function Retrieve() { if ($this->id != 0) { $this->object = db_retrieve_reference($this->id); } return $this->object; }
function find_reference($journal, $volume, $page, $year = '') { global $db; $references = array(); $hits = array(); if ($journal == '' || $volume == '' || $page == '') { //echo "journal=$journal\n"; return $hits; } $series = ''; $issn = ''; $oclc = 0; if (preg_match('/^(?<journal>.*),\\s+ser\\.\\s+(?<series>.*)$/', $journal, $m)) { $journal = $m['journal']; $series = $m['series']; } if (preg_match('/^(?<journal>.*),\\s+(ns|n.s.)$/', $journal, $m)) { $journal = $m['journal']; //$series = $m['series']; } if (preg_match('/^(?<page>\\d+),(.*)$/', $page, $m)) { $page = $m['page']; } $issn = issn_from_title($journal); if ($issn == '') { $oclc = oclc_for_title($journal); } //echo $issn; //echo $oclc; $sql = ''; if ($issn != '') { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM rdmp_reference WHERE issn=' . $db->qstr($issn) . ' AND volume=' . $db->qstr($volume) . ' AND ' . $page . ' BETWEEN spage AND epage'; } if ($oclc != '') { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM rdmp_reference WHERE oclc=' . $db->qstr($oclc) . ' AND volume=' . $db->qstr($volume) . ' AND ' . $page . ' BETWEEN spage AND epage'; } if ($sql != '') { if ($series != '') { $sql .= ' AND series=' . $db->qstr($series); } if ($year != '') { $sql .= ' AND year=' . $db->qstr($year); } $result = $db->Execute($sql); if ($result == false) { die("failed [" . __FILE__ . ":" . __LINE__ . "]: " . $sql); } while (!$result->EOF) { $references[] = $result->fields['reference_id']; $result->MoveNext(); } } foreach ($references as $reference_id) { $hits[] = reference_to_bibjson(db_retrieve_reference($reference_id)); } return $hits; }
function articles_for_item($ItemID) { global $db; $obj = new stdclass(); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM bhl_title INNER JOIN bhl_item USING(TitleID) WHERE ItemID=' . $ItemID . ' LIMIT 1'; $result = $db->Execute($sql); if ($result == false) { die("failed [" . __FILE__ . ":" . __LINE__ . "]: " . $sql); } if ($result->NumRows() == 1) { $obj->ItemID = $result->fields['ItemID']; $obj->FullTitle = $result->fields['FullTitle']; $obj->VolumeInfo = $result->fields['VolumeInfo']; } else { } if (isset($obj->ItemID)) { $ids = array(); $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT rdmp_reference.reference_id, page.SequenceOrder FROM rdmp_reference_page_joiner INNER JOIN page USING(PageID) INNER JOIN rdmp_reference USING(PageID) WHERE ItemID=' . $obj->ItemID . ' ORDER BY CAST(page.SequenceOrder AS SIGNED)'; $result = $db->Execute($sql); if ($result == false) { die("failed [" . __FILE__ . ":" . __LINE__ . "]: " . $sql); } while (!$result->EOF) { $ids[] = $result->fields['reference_id']; $result->MoveNext(); } $obj->articles = array(); foreach ($ids as $reference_id) { $reference = db_retrieve_reference($reference_id); if (isset($reference->oclc)) { if ($reference->oclc == 0) { unset($reference->oclc); } } if (isset($reference->sici)) { unset($reference->sici); } if (isset($reference->reference_cluster_id)) { unset($reference->reference_cluster_id); } // get pages $pages = bhl_retrieve_reference_pages($reference_id); foreach ($pages as $page) { $reference->bhl_pages[] = (int) $page->PageID; } $obj->articles[] = $reference; } } //print_r($obj); return $obj; }
$exhibit->items = array(); $id = 0; if (isset($_GET['id'])) { $id = $_GET['id']; } if ($id != 0) { $refs = db_retrieve_authored_references($id); $coauthors = db_retrieve_coauthors($id); $c = array(); foreach ($coauthors->coauthors as $co) { $c[] = $co->id; } $journal_names = array(); foreach ($refs as $reference_id) { global $config; $reference = db_retrieve_reference($reference_id); $item = new stdclass(); $item->uri = $config['web_root'] . 'reference/' . $reference_id; $item->type = $reference->genre; $item->label = $reference->title; // Group journals if (!isset($journal_names[$reference->issn])) { $journal_names[$reference->issn] = $reference->secondary_title; } $item->journal = $journal_names[$reference->issn]; $item->citation = reference_authors_to_text_string($reference) . ' (' . $reference->year . ') ' . reference_to_citation_text_string($reference); $item->year = $reference->year; if ($reference->PageID != 0) { $image = bhl_fetch_page_image($reference->PageID); $item->imageURL = $image->thumbnail->url; } else {
