function cw_products_from_scratch($scratch_products, $user_info, $persistent_products, $leave_info = false) { global $addons, $tables, $config, $app_main_dir; global $current_area, $current_language, $customer_id; cw_load('image'); $products = array(); if (empty($scratch_products)) { return $products; } $pids = array(); foreach ($scratch_products as $product_data) { $pids[] = $product_data['product_id']; } $int_res = cw_query_hash("SELECT * FROM {$tables['products_lng']} WHERE code = '{$current_language}' AND product_id IN ('" . implode("','", $pids) . "')", "product_id", false); unset($pids); cw_event('on_before_products_from_scratch', array(&$scratch_products)); $hash = array(); cw_load('warehouse'); foreach ($scratch_products as $product_data) { $product_id = $product_data['product_id']; $cartid = $product_data['cartid']; $amount = $product_data['amount']; $variant_id = $product_data['variant_id']; $warehouse = $product_data['warehouse_customer_id']; if (!cw_warehouse_is_customer($customer_id, $warehouse)) { continue; } if (!is_numeric($amount)) { $amount = 0; } $options = $product_data['options']; $product_options = false; $variant = array(); # kornev, TOFIX if ($addons['product_options'] && !empty($options) && is_array($options)) { if (!cw_check_product_options($product_id, $options)) { continue; } list($variant, $product_options) = cw_get_product_options_data($product_id, $options, $membership_id); if (empty($variant_id) && isset($variant['variant_id'])) { $variant_id = $variant['variant_id']; } } $fields[] = "p.*"; # kornev, supplier has got it's own prices if ($current_area != 'S') { $fields[] = "min(pq.price) as price"; } $fields[] = 'avail'; $status = cw_core_get_required_status($current_area); $products_array = cw_func_call('cw_product_get', array('id' => $product_id, 'variant_id' => $variant_id, 'amount' => $amount, 'user_account' => $user_info, 'info_type' => 8192)); //cw_query_first($sql="select ".implode(', ', $fields)." from $tables[products] as p, $tables[products_prices] as pq, $tables[products_enabled] as pe left join $tables[products_warehouses_amount] as pwa on pwa.product_id=pe.product_id and pwa.variant_id='$variant_id' and pwa.warehouse_customer_id='$warehouse' WHERE p.product_id= pe.product_id and pe.product_id=pq.product_id AND pe.status in (".implode(", ", $status).") AND pe.product_id='$product_id' AND pq.quantity<='$amount' AND pq.membership_id IN(0, '$user_info[membership_id]') AND pq.variant_id = '$variant_id' ORDER BY pq.quantity DESC"); $unlimited_products = true; if ($products_array['avail'] < $amount && in_array($current_area, array('G', 'C'))) { $unlimited_products = cw_query_first_cell("select backorder & " . ($current_area == 'G' ? 2 : 1) . " from {$tables['warehouse_divisions']} where division_id = '{$warehouse}'"); if (!$unlimited_products) { $amount = $products_array['avail']; } } if ($products_array) { $products_array = cw_array_merge($product_data, $products_array); if ($leave_info) { $products_array['price'] = abs($product_data['price']); } $products_array['warehouse_customer_id'] = $warehouse; $hash_key = $product_id . "|" . $warehouse; cw_event('on_product_from_scratch', array(&$products_array)); # # If priduct's price is 0 then use customer-defined price # $free_price = false; if ($products_array['price'] == 0) { $free_price = true; $products_array['taxed_price'] = $products_array['price'] = price_format($product_data['free_price'] ? $product_data['free_price'] : 0); } # kornev, TOFIX if ($addons['product_options'] && $options) { if (!empty($variant)) { # kornev, it's not allow to set the variant price. // unset($variant['price']); if (is_null($variant['pimage_path'])) { cw_unset($variant, "pimage_path", "pimage_x", "pimage_y"); } else { $variant['is_pimage'] = 'W'; } $products_array = cw_array_merge($products_array, $variant); } $hash_key .