function login($_POST) { global $_SESSION; extract($_POST); require_lib("validate"); $v = new validate(); $v->isOk($code, "string", 1, 5, "Invalid company name."); # Display errors, if any if ($v->isError()) { $confirm = ""; $errors = $v->getErrors(); foreach ($errors as $e) { $confirm .= "<li class='err'>" . $e["msg"] . "</li>"; } return slctcomp($confirm); } # Change code to lowercase $code = strtolower($code); if (!db_check("cubit_" . $code)) { return slctcomp("<li class='err'>Invalid Company. Select another company or<br />\n\t\t\tclick <a href='company-new.php?key=recover'>here</a> to see if Cubit can recover from this error.</li>"); } # Get Company Name db_conn("cubit"); $sql = "SELECT name FROM companies WHERE code = '{$code}'"; $compRslt = db_exec($sql) or errDie("Unable to access database.", SELF); if (pg_numrows($compRslt) < 1) { $comp['name'] = ""; } else { $comp = pg_fetch_array($compRslt); } $_SESSION["code"] = $code; $_SESSION["comp"] = $comp['name']; header("Location: doc-index.php"); }
} </style> </head> <body> <div id='over'> <div id='top_bar'> OptivumToSQL </div> <?php require_once "config.php"; require_once "bin/class.php"; $con = db_check(); if ($con == false) { echo '<span class="red">Błąd połączenia z bazą danych.<br/> Dokonaj poprawy w pliku <u>config.php</u></span>'; exit; } table_check($con); if (isset($_POST['parse'])) { if (!filter_var($_POST['parse'], FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) { echo "<span class='red'>Błędny URL.</span><br/> Poprawny format: <u>http://serwer/plan/</u> / <u>http://serwer/plan/index.html</u><br/><a href='index.php'>Powrót</a><br/><br/><br/>"; } if ($_POST['pass'] == $pass) { exportToMySQL(parseToSql($_POST['parse']), $con); } else { echo "<span class='red'>Błąd autoryzacji.</span><br/><a href='index.php'>Powrót</a>"; } } else {
<style media="screen" type="text/css">@import url(style/setup.css);</style> </head> <body> <h1 id="header">phpMyFAQ <?php print VERSION; ?> Setup</h1> <?php if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.2.0', '<')) { print "<p class=\"center\">You need PHP 5.2.0 or later!</p>\n"; HTMLFooter(); die; } if (!db_check($supported_databases)) { print '<p class="center">No supported database detected! Please install one of the following' . ' database systems and enable the corresponding PHP extension:</p>'; print '<ul>'; foreach ($supported_databases as $database) { printf(' <li>%s</li>', $database[1]); } print '</ul>'; HTMLFooter(); die; } $missing = array(); if (!extension_check($enabled_extensions, $missing)) { print "<p class=\"center\">The following extensions are missing! Please enable the PHP extension:</p>\n"; print "<ul>\n"; foreach ($missing as $extension) { printf(' <li>ext/%s</li>', $extension);
echo "Your PHP installation appears to be missing the gettext extension which is required by Emoncms. <br> See /php-info.php (restricted to local access)"; die; } $mysqli = @new mysqli($server, $username, $password, $database, $port); if ($mysqli->connect_error) { echo "Can't connect to database, please verify credentials/configuration in settings.php<br />"; if ($display_errors) { echo "Error message: <b>" . $mysqli->connect_error . "</b>"; } die; } // Set charset to utf8 $mysqli->set_charset("utf8"); if (!$mysqli->connect_error && $dbtest == true) { require "Lib/dbschemasetup.php"; if (!db_check($mysqli, $database)) { db_schema_setup($mysqli, load_db_schema(), true); } } // 3) User sessions require "Modules/user/user_model.php"; $user = new User($mysqli, $redis); $apikey = false; $devicekey = false; if (isset($_GET['apikey'])) { $apikey = $_GET['apikey']; } else { if (isset($_POST['apikey'])) { $apikey = $_POST['apikey']; } else { if (isset($_GET['devicekey'])) {
