Example #1
function echoPage($page, $limit)
    $dbLink = db_connect_syslog(DBUSER, DBUSERPW);
    if ($limit <= 10) {
        echo " <a href='wres.php?page={$page}&limit=" . ($limit + 10) . "' class='load_more'></a\t";
        $sqllimit = "0,{$limit}";
    } else {
        $sqllimit = "10,{$limit}";
    echo "<div style=\"width: 310px; margin-bottom: 5px; margin-left: 5px; text-align: center; font-size: 5px;\">";
    echo " <table> ";
    if ($page == "tail") {
        if ($limit <= 10) {
            echo "\n\t\t\t   \t<td class=\"wapresultsheader\">HOST</td>\n\t\t\t   \t<td class=\"wapresultsheader\">TIME</td>\n\t\t\t   \t<td class=\"wapresultsheader\">MESSAGE</td>\n\t\t\t   \t";
        $query = "SELECT * FROM logs JOIN (select seq from logs FORCE INDEX(PRIMARY) ORDER BY seq DESC LIMIT {$sqllimit}) as sub USING(seq)";
    if ($page == "topx") {
        if ($limit <= 10) {
            echo "\n\t\t\t   \t<td class=\"wapresultsheader\">HOST</td>\n\t\t\t   \t<td class=\"wapresultsheader\">COUNT</td>\n\t\t\t   \t<td class=\"wapresultsheader\">MESSAGE</td>\n\t\t\t   \t";
        if (defined('SQZ_ENABLED') && SQZ_ENABLED == TRUE) {
            $query = "SELECT host,counter as count,msg from logs WHERE counter>1 ORDER BY counter DESC LIMIT {$sqllimit}";
        } else {
            $query = "SELECT host,count(*) as count,msg from logs GROUP BY host ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT {$sqllimit}";
    $results = perform_query($query, $dbLink);
    $color = "waplighter";
    $today = date('Y-m-d');
    while ($row = fetch_array($results)) {
        if ($color == "wapdarker") {
            $color = "waplighter";
        } else {
            $color = "wapdarker";
        echo "<tr class=\"{$color}\">";
        echo "<td>" . $row['host'] . "</td>";
        if ($page == "tail") {
            $pieces = explode(" ", $row['datetime']);
            echo '<td>';
            if ($pieces[0] != $today) {
                echo $pieces[0] . "&nbsp;";
            echo $pieces[1];
        if ($page == "topx") {
            echo '<td>';
            echo $row['count'] . "&nbsp;";
        echo "</td>\n";
        $row['msg'] = preg_replace('/\\s:/', ':', $row['msg']);
        $row['msg'] = preg_replace('/.*(%.*?:.*)/', '$1', $row['msg']);
        $msg = htmlspecialchars($row['msg']);
        echo "<td>";
        echo "{$msg}</td>\n";
        echo "</tr>\n";
    echo "</div>\n";
 * Developed by Clayton Dukes <*****@*****.**>
 * Copyright (c) 2010 LogZilla, LLC
 * All rights reserved.
 * Last updated on 2010-06-15
 * Changelog:
 * 2010-03-05 - created

$basePath = dirname( __FILE__ );
require_once ($basePath . "/../common_funcs.php");
$dbLink = db_connect_syslog(DBADMIN, DBADMINPW);

if ((has_portlet_access($_SESSION['username'], 'Change Password') == TRUE) || ($_SESSION['AUTHTYPE'] == "none")) { 
<table border="0" width="100%">

