/** * @return string */ private function getUserlist() { $strReturn = ""; $strTemplateWrapperID = $this->objTemplate->readTemplate("/element_userlist/" . $this->arrElementData["char1"], "userlist_wrapper"); $strTemplateRowID = $this->objTemplate->readTemplate("/element_userlist/" . $this->arrElementData["char1"], "userlist_row"); $arrUserFinal = $this->loadUserlist(); $strRows = ""; foreach ($arrUserFinal as $objOneUser) { $objTargetUser = $objOneUser->getObjSourceUser(); if ($objTargetUser instanceof class_usersources_user_kajona) { $arrRow = array(); $arrRow["userName"] = $objTargetUser->getStrName(); $arrRow["userForename"] = $objTargetUser->getStrForename(); $arrRow["userStreet"] = $objTargetUser->getStrStreet(); $arrRow["userEmail"] = $objTargetUser->getStrEmail(); $arrRow["userPostal"] = $objTargetUser->getStrPostal(); $arrRow["userCity"] = $objTargetUser->getStrCity(); $arrRow["userPhone"] = $objTargetUser->getStrTel(); $arrRow["userMobile"] = $objTargetUser->getStrMobile(); $arrRow["userBirthday"] = uniStrlen($objTargetUser->getLongDate()) > 5 ? dateToString(new class_date($objTargetUser->getLongDate()), false) : ""; $strRows .= $this->fillTemplate($arrRow, $strTemplateRowID); } } $strLink = getLinkPortalHref($this->getPagename(), "", "exportToCsv"); $strReturn .= $this->fillTemplate(array("userlist_rows" => $strRows, "csvHref" => $strLink), $strTemplateWrapperID); return $strReturn; }
/** * @return void */ public function testDateToString() { class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjLang()->setStrTextLanguage("de"); if (class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjLang()->getLang("dateStyleShort", "system") != "d.m.Y") { return; } $this->assertEquals("15.05.2013", dateToString(new class_date(20130515122324), false)); $this->assertEquals("15.05.2013 12:23:24", dateToString(new class_date(20130515122324), true)); $this->assertEquals("15.05.2013", dateToString(new class_date("20130515122324"), false)); $this->assertEquals("15.05.2013 12:23:24", dateToString(new class_date("20130515122324"), true)); $this->assertEquals("15.05.2013", dateToString(20130515122324, false)); $this->assertEquals("15.05.2013 12:23:24", dateToString(20130515122324, true)); $this->assertEquals("15.05.2013", dateToString("20130515122324", false)); $this->assertEquals("15.05.2013 12:23:24", dateToString("20130515122324", true)); $this->assertEquals("", dateToString(null)); $this->assertEquals("", dateToString("")); $this->assertEquals("", dateToString("asdfsfdsfdsfds")); class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjLang()->setStrTextLanguage("en"); if (class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjLang()->getLang("dateStyleShort", "system") != "m/d/Y") { return; } $this->assertEquals("05/15/2013", dateToString(new class_date(20130515122324), false)); $this->assertEquals("05/15/2013 12:23:24", dateToString(new class_date(20130515122324), true)); $this->assertEquals("05/15/2013", dateToString(new class_date("20130515122324"), false)); $this->assertEquals("05/15/2013 12:23:24", dateToString(new class_date("20130515122324"), true)); $this->assertEquals("05/15/2013", dateToString(20130515122324, false)); $this->assertEquals("05/15/2013 12:23:24", dateToString(20130515122324, true)); $this->assertEquals("05/15/2013", dateToString("20130515122324", false)); $this->assertEquals("05/15/2013 12:23:24", dateToString("20130515122324", true)); }
function print_laporan($param_arr) { include "../include/fpdf17/mc_table.php"; $_BORDER = 0; $_FONT = 'Times'; $_FONTSIZE = 10; $pdf = new PDF_MC_Table(); $size = $pdf->_getpagesize('Legal'); $pdf->DefPageSize = $size; $pdf->CurPageSize = $size; $pdf->AddPage('Landscape', 'Legal'); $pdf->SetFont('helvetica', '', $_FONTSIZE); $pdf->SetRightMargin(5); $pdf->SetLeftMargin(9); $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(false, 0); $pdf->SetFont('helvetica', '', 12); $pdf->SetWidths(array(200)); $pdf->ln(1); $pdf->RowMultiBorderWithHeight(array("Laporan pencetakan bulanan penerimaan sptpd"), array('', ''), 6); //$pdf->ln(8); $pdf->SetWidths(array(40, 200)); $pdf->ln(4); $pdf->RowMultiBorderWithHeight(array("DAFTAR SPTPD", ": "), array('', ''), 6); $pdf->RowMultiBorderWithHeight(array("TAHUN", ": " . $param_arr['year_code']), array('', ''), 6); $pdf->RowMultiBorderWithHeight(array("TANGGAL", ": " . dateToString($param_arr['date_start']) . " s/d " . dateToString($param_arr['date_end'])), array('', ''), 6); $dbConn = new clsDBConnSIKP(); $query = "select * from sikp.f_laporan_pencetakan_bulanan(1," . $param_arr['year_code'] . ",'" . $param_arr['date_start'] . "', '" . $param_arr['date_end'] . "')"; //print_r($query); //exit; $dbConn->query($query); $items = array(); $pdf->SetFont('helvetica', '', 9); $pdf->ln(2); $pdf->SetWidths(array(10, 24, 20, 15, 40, 18, 22, 25, 20, 61, 61, 27)); $pdf->SetAligns(array('C', 'C', 'C', 'C', 'C', 'C', 'C', 'C', 'C', 'C', 'C')); $pdf->SetWidths(array(10, 40, 35, 15, 40, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18)); $pdf->SetFont('arial', '', 7); $pdf->RowMultiBorderWithHeight(array("NO", "NAMA", "ALAMAT", "NPWPD", "DESEMBER THN SEBELUMNYA", "JANUARI", "FEBRUARI", "MARET", "APRIL", "MEI", "JUNI", "JULI", "AGUSTUS", "SEPTEMBER", "OKTOBER", "NOVEMBER"), array('LTB', 'LTB', 'LBT', 'LTB', 'LTB', 'LTB', 'LTB', 'LTB', 'LTB', 'TLB', 'TLB', 'TLB', 'TLB', 'TLB', 'TLBR'), 9); $pdf->SetFont('arial', '', 8); $no = 1; $pdf->SetAligns(array('C', 'L', 'L', 'C', 'C', 'C', 'C', 'C', 'C', 'C', 'C', 'C', 'C', 'C', 'C', 'C', 'C', 'C')); $jumlah = 0; $jumlah = 0; while ($dbConn->next_record()) { $items[] = $item = array('nama' => $dbConn->f("nama"), 'alamat' => $dbConn->f("alamat"), 'npwpd' => $dbConn->f("npwpd"), 'last_desember' => $dbConn->f("last_desember"), 'januari' => $dbConn->f("januari"), 'februari' => $dbConn->f("februari"), 'maret' => $dbConn->f("maret"), 'april' => $dbConn->f("april"), 'mei' => $dbConn->f("mei"), 'juni' => $dbConn->f("juni"), 'juli' => $dbConn->f("juli"), 'agustus' => $dbConn->f("agustus"), 'september' => $dbConn->f("september"), 'oktober' => $dbConn->f("oktober"), 'november' => $dbConn->f("november")); $pdf->RowMultiBorderWithHeight(array($no, $item['nama'], $item['alamat'], $item['npwpd'], $item['last_desember'], $item['januari'], $item['februari'], $item['maret'], $item['april'], $item['mei'], $item['juni'], $item['juli'], $item['agustus'], $item['september'], $item['oktober'], $item['november']), array('LB', 'LB', 'LB', 'LB', 'LB', 'LB', 'LB', 'LB', 'LB', 'LB', 'LB', 'LB', 'LB', 'LB', 'LB', 'LBR'), 6); $jumlah += $dbConn->f("amount"); // $jumlah_wp+=$dbConn->f("jumlah_wp"); $no++; } //print_r($items); //exit; $pdf->SetWidths(array(250, 70)); $pdf->ln(8); $pdf->RowMultiBorderWithHeight(array("", "KASIE VOP"), array('', '', '', '', '', '', ''), 6); $pdf->Output("", "I"); exit; }
/** * Returns a textual representation of the formentries' value. * May contain html, but should be stripped down to text-only. * * @return string */ public function getValueAsText() { $objDate = null; if ($this->getStrValue() instanceof class_date) { $objDate = $this->getStrValue(); } else { if ($this->getStrValue() != "") { $objDate = new class_date($this->getStrValue()); } } if ($objDate != null) { return dateToString($objDate, true); } return ""; }
function getDefaults() { $therecord = parent::getDefaults(); $therecord["crontab"] = "*::*::*::*::*"; $therecord["min"] = "*"; $therecord["hrs"] = "*"; $therecord["date"] = "*"; $therecord["mo"] = "*"; $therecord["day"] = "*"; $therecord["startdate"] = dateToString(mktime(), "SQL"); $therecord["starttime"] = sqlTimeFromString(timeToString(time())); $therecord["enddate"] = ""; $therecord["endtime"] = ""; $therecord["scripttype"] = "job"; return $therecord; }
protected function renderAdditionalActions(class_model $objListEntry) { if ($objListEntry->rightEdit() && $objListEntry instanceof class_module_eventmanager_event) { return array($this->objToolkit->listButton(getLinkAdmin($this->getArrModule("modul"), "listParticipant", "&systemid=" . $objListEntry->getSystemid(), "", $this->getLang("action_list_participant"), "icon_group"))); } if ($objListEntry instanceof class_module_eventmanager_participant) { if ($objListEntry->rightEdit()) { $objValidator = new class_email_validator(); $objEvent = new class_module_eventmanager_event($objListEntry->getPrevId()); if ($objValidator->validate($objListEntry->getStrEmail())) { $strPreset = "&mail_recipient=" . $objListEntry->getStrEmail(); $strPreset .= "&mail_subject=" . $this->getLang("participant_mail_subject"); $strPreset .= "&mail_body=" . $this->getLang("participant_mail_intro") . "\n" . $this->getLang("event_title") . " " . $objEvent->getStrTitle() . "\n" . $this->getLang("event_location") . " " . $objEvent->getStrLocation() . "\n" . $this->getLang("event_start") . " " . dateToString($objEvent->getObjStartDate()); return array($this->objToolkit->listButton(getLinkAdminDialog("system", "mailForm", $strPreset, "", $this->getLang("participant_mail"), "icon_mail"))); } } } return parent::renderAdditionalActions($objListEntry); }
/** * Returns the contents of the info-block * * @return mixed */ public function getArrContent() { $objLang = class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjLang(); $arrReturn = array(); $arrReturn[] = array($objLang->getLang("version", "system"), phpversion()); $arrReturn[] = array($objLang->getLang("geladeneerweiterungen", "system"), implode(", ", get_loaded_extensions())); $arrReturn[] = array($objLang->getLang("executiontimeout", "system"), class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjConfig()->getPhpIni("max_execution_time") . "s"); $arrReturn[] = array($objLang->getLang("inputtimeout", "system"), class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjConfig()->getPhpIni("max_input_time") . "s"); $arrReturn[] = array($objLang->getLang("memorylimit", "system"), bytesToString(ini_get("memory_limit"), true)); $arrReturn[] = array($objLang->getLang("errorlevel", "system"), class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjConfig()->getPhpIni("error_reporting")); $arrReturn[] = array($objLang->getLang("systeminfo_php_safemode", "system"), ini_get("safe_mode") ? $objLang->getLang("commons_yes", "system") : $objLang->getLang("commons_no", "system")); $arrReturn[] = array($objLang->getLang("systeminfo_php_urlfopen", "system"), ini_get("allow_url_fopen") ? $objLang->getLang("commons_yes", "system") : $objLang->getLang("commons_no", "system")); $arrReturn[] = array($objLang->getLang("systeminfo_php_regglobal", "system"), ini_get("register_globals") ? $objLang->getLang("commons_yes", "system") : $objLang->getLang("commons_no", "system")); $arrReturn[] = array($objLang->getLang("postmaxsize", "system"), bytesToString(ini_get("post_max_size"), true)); $arrReturn[] = array($objLang->getLang("uploadmaxsize", "system"), bytesToString(ini_get("upload_max_filesize"), true)); $arrReturn[] = array($objLang->getLang("uploads", "system"), class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjConfig()->getPhpIni("file_uploads") == 1 ? $objLang->getLang("commons_yes", "system") : $objLang->getLang("commons_no", "system")); $arrReturn[] = array($objLang->getLang("timezone", "system"), date_default_timezone_get()); $arrReturn[] = array($objLang->getLang("datekajona", "system"), dateToString(new class_date())); return $arrReturn; }
