Example #1
function public_news()
    global $c, $s, $config;
    $news = array();
    $res = $c->Execute("SELECT * FROM news n, news_" . $_SESSION["language"] . " nl WHERE n.id_news=nl.id_news AND n.status='a' order by date DESC");
    $i = 0;
    while (!$res->EOF and $i < $config["news_count"]) {
        $row = $res->GetRowAssoc(false);
        $news[$i]["id_news"] = $row["id_news"];
        $news[$i]["date"] = date("j F Y", strtotime($row["date"] . " + 1 sec"));
        $news[$i]["title"] = html_entity_decode($row["title"]);
        $news[$i]["content"] = cut_text(stripslashes($row["content"]), $config["news_length"]);
        $news[$i]["content"] = str_replace('{$config.company}', $config["company"], $news[$i]["content"]);
    $s->assign("news", $news);
function insert_fb_in_head()
    global $post;
    if (!is_singular()) {
        //if it is not a post or a page
        echo '<meta property="fb:admins" content="690907201"/>';
        echo '<meta property="og:title" content="' . get_bloginfo('name') . '"/>';
        echo '<meta property="og:type" content="website"/>';
        echo '<meta property="og:locale" content="fr_FR"/>';
        echo '<meta property="og:url" content="' . get_bloginfo('url') . '"/>';
        echo '<meta property="og:site_name" content="' . get_bloginfo('name') . ' : ' . get_bloginfo('description') . '"/>';
        echo "<meta property=\"og:description\" content=\"" . get_bloginfo('description') . "\"/>";
        echo '<meta property="og:image" content="' . get_bloginfo('stylesheet_directory') . '/images/avatar_fb.jpg" />';
    } else {
        echo '<meta property="fb:admins" content="690907201"/>';
        echo '<meta property="og:title" content="' . get_bloginfo('name') . " - " . get_the_title() . '"/>';
        echo '<meta property="og:type" content="article"/>';
        echo '<meta property="og:locale" content="fr_FR"/>';
        echo '<meta property="og:url" content="' . get_permalink() . '"/>';
        echo '<meta property="og:site_name" content="' . get_bloginfo('name') . ' : ' . get_bloginfo('description') . '"/>';
    $content = $post->post_content;
    $content = apply_filters('the_content', $content);
    $content = str_replace(']]>', ']]&gt;', $content);
    $meta = strip_tags($content);
    $meta = str_replace(array("\n", "\r", "\t"), ' ', $meta);
    $meta = cut_text($meta);
    echo "<meta property=\"og:description\" content=\"" . $meta . "\"/>";
    $custom_fields = get_post_custom($post->ID);
    $elts = explode("\r\n", $custom_fields['illustration'][0]);
    if ("" . $elts[0] != "") {
        //the post does not have featured image, use a default image
        $img = catch_that_image();
    } else {
        $img = $elts[0];
    echo '<meta property="og:image" content="' . $img . '"/>';
Example #3
if (get('download') && $system->checkForRight('GENERAL')) {
    $file = base64_decode(get('download'));
function rcms_loadAdminLib($lib)
    require_once ADMIN_PATH . 'libs/' . $lib . '.php';
// preparations...
if (post('admin_selected_skin')) {
    setcookie('admin_skin', $_POST['admin_selected_skin'], FOREVER_COOKIE);
$admin_skin = cookie('admin_skin', 'default');
$admin_skin = cut_text(preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z]+/", '', $admin_skin));
//only letters
define('ADMIN_SKIN', ADMIN_PATH . 'skins/' . $admin_skin . '/');
$rights =& $system->rights;
$root =& $system->root;
if (!LOGGED_IN) {
    $message = __('Access denied');
    $message .= '<br />
<form method="post" action="">
<input type="hidden" name="login_form" value="1" />
<table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1" style="width: 100%;">
    <td class="row1">' . __('Username') . ':</td>
    <td class="row1" style="width: 100%;"><input type="text" name="username" style="text-align: left; width: 95%;" /></td>
Example #4
function rcms_parse_dynamik_menu($format)
    global $system;
    function convertArray($ar)
        $var = '{ ';
        foreach ($ar as $key => $val) {
            $var .= '"' . $key . '" : ';
            if (is_array($val)) {
                $var .= convertArray($val) . ', ';
            } else {
                $var .= '"' . $val . '", ';
        if ($var[strlen($var) - 2] == ',') {
            $var[strlen($var) - 2] = ' ';
        return $var . '} ';
    $pic_right = '&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>�</b> ';
    //Commented becouse f*****g IE, Microsoft, Gates and his mother...
    //$pic_right = '&nbsp;<img src = \''.SKIN_PATH.'arrow_right.gif\'>';
    //$pic_down = '<img src = \''.SKIN_PATH.'arrow_down.gif\'>';
    $pic_down = '';
    $navigation = parse_ini_file(CONFIG_PATH . 'navigation.ini', true);
    $dyna = parse_ini_file(CONFIG_PATH . 'dynamik.ini', true);
    $result = array();
    foreach ($navigation as $link) {
        if (substr($link['url'], 0, 9) == 'external:') {
            $target = '_blank';
            $link['url'] = substr($link['url'], 9);
        } else {
            $target = '';
        $tdata = explode(':', $link['url'], 2);
        if (count($tdata) == 2) {
            list($modifier, $value) = $tdata;
        } else {
            $modifier = $tdata[0];
        if (!empty($value) && !empty($system->navmodifiers[$modifier])) {
            if ($clink = call_user_func($system->navmodifiers[$modifier]['m'], $value)) {
                $result[] = array($clink[0], empty($link['name']) ? $clink[1] : __($link['name']), $target);
        } else {
            $result[] = array($link['url'], __($link['name']));
    $menu = ' <script type="text/javascript" src="modules/jsc/navigation.js"></script> <div class="dhtml_menu"> <div class="horz_menu"> ';
    foreach ($result as $item) {
        if (empty($item[2])) {
            $item[2] = '_top';
        if (empty($item[4])) {
            $item[4] = '';
        // Begin of Icons support by Migel
        //$arr = array();
        if ($item[0] == '?module=articles') {
            if (!isset($dyna['use_art'])) {
                $articles = new articles();
                $containers = $articles->getContainers();
                $count = 0;
                if (is_array($containers)) {
                    $item[1] .= '&nbsp;' . $pic_down;
                    $containers = array_reverse($containers);
                    foreach ($containers as $conkey => $conval) {
                        if ($count != $dyna['max']) {
                            $arr['ddm_article']['&nbsp;&nbsp; ' . cut_text($conval) . '&nbsp;&nbsp; '] = '?module=articles&c=' . $conkey;
                            if (!isset($dyna['min'])) {
                                $art = $articles->getCategories();
                                $count2 = 0;
                                if (is_array($art)) {
                                    unset($arr['ddm_article']['&nbsp;&nbsp; ' . cut_text($conval) . '&nbsp;&nbsp; ']);
                                    $arr['ddm_article'][$pic_right . '&nbsp;&nbsp; ' . cut_text($conval) . '&nbsp;&nbsp; '] = array('-' => '?module=articles&c=' . $conkey);
                                    $art = array_reverse($art);
                                    foreach ($art as $artkey => $artval) {
                                        if ($count2 != $dyna['max']) {
                                            $arr['ddm_article'][$pic_right . '&nbsp;&nbsp; ' . cut_text($conval) . '&nbsp;&nbsp; ']['&nbsp;&nbsp; ' . cut_text($artval['title']) . '&nbsp;&nbsp;'] = '?module=articles&c=' . $conkey . '&b=' . $artval['id'];
                                            $art2 = $articles->getArticles($artval['id']);
                                            $count3 = 0;
                                            if (count($art2) > 0) {
                                                unset($arr['ddm_article'][$pic_right . '&nbsp;&nbsp; ' . cut_text($conval) . '&nbsp;&nbsp; ']['&nbsp;&nbsp; ' . cut_text($artval['title']) . '&nbsp;&nbsp;']);
                                                $arr['ddm_article'][$pic_right . '&nbsp;&nbsp; ' . cut_text($conval) . '&nbsp;&nbsp; '][$pic_right . '&nbsp;&nbsp; ' . cut_text($artval['title']) . '&nbsp;&nbsp;'] = array('-' => '?module=articles&c=' . $conkey . '&b=' . $artval['id']);
                                                $art2 = array_reverse($art2);
                                                foreach ($art2 as $art2key => $art2val) {
                                                    if ($count3 != $dyna['max']) {
                                                        $arr['ddm_article'][$pic_right . '&nbsp;&nbsp; ' . cut_text($conval) . '&nbsp;&nbsp; '][$pic_right . '&nbsp;&nbsp; ' . cut_text($artval['title']) . '&nbsp;&nbsp;']['&nbsp;&nbsp;' . cut_text($art2val['title']) . '&nbsp;&nbsp;'] = '?module=articles&c=' . $conkey . '&b=' . $artval['id'] . '&a=' . $art2val['id'];
                $item[4] = 'ddm_article';
            $item[3] = 'articles.png';
        } elseif ($item[0] == '?module=gallery') {
            if (!isset($dyna['use_gal'])) {
                $gallery = new gallery();
                $kw = $gallery->getAvaiableValues('keywords');
                $count = 0;
                if (is_array($kw)) {
                    $kw = array_reverse($kw);
                    if (!isset($dyna['min'])) {
                        foreach ($kw as $key => $val) {
                            if ($count != $dyna['max']) {
                                $arr['ddm_gallery'][$pic_right . '&nbsp;&nbsp;' . __('By keywords') . '&nbsp;&nbsp;'][$pic_right . '&nbsp;&nbsp;' . cut_text($val) . '&nbsp;&nbsp;'] = array('-' => '?module=gallery&keyword=' . $val);
                                $kw2 = $gallery->getLimitedImagesList('keywords', $val);
                                $kw2 = array_reverse($kw2);
                                $count2 = 0;
                                foreach ($kw2 as $key2 => $val2) {
                                    if ($count2 != $dyna['max']) {
                                        $arr['ddm_gallery'][$pic_right . '&nbsp;&nbsp;' . __('By keywords') . '&nbsp;&nbsp;'][$pic_right . '&nbsp;&nbsp;' . cut_text($val) . '&nbsp;&nbsp;']['&nbsp;&nbsp;' . cut_text($val2) . '&nbsp;&nbsp;'] = '?module=gallery&id=' . $val2;
                $kw = $gallery->getAvaiableValues('size');
                $count = 0;
                if (is_array($kw)) {
                    $kw = array_reverse($kw);
                    $item[1] .= '&nbsp;' . $pic_down;
                    if (!isset($dyna['min'])) {
                        foreach ($kw as $key => $val) {
                            if ($count != $dyna['max']) {
                                $arr['ddm_gallery'][$pic_right . '&nbsp;&nbsp;' . __('By size') . '&nbsp;&nbsp;'][$pic_right . '&nbsp;&nbsp;' . cut_text($val) . '&nbsp;&nbsp;'] = array('-' => '?module=gallery&size=' . $val);
                                $kw2 = $gallery->getLimitedImagesList('size', $val);
                                $kw2 = array_reverse($kw2);
                                $count2 = 0;
                                foreach ($kw2 as $key2 => $val2) {
                                    if ($count2 != $dyna['max']) {
                                        $arr['ddm_gallery'][$pic_right . '&nbsp;&nbsp;' . __('By size') . '&nbsp;&nbsp;'][$pic_right . '&nbsp;&nbsp;' . cut_text($val) . '&nbsp;&nbsp;']['&nbsp;&nbsp;' . cut_text($val2) . '&nbsp;&nbsp;'] = '?module=gallery&id=' . $val2;
                $kw = $gallery->getAvaiableValues('type');
                $count = 0;
                if (is_array($kw)) {
                    $kw = array_reverse($kw);
                    if (!isset($dyna['min'])) {
                        foreach ($kw as $key => $val) {
                            if ($count != $dyna['max']) {