        <td colspan="2">
Example #3
function login($forms)
    $error = "";
    $username = $forms["username"];
    $password = $forms["password"];
    if (!$password) {
        $password = "******";
    // die("$password");
    if ($forms["authtype"] == "ldap") {
        //define an appropriate ldap search filter to find your users, and filter out accounts such as administrator(administrator should be renamed anyway!).
        $filter = "(&(|(!(displayname=Administrator*))(!(displayname=Admin*)))(" . LDAP_CN . "={$username}))";
        $dn = LDAP_CN . "={$username}, ";
        if (!($connect = @ldap_connect(LDAP_SRV))) {
            $error .= "Could not connect to LDAP server:" . LDAP_SRV;
        switch (LDAP_MSAD) {
            case "YES":
                ldap_set_option($connect, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3);
                ldap_set_option($connect, LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS, 0);
                if (!($bind = @ldap_bind($connect, "{$username}@" . LDAP_DOMAIN, $password))) {
                    $error .= " Unable to bind to LDAP Server: <b>" . LDAP_SRV . "</b><br> <li>DN: {$dn}<br> <li>BaseDN: " . LDAP_BASE_DN . "<br>";
                if (!($bind = @ldap_bind($connect, "{$dn}" . LDAP_BASE_DN, $password))) {
                    $error .= " Unable to bind to LDAP Server: <b>" . LDAP_SRV . "</b><br> <li>DN: {$dn}<br> <li>BaseDN: " . LDAP_BASE_DN . "<br>";
        if (!($sr = @ldap_search($connect, LDAP_BASE_DN, $filter))) {
            #search for user
            $error .= " Unable to search: <b>" . LDAP_SRV . "</b><br> <li>DN: {$dn}<br> <li>BaseDN: " . LDAP_BASE_DN . "<br>";
        $info = @ldap_get_entries($connect, $sr);
        // print  "Number of entries returned is " .ldap_count_entries($connect, $sr)."<p>";
        if (LDAP_USEPRIV == "ON") {
            if (in_array(LDAP_RW_GROUP, $info[0]["groupmembership"])) {
                $_SESSION["userpriv"] = "rw";
            } elseif (in_array(LDAP_RO_GROUP, $info[0]["groupmembership"])) {
                $_SESSION["userpriv"] = "ro";
            } else {
                $_SESSION["userpriv"] = "disabled";
                // echo "User privileges are " . $_SESSION["userpriv"] . "<br>";
        if (trim($error) != "") {
            return $error;
        } else {
            $fullname = $info[0]["cn"][0];
            $fqdn = $info[0]["dn"];
            $_SESSION["username"] = $username;
            $_SESSION["groups"] = $info[0]["groupmembership"];
            $_SESSION["token"] = $password;
            $_SESSION["fullname"] = $fullname;
            $_SESSION["fqdn"] = $fqdn;
            $flname = explode(" ", $fullname);
            $_SESSION["firstname"] = $flname[0];
            $_SESSION["lastname"] = $flname[1];
            $_SESSION["pageId"] = "searchform";
            // die(phpinfo());
            // die(print_r($info[0]));
            // die(print_r($_SESSION));
        /* from here, do your sql query to query the database to search for existing record with correct username and password */
    } elseif ($forms["authtype"] == "basic") {
        // Using Web basic authentication. Check to see if $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'] has access, and act accordingly.
        $username = $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'];
        if ($username == "") {
            $username = "******";
        $dbLink = db_connect_syslog(DBUSER, DBUSERPW);
        if ($username && verify_user($username, $dbLink)) {
            $sessionId = md5(mt_rand());
            $_SESSION["pageId"] = "searchform";
            $expTime = time() + SESSION_EXP_TIME;
            $expTimeDB = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $expTime);
            // Update sessionId and exptime in database
            $query = "UPDATE " . AUTHTABLENAME . " SET sessionid='" . $sessionId . "', \n\t\t\t\texptime='" . $expTimeDB . "' WHERE username='******'";
            $result = perform_query($query, $dbLink);
        } else {
            $error .= " Sorry, {$username} does not have access to this service.";
            $_SESSION["error"] = "{$error}";
    } elseif ($forms["authtype"] == "cert") {
        // Using Cert basic authentication.Check certificate SerialNumber first, Subject DN if SerialNumber fails
        $dbLink = db_connect_syslog(DBUSER, DBUSERPW);
        if (verify_user($_SERVER['SSL_CLIENT_M_SERIAL'], $dbLink) || verify_user($_SERVER['SSL_CLIENT_S_DN'], $dbLink)) {
            $sessionId = md5(mt_rand());
            $_SESSION["pageId"] = "searchform";
            $expTime = time() + SESSION_EXP_TIME;
            $expTimeDB = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $expTime);
            // Update sessionId and exptime in database
            $query = "UPDATE " . AUTHTABLENAME . " SET sessionid='" . $sessionId . "', \n             exptime='" . $expTimeDB . "' WHERE username='******'";
            $result = perform_query($query, $dbLink);
        } else {
            $error .= " Sorry, {$username} does not have access to this service.";
            $_SESSION["error"] = "{$error}";
    } else {
        // Not using LDAP or WebBasic, revert to local db authentication
        if ($_POST["username"]) {
            $username = $_POST["username"];
            $password = $_POST["password"];
            // die("Info: $username, $password");
            $dbLink = db_connect_syslog(DBUSER, DBUSERPW);
            if ($username && $password && verify_login($username, $password, $dbLink)) {
                $sessionId = md5(mt_rand());
                $_SESSION["pageId"] = "searchform";
                // Calculate the expiration time
                $expTime = time() + SESSION_EXP_TIME;
                $expTimeDB = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $expTime);
                // Update sessionId and exptime in database
                $query = "UPDATE " . AUTHTABLENAME . " SET sessionid='" . $sessionId . "', \n\t\t\t\t\texptime='" . $expTimeDB . "' WHERE username='******'";
                $result = perform_query($query, $dbLink);
            } else {
                $error .= " Invalid password for user {$username}";
                $_SESSION["error"] = "{$error}";
        } else {
            $error .= " Missing POST variables";
            $_SESSION["error"] = "{$error}";
    if (trim($error) != "") {
        return $error;
    } else {
        $_SESSION["username"] = $username;
        return $username;
Example #4
// Copyright (C) 2005 Claus Lund, clauslund@gmail.com
echo "\nStarting to reload cache\n";
echo date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "\n\n";
require_once "/www/php-syslog-ng/html/includes/common_funcs.php";
require_once "/www/php-syslog-ng/html/config/config.php";
$dbLink = db_connect_syslog(DBUSER, DBUSERPW);
// If merge table exists and is not empty
// then load the cache with data from that table
/* BEGIN REMOVE cdukes 2-27-08: Removed this check for MERGELOGTABLE
   I don't see why we're reloading cache from the MERGETABLE???
   Wouldn't that just make a cache of the all_logs data from midnight of each day and
   not current data?