function DisplayHtmlContent() { global $config; echo html_page_header(true, '', 'name'); echo '<div style="float:right;background-color:rgb(230,242,250);padding:6px">' . "\n"; if ($this->issn != '') { echo '<h2>Identifiers</h2>' . "\n"; echo '<ul class="guid-list">' . "\n"; echo '<li class="permalink"><a href="' . $config['web_root'] . 'issn/' . $this->issn . '" title="Permalink">' . $config['web_root'] . 'issn/' . $this->issn . '</a></li>' . "\n"; echo '<li class="worldcat"><a href="' . $this->issn . '" title="ISSN">' . $this->issn . '</a></li>' . "\n"; echo '<h2>Export</h2>' . "\n"; echo '<ul class="export-list">' . "\n"; echo '<li class="xml"><a href="' . $config['web_root'] . 'issn/' . $this->issn . '.xml" title="Endnote XML">Endnote XML</a></li>'; echo '<li class="ris"><a href="' . $config['web_root'] . 'issn/' . $this->issn . '.ris" title="RIS">Reference manager</a></li>'; echo '<li class="bibtex"><a href="' . $config['web_root'] . 'issn/' . $this->issn . '.bib" title="BibTex">BibTex</a></li>'; echo '<li class="text"><a href="' . $config['web_root'] . 'issn/' . $this->issn . '.text" title="text">Text</a></li>'; echo '</ul>' . "\n"; } if ($this->oclc != '') { echo '<h2>Identifiers</h2>' . "\n"; echo '<ul class="guid-list">' . "\n"; echo '<li class="permalink"><a href="' . $config['web_root'] . 'oclc/' . $this->oclc . '" title="Permalink">' . $config['web_root'] . 'oclc/' . $this->oclc . '</a></li>' . "\n"; echo '<li class="worldcat"><a href="' . $this->oclc . '" title="OCLC">' . $this->oclc . '</a></li>' . "\n"; echo '<h2>Export</h2>' . "\n"; echo '<ul class="export-list">' . "\n"; echo '<li class="xml"><a href="' . $config['web_root'] . 'oclc/' . $this->oclc . '.xml" title="Endnote XML">Endnote XML</a></li>'; echo '<li class="ris"><a href="' . $config['web_root'] . 'oclc/' . $this->oclc . '.ris" title="RIS">Reference manager</a></li>'; echo '<li class="bibtex"><a href="' . $config['web_root'] . 'oclc/' . $this->oclc . '.bib" title="BibTex">BibTex</a></li>'; echo '<li class="text"><a href="' . $config['web_root'] . 'oclc/' . $this->oclc . '.text" title="text">Text</a></li>'; echo '</ul>' . "\n"; } echo '</div>' . "\n"; echo '<h1>' . $this->GetTitle() . '</h1>'; // Image if (isset($this->issn)) { echo '<div>'; echo '<img src="' . $this->issn . '" alt="cover" style="border:1px solid rgb(228,228,228);height:100px;" />'; echo '</div>'; } // Stats /* echo '<div>'; echo '<img src="' . sparkline_articles_added_for_issn($this->issn) . '" alt="sparkline" />'; echo '</div>';*/ echo '<a href="" class="twitter-share-button" data-count="vertical" data-via="rdmpage" data-related="biostor_org">Tweet</a><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>'; echo '<h2>Coverage</h2>' . "\n"; echo '<p>'; if ($this->issn != '') { echo bhl_articles_for_issn($this->issn); } if ($this->oclc != '') { echo bhl_articles_for_oclc($this->oclc); } echo ' articles in database.</p>' . "\n"; echo '<h3>Distribution of identified articles over time</h3>' . "\n"; echo '<div>' . "\n"; echo ' <img src="' . sparkline_references($this->issn, $this->oclc, 360, 100) . '" alt="sparkline" />' . "\n"; echo '</div>' . "\n"; $titles = array(); if ($this->issn != '') { $titles = bhl_titles_for_issn($this->issn); } if ($this->oclc != '') { $titles = bhl_titles_for_oclc($this->oclc); } if (count($titles) > 0) { echo '<h3>Distribution of identified articles across BHL items</h3>' . "\n"; echo '<div>'; echo '<div style="display:inline;background-color:rgb(230,242,250);width:20px;height:20px;"> </div>'; echo ' Scanned pages '; echo '<div style="display:inline;background-color:rgb(0,119,204);width:10px;height:10px;"> </div>'; echo ' Articles '; echo '</div>'; echo '<p></p>'; $items = array(); $volumes = array(); items_from_titles($titles, $items, $volumes); $html = '<div style="height:400px;border:1px solid rgb(192,192,192);overflow:auto;">' . "\n"; $html .= '<table>' . "\n"; $html .= '<tbody style="font-size:10px;">' . "\n"; foreach ($volumes as $volume) { $item = $items[$volume]; // How many pages in this item? $num_pages = bhl_num_pages_in_item($item->ItemID); // Coverage $coverage = bhl_item_page_coverage($item->ItemID); $row_height = 10; // Draw as DIV $html .= '<tr>' . "\n"; $html .= '<td>'; $html .= '<a href="' . $item->ItemID . '" target="_new">'; $html .= $item->VolumeInfo; $html .= '</a>'; $html .= '</td>' . "\n"; $html .= '<td>' . "\n"; $html .= '<div style="position:relative">' . "\n"; $html .= ' <div style="background-color:rgb(230,242,250);border-bottom:1px solid rgb(192,192,192);border-right:1px solid rgb(192,192,192);position:absolute;left:0px;top:0px;width:' . $num_pages . 'px;height:' . $row_height . 'px;">' . "\n"; foreach ($coverage as $c) { $html .= ' <div style="background-color:rgb(0,119,204);position:absolute;left:' . $c->start . 