                                $arr['ddm_gallery'][$pic_right . '&nbsp;&nbsp;' . __('By type') . '&nbsp;&nbsp;'][$pic_right . '&nbsp;&nbsp;' . cut_text($val) . '&nbsp;&nbsp;'] = array('-' => '?module=gallery&type=' . $val);
                                $kw2 = $gallery->getLimitedImagesList('type', $val);
                                $kw2 = array_reverse($kw2);
                                $count2 = 0;
                                foreach ($kw2 as $key2 => $val2) {
                                    if ($count2 != $dyna['max']) {
                                        $arr['ddm_gallery'][$pic_right . '&nbsp;&nbsp;' . __('By type') . '&nbsp;&nbsp;'][$pic_right . '&nbsp;&nbsp;' . cut_text($val) . '&nbsp;&nbsp;']['&nbsp;&nbsp;' . cut_text($val2) . '&nbsp;&nbsp;'] = '?module=gallery&id=' . $val2;
                $kw = $gallery->getFullImagesList();
                $count = 0;
                if (count($kw) > 0) {
                    $kw = array_reverse($kw);
                    foreach ($kw as $key => $val) {
                        if ($count != $dyna['max']) {
                            $arr['ddm_gallery']['&nbsp;&nbsp;' . cut_text($val) . '&nbsp;&nbsp;'] = '?module=gallery&id=' . $val;
                $item[4] = 'ddm_gallery';
            $item[3] = 'gallery.png';
        } elseif ($item[0] == '?module=user.list') {
            if (!isset($dyna['use_mem'])) {
                $userlist = $system->getUserList('*', 'nickname');
                $count = 0;
                if (count($userlist) > 0) {
                    $item[1] .= '&nbsp;' . $pic_down;
                    $userlist = array_reverse($userlist);
                    foreach ($userlist as $conkey => $conval) {
                        if ($count != $dyna['max']) {
                            $arr['ddm_users']['&nbsp;&nbsp;' . cut_text($conval['nickname']) . '&nbsp;&nbsp;'] = '?module=user.list&user='******'username'];
                $item[4] = 'ddm_users';
            $item[3] = 'userlist.png';
        } elseif ($item[0] == '?module=filesdb') {
            if (!isset($dyna['use_fdb'])) {
                $filesdb = new linksdb(DOWNLOADS_DATAFILE);
                $count = 0;
                if (!empty($filesdb->data)) {
                    $item[1] .= '&nbsp;' . $pic_down;
                    $fdb = array_reverse($filesdb->data);
                    foreach ($fdb as $conkey => $conval) {
                        if ($count != $dyna['max']) {
                            $arr['ddm_filesdb']['&nbsp;&nbsp;' . cut_text($conval['name']) . '&nbsp;&nbsp;'] = '?module=filesdb&id=' . (sizeof($fdb) - ($count - 1));
                            if (count($conval['files']) > 0) {
                                if (!isset($dyna['min'])) {
                                    unset($arr['ddm_filesdb']['&nbsp;&nbsp;' . cut_text($conval['name']) . '&nbsp;&nbsp;']);
                                    $arr['ddm_filesdb'][$pic_right . '&nbsp;&nbsp;' . cut_text($conval['name']) . '&nbsp;&nbsp;'] = array('-' => '?module=filesdb&id=' . (sizeof($fdb) - ($count - 1)));
                                    $count2 = 0;
                                    $conval['files'] = array_reverse($conval['files']);
                                    foreach ($conval['files'] as $artkey => $artval) {
                                        if ($count2 != $dyna['max']) {
                                            $arr['ddm_filesdb'][$pic_right . '&nbsp;&nbsp;' . cut_text($conval['name']) . '&nbsp;&nbsp;']['&nbsp;&nbsp;' . cut_text($artval['name']) . '&nbsp;&nbsp;'] = '?module=filesdb&id=' . (sizeof($fdb) - ($count - 1)) . '&fid=' . (sizeof($conval['files']) - ($count2 - 1));
                $item[4] = 'ddm_filesdb';
            $item[3] = 'files.png';
        } elseif ($item[0] == '?module=forum') {
            if (!isset($dyna['use_for'])) {
                $topics = @unserialize(@file_get_contents(FORUM_PATH . 'topic_index.dat'));
                $count = 0;
                if (count($topics) > 0) {
                    $item[1] .= '&nbsp;' . $pic_down;
                    if (is_array($topics)) {
                        $topics = array_reverse($topics);
                        foreach ($topics as $conkey => $conval) {
                            if ($count != $dyna['max']) {
                                $arr['ddm_forum']['&nbsp;&nbsp;' . cut_text($conval['title']) . '&nbsp;&nbsp;'] = '?module=forum&id=' . (sizeof($topics) - $count) . '&action=topic';
                $item[4] = 'ddm_forum';
            $item[3] = 'forum.png';
        } elseif ($item[1] == 'CUSTOM1') {
            $item[1] = __(file_get_contents(CONFIG_PATH . 'custom_menu_title_1.txt')) . '&nbsp;' . $pic_down;
            $arr['ddm_custom1'] = arr2ddm(unserialize(file_get_contents(CONFIG_PATH . 'custom_menu_1.dat')));
            $item[4] = 'ddm_custom1';
            $item[3] = 'custom1.png';
        } elseif ($item[1] == 'CUSTOM2') {
            $item[1] = __(file_get_contents(CONFIG_PATH . 'custom_menu_title_2.txt')) . '&nbsp;' . $pic_down;
            $arr['ddm_custom2'] = arr2ddm(unserialize(file_get_contents(CONFIG_PATH . 'custom_menu_2.dat')));
            $item[4] = 'ddm_custom2';
            $item[3] = 'custom2.png';
        } elseif ($item[1] == 'CUSTOM3') {
            $item[1] = __(file_get_contents(CONFIG_PATH . 'custom_menu_title_3.txt')) . '&nbsp;' . $pic_down;
            $arr['ddm_custom3'] = arr2ddm(unserialize(file_get_contents(CONFIG_PATH . 'custom_menu_3.dat')));
            $item[4] = 'ddm_custom3';
            $item[3] = 'custom3.png';
        } else {
            $item[3] = 'default.png';
        if (isset($dyna['ico'])) {
            $item[3] = '<img src="skins/icons/' . $item[3] . '">';
        } else {
            $item[3] = '';
        $menu .= str_replace('{link}', $item[0], str_replace('{title}', $item[1], str_replace('{target}', @$item[2], str_replace('{icon}', $item[3], str_replace('{id}', $item[4], $format)))));
        // End of Icons support by Migel
    $menu .= ' <br clear="both" /> </div>';
    $result = $menu . ' <script type="text/javascript"> dhtmlmenu_build(' . convertArray($arr, 'arr') . ');</script></div>';
    return $result;
Example #5
function tee_file($result, $dirri, $tiedostonnimi, $ftpkuvahost, $ftpkuvauser, $ftpkuvapass)
    //lähetetään tiedosto
    $conn_id = ftp_connect($ftpkuvahost);
    // jos connectio ok, kokeillaan loginata
    if ($conn_id) {
        $login_result = ftp_login($conn_id, $ftpkuvauser, $ftpkuvapass);
        if ($login_result === FALSE) {
            $syy .= "Could not login to remote host ({$conn_id}, {$ftpkuvauser}, {$ftpkuvapass})\n";
    } else {
        $syy .= "Could not connect to remote host. ({$ftpkuvahost})\n";
    // jos login ok kokeillaan uploadata
    if ($login_result) {
        ftp_pasv($conn_id, true);
        $kokonimi = $dirri . "/" . $tiedostonnimi;
        if (!file_exists($kokonimi)) {
            $handle = fopen("{$kokonimi}", "x");
            if ($handle === FALSE) {
                $syy .= "Tiedoston {$kokonimi} luonti epäonnistui!\n";
            } else {
                $fields = mysql_num_fields($result);
                $ulos = "";
                for ($i = 0; $i < $fields; $i++) {
                    $ulos .= mysql_field_name($result, $i);
                    if ($i == $fields - 1) {
                        $ulos .= "\n";
                    } else {
                        $ulos .= "\t";
                $order = array("\r\n", "\n", "\r");
                while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
                    for ($i = 0; $i < $fields; $i++) {
                        if (strpos($row[$i], '"') !== FALSE) {
                            $row[$i] = str_replace('"', "", $row[$i]);
                        if (strpos($temp = mysql_field_name($result, $i), "lyhytkuvaus") !== FALSE) {
                            $row[$i] = cut_text($row[$i], 100);
                                    if (strpos(($temp = mysql_field_name($result, $i)),"mainosteksti") !== FALSE or strpos(($temp = mysql_field_name($result, $i)),"kuvaus") !== FALSE) {
                                        $from = array("[lihavoitu]", "[/lihavoitu]", "[kursivoitui]", "[/kursivoitu]", "[alleviivaus]", "[/alleviivaus]", "[lista]", "[/lista]");
                                        $to   = array("<b>", "</b>", "<i>", "</i>", "<u>", "</u>", "<ul>", "</li></ul>");
                                        $row[$i] = str_replace($from,$to,$row[$i]);
                                        $ulcount = substr_count($row[$i], "<ul>");
                                        $ulppos = 0;
                                        for ($s=0; $s < $ulcount; $s++) {
                                          $ulpos = strpos($row[$i], "<ul>",$ulpos);
                                          $ilpos = strpos($row[$i], "[*]", $ulpos);
                                          $row[$i] = substr_replace($row[$i],"<li>",$ilpos,3);
                                          $ulpos = $ilpos;
                                        $row[$i] = str_replace("[*]","</li><li>",$row[$i]);
                        $ulos .= str_replace($order, "<br>", $row[$i]);
                        if ($i == $fields - 1) {
                            $ulos .= "\n";
                        } else {
                            $ulos .= "\t";
                fputs($handle, $ulos);
                $upload = ftp_put($conn_id, $tiedostonnimi, realpath($kokonimi), FTP_BINARY);
                //check upload
                if ($upload === FALSE) {
                    $syy .= "Transfer failed ({$conn_id}, {$tiedostonnimi}, " . realpath($kokonimi) . ")\n";
            //poistetaan filu
            system("rm -f '{$kokonimi}'");
    if ($conn_id) {
    return $syy;
   public function display()
       $this->bbcode->SetSmiliePath($this->server_path . 'images/smilies');
       //Get all conversations, sorted by last message date
       $arrConversations = $this->pdh->get("chat_conversations", "id_list");
       $arrMyConversations = array();
       foreach ($arrConversations as $key) {
           $arrUser = $this->pdh->get("chat_conversations", "user", array($key));
           if (in_array($this->user->id, $arrUser)) {
               $arrMyConversations[] = $key;
       $firstKey = false;
       if (count($arrMyConversations)) {
           //Get latest Messages
           $objQuery = $this->db->prepare("SELECT m1.*\n\t\tFROM __chat_messages m1 LEFT JOIN __chat_messages m2\n\t\t ON (m1.conversation_key  = m2.conversation_key  AND m1.id < m2.id)\n\t\tWHERE m2.id IS NULL AND m1.conversation_key :in ORDER BY date DESC")->in($arrMyConversations)->execute();
           if ($objQuery) {
               //Get last visits
               $objLatestVisits = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM __chat_conversation_lastvisit WHERE conversation_key :in AND user_id=?")->in($arrMyConversations)->execute($this->user->id);
               $arrLatestVisits = array();
               if ($objLatestVisits) {
                   while ($row = $objLatestVisits->fetchAssoc()) {
                       $arrLatestVisits[$row['conversation_key']] = (int) $row['date'];
               while ($row = $objQuery->fetchAssoc()) {
                   if ($firstKey === false) {
                       $firstKey = $row['conversation_key'];
                   $arrUser = $this->pdh->get("chat_conversations", "user", array($row['conversation_key']));
                   if (count($arrUser) <= 2) {
                       foreach ($arrUser as $user_id) {
                           if ($this->user->id == $user_id) {
                           $strAvatar = $this->pdh->geth('user', 'avatarimglink', array((int) $user_id));
                   } else {
