Example #1
  * Creates or updates container.
  * <i>$container_data</i> must be array with this fields:
  * <pre>array (
  *  container_id,
  *  location_id,
  *  position (TOP_PANEL | HEADER | CONTENT | FOOTER),
  *  width (12 | 16)
  * )</pre>
  * @param  array         $container_data array of container data
  * @return int|db_result Container id if new grid was created, DB result otherwise
 public static function update($container_data)
     return db_replace_into('bm_containers', $container_data);
Example #2
function fn_update_discussion($data)
    if (!empty($data['for_all_companies'])) {
        if (isset($data['thread_id'])) {
        foreach (fn_get_all_companies_ids() as $company) {
            $data['company_id'] = $company;
            db_replace_into('discussion', $data);
    } else {
        if (fn_allowed_for('ULTIMATE') && Registry::get('runtime.company_id')) {
            $data['company_id'] = Registry::get('runtime.company_id');
        db_replace_into('discussion', $data);
    return true;
Example #3
  * Updates settings description.
  * If $object_id, $object_type or $lang_code or value is empty function return false and generate error notification.
  * Description data must be array in this format (example):
  *  array(
  *      'value'     => 'General',
  *      'tooltip'   => 'General tab',
  *      'object_id' => '1',
  *      'object_type' => 'S',
  *      'lang_code' => 'en'
  *  )
  * If some parameter will be skipped and function not update it field.
  * If name or lang_code skipped function adds new description and returns true.
  * @param  array $description_data Description data
  * @return bool  True on success, false otherwise
 public function updateDescription($description_data)
     if (!(empty($description_data['object_type']) || empty($description_data['object_id']) || empty($description_data['lang_code']))) {
         db_replace_into('settings_descriptions', $description_data);
     } else {
         $this->_generateError(__('unable_to_update_setting_description'), __('empty_key_value'));
         return false;
     return true;
Example #4
 public static function updateStatusColors()
     General::connectToOriginalDB(array('table_prefix' => General::formatPrefix()));
     $statuses = db_get_array("SELECT * FROM ?:status_data WHERE param = 'color'");
     foreach ($statuses as $status_data) {
         if (strpos($status_data['value'], '#') !== 0) {
             $status_data['value'] = '#' . ($status_data['value'] ? $status_data['value'] : 'ffffff');
             db_replace_into('status_data', $status_data);
Example #5
function fn_se_set_setting($name, $company_id, $lang_code, $value)
    if (empty($name) || empty($lang_code)) {
    db_replace_into('se_settings', array('name' => $name, 'company_id' => $company_id, 'lang_code' => $lang_code, 'value' => $value));
    // call to update cache
Example #6
  * Clones dynamic object data
  * @param  string $object_type   Object type in DB
  * @param  int    $old_object_id Object identifier to get data from
  * @param  int    $new_object_id Object identifier to clone
  * @return bool   Always true
 public function cloneDynamicObjectData($object_type, $old_object_id, $new_object_id)
     $data = db_get_array("SELECT * FROM ?:bm_blocks_content WHERE object_type=?s AND object_id=?i", $object_type, $old_object_id);
     foreach ($data as $fields) {
         $fields['object_id'] = $new_object_id;
         db_replace_into("bm_blocks_content", $fields);
     $data = db_get_array("SELECT * FROM ?:bm_block_statuses WHERE object_type=?s AND FIND_IN_SET(?i, object_ids)", $object_type, $old_object_id);
     foreach ($data as $fields) {
         $fields['object_ids'] .= ',' . $new_object_id;
         db_replace_into("bm_block_statuses", $fields);
     return true;
Example #7
  * Updates description of the location with  <i>$location_id</i>
  * <i>$description</i> must be array with this keys:
  * <pre>array (
  *  lang_code, (requred)
  *  name, (requred)
  *  title,
  *  meta_description,
  *  meta_keywords,
  * )</pre>
  * @param  int    $location_id Location identifier
  * @param  array  $description Array of description data
  * @param  string $lang_code language code
  * @return bool  True in success, false otherwise
 private function _updateDescription($location_id, $description, $lang_code = DESCR_SL)
     if (!empty($location_id) && isset($description['name'])) {
         if (!isset($description['lang_code'])) {
             $description['lang_code'] = $lang_code;
         $description['location_id'] = $location_id;
          * Processes location description before updating it
          * @param $description
         fn_set_hook('update_location_description', $location, $dispatch, $lang_code);
         db_replace_into('bm_locations_descriptions', $description);
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;
Example #8
  * Updates product tab description
  * $description must be array in this format:
  * array (
  *   lang_code (required)
  *   name (required)
  * )
  * @param  int           $tab_id      Product tab identifier
  * @param  array         $description Array of product tab description data
  * @return int|db_result Product tab id if new tab was created, DB result otherwise
 private function _updateDescription($tab_id, $description)
     if (!empty($tab_id) && !empty($description['lang_code'])) {
         $description['tab_id'] = $tab_id;
          * Actions before updating product tab description
          * @param int $tab_id Product tab identifier
          * @param array $description Array of product tab description data
         fn_set_hook('update_product_tab_description', $tab_id, $description);
         db_replace_into('product_tabs_descriptions', $description);
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;
Example #9
  * Updates menu description
  * $description must be array in this format:
  * array (
  *   lang_code (required)
  *   name (required)
  * )
  * @static
  * @param  int   $menu_id
  * @param  array $description
  * @return bool
 public static function updateDescription($menu_id, $description)
     if (!empty($menu_id) && !empty($description['lang_code'])) {
         $description['menu_id'] = $menu_id;
          * Prepare params for sql query before update menu description
          * @param array $description
         fn_set_hook('update_menu_description', $description);
         return db_replace_into('menus_descriptions', $description);
     } else {
         return false;
Example #10
  * Creates or updates grid
  * <i>$grid_data</i> must be array in this format
  * <pre>array (
  *  grid_id
  *  container_id
  *  parent_id
  *  order
  *  width - grid 960 param
  *  suffix - grid 960 param
  *  prefix - grid 960 param
  *  omega - grid 960 param
  *  alpha - grid 960 param
  *  wrapper - path to wrapper template relative to "templates" directory
  *  content_align - LEFT|RIGHT|FULL_WIDTH, blocks in this grid will be placed as float left, float right or with width 100% in case.