'px;top:0px;width:' . ($c->end - $c->start) . 'px;height:' . $row_height . 'px;">' . "\n"; $html .= ' </div>' . "\n"; } $html .= ' </div>' . "\n"; $html .= '</div>' . "\n"; $html .= '</td>' . "\n"; $html .= '</tr>' . "\n"; } $html .= '</tbody>' . "\n"; $html .= '</table>' . "\n"; $html .= '</div>' . "\n"; echo $html; } $institutions = institutions_from_titles($titles); if (count($institutions) != 0) { echo '<h3>BHL source(s)</h3>' . "\n"; echo '<table>' . "\n"; foreach ($institutions as $k => $v) { echo '<tr>' . "\n"; echo '<td>' . "\n"; switch ($k) { case 'American Museum of Natural History Library': echo '<img src="' . $config['web_root'] . 'images/institutions/' . 'AMNH_logo_--_blue_rectangle.jpg' . '" width="48" />'; break; case 'Harvard University, MCZ, Ernst Mayr Library': echo '<br /><img src="' . $config['web_root'] . 'images/institutions/' . 'Mod_Color_Harvard_Shield_small_bigger.jpg' . '" width="48" />'; break; case 'Missouri Botanical Garden': echo '<br /><img src="' . $config['web_root'] . 'images/institutions/' . 'twitter_icon_MBG.jpg' . '" width="48" />'; break; case 'New York Botanical Garden': echo '<br /><img src="' . $config['web_root'] . 'images/institutions/' . 'NYBGDOMEHEADERWEB.jpg' . '" />'; break; case 'Smithsonian Institution Libraries': echo '<br /><img src="' . $config['web_root'] . 'images/institutions/' . 'SILCatesbyMagnolia.jpg' . '" width="48" />'; break; case 'The Field Museum': echo '<br /><img src="' . $config['web_root'] . 'images/institutions/' . 'field.jpg' . '" width="48" />'; break; case 'BHL-Europe': echo '<br /><div style="background-color:green;width:120px;text-align:center"><img src="' . $config['web_root'] . 'images/institutions/' . 'BHL_logo_wg.png' . '" height="48" /></div>'; break; case 'Boston Public Library': echo '<br /><img src="' . $config['web_root'] . 'images/institutions/' . 'BPLcards.jpg' . '" width="48" />'; break; case 'Harvard University Herbarium': echo '<br /><img src="' . $config['web_root'] . 'images/institutions/' . 'huh_logo_bw_100.png' . '" width="48" />'; break; case 'MBLWHOI Library': echo '<br /><img src="' . $config['web_root'] . 'images/institutions/' . 'library_logo2_bigger.jpg' . '" width="48" />'; break; case 'Natural History Museum, London': echo '<br /><img src="' . $config['web_root'] . 'images/institutions/' . 'natural_history_museum-01.jpg' . '" width="48" />'; break; case 'University of Illinois Urbana Champaign': echo '<br /><img src="' . $config['web_root'] . 'images/institutions/' . 'ilogo_horz_bold.gif' . '" height="48" />'; break; default: break; } echo '</td>' . "\n"; echo '<td>' . "\n"; echo $k . '<br />' . $v . ' items'; echo '</td>' . "\n"; echo '</tr>' . "\n"; } echo '</table>' . "\n"; } // How does journal relate to BHL Titles and Items? $titles = array(); if ($this->issn != '') { $titles = db_retrieve_journal_names_from_issn($this->issn); } if ($this->oclc != '') { $titles = db_retrieve_journal_names_from_oclc($this->oclc); } if (count($titles) > 1) { echo '<h2>Alternative titles</h2>'; echo '<ul>'; foreach ($titles as $title) { echo '<li>' . $title . '</li>'; } echo '</ul>'; } echo '<h2>Articles</h2>'; if ($this->issn == '0374-5481') { // Special treatment for Ann mag Nat Hist echo '<ul>'; for ($series = 1; $series <= 9; $series++) { echo '<li><a href="' . $config['web_root'] . 'issn/' . $this->issn . '#series' . $series . '">Series ' . $series . '</a></li>'; } echo '</ul>'; for ($series = 1; $series <= 9; $series++) { echo '<h3><a name="series' . $series . '"></a>Series ' . $series . '</h3>' . "\n"; $articles = db_retrieve_articles_from_journal_series($this->issn, $series == 1 ? '' : $series); echo '<ul>'; foreach ($articles as $k => $v) { echo '<li style="display:block;border-top:1px solid #EEE; ">' . $k; echo '<ul>'; if (is_array($v)) { foreach ($v as $ref) { echo '<li><a href="' . $config['web_root'] . 'reference/' . $ref->id . '">' . $ref->title . '</a></li>'; } } echo '</ul>'; echo '</li>'; } echo '</ul>'; } } else { $articles = db_retrieve_articles_from_journal($this->issn, $this->oclc); //print_r($articles); echo '<ul>'; foreach ($articles as $k => $v) { echo '<li style="display:block;border-top:1px solid #EEE; ">' . $k; echo '<ul>'; if (is_array($v)) { foreach ($v as $ref) { if (0) { // fast echo '<li><a href="' . $config['web_root'] . 'reference/' . $ref->id . '">' . $ref->title . '</a></li>'; } else { // slower, but useful for debugging $reference = db_retrieve_reference($ref->id); echo '<li style="border-bottom:1px dotted rgb(128,128,128);padding:4px;">'; echo '<a href="' . $config['web_root'] . 