function getDefaults() { $therecord["id"] = NULL; $therecord["type"] = "Daily"; $therecord["until"] = dateToString(mktime(), "SQL"); $therecord["every"] = 1; $therecord["times"] = 1; $therecord["eachlist"] = NULL; $therecord["ontheweek"] = NULL; $therecord["ontheday"] = NULL; $therecord["includepaymenttype"] = 0; $therecord["statusid"] = $this->getDefaultStatus(); $therecord["assignedtoid"] = ""; $therecord["name"] = ""; $therecord["firstrepeat"] = NULL; $therecord["lastrepeat"] = NULL; $therecord["timesrepeated"] = 0; $therecord["notificationroleid"] = ""; return $therecord; }
function getRecordsToPost($startdate = null, $enddate = null) { // This function creates an array of // record ids within the date range given $idarray = array(); $querystatement = "\n\t\t\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\t\t\t`" . $this->maintable . "`.id\n\t\t\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t\t\t`" . $this->maintable . "`\n\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t`" . $this->maintable . "`.readytopost = 1"; if ($startdate) { $querystatement .= "\n\t\t\t\t\tAND `" . $this->maintable . "`.`" . $this->datefieldname . "` >= '" . dateToString($startdate, "SQL") . "'\n\t\t\t\t\tAND `" . $this->maintable . "`.`" . $this->datefieldname . "` <= '" . dateToString($enddate, "SQL") . "'"; } //endif if ($this->notpostedCriteria) { $querystatement .= "\n\t\t\t\t\tAND " . $this->notpostedCriteria; } //endif $queryresult = $this->db->query($querystatement); while ($therecord = $this->db->fetchArray($queryresult)) { $idarray[] = $therecord["id"]; } //return array of ids within that date range return $idarray; }
/** * Returns a simple date-form element. By default used to enter a date without a time. * * @param string $strName * @param string $strTitle * @param class_date $objDateToShow * @param string $strClass = inputDate * @param boolean $bitWithTime * * @throws class_exception * @return string * @since */ public function formDateSingle($strName, $strTitle, $objDateToShow, $strClass = "", $bitWithTime = false) { //check passed param if ($objDateToShow != null && !$objDateToShow instanceof class_date) { throw new class_exception("param passed to class_toolkit_admin::formDateSingle is not an instance of class_date", class_exception::$level_ERROR); } if ($bitWithTime) { $strTemplateID = $this->objTemplate->readTemplate("/elements.tpl", "input_datetime_simple"); } else { $strTemplateID = $this->objTemplate->readTemplate("/elements.tpl", "input_date_simple"); } $arrTemplate = array(); $arrTemplate["class"] = $strClass; $arrTemplate["titleDay"] = $strName . "_day"; $arrTemplate["titleMonth"] = $strName . "_month"; $arrTemplate["titleYear"] = $strName . "_year"; $arrTemplate["titleHour"] = $strName . "_hour"; $arrTemplate["titleMin"] = $strName . "_minute"; $arrTemplate["title"] = $strTitle; $arrTemplate["valueDay"] = $objDateToShow != null ? $objDateToShow->getIntDay() : ""; $arrTemplate["valueMonth"] = $objDateToShow != null ? $objDateToShow->getIntMonth() : ""; $arrTemplate["valueYear"] = $objDateToShow != null ? $objDateToShow->getIntYear() : ""; $arrTemplate["valueHour"] = $objDateToShow != null ? $objDateToShow->getIntHour() : ""; $arrTemplate["valueMin"] = $objDateToShow != null ? $objDateToShow->getIntMin() : ""; $arrTemplate["valuePlain"] = dateToString($objDateToShow, false); // if($bitWithTime) $arrTemplate["dateFormat"] = class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjLang()->getLang("dateStyleShort", "system"); // else // $arrTemplate["dateFormat"] = class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjLang()->getLang("dateStyleLong", "system"); $arrTemplate["calendarLang"] = class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjSession()->getAdminLanguage(); $arrTemplate["titleTime"] = class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjLang()->getLang("titleTime", "system"); //set up the container div $arrTemplate["calendarId"] = $strName; $strContainerId = $strName . "_calendarContainer"; $arrTemplate["calendarContainerId"] = $strContainerId; $arrTemplate["calendarLang_weekday"] = " [" . class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjLang()->getLang("toolsetCalendarWeekday", "system") . "]\n"; $arrTemplate["calendarLang_month"] = " [" . class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjLang()->getLang("toolsetCalendarMonth", "system") . "]\n"; return $this->objTemplate->fillTemplate($arrTemplate, $strTemplateID); }
/** * This method is called, when the widget should generate it's content. * Return the complete content using the methods provided by the base class. * Do NOT use the toolkit right here! * * @return string */ public function getWidgetOutput() { $strReturn = ""; if ($this->getFieldValue("location") == "") { return "Please set up a location"; } if (uniStrpos($this->getFieldValue("location"), "GM") !== false) { return "This widget changed, please update your location by editing the widget"; } //request the xml... try { $strFormat = "metric"; if ($this->getFieldValue("unit") == "f") { $strFormat = "imperial"; } $objRemoteloader = new class_remoteloader(); $objRemoteloader->setStrHost("api.openweathermap.org"); $objRemoteloader->setStrQueryParams("/data/2.5/forecast/daily?APPID=4bdceecc2927e65c5fb712d1222c5293&q=" . $this->getFieldValue("location") . "&units=" . $strFormat . "&cnt=4"); $strContent = $objRemoteloader->getRemoteContent(); } catch (class_exception $objExeption) { $strContent = ""; } if ($strContent != "" && json_decode($strContent, true) !== null) { $arrResponse = json_decode($strContent, true); $strReturn .= $this->widgetText($this->getLang("weather_location_string") . $arrResponse["city"]["name"] . ", " . $arrResponse["city"]["country"]); foreach ($arrResponse["list"] as $arrOneForecast) { $objDate = new class_date($arrOneForecast["dt"]); $strReturn .= "<div>"; $strReturn .= $this->widgetText("<div style='float: left;'>" . dateToString($objDate, false) . ": " . round($arrOneForecast["temp"]["day"], 1) . "°</div>"); $strReturn .= $this->widgetText("<img src='http://openweathermap.org/img/w/" . $arrOneForecast["weather"][0]["icon"] . ".png' style='float: right;' />"); $strReturn .= "</div><div style='clear: both;'></div>"; } } else { $strReturn .= $this->getLang("weather_errorloading"); } return $strReturn; }
/** * function prepareFieldForSQL * * Given a value, and field type, prepare the * value for SQL insertion (replacing nul with the SQL string NULL, * and typeing variables) * * @param string/int $value to be prepared. * @param string $type mysql field type * @param string $flags A list of flags seperated by spaces (" "). */ function prepareFieldForSQL($value, $type, $flags) { switch ($type) { case "blob": case "string": if ($value === "" or $value === NULL) { if (strpos($flags, "not_null") === false) { $value = NULL; } else { $value = "''"; } } else { $value = "'" . $value . "'"; } break; case "real": if ($value === "" or $value === NULL) { if (strpos($flags, "not_null") === false) { $value = NULL; } else { $value = 0; } } else { $value = (double) $value; } break; case "int": if ($value === "" or $value === NULL) { if (strpos($flags, "not_null") === false) { $value = NULL; } else { $value = 0; } } else { $value = (int) $value; } break; case "date": if ($value === "" or $value === NULL) { if (strpos($flags, "not_null") === false) { $value = NULL; } else { $value = "'" . dateToString(mktime(), "SQL") . "'"; } } else { $value = "'" . sqlDateFromString($value, $this->dateFormat) . "'"; } break; case "time": if ($value === "" or $value === NULL) { if (strpos($flags, "not_null") === false) { $value = NULL; } else { $value = "'" . timeToString(mktime(), "SQL") . "'"; } } else { $value = "'" . sqlTimeFromString($value, $this->timeFormat) . "'"; } break; case "year": if ($value === "" or $value === NULL) { if (strpos($flags, "not_null") === false) { $value = NULL; } else { $value = @strftime("%Y"); } } break; case "datetime": case "timestamp": if ($value === "" or $value === NULL) { if (strpos($flags, "not_null") === false) { $value = NULL; } else { $value = "'" . dateToString(mktime(), "SQL") . " " . timeToString(mktime(), "24 Hour") . "'"; } } else { $datetimearray = explode(" ", $value); $date = null; $time = null; //If the value can be split by spaces we assume we // are looking at a "date time" if (count($datetimearray) > 1) { $date = sqlDateFromString($datetimearray[0], $this->dateFormat); //times can have spaces... so we need //to resemble in some cases. if (count($datetimearray) > 2) { $datetimearray[1] = $datetimearray[1] . " " . $datetimearray[2]; } $time = sqlTimeFromString($datetimearray[1], $this->timeFormat); } //endif //If we don't have a date, perhaps only a date was passed if (!$date) { $date = sqlDateFromString($value, $this->dateFormat); //still no date?, then assume only a time was passed, // so we need to set the time to the deafult // date. if (!$date) { $date = "0000-00-00"; } } //endif //if we don't have a time, let's try the getting the //time from the full value. if (!$time) { $time = sqlTimeFromString($value, $this->timeFormat); } $value = "'" . trim($date . " " . $time) . "'"; } //end if break; case "password": $value = "ENCODE('" . $value . "','" . ENCRYPTION_SEED . "')"; break; } //end switch if ($value === NULL) { $value = "NULL"; } return $value; }
