Example #1
        $reallydelete = false;
    $allow = check_allow('subjectpool_delete', 'subpool_edit.php?subpool_id=' . $subpool_id);
if ($proceed) {
    // load languages
    $languages = get_languages();
    $exptypes = load_external_experiment_types();
    // load subject pool
    $subpool = orsee_db_load_array("subpools", $subpool_id, "subpool_id");
    if (!isset($subpool['subpool_id'])) {
if ($proceed) {
    $exptype_ids = db_string_to_id_array($subpool['experiment_types']);
    $subpool['exptypes'] = array();
    foreach ($exptype_ids as $exptype_id) {
        $subpool['exptypes'][] = $exptypes[$exptype_id][lang('lang')];
    $pars = array(':subpool_id' => $subpool_id);
    $query = "SELECT * from " . table('lang') . " WHERE content_type='subjectpool' AND content_name= :subpool_id";
    $selfdesc = orsee_query($query, $pars);
    foreach ($languages as $language) {
        $subpool['selfdesc_' . $language] = $selfdesc[$language];
    echo '<center>';
    if ($reallydelete) {
        if (isset($_REQUEST['merge_with']) && $_REQUEST['merge_with']) {
            $merge_with = $_REQUEST['merge_with'];
Example #2
function stats__get_data($condition = array(), $type = 'stats', $restrict = array(), $options = array())
    global $settings;
    $conditions = array();
    $pars = array();
    if (is_array($condition) && count($condition) > 0) {
        $conditions[] = $condition['clause'];
        if (isset($condition['pars']) && is_array($condition['pars'])) {
            foreach ($condition['pars'] as $k => $v) {
                $pars[$k] = $v;
    $formfields = participantform__load();
    $pform_fields = array();
    $pform_types = array();
    foreach ($formfields as $f) {
        if (!preg_match("/(textline|textarea)/i", $f['type']) && isset($f['include_in_statistics']) && ($f['include_in_statistics'] == 'pie' || $f['include_in_statistics'] == 'bars')) {
            $pform_fields[] = $f['mysql_column_name'];
            $pform_types[$f['mysql_column_name']] = $f;
    $statfields = array('subpool_id', 'subscriptions', 'status_id');
    foreach ($pform_fields as $field) {
        if (!in_array($field, $statfields)) {
            $statfields[] = $field;
    if ($type == 'stats' && $settings['enable_rules_signed_tracking'] == 'y') {
        if (!in_array('rules_signed', $statfields)) {
            $statfields[] = 'rules_signed';
    } else {
        $exists = array_search('rules_signed', $statfields);
        if ($exists) {
    if ($type == 'stats') {
        foreach (array('number_reg', 'number_noshowup', 'last_enrolment', 'last_profile_update', 'last_activity') as $field) {
            if (!in_array($field, $statfields)) {
                $statfields[] = $field;
    $query = "SELECT * from " . table('participants');
    $query_conditions = "";
    if (count($conditions) > 0) {
        $query_conditions .= " WHERE";
        $cond_strings = array();
        foreach ($conditions as $cond) {
            $cond_strings[] = "(" . $cond . ")";
        $query_conditions .= " " . implode(" AND ", $cond_strings);
    $query .= $query_conditions;
    $result = or_query($query, $pars);
    $counts = array();
    $pids = array();
    while ($line = pdo_fetch_assoc($result)) {
        // check whether we should count this participant and (for monthly stats) use this value
        $p_restrict = false;
        foreach ($statfields as $c) {
            $value = $line[$c];
            if (in_array($c, array('last_enrolment', 'last_profile_update', 'last_activity'))) {
                if (!$value) {
                    $value = 0;
                if ($value == 0) {
                    $value = '-';
                } else {
                    $value = date('Ym', $value);
            $value = db_string_to_id_array($value);
            if (count($value) > 0) {
                $this_restrict = true;
                foreach ($value as $v) {
                    if (!isset($restrict[$c][$v])) {
                        $this_restrict = false;
                if ($this_restrict) {
                    $p_restrict = true;
            } else {
                $value = '-';
                if (isset($restrict[$c][$value])) {
                    $p_restrict = true;
        if (!$p_restrict) {
            $pids[] = $line['participant_id'];
            foreach ($statfields as $c) {
                $value = $line[$c];
                $continue = true;
                if (in_array($c, array('last_enrolment', 'last_profile_update', 'last_activity'))) {
                    if (!$value) {
                        $value = 0;
                    if (date('Ym', $value) < date('Ym', strtotime("-" . $settings['stats_months_backward'] . " month", time()))) {
                        $continue = false;
                    if ($value == 0) {
                        $value = '-';
                    } else {
                        $value = date('Ym', $value);
                if ($continue) {
                    $value = db_string_to_id_array($value);
                    if (count($value) > 0) {
                        foreach ($value as $v) {
                            if (!isset($counts[$c][$v])) {