                       $strAvatar = '<i class="fa fa-group fa-4x"></i>';
                   //Get Unread data
                   $blnUnread = false;
                   if (count($arrUser) <= 2) {
                       if ((int) $row['user_id'] != $this->user->id && (int) $row['reed'] == 0) {
                           $blnUnread = true;
                   } else {
                       if ((int) $row['date'] > $arrLatestVisits[$row['conversation_key']]) {
                           $blnUnread = true;
                   $this->tpl->assign_block_vars("chat_conversation_row", array('TITLE' => $this->pdh->get("chat_conversations", "title", array($row['conversation_key'])), 'KEY' => $row['conversation_key'], 'avatar' => $strAvatar, 'user_id' => (int) $row['user_id'], 'text' => nl2br($this->bbcode->MyEmoticons($row['text'])), 'reed' => (int) $row['user_id'] == $this->user->id ? 1 : (int) $row['reed'], 'date' => $this->time->user_date((int) $row['date'], true), 'timestamp' => (int) $row['date'], 'LAST_BY_ME' => (int) $row['user_id'] == $this->user->id ? true : false, 'S_UNREAD' => $blnUnread, 'U_LINK' => $this->routing->build("chathistory", $this->pdh->get("chat_conversations", "title", array($row['conversation_key'])), $this->pdh->get("chat_conversations", "id", array($row['conversation_key'])))));
       if ($this->url_id != "") {
           $firstKey = $this->pdh->get("chat_conversations", "key", array($this->url_id));
       $rows = 0;
       if ($firstKey !== false) {
           $arrHTML = array();
           $lastElement = false;
           $objQuery = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM __chat_messages WHERE conversation_key=? ORDER BY date DESC")->limit(20)->execute($firstKey);
           if ($objQuery) {
               $rows = $objQuery->numRows;
               $arrUser = $this->pdh->get("chat_conversations", "user", array($firstKey));
               $lastvisit = false;
               if (count($arrUser) > 2) {
                   $lastvisit = $this->pdh->get("chat_conversation_lastvisit", "lastVisit", array($this->user->id, $firstKey));
               while ($row = $objQuery->fetchAssoc()) {
                   if ($lastElement === false) {
                       $lastElement = $row;
                   $reed = $lastvisit === false ? (int) $row['user_id'] != $this->user->id && (int) $row['reed'] == 0 ? false : true : ((int) $row['date'] > $lastvisit ? false : true);
                   $strAvatar = $this->pdh->geth('user', 'avatarimglink', array((int) $row['user_id']));
                   $strUsername = $this->pdh->get('user', 'name', array((int) $row['user_id']));
                   $mine = (int) $row['user_id'] === $this->user->id ? ' mine' : '';
                   $arrHTML[] = '<div class="chatPost' . (!$reed ? ' chatNewPost' : '') . $mine . '" data-post-id="' . (int) $row['id'] . '">
 								<div class="chatAvatar" title="' . $strUsername . '"><a href="' . $this->routing->build('user', $strUsername, 'u' . $row['user_id']) . '">' . $strAvatar . '</a></div>
 								<div class="chatMsgContainer">
 									<div class="chatUsername">' . $strUsername . '</div>
 									<div class="chatTime">' . $this->time->user_date((int) $row['date'], true) . '</div>
 									<div class="chatMessage">' . nl2br($this->bbcode->MyEmoticons($row['text'])) . '</div><div class="clear"></div>
           $arrHTML = array_reverse($arrHTML);
           $this->tpl->assign_vars(array("CHAT_CONTENT" => implode("", $arrHTML), "CHAT_LAST_MESSAGE" => cut_text($lastElement['date'], 50), "CHAT_LASTBYME" => (int) $lastElement['user_id'] == $this->user->id ? 1 : 0));
       $strChatTitle = $this->pdh->get("chat_conversations", "title", array($firstKey));
       $this->tpl->assign_vars(array('CHAT_MORE_POSTS' => $rows == 20 ? 'true' : 'false', 'CHAT_KEY' => $firstKey, 'CHAT_TITLE' => strlen($strChatTitle) ? $strChatTitle : " - ", 'CHAT_COUNT' => count($this->pdh->get("chat_conversations", "user", array($firstKey)))));
       // -- EQDKP ---------------------------------------------------------------
       $this->core->set_vars(array('page_title' => $this->user->lang('chat_conversation'), 'template_path' => $this->pm->get_data('chat', 'template_path'), 'template_file' => 'chathistory.html', 'display' => true));
    public function display()
        //Get Extensions
        $arrExtensionList = $this->repo->getExtensionList();
        $arrExtensionListNamed = array();
        if (is_array($arrExtensionList)) {
            foreach ($arrExtensionList as $catid => $extensions) {
                if (is_array($extensions)) {
                    foreach ($extensions as $id => $ext) {
                        if (!isset($arrExtensionListNamed[$catid])) {
                            $arrExtensionListNamed[$catid] = array();
                        $arrExtensionListNamed[$catid][$ext['plugin']] = $id;
        //Get Updates
        $urgendUpdates = $this->repo->BuildUpdateArray();
        $allUpdates = $this->repo->BuildUpdateArray(false);
        $arrUpdateCount = array(1 => array('red' => 0, 'yellow' => 0), 2 => array('red' => 0, 'yellow' => 0), 3 => array('red' => 0, 'yellow' => 0), 4 => array('red' => 0, 'yellow' => 0), 7 => array('red' => 0, 'yellow' => 0));
        //search for new plugins
        $plugins_array = $this->pm->get_plugins(PLUGIN_ALL);
        //maybe plugins want to auto-install portalmodules
        $plugin_count = count($plugins_array);
        $db_plugins = $this->pdh->get('plugins', 'id_list');
        foreach ($plugins_array as $plugin_code) {
            if ($plugin_code == 'pluskernel') {
            $contact = $this->pm->get_data($plugin_code, 'contact');
            $version = $this->pm->get_data($plugin_code, 'version');
            $description = $this->pm->get_data($plugin_code, 'description');
            $long_description = $this->pm->get_data($plugin_code, 'long_description');
            $manuallink = $this->pm->get_data($plugin_code, 'manuallink');
            $homepagelink = $this->pm->get_data($plugin_code, 'homepage');
            $author = $this->pm->get_data($plugin_code, 'author');
            if ($this->pm->check($plugin_code, PLUGIN_BROKEN)) {
                $this->tpl->assign_block_vars('plugins_row_broken', array('NAME' => $plugin_code, 'CODE' => $plugin_code, 'DELETE' => in_array($plugin_code, $db_plugins) ? true : false, 'DEL_LINK' => 'manage_extensions.php' . $this->SID . '&amp;cat=1&amp;mode=delete&amp;code=' . $plugin_code . '&amp;link_hash=' . $this->CSRFGetToken('mode')));
            $dep['plusv'] = $this->pm->check_dependency($plugin_code, 'plus_version');
            $dep['games'] = $this->pm->check_dependency($plugin_code, 'games');
            $dep['phpf'] = $this->pm->check_dependency($plugin_code, 'php_functions');
            //show missing functions
            $deptt['phpf'] = $this->user->lang('plug_dep_phpf');
            $needed_functions = $this->pm->get_plugin($plugin_code)->get_dependency('php_functions');
            if (is_array($needed_functions) && count($needed_functions) > 0) {
                $deptt['phpf'] .= ':<br />';
                foreach ($needed_functions as $function) {
                    $deptt['phpf'] .= function_exists($function) ? '<span class="positive">' . $function . '</span><br />' : '<span class="negative">' . $function . '</span><br />';
            $dep_all = $dep['plusv'] && $dep['games'] && $dep['phpf'];
            if ($this->pm->check($plugin_code, PLUGIN_DISABLED)) {
                $link = $dep_all ? '<a href="manage_extensions.php' . $this->SID . '&amp;cat=1&amp;mode=enable&amp;code=' . $plugin_code . '&amp;link_hash=' . $this->CSRFGetToken('mode') . '" title="' . $this->user->lang('plug_enable_info') . '">' . $this->user->lang('enable') . '</a>' : $this->user->lang('plug_dep_broken_deps');
                $row = 'yellow';
            } elseif ($this->pm->check($plugin_code, PLUGIN_INSTALLED)) {
                if (isset($urgendUpdates[$plugin_code])) {
                    $row = 'red';
                    $link = '<a href="javascript:repo_update(1, \'' . $plugin_code . '\');">' . $this->user->lang('uc_bttn_update') . '</a>';
                } else {
                    $row = 'green';
                    $link = $dep_all ? '<a href="manage_extensions.php' . $this->SID . '&amp;cat=1&amp;mode=uninstall&amp;code=' . $plugin_code . '&amp;link_hash=' . $this->CSRFGetToken('mode') . '">' . $this->user->lang('uninstall') . '</a>' : $this->user->lang('plug_dep_broken_deps');
            } elseif (isset($allUpdates[$plugin_code])) {
                $row = 'yellow';
                $link = '<a href="javascript:repo_update(1, \'' . $plugin_code . '\');">' . $this->user->lang('uc_bttn_update') . '</a>';
            } else {
                $row = 'grey';
                $link = $dep_all ? '<a href="manage_extensions.php' . $this->SID . '&amp;cat=1&amp;mode=install&amp;code=' . $plugin_code . '&amp;link_hash=' . $this->CSRFGetToken('mode') . '">' . $this->user->lang('install') . '</a>' : $this->user->lang('plug_dep_broken_deps');
            $this->tpl->assign_block_vars('plugins_row_' . $row, array('NAME' => isset($arrExtensionListNamed[1][$plugin_code]) ? '<a href="javascript:repoinfo(' . $arrExtensionListNamed[1][$plugin_code] . ')">' . $this->pm->get_data($plugin_code, 'name') . '</a>' : $this->pm->get_data($plugin_code, 'name'), 'VERSION' => !empty($version) ? $version : '&nbsp;', 'CODE' => $plugin_code, 'CONTACT' => !empty($contact) ? !empty($author) ? '<a href="mailto:' . $contact . '">' . $author . '</a>' : '<a href="mailto:' . $contact . '">' . $contact . '</a>' : $author, 'DESCRIPTION' => !empty($description) ? $description : '&nbsp;', 'LONG_DESCRIPTION' => $this->html->ToolTip($long_description, $this->html->toggleIcons($long_description, 'help.png', 'help_off.png', 'images/glyphs/', $this->user->lang('description'), false, false)), 'HOMEPAGE' => $this->html->ToolTip($this->user->lang('homepage'), $this->html->toggleIcons($homepagelink, 'browser.png', 'browser_off.png', 'images/glyphs/', $this->user->lang('homepage'), $homepagelink, false)), 'MANUAL' => $this->html->ToolTip($this->user->lang('manual'), $this->html->toggleIcons($manuallink, 'acroread.png', 'acroread_off.png', 'images/glyphs/', $this->user->lang('manual'), $manuallink, false)), 'ACTION_LINK' => $link));
            foreach ($dep as $key => $depdata) {
                $tt = isset($deptt[$key]) ? $deptt[$key] : $this->user->lang('plug_dep_' . $key);
                $this->tpl->assign_block_vars('plugins_row_' . $row . '.dep_row', array('DEPENDENCY_STATUS' => $this->html->ToolTip($tt, $this->html->toggleIcons($depdata, 'status_green.gif', 'status_red.gif', 'images/glyphs/') . ' ' . $this->user->lang('plug_dep_' . $key . '_short'))));
        //Now bring the Extensions from the REPO to template
        if (isset($arrExtensionList[1]) && is_array($arrExtensionList[1])) {
            foreach ($arrExtensionList[1] as $id => $extension) {
                if ($this->pm->search($extension['plugin']) || $extension['plugin'] == 'pluskernel') {
                $row = 'grey_repo';
                $dep['plusv'] = version_compare($extension['dep_coreversion'], $this->config->get('plus_version'), '<=');
                $dep['games'] = 'skip';
                $dep['phpf'] = 'skip';
                $dl_link = '<a href="javascript:repo_install(1, \'' . sanitize($extension['plugin']) . '\');" >' . $this->user->lang('backup_action_download') . '</a>';
                $link = $dep['plusv'] ? $dl_link : '';
                $this->tpl->assign_block_vars('plugins_row_' . $row, array('NAME' => '<a href="javascript:repoinfo(' . $id . ')">' . $extension['name'] . '</a>', 'VERSION' => sanitize($extension['version']), 'CODE' => sanitize($extension['plugin']), 'CONTACT' => sanitize($extension['author']), 'DESCRIPTION' => sanitize($extension['shortdesc']), 'ACTION_LINK' => $link));