'reference/' . $ref->id . '">' . $reference->title . '</a><br/>'; echo '<span style="color:green;">' . reference_authors_to_text_string($reference); if (isset($reference->year)) { echo ' (' . $reference->year . ')'; } echo ' ' . reference_to_citation_text_string($reference) . '</span>'; echo ' ' . reference_to_coins($reference); // Thumbail, useful for debugging if (0) { echo '<div>'; $pages = bhl_retrieve_reference_pages($ref->id); $image = bhl_fetch_page_image($pages[0]->PageID); echo '<a href="' . $config['web_root'] . 'reference/' . $ref->id . '">'; echo '<img style="padding:2px;border:1px solid blue;margin:2px;" id="thumbnail_image_' . $page->PageID . '" src="' . $image->thumbnail->url . '" width="' . $image->thumbnail->width . '" height="' . $image->thumbnail->height . '" alt="thumbnail"/>'; echo '</a>'; echo '</div>'; } echo '</li>'; } } } else { // Article lacks volume if (isset($v->id)) { $reference = db_retrieve_reference($v->id); echo '<li style="border-bottom:1px dotted rgb(128,128,128);padding:4px;">'; echo '<a href="' . $config['web_root'] . 'reference/' . $v->id . '">' . $reference->title . '</a><br/>'; echo '<span style="color:green;">' . reference_authors_to_text_string($reference); if (isset($reference->year)) { echo ' (' . $reference->year . ')'; } echo ' ' . reference_to_citation_text_string($reference) . '</span>'; echo ' ' . reference_to_coins($reference); } } echo '</ul>'; echo '</li>'; } echo '</ul>'; } }
function db_find_article($article, $allow_non_bhl = false) { global $db; $id = 0; // Ensure we have enough info // Otherwise tools like the Google Bot may cause spurious records to be added if (!isset($article->volume) || !isset($article->spage) || !(isset($article->secondary_title) || isset($article->issn))) { // handle case where OpenURL has DOI but not enough other details if (!isset($article->doi)) { return $id; } } // Does a reference exist? $sql = ''; $hits = array(); // Unset things we don't have foreach ($article as $k => $v) { if ($v == '') { unset($article->{${k}}); } } // Check first for identifiers if (isset($article->doi) && $article->doi != '') { $id = db_retrieve_reference_from_doi($article->doi); if ($id != 0) { return $id; } } if (isset($article->hdl) && $article->hdl != '') { $id = db_retrieve_reference_from_handle($article->hdl); if ($id != 0) { return $id; } } // Metadata lookup if (isset($article->issn) && $article->issn != '' && isset($article->volume) && isset($article->spage)) { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM rdmp_reference WHERE (issn = ' . $db->Quote($article->issn) . ') AND (volume = ' . $db->Quote($article->volume) . ') AND (spage = ' . $db->Quote($article->spage) . ')'; } elseif (isset($article->oclc) && $article->oclc != '' && isset($article->volume) && isset($article->spage)) { // OCLC $sql = 'SELECT * FROM rdmp_reference WHERE (oclc = ' . $db->Quote($article->oclc) . ') AND (volume = ' . $db->Quote($article->volume) . ') AND (spage = ' . $db->Quote($article->spage) . ')'; } else { // No ISSN so try and match on journal title $sql = 'SELECT * FROM rdmp_reference WHERE (secondary_title = ' . $db->Quote($article->secondary_title) . ') AND (volume = ' . $db->Quote($article->volume) . ') AND (spage = ' . $db->Quote($article->spage) . ')'; } if ($allow_non_bhl) { } else { $sql .= ' AND (PageID <> 0)'; } //echo $sql; // Do we have this? $result = $db->Execute($sql); if ($result == false) { die("failed [" . __FILE__ . ":" . __LINE__ . "]: " . $sql); } while (!$result->EOF) { $hits[] = $result->fields['reference_id']; $result->MoveNext(); } //print_r($hits); //print_r($article); $matches = array(); if (count($hits) > 0) { // We have a potential match, but if journal pagination is with respect to issue, // not journal, then we may have a problem as different articles may start with the // same page number foreach ($hits as $hit) { $ref = db_retrieve_reference($hit); //print_r($ref); $matched = 0; // Does ending page match? if (isset($article->epage) && isset($ref->epage)) { if ($article->epage == $ref->epage) { $matched++; } } else { // no epage, accept hit by default $matched++; } // Do issue numbers match? if (isset($article->issue) && isset($ref->issue)) { if ($article->issue != '' && $article->issue == $ref->issue) { $matched++; } } switch ($matched) { case 0: // Unlikely to be same thing, unless mistake in pagination, but allow for missing epage break; case 1: case 2: default: // gotta be this one $matches[] = $hit; break; } } } if (count($matches) == 1) { $id = $matches[0]; } /* // Basic triple