                                $counts[$c][$v] = 0;
                    } else {
                        $value = '-';
                        if (!isset($counts[$c][$value])) {
                            $counts[$c][$value] = 0;
    $count_pids = count($pids);
    $pid_condition = "";
    if (count($restrict) > 0) {
        $pid_condition = " AND participant_id IN (" . implode(", ", $pids) . ") ";
    } elseif (count($conditions) == 1 && isset($options['condition_only_on_pid']) && $options['condition_only_on_pid']) {
        $pid_condition = " AND " . $condition['clause'] . " ";
    } elseif ($query_conditions) {
        $pid_condition = " AND participant_id IN (SELECT participant_id FROM " . table('participants') . " " . $query_conditions . ") ";
    // avg. experience (participation in experiments of class x, y, z  at time of experiment)
    $statfields[] = 'experience_avg_experimentclass';
    if ($count_pids > 0) {
        $participated_clause = expregister__get_pstatus_query_snippet("participated");
        $query = "SELECT count(*) as num, experiment_class\n                FROM " . table('participate_at') . " as p, " . table('experiments') . " as e\n                WHERE p.session_id>0 " . $pid_condition . "\n                AND e.experiment_id=p.experiment_id\n                AND e.experiment_class !=''\n                AND " . $participated_clause . " ";
        if (is_array($options) && isset($options['upper_experience_limit'])) {
            $query .= " AND session_id IN (SELECT session_id FROM " . table('sessions') . "\n                        WHERE session_start < " . ortime__unixtime_to_sesstime($options['upper_experience_limit']) . "\n                        AND session_status IN ('completed','balanced') ) ";
        $query .= "GROUP BY experiment_class";
        $result = or_query($query, $pars);
        while ($line = pdo_fetch_assoc($result)) {
            $line['experiment_class'] = db_string_to_id_array($line['experiment_class']);
            foreach ($line['experiment_class'] as $v) {
                if ($v > 0) {
                    if (!isset($counts['experience_avg_experimentclass'][$v])) {
                        $counts['experience_avg_experimentclass'][$v] = 0;
                    $counts['experience_avg_experimentclass'][$v] += round($line['num'] / $count_pids, 2);
    if ($type == 'report') {
        // avg. count pstatus at time of experiment)
        $statfields[] = 'experience_avg_pstatus';
    if ($count_pids > 0 && $type == 'report') {
        $query = "SELECT count(*) as num, pstatus_id\n                FROM " . table('participate_at') . "\n                WHERE session_id>0 " . $pid_condition;
        if (is_array($options) && isset($options['upper_experience_limit'])) {
            $query .= " AND session_id IN (SELECT session_id FROM " . table('sessions') . "\n                    WHERE session_start < " . ortime__unixtime_to_sesstime($options['upper_experience_limit']) . "\n                    AND session_status IN ('completed','balanced') ) ";
        $query .= "GROUP BY pstatus_id";
        $result = or_query($query, $pars);
        while ($line = pdo_fetch_assoc($result)) {
            $counts['experience_avg_pstatus'][$line['pstatus_id']] = round($line['num'] / $count_pids, 2);
    if ($type == 'stats') {
        // by pstatus: pstatus count // really needed? we have no_noshows, num_reg ...
        // by month: pstatus
        $statfields[] = 'bymonth_pstatus';
        $statfields[] = 'bymonth_noshowrate';
    if ($count_pids > 0 && $type == 'stats') {
        $first_month = date('Ym000000', strtotime("-" . $settings['stats_months_backward'] . " month", time()));
        $noshow_statuses = expregister__get_specific_pstatuses("noshow");
        $query = "SELECT date_format(s.session_start*100,'%Y%m') as sessionmonth,\n                pstatus_id, count(p.participate_id) as num\n                FROM " . table('participate_at') . " as p, " . table('sessions') . " as s\n                WHERE p.session_id>0\n                AND p.session_id=s.session_id\n                AND s.session_status IN ('completed','balanced')\n                AND s.session_start>" . $first_month . " " . $pid_condition . "\n                GROUP BY sessionmonth, pstatus_id\n                ORDER BY sessionmonth, pstatus_id ";
        $result = or_query($query, $pars);
        $noshowperc_data = array();
        while ($line = pdo_fetch_assoc($result)) {
            $counts['bymonth_pstatus_' . $line['pstatus_id']][$line['sessionmonth']] = $line['num'];
            if (!isset($noshowperc_data[$line['sessionmonth']]['n'])) {
                $noshowperc_data[$line['sessionmonth']]['n'] = 0;
            if (!isset($noshowperc_data[$line['sessionmonth']]['y'])) {
                $noshowperc_data[$line['sessionmonth']]['y'] = 0;
            if (in_array($line['pstatus_id'], $noshow_statuses)) {
                $noshowperc_data[$line['sessionmonth']]['n'] += $line['num'];
            } else {
                $noshowperc_data[$line['sessionmonth']]['y'] += $line['num'];
        // get the noshow percentages as well
        foreach ($noshowperc_data as $month => $shownup) {