                foreach ($dep as $key => $depdata) {
                    $tt = $this->user->lang('plug_dep_' . $key);
                    $this->tpl->assign_block_vars('plugins_row_' . $row . '.dep_row', array('DEPENDENCY_STATUS' => $depdata === 'skip' ? '&nbsp;' : $this->html->ToolTip($tt, $this->html->toggleIcons($depdata, 'status_green.gif', 'status_red.gif', 'images/glyphs/') . ' ' . $this->user->lang('plug_dep_' . $key . '_short'))));
        $badge = '';
        if ($arrUpdateCount[1]['red']) {
            $badge = '<span class="update_available">' . $arrUpdateCount[1]['red'] . '</span>';
        } elseif ($arrUpdateCount[1]['yellow']) {
            $badge = '<span class="update_available_yellow">' . $arrUpdateCount[1]['yellow'] . '</span>';
        $this->tpl->assign_vars(array('DEP_COUNT' => 3, 'BADGE_1' => $badge));
        $default_style = $this->config->get('default_style');
        $arrTemplates = $this->pdh->get('styles', 'styles');
        $arrLocalStyleUpdates = $this->objStyles->getLocalStyleUpdates();
        $arrUninstalledStyles = $this->objStyles->getUninstalledStyles();
        $arrStyles = array();
        foreach ($arrUninstalledStyles as $key => $install_xml) {
            $plugin_code = $key;
            if (isset($allUpdates[$plugin_code])) {
                $row = 'yellow';
                $link = '<a href="javascript:repo_update(2, \'' . $plugin_code . '\');">' . $this->user->lang('uc_bttn_update') . '</a>';
            } else {
                $row = 'grey';
                $link = '<a href="manage_extensions.php' . $this->SID . '&amp;cat=2&amp;mode=install&amp;code=' . $key . '&amp;link_hash=' . $this->CSRFGetToken('mode') . '">' . $this->user->lang('install') . '</a>';
            $screenshot = '';
            if (file_exists($this->root_path . 'templates/' . $plugin_code . '/screenshot.png')) {
                $screenshot = '<img src=\'' . $this->root_path . 'templates/' . $plugin_code . '/screenshot.png\' style=\'max-width:300px;\' alt="" />';
            } elseif (file_exists($this->root_path . 'templates/' . $plugin_code . '/screenshot.jpg')) {
                $screenshot = '<img src=\'' . $this->root_path . 'templates/' . $plugin_code . '/screenshot.jpg\' style=\'max-width:300px;\' alt="" />';
            $this->tpl->assign_block_vars('styles_row_' . $row, array('NAME' => $this->html->ToolTip($screenshot, $install_xml->name ? $install_xml->name : stripslashes($key)), 'VERSION' => $install_xml->version, 'AUTHOR' => $install_xml->authorEmail != "" ? '<a href="mailto:' . $install_xml->authorEmail . '">' . $install_xml->author . '</a>' : $install_xml->author, 'ACTION_LINK' => $link, 'TEMPLATE' => $key));
            $arrStyles[] = $install_xml->name ? $install_xml->name : stripslashes($key);
        foreach ($arrTemplates as $row) {
            $screenshot = '';
            if (file_exists($this->root_path . 'templates/' . $row['template_path'] . '/screenshot.png')) {
                $screenshot = '<img src=\'' . $this->root_path . 'templates/' . $row['template_path'] . '/screenshot.png\' style=\'max-width:300px;\' alt="" />';
            } elseif (file_exists($this->root_path . 'templates/' . $row['template_path'] . '/screenshot.jpg')) {
                $screenshot = '<img src=\'' . $this->root_path . 'templates/' . $row['template_path'] . '/screenshot.jpg\' style=\'max-width:300px;\' alt="" />';
            $plugin_code = $row['template_path'];
            if (isset($urgendUpdates[$plugin_code])) {
                if (isset($arrLocalStyleUpdates[$plugin_code])) {
                    $rowname = 'red_local';
                    $link = '<a href="manage_extensions.php' . $this->SID . '&amp;cat=2&amp;mode=update&amp;code=' . $row['style_id'] . '&amp;link_hash=' . $this->CSRFGetToken('mode') . '">' . $this->user->lang('uc_bttn_update') . '</a>';
                } else {
                    $rowname = 'red';
                    $link = '<a href="javascript:repo_update(2, \'' . $plugin_code . '\');">' . $this->user->lang('uc_bttn_update') . '</a>';
            } elseif (isset($allUpdates[$plugin_code])) {
                $rowname = 'yellow';
                $link = '<a href="javascript:repo_update(2, \'' . $plugin_code . '\');">' . $this->user->lang('uc_bttn_update') . '</a>';
            } else {
                $rowname = 'green';
                $link = $row['style_id'] == $default_style ? '' : '<a href="javascript:style_delete_warning(' . $row['style_id'] . ');">' . $this->user->lang('uninstall') . '</a>';
            $this->jquery->Dialog('style_preview', $this->user->lang('template_preview'), array('url' => $this->root_path . "viewnews.php" . $this->SID . "&style='+ styleid+'", 'width' => '750', 'height' => '520', 'modal' => true, 'withid' => 'styleid'));
            $this->tpl->assign_block_vars('styles_row_' . $rowname, array('ID' => $row['style_id'], 'U_EDIT_STYLE' => 'manage_styles.php' . $this->SID . '&amp;edit=true&amp;styleid=' . $row['style_id'], 'U_DOWNLOAD_STYLE' => 'manage_extensions.php' . $this->SID . '&amp;cat=2&amp;mode=export&amp;code=' . $row['style_id'] . '&amp;link_hash=' . $this->CSRFGetToken('mode'), 'ENABLE_ICON' => $row['enabled'] == '1' ? 'green' : 'red', 'ENABLE_ICON_INFO' => $row['enabled'] == '1' ? $this->user->lang('style_enabled_info') : $this->user->lang('style_disabled_info'), 'L_ENABLE' => $row['enabled'] == '1' ? $this->user->lang('deactivate') : $this->user->lang('activate'), 'ENABLE' => $row['enabled'] == '1' ? 'disable' : 'enable', 'U_ENABLE' => $row['enabled'] == '1' ? 'manage_extensions.php' . $this->SID . '&amp;cat=2&amp;mode=disable&amp;code=' . $row['style_id'] . '&amp;link_hash=' . $this->CSRFGetToken('mode') : 'manage_extensions.php' . $this->SID . '&amp;mode=enable&amp;cat=2&amp;code=' . $row['style_id'] . '&amp;link_hash=' . $this->CSRFGetToken('mode'), 'S_DEFAULT' => $row['style_id'] == $default_style ? true : false, 'S_DEACTIVATED' => $row['enabled'] != '1' ? true : false, 'STANDARD' => $row['style_id'] == $default_style ? 'checked="checked"' : '', 'VERSION' => $row['style_version'], 'AUTHOR' => $row['style_contact'] != "" ? '<a href="mailto:' . $row['style_contact'] . '">' . $row['style_author'] . '</a>' : $row['style_author'], 'NAME' => $this->html->ToolTip($screenshot, isset($arrExtensionListNamed[2][$plugin_code]) ? '<a href="javascript:repoinfo(' . $arrExtensionListNamed[2][$plugin_code] . ')">' . $row['style_name'] . '</a>' : $row['style_name']), 'TEMPLATE' => $row['template_path'], 'USERS' => $row['users'], 'ACTION_LINK' => $link));
            $arrStyles[] = $plugin_code;
        //Now bring the Extensions from the REPO to template
        if (isset($arrExtensionList[2]) && is_array($arrExtensionList[2])) {
            foreach ($arrExtensionList[2] as $id => $extension) {
                if (in_array($extension['plugin'], $arrStyles)) {
                $row = 'grey';
                $link = '<a href="javascript:repo_install(2, \'' . sanitize($extension['plugin']) . '\');" >' . $this->user->lang('backup_action_download') . '</a>';
                $this->tpl->assign_block_vars('styles_row_' . $row, array('NAME' => '<a href="javascript:repoinfo(' . $id . ')">' . $extension['name'] . '</a>', 'VERSION' => sanitize($extension['version']), 'CODE' => sanitize($extension['plugin']), 'AUTHOR' => sanitize($extension['author']), 'TEMPLATE' => sanitize($extension['plugin']), 'DESCRIPTION' => sanitize($extension['shortdesc']), 'ACTION_LINK' => $link));
        $this->jquery->dialog('style_default_info', $this->user->lang('default_style'), array('message' => $this->user->lang('style_default_info') . '<br /><br /><label><input type="radio" name="override" value="0" onchange="change_override(1);">' . $this->user->lang('yes') . '</label>  <label><input type="radio" name="override" value="1" checked="checked" onchange="change_override(0);">' . $this->user->lang('no') . '</label>', 'custom_js' => 'submit_form();', 'height' => 200), 'confirm');
        $this->jquery->dialog('style_reset_warning', $this->user->lang('reset_style'), array('message' => $this->user->lang('style_confirm_reset'), 'height' => 200, 'url' => $this->root_path . 'admin/manage_extensions.php' . $this->SID . '&link_hash=' . $this->CSRFGetToken('mode') . "&cat=2&mode=reset&code='+ styleid+'", 'withid' => 'styleid'), 'confirm');
        $this->jquery->dialog('style_delete_warning', $this->user->lang('delete_style'), array('message' => $this->user->lang('confirm_delete_style'), 'height' => 200, 'url' => $this->root_path . 'admin/manage_extensions.php' . $this->SID . '&link_hash=' . $this->CSRFGetToken('mode') . "&cat=2&mode=uninstall&code='+ styleid+'", 'withid' => 'styleid'), 'confirm');
        $badge = '';
        if ($arrUpdateCount[2]['red']) {
            $badge = '<span class="update_available">' . $arrUpdateCount[2]['red'] . '</span>';
        } elseif ($arrUpdateCount[2]['yellow']) {
            $badge = '<span class="update_available_yellow">' . $arrUpdateCount[2]['yellow'] . '</span>';
        $this->tpl->assign_vars(array('BADGE_2' => $badge));
        //Portal Modules
        $arrTmpModules = array();
        if (isset($arrExtensionList[3]) && is_array($arrExtensionList[3])) {
            foreach ($arrExtensionList[3] as $id => $extension) {
                $arrTmpModules[$extension['plugin']] = $extension;
        $arrModules = $this->pdh->aget('portal', 'portal', 0, array($this->pdh->get('portal', 'id_list')));
        if (is_array($arrModules)) {
            foreach ($arrModules as $id => $value) {
                $row = 'green';
                $link = '';
                $plugin_code = $value['path'];
                //Ignore Plugin Moduls in terms of repo-updates
                if (empty($value['plugin'])) {
                    if (isset($urgendUpdates[$plugin_code])) {
                        $row = 'red';
                        $link = '<a href="javascript:repo_update(3, \'' . $plugin_code . '\');">' . $this->user->lang('uc_bttn_update') . '</a>';
                    } elseif (isset($allUpdates[$plugin_code])) {
                        $row = 'yellow';
                        $link = '<a href="javascript:repo_update(3, \'' . $plugin_code . '\');">' . $this->user->lang('uc_bttn_update') . '</a>';
                //Add Reinstall Link if no update available
                if ($row == 'green') {
                    $link = '<img src="' . $this->root_path . 'images/global/update.png" alt="' . $this->user->lang('reinstall') . '" title="' . $this->user->lang('reinstall') . '" onclick="javascript:reinstall_portal(\'' . $plugin_code . '\')" style="cursor:pointer;" />';
                $this->tpl->assign_block_vars('pm_row_' . $row, array('NAME' => isset($arrExtensionListNamed[3][$value['path']]) ? '<a href="javascript:repoinfo(' . $arrExtensionListNamed[3][$value['path']] . ')">' . $value['name'] . '</a>' : $value['name'], 'VERSION' => sanitize($value['version']), 'CODE' => sanitize($value['path']), 'CONTACT' => sanitize($value['autor']), 'ACTION_LINK' => $link, 'DESCRIPTION' => isset($arrTmpModules[$value['path']]) ? '<a href="javascript:repoinfo(' . $arrExtensionListNamed[3][$value['path']] . ')">' . sanitize(cut_text($arrTmpModules[$value['path']]['shortdesc'], 100)) . '</a>' : ''));
            $this->confirm_delete($this->user->lang('portal_reinstall_warn'), 'manage_extensions.php' . $this->SID . '&cat=3', true, array('function' => 'reinstall_portal', 'handler' => 'mode'));
        //Now bring the Extensions from the REPO to template
        if (isset($arrExtensionList[3]) && is_array($arrExtensionList[3])) {