if ( (isset($article->issn) && ($article->issn != '')) && isset($article->volume) && isset($article->spage) ) { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM rdmp_reference WHERE (issn = ' . $db->Quote($article->issn) . ') AND (volume = ' . $db->Quote($article->volume) . ') AND (spage = ' . $db->Quote($article->spage) . ') LIMIT 1'; } else { // No ISSN so try and match on journal title $sql = 'SELECT * FROM rdmp_reference WHERE (secondary_title = ' . $db->Quote($article->secondary_title) . ') AND (volume = ' . $db->Quote($article->volume) . ') AND (spage = ' . $db->Quote($article->spage) . ') LIMIT 1'; } $result = $db->Execute($sql); if ($result == false) die("failed [" . __FILE__ . ":" . __LINE__ . "]: " . $sql); if ($result->NumRows() == 1) { $id = $result->fields['reference_id']; } */ return $id; }
<?php require_once '../'; require_once '../db.php'; $ids = array(113472); //foreach ($ids as $reference_id) for ($reference_id = 113472; $reference_id <= 113472; $reference_id++) { echo "-- {$reference_id}\n"; $article = db_retrieve_reference($reference_id); $pages = bhl_retrieve_reference_pages($reference_id); //print_r($pages); foreach ($pages as $page) { $url = '' . $page->PageID . '&apikey=' . '0d4f0303-712e-49e0-92c5-2113a5959159' . '&format=json'; $json = get($url); $obj = json_decode($json); //print_r($obj); if ($obj->Status == 'ok') { foreach ($obj->Result as $name) { $sql = "DELETE FROM bhl_page_name WHERE NameConfirmed='" . addslashes($name->NameFound) . "' AND PageID=" . $page->PageID . ";"; echo $sql . "\n"; $sql = "INSERT INTO bhl_page_name(NameBankID,PageID,NameConfirmed) VALUES ("; if ($name->NameBankID != null) { $sql .= $name->NameBankID; } else { $sql .= '0'; } $sql .= ',' . $page->PageID; $sql .= ",'" . addslashes($name->NameFound) . "'"; $sql .= ');'; echo $sql . "\n"; }
/** * @brief Handle OpenURL request * * We may have more than one parameter with same name, so need to access QUERY_STRING, not _GET * * */ function main() { global $config; global $debug; global $format; $id = 0; $callback = ''; // If no query parameters if (count($_GET) == 0) { display_form(); exit(0); } if (isset($_GET['format'])) { switch ($_GET['format']) { case 'html': $format = 'html'; break; case 'json': $format = 'json'; break; default: $format = 'html'; break; } } if (isset($_GET['callback'])) { $callback = $_GET['callback']; } $debug = false; if (isset($_GET['debug'])) { $debug = true; } // Handle query and display results. $query = explode('&', html_entity_decode($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])); $params = array(); foreach ($query as $param) { list($key, $value) = explode('=', $param); $key = preg_replace('/^\\?/', '', urldecode($key)); $params[$key][] = trim(urldecode($value)); } if ($debug) { echo '<h1>Params</h1>'; echo '<pre>'; print_r($params); echo '</pre>'; } // This is what we got from user $referent = new stdclass(); parse_openurl($params, $referent); // Flesh it out // If we are looking for an article we need an ISSN, or at least an OCLC // Ask whether have this in our database (assumes we have ISSN) if (!isset($referent->issn)) { // Try and get ISSN from bioGUID $issn = issn_from_title($referent->secondary_title); if ($issn != '') { $referent->issn = $issn; } else { // No luck with ISSN, look for OCLC if (!isset($referent->oclc)) { $oclc = oclc_for_title($referent->secondary_title); if ($oclc != 0) { $referent->oclc = $oclc; } } } } if ($debug) { echo '<h1>Referent</h1>'; echo '<pre>'; print_r($referent); echo '</pre>'; } // Handle identifiers if (isset($referent->url)) { // BHL URL, for example if we have already mapped article to BHL // in Zotero, if (preg_match('/^http:\\/\\/(www\\.)?\\/page\\/(?<pageid>[0-9]+)/', $referent->url, $matches)) { //print_r($matches); $PageID = $matches['pageid']; $references = bhl_reference_from_pageid($PageID); //print_r($references); if (count($references) == 0) { // We don't have an article for this PageID $search_hit = bhl_score_page($PageID, $referent->title); // Store $id = db_store_article($referent, $PageID); } else { // Have a reference with this PageID already // Will need to handle case where > 1 article on same page, e.g. // $id = $references[0]; } // Did we get a hit? if ($id != 0) { // We have this reference in our database switch ($format) { case 'json': // Display object $reference = db_retrieve_reference($id); header("Content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n\n"); if ($callback != '') { echo $callback . '('; } echo json_format(json_encode($reference)); if ($callback != '') { echo ')'; } break; case 'html': default: // Redirect to reference display header('Location: ' . $config['web_root'] . 