            $counts['bymonth_noshowrate'][$month] = round($shownup['n'] / ($shownup['n'] + $shownup['y']) * 100, 1);
    $xnames = array('number_reg' => lang('experience'), 'number_noshowup' => lang('noshowup'), 'pstatus' => lang('month'), 'experience_avg_experimentclass' => lang('experiment_classes'), 'experience_avg_pstatus' => lang('participation_status'));
    $titles = array('number_reg' => lang('experience'), 'number_noshowup' => lang('noshows_by_count'), 'last_enrolment' => lang('last_enrolment'), 'last_profile_update' => lang('last_profile_update'), 'last_activity' => lang('last_activity'), 'bymonth_noshowrate' => lang('noshows_by_month'), 'experience_avg_experimentclass' => lang('experience_in_experiment_classes'), 'experience_avg_pstatus' => lang('average_participation_experience'));
    // prepare all-containing arrray to return
    $data_temparray = array();
    foreach ($counts as $c => $nums) {
        $d = array();
        $d['N'] = $count_pids;
        if (isset($pform_types[$c])) {
            $d['browsable'] = true;
            $d['charttype'] = $pform_types[$c]['include_in_statistics'];
            $d['type_of_data'] = 'count';
            $d['yname'] = lang('count');
            $d['xname'] = lang($pform_types[$c]['name_lang']);
            $d['title'] = lang($pform_types[$c]['name_lang']);
            if (preg_match("/(select_lang|radioline_lang)/", $pform_types[$c]['type'])) {
                $d['value_names'] = lang__load_lang_cat($c, lang('lang'));
            } elseif (preg_match("/(radioline|select_list)/", $pform_types[$c]['type'])) {
                $optionvalues = explode(",", $pform_types[$c]['option_values']);
                $optionnames = explode(",", $pform_types[$c]['option_values_lang']);
                $d['value_names'] = array();
                foreach ($optionvalues as $k => $v) {
                    if (isset($optionnames[$k])) {
                        $d['value_names'][$v] = lang($optionnames[$k]);
            } else {
                $d['value_names'] = array();
            // select numbers?
            if ($pform_types[$c]['type'] == 'select_numbers') {
            } else {
            $d['data'] = $nums;
            $data_temparray[$c] = $d;
        } elseif (in_array($c, array('number_reg', 'number_noshowup'))) {
            $d['browsable'] = true;
            $d['charttype'] = 'bars';
            if ($c == 'number_reg') {
                $d['wide'] = true;
            $d['limit_not_apply'] = true;
            $d['type_of_data'] = 'count';
            $d['yname'] = lang('count');
            $d['xname'] = $xnames[$c];
            $d['title'] = $titles[$c];
            $d['value_names'] = array();
            $d['data'] = $nums;
            $data_temparray[$c] = $d;
        } elseif (in_array($c, array('experience_avg_experimentclass', 'experience_avg_pstatus'))) {
            $d['charttype'] = 'pie';
            $d['type_of_data'] = 'calc';
            $d['yname'] = lang('average_count');
            $d['xname'] = $xnames[$c];
            $d['title'] = $titles[$c];
            $d['value_names'] = array();
            if ($c == 'experience_avg_experimentclass') {
                $d['value_names'] = experiment__load_experimentclassnames();
            } else {
                $pstatuses = expregister__get_participation_statuses();
                foreach ($pstatuses as $k => $s) {
                    $d['value_names'][$k] = $s['internal_name'];
            $d['data'] = $nums;
            $data_temparray[$c] = $d;
        } elseif ($c == 'rules_signed') {
            $d['browsable'] = true;
            $d['charttype'] = 'pie';
            $d['type_of_data'] = 'count';
            $d['yname'] = lang('count');
            $d['xname'] = lang('rules_signed');
            $d['title'] = lang('rules_signed');
            $d['value_names'] = array('n' => lang('n'), 'y' => lang('y'));
            $d['data'] = $nums;
            $data_temparray[$c] = $d;
        } elseif ($c == 'subpool_id') {
            $d['browsable'] = true;
            $d['charttype'] = 'pie';
            $d['type_of_data'] = 'count';
            $d['yname'] = lang('count');
            $d['xname'] = lang('subpool');
            $d['title'] = lang('subpool');
            $subpools = subpools__get_subpools();
            $d['value_names'] = array();
            foreach ($subpools as $k => $p) {
                $d['value_names'][$k] = $p['subpool_name'];
            $d['data'] = $nums;
            $data_temparray[$c] = $d;
        } elseif ($c == 'status_id') {
            $d['browsable'] = true;
            $d['charttype'] = 'pie';
            $d['type_of_data'] = 'count';
            $d['yname'] = lang('count');
            $d['xname'] = lang('participant_status');
            $d['title'] = lang('participant_statuses');
            $statuses = participant_status__get_statuses();
            $d['value_names'] = array();
            foreach ($statuses as $k => $p) {
                $d['value_names'][$k] = $p['name'];
            $d['data'] = $nums;
            $data_temparray[$c] = $d;
        } elseif ($c == 'subscriptions') {