function print_excel($param_arr) { startExcel("teller_report_" . date('Y-m-d')); echo "<div><h3> LAPORAN PENERIMAAN BPHTB </h3></div>"; echo '<table> <tr> <td><b>TANGGAL</b></td> <td><b>: ' . dateToString(date('Y-m-d'), true) . '</b></td> </tr> <tr> <td><b>NAMA USER</b></td> <td><b>: ' . $param_arr['uid'] . '</b></td> </tr> </table> '; echo '<table border="1">'; echo '<tr> <th>NO</th> <th>NO TRANSAKSI</th> <th>NOP</th> <th>TGL</th> <th>NAMA</th> <th>ALAMAT</th> <th>KELURAHAN</th> <th>KECAMATAN</th> <th>LUAS TANAH</th> <th>LUAS BGN</th> <th>NJOP (Rp)</th> <th>TOTAL BAYAR (Rp)</th> </tr>'; $dbConn = new clsDBConnSIKP(); $whereClause = " WHERE "; $whereClause .= " to_char(a.payment_date, 'YYYY-mm-dd') = '" . date("Y-m-d") . "'"; $whereClause .= " AND a.p_cg_terminal_id = '" . $param_arr['uid'] . "'"; $query = "SELECT a.receipt_no, b.njop_pbb, to_char(a.payment_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD') AS payment_date,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tb.wp_name, b.wp_address_name, kelurahan.region_name AS kelurahan_name, kecamatan.region_name AS kecamatan_name, b.land_area, b.building_area, b.land_total_price, a.payment_amount \r\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM t_payment_receipt_bphtb AS a\r\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN t_bphtb_registration AS b ON a.t_bphtb_registration_id = b.t_bphtb_registration_id\r\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN p_region AS kelurahan ON b.wp_p_region_id_kel = kelurahan.p_region_id\r\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN p_region AS kecamatan ON b.wp_p_region_id_kec = kecamatan.p_region_id"; $query .= $whereClause; $query .= " ORDER BY a.receipt_no ASC"; $dbConn->query($query); $total_nilai_penerimaan = 0; $no = 1; while ($dbConn->next_record()) { $item = array('receipt_no' => $dbConn->f("receipt_no"), 'njop_pbb' => $dbConn->f("njop_pbb"), 'payment_date' => $dbConn->f("payment_date"), 'wp_name' => $dbConn->f("wp_name"), 'wp_address_name' => $dbConn->f("wp_address_name"), 'kelurahan_name' => $dbConn->f("kelurahan_name"), 'kecamatan_name' => $dbConn->f("kecamatan_name"), 'land_area' => $dbConn->f("land_area"), 'building_area' => $dbConn->f("building_area"), 'land_total_price' => $dbConn->f("land_total_price"), 'payment_amount' => $dbConn->f("payment_amount")); echo '<tr>'; echo '<td align="center">' . $no . '</td>'; echo '<td align="left"> ' . $item['receipt_no'] . '</td>'; echo '<td align="left"> ' . $item['njop_pbb'] . '</td>'; echo '<td align="center">' . dateToString($item['payment_date']) . '</td>'; echo '<td align="left">' . trim(strtoupper($item['wp_name'])) . '</td>'; echo '<td align="left">' . $item['wp_address_name'] . '</td>'; echo '<td align="left">' . $item['kelurahan_name'] . '</td>'; echo '<td align="left">' . $item['kecamatan_name'] . '</td>'; echo '<td align="right">' . number_format($item['land_area'], 0, ",", ".") . '</td>'; echo '<td align="right">' . number_format($item['building_area'], 0, ",", ".") . '</td>'; echo '<td align="right">' . number_format($item['land_total_price'], 2, ",", ".") . '</td>'; echo '<td align="right">' . number_format($item['payment_amount'], 2, ",", ".") . '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; $total_nilai_penerimaan += $item['payment_amount']; $no++; } echo '<tr> <td align="center" colspan="11"> <b>TOTAL</b> </td> <td align="right"><b>' . number_format($total_nilai_penerimaan, 2, ",", ".") . ' </b></td> </tr>'; echo '</table>'; exit; }
function GetCetakExcel($p_rqst_type_id, $year_code, $year_period_id, $date_start, $date_end, $jenis_tahun, $rqst_type_code) { startExcel("LAPORAN_PENERIMAAN_PAJAK.xls"); $output = ''; $output .= '<table> <tr>'; $output = '<table id="table-piutang" class="grid-table-container" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td valign="top"> <table class="grid-table" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td class="th" colspan=6 align="center"><strong>LAPORAN PENERIMAAN GLOBAL PER TANGGAL PENERIMAAN</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="th"><strong></strong></td> <td class="th"><strong>JENIS PAJAK</strong></td> <td class="th"><strong>: ' . $rqst_type_code . '</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="th"><strong></strong></td> <td class="th"><strong>TANGGAL</strong></td> <td class="th"><strong>: ' . dateToString($date_start) . ' s/d ' . dateToString($date_end) . '</strong></td> </tr> <tr> </tr> </table> <table id="table-piutang-detil" class="Grid" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3px"> <tr class="Caption">'; $output .= '<th>NO</th>'; $output .= '<th>BULAN</th>'; $output .= '<th>BESARNYA</th>'; $output .= '<th>JUMLAH WP</th>'; $output .= '<th>JUMLAH SSPD</th>'; $output .= '<th>KETERANGAN</th>'; $output .= '</tr>'; $no = 1; $jumlah = 0; $jumlah_wp = 0; $dbConn = new clsDBConnSIKP(); if ($jenis_tahun == 'pajak') { $query = "select * from sikp.f_laporan_per_thn_pajak(" . $p_rqst_type_id . "," . $year_period_id . ",'" . $date_start . "', '" . $date_end . "')"; } else { if ($jenis_tahun == 'bayar') { $query = "select * from sikp.f_laporan_per_thn_bayar(" . $p_rqst_type_id . ",2013,'" . $date_start . "', '" . $date_end . "')"; } } $dbConn->query($query); while ($dbConn->next_record()) { $items[] = array('bulan_wp' => $dbConn->f("bulan_wp"), 'total_amount' => $dbConn->f("total_amount"), 'jumlah_wp' => $dbConn->f("jumlah_wp")); $output .= '<tr>'; $output .= '<td style="font-weight:bold;" align="left">' . $no . '</td>'; $output .= '<td style="font-weight:bold;" align="left">' . strtoupper($dbConn->f("bulan_wp")) . '</td>'; $output .= '<td style="font-weight:bold;" align="right">' . number_format($dbConn->f("total_amount"), 0, ',', '.') . '</td>'; $output .= '<td style="font-weight:bold;" align="right">' . number_format($dbConn->f("jumlah_wp"), 0, ',', '.') . '</td>'; $output .= '<td style="font-weight:bold;" align="right"></td>'; $output .= '<td style="font-weight:bold;" align="right"></td>'; $output .= '</tr>'; $jumlah += $dbConn->f("total_amount"); $jumlah_wp += $dbConn->f("jumlah_wp"); $no++; } $output .= '<tr>'; $output .= '<td style="font-weight:bold;" align="left"></td>'; $output .= '<td style="font-weight:bold;" align="left">JUMLAH</td>'; $output .= '<td style="font-weight:bold;" align="right">' . number_format($jumlah, 0, ',', '.') . '</td>'; $output .= '<td style="font-weight:bold;" align="right">' . number_format($jumlah_wp, 0, ',', '.') . '</td>'; $output .= '<td style="font-weight:bold;" align="right"></td>'; $output .= '<td style="font-weight:bold;" align="right"></td>'; $output .= '</tr>'; $output .= '</table></table>'; $output .= '<table>'; $output .= '<tr></tr>'; $output .= '<tr></tr>'; $output .= '<tr>'; $output .= '<td colspan=4 style="font-weight:bold;" align="right"></td>'; $output .= '<td colspan=2 style="font-weight:bold;" align="center">KEPALA SEKSI VERIFIKASI OTORISASI DAN</td>'; $output .= '</tr>'; $output .= '<tr>'; $output .= '<td colspan=4 style="font-weight:bold;" align="right"></td>'; $output .= '<td colspan=2 style="font-weight:bold;" align="center">PEMBUKUAN</td>'; $output .= '</tr>'; $output .= '<tr></tr>'; $output .= '<tr></tr>'; $output .= '<tr></tr>'; $output .= '<tr>'; $output .= '<td colspan=4 style="font-weight:bold;" align="right"></td>'; $output .= '<td colspan=2 style="font-weight:bold;" align="center">(Drs. H. Deden Saepulloh, MM.)</td>'; $output .= '</tr>'; $output .= '<tr>'; $output .= '<td colspan=4 style="font-weight:bold;" align="right"></td>'; $output .= '<td colspan=2 style="font-weight:bold;" align="center">(NIP 19681210 199010 001)</td>'; $output .= '</tr>'; $output .= '</table>'; echo $output; exit; }
<option value="English, UK" <?php if ($therecord["date_format"] == "English, UK") { echo "selected=\"selected\""; } ?> >English, UK (<?php echo dateToString(mktime(), "English, UK"); ?> )</option> <option value="Dutch, NL" <?php if ($therecord["date_format"] == "Dutch, NL") { echo "selected=\"selected\""; } ?> >Dutch, NL (<?php echo dateToString(mktime(), "Dutch, NL"); ?> )</option> </select> </p> <p> <label for="time_format">time format</label><br /> <select id="time_format" name="time_format"> <option value="24 Hour" <?php if ($therecord["time_format"] == "24 Hour") { echo "selected=\"selected\""; } ?> >24 Hour (<?php echo timeToString(mktime(), "24 Hour"); ?>
/** * In nearly all cases, the additional info is rendered left to the action-icons. * * @return string */ public function getStrAdditionalInfo() { return dateToString($this->getObjDate()); }
function print_laporan($param_arr) { include "../include/fpdf17/mc_table.php"; $_BORDER = 0; $_FONT = 'Times'; $_FONTSIZE = 10; $pdf = new PDF_MC_Table(); $size = $pdf->_getpagesize('Legal'); $pdf->DefPageSize = $size; $pdf->CurPageSize = $size; $pdf->AddPage('Landscape', 'Legal'); $pdf->SetFont('helvetica', '', $_FONTSIZE); $pdf->SetRightMargin(5); $pdf->SetLeftMargin(9); $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(false, 0); $pdf->SetFont('helvetica', '', 12); $pdf->SetWidths(array(200)); $pdf->ln(1); $pdf->RowMultiBorderWithHeight(array("LAPORAN PENERIMAAN BPHTB "), array('', ''), 6); //$pdf->ln(8); $pdf->SetWidths(array(40, 200)); $pdf->ln(4); $pdf->RowMultiBorderWithHeight(array("TANGGAL", ": " . dateToString($param_arr['date_start'], true) . " s/d " . dateToString($param_arr['date_end'], true)), array('', ''), 6); $dbConn = new clsDBConnSIKP(); $whereClause = ''; $criteria = array(); if (!empty($param_arr['date_start']) && !empty($param_arr['date_end'])) { $criteria[] = " (trunc(a.payment_date) BETWEEN '" . $param_arr['date_start'] . "' AND '" . $param_arr['date_end'] . "') "; } else { if (!empty($param_arr['date_start']) && empty($param_arr['date_end'])) { $criteria[] = " trunc(a.payment_date) >= '" . $param_arr['date_start'] . "' "; } else { if (empty($param_arr['date_start']) && !empty($param_arr['date_end'])) { $criteria[] = " trunc(a.payment_date) <= '" . $param_arr['date_end'] . "' "; } } } if (!empty($param_arr['receipt_no'])) { $criteria[] = " a.receipt_no ILIKE '%" . $param_arr['receipt_no'] . "%' "; } if (!empty($param_arr['njop_pbb'])) { $criteria[] = " b.njop_pbb = '" . $param_arr['njop_pbb'] . "' "; } if (!empty($param_arr['wp_name'])) { $criteria[] = " b.wp_name ILIKE '%" . $param_arr['wp_name'] . "%' "; } if (!empty($param_arr['p_region_id_kecamatan'])) { $criteria[] = " b.wp_p_region_id_kec = " . $param_arr['p_region_id_kecamatan']; } if (!empty($param_arr['p_region_id_kelurahan'])) { $criteria[] = " b.wp_p_region_id_kel = " . $param_arr['p_region_id_kelurahan']; } if ($param_arr['p_bphtb_legal_doc_type_id'] != 0) { $criteria[] = " b.p_bphtb_legal_doc_type_id = " . $param_arr['p_bphtb_legal_doc_type_id']; } $whereClause = join(" AND ", $criteria); $query = "SELECT a.receipt_no, b.njop_pbb, to_char(a.payment_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD') AS payment_date, to_char(b.creation_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD') AS creation_date,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tb.wp_name, b.wp_address_name, kelurahan.region_name AS kelurahan_name, kecamatan.region_name AS kecamatan_name, b.land_area, b.building_area, b.land_total_price, a.payment_amount \r\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM t_payment_receipt_bphtb AS a\r\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN t_bphtb_registration AS b ON a.t_bphtb_registration_id = b.t_bphtb_registration_id\r\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN p_region AS kelurahan ON b.wp_p_region_id_kel = kelurahan.p_region_id\r\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN p_region AS kecamatan ON b.wp_p_region_id_kec = kecamatan.p_region_id"; if (!empty($whereClause)) { $query .