= "|" . $products_array['variant_id']; if ($product_options === false) { unset($product_options); } else { $variant['price'] = $products_array['price']; $variant['cost'] = $products_array['cost']; $products_array['options_surcharge'] = 0; $products_array['cost_surcharge'] = 0; if ($product_options) { foreach ($product_options as $o) { $products_array['options_surcharge'] += $o['modifier_type'] ? $products_array['price'] * $o['price_modifier'] / 100 : $o['price_modifier']; $products_array['cost_surcharge'] += $o['cost_modifier_type'] ? $products_array['cost'] * $o['cost_modifier'] / 100 : $o['cost_modifier']; } } } } if (!$unlimited_products && !$persistent_products && $products_array['avail'] - $hash[$hash_key] < $amount) { continue; } # Get thumbnail's URL (uses only if images stored in FS) $products_array['image_thumb'] = cw_image_get('products_images_thumb', $product_id); $products_array['price'] += $products_array['options_surcharge']; $products_array['cost'] += $products_array['cost_surcharge']; if ($products_array['price'] < 0) { $products_array['price'] = 0; } if ($products_array['cost'] < 0) { $products_array['cost'] = 0; } if (in_array($current_area, array('C', 'G'))) { $products_array['taxes'] = cw_get_products_taxes($products_array, $user_info, false, '', $current_area == 'G' && $customer_info['usertype'] != 'R'); if ($config['Taxes']['display_taxed_order_totals'] == 'Y') { $products_array['display_price'] = $products_array['taxed_price']; $products_array['display_net_price'] = $products_array['taxed_net_price']; } else { $products_array['display_price'] = $products_array['price']; $products_array['display_net_price'] = $products_array['net_price']; } } $products_array['total'] = $amount * $products_array['price']; $products_array['product_options'] = $product_options; $products_array['options'] = $options; $products_array['amount'] = $amount; $products_array['cartid'] = $cartid; $products_array['product_orig'] = $products_array['product']; if (isset($int_res[$product_id])) { $products_array['product'] = stripslashes($int_res[$product_id]['product']); $products_array['descr'] = stripslashes($int_res[$product_id]['descr']); $products_array['fulldescr'] = stripslashes($int_res[$product_id]['fulldescr']); cw_unset($int_res, $product_id); } if ($products_array['descr'] == strip_tags($products_array['descr'])) { $products_array['descr'] = str_replace("\n", "<br />", $products_array['descr']); } if ($products_array['fulldescr'] == strip_tags($products_array['fulldescr'])) { $products_array['fulldescr'] = str_replace("\n", "<br />", $products_array['fulldescr']); } // Order hash defines how all products in cart will be split by orders // Listen for the event and return own part of hash $order_hash = cw_event('on_build_order_hash', array($products_array), array()); $order_hash[] = 'W' . $products_array['warehouse_customer_id']; $products_array['order_hash'] = join('-', $order_hash); $products[] = $products_array; $hash[$hash_key] += $amount; } } //cw_var_dump($products); return $products; }
} else { $options = $cart['products'][$cartindex]['options']; } if (!empty($options)) { foreach ($options as $k => $v) { $options[$k] = stripslashes($v); } } cw_load('product', 'warehouse', 'cart'); $product_info = cw_func_call('cw_product_get', array('id' => $product_id, 'user_account' => $user_account)); $smarty->assign('product', $product_info); //include $app_main_dir.'/addons/product_options/customer/product.php'; cw_include('addons/product_options/customer/product.php'); if ($REQUEST_METHOD == "POST" && $action == "update") { $poptions = $_POST['product_options']; if (!cw_check_product_options($product_id, $poptions)) { cw_header_location("index.php?target=popup_poptions&target={$target}&id={$id}&err=exception"); } if ($mode == 'wishlist') { db_query("UPDATE {$tables['wishlist']} SET options = '" . addslashes(serialize($poptions)) . "' WHERE wishlist_id = '{$id}' AND event_id = '{$eventid}'"); } else { $variant_id = cw_get_variant_id($product_options, $product_id); $amount = cw_warehouse_get_warehouse_avail($cart['products'][$cartindex]['warehouse'], $product_id, null, $variant_id); // $amount = cw_get_options_amount($poptions, $cart['products'][$cartindex]['product_id']); if ($amount >= $cart['products'][$cartindex]['amount']) { $cart['products'][$cartindex]['options'] = $poptions; cw_unset($cart['products'][$cartindex], 'variant_id'); } else { cw_header_location("index.php?target=popup_poptions&target={$target}&id={$id}&err=avail"); } # Recalculate cart totals after updating