            $d['browsable'] = true;
            $d['charttype'] = 'none';
            $d['type_of_data'] = 'count';
            $d['yname'] = lang('count');
            $d['xname'] = lang('subscriptions');
            $d['title'] = lang('subscriptions');
            $exptypes = load_external_experiment_types("", false);
            $d['value_names'] = array();
            foreach ($exptypes as $k => $p) {
                $d['value_names'][$k] = $p[lang('lang')];
            $d['data'] = $nums;
            $data_temparray[$c] = $d;
        } elseif (in_array($c, array('last_enrolment', 'last_profile_update', 'last_activity', 'bymonth_noshowrate'))) {
            $d['charttype'] = 'bars';
            $d['wide'] = true;
            if ($c == 'bymonth_noshowrate') {
                $d['yname'] = lang('share_in_percent');
                $d['type_of_data'] = 'calc';
            } else {
                $d['yname'] = lang('count');
                $d['type_of_data'] = 'count';
            $d['xname'] = lang('month');
            $d['title'] = $titles[$c];
            foreach ($nums as $k => $number) {
                if ($k == '-') {
                    $d['value_names'][$k] = $k;
                } else {
                    $d['value_names'][$k] = substr($k, 4, 2) . '/' . substr($k, 2, 2);
            $d['data'] = $nums;
            $data_temparray[$c] = $d;
        } elseif (preg_match('/^bymonth_pstatus/', $c)) {
            $tarr = explode("_", $c);
            $status = $tarr[2];
            if (!isset($data_temparray['bymonth_pstatus'])) {
                $pstatuses = expregister__get_participation_statuses();
                $d['charttype'] = 'multibars';
                $d['wide'] = true;
                $d['type_of_data'] = 'count';
                $d['yname'] = lang('count');
                $d['xname'] = lang('month');
                $d['title'] = lang('participation_status_count_by_month');
                $d['value_names'] = array();
                $d['column_names'] = array();
                foreach ($pstatuses as $k => $s) {
                    $d['column_names'][$k] = $s['internal_name'];
                $data_temparray['bymonth_pstatus'] = $d;
            $data_temparray['bymonth_pstatus']['data'][$status] = $nums;
            $d['value_names'] = array();
            foreach ($data_temparray['bymonth_pstatus']['data'] as $status => $months) {
                foreach ($months as $month => $count) {
                    $d['value_names'][$month] = $month;
            foreach ($d['value_names'] as $k => $v) {
                $d['value_names'][$k] = substr($v, 4, 2) . '/' . substr($v, 2, 2);
            $data_temparray['bymonth_pstatus']['value_names'] = $d['value_names'];
    // prepare all-containing array to return
    $data_array = array();
    foreach ($statfields as $c) {
        if (isset($data_temparray[$c]['data'])) {
            $data_temparray[$c]['name'] = $c;
            $data_array[$c] = $data_temparray[$c];
        } else {
            $data_array[$c] = array('name' => $c, 'N' => 0, 'data' => array());
    return $data_array;
Example #3
    } else {
        $experiment_id = 0;
if ($proceed) {
    if ($experiment_id > 0) {
        $experiment = orsee_db_load_array("experiments", $experiment_id, "experiment_id");
        if (!isset($experiment['experiment_id'])) {
            $experiment_id = 0;
if ($proceed) {
    if ($experiment_id > 0) {
        $experimenters = db_string_to_id_array($experiment['experimenter']);
        if (!(in_array($expadmindata['admin_id'], $experimenters) && check_allow('file_download_experiment_my') || check_allow('file_download_experiment_all'))) {
            redirect('admin/experiment_show.php?experiment_id=' . $experiment_id);
    } else {
        $allow = check_allow('file_download_general', 'download_main.php');
if ($proceed) {
    // load file specification
    $filedata = orsee_db_load_array("uploads_data", $upload_id, "upload_id");
    // mime type
    $mime_type = $upload['upload_mimetype'];
    if (!$mime_type) {
        $mime_type = downloads__mime_type($upload['upload_suffix']);
Example #4
        } else {
            $show_payment_budgets = false;
        if ($show_payment_budgets) {
            echo '<TR>
                        <TD valign="top">' . lang('possible_budgets') . '</TD>
            echo payments__budget_multiselectfield("payment_budgets", db_string_to_id_array($edit['payment_budgets']));
            echo '</TD>
        if ($show_payment_types) {
            echo '<TR>
                        <TD valign="top">' . lang('possible_payment_types') . '</TD>
            echo payments__paytype_multiselectfield("payment_types", db_string_to_id_array($edit['payment_types']));
            echo '<BR></TD>
    echo '  <TR>
                ' . lang('session_status') . '
                <TABLE border=0><TR><TD style="outline: 1px dashed red;">' . session__session_status_select('session_status', $edit['session_status']) . '</TD></TR></TABLE>

            <TD COLSPAN=2 align="center"><BR>
Example #5
                        ' . participants__count_participants() . ' ' . lang('xxx_participants_registered') . '.