= " WHERE " . $whereClause; } $query .= " order by trunc(b.creation_date) ASC, upper(b.wp_name) ASC"; //print_r($query); //exit; $dbConn->query($query); $items = array(); $pdf->SetFont('helvetica', '', 9); $pdf->ln(2); /* HEADER */ $pdf->SetAligns(array('C', 'C', 'C', 'C', 'C', 'C', 'C', 'C', 'C', 'C', 'C', 'C')); $pdf->SetWidths(array(10, 28, 35, 19, 19, 41, 51, 28, 28, 15, 15, 25, 28)); $pdf->SetFont('arial', 'B', 7); $pdf->RowMultiBorderWithHeight(array("NO", "NO TRANSAKSI", "NOP", "TGL BAYAR", "TGL DAFTAR", "NAMA", "ALAMAT", "KELURAHAN", "KECAMATAN", "LUAS TNH", "LUAS BGN", "NJOP (Rp)", "TOTAL BAYAR (Rp)"), array('LTB', 'LTB', 'LTB', 'LTB', 'LTB', 'LTB', 'LTB', 'LTB', 'LTB', 'LTB', 'LTB', 'TLBR'), 5); /* END HEADER */ /* CONTENTS */ $pdf->SetFont('arial', '', 8); $no = 1; $pdf->SetAligns(array('C', 'L', 'L', 'C', 'C', 'L', 'L', 'L', 'L', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R')); $total_nilai_penerimaan = 0; while ($dbConn->next_record()) { $items[] = $item = array('receipt_no' => $dbConn->f("receipt_no"), 'njop_pbb' => $dbConn->f("njop_pbb"), 'payment_date' => $dbConn->f("payment_date"), 'creation_date' => $dbConn->f("creation_date"), 'wp_name' => $dbConn->f("wp_name"), 'wp_address_name' => $dbConn->f("wp_address_name"), 'kelurahan_name' => $dbConn->f("kelurahan_name"), 'kecamatan_name' => $dbConn->f("kecamatan_name"), 'land_area' => $dbConn->f("land_area"), 'building_area' => $dbConn->f("building_area"), 'land_total_price' => $dbConn->f("land_total_price"), 'payment_amount' => $dbConn->f("payment_amount")); $pdf->RowMultiBorderWithHeight(array($no, $item['receipt_no'], $item['njop_pbb'], dateToString($item['payment_date']), dateToString($item['creation_date']), trim(strtoupper($item['wp_name'])), $item['wp_address_name'], $item['kelurahan_name'], $item['kecamatan_name'], number_format($item['land_area'], 0), number_format($item['building_area'], 0), number_format($item['land_total_price'], 0, ",", "."), number_format($item['payment_amount'], 0, ",", ".")), array('LB', 'LB', 'LB', 'LB', 'LB', 'LB', 'LB', 'LB', 'LB', 'LB', 'LB', 'LB', 'LBR'), 6); $total_nilai_penerimaan += $item['payment_amount']; $no++; } /* END CONTENTS */ /* BOTTOM */ $pdf->SetWidths(array(314, 28)); $pdf->SetAligns(array('C', 'R')); $pdf->SetFont('arial', 'B', 8); $pdf->RowMultiBorderWithHeight(array("TOTAL", number_format($total_nilai_penerimaan, 0, ",", ".")), array('LB', 'LBR'), 6); /* END BOTTOM */ $pdf->ln(12); $pdf->SetAligns(array("C", "C")); $pdf->SetWidths(array(169, 163)); if ($param_arr['date_start'] == '') { $pdf->RowMultiBorderWithHeight(array("Mengetahui, \n Kepala Seksi Penyelesaian Piutang \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n DIN KAMADIANTINI S.IP, MM \n ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ", "\n Admin Penerimaan BPHTB" . "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n INDRA WISNU, SE. \n ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ "), array("", ""), 4); $pdf->RowMultiBorderWithHeight(array("NIP : 19710320.199803.2.006", "NIP : 19731031.2009.1.1001"), array("", ""), 1); } else { if (date(strtotime($param_arr['date_start'])) < date(strtotime('01-06-2015'))) { $pdf->RowMultiBorderWithHeight(array("Mengetahui, \n Kepala Seksi Penyelesaian Piutang \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n RACHMAT SATIADI, S.IP, M.Si \n ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ", "\n Admin Penerimaan BPHTB" . "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n INDRA WISNU, SE. \n ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ "), array("", ""), 4); $pdf->RowMultiBorderWithHeight(array("NIP : 19691104.199803.1.007", "NIP : 19731031.2009.1.1001"), array("", ""), 1); } else { $pdf->RowMultiBorderWithHeight(array("Mengetahui, \n Kepala Seksi Penyelesaian Piutang \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n DIN KAMADIANTINI S.IP, MM \n ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ", "\n Admin Penerimaan BPHTB" . "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n INDRA WISNU, SE. \n ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ "), array("", ""), 4); $pdf->RowMultiBorderWithHeight(array("NIP : 19710320.199803.2.006", "NIP : 19731031.2009.1.1001"), array("", ""), 1); } } $pdf->Output("", "I"); exit; }
<div class="col-sm-1"></div> </div><!-- end row1--> <div class="row"><!-- start row1--> <div class="col-sm-2"></div> <div class="col-sm-7"></div> <div class="col-sm-3">Lastupdate <span class="label label-warning"> <i class="icon-calendar"></i> <?php if ($update_date != "") { echo dateToString($update_date) . " , " . $update_time; ?> <?php } else { echo dateToString($create_date) . " , " . $create_time; } ?> </span> </div> </div><!-- end row1--> </div> </div> <?php } else { ?> <div class="page-content">
function print_excel($param_arr) { startExcel("lapora_global_per_wp"); echo "<div><h3> Penerimaan Global Per WP</h3></div>"; echo "<div><b>Jenis Pajak : " . $param_arr['rqst_type_code'] . "</b></div>"; echo "<div><b>Tanggal : " . dateToString($param_arr['date_start']) . " s.d " . dateToString($param_arr['date_end']) . "</b></div><br/>"; $dbConn = new clsDBConnSIKP(); $query = "select a.*, f_get_wilayah(b.npwd) as kode_wilayah , to_char(b.active_date,'dd-mm-yyyy') as active_date,\r\n\t\t\tb.brand_address_name ||' '|| nvl(b.brand_address_no,'') as alamat_new\r\n\t\t\tfrom sikp.f_laporan_global_wp2(" . $param_arr['p_rqst_type_id'] . ",'" . $param_arr['date_start'] . "', '" . $param_arr['date_end'] . "') a\r\n\t\t\tleft join t_cust_account b on a.npwpd = b.npwd\r\n\t\t\twhere f_get_wilayah_id(b.npwd) = " . $param_arr['kode_wilayah'] . " \r\n\t\t\torder by jenis_pajak,TRIM(company_brand)"; $dbConn->query($query); $no = 1; $jumlah = 0; echo '<table border="1">'; echo '<tr> <th>NO</th> <th>NAMA WP</th> <th>ALAMAT</th> <th>NPWPD</th> <th>BESARNYA (Rp)</th> <th>JML SSPD</th> <th>NAMA AYAT</th> <th>PENGUKUHAN</th> <th>KETERANGAN</th> </tr>'; while ($dbConn->next_record()) { $items[] = array('nama_wp' => $dbConn->f("nama_wp"), 'alamat_new' => $dbConn->f("alamat_new"), 'npwpd' => $dbConn->f("npwpd"), 'amount' => $dbConn->f("amount"), 'tot_sspd' => $dbConn->f("tot_sspd"), 'kode_wilayah' => $dbConn->f("kode_wilayah"), 'active_date' => $dbConn->f("active_date"), 'jenis_pajak' => $dbConn->f("jenis_pajak")); echo '<tr>'; echo '<td align="center">' . $no . '</td>'; echo '<td>' . $dbConn->f("nama_wp") . '</td>'; echo '<td>' . $dbConn->f("alamat_new") . '</td>'; echo '<td>' . $dbConn->f("npwpd") . '</td>'; echo '<td align="right">' . number_format($dbConn->f("amount"), 2, ",", ".") . '</td>'; echo '<td align="right">' . $dbConn->f("tot_sspd") . '</td>'; echo '<td>' . $dbConn->f('jenis_pajak') . '</td>'; echo '<td>' . $dbConn->f('active_date') . '</td>'; echo '<td>' . $dbConn->f('kode_wilayah') . '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; $jumlah += $dbConn->f("amount"); $jumlah_wp += $dbConn->f("tot_sspd"); $no++; } echo '<tr> <td colspan="4" align="center"> <b> JUMLAH </b> </td> <td align="right"><b>' . number_format($jumlah, 2, ",", ".") . '</b></td> <td align="right"><b>' . $jumlah_wp . '</b></td> </tr>'; echo '</table>'; exit; }
function showOptions() { include "include/fields.php"; global $phpbms; $db =& $this->db; $phpbms->cssIncludes[] = "pages/aritems_clientstatement.css"; $phpbms->jsIncludes[] = "modules/bms/javascript/aritem_clientstatement.js"; $phpbms->showMenu = false; $formSubmit = htmlentities($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); $theform = new phpbmsForm(); $theinput = new inputDatePicker("statementdate", dateToString(mktime(0, 0, 0), "SQL"), "statement date", true); $theform->addField($theinput); $theinput = new inputCheckbox("showpayments", true, "show new payments"); $theform->addField($theinput); $theinput = new inputCheckbox("showclosed", false, "show closed items (history)"); $theform->addField($theinput); $theform->jsMerge(); include "header.php"; ?> <div class="bodyline" id="dialog"> <h1><span>AR Summary Report</span></h1> <form action="<?php echo $formSubmit; ?> " id="record" method="post"> <input type="hidden" id="command" name="command" /> <fieldset> <legend>options</legend> <p><?php $theform->showField("statementdate"); ?> </p> <p><?php $theform->showField("showclosed"); ?> </p> <p><?php $theform->showField("showpayments"); ?> </p> </fieldset> <!-- THIS NO WORKY --> <!--<fieldset> <legend>payments</legend> <p> <input type="radio" name="payments" id="paymentsNew" value="new" class="radiochecks" checked="checked"/> <label for="paymentsNew">show new payments</label> </p> <p> <input type="radio" name="payments" id="paymentsAll" value="all" class="radiochecks"/> <label for="paymentsAll">show all payments</label> </p> <p> <input type="radio" name="payments" id="paymentsNone" value="none" class="radiochecks"/> <label for="paymentsNone">show no payments</label> </p> </fieldset>--> <fieldset> <legend>Records</legend> <p> <input type="radio" name="selrecords" id="allOpen" value="allOpen" class="radiochecks" checked="checked"/> <label for="allOpen">all clients with open items</label> </p> <p> <input type="radio" name="selrecords" id="allClients" value="allClients" class="radiochecks"/> <label for="allClients">all clients with any credit history</label> </p> <p> <input type="radio" name="selrecords" id="fromPrint" value="fromPrint" class="radiochecks"/> <label for="fromPrint">clients based on records from print screen</label> </p> </fieldset> <p align="right"> <button type="button" class="Buttons" id="printButton">print</button> <button type="button" class="Buttons" id="cancelButton">cancel</button> </p> </form> </div> <?php include "footer.php"; }
