' . $ranga . " " . $user['username'] . "</font>"; $Subject = '<font color="' . $kolor . '">' . $config->temat . "</font>"; $Message = '<font color="' . $kolor . '"><b>' . $config->tresc . "</b></font>"; $sq = db_user_list('', false, 'id'); foreach ($sq as $u) { msg_send_simple_message($u['id'], $user['id'], $Time, MSG_TYPE_ADMIN, $From, $Subject, $Message); } message("<font color=\"lime\">Херня на польском</font>", "Complete", "../overview." . PHP_EX, 3); } } else { $parse['dpath'] = $dpath; $parse['debug'] = $config->debug == 1 ? " checked='checked'/" : ''; $page .= parsetemplate(gettemplate('admin/messall_body'), $parse); display($page, '', false, '', true); }