if(table_exists(MERGELOGTABLE, $dbLink) == TRUE ) {
	$mergelog = TRUE;
	$result = perform_query($sql, $dbLink);
	if(num_rows($result)) {
	echo "Loading the cache with data from the merge table\n";
	reload_cache(MERGELOGTABLE, $dbLink);
} else {
// Else load the cache with data from each log table
$tableArray = get_logtables($dbLink);
foreach ($tableArray as $table) {
    if ($table == MERGELOGTABLE) {
Example #5
if (strcasecmp($configTask, "updateDefaultACL") == 0) {
    $setDefaultAccess = TRUE;
    // Make sure access controls are enabled
    if (!defined('USE_ACL') || !USE_ACL) {
        echo "Access control is not enabled.";
        $setDefaultAccess = FALSE;
    // If conditions are OK then update the default access
    if ($setDefaultAccess && grant_access($username, 'edit_acl', $dbLink)) {
        $actionInputs = array();
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . ACTION_TABLE;
        $result = perform_query($sql, $dbLink);
        $admLink = db_connect_syslog(DBADMIN, DBADMINPW, 'C');
        while ($row = fetch_array($result)) {
            $actionname = $row['actionname'];
            $inputVal = get_input($actionname . '_acl');
            if ($inputVal == 1) {
                $inputVal = 'TRUE';
            } else {
                $inputVal = 'FALSE';
            $sql = "UPDATE " . ACTION_TABLE . " SET defaultaccess='" . $inputVal . "'\n\t\t\t\tWHERE actionname='" . $actionname . "'";
            perform_query($sql, $admLink);
        echo "The default access settings have been updated.";
function mne2crc($mne)
    $dbLink = db_connect_syslog(DBADMIN, DBADMINPW);
    $sql = "SELECT crc FROM mne WHERE name='{$mne}'";
    $result = perform_query($sql, $dbLink, "common_funcs.php");
    $row = fetch_array($result);
    return $row['crc'];
function auth ($postvars) {
	//Start security update v0.1 
	global $appConfig;
	if($appConfig['ban_ip'] == "on" && $appConfig['max_login_tries']<=$_SESSION['num_login_tries']) {
		//insert ip into banned table
		$expdate = time()+$appConfig['ban_time']*60;
		mysql_query("INSERT INTO banned_ips(bannedIp,expirationDate) VALUES('{$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}','".date("Y-m-d h:m:s",$expdate)."')");
	if($appConfig['captcha']=='on' && $appConfig['num_login_tries']<=$_SESSION['num_login_tries']) {
		$resp = recaptcha_check_answer ($appConfig['captcha_private_key'],
		if (!$resp->is_valid) {
			return $_SESSION["error"] = "The CAPTCHA wasn't entered correctly. Go back and try it again." .
			"(CAPTCHA said: " . $resp->error . ")";
	//End security update v0.1
    $error = "";
    $username = stripslashes($postvars["username"]);
    $password = stripslashes($postvars["password"]);
    if (validate_input($username, 'username') && (validate_input($password, 'password'))) {
        switch ($postvars['authtype']) {

