Example #1
        #echo "Harvested: ".$resolved_address." \n";
    //print "3 sqlQuery is $sqlQuery\n";
    if ($outputExists) {
        $sqlQuery = substr($sqlQuery, 0, strlen($sqlQuery) - 1);
        //trim last char
        //already in try-catch in function
    /*Safe zone:
    	This is where halting of the crawler should occur if at all
    	Check DB to see if flag has been left to stop*/
    $stop = false;
    $strSQL = "SELECT strValue FROM tblConfig WHERE strName='CrawlerStatus'";
    $result = db_run_select($strSQL, null, true);
    if ($result == "STOP") {
        echo "***Received command to STOP: Stopping now; crawl is incomplete.\n";
        mail($operator_email, "Crawl Stopped", "Bot stopped via DB Stop signal: " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "\n", "FROM: " . $operator_email);
        $stop = true;
    $seed = db_get_next_to_harvest();
echo "Done.\n";
if (!$stop) {
    mail($operator_email, "Crawl Success", "Bot has  finished: " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "\n", "FROM: " . $operator_email);
function db_update_domain_links($strFromDomain, $strToDomain)
    $strSQL = "SELECT iHostID,iCount FROM tblExternalHosts WHERE strFromDomain=? AND strToDomain=?";
    $result = db_run_select($strSQL, array($strFromDomain, $strToDomain));
    if ($result == NULL) {
        $strSQL = "INSERT INTO tblExternalHosts SET strFromDomain=?, strToDomain=?, iCount=?";
        $params = array($strFromDomain, $strToDomain, 1);
    } else {
        $iCount = int($result['iCount']) + 1;
        $strSQL = "UPDATE tblExternalHosts SET iCount=? WHERE iHostID=?";
        $params = array($iCount, $result['iHostID']);
    db_run_query($strSQL, $params);