when subscription expires', '', array('options' => array('' => 'No', 1 => 'Yes'))); add_product_field('trial1_days', 'Trial 1 Duration', 'period', 'Trial 1 duration'); add_product_field('trial1_price', 'Trial 1 Price', 'money', 'set 0 for free trial'); add_product_field('rebill_times', 'Recurring Times', 'text', 'Recurring Times. This is the number of payments which<br /> will occur at the regular rate. If omitted, payment will<br /> continue to recur at the regular rate until the subscription<br /> is cancelled.<br /> NOTE: not for all payment processing this option is working'); add_product_field('authorize_currency', 'PayReady Currency', 'select', 'valid only for PayReady processing.<br /> You should not change it<br /> if you use another payment processors', '', array('options' => array('' => 'USD', 'GBP' => 'GBP', 'EUR' => 'EUR', 'CAD' => 'CAD', 'JPY' => 'JPY'))); global $config; $config['cc_type_options'] = array('1' => 'VISA', '2' => 'Master Card', '3' => 'American Express', '4' => 'Discover Card'); add_member_field('cc_type', 'Credit Card Type', 'select', '', '', array('options' => $config['cc_type_options'])); add_member_field('cc_street', 'Billing Street Address', 'text', "", '', array('hidden_anywhere' => 1)); add_member_field('cc_city', 'Billing City', 'text', "", ''); add_member_field('cc_state', 'Billing State', 'select', "", '', array('options' => db_getStatesForCountry('US', true))); add_member_field('cc_zip', 'Billing ZIP', 'text', "", ''); add_member_field('cc_country', 'Billing Country', 'select', "", '', array('options' => db_getCountryList(true))); add_member_field('cc_name_f', 'Billing First Name', 'text', ''); add_member_field('cc_name_l', 'Billing Last Name', 'text', ''); if ($config['payment']['payready']['wells_fargo']) { add_member_field('cc_company', 'Billing Company', 'text', ''); add_member_field('cc_phone', 'Billing Company', 'text', ''); } add_member_field('cc', 'Credit Card # (visible)', 'readonly', "credit card number (read-only)", '', array('hidden_anywhere' => 1)); add_member_field('cc-hidden', 'Credit Card # (crypted)', 'hidden', '', '', array('hidden_anywhere' => 1)); add_member_field('cc-expire', 'Credit Card Expire', 'readonly', 'Expiration date (mmyy)', '', array('hidden_anywhere' => 1)); add_paysystem_to_list(array('paysys_id' => 'payready', 'title' => $config['payment']['payready']['title'] ? $config['payment']['payready']['title'] : _PLUG_PAY_PAYRDY_TITLE, 'description' => $config['payment']['payready']['description'] ? $config['payment']['payready']['description'] : _PLUG_PAY_PAYRDY_DESC, 'public' => 1, 'recurring' => 1)); class payment_payready extends payment { function do_payment($payment_id, $member_id, $product_id, $price, $begin_date, $expire_date, &$vars)
<?php /* Smarty version 2.6.2, created on 2010-11-16 06:22:52 compiled from js.country_state.js */ require_once _SMARTY_DIR . 'core' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'core.load_plugins.php'; smarty_core_load_plugins(array('plugins' => array(array('function', 'root_url', 'js.country_state.js', 29, false))), $this); ?> <!--<?php echo ' --><script type="text/javascript"> '; require_once INC_DIR . '/pear/Services/JSON.php'; $j =& new Services_JSON(); echo "var statesCache = {};\n"; foreach (array('US', 'CA') as $c) { echo "statesCache." . $c . " = " . $j->encodeUnsafe(db_getStatesForCountry($c)) . ";\n"; } echo ' function changeStates(obj) { var country = obj.options[obj.selectedIndex].value; var nm = (obj.name == \'cc_country\') ? \'#f_cc_state\' : \'#f_state\'; $(nm).removeOption(/.|^$/). addOption(\'\', \'#_TPL_COMMON_SELECT_STATE#\'); if (statesCache[country]){ $(nm).addOption(statesCache[country]).selectOptions(\'\', true); onStatesLoaded(); } else {
