} if (is_null($result[0]['contactWebsite']) || empty($result[0]['contactWebsite'])) { $result[0]['contactWebsite'] = "Not provided. Please update contact."; } if (is_null($result[0]['contactNotes']) || empty($result[0]['contactNotes'])) { $result[0]['contactNotes'] = "Not provided. Please update contact."; } //output currently store profile information for user review before updating echo "<div class='indUpdate'>\n <h1>Your Current Contact Profile:</h1>\n <div class='updateImg'>\n <h3>Contact Picture:</h3>\n <img src='{$result[0]['contactImage']}'/>\n </div>\n <div class='updateInfo'>\n <h3>Conact Information:</h3>\n <h1>{$result[0]['firstname']} {$result[0]['lastname']}</h1>\n <h3><span>Phone:</span> {$result[0]['contactPhone']}</h3>\n <h3><span>Primary Email:</span> {$result[0]['contactEmail']}</h3>\n <h3><span>Other Email:</span> {$result[0]['altEmail']}</h3>\n <h3><span>Website:</span> {$result[0]['contactWebsite']}</h3>\n <h3><span>Notes:</span> {$result[0]['contactNotes']}</h3>\n </div>\n </div>"; } //on submit logic if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $fname = $_POST['first_name']; $lname = $_POST['last_name']; $phone = $_POST['phone']; $primeEml = $_POST['prim_email']; $otherEml = $_POST['other_email']; $website = $_POST['website']; $notes = $_POST['comments']; //calls the update image function on submit $img = updateImage(); //creates confirmaiton session message on post $_SESSION["message"] = "<div class='confirmed'><h4>Update Successful!</h4></div>"; //calls update function on any inputed data to form databaseUpdate($fname, $lname, $phone, $primeEml, $otherEml, $website, $notes, $img); //returns user to index.php page header("Location: index.php"); } echo "\n<!doctype html>\n<html lang='en'>\n<head>\n <meta charset='UTF-8'>\n <title>Contact Dashboard</title>\n <link rel='stylesheet' href='css/normalize.css'>\n <link rel='stylesheet' href='css/style.css'>\n</head>\n<body>\n<nav>\n <h1>iForget Contact Manager</h1>\n <a href='index.php'><button id='cancel'>Cancel</button></a>\n <button id='showTog2'>Update Contact</button>\n</nav>\n<aside class='showForm'>\n <div id='formSection'>\n <h4>Update Contact</h4>\n <form action='' enctype='multipart/form-data' method='post'>\n <label for='first_name'>First Name : </label><input id='first_name' type='text' name='first_name' value='' /><br/>\n <label for='last_name'>Last Name : </label><input id='last_name' type='text' name='last_name' value='' /><br />\n <label for='phone'>Phone : XXX-XXX-XXXX </label><input id='phone' type='tel' name='phone' value='' maxlength='20' /><br />\n <label for='prim_email'>Primary Email : </label><input id='prim_email' type='email' name='prim_email' value='' /><br />\n <label for='other_email'>Other Email : </label><input id='other_email' type='email' name='other_email' value='' /><br />\n <label for='website'>Web Site: </label><input id='website' type='url' name='website' value='' /><br />\n <label for='notes'>Notes:</label><br /><textarea name='comments' id='notes' maxlength='150'></textarea><br />\n <label for='img_upload'>Upload Image: </label><input id='img_upload' type='file' name='img_upload' value='upload' /><br />\n <input type='submit' name='submit' value='submit' />\n <input type='reset' name='reset' value='reset'' />\n </form>\n </div>\n</aside>\n<div class='instructions'>\n <h1>Update Contacts.<br></h1>\n <h2>Update your contacts.</h2>\n <h2>Update whatever field you like.</h2>\n <h3>Click the update contact button to get started.</h3>\n\n</div>\n\n<section id='update'>"; updateContacts(); echo "</section>\n<script src='https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.3/jquery.min.js'></script>\n<script src='https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.11.4/jquery-ui.min.js'></script>\n<script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript' src='js/scripts.js'></script>\n</body>\n</html>\n";
function databaseSync($folderpath, $realitivePath = '') { global $database; // get files from $folderpath and put them in array if (is_dir($folderpath)) { if ($dh = opendir($folderpath)) { while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { #echo "$file"; if ($file != '.' && $file != '..' && filetype($folderpath . '/' . $file) == 'file' && substr($file, 0, 1) != '.') { $fileid = fileid($folderpath, $file); $files[$file] = array($fileid, 'exist'); #echo "1 $file<br>"; } } closedir($dh); } } // get files from database $query = "select * from {$GLOBALS['tablePrefix']}filesystem where path=\"" . mysql_escape_string($folderpath) . "\" and status=\"found\""; $result = mysql_query($query, $database); while ($dirinfo = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $filename = $dirinfo['filename']; $fileid = $dirinfo['id']; if (isset($files[$filename]) && $files[$filename][0] == $dirinfo['id']) { $files[$filename][1] = 'done'; } else { databaseLost($fileid); } } if (isset($files)) { $ak = array_keys($files); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($ak); $i++) { $filename = $ak[$i]; if ($files[$filename][1] != 'done') { #echo "$filename to search<br>"; if (databaseSearch($folderpath, $filename)) { databaseUpdate($folderpath, $filename, $realitivePath); } else { databaseAdd($folderpath, $filename, $realitivePath); } } } } }