            foreach ($arrExtensionList[3] as $id => $extension) {
                if (is_array(search_in_array($extension['plugin'], $arrModules, true, 'path'))) {
                $row = 'grey';
                $link = '<a href="javascript:repo_install(3, \'' . sanitize($extension['plugin']) . '\');" >' . $this->user->lang('backup_action_download') . '</a>';
                $this->tpl->assign_block_vars('pm_row_' . $row, array('NAME' => '<a href="javascript:repoinfo(' . $id . ')">' . $extension['name'] . '</a>', 'VERSION' => sanitize($extension['version']), 'CODE' => sanitize($extension['plugin']), 'CONTACT' => sanitize($extension['author']), 'DESCRIPTION' => '<a href="javascript:repoinfo(' . $id . ')">' . sanitize(cut_text($extension['shortdesc'])) . '</a>', 'ACTION_LINK' => $link, 'RATING' => $this->jquery->StarRating('extension_' . md5($extension['plugin']), array(1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 3, 4 => 4, 5 => 5), '', $extension['rating'], true)));
        $badge = '';
        if ($arrUpdateCount[3]['red']) {
            $badge = '<span class="update_available">' . count($arrUpdateCount[3]['red']) . '</span>';
        } elseif ($arrUpdateCount[3]['yellow']) {
            $badge = '<span class="update_available_yellow">' . count($arrUpdateCount[3]['yellow']) . '</span>';
        $this->tpl->assign_vars(array('BADGE_3' => $badge));
        $arrGames = $this->game->get_games();
        $arrGameVersions = $this->game->get_versions();
        $arrTmpExtension = array();
        if (isset($arrExtensionList[7]) && is_array($arrExtensionList[7])) {
            foreach ($arrExtensionList[7] as $id => $extension) {
                $arrTmpExtension[$extension['plugin']] = $extension;
        if (is_array($arrGames)) {
            foreach ($arrGames as $id => $value) {
                $plugin_code = $value;
                if (isset($urgendUpdates[$plugin_code])) {
                    $row = 'red';
                    $link = '<a href="javascript:repo_update(7, \'' . $plugin_code . '\');">' . $this->user->lang('uc_bttn_update') . '</a>';
                } elseif (isset($allUpdates[$plugin_code])) {
                    $row = 'yellow';
                    $link = '<a href="javascript:repo_update(7, \'' . $plugin_code . '\');">' . $this->user->lang('uc_bttn_update') . '</a>';
                } else {
                    $row = 'green';
                    $link = '';
                $this->tpl->assign_block_vars('games_row_' . $row, array('NAME' => isset($arrExtensionListNamed[7][$plugin_code]) ? '<a href="javascript:repoinfo(' . $arrExtensionListNamed[7][$plugin_code] . ')">' . $this->game->game_name($plugin_code) . '</a>' : $this->game->game_name($plugin_code), 'VERSION' => $arrGameVersions[$plugin_code], 'CODE' => sanitize($plugin_code), 'CONTACT' => isset($arrTmpExtension[$plugin_code]) ? $arrTmpExtension[$plugin_code]['author'] : '', 'DESCRIPTION' => isset($arrTmpExtension[$plugin_code]) ? '<a href="javascript:repoinfo(' . $arrExtensionListNamed[7][$plugin_code] . ')">' . cut_text($arrTmpExtension[$plugin_code]['shortdesc'], 100) . '</a>' : '', 'RATING' => isset($arrTmpExtension[$plugin_code]) ? $this->jquery->StarRating('extension_' . md5($arrTmpExtension[$plugin_code]['plugin']), array(1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 3, 4 => 4, 5 => 5), '', $arrTmpExtension[$plugin_code]['rating'], true) : '', 'ACTION_LINK' => $link));
        //Now bring the Extensions from the REPO to template
        if (isset($arrExtensionList[7]) && is_array($arrExtensionList[7])) {
            foreach ($arrExtensionList[7] as $id => $extension) {
                if (in_array($extension['plugin'], $arrGames)) {
                $row = 'grey';
                $link = '<a href="javascript:repo_install(7, \'' . sanitize($extension['plugin']) . '\');" >' . $this->user->lang('backup_action_download') . '</a>';
                $this->tpl->assign_block_vars('games_row_' . $row, array('NAME' => '<a href="javascript:repoinfo(' . $id . ')">' . $extension['name'] . '</a>', 'VERSION' => sanitize($extension['version']), 'CODE' => sanitize($extension['plugin']), 'CONTACT' => sanitize($extension['author']), 'DESCRIPTION' => sanitize(cut_text($extension['shortdesc'], 100)), 'ACTION_LINK' => $link, 'RATING' => $this->jquery->StarRating('extension_' . md5($extension['plugin']), array(1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 3, 4 => 4, 5 => 5), '', $extension['rating'], true)));
        $badge = '';
        if ($arrUpdateCount[7]['red']) {
            $badge = '<span class="update_available">' . $arrUpdateCount[7]['red'] . '</span>';
        } elseif ($arrUpdateCount[7]['yellow']) {
            $badge = '<span class="update_available_yellow">' . $arrUpdateCount[7]['yellow'] . '</span>';
        $this->tpl->assign_vars(array('BADGE_7' => $badge));
        $arrLanguages = $arrLanguageVersions = array();
        // Build language array
        if ($dir = @opendir($this->core->root_path . 'language/')) {
            while ($file = @readdir($dir)) {
                if (!is_file($this->root_path . 'language/' . $file) && !is_link($this->root_path . 'language/' . $file) && valid_folder($file)) {
                    include $this->root_path . 'language/' . $file . '/lang_main.php';
                    $lang_name_tp = $lang['ISO_LANG_NAME'] ? $lang['ISO_LANG_NAME'] . ' (' . $lang['ISO_LANG_SHORT'] . ')' : ucfirst($file);
                    $arrLanguages[$file] = $lang_name_tp;
                    $arrLanguageVersions[$file] = $lang['LANG_VERSION'];
        if (is_array($arrLanguages)) {
            foreach ($arrLanguages as $id => $value) {
                $plugin_code = $id;
                if (isset($urgendUpdates[$plugin_code])) {
                    $row = 'red';
                    $link = '<a href="javascript:repo_update(11, \'' . $plugin_code . '\');">' . $this->user->lang('uc_bttn_update') . '</a>';
                } elseif (isset($allUpdates[$plugin_code])) {
                    $row = 'yellow';
                    $link = '<a href="javascript:repo_update(11, \'' . $plugin_code . '\');">' . $this->user->lang('uc_bttn_update') . '</a>';
                } else {
                    $row = 'green';
                    $link = '';
                $this->tpl->assign_block_vars('language_row_' . $row, array('NAME' => isset($arrExtensionListNamed[11][$plugin_code]) ? '<a href="javascript:repoinfo(' . $arrExtensionListNamed[11][$plugin_code] . ')">' . $value . '</a>' : $value, 'VERSION' => $arrLanguageVersions[$plugin_code], 'ACTION_LINK' => $link));
        //Now bring the Extensions from the REPO to template
        if (isset($arrExtensionList[11]) && is_array($arrExtensionList[11])) {
            foreach ($arrExtensionList[11] as $id => $extension) {
                if (isset($arrLanguages[$extension['plugin']])) {
                $row = 'grey';
                $link = '<a href="javascript:repo_install(11, \'' . sanitize($extension['plugin']) . '\');" >' . $this->user->lang('backup_action_download') . '</a>';
                $this->tpl->assign_block_vars('language_row_' . $row, array('NAME' => '<a href="javascript:repoinfo(' . $id . ')">' . $extension['name'] . '</a>', 'VERSION' => sanitize($extension['version']), 'ACTION_LINK' => $link));
        $badge = '';
        if ($arrUpdateCount[11]['red']) {
            $badge = '<span class="update_available">' . $arrUpdateCount[11]['red'] . '</span>';
        } elseif ($arrUpdateCount[11]['yellow']) {
            $badge = '<span class="update_available_yellow">' . $arrUpdateCount[11]['yellow'] . '</span>';
        $this->tpl->assign_vars(array('BADGE_11' => $badge));
        //Common Output
        $this->jquery->Tab_header('plus_plugins_tab', true);
        if ($this->in->exists('tab')) {
            $this->jquery->Tab_Select('plus_plugins_tab', $this->in->get('tab', 0));
        $this->jquery->Dialog('update_confirm', '', array('custom_js' => 'repo_update_start(cat, extensioncode);', 'message' => $this->user->lang('repo_updatewarning') . '<br /><br /><input type="checkbox" onclick="hide_update_warning(this.checked);" value="1" />' . $this->user->lang('repo_hide_updatewarning'), 'withid' => 'cat, extensioncode', 'width' => 300, 'height' => 300), 'confirm');
        $this->jquery->Dialog('repoinfo', $this->user->lang('repo_extensioninfo'), array('url' => $this->root_path . "admin/manage_extensions.php" . $this->SID . "&info='+moduleid+'", 'width' => '700', 'height' => '600', 'withid' => 'moduleid'));
        foreach ($this->repo->DisplayCategories() as $key => $category) {
            $this->tpl->assign_vars(array('L_CATEGORY_' . $key => $category));
        $this->tpl->assign_vars(array('S_HIDE_UPDATEWARNING' => (int) $this->config->get('repo_hideupdatewarning'), 'CSRF_MODE_TOKEN' => $this->CSRFGetToken('mode'), 'CSRF_UPDATEWARNING_TOKEN' => $this->CSRFGetToken('hide_update_warning')));
			.ui-progressbar { position:relative; height:30px;}
			.nl_progressbar_label { position: absolute; width: 90%; text-align: center; line-height: 30px; left:5%; right:5%;}
        $this->core->set_vars(array('page_title' => $this->user->lang('extensions'), 'template_file' => 'admin/manage_extensions.html', 'display' => true));
Example #8
    public function display()
        //Show error / success messages
        if ($this->in->exists('mes')) {
            $arrMessage = unserialize(base64_decode($this->in->get('mes')));
            if (isset($arrMessage[0]) && $arrMessage[1]) {
                $this->core->message($arrMessage[0], $arrMessage[1], $arrMessage[2]);
        //Get Extensions
        $arrExtensionList = $this->repo->getExtensionList();
        $arrExtensionListNamed = array();
        if (is_array($arrExtensionList)) {
            foreach ($arrExtensionList as $catid => $extensions) {
                if (is_array($extensions)) {
                    foreach ($extensions as $id => $ext) {
                        if (!isset($arrExtensionListNamed[$catid])) {
                            $arrExtensionListNamed[$catid] = array();
                        $arrExtensionListNamed[$catid][$ext['plugin']] = $id;
        //Get Updates
        $urgendUpdates = $this->repo->BuildUpdateArray();
        $allUpdates = $this->repo->BuildUpdateArray(false);
        $arrUpdateCount = array(1 => array('red' => 0, 'yellow' => 0), 2 => array('red' => 0, 'yellow' => 0), 3 => array('red' => 0, 'yellow' => 0), 4 => array('red' => 0, 'yellow' => 0), 7 => array('red' => 0, 'yellow' => 0), 11 => array('red' => 0, 'yellow' => 0));
        //search for new plugins
        $plugins_array = $this->pm->get_plugins(PLUGIN_ALL);
        //maybe plugins want to auto-install portalmodules
        $plugin_count = count($plugins_array);
        $db_plugins = $this->pdh->get('plugins', 'id_list');
        foreach ($plugins_array as $plugin_code) {
            if ($plugin_code == 'pluskernel') {
            $contact = $this->pm->get_data($plugin_code, 'contact');
            $version = $this->pm->get_data($plugin_code, 'version');
            $description = $this->pm->get_data($plugin_code, 'description');
            $long_description = $this->pm->get_data($plugin_code, 'long_description');
            $manuallink = $this->pm->get_data($plugin_code, 'manuallink');
            $homepagelink = $this->pm->get_data($plugin_code, 'homepage');
            $author = $this->pm->get_data($plugin_code, 'author');
            $bugtracker_url = isset($arrExtensionListNamed[1][$plugin_code]) ? sanitize($this->pdh->get('repository', 'bugtracker_url', array(1, $arrExtensionListNamed[1][$plugin_code]))) : '';
            if ($this->pm->check($plugin_code, PLUGIN_BROKEN)) {
                //Delete it from database if plugin is broken - means it isn't there anymore.