'reference/' . $id . "\n\n"); break; } exit; } } } // OK, we're not forcing a match to BHL, so do we have this article? $id = db_find_article($referent); //echo "<b>id=$id</b><br/>"; if ($id != 0) { // We have this reference in our database switch ($format) { case 'json': // Display object $reference = db_retrieve_reference($id); header("Content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n\n"); if ($callback != '') { echo $callback . '('; } echo json_format(json_encode($reference)); if ($callback != '') { echo ')'; } break; case 'html': default: // Twitter as log if ($config['twitter']) { $tweet_this = false; $tweet_this = isset($_GET['rfr_id']); if ($tweet_this) { $url = $config['web_root'] . 'reference/' . $id . ' '; // . '#openurl'; // url + hashtag $url = $id; $url_len = strlen($url); $status = ''; //$text = $_GET['rfr_id']; $text = '#openurl ' . $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]; //$text .= ' @rdmpage'; if (isset($article->title)) { } $status = $text; $status_len = strlen($status); $extra = 140 - $status_len - $url_len - 1; if ($extra < 0) { $status_len += $extra; $status_len -= 1; $status = substr($status, 0, $status_len); $status .= '…'; } $status .= ' ' . $url; tweet($status); } } // Redirect to reference display header('Location: reference/' . $id . "\n\n"); break; } exit; } // OK, not found, so let's go look for it... // Search BHL $atitle = ''; if (isset($referent->title)) { $atitle = $referent->title; } $search_hits = bhl_find_article($atitle, $referent->secondary_title, $referent->volume, isset($referent->spage) ? $referent->spage : $referent->pages, isset($referent->series) ? $referent->series : '', isset($referent->date) ? $referent->date : '', isset($referent->issn) ? $referent->issn : ''); if (count($search_hits) == 0) { // try alternative way of searching using article title $search_hits = bhl_find_article_from_article_title($referent->title, $referent->secondary_title, $referent->volume, isset($referent->spage) ? $referent->spage : $referent->pages, isset($referent->series) ? $referent->series : '', isset($referent->issn) ? $referent->issn : ''); } // At this point if we haven't found it in BHL we could go elsewhere, e.g. bioGUID, // in which case we'd need to take this into account when displaying HTML and JSON if ($debug) { echo '<h3>Search hits</h3>'; echo '<pre>'; print_r($search_hits); echo '</pre>'; } if (1) { // Check whether we already have an article that starts on this foreach ($search_hits as $hit) { $references = bhl_reference_from_pageid($hit->PageID); //print_r($references); if (count($references) != 0) { // We have this reference in our database switch ($format) { case 'json': // Display object $reference = db_retrieve_reference($references[0]); header("Content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n\n"); if ($callback != '') { echo $callback . '('; } echo json_format(json_encode($reference)); if ($callback != '') { echo ')'; } break; case 'html': default: // Redirect to reference display header('Location: reference/' . $references[0] . "\n\n"); break; } exit; } } } // Output search results in various formats... switch ($format) { case 'json': display_bhl_result_json($referent, $search_hits, $callback); break; case 'html': default: display_bhl_result_html($referent, $search_hits); break; } }
function DisplayHtmlContent() { global $config; echo html_page_header(true, '', 'name'); echo '<h1>' . $this->GetTitle() . '</h1>'; if (count($this->object->specimens) == 0) { echo '<p>No specimens with this code</p>'; } else { // What articles have this specimen? echo '<h2>References in BioStor with this specimen</h2>'; $refs = specimens_references_with_code($this->code); //print_r($refs); foreach ($refs as $occurrenceID => $ref_list) { if ($occurrenceID != 0) { echo '<p>GBIF occurrence <a class="gbif" href="' . $occurrenceID . '/" target="_new">' . $occurrenceID . '</a>'; $datasetID = specimens_dataset_from_occurrence($occurrenceID); $dataset = specimens_dataset($datasetID); echo ' from dataset <a href="gbif_dataset.php?datasetID=' . $dataset->datasetID . '">' . $dataset->dataResourceName . ' (' . $dataset->providerName . ')' . '</a>'; echo '</p>'; $occurrence = specimens_from_occurrenceID($occurrenceID); echo '<p>' . $occurrence->scientificName . ' (' . join(':', $occurrence->lineage) . ')' . '</p>'; } else { echo '<p>(specimen not known in GBIF)</p>'; } echo '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="100%">'; foreach ($ref_list as $reference_id) { $reference = db_retrieve_reference($reference_id); echo '<tr'; if (in_array($reference_id, $act_refs)) { echo ' style="background-color:#D8F3C9;"'; } echo '>'; if ($reference->PageID != 0) { $image = bhl_fetch_page_image($reference->PageID); $imageURL = $image->thumbnail->url; } else { // if it's an article we could use journal image $imageURL = '' . $reference->issn; } echo '<td valign="top"><img style="border:1px solid rgb(192,192,192);" src="' . $imageURL . '" width="40" />'; echo '</td>'; echo '<td valign="top">'; echo '<a href="' . $config['web_root'] . 