function cw_gift_add2wishlist($product_id, $amount, $product_options = null) { global $addons, $tables; global $user_account, $customer_id; if (is_array($amount)) { $amount = array_sum($amount); } $_options = array(); if ($addons['product_options']) { if (is_array($product_options) && cw_check_product_options($product_id, $product_options)) { $product_options = cw_array_map('stripslashes', $product_options); } else { $product_options = cw_get_default_options($product_id, $amount, $user_account['membership_id']); } if (!is_array($product_options)) { unset($product_options); } else { $_options = addslashes(serialize($product_options)); } } $added_product = cw_func_call('cw_product_get', array('id' => $product_id, 'user_account' => $user_account, 'info_type' => 3)); $oamount = 0; $wlid = FALSE; $object = ''; // Save to session for not loggin in customers if (empty($customer_id)) { $customer_wishlist =& cw_session_register('customer_wishlist'); if ((empty($added_product['distribution']) || !$addons['egoods']) && !empty($customer_wishlist)) { $wlid = cw_gift_get_session_wishlist_id($product_id, $_options); if ($wlid !== FALSE) { $oamount = $customer_wishlist[$wlid]['amount']; } } if ($wlid !== FALSE) { $customer_wishlist[$wlid]['amount'] = $amount + $oamount; } else { $customer_wishlist[] = array('product_id' => $product_id, 'amount' => $amount, 'amount_purchased' => 0, 'options' => $_options, 'object' => $object, 'event_id' => 0); $index = count($customer_wishlist) - 1; $customer_wishlist[$index]['wishlist_id'] = $index; } } else { if (empty($added_product['distribution']) || !$addons['egoods']) { $oamount = cw_query_first_cell("SELECT amount FROM {$tables['wishlist']} WHERE customer_id='{$customer_id}' AND product_id='{$product_id}' AND options='{$_options}' AND event_id='0'"); } $wlid = cw_query_first_cell("SELECT wishlist_id FROM {$tables['wishlist']} WHERE customer_id='{$customer_id}' AND product_id='{$product_id}' AND options='{$_options}' AND event_id='0'"); if (!empty($wlid)) { cw_array2update('wishlist', array('amount' => $amount + $oamount), "wishlist_id='{$wlid}'"); } else { cw_array2insert('wishlist', array('customer_id' => $customer_id, 'product_id' => $product_id, 'amount' => $amount, 'options' => $_options, 'object' => $object)); } } }
function cw_add_to_cart(&$cart, $product_data) { global $user_account; global $addons, $config, $top_message, $app_main_dir, $HTTP_REFERER, $app_catalogs, $tables; global $from, $current_area; $return = array(); # Extracts to: $product_id, $amount, $product_options, $price, $warehouse_customer_id extract($product_data); $warehouse = $product_data['warehouse_customer_id']; cw_load('warehouse'); $added_product = cw_func_call('cw_product_get', array('id' => $product_id, 'user_account' => $user_account, 'info_type' => 3)); if ($added_product['product_type'] == 10) { $warehouse = $added_product['warehouse_customer_id']; } if (!$warehouse) { $possible_warehouse = cw_warehouse_get_max_amount_warehouse($product_id); } if (!empty($addons['egoods']) && !empty($added_product['distribution'])) { $amount = 1; } else { $amount = abs(intval($amount)); } if ($amount == 0) { $amount = 1; } # kornev, TOFIX if ($addons['product_options']) { # # Prepare the product options for added products # if (!empty($product_options)) { # Check the received options if (!cw_check_product_options($product_id, $product_options)) { $return['redirect_to'] = "product.php?product_id={$product_id}&err=options"; return $return; } } else { # Get default options $product_options = cw_get_default_options($product_id, $amount, @$user_account['membership_id']); if ($product_options === false) { $return['redirect_to'] = 'index.php?target=error_message&error=access_denied&id=30'; return $return; } elseif ($product_options === true) { $product_options = ""; unset($product_options); } } # Get the variant_id of options $variant_id = cw_get_variant_id($product_options, $product_id); if (!empty($variant_id)) { $possible_warehouse = cw_warehouse_get_max_amount_warehouse($product_id, $variant_id); if (empty($warehouse)) { $warehouse = $possible_warehouse; } # Get the variant amount $added_product['avail'] = cw_warehouse_get_warehouse_avail($warehouse, $product_id, null, $variant_id); //cw_get_options_amount($product_options, $product_id); if (!empty($cart['products'])) { foreach ($cart['products'] as $k => $v) { if ($v['product_id'] == $product_id && $variant_id == $v['variant_id']) { $added_product['avail'] -= $v['amount']; } } } } else { if (empty($warehouse)) { $warehouse = $possible_warehouse; } $added_product['avail'] = cw_warehouse_get_warehouse_avail($warehouse, $product_id); } } /* kornev, the amount is checked by another function - during the calculation if ($config['General']['unlimited_products'] == "N" && $added_product['product_type'] != 10) { # # Add to cart amount of items that is not much than in stock # if ($amount > $added_product['avail']) $amount = $added_product['avail']; } */ if ($from == 'salesman' && empty($amount)) { $return['redirect_to'] = $app_catalogs['customer'] . "/product.php?product_id=" . $product_id; return $return; } if ($product_id && $amount) { if ($amount < $added_product['min_amount']) { $return['redirect_to'] = "index.php?target=error_message&error=access_denied&id=31"; return $return; } $found = false; $_product = cw_array_merge($product_data, $added_product, array('options' => $product_options, 'free_price' => $price)); // Product hash defines how to differ/join products in cart // Listen for the event and return own part of hash. See also default handler. $product_hash = cw_event('on_build_cart_product_hash', array($_product), array()); $product_data['product_hash'] = $_product['product_hash'] = join('-', $product_hash); if (!empty($cart) && @$cart['products']) { foreach ($cart['products'] as $k => $v) { $product_hash = join('-', cw_event('on_build_cart_product_hash', array($v), array())); if ($product_hash == $_product['product_hash']) { if (doubleval($v['free_price']) != $price) { continue; } $found = true; if ($cart['products'][$k]['amount'] >= 1 && (!empty($added_product['distribution']) || !empty($subscribed_product))) { $cart['products'][$k]['amount'] = 1; $amount = 0; } $cart['products'][$k]['amount'] += $amount; $return['added_amount'] += $amount; $return['productindex'] = $k; $return['cartid'] = $v['cartid']; $return['merged'] = true; break; } } } if (!$found) { # # Add product to the cart # if (!empty($price)) { # price value is defined by customer if admin set it to '0.00' $free_price = abs(doubleval($price)); } $cartid = cw_generate_cartid($cart['products']); if (empty($cart['products'])) { $add_to_cart_time = time(); } $_product = array("cartid" => $cartid, "product_id" => $product_id, "amount" => $amount, "options" => $product_options, "free_price" => @price_format(@$free_price), "salesman_doc_id" => $salesman_doc_id, "distribution" => $added_product['distribution'], "variant_id" => $variant_id, "warehouse_customer_id" => $warehouse); // Add all custom fields from added products foreach ($product_data as $k => $v) { if (!isset($_product[$k])) { $_product[$k] = $v; } } $cart['products'][] = $_product; // count add to cart cw_call('cw_product_run_counter', array('product_id' => $product_id, 'count' => 1, 'type' => 3)); $return['added_amount'] = $amount; $_ak = array_keys($cart['products']); $return['productindex'] = end($_ak); $return['cartid'] = $cartid; $return['merged'] = false; } } return $return; }