print VERSION; ?> Installation</h1> <?php if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '4.1.0') < 0) { print "<p class=\"center\">You need PHP Version 4.1.0 or higher!</p>\n"; HTMLFooter(); die; } if (!extension_loaded('gd')) { print '<p class="center">You don\'t have GD support enabled in your PHP installation. Please enabled GD support in your php.ini file.</p>'; HTMLFooter(); die; } if (db_check($supported_databases) == false) { print "<p class=\"center\">No supported database found! Please install one of the following database systems and enable the m \tcorresponding PHP extension:</p>\n"; print "<ul>\n"; foreach ($supported_databases as $database) { printf(' <li>%s</li>', $database[1]); } print "</ul>\n"; HTMLFooter(); die; } if (!phpmyfaq_check()) { print '<p class="center">It seems you already running a version of phpMyFAQ.<br />Please use the <a href="update.php">update script</a>.</p>'; HTMLFooter(); die; } $dirs = array('/attachments', '/data', '/images', '/inc', '/pdf', '/xml');
foreach ($prioritized as $dir => $priority) { if (!in_array($dir, $installed)) { db_delete(TBL_PREFIX . TBL_EXTS, "dir = '" . $dir . "'"); } } } // display header title echo '<h1>Admin panel</h1>'; /* now check for new releases servers in safe_mode or with open_basedir set will throw a CURL_FOLLOW_LOCATION error */ echo check_smt_releases(); /* connection settings ------------------------------------------------------ */ error_reporting(0); // check if (smt) is installed properly if (!db_check()) { $dberror = true; $msg = '<h2>Seems that you need to setup your database</h2>'; $msg .= '<p>'; $msg .= 'Did you edit your <em>config.php</em> file?' . PHP_EOL; $msg .= 'If server data are correct, go <a href="' . SYS_DIR . 'install.php">install (smt)</a>.'; $msg .= '</p>'; echo display_text($_displayType["WARNING"], $msg, 'div'); } // now enable default error reporting error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); /* JSON checking ------------------------------------------------------------ */ if (!function_exists('json_encode')) { $msg = '<h2>JSON library not found</h2>'; $msg .= '<p>'; $msg .= 'Your server does not have the JavaScript Object Notation extension installed.' . PHP_EOL;
array_pop($svnStatus); sort($svnStatus); $db = 0; echo "Liste des fichiers concernés par la mise à jour :<br/>"; echo "<pre>"; foreach ($svnStatus as $file) { //echo str_replace("$dossierInstall/","",$file)."\n"; $line = str_replace("{$dossierInstall}/", "", $file); preg_match('/(.{7})(.{7})(.{6})(.*)/', $line, $lineDetail); list(, $local, $remote, $rev, $file) = $lineDetail; echo "<form method='post' action='' ><input type='hidden' name='MD5' value='{$md5}'/>"; echo " " . preg_replace('/ +/', " ", $local) . preg_replace('/ +/', " ", $remote) . preg_replace('/ +/', " ", $rev); echo "<input type='hidden' name='detailSVN' value='{$file}'/>{$file} <input type='submit' value='Voir'/></form>"; } echo "</pre>"; if (db_check($svnStatus)) { echo "La mise à jour nécessite une mise à jour de la base de donnée.<br/>"; } echo "<form method='POST' action=''>\n <input type='hidden' name='MD5' value='{$md5}'/>\n <input type='hidden' name='do' value='1'/>\n <input type='submit' value='Effectuer la mise à jour'/>\n </form>"; } else { echo "Votre installation est à jour (REV #{$WC_REV})"; } /** ** Voir la diffrence **/ if (isset($_POST['detailSVN'])) { exec("{$svnCmd} --username={$loginSVN} --password={$passwordSVN} diff {$dossierInstall}/" . $_POST['detailSVN'], $svnDiff, $error); echo "<div style='border: 1px solid gray;'>"; echo "<pre>"; foreach ($svnDiff as $diff) { echo "{$diff}\n";
/** * agi_credit - add or remove an amount of money from an account * */ function agi_credit($account, $modification) { global $db; agi_log(DEBUG_INFO, "agi_credit({$account}, {$modification})"); $query = "update People_PrePay_Settings " . "set credit = credit + ({$modification}) " . "where People_Extension = {$account} "; $db->query($query); db_check($db); }