function GetCetakHTML($data, $pajak_periode, $jenis_pajak, $tgl_jatuh_tempo, $status) { $output = ''; $output .= '<table id="table-piutang" class="grid-table-container" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td valign="top">'; $output .= '<table class="grid-table" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td class="HeaderLeft"><img border="0" alt="" src="../Styles/sikp/Images/Spacer.gif"></td> <td class="th"><strong>LAPORAN STATUS SURAT TEGURAN</strong></td> <td class="HeaderRight"><img border="0" alt="" src="../Styles/sikp/Images/Spacer.gif"></td> </tr> </table>'; $output .= '<h2>JENIS PAJAK : ' . $jenis_pajak . ' </h2>'; $output .= '<h2>PERIODE PAJAK : ' . $pajak_periode . '</h2>'; $output .= '<h2>JATUH TEMPO : ' . strtoupper(dateToString($tgl_jatuh_tempo)) . '</h2> <br/>'; $output .= '<table id="table-piutang-detil" class="Grid" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3px"> <tr >'; $output .= '<th align="center" rowspan="2">NO</th>'; $output .= '<th align="center" rowspan="2" width="200">WAJIB PAJAK</th>'; $output .= '<th align="center" rowspan="2" width="90">NPWPD</th>'; $output .= '<th align="center" rowspan="2">SPTPD</th>'; $output .= '<th align="center" rowspan="2">STPD</th>'; $output .= '<th align="center" colspan="2">TEGURAN I <br/> ' . $data[0]['f_teg1_sts'] . '</th>'; $output .= '<th align="center" colspan="2">TEGURAN II <br/> ' . $data[0]['f_teg2_sts'] . '</th>'; $output .= '<th align="center" colspan="2">TEGURAN III <br/> ' . $data[0]['f_teg3_sts'] . '</th>'; $output .= '<th align="center" rowspan="2">AKSI <br/>' . $data[0]['f_action_date'] . '</th>'; if ($status == '2') { $output .= '<th align="center" rowspan="2" width="150">PEMBAYARAN SETELAH <br/>' . $data[0]['f_action_date'] . '</th>'; } $output .= '</tr>'; $output .= '<tr >'; $output .= '<th align="center">SPTPD</th>'; $output .= '<th align="center">STPD</th>'; $output .= '<th align="center">SPTPD</th>'; $output .= '<th align="center">STPD</th>'; $output .= '<th align="center">SPTPD</th>'; $output .= '<th align="center">STPD</th>'; $output .= '</tr>'; for ($i = 0; $i < count($data); $i++) { $output .= '<tr>'; $output .= '<td align="center">' . ($i + 1) . '</td>'; $output .= '<td align="left">' . $data[$i]['nama'] . '</td>'; $output .= '<td align="center">' . $data[$i]['npwpd'] . '</td>'; $output .= '<td align="right">' . number_format($data[$i]['f_amount'], 0, ",", ".") . '</td>'; $output .= '<td align="right">' . number_format($data[$i]['f_penalty'], 0, ",", ".") . '</td>'; $output .= '<td align="right">' . number_format($data[$i]['f_teg1_amount'], 0, ",", ".") . '</td>'; $output .= '<td align="right">' . number_format($data[$i]['f_teg1_penalty'], 0, ",", ".") . '</td>'; $output .= '<td align="right">' . number_format($data[$i]['f_teg2_amount'], 0, ",", ".") . '</td>'; $output .= '<td align="right">' . number_format($data[$i]['f_teg2_penalty'], 0, ",", ".") . '</td>'; $output .= '<td align="right">' . number_format($data[$i]['f_teg3_amount'], 0, ",", ".") . '</td>'; $output .= '<td align="right">' . number_format($data[$i]['f_teg3_penalty'], 0, ",", ".") . '</td>'; if ($status == '') { $kolom_aksi = is_numeric($data[$i]['f_action_sts']) ? number_format($data[$i]['f_action_sts'], 0, ",", ".") : $data[$i]['f_action_sts']; $output .= '<td align="right">' . $kolom_aksi . '</td>'; } else { if ($status == '1') { $output .= '<td align="right">' . $data[$i]['f_action_sts'] . '</td>'; } else { if ($status == '2') { if ($data[$i]['bayar_setelah'] == 't') { $output .= '<td align="right"> </td>'; $output .= '<td align="right">' . number_format($data[$i]['f_action_sts'], 0, ",", ".") . '</td>'; } else { $output .= '<td align="right"></td>'; $output .= '<td align="right"></td>'; } } } } $output .= '</tr>'; } $output .= '</td></tr></table>'; $output .= '</table>'; return $output; }
function prepareVariables($variables, $userid = NULL) { if ($userid == NULL) { if (isset($_SESSION["userinfo"]["id"])) { $userid = $_SESSION["userinfo"]["id"]; } } if ($variables["id"]) { //i.e. only on update unset($this->fields["type"]); if ($variables["typeCheck"] == "TS" && isset($variables["repeating"]) && $variables["lastrepeat"]) { $variables["lastrepeat"] = NULL; $variables["firstrepeat"] = NULL; $variables["timesrepeated"] = NULL; if (isset($variables["completed"])) { $variables["completedChange"] = 0; } $this->resetRepeating($variables["id"]); } //end if } //end if if (isset($variables["thetype"])) { $variables["type"] = $variables["thetype"]; } if (!isset($variables["completed"])) { $variables["completeddate"] = NULL; } if ($variables["enddate"] == "") { $variables["enddate"] = NULL; $variables["endtime"] = NULL; } if ($variables["startdate"] == "") { $variables["startdate"] = NULL; $variables["starttime"] = NULL; } if (isset($variables["repeating"])) { $thename = "Every "; switch ($variables["repeattype"]) { case "Daily": if ($variables["repeatevery"] != 1) { $thename .= $variables["repeatevery"] . " days"; } else { $thename .= " day "; } $variables["repeatechlist"] = NULL; $variables["repeatontheday"] = NULL; $variables["repeatontheweek"] = NULL; break; case "Weekly": if ($variables["repeatevery"] != 1) { $thename .= $variables["repeatevery"] . " weeks on"; } else { $thename .= "week on"; } foreach (explode("::", $variables["eachlist"]) as $dayNum) { $tempday = $dayNum != 7 ? $dayNum + 1 : 1; $thename .= " " . nl_langinfo(constant("ABDAY_" . $tempday)) . ", "; } $thename = substr($thename, 0, strlen($thename) - 2); if (strpos($thename, ",") != false) { $thename = strrev(preg_replace("/,/", "dna ", strrev($thename), 1)); } $variables["repeateachlist"] = $variables["eachlist"]; $variables["repeatontheday"] = NULL; $variables["repeatontheweek"] = NULL; break; case "Monthly": if ($variables["repeatevery"] != 1) { $thename .= $variables["repeatevery"] . " months"; } else { $thename .= "month"; } $thename .= " on the"; if ($variables["monthlyWhat"] == 1) { foreach (explode("::", $variables["eachlist"]) as $dayNum) { $thename .= " " . ordinal($dayNum) . ", "; } $thename = substr($thename, 0, strlen($thename) - 2); if (strpos($thename, ",") != false) { $thename = strrev(preg_replace("/,/", "dna ", strrev($thename), 1)); } $variables["repeateachlist"] = $variables["eachlist"]; $variables["repeatontheday"] = NULL; $variables["repeatontheweek"] = NULL; } else { foreach ($this->weekArray as $key => $value) { if ($value == $variables["monthlyontheweek"]) { $thename .= " " . strtolower($key); } } foreach ($this->dayOfWeekArray as $key => $value) { if ($value == $variables["monthlyontheday"]) { $thename .= " " . $key; } } $variables["repeateachlist"] = NULL; $variables["repeatontheday"] = $variables["monthlyontheday"]; $variables["repeatontheweek"] = $variables["monthlyontheweek"]; } break; case "Yearly": if ($variables["repeatevery"] > 1) { $thename .= $variables["repeatevery"] . " years"; } else { $thename .= "year"; } $thename .= " in"; foreach (explode("::", $variables["eachlist"]) as $monthNum) { $thename .= " " . nl_langinfo(constant("MON_" . $monthNum)) . ", "; } $thename = substr($thename, 0, strlen($thename) - 2); if (strpos($thename, ",") != false) { $thename = strrev(preg_replace("/,/", "dna ", strrev($thename), 1)); } $variables["repeateachlist"] = $variables["eachlist"]; if (isset($variables["yearlyOnThe"])) { $thename .= " on the"; foreach ($this->weekArray as $key => $value) { if ($value == $variables["yearlyontheweek"]) { $thename .= " " . strtolower($key); } } foreach ($this->dayOfWeekArray as $key => $value) { if ($value == $variables["yearlyontheday"]) { $thename .= " " . $key; } } $variables["repeatontheday"] = $variables["yearlyontheday"]; $variables["repeatontheweek"] = $variables["yearlyontheweek"]; } else { $variables["repeatontheday"] = NULL; $variables["repeatontheweek"] = NULL; } //end if break; } switch ($variables["repeatend"]) { case "never": $variables["repeatuntil"] = NULL; $variables["repeattimes"] = NULL; break; case "after": $thename .= " for " . $variables["repeattimes"]; $variables["repeatuntil"] = NULL; break; case "on date": $thename .= " until " . $variables["repeatuntil"]; $variables["repeattimes"] = NULL; break; } $thename = trim($thename) . "."; $variables["repeatname"] = $thename; $variables["firstrepeat"] = dateToString(stringToDate($variables["firstrepeat"], "SQL")); $variables["lastrepeat"] = dateToString(stringToDate($variables["lastrepeat"], "SQL")); $variables["timesrepeated"] = NULL; } else { $variables["repeat"] = 0; $variables["repeatechlist"] = NULL; $variables["repeatontheday"] = NULL; $variables["repeatontheweek"] = NULL; $variables["repeatname"] = NULL; $variables["repeatuntil"] = NULL; $variables["repeattimes"] = NULL; $variables["firstrepeat"] = NULL; $variables["lastrepeat"] = NULL; $variables["timesrepeated"] = NULL; } //endif repeat if ($variables["assignedtoid"] != $variables["assignedtochange"]) { if ($variables["assignedtoid"] != "") { $variables["assignedbyid"] = getUuid($this->db, "tbld:afe6d297-b484-4f0b-57d4-1c39412e9dfb", $userid); } else { $variables["assignedbyid"] = ''; } } //endif return $variables; }