                $this->tpl->assign_block_vars('plugins_row_broken', array(
                	'NAME'			=> $plugin_code,
                	'CODE'			=> $plugin_code,
                	'DELETE'		=> (in_array($plugin_code, $db_plugins)) ? true : false,
                	'DEL_LINK'		=> 'manage_extensions.php'.$this->SID.'&amp;cat=1&amp;mode=delete&amp;code='.$plugin_code.'&amp;link_hash='.$this->CSRFGetToken('mode'),
            $dep['plusv'] = $this->pm->check_dependency($plugin_code, 'plus_version');
            $dep['games'] = $this->pm->check_dependency($plugin_code, 'games');
            $dep['phpf'] = $this->pm->check_dependency($plugin_code, 'php_functions');
            //show missing functions
            $deptt['phpf'] = $this->user->lang('plug_dep_phpf');
            $needed_functions = $this->pm->get_plugin($plugin_code)->get_dependency('php_functions');
            if (is_array($needed_functions) && count($needed_functions) > 0) {
                $deptt['phpf'] .= ':<br />';
                foreach ($needed_functions as $function) {
                    $deptt['phpf'] .= function_exists($function) ? '<span class="positive">' . $function . '</span><br />' : '<span class="negative">' . $function . '</span><br />';
            $dep_all = $dep['plusv'] && $dep['games'] && $dep['phpf'];
            if ($this->pm->check($plugin_code, PLUGIN_DISABLED)) {
                $link = $dep_all ? '<a href="manage_extensions.php' . $this->SID . '&amp;cat=1&amp;mode=enable&amp;code=' . $plugin_code . '&amp;link_hash=' . $this->CSRFGetToken('mode') . '" title="' . $this->user->lang('enable') . '"><i class="fa fa-lg fa-toggle-off"></i></a>' : '<i class="fa fa-lg fa-exclamation-triangle" title="' . $this->user->lang('plug_dep_broken_deps') . '"></i>';
                $row = 'yellow';
            } elseif ($this->pm->check($plugin_code, PLUGIN_INSTALLED)) {
                if (isset($urgendUpdates[$plugin_code])) {
                    $row = 'red';
                    $link = '<a href="javascript:repo_update(' . $urgendUpdates[$plugin_code]['plugin_id'] . ', 1, \'' . $plugin_code . '\');" class="needs_update" data-id="' . $urgendUpdates[$plugin_code]['plugin_id'] . '" data-category="1" data-code="' . $plugin_code . '" title="' . $this->user->lang('uc_bttn_update') . '"><i class="fa fa-lg fa-refresh"></i>';
                } else {
                    $row = 'green';
                    $link = $dep_all ? '<a href="manage_extensions.php' . $this->SID . '&amp;cat=1&amp;mode=uninstall&amp;code=' . $plugin_code . '&amp;link_hash=' . $this->CSRFGetToken('mode') . '" title="' . $this->user->lang('uninstall') . '"><i class="fa fa-lg fa-toggle-on"></i></a>' : '<i class="fa fa-lg fa-exclamation-triangle" title="' . $this->user->lang('plug_dep_broken_deps') . '"></i>';
            } elseif (isset($allUpdates[$plugin_code])) {
                $row = 'yellow';
                $link = '<a href="javascript:repo_update(' . $allUpdates[$plugin_code]['plugin_id'] . ', 1, \'' . $plugin_code . '\');" class="needs_update" data-id="' . $allUpdates[$plugin_code]['plugin_id'] . '" data-category="1" data-code="' . $plugin_code . '" title="' . $this->user->lang('uc_bttn_update') . '"><i class="fa fa-lg fa-refresh"></i></a>';
                $link .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="manage_extensions.php' . $this->SID . '&amp;cat=1&amp;mode=remove&amp;code=' . $plugin_code . '&amp;link_hash=' . $this->CSRFGetToken('mode') . '" title="' . $this->user->lang('delete') . '"><i class="fa fa-lg fa-trash-o"></i></a>';
            } else {
                $row = 'grey';
                $link = $dep_all ? '<a href="manage_extensions.php' . $this->SID . '&amp;cat=1&amp;mode=install&amp;code=' . $plugin_code . '&amp;link_hash=' . $this->CSRFGetToken('mode') . '" title="' . $this->user->lang('install') . '"><i class="fa fa-lg fa-toggle-off"></i></a>' : '<i class="fa fa-lg fa-exclamation-triangle" title="' . $this->user->lang('plug_dep_broken_deps') . '"></i>';
                $link .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="manage_extensions.php' . $this->SID . '&amp;cat=1&amp;mode=remove&amp;code=' . $plugin_code . '&amp;link_hash=' . $this->CSRFGetToken('mode') . '" title="' . $this->user->lang('delete') . '"><i class="fa fa-lg fa-trash-o"></i></a>';
            $this->tpl->assign_block_vars('plugins_row_' . $row, array('NAME' => isset($arrExtensionListNamed[1][$plugin_code]) ? '<a href="javascript:repoinfo(' . $arrExtensionListNamed[1][$plugin_code] . ')">' . $this->pm->get_data($plugin_code, 'name') . '</a>' : $this->pm->get_data($plugin_code, 'name'), 'VERSION' => !empty($version) ? $version : '&nbsp;', 'CODE' => $plugin_code, 'CONTACT' => !empty($contact) ? !empty($author) ? '<a href="mailto:' . $contact . '">' . $author . '</a>' : '<a href="mailto:' . $contact . '">' . $contact . '</a>' : $author, 'DESCRIPTION' => !empty($description) ? $description : '&nbsp;', 'LONG_DESCRIPTION' => $long_description, 'HOMEPAGE_LINK' => $homepagelink != '' ? $homepagelink : false, 'HOMEPAGE' => $this->user->lang('homepage'), 'MANUAL_LINK' => $manuallink != '' ? $manuallink : false, 'MANUAL' => $this->user->lang('manual'), 'ACTION_LINK' => $link, 'BUGTRACKER_URL' => $bugtracker_url));
            foreach ($dep as $key => $depdata) {
                $tt = isset($deptt[$key]) ? $deptt[$key] : $this->user->lang('plug_dep_' . $key);
                $this->tpl->assign_block_vars('plugins_row_' . $row . '.dep_row', array('DEPENDENCY_TT' => $tt, 'DEPENDENCY_NAME' => $this->user->lang('plug_dep_' . $key . '_short'), 'ICON' => $depdata ? 'eqdkp-icon-online' : 'eqdkp-icon-offline'));
        //Now bring the Extensions from the REPO to template
        if (isset($arrExtensionList[1]) && is_array($arrExtensionList[1])) {
            foreach ($arrExtensionList[1] as $id => $extension) {
                if ($this->pm->search($extension['plugin']) || $extension['plugin'] == 'pluskernel') {
                $row = 'grey_repo';
                $dep['plusv'] = version_compare($extension['dep_coreversion'], $this->config->get('plus_version'), '<=');
                $dep['games'] = 'skip';
                $dep['phpf'] = 'skip';
                $dl_link = '<a href="javascript:repo_install(' . $extension['plugin_id'] . ', 1, \'' . sanitize($extension['plugin']) . '\');" ><i class="fa fa-toggle-off fa-lg" title="' . $this->user->lang('install') . '"></i></a>';
                $link = $dep['plusv'] ? $dl_link : '';
                $this->tpl->assign_block_vars('plugins_row_' . $row, array('NAME' => '<a href="javascript:repoinfo(' . $id . ')">' . $extension['name'] . '</a>', 'VERSION' => sanitize($extension['version']), 'CODE' => sanitize($extension['plugin']), 'CONTACT' => sanitize($extension['author']), 'DESCRIPTION' => sanitize($extension['description']), 'ACTION_LINK' => $link, 'BUGTRACKER_URL' => sanitize($extension['bugtracker_url'])));
                foreach ($dep as $key => $depdata) {
                    $tt = $this->user->lang('plug_dep_' . $key);
                    $this->tpl->assign_block_vars('plugins_row_' . $row . '.dep_row', array('DEPENDENCY_TT' => $tt, 'DEPENDENCY_NAME' => $this->user->lang('plug_dep_' . $key . '_short'), 'ICON' => $depdata ? 'eqdkp-icon-online' : 'eqdkp-icon-offline'));
        $badge = '';
        if ($arrUpdateCount[1]['red']) {
            $badge = '<span class="update_available">' . (int) $arrUpdateCount[1]['red'] . '</span>';
        } elseif ($arrUpdateCount[1]['yellow']) {
            $badge = '<span class="update_available_yellow">' . (int) $arrUpdateCount[1]['yellow'] . '</span>';
        $this->tpl->assign_vars(array('DEP_COUNT' => 3, 'BADGE_1' => $badge));
        $default_style = $this->config->get('default_style');
        $arrTemplates = $this->pdh->get('styles', 'styles');
        $arrLocalStyleUpdates = $this->objStyles->getLocalStyleUpdates();
        $arrUninstalledStyles = $this->objStyles->getUninstalledStyles();
        $arrStyles = array();
        foreach ($arrUninstalledStyles as $key => $install_xml) {
            $plugin_code = $key;
            if (isset($allUpdates[$plugin_code])) {
                $row = 'yellow';
                $link = '<a href="javascript:repo_update(' . $allUpdates[$plugin_code]['plugin_id'] . ',2, \'' . $plugin_code . '\');" class="needs_update" data-id="' . $allUpdates[$plugin_code]['plugin_id'] . '" data-category="2" data-code="' . $plugin_code . '" title="' . $this->user->lang('uc_bttn_update') . '"><i class="fa fa-lg fa-refresh"></i></a>';
                $link .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="manage_extensions.php' . $this->SID . '&amp;cat=2&amp;mode=remove&amp;code=' . $plugin_code . '&amp;link_hash=' . $this->CSRFGetToken('mode') . '" title="' . $this->user->lang('delete') . '"><i class="fa fa-lg fa-trash-o"></i></a>';
            } else {
                $row = 'grey';
                $link = '<a href="manage_extensions.php' . $this->SID . '&amp;cat=2&amp;mode=install&amp;code=' . $key . '&amp;link_hash=' . $this->CSRFGetToken('mode') . '" title="' . $this->user->lang('install') . '"><i class="fa fa-lg fa-toggle-off"></i></a>';
                $link .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="manage_extensions.php' . $this->SID . '&amp;cat=2&amp;mode=remove&amp;code=' . $plugin_code . '&amp;link_hash=' . $this->CSRFGetToken('mode') . '" title="' . $this->user->lang('delete') . '"><i class="fa fa-lg fa-trash-o"></i></a>';
            $screenshot = '';
            if (file_exists($this->root_path . 'templates/' . $plugin_code . '/screenshot.png')) {
                $screenshot = '<img src="' . $this->root_path . 'templates/' . $plugin_code . '/screenshot.png" style="max-width:300px;" alt="" />';
            } elseif (file_exists($this->root_path . 'templates/' . $plugin_code . '/screenshot.jpg')) {
                $screenshot = '<img src="' . $this->root_path . 'templates/' . $plugin_code . '/screenshot.jpg" style="max-width:300px;" alt="" />';
            $this->tpl->assign_block_vars('styles_row_' . $row, array('TT_CONTENT' => $screenshot, 'TT_NAME' => $install_xml->name ? $install_xml->name : stripslashes($key), 'VERSION' => $install_xml->version, 'AUTHOR' => $install_xml->authorEmail != "" ? '<a href="mailto:' . $install_xml->authorEmail . '">' . $install_xml->author . '</a>' : $install_xml->author, 'ACTION_LINK' => $link, 'TEMPLATE' => $key));
            $arrStyles[] = $install_xml->folder ? $install_xml->folder : stripslashes($key);
        foreach ($arrTemplates as $row) {
            $screenshot = '';
            if (file_exists($this->root_path . 'templates/' . $row['template_path'] . '/screenshot.png')) {
                $screenshot = '<img src="' . $this->root_path . 'templates/' . $row['template_path'] . '/screenshot.png" style="max-width:300px;" alt="" />';
            } elseif (file_exists($this->root_path . 'templates/' . $row['template_path'] . '/screenshot.jpg')) {
                $screenshot = '<img src="' . $this->root_path . 'templates/' . $row['template_path'] . '/screenshot.jpg" style="max-width:300px;" alt="" />';
            $plugin_code = $row['template_path'];
            if (isset($urgendUpdates[$plugin_code])) {
                if (isset($arrLocalStyleUpdates[$plugin_code])) {
                    $rowname = 'red_local';
                    $link = '<a href="manage_extensions.php' . $this->SID . '&amp;cat=2&amp;mode=update&amp;code=' . $row['style_id'] . '&amp;link_hash=' . $this->CSRFGetToken('mode') . '" title="' . $this->user->lang('uc_bttn_update') . '"><i class="fa fa-lg fa-refresh"></i></a>';
                } else {
                    $rowname = 'red';
                    $link = '<a href="javascript:repo_update(' . $urgendUpdates[$plugin_code]['plugin_id'] . ', 2, \'' . $plugin_code . '\');" class="needs_update" data-id="' . $urgendUpdates[$plugin_code]['plugin_id'] . '" data-category="2" data-code="' . $plugin_code . '" title="' . $this->user->lang('uc_bttn_update') . '"><i class="fa fa-lg fa-refresh"></i></a>';
            } elseif (isset($allUpdates[$plugin_code])) {
                $rowname = 'yellow';
                $link = '<a href="javascript:repo_update(' . $allUpdates[$plugin_code]['plugin_id'] . ', 2, \'' . $plugin_code . '\');" class="needs_update" data-id="' . $allUpdates[$plugin_code]['plugin_id'] . '" data-category="2" data-code="' . $plugin_code . '" title="' . $this->user->lang('uc_bttn_update') . '"><i class="fa fa-lg fa-refresh"></i></a>';
