  * Run the database seeds.
  * @return void
 public function run()
     $faker = \Faker\Factory::create();
     //        DB::table('users')->insert([
     User::insert([['name' => 'Kenn E. Thompson', 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'password' => bcrypt('abc123'), 'created_at' => new DateTime(), 'updated_at' => new DateTime()]]);
     foreach (range(1, 99) as $index) {
         User::insert(['name' => $faker->name, 'email' => $faker->email, 'password' => bcrypt('secret'), 'created_at' => dateTime($max = 'now'), 'updated_at' => dateTime($max = 'now')]);
Example #2
 public function addResume()
     $data['student_id'] = session('account.student_id');
     $data['create_time'] = dateTime();
     $data['modify_time'] = $data['create_time'];
     $data['resume_type'] = $this->resumeZh;
     $data['valid_status'] = $this->resumeShow;
     $data['default_status'] = 1;
     $last_id = $this->data($data)->add();
     return $last_id;
Example #3

| Model Factories
| Here you may define all of your model factories. Model factories give
| you a convenient way to create models for testing and seeding your
| database. Just tell the factory how a default model should look.
$factory->define(App\User::class, function (Faker\Generator $faker) {
    return ['name' => $faker->name, 'email' => $faker->email, 'password' => bcrypt(str_random(10)), 'remember_token' => str_random(10)];
$factory->define(App\Lesson::class, function (Faker\Generator $faker) {
    return ['title' => $faker->sentence, 'body' => $faker->text, 'updated_at' => dateTime()];
 public function account()
     $data = $this->StudentModel->getStudentinfo(session('account.student_id'));
     $data['href'] = $this->mailLoginHref($data['login_email']);
     $this->assign('user', $data);
     $trace_result = $this->TraceSetupController->returnTraceId(session('account.student_id'));
     /*2015-12-01 默认值*/
     $traceSetupModel = D('TraceSetup');
     $now_time = date('Y-m-d', time()) . ' 07:00:00';
     if (empty($trace_result[3])) {
         $traceSetupModel->add(array('trace_id' => 3, 'account_id' => session('account.student_id'), 'crontab_time' => $now_time, 'hours' => 72, 'number' => 25, 'create_time' => dateTime()));
     $trace_result = $this->TraceSetupController->returnTraceId(session('account.student_id'));
     $trace_type = array('invitation_wait' => !empty($trace_result[3]) ? 'edit' : 'add');
     // 手机验证开始 2015-11-14 09:52:20  星期六
     $mobile = $this->StudentModel->getMobile();
     $mobile['verify'] = $mobile['status'] && $mobile['mobile_verify'] == 1 ? TRUE : FALSE;
     $this->assign('mobile', $mobile);
     $this->assign('trace_result', $trace_result);
     $this->assign('trace_type', $trace_type);
     $this->assign('trace_number', trace_number());
     if (isMobile()) {
 public function tagAdd()
     $title = I('post.title');
     $where = array('title' => $title, 'account_id' => session('account.account_id'), 'is_delete' => 2, 'type' => 2);
     $result = $this->TagModel->returnDataByFields($where);
     if (!empty($result)) {
         returnJson(array('status' => 'success', 'pkid' => $result));
     $data = $where;
     $data['range'] = 1;
     $data['create_time'] = dateTime();
     $id = $this->TagModel->tagAdd($data);
     if ($id !== FALSE) {
         returnJson(array('status' => 'success', 'pkid' => $id));
     } else {
         returnJson(array('status' => 'fail'));
 public function deleteCertificateModule($id)
     $data['modify_time'] = dateTime();
     $data['is_delete'] = $this->deleteType;
     $where = array('student_id' => D('Account')->studentID(), 'language_type' => 1);
     return $this->where($where)->data($data)->save();
Example #7
 * Calculate the time since ago
 * @param int
 * @param int
 * @return string
function timeSince($iTime0, $iTime1 = 0)
    // If not time specified then return null
    if (!$iTime0) {
        return null;
    if ($iTime1 == 0) {
        $iTime1 = time();
    $iTimeElapsed = $iTime1 - $iTime0;
    if ($iTimeElapsed < 60) {
        return "Less than a minute ago";
    } else {
        if ($iTimeElapsed < 60 * 60) {
            $iNum = intval($iTimeElapsed / 60);
            $sUnit = "minute";
        } else {
            if ($iTimeElapsed < 10 * 60 * 60) {