                <TABLE border=1 style="border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid #AAA;">';
    $exptypes = load_external_experiment_types();
    $pstatuses = participant_status__get_statuses();
    $query = "SELECT count(*) as num_part, subscriptions, status_id\n            FROM " . table('participants') . "\n            GROUP BY subscriptions, status_id";
    $result = or_query($query);
    $part_nums = array();
    while ($line = pdo_fetch_assoc($result)) {
        $etemp = db_string_to_id_array($line['subscriptions']);
        foreach ($etemp as $et) {
            if (!isset($part_nums[$et][$line['status_id']])) {
                $part_nums[$et][$line['status_id']] = 0;
            $part_nums[$et][$line['status_id']] = $part_nums[$et][$line['status_id']] + $line['num_part'];
    echo '<TR><TD colspan=2></TD><TD colspan="' . count($pstatuses) . '"><B>' . lang('participant_status') . '</B></TD></TR>';
    echo '<TR><TD colspan=2></TD>';
    foreach ($pstatuses as $status_id => $status) {
        echo '<TD align="right">' . $status['name'] . '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</TD>';
    $first = true;
    foreach ($exptypes as $exptype_id => $exptype) {
        echo '<TR>';
Example #6
function payments__get_default_budget($experiment = array(), $session = array())
    $continue = true;
    if ($continue) {
        if (is_array($session) && isset($session['payment_budgets'])) {
            $budgets = db_string_to_id_array($session['payment_budgets']);
            if (count($budgets) > 0) {
                $continue = false;
                return $budgets[0];
    if ($continue) {
        if (is_array($experiment) && isset($experiment['payment_budgets'])) {
            $budgets = db_string_to_id_array($experiment['payment_budgets']);
            if (count($budgets) > 0) {
                $continue = false;
                return $budgets[0];
    if ($continue) {
        $budgets = payments__load_budgets(true);
        $first = true;
        foreach ($budgets as $k => $budget) {
            if ($first) {
                return $k;
                $first = false;
    if ($continue) {
        $query = "SELECT * FROM " . table('budgets') . " \n\t\t\t\tORDER BY budget_id\n\t\t\t\tLIMIT 1";
        $result = or_query($query);
        $line = pdo_fetch_assoc($result);
        return $line['budget_id'];
Example #7
function email__is_allowed($email, $experiment, $priv = 'read')
    global $settings, $expadmindata;
    $return = false;
    $continue = true;
    if ($settings['enable_email_module'] == 'y') {
        if (check_allow('emails_' . $priv . '_all')) {
            $return = true;
            $continue = false;
        if ($continue && check_allow('emails_' . $priv . '_experiments') && $email['experiment_id']) {
            if (!isset($experiment['experiment_id'])) {
                $experiment = orsee_db_load_array("experiments", $email['experiment_id'], "experiment_id");
            $experimenters = db_string_to_id_array($experiment['experimenter']);
            if (in_array($expadmindata['admin_id'], $experimenters)) {
                $return = true;
                $continue = false;
        if ($continue && $settings['email_module_allow_assign_emails'] == 'y' && check_allow('emails_' . $priv . '_assigned')) {
            $assigned_to = db_string_to_id_array($experiment['assigned_to']);
            if (in_array($expadmindata['admin_id'], $assigned_to)) {
                $return = true;
                $continue = false;
    return $return;
Example #8
 echo '
         <TD valign="top">
             ' . lang('budget_limit') . ':
             <INPUT name="budget_limit" type=text size=40 maxlength=200 value="' . $budget['budget_limit'] . '">
 echo '
         <TD valign="top">
             ' . lang('experimenter') . ':
 echo experiment__experimenters_select_field('experimenter', db_string_to_id_array($budget['experimenter']), true);
 echo '  </TD>
 echo '<TR>
                 ' . lang('enabled?') . '
                 <INPUT type=radio name="enabled" value="1"';
 if ($budget['enabled']) {
     echo ' CHECKED';
 echo '>' . lang('yes') . '
                 <INPUT type=radio name="enabled" value="0"';
 if (!$budget['enabled']) {
Example #9
function downloads__list_files_experiment($experiment_id, $showsize = false, $showtype = false, $showdate = false)
    global $lang, $color, $expadmindata;
    $out = '';
    $continue = true;
    if ($continue) {
        $experiment = orsee_db_load_array("experiments", $experiment_id, "experiment_id");
        if (!isset($experiment['experiment_id'])) {
            $continue = false;
    if ($continue) {
        $experimenters = db_string_to_id_array($experiment['experimenter']);
        if (!(in_array($expadmindata['admin_id'], $experimenters) && check_allow('file_view_experiment_my') || check_allow('file_view_experiment_all'))) {
            $continue = false;
    if ($continue) {
        if (check_allow('file_download_experiment_all')) {
            $allow_dl = true;
        } elseif (in_array($expadmindata['admin_id'], $experimenters) && check_allow('file_download_experiment_my')) {
            $allow_dl = true;
        } else {
            $allow_dl = false;