function smarty_function_state_options($params, &$smarty) { global $db; $ret = ''; $state = db_getStateByCode($country, $state_code); $states = db_getStatesForCountry($country, 1); foreach ($states as $c => $t) { $sel = $c == $params['selected'] ? 'selected="selected"' : ''; $ret .= "<option value='" . htmlspecialchars($c) . "' {$sel}>" . htmlspecialchars($t) . "</option>\n"; } return $ret; }
function display_form($user) { global $t, $config; global $_amember_id, $error, $db; $email_address = $user['email']; $email_confirmation_required = 0; if ($config['verify_email_profile']) { if ($user['data']['email_new']) { if ($user['data']['email_confirm_code_exp'] > time()) { $email_address = $user['data']['email_new']; $email_confirmation_required = 1; } else { // Link expired; Change values back and update user record; profile_clean_verification_fields($user); } } } $user['email'] = $email_address; $t->assign("email_confirmation_required", $email_confirmation_required); $t->assign('state_options', db_getStatesForCountry($user['country'], 1)); $t->assign('user', $user); if ($config['use_affiliates'] && $user['is_affiliate'] == '2') { $additional_fields = get_additional_fields_html($user, 'affiliate_profile', 0, get_active_price_groups()); } else { $additional_fields = get_additional_fields_html($user, 'profile', 0, get_active_price_groups()); } $t->assign('additional_fields_html', $additional_fields); $fields_to_change = array(); foreach ((array) $config['profile_fields'] as $f) { $fields_to_change[$f] = 1; } $t->assign('fields_to_change', $fields_to_change); $t->assign('error', $error); $t->display('profile.html'); }
function ajaxGetStates($vars) { return ajaxResponse(db_getStatesForCountry($vars['country'])); }
function show_payment_form() { global $t; global $error; global $db, $config, $vars; global $signup_scope_allowed; $t->assign('error', $error); $products = $db->get_products_list(); if (!count($products)) { fatal_error(_SIGNUP_SCRIPT_ERROR); } foreach ($products as $k => $v) { if (!in_array($v['scope'], $signup_scope_allowed)) { unset($products[$k]); } if (is_array($vars['price_group'])) { if (!array_intersect($vars['price_group'], split(',', $v['price_group']))) { unset($products[$k]); } } elseif ($vars['price_group']) { if (!in_array($vars['price_group'], split(',', $v['price_group']))) { unset($products[$k]); } } elseif ($v['price_group'] < 0) { unset($products[$k]); } if ($products[$k] && $products[$k]['terms'] == '') { $pr =& new Product($products[$k]); $products[$k]['terms'] = $pr->getSubscriptionTerms(); } } $paysystems = get_paysystems_list(); //remove paysystems such as manual foreach ($paysystems as $k => $p) { if (!$p['public']) { unset($paysystems[$k]); } } //remove free paysystem from select if (count($paysystems) > 1) { foreach ($paysystems as $k => $p) { if ($p['paysys_id'] == 'free') { unset($paysystems[$k]); } } } plugin_fill_in_signup_form($_REQUEST); plugin_fill_in_signup_form($vars); // Fill additional fields $t->assign('products', $products); $t->assign('paysystems', $paysystems); $price_group = $vars['price_group'] ? explode(',', $vars['price_group']) : array(); $t->assign('additional_fields_html', get_additional_fields_html($vars, 'signup', 0, $price_group)); if ($vars['country']) { $t->assign('state_options', db_getStatesForCountry($vars['country'], 1)); } $is_affiliate = '0'; $newsletter_threads = $db->get_signup_threads_c($is_affiliate); $t->assign('newsletter_threads', $newsletter_threads); $t->display($config['amember_signup_template'] ? $config['amember_signup_template'] : 'signup.html'); }