/** * @see interface_admin_systemtask::executeTask() * @throws class_exception * @return string */ public function executeTask() { if (!class_module_system_module::getModuleByName("pages")->rightEdit()) { return $this->getLang("commons_error_permissions"); } //load the page itself $objPage = class_module_pages_page::getPageByName($this->getParam("pageExport")); if ($objPage !== null) { $objSystem = class_module_system_module::getModuleByName("system"); $objXmlWriter = new XMLWriter(); $strExportFolder = $this->getParam("exportFolder"); $strExportPrefix = $this->getParam("exportPrefix"); if ($strExportFolder == "") { $strExportFolder = _realpath_ . _projectpath_ . "/temp"; } else { $strExportFolder = _realpath_ . "/" . $strExportFolder; } if ($strExportPrefix != "") { $strExportPrefix = "_" . $strExportPrefix; } if (is_dir($strExportFolder)) { if (!$objXmlWriter->openUri($strExportFolder . "/" . $strExportPrefix . $objPage->getSystemid() . ".xml")) { throw new class_exception("failed to open export file ", class_exception::$level_ERROR); } //$objXmlWriter->openMemory(); $objXmlWriter->setIndent(true); $objXmlWriter->startDocument("1.0", "UTF-8"); $objXmlWriter->startComment(); $strComment = "\n Kajona XML export\n"; $strComment .= " (c) Kajona, www.kajona.de\n"; $strComment .= " Kernel version: " . $objSystem->getStrVersion() . "\n"; $strComment .= " Schema version: 1.0\n"; $strComment .= " Export Date: " . dateToString(new class_date()) . "\n"; $objXmlWriter->text($strComment); $objXmlWriter->endComment(); $objXmlWriter->startElement("pages"); $objXmlWriter->startElement("page"); $objXmlWriter->startElement("metadata"); $objXmlWriter->startElement("kernelVersion"); $objXmlWriter->text($objSystem->getStrVersion()); $objXmlWriter->endElement(); $objXmlWriter->startElement("systemid"); $objXmlWriter->text($objPage->getSystemid()); $objXmlWriter->endElement(); $objXmlWriter->startElement("previd"); $objXmlWriter->text($objPage->getPrevId()); $objXmlWriter->endElement(); $objXmlWriter->startElement("pagename"); $objXmlWriter->text($objPage->getStrName()); $objXmlWriter->endElement(); //try to load the parent page-name $strParentName = ""; if (validateSystemid($objPage->getPrevId())) { $objParentPage = new class_module_pages_page($objPage->getPrevId()); $strParentName = $objParentPage->getStrName(); } $objXmlWriter->startElement("prevname"); $objXmlWriter->text($strParentName); $objXmlWriter->endElement(); $objXmlWriter->startElement("pageproperties"); $this->createPageMetadata($objPage->getSystemid(), $objXmlWriter); $objXmlWriter->endElement(); //metadata $objXmlWriter->endElement(); $objXmlWriter->startElement("elements"); $this->createElementData($objPage->getSystemid(), $objXmlWriter); $objXmlWriter->endElement(); //page $objXmlWriter->endElement(); //pages $objXmlWriter->endElement(); $objXmlWriter->flush(); //return $objXmlWriter->outputMemory(true); return $this->getLang("systemtask_pageexport_success") . $strExportFolder . "/" . $strExportPrefix . $objPage->getSystemid() . ".xml" . ""; } else { throw new class_exception("writing XML: Folder " . $strExportFolder . " does not exist! ", class_exception::$level_ERROR); } } return $this->getLang("systemtask_pageexport_error"); }
$temparray = array("never" => "never", "after" => "after", "on date" => "on date"); $thevalue = "never"; if ($therecord["id"]) { if ($therecord["repeattimes"]) { $thevalue = "after"; } elseif ($therecord["repeatuntil"]) { $thevalue = "on date"; } } $theinput = new inputBasiclist("repeatend", $thevalue, $temparray, "end"); $theinput->setAttribute("onchange", "changeRepeatEnd();"); $theform->addField($theinput); $theinput = new inputField("repeattimes", $therecord["repeattimes"], "repeat until number of times", false, "integer", 3, 5, false); $theform->addField($theinput); if (!$therecord["repeatuntil"]) { $therecord["repeatuntil"] = dateToString(mktime(), "SQL"); } $theinput = new inputDatePicker("repeatuntil", $therecord["repeatuntil"], "repeat until date", false, 10, 15, false); $theform->addField($theinput); //end repeat fields $thetable->getCustomFieldInfo(); $theform->prepCustomFields($db, $thetable->customFieldsQueryResult, $therecord); $theform->jsMerge(); //============================================================== //End Form Elements include "header.php"; ?> <div class="bodyline"> <?php $theform->startForm($pageTitle); ?>
/** * returns a list of the last logins * * @return string * @autoTestable * @permissions right1 */ protected function actionLoginLog() { $strReturn = ""; //fetch log-rows $objLogbook = new class_module_user_log(); $objIterator = new class_array_section_iterator($objLogbook->getLoginLogsCount()); $objIterator->setPageNumber((int) ($this->getParam("pv") != "" ? $this->getParam("pv") : 1)); $objIterator->setArraySection(class_module_user_log::getLoginLogs($objIterator->calculateStartPos(), $objIterator->calculateEndPos())); $arrRows = array(); foreach ($objIterator as $arrLogRow) { $arrSingleRow = array(); $arrSingleRow[] = $arrLogRow["user_log_sessid"]; $arrSingleRow[] = $arrLogRow["user_username"] != "" ? $arrLogRow["user_username"] : $arrLogRow["user_log_userid"]; $arrSingleRow[] = dateToString(new class_date($arrLogRow["user_log_date"])); $arrSingleRow[] = $arrLogRow["user_log_enddate"] != "" ? dateToString(new class_date($arrLogRow["user_log_enddate"])) : ""; $arrSingleRow[] = $arrLogRow["user_log_status"] == 0 ? $this->getLang("login_status_0") : $this->getLang("login_status_1"); $arrSingleRow[] = $arrLogRow["user_log_ip"]; $strUtraceLinkMap = "href=\"http://www.utrace.de/ip-adresse/" . $arrLogRow["user_log_ip"] . "\" target=\"_blank\""; $strUtraceLinkText = "href=\"http://www.utrace.de/whois/" . $arrLogRow["user_log_ip"] . "\" target=\"_blank\""; if ($arrLogRow["user_log_ip"] != "" && $arrLogRow["user_log_ip"] != "::1") { $arrSingleRow[] = $this->objToolkit->listButton(class_link::getLinkAdminManual($strUtraceLinkMap, "", $this->getLang("login_utrace_showmap"), "icon_earth")) . " " . $this->objToolkit->listButton(class_link::getLinkAdminManual($strUtraceLinkText, "", $this->getLang("login_utrace_showtext"), "icon_text")); } else { $arrSingleRow[] = $this->objToolkit->listButton(class_adminskin_helper::getAdminImage("icon_earthDisabled", $this->getLang("login_utrace_noinfo"))) . " " . $this->objToolkit->listButton(class_adminskin_helper::getAdminImage("icon_textDisabled", $this->getLang("login_utrace_noinfo"))); } $arrRows[] = $arrSingleRow; } //Building the surrounding table $arrHeader = array(); $arrHeader[] = $this->getLang("login_sessid"); $arrHeader[] = $this->getLang("login_user"); $arrHeader[] = $this->getLang("login_logindate"); $arrHeader[] = $this->getLang("login_logoutdate"); $arrHeader[] = $this->getLang("login_status"); $arrHeader[] = $this->getLang("login_ip"); $arrHeader[] = $this->getLang("login_utrace"); //and fetch the table $strReturn .= $this->objToolkit->dataTable($arrHeader, $arrRows); $strReturn .= $this->objToolkit->getPageview($objIterator, "user", "loginlog"); return $strReturn; }
/** * Shows technical details of a workflow-instance * * @return string * @permissions edit */ protected function actionShowDetails() { $strReturn = ""; $objWorkflow = new class_module_workflows_workflow($this->getSystemid()); $strReturn .= $this->objToolkit->formHeadline($this->getLang("workflow_general")); $arrRows = array(); $arrRows[] = array($this->getLang("workflow_class"), $objWorkflow->getStrClass()); $arrRows[] = array($this->getLang("workflow_systemid"), $objWorkflow->getStrAffectedSystemid()); $arrRows[] = array($this->getLang("workflow_trigger"), dateToString($objWorkflow->getObjTriggerdate())); $arrRows[] = array($this->getLang("workflow_runs"), $objWorkflow->getIntRuns()); $arrRows[] = array($this->getLang("workflow_status"), $this->getLang("workflow_status_" . $objWorkflow->getIntState())); $strResponsible = ""; foreach (explode(",", $objWorkflow->getStrResponsible()) as $strOneId) { if (validateSystemid($strOneId)) { if ($strResponsible != "") { $strResponsible .= ", "; } $objUser = new class_module_user_user($strOneId, false); if ($objUser->getStrUsername() != "") { $strResponsible .= $objUser->getStrUsername(); } else { $objGroup = new class_module_user_group($strOneId); $strResponsible .= $objGroup->getStrName(); } } } $arrRows[] = array($this->getLang("workflow_responsible"), $strResponsible); $strCreator = ""; if (validateSystemid($objWorkflow->getStrOwner())) { $objUser = new class_module_user_user($objWorkflow->getStrOwner(), false); $strCreator .= $objUser->getStrUsername(); } $arrRows[] = array($this->getLang("workflow_owner"), $strCreator); $strReturn .= $this->objToolkit->dataTable(null, $arrRows); $strReturn .= $this->objToolkit->formHeadline($this->getLang("workflow_params")); $arrRows = array(); $arrRows[] = array($this->getLang("workflow_int1"), $objWorkflow->getIntInt1()); $arrRows[] = array($this->getLang("workflow_int2"), $objWorkflow->getIntInt2()); $arrRows[] = array($this->getLang("workflow_char1"), $objWorkflow->getStrChar1()); $arrRows[] = array($this->getLang("workflow_char2"), $objWorkflow->getStrChar2()); $arrRows[] = array($this->getLang("workflow_date1"), $objWorkflow->getLongDate1()); $arrRows[] = array($this->getLang("workflow_date2"), $objWorkflow->getLongDate2()); $arrRows[] = array($this->getLang("workflow_text"), $objWorkflow->getStrText()); $arrRows[] = array($this->getLang("workflow_text2"), $objWorkflow->getStrText2()); $arrRows[] = array($this->getLang("workflow_text3"), $objWorkflow->getStrText3()); $strReturn .= $this->objToolkit->dataTable(null, $arrRows); $strReturn .= $this->objToolkit->formHeader(class_link::getLinkAdminHref($this->getArrModule("modul"), "list")); $strReturn .= $this->objToolkit->formInputSubmit($this->getLang("commons_back")); $strReturn .= $this->objToolkit->formClose(); return $strReturn; }