        if (check_allow('file_delete_experiment_all')) {
            $allow_delete = true;
        } elseif (in_array($expadmindata['admin_id'], $experimenters) && check_allow('file_delete_experiment_my')) {
            $allow_delete = true;
        } else {
            $allow_delete = false;
        if (check_allow('file_edit_experiment_all')) {
            $allow_edit = true;
        } elseif (in_array($expadmindata['admin_id'], $experimenters) && check_allow('file_edit_experiment_my')) {
            $allow_edit = true;
        } else {
            $allow_edit = false;
        $query = "SELECT " . table('uploads') . ".*, " . table('sessions') . ".session_start\n                FROM " . table('uploads') . " LEFT JOIN " . table('sessions') . "\n                ON " . table('uploads') . ".session_id = " . table('sessions') . ".session_id\n                WHERE " . table('uploads') . ".experiment_id= :experiment_id\n                ORDER BY session_start, upload_type, upload_name, upload_id";
        $pars = array(':experiment_id' => $experiment_id);
        $result = or_query($query, $pars);
        if (pdo_num_rows($result) > 0) {
            $shade = true;
            $categories = lang__load_lang_cat('file_upload_category');
            $uptype = -1;
            $tsession_id = -1;
            $cols = 3;
            if ($showsize) {
            if ($showtype) {
            if ($showdate) {
            if ($allow_edit) {
            if ($allow_delete) {
            $out .= '<TABLE width="100%" border=0 cellspacing="0">';
            while ($upload = pdo_fetch_assoc($result)) {
                if ($shade) {
                    $bgcolor = ' bgcolor="' . $color['list_shade1'] . '"';
                    $shade = false;
                } else {
                    $bgcolor = ' bgcolor="' . $color['list_shade2'] . '"';
                    $shade = true;
                if ($upload['session_id'] != $tsession_id) {
                    $tsession_id = $upload['session_id'];
                    $uptype = 0;
                    $out .= '<TR bgcolor="' . $color['list_shade_subtitle'] . '">
                        <TD colspan=' . $cols . '>';
                    if ($upload['session_id'] > 0) {
                        $out .= '<i>' . lang('session') . ' ' . ortime__format(ortime__sesstime_to_unixtime($upload['session_start'])) . '</i>';
                    } else {
                        $out .= '<i>' . lang('no_session') . '</i>';
                    $out .= '</TD></TR>';
                if ($upload['upload_type'] != $uptype) {
                    $uptype = $upload['upload_type'];
                    $out .= '<TR bgcolor="' . $color['list_shade_subtitle'] . '">
                        <TD colspan=' . ($cols - 1) . '>';
                    if (isset($categories[$uptype])) {
                        $out .= $categories[$uptype];
                    } else {
                        $out .= '???';
                    $out .= '</TD></TR>';
                $out .= '<TR' . $bgcolor . '><TD>&nbsp;&nbsp;</TD><TD>';
                if ($allow_dl) {
                    $out .= '<A HREF="download_file.php' . '/' . rawurlencode($upload['upload_name'] . '.' . $upload['upload_suffix']) . '?t=d&i=' . $upload['upload_id'] . '">';
                $out .= $upload['upload_name'];
                if ($allow_dl) {
                    $out .= '</A>';
                $out .= '</TD>';
                if ($showsize) {
                    $out .= '<TD>' . number_format(round($upload['upload_filesize'] / 1024), 0) . ' KB</TD>';
                if ($showtype) {
                    $out .= '<TD>' . $upload['upload_suffix'] . '</TD>';
                if ($showdate) {
                    $out .= '<TD>' . ortime__format($upload['upload_id'], '', lang('lang')) . '</TD>';
                if ($allow_edit) {
                    $out .= '    <TD>';
                    $out .= '    <A HREF="download_edit.php?file=' . $upload['upload_id'] . '"><FONT class="small">[' . lang('edit') . ']</FONT></A>';
                    $out .= '    </TD>';
                if ($allow_delete) {
                    $out .= '    <TD>';
                    $out .= '    <A HREF="download_delete.php?dl=' . $upload['upload_id'] . '"><FONT class="small">[' . lang('delete') . ']</FONT></A>';
                    $out .= '    </TD>';
                $out .= '</TR>';
            $out .= '</TABLE>';
    return $out;
     if (!in_array($merge_with, $ids)) {
         $ids[] = $merge_with;
     $upars[] = array(':session_id' => $line['session_id'], ':payment_budgets' => id_array_to_db_string($ids));
 $query = "UPDATE " . table('sessions') . " \n\t\t\t\t\tSET payment_budgets= :payment_budgets \n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE session_id= :session_id";
 $done = or_query($query, $upars);
 // update experiments
 $upars = array();
 $pars = array(':payment_budget' => '%|' . $budget_id . '|%');
 $query = "SELECT experiment_id, payment_budgets\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM " . table('experiments') . "\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE payment_budgets LIKE :payment_budget";
 $result = or_query($query, $pars);
 while ($line = pdo_fetch_assoc($result)) {