                $iNum = intval($iTimeElapsed / (60 * 60));
                $sUnit = "hour";
            } else {
                return dateTime($iTime0);
    return $iNum . " " . $sUnit . ($iNum != 1 ? "s" : "") . " ago";
Example #8
 protected function upload($uploadDir, $key, $fileType, $fileInput, $isDownload = 0)
     $attr = array();
     $return = array();
     $attr['addtime'] = dateTime();
     $attr['fileKey'] = uniqid();
     $attr['filePath'] = '';
     $id = M('Files')->add($attr);
     $pic_path = $uploadDir . '/' . date('Y') . '/' . date('m') . '/' . date('d');
     $uploadfile_path = $pic_path . '/' . $id . '_' . date("YmdHis") . '_' . uniqid() . '.' . $fileType;
     $isUploaded = 0;
     if ($isDownload) {
         if (file_put_contents($uploadfile_path, $fileInput)) {
             $isUploaded = 1;
     } else {
         $return['size'] = $_FILES[$fileInput]['size'][$key];
         if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$fileInput]['tmp_name'][$key], $uploadfile_path)) {
             $isUploaded = 1;
     if ($isUploaded) {
         @chmod($uploadfile_path, 0777);
         $return['code'] = 1;
         $return['path'] = str_replace($this->fileRootDir, "", $uploadfile_path);
         $return['fileKey'] = $attr['fileKey'];
         M("Files")->where("id='%d'", array($id))->save(array('filePath' => $return['path']));
     } else {
         $return['code'] = 0;
         $return['msg'] = "對不起,文件上傳失敗!";
         M("Files")->where("id='%d'", array($id))->save(array('status' => 0));
     return $return;
Example #9
function upInvite($code = "", $model = '')
    if (!$model) {
        $model = M('invite_code');
    if ($code) {
        $data['status'] = 2;
        $data['use_time'] = dateTime();
        $bool = $model->data($data)->where(array('code' => $code))->save();
        return $bool;
 public function updateSubStatus($type = "")
     if ($type) {
         if ($type == 1) {
             $data['status'] = 1;
         if ($type == 2) {
             $data['status'] = 2;
         $data['modify_time'] = dateTime();
         return $this->data($data)->where(array('student_id' => session('account.student_id'), 'info_type' => 2))->save();
 public function readResume($pkid)
     $data['modify_time'] = dateTime();
     $data['read_time'] = dateTime();
     $data['status'] = 2;
     $where['enterprise_id'] = session('account.enterprise_id');
     $where['pkid'] = $pkid;
     $where['status'] = array('ELT', 1);
Example #12
 public function studentSaveInfo($data, $account_id)
     $data['modify_time'] = dateTime();
     return $this->data($data)->where(array('account_id' => $account_id))->save();
Example #13
<form method="POST">
  <input type="text" placeholder="string" name="string" />
    <input type="submit"/>

if (isset($_POST['string'])) {
    $string = isset($_POST['string']) ? $_POST['string'] : '';
    echo $string . "<br>";
require_once 'mylib.php';
echo dateTime();
 public function resumeExist($data)
     $resume_type = 4;
     $type = 'add';
     $result = $this->ResumeModel->resumeInfo($resume_type);
     if (!empty($result)) {
         $type = 'edit';
     $data['resume_type'] = $resume_type;
     $data['student_id'] = session('account.student_id');
     $data['default_status'] = !empty($result['default_status']) ? $result['default_status'] : 2;
     $data['valid_status'] = 1;
     $data['create_time'] = dateTime();
     $this->ResumeModel->resumeSave($data, $type, $resume_type);
 public function updateContact($data)
     $contactModel = M('enterprise_contact');
     $where['type'] = 1;
     $where['enterprise_id'] = session('account.enterprise_id');
     $contact_id = $contactModel->where($where)->order('pkid desc')->getField('pkid');
     if ($contact_id > 0) {
         $where['pkid'] = $contact_id;
     } else {
         $data['type'] = 1;
         $data['create_time'] = dateTime();
         $data['modify_time'] = dateTime();
         $data['enterprise_id'] = session('account.enterprise_id');
Example #16
 public function updateReflushTime($pid)
     $data['refresh_time'] = dateTime();
     $date['modify_time'] = $data['refresh_time'];
     $where['pkid'] = $pid;
     $where['enterprise_id'] = session('account.enterprise_id');
     return $this->data($data)->where($where)->save();