        case "local":
            if ($username && $username !== "local_noauth") {
                $dbLink = db_connect_syslog(DBADMIN, DBADMINPW);
                if ($username && $password && verify_login($username, $password, $dbLink)) {
                    $error ="";
                } else {
                    $error .= " Invalid password for user $username";
            } else {
                if (trim($username) == "") $error .= "Your username is empty.<br>";
                if (trim($password) == "") $error .= "Your password is empty.";
        if (trim($error)!="") {
			//Start security update v0.1
			//End security update v0.1
            return $_SESSION["error"] = $error;
        } else {
        	$sql = "SELECT rbac_key FROM ".$_SESSION["TBL_AUTH"]." WHERE username='******'";
            $result = perform_query($sql, $dbLink, $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
    		$row = fetch_array($result);
        	$_SESSION["rbac"] = $row[0];
            return $_SESSION["username"] = $username;

		case "ldap":
		   	$dbLink = db_connect_syslog(DBADMIN, DBADMINPW);
	   	$sql = "SELECT name,value FROM settings WHERE name like 'LDAP%'";
	   	$result = perform_query($sql, $dbLink, "authentication.php - LDAP Auth");
	   	while($row = fetch_array($result)) {
				if ($row['name'] == 'LDAP_BASE_DN') { $basedn = $row['value']; }
				if ($row['name'] == 'LDAP_CN') { $cn = $row['value']; }
				if ($row['name'] == 'LDAP_DOMAIN') { $domain = $row['value']; }
				if ($row['name'] == 'LDAP_MS') { $ms = $row['value']; }
				if ($row['name'] == 'LDAP_PRIV') { $priv = $row['value']; }
				if ($row['name'] == 'LDAP_RO_FILTERS') { $ro_filter = $row['value']; }
				if ($row['name'] == 'LDAP_RO_GRP') { $ro_grp = $row['value']; }
				if ($row['name'] == 'LDAP_RW_GRP') { $rw_grp = $row['value']; }
				if ($row['name'] == 'LDAP_SRV') { $srv = $row['value']; }
				if ($row['name'] == 'LDAP_DNU_GRP') { $nuser_grp = $row['value']; }
                                if ($row['name'] == 'LDAP_USERS_RO' ){ $list_of_ldapusers_ro = $row['value']; }
                                if ($row['name'] == 'LDAP_USERS_RW' ){ $list_of_ldapusers_rw = $row['value']; }

	   	//define an appropriate ldap search filter to find your users, and filter out accounts such as administrator(administrator should be renamed anyway!).
	  	$filter="(&(|(!(displayname=Administrator*))(!(displayname=Admin*)))(" .$cn. "=$username))";
	   	$dn = $cn . "=$username, ";
	   	if (!($connect = @ldap_connect($srv))) {
		   	$error .= "Could not connect to LDAP server:" . $srv;

		switch ($ms) {

			case "1":

				ldap_set_option($connect, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION,3);
		   	ldap_set_option($connect, LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS,0);

			if (!($bind = @ldap_bind($connect, "$username@" . $domain, $password))) {
			   	$error .= " Unable to bind to LDAP Server: <b>" . $srv . "</b><br> <li>DN: $dn<br> <li>BaseDN: " . $basedn . "<br>";



			if (!($bind = @ldap_bind($connect, "$dn" . $basedn, $password))) {
			   	$error .= " Unable to bind to LDAP Server: <b>" . $srv . "</b><br> <li>DN: $dn<br> <li>BaseDN: " . $basedn . "<br>";


		if (!($sr = @ldap_search($connect, $basedn, $filter))) { #search for user
		   	$error .= " Unable to search: <b>" . $srv . "</b><br> <li>DN: $dn<br> <li>BaseDN: " . $basedn . "<br>";

		$info = @ldap_get_entries($connect, $sr);
	   	// print  "Number of entries returned is " .ldap_count_entries($connect, $sr)."<p>";

		if ($priv == "1") {
		   	if (in_array($rw_grp, $info[0]["groupmembership"])) {
			   	$_SESSION["userpriv"] = "rw";
		   	} elseif (in_array($ro_grp, $info[0]["groupmembership"])) {
			   	$_SESSION["userpriv"] = "ro";
		   	} else {
			   	$_SESSION["userpriv"] = "disabled";
                        if ( strlen($list_of_ldapusers_ro) > 0 ){
                          $tmp_miami = explode(',', $list_of_ldapusers_ro);
                          if ( in_array ($username, $tmp_miami ) ){
                            $_SESSION['userpriv'] = 'ro';                          }
			if ( strlen($list_of_ldapusers_rw) > 0 ){
                          $tmp_miami = explode(',', $list_of_ldapusers_rw);
                          if ( in_array ($username, $tmp_miami ) ){
                            $_SESSION['userpriv'] = 'rw';

			if ( $_SESSION['userpriv'] == 'disabled' ){
			  $error.='User not authorized';

	   	if ( trim($error) != "" ) {
			//Start security update v0.1
			//End security update v0.1
		   	return $_SESSION["error"] = $error;
	   	} else {