function print_laporan($param_arr) { include "../include/fpdf17/mc_table.php"; $_BORDER = 0; $_FONT = 'Times'; $_FONTSIZE = 10; $pdf = new PDF_MC_Table(); $size = $pdf->_getpagesize('Legal'); $pdf->DefPageSize = $size; $pdf->CurPageSize = $size; $pdf->AddPage('Landscape', 'Legal'); $pdf->SetFont('helvetica', '', $_FONTSIZE); $pdf->SetRightMargin(5); $pdf->SetLeftMargin(9); $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(false, 0); $textFilter = ''; if (!empty($param_arr['filter_lap'])) { if ($param_arr['filter_lap'] == 1) { //sudah bayar $textFilter = '(Sudah Bayar)'; } if ($param_arr['filter_lap'] == 2) { //belum bayar $textFilter = '(Belum Bayar)'; } if ($param_arr['filter_lap'] == 3) { //belum bayar $textFilter = '(Nihil)'; } } $pdf->SetFont('helvetica', '', 12); $pdf->SetWidths(array(200)); $pdf->ln(1); $pdf->RowMultiBorderWithHeight(array("DAFTAR NOTA VERIFIKASI BPHTB " . $textFilter), array('', ''), 6); //$pdf->ln(8); $pdf->SetWidths(array(40, 200)); $pdf->ln(4); $pdf->RowMultiBorderWithHeight(array("TANGGAL", ": " . dateToString($param_arr['date_start'], "-") . " s/d " . dateToString($param_arr['date_end'], "-")), array('', ''), 6); $dbConn = new clsDBConnSIKP(); $whereClause = ''; if (!empty($param_arr['date_start']) && !empty($param_arr['date_end'])) { $whereClause .= " AND (trunc(reg_bphtb.creation_date) BETWEEN '" . $param_arr['date_start'] . "'"; $whereClause .= " AND '" . $param_arr['date_end'] . "')"; } else { if (!empty($param_arr['date_start']) && empty($param_arr['date_end'])) { $whereClause .= " AND trunc(reg_bphtb.creation_date) >= '" . $param_arr['date_start'] . "'"; } else { if (empty($param_arr['date_start']) && !empty($param_arr['date_end'])) { $whereClause .= " AND trunc(reg_bphtb.creation_date) <= '" . $param_arr['date_end'] . "'"; } } } if (!empty($param_arr['filter_lap'])) { if ($param_arr['filter_lap'] == 1) { //sudah bayar $whereClause .= " AND (payment.receipt_no is not null or payment.receipt_no <> '') "; $whereClause .= " AND ( bphtb_amt_final > 0 ) "; } if ($param_arr['filter_lap'] == 2) { //belum bayar $whereClause .= " AND ( payment.receipt_no is null or payment.receipt_no = '') "; $whereClause .= " AND ( bphtb_amt_final > 0 ) "; } if ($param_arr['filter_lap'] == 3) { //nihil $whereClause .= " AND ( bphtb_amt_final < 1 ) "; } } $query = "SELECT\r\n\t\t\t\tto_char(reg_bphtb.creation_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD') as creation_date,\r\n\t\t\t\tregistration_no,\r\n\t\t\t\twp_name,\r\n\t\t\t\treg_bphtb.p_bphtb_legal_doc_type_id,\r\n\t\t\t\tbphtb_doc.description,\r\n\t\t\t\tnjop_pbb,\r\n\t\t\t\tland_area,\r\n\t\t\t\tland_total_price,\r\n\t\t\t\tbuilding_area,\r\n\t\t\t\tbuilding_total_price,\r\n\t\t\t\tmarket_price,\r\n\t\t\t\tbphtb_amt_final,\r\n\t\t\t\tland_price_per_m,\r\n\t\t\t\tbuilding_price_per_m\r\n\t\t\tFROM\r\n\t\t\t\tsikp.t_bphtb_registration reg_bphtb\r\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN p_bphtb_legal_doc_type bphtb_doc on bphtb_doc.p_bphtb_legal_doc_type_id = reg_bphtb.p_bphtb_legal_doc_type_id\r\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN t_customer_order cust_order ON cust_order.t_customer_order_id = reg_bphtb.t_customer_order_id \r\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN t_payment_receipt_bphtb payment ON reg_bphtb.t_bphtb_registration_id = payment.t_bphtb_registration_id \r\n\t\t\tWHERE cust_order.p_order_status_id <> 1"; $query .= $whereClause; $query .= " order by trunc(reg_bphtb.creation_date) ASC,upper(wp_name) ASC"; $dbConn->query($query); $items = array(); $pdf->SetFont('helvetica', '', 9); $pdf->ln(2); $pdf->SetWidths(array(10, 24, 20, 15, 40, 18, 22, 25, 20, 61, 61, 27)); $pdf->SetAligns(array('C', 'C', 'C', 'C', 'C', 'C', 'C', 'C', 'C', 'C', 'C', 'C')); $pdf->SetWidths(array(10, 24, 23, 37, 30, 35, 18, 28, 24, 28, 25, 40, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18)); $pdf->SetFont('arial', '', 7); $pdf->RowMultiBorderWithHeight(array("NO", "TANGGAL", "NO.REGISTRASI", "NAMA WP", "JENIS TRANSAKSI", "NOP", "LT / LB", "HARGA TANAH / m2 (Rp)", "HARGA BANGUNAN / m2 (Rp)", "TOTAL NJOP (Rp)", "HARGA PASAR / TRANSAKSI / LELANG (Rp)", "NILAI PAJAK YANG HARUS DIBAYAR(Rp)"), array('LTB', 'LTB', 'LBT', 'LTB', 'TLB', 'TLB', 'TLB', 'TLB', 'TLB', 'TLBR'), 5); $pdf->SetFont('arial', '', 8); $no = 1; $pdf->SetAligns(array('C', 'L', 'L', 'L', 'L', 'L', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R')); $jumlah = 0; $jumlah = 0; $total_nilai_pajak = 0; $nilai_njop = 0; while ($dbConn->next_record()) { $items[] = $item = array('creation_date' => $dbConn->f("creation_date"), 'registration_no' => $dbConn->f("registration_no"), 'wp_name' => $dbConn->f("wp_name"), 'p_bphtb_legal_doc_type_id' => $dbConn->f("p_bphtb_legal_doc_type_id"), 'description' => $dbConn->f("description"), 'njop_pbb' => $dbConn->f("njop_pbb"), 'land_area' => $dbConn->f("land_area"), 'land_total_price' => $dbConn->f("land_total_price"), 'building_area' => $dbConn->f("building_area"), 'building_total_price' => $dbConn->f("building_total_price"), 'market_price' => $dbConn->f("market_price"), 'bphtb_amt_final' => $dbConn->f("bphtb_amt_final"), 'land_price_per_m' => $dbConn->f("land_price_per_m"), 'building_price_per_m' => $dbConn->f("building_price_per_m")); $nilai_njop = $dbConn->f("building_total_price") + $dbConn->f("land_total_price"); $pdf->RowMultiBorderWithHeight(array($no, dateToString($item['creation_date']), $item['registration_no'], $item['wp_name'], $item['description'], $item['njop_pbb'], number_format($item['land_area'], 0, ",", ".") . " / " . number_format($item['building_area'], 0, ",", "."), number_format($item['land_price_per_m'], 2, ",", "."), number_format($item['building_price_per_m'], 2, ",", "."), number_format($nilai_njop, 2, ",", "."), number_format($item['market_price'], 2, ",", "."), number_format($item['bphtb_amt_final'], 2, ",", ".")), array('LB', 'LB', 'LB', 'LB', 'LB', 'LB', 'LB', 'LB', 'LB', 'LB', 'LBR'), 6); $jumlah += $dbConn->f("amount"); // $jumlah_wp+=$dbConn->f("jumlah_wp"); $total_nilai_pajak += $item['bphtb_amt_final']; $no++; } $pdf->SetWidths(array(282, 40)); $pdf->SetAligns(array('C', 'R')); $pdf->SetFont('arial', 'B', 8); $pdf->RowMultiBorderWithHeight(array("TOTAL", number_format($total_nilai_pajak, 2, ",", ".")), array('LB', 'LBR'), 6); /*print_r($items); exit;*/ //$pdf->SetWidths(array(250,70)); $pdf->ln(12); $pdf->SetAligns(array("C", "C")); $pdf->SetWidths(array(169, 163)); $pdf->RowMultiBorderWithHeight(array("Mengetahui, \n Kepala Seksi Penyelesaian Piutang \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n RACHMAT SATIADI, SIP, M.Si. \n ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ", "\n Koordinator BPHTB" . "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n ZAENAL MANSUR \n ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ "), array("", ""), 4); $pdf->RowMultiBorderWithHeight(array("NIP : 19691104.1998.03.1.007", "NIP : 19630817.1989.01.1.006"), array("", ""), 1); //$pdf->RowMultiBorderWithHeight(array("","KASIE VOP"),array('','','','','','',''),6); $pdf->Output("", "I"); exit; }
function tampilkan_html($param_arr) { $dbConn = new clsDBConnSIKP(); $whereClause = ''; if (!empty($param_arr['date_start']) && !empty($param_arr['date_end'])) { $whereClause .= " AND (trunc(reg_bphtb.creation_date) BETWEEN '" . $param_arr['date_start'] . "'"; $whereClause .= " AND '" . $param_arr['date_end'] . "')"; } else { if (!empty($param_arr['date_start']) && empty($param_arr['date_end'])) { $whereClause .= " AND trunc(reg_bphtb.creation_date) >= '" . $param_arr['date_start'] . "'"; } else { if (empty($param_arr['date_start']) && !empty($param_arr['date_end'])) { $whereClause .= " AND trunc(reg_bphtb.creation_date) <= '" . $param_arr['date_end'] . "'"; } } } if (!empty($param_arr['filter_lap'])) { if ($param_arr['filter_lap'] == 1) { //sudah bayar $whereClause .= " AND (payment.receipt_no is not null or payment.receipt_no <> '') "; } if ($param_arr['filter_lap'] == 2) { //belum bayar $whereClause .= " AND ( payment.receipt_no is null or payment.receipt_no = '') "; } } $query = "SELECT\r\n\t\t\t\treg_bphtb.t_bphtb_registration_id,\r\n\t\t\t\tto_char(reg_bphtb.creation_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD') as creation_date,\r\n\t\t\t\tregistration_no,\r\n\t\t\t\twp_name,\r\n\t\t\t\treg_bphtb.p_bphtb_legal_doc_type_id,\r\n\t\t\t\tbphtb_doc.description,\r\n\t\t\t\tnjop_pbb,\r\n\t\t\t\tland_area,\r\n\t\t\t\tland_total_price,\r\n\t\t\t\tbuilding_area,\r\n\t\t\t\tbuilding_total_price,\r\n\t\t\t\tmarket_price,\r\n\t\t\t\tbphtb_amt_final\r\n\t\t\tFROM\r\n\t\t\t\tsikp.t_bphtb_registration reg_bphtb\r\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN p_bphtb_legal_doc_type bphtb_doc on bphtb_doc.p_bphtb_legal_doc_type_id = reg_bphtb.p_bphtb_legal_doc_type_id\r\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN t_customer_order cust_order ON cust_order.t_customer_order_id = reg_bphtb.t_customer_order_id \r\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN t_payment_receipt_bphtb payment ON reg_bphtb.t_bphtb_registration_id = payment.t_bphtb_registration_id \r\n\t\t\tWHERE cust_order.p_order_status_id <> 1 \r\n\t\t\tAND reg_bphtb.status_verifikasi = 'Y'"; $query .= $whereClause; $query .= " order by trunc(reg_bphtb.creation_date) ASC,upper(wp_name) ASC"; $dbConn->query($query); $items = array(); while ($dbConn->next_record()) { $items[] = $item = array('t_bphtb_registration_id' => $dbConn->f("t_bphtb_registration_id"), 'creation_date' => $dbConn->f("creation_date"), 'registration_no' => $dbConn->f("registration_no"), 'wp_name' => $dbConn->f("wp_name"), 'p_bphtb_legal_doc_type_id' => $dbConn->f("p_bphtb_legal_doc_type_id"), 'description' => $dbConn->f("description"), 'njop_pbb' => $dbConn->f("njop_pbb"), 'land_area' => $dbConn->f("land_area"), 'land_total_price' => $dbConn->f("land_total_price"), 'building_area' => $dbConn->f("building_area"), 'building_total_price' => $dbConn->f("building_total_price"), 'market_price' => $dbConn->f("market_price"), 'bphtb_amt_final' => $dbConn->f("bphtb_amt_final")); } $output = ''; $output .= '<table id="table-piutang" class="grid-table-container" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td valign="top">'; $output .= '<table class="grid-table" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td class="HeaderLeft"><img border="0" alt="" src="../Styles/sikp/Images/Spacer.gif"></td> <td class="th"><strong>DAFTAR NOTA VERIFIKASI BPHTB YANG SUDAH BAYAR</strong></td> <td class="HeaderRight"><img border="0" alt="" src="../Styles/sikp/Images/Spacer.gif"></td> </tr> </table>'; //$output .= '<h2>LAPORAN REALISASI HARIAN PER JENIS PAJAK </h2>'; //$output .= '<h2>TANGGAL : '.dateToString($date_start, "-")." s/d ".dateToString($date_end, "-").'</h2> <br/>'; $output .= '<table class="report" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3px" width="100%"> <tr>'; $output .= '<th>NO</th>'; $output .= '<th>TANGGAL</th>'; $output .= '<th>NO.REGISTRASI</th>'; $output .= '<th>NAMA WP</th>'; $output .= '<th>JENIS TRANSAKSI</th>'; $output .= '<th>NOP</th>'; $output .= '<th>LT / LB</th>'; $output .= '<th>HARGA TANAH</br>(Rp)</th>'; $output .= '<th>HARGA BANGUNAN</br>(Rp)</th>'; $output .= '<th>TOTAL NJOP </br>(Rp)</th>'; $output .= '<th>HARGA PASAR / </br>TRANSAKSI / LELANG (Rp)</th>'; $output .= '<th>NILAI PAJAK </br>YANG HARUS DIBAYAR(Rp)</th>'; $output .= '<th>CETAK</th>'; $output .= '</tr>'; $no = 1; foreach ($items as $item) { $output .= '<tr>'; $output .= '<td align="center">' . $no . '</td>'; $output .= '<td align="left">' . dateToString($item['creation_date']) . '</td>'; $output .= '<td align="left">' . $item['registration_no'] . '</td>'; $output .= '<td align="left">' . $item['wp_name'] . '</td>'; $output .= '<td align="left">' . $item['description'] . '</td>'; $output .= '<td align="left">' . $item['njop_pbb'] . '</td>'; $output .= '<td align="right">' . number_format($item['land_area'], 0, ",", ".") . " / " . number_format($item['building_area'], 0, ",", ".") . '</td>'; $output .= '<td align="right">' . number_format($item['land_total_price'], 2, ",", ".") . '</td>'; $output .= '<td align="right">' . number_format($item['building_total_price'], 2, ",", ".") . '</td>'; $output .= '<td align="right">' . number_format($nilai_njop, 2, ",", ".") . '</td>'; $output .= '<td align="right">' . number_format($item['market_price'], 2, ",", ".") . '</td>'; $output .= '<td align="right">' . number_format($item['bphtb_amt_final'], 2, ",", ".") . '</td>'; $output .= '<td><button class="btn_tambah" onclick="cetak_surat_validasi_bphtb(' . $item['registration_no'] . ')">Cetak</button></td>'; $output .= '</tr>'; $no = $no + 1; } $output .= '</td></tr></table>'; $output .= '</table>'; return $output; }