            } else {
                $rowname = 'green';
                $link = $row['style_id'] == $default_style ? '' : '<a href="javascript:style_delete_warning(' . $row['style_id'] . ');" title="' . $this->user->lang('uninstall') . '"><i class="fa fa-lg fa-toggle-on"></i></a>';
            $this->jquery->Dialog('style_preview', $this->user->lang('template_preview'), array('url' => $this->server_path . "" . $this->SID . "&style='+ styleid+'", 'width' => '750', 'height' => '520', 'modal' => true, 'withid' => 'styleid'));
            $this->tpl->assign_block_vars('styles_row_' . $rowname, array('ID' => $row['style_id'], 'U_EDIT_STYLE' => 'manage_styles.php' . $this->SID . '&amp;edit=true&amp;styleid=' . $row['style_id'], 'U_DOWNLOAD_STYLE' => 'manage_extensions.php' . $this->SID . '&amp;cat=2&amp;mode=export&amp;code=' . $row['style_id'] . '&amp;link_hash=' . $this->CSRFGetToken('mode'), 'L_ENABLE' => $row['enabled'] == '1' ? $this->user->lang('deactivate') : $this->user->lang('activate'), 'ENABLE' => $row['enabled'] == '1' ? 'fa fa-check-square-o fa-lg icon-color-green' : 'fa fa-square-o fa-lg icon-color-red', 'U_ENABLE' => $row['enabled'] == '1' ? 'manage_extensions.php' . $this->SID . '&amp;cat=2&amp;mode=disable&amp;code=' . $row['style_id'] . '&amp;link_hash=' . $this->CSRFGetToken('mode') : 'manage_extensions.php' . $this->SID . '&amp;mode=enable&amp;cat=2&amp;code=' . $row['style_id'] . '&amp;link_hash=' . $this->CSRFGetToken('mode'), 'S_DEFAULT' => $row['style_id'] == $default_style ? true : false, 'S_DEACTIVATED' => $row['enabled'] != '1' ? true : false, 'STANDARD' => $row['style_id'] == $default_style ? 'checked="checked"' : '', 'VERSION' => $row['style_version'], 'AUTHOR' => $row['style_contact'] != "" ? '<a href="mailto:' . $row['style_contact'] . '">' . $row['style_author'] . '</a>' : $row['style_author'], 'TT_CONTENT' => $screenshot, 'TT_NAME' => isset($arrExtensionListNamed[2][$plugin_code]) ? '<a href="javascript:repoinfo(' . $arrExtensionListNamed[2][$plugin_code] . ')">' . $row['style_name'] . '</a>' : $row['style_name'], 'TEMPLATE' => $row['template_path'], 'USERS' => $row['users'], 'ACTION_LINK' => $link, 'BUGTRACKER_URL' => isset($arrExtensionListNamed[2][$plugin_code]) ? sanitize($this->pdh->get('repository', 'bugtracker_url', array(2, $arrExtensionListNamed[2][$plugin_code]))) : ''));
            $arrStyles[] = $plugin_code;
        //Now bring the Extensions from the REPO to template
        if (isset($arrExtensionList[2]) && is_array($arrExtensionList[2])) {
            foreach ($arrExtensionList[2] as $id => $extension) {
                if (in_array($extension['plugin'], $arrStyles)) {
                $row = 'grey';
                $link = '<a href="javascript:repo_install(' . $extension['plugin_id'] . ',2, \'' . sanitize($extension['plugin']) . '\');" ><i class="fa fa-toggle-off fa-lg" title="' . $this->user->lang('install') . '"></i></a>';
                $this->tpl->assign_block_vars('styles_row_' . $row, array('TT_NAME' => '<a href="javascript:repoinfo(' . $id . ')">' . $extension['name'] . '</a>', 'VERSION' => sanitize($extension['version']), 'CODE' => sanitize($extension['plugin']), 'AUTHOR' => sanitize($extension['author']), 'TEMPLATE' => sanitize($extension['plugin']), 'DESCRIPTION' => sanitize($extension['description']), 'ACTION_LINK' => $link, 'BUGTRACKER_URL' => sanitize($extension['bugtracker_url']), 'TT_CONTENT' => '<img src="http://cdn1.eqdkp-plus.eu/repository/screenshot.php?extid=' . $extension['plugin_id'] . '" style="max-width:300px;" alt="No Preview available" />'));
        $this->jquery->dialog('style_default_info', $this->user->lang('default_style'), array('message' => $this->user->lang('style_default_info') . '<br /><br /><label><input type="radio" name="override" value="0" onchange="change_override(1);">' . $this->user->lang('yes') . '</label>  <label><input type="radio" name="override" value="1" checked="checked" onchange="change_override(0);">' . $this->user->lang('no') . '</label>', 'custom_js' => 'submit_form();', 'height' => 200), 'confirm');
        $this->jquery->dialog('style_reset_warning', $this->user->lang('reset_style'), array('message' => $this->user->lang('style_confirm_reset'), 'height' => 200, 'url' => $this->root_path . 'admin/manage_extensions.php' . $this->SID . '&link_hash=' . $this->CSRFGetToken('mode') . "&cat=2&mode=reset&code='+ styleid+'", 'withid' => 'styleid'), 'confirm');
        $this->jquery->dialog('style_delete_warning', $this->user->lang('delete_style'), array('message' => $this->user->lang('confirm_delete_style'), 'height' => 200, 'url' => $this->root_path . 'admin/manage_extensions.php' . $this->SID . '&link_hash=' . $this->CSRFGetToken('mode') . "&cat=2&mode=uninstall&code='+ styleid+'", 'withid' => 'styleid'), 'confirm');
        $badge = '';
        if ($arrUpdateCount[2]['red']) {
            $badge = '<span class="update_available">' . (int) $arrUpdateCount[2]['red'] . '</span>';
        } elseif ($arrUpdateCount[2]['yellow']) {
            $badge = '<span class="update_available_yellow">' . (int) $arrUpdateCount[2]['yellow'] . '</span>';
        $this->tpl->assign_vars(array('BADGE_2' => $badge));
        //Portal Modules
        $arrTmpModules = array();
        if (isset($arrExtensionList[3]) && is_array($arrExtensionList[3])) {
            foreach ($arrExtensionList[3] as $id => $extension) {
                $arrTmpModules[$extension['plugin']] = $extension;
        $arrModules = $this->pdh->aget('portal', 'portal', 0, array($this->pdh->get('portal', 'id_list')));
        if (is_array($arrModules)) {
            foreach ($arrModules as $id => $value) {
                if ((int) $value['child'] === 1) {
                $row = 'green';
                $link = '';
                $plugin_code = $value['path'];
                $class_name = $plugin_code . '_portal';
                $del_link = "";
                //Ignore Plugin Moduls in terms of repo-updates
                if (empty($value['plugin'])) {
                    if (isset($urgendUpdates[$plugin_code])) {
                        $row = 'red';
                        $link = '<a href="javascript:repo_update(' . $urgendUpdates[$plugin_code]['plugin_id'] . ',3, \'' . $plugin_code . '\');" class="needs_update" data-id="' . $urgendUpdates[$plugin_code]['plugin_id'] . '" data-category="3" data-code="' . $plugin_code . '" title="' . $this->user->lang('uc_bttn_update') . '"><i class="fa fa-refresh fa-lg"></i></a>';
                    } elseif (isset($allUpdates[$plugin_code])) {
                        $row = 'yellow';
                        $link = '<a href="javascript:repo_update(' . $allUpdates[$plugin_code]['plugin_id'] . ',3, \'' . $plugin_code . '\');" class="needs_update" data-id="' . $allUpdates[$plugin_code]['plugin_id'] . '" data-category="3" data-code="' . $plugin_code . '"  title="' . $this->user->lang('uc_bttn_update') . '"><i class="fa fa-refresh fa-lg"></i></a>';
                    $del_link = '<a href="manage_extensions.php' . $this->SID . '&amp;cat=3&amp;mode=remove&amp;code=' . $plugin_code . '&amp;link_hash=' . $this->CSRFGetToken('mode') . '" title="' . $this->user->lang('delete') . '"><i class="fa fa-lg fa-trash-o"></i></a>';
                //Add Reinstall Link if no update available
                $reinst_link = '<i class="fa fa-retweet fa-lg" title="' . $this->user->lang('reinstall') . '" onclick="javascript:reinstall_portal(\'' . $plugin_code . '\')" style="cursor:pointer;"></i>';
                $this->tpl->assign_block_vars('pm_row_' . $row, array('NAME' => isset($arrExtensionListNamed[3][$value['path']]) ? '<a href="javascript:repoinfo(' . $arrExtensionListNamed[3][$value['path']] . ')">' . $value['name'] . '</a>' : $value['name'], 'VERSION' => sanitize($value['version']), 'CODE' => sanitize($value['path']), 'CONTACT' => sanitize($class_name::get_data('contact')), 'ACTION_LINK' => $link, 'REINSTALL_LINK' => $row == 'green' ? $reinst_link : '', 'DELETE_LINK' => $del_link, 'DESCRIPTION' => isset($arrTmpModules[$value['path']]) ? '<a href="javascript:repoinfo(' . $arrExtensionListNamed[3][$value['path']] . ')">' . sanitize(cut_text($arrTmpModules[$value['path']]['description'], 100)) . '</a>' : '', 'BUGTRACKER_URL' => isset($arrExtensionListNamed[3][$plugin_code]) ? sanitize($this->pdh->get('repository', 'bugtracker_url', array(3, $arrExtensionListNamed[3][$plugin_code]))) : ''));
            $this->confirm_delete($this->user->lang('portal_reinstall_warn'), 'manage_extensions.php' . $this->SID . '&cat=3', true, array('function' => 'reinstall_portal', 'handler' => 'mode'));
        //Now bring the Extensions from the REPO to template
        if (isset($arrExtensionList[3]) && is_array($arrExtensionList[3])) {
            foreach ($arrExtensionList[3] as $id => $extension) {
                if (is_array(search_in_array($extension['plugin'], $arrModules, true, 'path'))) {
                $row = 'grey';
                $link = '<a href="javascript:repo_install(' . $extension['plugin_id'] . ',3, \'' . sanitize($extension['plugin']) . '\');" title="' . $this->user->lang('install') . '"><i class="fa fa-toggle-off fa-lg"></i></a>';
                $this->tpl->assign_block_vars('pm_row_' . $row, array('NAME' => '<a href="javascript:repoinfo(' . $id . ')">' . $extension['name'] . '</a>', 'VERSION' => sanitize($extension['version']), 'CODE' => sanitize($extension['plugin']), 'CONTACT' => sanitize($extension['author']), 'DESCRIPTION' => '<a href="javascript:repoinfo(' . $id . ')">' . sanitize(cut_text($extension['description'])) . '</a>', 'ACTION_LINK' => $link, 'RATING' => $this->jquery->starrating('extension_' . md5($extension['plugin']), $this->env->phpself, array('score' => $extension['rating'], 'readonly' => true)), 'BUGTRACKER_URL' => sanitize($extension['bugtracker_url'])));
        $badge = '';
        if ($arrUpdateCount[3]['red']) {
            $badge = '<span class="update_available">' . (int) $arrUpdateCount[3]['red'] . '</span>';
        } elseif ($arrUpdateCount[3]['yellow']) {
            $badge = '<span class="update_available_yellow">' . (int) $arrUpdateCount[3]['yellow'] . '</span>';
        $this->tpl->assign_vars(array('BADGE_3' => $badge));
        $arrGames = $this->game->get_games();
        $arrGameVersions = $this->game->get_versions();
        $arrGameAuthors = $this->game->get_authors();
        $arrTmpExtension = array();
        if (isset($arrExtensionList[7]) && is_array($arrExtensionList[7])) {
            foreach ($arrExtensionList[7] as $id => $extension) {
                $arrTmpExtension[$extension['plugin']] = $extension;
        if (is_array($arrGames)) {
            foreach ($arrGames as $id => $value) {
                $plugin_code = $value;
                if (isset($urgendUpdates[$plugin_code])) {
                    $row = 'red';
                    $link = '<a href="javascript:repo_update(' . $urgendUpdates[$plugin_code]['plugin_id'] . ',7, \'' . $plugin_code . '\');" class="needs_update" data-id="' . $urgendUpdates[$plugin_code]['plugin_id'] . '" data-category="7" data-code="' . $plugin_code . '" title="' . $this->user->lang('uc_bttn_update') . '"><i class="fa fa-refresh fa-lg"></i></a>';
                } elseif (isset($allUpdates[$plugin_code])) {
                    $row = 'yellow';
                    $link = '<a href="javascript:repo_update(' . $allUpdates[$plugin_code]['plugin_id'] . ',7, \'' . $plugin_code . '\');" class="needs_update" data-id="' . $allUpdates[$plugin_code]['plugin_id'] . '" data-category="7" data-code="' . $plugin_code . '" title="' . $this->user->lang('uc_bttn_update') . '"><i class="fa fa-refresh fa-lg" ></i></a>';
                } else {
                    $row = 'green';
                    $link = '';