if ($is_old) { $count_product_in_stock += $v['amount']; } # kornev # pos orders && supplier orders are unlimited if ($v['amount'] > 0) { $aom_orders[$doc_id]['products'][$index]['amount'] = $config['unlimited_products'] ? $v['amount'] : min($v['amount'], $count_product_in_stock); } $v['price'] = cw_aom_validate_price($v['price']); if ($config['Taxes']['display_taxed_order_totals'] == 'Y') { $v['price'] = cw_taxes_price_without_tax($v['price'], $aom_orders[$doc_id]['products'][$index]['taxes']); } $product_options_result = array(); # kornev, TOFIX if ($v['product_options'] && $addons['product_options']) { if (!cw_check_product_options($product_id, $v['product_options'])) { $v['product_options'] = cw_get_default_options($product_id, $v['amount'], $aom_orders[$doc_id]['userinfo']['membership_id']); } list($variant, $product_options_result) = cw_get_product_options_data($product_id, $v['product_options'], $aom_orders[$doc_id]['userinfo']['membership_id']); $aom_orders[$doc_id]['products'][$index]['options_surcharge'] = 0; if ($product_options_result) { foreach ($product_options_result as $key => $o) { $aom_orders[$doc_id]['products'][$index]['options_surcharge'] += $o['modifier_type'] == '%' ? $v['price'] * $o['price_modifier'] / 100 : $o['price_modifier']; } } } $is_copy_price = false; if (in_array($aom_orders[$doc_id]['type'], array('P', 'Q', 'R')) && !$aom_orders[$doc_id]['products'][$index]['is_net_price']) { $is_copy_price = true; } if ($current_area == 'G' && !$accl['100001']) {
function cw_get_default_variant_id($product_id) { global $tables, $config; # Get classes (variant type) $classes = cw_query_hash("SELECT {$tables['product_options']}.product_option_id FROM {$tables['product_options']}, {$tables['product_options_values']}, {$tables['product_variant_items']} WHERE {$tables['product_options']}.product_option_id = {$tables['product_options_values']}.product_option_id AND {$tables['product_options_values']}.avail = 1 AND {$tables['product_options']}.avail = 1 AND {$tables['product_options']}.product_id = '{$product_id}' AND {$tables['product_options']}.type = '' AND {$tables['product_variant_items']}.option_id = {$tables['product_options_values']}.option_id GROUP BY {$tables['product_options']}.product_option_id", "product_option_id"); if (empty($classes)) { return false; } $avail_where = ""; if ($config['General']['disable_outofstock_products'] == 'Y') { $avail_where = "AND pa.avail > 0"; } # Detect default variant $def_variant_id = cw_query_first_cell("SELECT pv.variant_id FROM {$tables['product_variants']} as pv, {$tables['products_warehouses_amount']} as pa WHERE pa.variant_id=pv.variant_id and pv.product_id = '{$product_id}' AND def = 'Y' " . $avail_where); if (!empty($def_variant_id)) { $_product_options = cw_query_hash("SELECT {$tables['product_options_values']}.product_option_id, {$tables['product_options_values']}.option_id FROM {$tables['product_options_values']}, {$tables['product_variant_items']} WHERE {$tables['product_variant_items']}.variant_id = '{$def_variant_id}' AND {$tables['product_variant_items']}.option_id = {$tables['product_options_values']}.option_id", "product_option_id", false, true); if (count($_product_options) != count($classes)) { return false; } # Check exceptions $exceptions = cw_query_hash("SELECT exception_id, COUNT(option_id) FROM {$tables['products_options_ex']} WHERE option_id IN ('" . implode("','", $_product_options) . "') GROUP BY exception_id", "exception_id", false, true); if (!empty($exceptions)) { # Get exceptions counters $exception_counters = cw_query_hash("SELECT exception_id, COUNT(option_id) FROM {$tables['products_options_ex']} WHERE exception_id IN ('" . implode("','", array_keys($exceptions)) . "') GROUP BY exception_id", "exception_id", false, true); foreach ($exceptions as $eid => $cnt) { if ($exception_counters[$eid] == $cnt) { $_product_options = array(); break; } } if (!empty($_product_options)) { # When the set of exceptions defined for a product covers not only the # combination of options that make the product's default variant, but # also a whole group of non-variant options which can be used in # combination with them, this check-up ensures that a different # (non-exceptional) combination of variant options is selected as the # products's default one. $exceptions = cw_query_hash("SELECT {$tables['product_options_values']}.product_option_id, COUNT({$tables['products_options_ex']}.exception_id) FROM {$tables['products_options_ex']}, {$tables['product_options_values']} WHERE {$tables['products_options_ex']}.option_id = {$tables['product_options_values']}.option_id AND {$tables['products_options_ex']}.exception_id IN ('" . implode("','", array_keys($exceptions)) . "') AND {$tables['products_options_ex']}.option_id NOT IN ('" . implode("','", $_product_options) . "') GROUP BY {$tables['product_options_values']}.product_option_id", "product_option_id", false, true); if (!empty($exceptions)) { $class_counters = cw_query_hash("SELECT {$tables['product_options_values']}.product_option_id, COUNT({$tables['product_options_values']}.option_id) FROM {$tables['product_options']}, {$tables['product_options_values']} WHERE {$tables['product_options_values']}.product_option_id IN ('" . implode("','", array_keys($exceptions)) . "') AND {$tables['product_options_values']}.avail = 1 AND {$tables['product_options']}.product_option_id = {$tables['product_options_values']}.product_option_id AND {$tables['product_options']}.avail = 1 GROUP BY {$tables['product_options_values']}.product_option_id", "product_option_id", false, true); foreach ($exceptions as $cid => $cnt) { if (isset($class_counters[$cid]) && $class_counters[$cid] == $cnt) { $_product_options = array(); break; } } } } unset($exceptions, $exception_counters); } if (!empty($_product_options)) { return $def_variant_id; } } # Get class options $options = cw_query_hash("SELECT product_option_id, option_id FROM {$tables['product_options_values']} WHERE product_option_id IN ('" . implode("','", array_keys($classes)) . "') AND avail = 1 ORDER BY orderby", "product_option_id", true, true); $_flag = false; foreach ($classes as $k => $class) { $classes[$k]['cnt'] = $_flag ? 0 : -1; $_flag = true; if (isset($options[$k])) { $classes[$k]['options'] = array_values($options[$k]); } else { unset($classes[$k]); } } unset($options); if (empty($classes)) { return false; } # Scan & check classes options array $variant_id = false; $first_variant_id = false; do { $product_options = array(); $is_add = true; # Build full 'product_option_id->option_id' hash foreach ($classes as $k => $class) { if ($is_add) { if (count($class['options']) - 1 <= $class['cnt']) { $class['cnt'] = 0; } else { $is_add = false; $class['cnt']++; } } $product_options[$k] = $class['options'][$class['cnt']]; $classes[$k]['cnt'] = $class['cnt']; } # Check current product options array if (cw_check_product_options($product_id, $product_options)) { $variant_id = cw_get_variant_id($product_options, $product_id); # Save first valid variant id if (!$first_variant_id) { $first_variant_id = $variant_id; } # Check variant quantity in stock if ($config['General']['disable_outofstock_products'] != 'Y' || cw_query_first_cell("SELECT avail FROM {$tables['products_warehouses_amount']} WHERE variant_id = '{$variant_id}'") > 0) { break; } $variant_id = false; } } while (!$is_add); # Get first valid variant if all valid variants is out-of-stock if ($variant_id === false && !empty($first_variant_id)) { $variant_id = $first_variant_id; } return $variant_id; }
} if (!empty($product_options) && !empty($products_options_ex)) { $options = array(); foreach ($product_options as $c) { if ($c['avail'] != 'Y') { continue; } if ($c['type'] == 'T') { $options[$c['product_option_id']] = ''; } elseif (!empty($c['options'])) { foreach ($c['options'] as $oid => $o) { if ($o['avail'] == 'Y') { $options[$c['product_option_id']] = $oid; break; } } } } if (!empty($options) && !cw_check_product_options($product_id, $options)) { $smarty->assign('def_options_failure', true); } } $smarty->assign('product_options', $product_options); $smarty->assign('products_options_ex', $products_options_ex); $smarty->assign('product_options_js', $product_options_js); if ($product_option && empty($product_option['options'])) { cw_unset($product_option, 'options'); } $smarty->assign('product_option', $product_option); $smarty->assign('product_option_lng', $product_option_lng); $smarty->assign('submode', $submode);