function displayWeek($userid, $dayInWeek = null) { // Creates a week view calendar for the widget if (!$dayInWeek) { $dayInWeek = mktime(0, 0, 0); } $firstDay = $dayInWeek; $dayArray = localtime($firstDay, true); while ($dayArray["tm_wday"] != 0) { $firstDay = strtotime("yesterday", $firstDay); $dayArray = localtime($firstDay, true); } //endwhile //build the initial array $events = array(); $lastDay = strtotime("6 days", $firstDay); $tempDay = $firstDay; for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) { $events["d" . $tempDay] = array(); $tempDay = strtotime("tomorrow", $tempDay); } //endfor //first lets get the regular events in the timeframe; $querystatement = "\n SELECT\n notes.id,\n notes.startdate,\n notes.starttime,\n notes.enddate,\n notes.endtime,\n notes.subject\n FROM\n notes\n WHERE\n (\n notes.private = 0\n OR notes.createdby=" . $userid . "\n )\n AND notes.type='EV'\n AND notes.repeating = 0\n AND notes.startdate >= '" . dateToString($firstDay, "SQL") . "'\n AND notes.startdate <= '" . dateToString($lastDay, "SQL") . "'"; $queryresult = $this->db->query($querystatement); while ($therecord = $this->db->fetchArray($queryresult)) { $events["d" . stringToDate($therecord["startdate"], "SQL")]["t" . stringToTime($therecord["starttime"], "24 Hour")][] = $therecord; } //next we do recurring events $querystatement = "\n SELECT\n notes.id,\n notes.startdate,\n notes.starttime,\n notes.enddate,\n notes.endtime,\n notes.subject,\n notes.repeattype,\n notes.repeatevery,\n notes.firstrepeat,\n notes.lastrepeat,\n notes.timesrepeated,\n notes.repeatontheday,\n notes.repeatontheweek,\n notes.repeateachlist,\n notes.repeatuntil,\n notes.repeattimes\n FROM\n notes\n WHERE\n repeating =1\n AND (\n notes.private = 0\n OR notes.createdby=" . $userid . "\n ) AND notes.type='EV'\n AND (\n notes.repeatuntil IS NULL\n OR notes.repeatuntil >= '" . dateToString($firstDay, "SQL") . "'\n )\n AND (\n notes.repeattimes IS NULL\n OR notes.repeattimes > notes.timesrepeated\n )"; $queryresult = $this->db->query($querystatement); $thetable = new notes($this->db, "tbld:a4cdd991-cf0a-916f-1240-49428ea1bdd1"); while ($therecord = $this->db->fetchArray($queryresult)) { $dateArray = $thetable->getValidInRange(stringToDate($therecord["startdate"], "SQL"), $lastDay, $therecord); foreach ($dateArray as $date) { if ($date >= $firstDay && $date <= $lastDay) { if ($therecord["enddate"]) { $therecord["enddate"] = dateToString($date + (stringToDate($therecord["enddate"], "SQL") - stringToDate($therecord["startdate"], "SQL")), "SQL"); } $therecord["startdate"] = dateToString($date, "SQL"); $events["d" . $date]["t" . stringToTime($therecord["starttime"], "24 Hour")][] = $therecord; } //endif } //endforeach } //endwhile $querystatement = "\n SELECT\n DECODE(password,'" . ENCRYPTION_SEED . "') AS decpass\n FROM\n users\n WHERE\n id=" . $_SESSION["userinfo"]["id"]; $queryresult = $this->db->query($querystatement); $passrec = $this->db->fetchArray($queryresult); $icallink = "?u=" . $_SESSION["userinfo"]["id"] . "&h=" . md5("phpBMS" . $_SESSION["userinfo"]["firstname"] . $_SESSION["userinfo"]["lastname"] . $_SESSION["userinfo"]["id"] . $passrec["decpass"]); ?> <input type="hidden" id="eventDateLast" value="<?php echo strtotime("-7 days", $firstDay); ?> " /> <input type="hidden" id="eventDateToday" value="<?php echo mktime(0, 0, 0); ?> " /> <input type="hidden" id="eventDateNext" value="<?php echo strtotime("tomorrow", $lastDay); ?> " /> <ul id="eventButtons"> <li id="icalLi"><a href="ical.php<?php echo $icallink; ?> " title="ical subscription link" id="icalA"><span>ical</span></a> </li> <li><button id="eventLastWeek" type="button" title="previous week" class="smallButtons"><span><<</span></button></li> <li><button id="eventToday" type="button" title="today" class="smallButtons"><span>today</span></button></li> <li><button id="eventNextWeek" type="button" title="next week" class="smallButtons"><span>>></span></button></li> </ul> <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" id="eventsList"><?php foreach ($events as $date => $times) { ?> <tr class="eventDayName" <?php if (mktime(0, 0, 0) === (int) str_replace("d", "", $date)) { echo 'id="today"'; } ?> > <td nowrap="nowrap"><?php echo @strftime("%A", (int) str_replace("d", "", $date)); ?> </td> <td width="100%" align="right"><?php echo @strftime("%b %e %Y", (int) str_replace("d", "", $date)); ?> </td> </tr><?php if (count($times)) { ksort($times); foreach ($times as $time => $timeevents) { foreach ($timeevents as $event) { ?> <tr> <td nowrap="nowrap" valign="top" align="right"><?php echo formatFromSQLTime($event["starttime"]); ?> </td> <td valign="top" ><a href="<?php echo getAddEditFile($this->db, "tbld:a4cdd991-cf0a-916f-1240-49428ea1bdd1") . "?id=" . $event["id"]; ?> &backurl=snapshot.php"><?php echo htmlQuotes($event["subject"]); ?> </a></td> </tr><?php } //endforeach events } //endforeach time } else { ?> <tr> <td class="disabledtext" align="right">no events</td> <td> </td> </tr><?php } // endif } //endforeach day ?> </table><?php }
/** * @return string * @permissions view,right1 */ protected function actionSaveRegisterForEvent() { $strReturn = ""; $objEvent = new class_module_eventmanager_event($this->getSystemid()); class_module_pages_portal::registerAdditionalTitle($objEvent->getStrTitle()); $bitIsLoggedin = false; $bitIsParticipant = false; if ($this->objSession->isLoggedin() && $this->objTemplate->containsSection($this->objTemplate->readTemplate("/module_eventmanager/" . $this->arrElementData["char1"]), "event_register_loggedin")) { $bitIsLoggedin = true; if ($objEvent->isParticipant($this->objSession->getUserID())) { $bitIsParticipant = true; } } $arrErrors = array(); //what to do? $objTextValidator = new class_text_validator(); $objMailValidator = new class_email_validator(); if (!$bitIsLoggedin && !$objTextValidator->validate($this->getParam("forename"), 3)) { $arrErrors[] = $this->getLang("noForename"); } if (!$bitIsLoggedin && !$objTextValidator->validate($this->getParam("lastname"), 3)) { $arrErrors[] = $this->getLang("noLastname"); } if (!$bitIsLoggedin && !$objMailValidator->validate($this->getParam("email"))) { $arrErrors[] = $this->getLang("invalidEmailadress"); } //Check captachcode if (!$bitIsLoggedin && ($this->getParam("form_captcha") == "" || $this->getParam("form_captcha") != $this->objSession->getCaptchaCode())) { $arrErrors[] = $this->getLang("commons_captcha"); } if (count($arrErrors) != 0) { return $this->actionRegisterForEvent($arrErrors); } if ($objEvent->getIntLimitGiven() == "1" && $objEvent->getIntParticipantsLimit() <= class_module_eventmanager_participant::getActiveParticipantsCount($this->getSystemid())) { $strMessage = $this->getLang("participantLimitReached"); $strWrapperID = $this->objTemplate->readTemplate("/module_eventmanager/" . $this->arrElementData["char1"], "event_register_message"); $strReturn = $this->objTemplate->fillTemplate(array("title" => $objEvent->getStrTitle(), "message" => $strMessage), $strWrapperID); return $strReturn; } if ($bitIsParticipant) { $objParticipant = class_module_eventmanager_participant::getParticipantByUserid($this->objSession->getUserID(), $objEvent->getSystemid()); } else { $objParticipant = new class_module_eventmanager_participant(); } //here we go, create the complete event registration $objParticipant->setStrComment($this->getParam("comment")); if ($bitIsLoggedin) { $objParticipant->setStrUserId($this->objSession->getUserID()); $objParticipant->setIntParticipationStatus($this->getParam("participant_status")); } else { $objParticipant->setStrForename($this->getParam("forename")); $objParticipant->setStrLastname($this->getParam("lastname")); $objParticipant->setStrPhone($this->getParam("phone")); $objParticipant->setStrEmail($this->getParam("email")); } $objParticipant->updateObjectToDb($this->getSystemid()); if ($bitIsParticipant) { $strMessage = $this->getLang("participantUpdateMessage"); $strWrapperID = $this->objTemplate->readTemplate("/module_eventmanager/" . $this->arrElementData["char1"], "event_register_message"); return $this->objTemplate->fillTemplate(array("title" => $objEvent->getStrTitle(), "message" => $strMessage), $strWrapperID); } $objParticipant->setIntRecordStatus(0); $objParticipant->updateObjectToDb(); $objMail = new class_mail(); $objMail->setSubject($this->getLang("registerMailSubject")); $strBody = $this->getLang("registerMailBodyIntro"); $strBody .= $objEvent->getStrTitle() . "<br />"; $strBody .= dateToString($objEvent->getObjStartDate(), true) . "<br />"; $strBody .= $objEvent->getStrLocation() . "<br />"; $strBody .= "\n"; $strTemp = class_link::getLinkPortalHref($this->getPagename(), "", "participantConfirmation", "&participantId=" . $objParticipant->getSystemid(), $this->getSystemid(), "", $objEvent->getStrTitle()); $strBody .= html_entity_decode("<a href=\"" . $strTemp . "\">" . $strTemp . "</a>"); $objScriptlet = new class_scriptlet_helper(); $strBody = $objScriptlet->processString($strBody); $objMail->setHtml($strBody); $objMail->addTo($objParticipant->getStrEmail()); $objMail->sendMail(); $strMessage = $this->getLang("participantSuccessMail"); $strWrapperID = $this->objTemplate->readTemplate("/module_eventmanager/" . $this->arrElementData["char1"], "event_register_message"); $strReturn .= $this->objTemplate->fillTemplate(array("title" => $objEvent->getStrTitle(), "message" => $strMessage), $strWrapperID); return $strReturn; }