			$_SESSION["username"] = $username;
		   	$_SESSION["groups"] = $info[0]["groupmembership"];
		   	$_SESSION["token"] = $password;
		   	$_SESSION["fullname"] = $fullname;
		   	$_SESSION["fqdn"] = $fqdn;
		   	$flname = explode(" ", $fullname);
		   	$_SESSION["firstname"] = $flname[0];
		   	$_SESSION["lastname"] = $flname[1];
		   	$_SESSION["pageId"] = "searchform" ;
		   	// die(phpinfo());
		   	// die(print_r($info[0]));
		   	// die(print_r($_SESSION));

			// Create user locally
		   	// Add user (if they don't exist)
		   	$sql = "SELECT username from users where username='******'";
		   	$result = perform_query($sql, $dbLink, "authentication.php - LDAP");
		   	$row = fetch_array($result);
		   	if ($row['username'] !== "$username") {
			   	$sql = "INSERT IGNORE INTO ".$_SESSION['TBL_AUTH']." (username,pwhash) VALUES ('$username',MD5('$password'))";
			   	$result = perform_query($sql, $dbLink, "authentication.php - LDAP");
			   	if(mysql_affected_rows() !== 1) {
				   	$error .= "Unable to add $username to local system";
			   	} else {
				   	$sql = "REPLACE INTO groups (userid, groupname) SELECT (SELECT id FROM users WHERE username='******'),'$nuser_grp'";
				   	perform_query($sql, $dbLink, "authentication.php - LDAP");
				   	$sql = "REPLACE INTO ui_layout (userid, pagename, col, rowindex, header, content, group_access) SELECT (SELECT id FROM users WHERE username='******'),pagename,col,rowindex,header,content, group_access FROM ui_layout WHERE userid=0";
				   	perform_query($sql, $dbLink, "authentication.php - LDAP");
		/* from here, do your sql query to query the database to search for existing record with correct username and password */
        if (trim($error)!="") {
			//Start security update v0.1
			//End security update v0.1
            return $_SESSION["error"] = $error;
        } else {
            $sessionId = session_id();
            $expTime = time()+$_SESSION["SESS_EXP"];
            $expTimeDB = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $expTime);
            $query = "UPDATE ".$_SESSION["TBL_AUTH"]." SET sessionid='".$sessionId."', 
                exptime='".$expTimeDB."' WHERE username='******'";
            $result = perform_query($query, $dbLink, $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
            $sql = "SELECT rbac_key FROM ".$_SESSION["TBL_AUTH"]." WHERE username='******'";
            $result = perform_query($sql, $dbLink, $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
            $row = fetch_array($result);
            $_SESSION["rbac"] = $row[0];
            return $_SESSION["username"] = $username;

        case "webbasic":
            $error .= "Web Basic not implemented yet";
        if (trim($error)!="") {
            //Start security update v0.1
            //End security update v0.1
            return $_SESSION["error"] = $error;
        } else {
            return $_SESSION["username"] = $username;

        case "msad":
            $error .= "Microsoft Authentication not implemented yet";
        if (trim($error)!="") {
            //Start security update v0.1
            //End security update v0.1
            return $_SESSION["error"] = $error;
        } else {
            return $_SESSION["username"] = $username;

        case "cert":
            $error .= "SSL Certificate Authentication not implemented yet";
        if (trim($error)!="") {
            //Start security update v0.1
            //End security update v0.1
            return $_SESSION["error"] = $error;
        } else {
            return $_SESSION["username"] = $username;

        case "tacacs":
            $error .= "Tacacs Authentication not implemented yet";
        if (trim($error)!="") {
            //Start security update v0.1
            //End security update v0.1
            return $_SESSION["error"] = $error;
        } else {
            return $_SESSION["username"] = $username;

        case "radius":
            $error .= "Radius Authentication not implemented yet";
        if (trim($error)!="") {
            //Start security update v0.1
            //End security update v0.1
            return $_SESSION["error"] = $error;
        } else {
            return $_SESSION["username"] = $username;
    } else {
        //Start security update v0.1
        //End security update v0.1
        return $_SESSION["error"] = "Invalid Username or Password";