'reference/' . $reference_id . '">' . $reference->title . '</a><br/>'; echo '<span>' . reference_authors_to_text_string($reference); if (isset($reference->year)) { echo ' (' . $reference->year . ')'; } echo ' ' . reference_to_citation_text_string($reference) . '</span>'; echo ' ' . reference_to_coins($reference); if (0) { echo '<div>'; echo bhl_pages_with_name_thumbnails($reference_id, $this->object->NameBankID); echo '</div>'; } echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } echo '</table>'; } } }
// fetch names if we haven't got them... require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/db.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/lib.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/bhl_names.php'; $ids = array(126311); $ids = array(105416, 105402, 125890, 59343, 107177); $ids = array(110878); $ids = array(99906, 108144, 100200, 100656, 107955, 107963, 107976, 83078, 66142, 87244, 87255, 105412, 87185, 87103, 65960, 66503, 87120, 105406, 86522, 105403, 126315, 107177, 95592, 97207, 105415, 87635, 97899, 65958, 48993, 59343, 14562, 125890, 103534, 109586, 891, 97484, 889, 105414, 1312, 104732, 84533, 113895, 105402, 85290, 114597, 126311, 102399); $ids = array(54668, 14790, 54677, 99677, 127560, 60044, 127575, 127574, 99512, 107049, 106157, 105730, 125900, 127561, 105962, 61688, 58301, 105714, 58630, 14789, 98326, 14787, 106156, 97776, 99962, 98307, 14781, 97871, 4435, 844, 97482, 832, 97490, 101826, 106132); $ids = array(127609); $ids = array(120824); $ids = array(116847); $ids = array(127997); foreach ($ids as $reference_id) { echo $reference_id . "\n"; if (db_retrieve_reference($reference_id) != null) { $nm = bhl_names_in_reference_by_page($reference_id); if (isset($nm->names) && count($nm->names) == 0) { // fetch names $pages = bhl_retrieve_reference_pages($reference_id); $page_ids = array(); foreach ($pages as $p) { echo $p->PageID; $parameters = array('op' => 'GetPageMetadata', 'pageid' => $p->PageID, 'ocr' => 'f', 'names' => 't', 'apikey' => '0d4f0303-712e-49e0-92c5-2113a5959159', 'format' => 'json'); $url = '' . http_build_query($parameters); $json = get($url); //echo $json; if ($json != '') { $response = json_decode($json); foreach ($response->Result->Names as $Name) { echo '.';
} /* echo '<pre>'; print_r($page2biostor); echo '</pre>'; */ $count = 0; foreach ($r as $row) { if (is_array($row)) { if (isset($row['Url'])) { $PageID = str_replace('', '', $row['Url']); //echo $PageID . '<br/>'; if (isset($page2biostor[$PageID])) { if (!isset($hits[$page2biostor[$PageID]])) { $reference = db_retrieve_reference($page2biostor[$PageID]); $hit = reference_to_bibjson($reference); $hit->PageID = $reference->PageID; $hit->biostor = $page2biostor[$PageID]; $hits[$page2biostor[$PageID]] = $hit; } } else { /* $ItemID = bhl_retrieve_ItemID_from_PageID($PageID); if ($ItemID == 0) { $id = $count; $count++; } else {
function DisplayJson() { $act_refs = array(); $refs = bhl_references_with_namestring($this->GetTitle()); // Merge with references from nomenclators $refs = array_merge($refs, $act_refs); $refs = array_unique($refs); $obj = new stdclass(); $obj->references = array(); foreach ($refs as $reference_id) { $obj->references[] = db_retrieve_reference($reference_id); } header("Content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n\n"); if ($this->callback != '') { echo $this->callback . '('; } echo json_format(json_encode($obj)); if ($this->callback != '') { echo ')'; } }
function Retrieve() { if ($this->id != 0) { $this->object = db_retrieve_reference($this->id); $this->in_bhl = db_reference_from_bhl($this->id); } // Geocoding? if ($this->in_bhl) { if (!bhl_has_been_geocoded($this->id)) { bhl_geocode_reference($this->id); } $this->localities = bhl_localities_for_reference($this->id); } // Specimens? if ($this->in_bhl) { if (!specimens_has_been_parsed($this->id)) { specimens_from_reference($this->id); } $this->specimens = specimens_from_db($this->id); } return $this->object; }