     $ids = db_string_to_id_array($line['payment_budgets']);
     foreach ($ids as $k => $v) {
         if ($v == $budget_id) {
     if (!in_array($merge_with, $ids)) {
         $ids[] = $merge_with;
     $upars[] = array(':experiment_id' => $line['experiment_id'], ':payment_budgets' => id_array_to_db_string($ids));
 $query = "UPDATE " . table('experiments') . " \n\t\t\t\t\tSET payment_budgets= :payment_budgets \n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE experiment_id= :experiment_id";
 $done = or_query($query, $upars);
 // delete from budgets
 $pars = array(':budget_id' => $budget_id);
 $query = "DELETE FROM " . table('budgets') . " \n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE budget_id= :budget_id";
         $session = orsee_db_load_array("sessions", $session_id, "session_id");
         if (!isset($session['session_id'])) {
             redirect("admin/experiment_show.php?experiment_id=" . $experiment_id);
 if ($proceed) {
     if ($session_id && $settings['enable_payment_module'] == 'y' && (check_allow('payments_view') || check_allow('payments_edit'))) {
         $thislist_avail_payment_types = db_string_to_id_array($session['payment_types']);
         if (is_array($thislist_avail_payment_types) && count($thislist_avail_payment_types) > 1) {
             $show_payment_types = true;
         } else {
             $show_payment_types = false;
             $default_payment_type = payments__get_default_paytype($experiment, $session);
         $thislist_avail_payment_budgets = db_string_to_id_array($session['payment_budgets']);
         if (is_array($thislist_avail_payment_budgets) && count($thislist_avail_payment_budgets) > 1) {
             $show_payment_budgets = true;
         } else {
             $show_payment_budgets = false;
             $default_payment_budget = payments__get_default_budget($experiment, $session);
     if (isset($_REQUEST['change']) && $_REQUEST['change']) {
         $allow = check_allow('experiment_edit_participants', 'experiment_participants_show.php' . $thiscgis);
         if ($proceed) {
             if ($display == 'enrol') {
                 $continue = true;
                 if ($_REQUEST['to_session']) {
                     $to_session = $_REQUEST['to_session'];
                 } else {
Example #12
function experimentmail__send_registration_notice($line)
    global $settings;
    $reg = experiment__count_participate_at($line['experiment_id'], $line['session_id']);
    $experimenters = db_string_to_id_array($line['experimenter_mail']);
    foreach ($experimenters as $experimenter) {
        $admin = orsee_db_load_array("admin", $experimenter, "admin_id");
        if (isset($admin['admin_id'])) {
            $tlang = $admin['language'] ? $admin['language'] : $settings['admin_standard_language'];
            $lang = load_language($tlang);
            $admin['session_name'] = session__build_name($line, $tlang);
            $admin['experiment_name'] = $line['experiment_name'];
            $admin['registered'] = $reg;
            $admin['status'] = session__get_status($line, $tlang, $reg);
            $admin['needed'] = $line['part_needed'];
            $admin['reserve'] = $line['part_reserve'];
            $subject = load_language_symbol('subject_for_registration_notice', $tlang);
            $subject .= ' ' . $admin['experiment_name'] . ', ' . $admin['session_name'];
            $recipient = $admin['email'];
            $mailtext = load_mail("admin_registration_notice", $tlang) . "\n" . experimentmail__get_admin_footer($tlang, $admin) . "\n";
            $message = process_mail_template($mailtext, $admin);
            $now = time();
            $list_name = lang('participant_list_filename') . ' ' . date("Y-m-d", $now);
            $list_filename = str_replace(" ", "_", $list_name) . ".pdf";
            $list_file = pdfoutput__make_part_list($line['experiment_id'], $line['session_id'], 'registered', 'lname,fname', true, $tlang);
            $done = experimentmail__mail_attach($recipient, $settings['support_mail'], $subject, $message, $list_filename, $list_file);
    // update session table : reg_notice_sent
    $pars = array(':session_id' => $line['session_id']);
    $query = "UPDATE " . table('sessions') . " SET reg_notice_sent='y' WHERE session_id= :session_id ";
    $done2 = or_query($query, $pars);
    return $done;
Example #13
function participant__get_result_table_row_pdf($columns, $p)
    global $settings, $color;
    global $thislist_sessions;
    $pform_columns = participant__load_all_pform_fields();
    $row = array();
    foreach ($columns as $k => $arr) {
        switch ($k) {
            case 'number_noshowup':
                $row[] = $p['number_noshowup'] . '/' . $p['number_reg'];
            case 'rules_signed':
                if ($settings['enable_rules_signed_tracking'] == 'y') {
                    $row[] = $p['rules_signed'] != 'y' ? "X" : '';
            case 'subscriptions':
                $exptypes = load_external_experiment_types();
                $inv_arr = db_string_to_id_array($p[$k]);
                $inv_names = array();
                foreach ($inv_arr as $inv) {
                    if (isset($exptypes[$inv]['exptype_name'])) {
