function dashboard_incoming($dashletid) { global $sit, $CONFIG, $iconset; global $dbUpdates, $dbTempIncoming; $content = "<p align='center'><img src='{$CONFIG['application_webpath']}images/ajax-loader.gif' alt='Loading icon' /></p>"; echo dashlet('incoming', $dashletid, icon('emailin', 16), 'Holding Queue Emails', 'holding_queue.php', $content); }
function dashboard_rss($dashletid) { global $sit, $CONFIG, $iconset; echo dashlet('rss', $dashletid, icon('feed-icon', 16), $GLOBALS['strFeeds'], '', $content); }
function dashboard_tasks($dashletid) { global $sit, $CONFIG, $iconset, $dbTasks; $user = $sit[2]; if ($CONFIG['tasks_enabled'] == TRUE) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM `{$dbTasks}` WHERE owner='{$user}' AND (completion < 100 OR completion='' OR completion IS NULL) AND "; $sql .= "(distribution = 'public' OR distribution = 'private') "; if (!empty($sort)) { if ($sort == 'id') { $sql .= "ORDER BY id "; } elseif ($sort == 'name') { $sql .= "ORDER BY name "; } elseif ($sort == 'priority') { $sql .= "ORDER BY priority "; } elseif ($sort == 'completion') { $sql .= "ORDER BY completion "; } elseif ($sort == 'startdate') { $sql .= "ORDER BY startdate "; } elseif ($sort == 'duedate') { $sql .= "ORDER BY duedate "; } elseif ($sort == 'distribution') { $sql .= "ORDER BY distribution "; } else { $sql = "ORDER BY id "; } if ($order == 'a' or $order == 'ASC' or $order = '') { $sql .= "ASC"; } else { $sql .= "DESC"; } } else { $sql .= "ORDER BY IF(duedate,duedate,99999999) ASC, duedate ASC, startdate DESC, priority DESC, completion ASC"; } $result = mysql_query($sql); if (mysql_error()) { trigger_error(mysql_error(), E_USER_WARNING); } if (mysql_num_rows($result) >= 1) { $content .= "<table align='center' width='100%'>"; $content .= "<tr>"; $content .= colheader('id', $GLOBALS['strID']); $content .= colheader('name', $GLOBALS['strTask']); $content .= colheader('priority', $GLOBALS['strPriority']); $content .= colheader('completion', $GLOBALS['strCompletion']); $content .= "</tr>\n"; $shade = 'shade1'; while ($task = mysql_fetch_object($result)) { $duedate = mysql2date($task->duedate); $startdate = mysql2date($task->startdate); if (empty($task->name)) { $task->name = $GLOBALS['strUntitled']; } $content .= "<tr class='{$shade}'>"; $content .= "<td>{$task->id}</td>"; $content .= "<td><a href='view_task.php?id={$task->id}' class='info'>" . truncate_string($task->name, 23); if (!empty($task->description)) { $content .= "<span>" . nl2br($task->description) . "</span>"; } $content .= "</a></td>"; $content .= "<td>" . priority_icon($task->priority) . priority_name($task->priority) . "</td>"; $content .= "<td>" . percent_bar($task->completion) . "</td>"; $content .= "</tr>\n"; if ($shade == 'shade1') { $shade = 'shade2'; } else { $shade = 'shade1'; } } $content .= "</table>\n"; } else { $content .= "<p align='center'>{$GLOBALS['strNoRecords']}</p>"; } } else { $content .= "<p class='warning'>{$GLOBALS['strDisabled']}</p>"; } echo dashlet('tasks', $dashletid, icon('task', 16), sprintf($GLOBALS['strXsTasks'], user_realname($user, TRUE)), 'tasks.php', $content); }
function dashboard_tags($dashletid) { global $CONFIG, $iconset; $content = show_tag_cloud(); echo dashlet('tags', $dashletid, icon('tag', 16), $GLOBALS['strTags'], '', $content); }
function dashboard_user_incidents($dashletid) { $title = sprintf($GLOBALS['strUserIncidents'], user_realname($_SESSION['userid'], TRUE)); //"({$GLOBALS['strActionNeeded']})"; echo dashlet('user_incidents', $dashletid, icon('support', 16), $title, 'incidents.php?user=current&queue=1&type=support', $content); }
function dashboard_watch_incidents($dashletid) { global $sit, $CONFIG, $iconset; $content = "<p align='center'><img src='{$CONFIG['application_webpath']}images/ajax-loader.gif' alt='Loading icon' /></p>"; echo dashlet('watch_incidents', $dashletid, icon('support', 16), $GLOBALS['strWatchIncidents'], '', $content); }
function dashboard_random_tip($dashletid) { global $iconset, $CONFIG; echo dashlet('random_tip', $dashletid, icon('tip', 16), $GLOBALS['strRandomTip'], '', $content); }
function dashboard_statistics($dashletid) { echo dashlet('statistics', $dashletid, icon('statistics', 16), $GLOBALS['strTodaysStats'], 'statistics.php', $content); }