  *  html_element - name of html element of this grid (div, ul, li, p, etc.)
  *  clear - If 1 then after this grid will be clear div on rendered page
  *  user_class
  * )</pre>
  * @static
  * @param  array         $grid_data Array of grid data
  * @return int|db_result Grid id if new grid was created, DB result otherwise
 public static function update($grid_data)
      * Processes grid data before update it
      * @param int $grid_data Array of grid data
     fn_set_hook('update_grid', $grid_data);
     $grid_id = db_replace_into('bm_grids', $grid_data);
     return $grid_id;
Example #11
    var_dump(db_update('d_all_units', $_POST, 'id = ' . $iUnitId));
    echo db_error();
    echo "--\n";
    // Combat stats
    db_delete('d_combat_stats', 'shooting_unit_id = ' . $iUnitId);
    foreach ($arrCombatStats as $iToUnitId => $s) {
        if (!empty($s['ratio']) && !empty($s['target_priority'])) {
            var_dump(db_insert('d_combat_stats', array('shooting_unit_id' => $iUnitId, 'receiving_unit_id' => $iToUnitId, 'ratio' => 1.0 / (double) $s['ratio'], 'target_priority' => $s['target_priority'])));
    echo "--\n";
    // Costs
    db_delete('d_unit_costs', 'unit_id = ' . $iUnitId);
    foreach ($arrCosts as $iResourceId => $iAmount) {
        var_dump(db_replace_into('d_unit_costs', array('unit_id' => $iUnitId, 'resource_id' => $iResourceId, 'amount' => $iAmount)));
    db_delete('d_unit_costs', 'amount = 0');
if (isset($_GET['new_unit_T'], $_GET['required'])) {
    var_dump(db_insert('d_all_units', array('T' => $_GET['new_unit_T'], 'unit' => 'NEW', 'r_d_required_id' => $_GET['required'])));
    echo db_error();
    header('Location: ' . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
$arrRD = db_select_fields('d_r_d_available', 'id, CONCAT(UPPER(T),\': \',name)', '1 ORDER BY T ASC, id ASC');
<style type="text/css">
select, input { font-size : 9px; }
function fn_uc_update_setting_value_by_id($object_id, $value, $company_id = null)
    $table = 'settings_objects';
    $data = array('object_id' => $object_id, 'value' => $value);
    if (fn_allowed_for('ULTIMATE') && !is_null($company_id)) {
        $table = 'settings_vendor_values';
    db_replace_into($table, $data);
Example #13
 foreach ($_POST['skills'] as $iRD => $arrSkills) {
     foreach ($arrSkills as $k => $d) {
         if ('' === $d['skill_id'] || '' === $d['value']) {
     if (empty($_POST['skills'][$iRD])) {
 db_query('DELETE FROM d_skills_per_r_d;');
 foreach ($_POST['skills'] as $iRD => $arrSkills) {
     foreach ($arrSkills as $d) {
         db_replace_into('d_skills_per_r_d', array('r_d_id' => $iRD, 'skill_id' => (int) $d['skill_id'], 'value' => (int) $d['value']));
 echo "\n" . 'delete from d_skills_per_r_d: ';
 var_dump(db_delete('d_skills_per_r_d', '0 >= required_value'));
 echo "\n" . 'TRUNCATE d_r_d_requires: ';
 var_dump(db_query("DELETE FROM d_r_d_requires;"));
 echo db_error();
 $szInserts = '';
 foreach ($arrRequires as $iRDId => $arrRDs) {
     $szInserts .= ",(" . $iRDId . "," . implode("),(" . $iRDId . ",", $arrRDs) . ")";
 echo $szSqlQuery = 'INSERT INTO d_r_d_requires (r_d_id, r_d_requires_id) VALUES ' . substr($szInserts, 1) . ';' . "\n";
 db_query($szSqlQuery) or die("\n\n" . db_error());
 echo "\n" . 'TRUNCATE d_r_d_excludes: ';
 var_dump(db_query("DELETE FROM d_r_d_excludes;"));