                        $inv_names[] = $exptypes[$inv]['exptype_name'];
                    } else {
                        $inv_names[] = 'undefined';
                $row[] = implode(", ", $inv_names);
            case 'subpool_id':
                $subpools = subpools__get_subpools();
                $subpool_name = isset($subpools[$p[$k]]['subpool_name']) ? $subpools[$p[$k]]['subpool_name'] : $p[$k];
                $row[] = $subpool_name;
            case 'status_id':
                $participant_statuses = participant_status__get_statuses();
                $pstatus_name = isset($participant_statuses[$p[$k]]['name']) ? $participant_statuses[$p[$k]]['name'] : $p[$k];
                $row[] = $pstatus_name;
            case 'creation_time':
            case 'deletion_time':
            case 'last_enrolment':
            case 'last_profile_update':
            case 'last_activity':
            case 'last_login_attempt':
                if ($p[$k]) {
                    $row[] = ortime__format($p[$k], 'hide_second:false');
                } else {
                    $row[] = '-';
            case 'session_id':
                $row[] = session__build_name($thislist_sessions[$p['session_id']]);
            case 'payment_budget':
                if ($settings['enable_payment_module'] == 'y' && check_allow('payments_view')) {
                    $payment_budgets = payments__load_budgets();
                    if (isset($payment_budgets[$p['payment_budget']])) {
                        $row[] = $payment_budgets[$p['payment_budget']]['budget_name'];
                    } else {
                        $row[] = '-';
            case 'payment_type':
                if ($settings['enable_payment_module'] == 'y' && check_allow('payments_view')) {
                    $payment_types = payments__load_paytypes();
                    if (isset($payment_types[$p['payment_type']])) {
                        $row[] = $payment_types[$p['payment_type']];
                    } else {
                        $row[] = '-';
            case 'payment_amount':
                if ($settings['enable_payment_module'] == 'y' && check_allow('payments_view')) {
                    if ($p['payment_amt'] != '') {
                        $row[] = $p['payment_amt'];
                    } else {
                        $row[] = '-';
            case 'pstatus_id':
                $pstatuses = expregister__get_participation_statuses();
                $row[] = $pstatuses[$p['pstatus_id']]['internal_name'];
                if (isset($pform_columns[$k])) {
                    if (preg_match("/(radioline|select_list|select_lang|radioline_lang)/", $pform_columns[$k]['type'])) {
                        if (isset($pform_columns[$k]['lang'][$p[$k]])) {
                            $row[] = lang($pform_columns[$k]['lang'][$p[$k]]);
                        } else {
                            $row[] = $p[$k];
                    } else {
                        $row[] = $p[$k];
                } else {
                    if (isset($p[$k])) {
                        $row[] = $p[$k];
                    } else {
                        $row[] = '???';
    foreach ($row as $k => $v) {
        $row[$k] = str_replace("&nbsp;", " ", $v);
    return $row;
Example #14
function experiment__experiment_class_field_to_list($experiment_class)
    $experiment_class = db_string_to_id_array($experiment_class);
    $experimentclasses = experiment__load_experimentclassnames();
    $out = array();
    foreach ($experiment_class as $class) {
        if (isset($experimentclasses[$class])) {
            $out[] = $experimentclasses[$class];
        } elseif ($class == '0') {
            $out[] = '-';
        } else {
            $out[] = $class;
    return implode(", ", $out);
Example #15
    echo '</TD>
    echo '  <TR><TD>' . lang('stop_date_and_time') . ':</TD>
    echo formhelpers__pick_date('event_stop', $edit['event_stop'], $settings['session_start_years_backward'], $settings['session_start_years_forward']);
    echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;';
    echo formhelpers__pick_time('event_stop', $edit['event_stop']);
    echo '	</TD>
    echo '  <TR>
             <TD>' . lang('experimenter') . ':</TD>
    if (!isset($_REQUEST['event_id']) || !$_REQUEST['event_id']) {
        $edit['experimenter'] = '|' . $expadmindata['admin_id'] . '|';
    echo experiment__experimenters_select_field("experimenter", db_string_to_id_array($edit['experimenter']));
    echo '	</TD>
    echo '	<TR>
			<TD>' . lang('description') . ':</TD>
			<TD><INPUT type="text" name="reason" size=40 maxlength=200 value="' . $edit['reason'] . '"></TD>
    echo '  <TR>
            <TD>' . lang('labspace_public_description') . ':<BR>
				<FONT class="small">' . lang('labspace_public_description_note') . '</FONT></TD>
            <TD><INPUT type="text" name="reason_public" size=40 maxlength=200 value="' . $edit['reason_public'] . '"></TD>
    if ($settings['enable_event_participant_numbers'] == 'y') {
        echo '  <TR>
				<TD>' . lang('number_of_participants') . ':</TD>
				<TD><INPUT type="text" name="number_of_participants" size=5 maxlength=5 value="' . $edit['number_of_participants'] . '"></TD>