/** * @brief Create PDF for a reference * * We create a simple cover page for the PDF. This page contains basic bibliographic metadata * for the PDF, in order for Mendeley to process the PDF correctly. In response to my discovery * that Mendeley doesn't accept all XMP (Ticket#2010040110000015) replied that * they have some heuristic tests to see if the metadata is valid, such as whether the information * about the title and authors occurs on the first of the PDF. * * * @param reference_id Reference id * @param pdf_filename Full path of PDF file to create * */ function pdf_create($reference_id, $pdf_filename) { global $config; // Get reference $reference = db_retrieve_reference($reference_id); // Get tags $tags = pdf_tags($reference->reference_id, 10); // Paper size // A4 = 210 x 297 $paper_width = 210; // mm $paper_height = 297; // mm $margin = 10; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // PDF $pdf = new FPDF('P', 'mm', 'A4'); //$pdf = PDF_Rotate('P', 'mm', 'A4'); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Basic metadata (e.g., that displayed by Mac OS X Preview) $pdf->SetTitle($reference->title, true); // true means use UTF-8 $pdf->SetAuthor(reference_authors_to_text_string($reference), true); // true means use UTF-8 if (count($tags) > 0) { $pdf->SetKeywords(join(", ", $tags), true); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Cover page (partly to ensure Mendeley accepts XMP metadata) $pdf->AddPage(); // Title $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 24); $pdf->SetXY($margin, $margin); $pdf->Write(10, utf8_decode($reference->title)); // Authors $y = $pdf->GetY(); $pdf->SetXY($margin, $y + 16); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 16); $pdf->Write(6, utf8_decode(reference_authors_to_text_string($reference))); // Citation $y = $pdf->GetY(); $pdf->SetXY($margin, $y + 10); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'I', 12); $pdf->Write(6, utf8_decode($reference->secondary_title)); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 12); $pdf->Write(6, ' ' . $reference->volume); if (isset($reference->issue)) { $pdf->Write(6, '(' . $reference->issue . ')'); } $pdf->Write(6, ':' . $reference->spage); if (isset($reference->epage)) { $pdf->Write(6, '-' . $reference->epage); } $pdf->Write(6, ' (' . $reference->year . ')'); // URL $url = $config['web_root'] . 'reference/' . $reference->reference_id; $pdf->Write(6, ' '); $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 255); $pdf->SetFont('', 'U'); $pdf->Write(6, $url, $url); $pdf->SetFont('', ''); $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // If we add taxon names as keywords if (count($tags) > 0) { $keywords = "Keywords: " . join("; ", $tags); $y = $pdf->GetY(); $pdf->SetXY($margin, $y + 10); $pdf->Write(6, $keywords); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Footer giving credit to BHL $y = $paper_height; $y -= $margin; $y -= 40; $pdf->Image($config['web_dir'] . '/images/cc/cc.png', 10, $y, 10); $pdf->Image($config['web_dir'] . '/images/cc/by.png', 20, $y, 10); $pdf->Image($config['web_dir'] . '/images/cc/nc.png', 30, $y, 10); $pdf->SetXY(10, $y + 10); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 10); $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0); $pdf->Write(6, 'Page images from the Biodiversity Heritage Library, '); //Then put a blue underlined link $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 255); $pdf->SetFont('', 'U'); $pdf->Write(6, '', ''); $pdf->SetFont('', ''); $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0); $pdf->Write(6, ', made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial License '); $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 255); $pdf->SetFont('', 'U'); $pdf->Write(6, '', ''); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Add BHL page scans $pages = bhl_retrieve_reference_pages($reference_id); foreach ($pages as $page) { $image = bhl_fetch_page_image($page->PageID); $page_width = $paper_width; $page_height = $paper_height; $page_width -= 2 * $margin; $page_height -= 2 * $margin; // Fit to page $img_height = $image->height; $img_width = $image->width; $w_scale = $page_width / $img_width; $h_scale = $page_height / $img_height; $scale = min($w_scale, $h_scale); $img_height *= $scale; $img_width *= $scale; $pdf->AddPage(); $x_offset = ($paper_width - $img_width) / 2.0; $y_offset = ($paper_height - $img_height) / 2.0; $pdf->Image($image->file_name, $x_offset, $y_offset, $img_width); } $pdf->Output($pdf_filename, 'F'); pdf_add_xmp($reference, $pdf_filename, $tags); }