                $this->tpl->assign_block_vars('games_row_' . $row, array('NAME' => isset($arrExtensionListNamed[7][$plugin_code]) ? '<a href="javascript:repoinfo(' . $arrExtensionListNamed[7][$plugin_code] . ')">' . $this->game->game_name($plugin_code) . '</a>' : $this->game->game_name($plugin_code), 'VERSION' => $arrGameVersions[$plugin_code], 'CODE' => sanitize($plugin_code), 'CONTACT' => isset($arrTmpExtension[$plugin_code]) ? $arrTmpExtension[$plugin_code]['author'] : $arrGameAuthors[$plugin_code], 'DESCRIPTION' => isset($arrTmpExtension[$plugin_code]) ? '<a href="javascript:repoinfo(' . $arrExtensionListNamed[7][$plugin_code] . ')">' . cut_text($arrTmpExtension[$plugin_code]['description'], 100) . '</a>' : '', 'RATING' => isset($arrTmpExtension[$plugin_code]) ? $this->jquery->starrating('extension_' . md5($arrTmpExtension[$plugin_code]['plugin']), $this->env->phpself, array('score' => $arrTmpExtension[$plugin_code]['rating'], 'readonly' => true)) : '', 'ACTION_LINK' => $link, 'DELETE_LINK' => $plugin_code != $this->config->get('default_game') ? '<a href="manage_extensions.php' . $this->SID . '&amp;cat=7&amp;mode=remove&amp;code=' . $plugin_code . '&amp;link_hash=' . $this->CSRFGetToken('mode') . '" title="' . $this->user->lang('delete') . '"><i class="fa fa-lg fa-trash-o"></i></a>' : '', 'BUGTRACKER_URL' => isset($arrExtensionListNamed[7][$plugin_code]) ? sanitize($this->pdh->get('repository', 'bugtracker_url', array(7, $arrExtensionListNamed[7][$plugin_code]))) : ''));
        //Now bring the Extensions from the REPO to template
        if (isset($arrExtensionList[7]) && is_array($arrExtensionList[7])) {
            foreach ($arrExtensionList[7] as $id => $extension) {
                if (in_array($extension['plugin'], $arrGames)) {
                $row = 'grey';
                $link = '<a href="javascript:repo_install(' . $extension['plugin_id'] . ',7, \'' . sanitize($extension['plugin']) . '\');" title="' . $this->user->lang('install') . '"><i class="fa fa-toggle-off fa-lg"></i></a>';
                $this->tpl->assign_block_vars('games_row_' . $row, array('NAME' => '<a href="javascript:repoinfo(' . $id . ')">' . $extension['name'] . '</a>', 'VERSION' => sanitize($extension['version']), 'CODE' => sanitize($extension['plugin']), 'CONTACT' => sanitize($extension['author']), 'DESCRIPTION' => sanitize(cut_text($extension['description'], 100)), 'ACTION_LINK' => $link, 'RATING' => $this->jquery->starrating('extension_' . md5($extension['plugin']), $this->env->phpself, array('score' => $extension['rating'], 'readonly' => true)), 'BUGTRACKER_URL' => sanitize($extension['bugtracker_url'])));
        $badge = '';
        if ($arrUpdateCount[7]['red']) {
            $badge = '<span class="update_available">' . (int) $arrUpdateCount[7]['red'] . '</span>';
        } elseif ($arrUpdateCount[7]['yellow']) {
            $badge = '<span class="update_available_yellow">' . (int) $arrUpdateCount[7]['yellow'] . '</span>';
        $this->tpl->assign_vars(array('BADGE_7' => $badge));
        $arrLanguages = $arrLanguageVersions = array();
        // Build language array
        if ($dir = @opendir($this->core->root_path . 'language/')) {
            while ($file = @readdir($dir)) {
                if (!is_file($this->root_path . 'language/' . $file) && !is_link($this->root_path . 'language/' . $file) && valid_folder($file)) {
                    include $this->root_path . 'language/' . $file . '/lang_main.php';
                    $lang_name_tp = $lang['ISO_LANG_NAME'] ? $lang['ISO_LANG_NAME'] . ' (' . $lang['ISO_LANG_SHORT'] . ')' : ucfirst($file);
                    $arrLanguages[$file] = $lang_name_tp;
                    $arrLanguageVersions[$file] = $lang['LANG_VERSION'];
        if (is_array($arrLanguages)) {
            foreach ($arrLanguages as $id => $value) {
                $plugin_code = $id;
                if (isset($urgendUpdates[$plugin_code])) {
                    $row = 'red';
                    $link = '<a href="javascript:repo_update(' . $urgendUpdates[$plugin_code]['plugin_id'] . ',11, \'' . $plugin_code . '\');" class="needs_update" data-id="' . $urgendUpdates[$plugin_code]['plugin_id'] . '" data-category="11" data-code="' . $plugin_code . '" title="' . $this->user->lang('uc_bttn_update') . '"><i class="fa fa-refresh fa-lg"></i></a>';
                } elseif (isset($allUpdates[$plugin_code])) {
                    $row = 'yellow';
                    $link = '<a href="javascript:repo_update(' . $allUpdates[$plugin_code]['plugin_id'] . ',11, \'' . $plugin_code . '\');" class="needs_update" data-id="' . $allUpdates[$plugin_code]['plugin_id'] . '" data-category="11" data-code="' . $plugin_code . '"  title="' . $this->user->lang('uc_bttn_update') . '"><i class="fa fa-refresh fa-lg"></i></a>';
                } else {
                    $row = 'green';
                    $link = '';
                $this->tpl->assign_block_vars('language_row_' . $row, array('NAME' => isset($arrExtensionListNamed[11][$plugin_code]) ? '<a href="javascript:repoinfo(' . $arrExtensionListNamed[11][$plugin_code] . ')">' . $value . '</a>' : $value, 'VERSION' => $arrLanguageVersions[$plugin_code], 'ACTION_LINK' => $link, 'BUGTRACKER_URL' => isset($arrExtensionListNamed[11][$plugin_code]) ? sanitize($this->pdh->get('repository', 'bugtracker_url', array(11, $arrExtensionListNamed[11][$plugin_code]))) : ''));
        //Now bring the Extensions from the REPO to template
        if (isset($arrExtensionList[11]) && is_array($arrExtensionList[11])) {
            foreach ($arrExtensionList[11] as $id => $extension) {
                if (isset($arrLanguages[$extension['plugin']])) {
                $row = 'grey';
                $link = '<a href="javascript:repo_install(' . $extension['plugin_id'] . ', 11, \'' . sanitize($extension['plugin']) . '\');" title="' . $this->user->lang('install') . '"><i class="fa fa-toggle-off fa-lg"></i></a>';
                $this->tpl->assign_block_vars('language_row_' . $row, array('NAME' => '<a href="javascript:repoinfo(' . $id . ')">' . $extension['name'] . '</a>', 'VERSION' => sanitize($extension['version']), 'ACTION_LINK' => $link, 'BUGTRACKER_URL' => sanitize($extension['bugtracker_url'])));
        $badge = '';
        if ($arrUpdateCount[11]['red']) {
            $badge = '<span class="update_available">' . (int) $arrUpdateCount[11]['red'] . '</span>';
        } elseif ($arrUpdateCount[11]['yellow']) {
            $badge = '<span class="update_available_yellow">' . (int) $arrUpdateCount[11]['yellow'] . '</span>';
        $this->tpl->assign_vars(array('BADGE_11' => $badge));
        //Common Output
        $this->jquery->Tab_header('plus_plugins_tab', true);
        if ($this->in->exists('tab')) {
            $this->jquery->Tab_Select('plus_plugins_tab', $this->in->get('tab', 0));
        $this->jquery->Dialog('update_confirm', '', array('custom_js' => 'repo_update_start(extid, cat, extensioncode);', 'message' => $this->user->lang('repo_updatewarning') . '<br /><br /><input type="checkbox" onclick="hide_update_warning(this.checked);" value="1" />' . $this->user->lang('repo_hide_updatewarning'), 'withid' => 'extid, cat, extensioncode', 'width' => 300, 'height' => 300), 'confirm');
        $this->jquery->Dialog('repoinfo', $this->user->lang('repo_extensioninfo'), array('url' => $this->root_path . "admin/manage_extensions.php" . $this->SID . "&info='+moduleid+'", 'width' => '700', 'height' => '600', 'withid' => 'moduleid'));
        foreach ($this->repo->DisplayCategories() as $key => $category) {
            $this->tpl->assign_vars(array('L_CATEGORY_' . $key => $category));
        $this->tpl->assign_vars(array('S_HIDE_UPDATEWARNING' => (int) $this->config->get('repo_hideupdatewarning'), 'CSRF_MODE_TOKEN' => $this->CSRFGetToken('mode'), 'CSRF_UPDATEWARNING_TOKEN' => $this->CSRFGetToken('hide_update_warning'), 'AUTOUPD_ON' => $this->in->get('autoupd', 0) ? true : false, 'AUTOUPD_CURRENT' => $this->in->get('current', 0), 'AUTOUPD_TRY' => $this->in->get('try', 0)));
			.ui-progressbar { position:relative; height:30px;}
			.nl_progressbar_label { position: absolute; width: 90%; text-align: center; line-height: 30px; left:5%; right:5%;}
        $this->core->set_vars(array('page_title' => $this->user->lang('extensions'), 'template_file' => 'admin/manage_extensions.html', 'display' => true));
Example #9
    public function unreadTooltip()
        header('Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8');
        $arrUnread = $this->getUnreadChats(false);
        if (count($arrUnread) == 0) {
            echo '<div class="chatTooltipRemove">' . $this->user->lang('chat_no_unread') . '</div>';
        $strOut = "";
        foreach ($arrUnread as $key => $row) {
            $strLink = $this->routing->build("chathistory", $this->pdh->get("chat_conversations", "title", array($key)), $this->pdh->get("chat_conversations", "id", array($key)));
            $arrUser = $this->pdh->get("chat_conversations", "user", array($key));
            if (count($arrUser) <= 2) {
                foreach ($arrUser as $user_id) {
                    if ($this->user->id == $user_id) {
                    $strAvatar = $this->pdh->geth('user', 'avatarimglink', array((int) $user_id));
            } else {
                $strAvatar = '<i class="fa fa-group fa-4x"></i>';
            $strOut .= '<li class="chatTooltipRemove"><a href="' . $strLink . '">
				<div class="chatTooltipAvatar">
				' . $strAvatar . '
				<div class="chatTooltipDate">
				' . $this->time->user_date((int) $row['date'], true) . '
				<div class="chatTooltipTitle">
				' . $this->pdh->get("chat_conversations", "title", array($key)) . '
				<div class="chatTooltipLastMessage">';
            if ((int) $row['user_id'] == $this->user->id) {
                $strOut .= '<i class="fa fa-reply"></i>';
            $strOut .= cut_text($row['text'], 50) . '</div>
				<div class="clear"></div>
        echo $strOut;
Example #10
 if ($objPrevPicture) {
     $objPictureTemplate->setText('PREV', "<a href='index.php?action=picture&" . $objPrevPicture->getIDPair() . "'>Previous<br>" . $objPrevPicture->getHtmlThumbnail(64, 64) . "</a>");
 } else {
     $objPictureTemplate->setText('PREV', "<span class='disabled'>At the start</span>");
 if ($objNextPicture) {
     $objPictureTemplate->setText('NEXT', "<a href='index.php?action=picture&" . $objNextPicture->getIDPair() . "'>Next<br>" . $objNextPicture->getHtmlThumbnail(64, 64) . "</a>");
 } else {
     $objPictureTemplate->setText('NEXT', "<span class='disabled'>At the end</span>");
 $objPictureTemplate->setText('TITLE', $objPicture->get('title'));
 $objPictureTemplate->setText('USERNAME', $objPicture->getUsername());
 $objPictureTemplate->setText('PICTURE', $objPicture->getHtml());
 $objPictureTemplate->setText('CAPTION', "<span id='more' style='display: none;'>" . bbcode_format($objPicture->get('caption')) . "<br><a href='#' onClick='\$(\"more\").style.display=\"none\"; \$(\"less\").style.display=\"block\"'>Less</a></span>");
 $objPictureTemplate->setText('CAPTION', "<span id='less' style='display: inline;'>" . cut_text(bbcode_format($objPicture->get('caption')), MAX_CAPTION, "<br><a href='#' onClick='\$(\"less\").style.display=\"none\"; \$(\"more\").style.display=\"block\"'>More</a></span>"));
 $strCaption = cut_text(bbcode_format($objPicture->get('caption')), MAX_CAPTION, " (<a href='index.php?action=picture&all=1&" . $objPicture->getIDPair() . "'>more</a>)");
 /* Voting code. */
 if (clsVote::canVote($objPicture, $objUser, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) {
     $objPictureTemplate->setText('RATING', clsVote::getVoteField($objPicture));
 } else {
     if (clsVote::getVoteCount($objPicture)) {
         $objPictureTemplate->setText('RATING', "Ranked <span class='rating'>" . clsVote::getRating($objPicture) . "</span> / " . clsVote::getMaxRating() . " (" . clsVote::getVoteCount($objPicture) . " votes)");
 /* Commenting code. */
 $arrComments = $objPicture->getComments();
 foreach ($arrComments as $objComment) {
     $objComment = new clsComment($objComment->get('id'));
     $objCommentTemplate = new clsTemplate('comment');
     $objCommentTemplate->setText('TITLE', $objComment->get('title') . ' ' . $objComment->getNewIcon($objUser));
     $objCommentTemplate->setText('USERNAME', $objComment->getUsername());
 public function PrintDebugSelf($level, $last = false)
     if (!empty($this->tokens)) {
         $description = implode(" ", $this->tokens);
     } elseif (!empty($this->data)) {
         $description = cut_text(preg_replace("/\\s+/", " ", $this->data), 300);
     } else {
         $description = "";
     $whitespace = '';
     for ($i = 0; $i < $level; $i++) {
         if ($this->parser->last[$i]) {
             $whitespace .= '    ';
         } else {
             $whitespace .= '|   ';
     $character = $last === true ? '`' : '|';
     $level_text = str_repeat(" ", 3 - strlen((string) $level)) . $level;
     return "\n[{$level_text}]{$whitespace}{$character}-[{$this->type}] {$description}";
 public function run()
     $arrFeeds = $this->pdh->get('feedposter_feeds', 'id_list', array());
     foreach ($arrFeeds as $intFeedID) {
         $arrData = $this->pdh->get('feedposter_feeds', 'data', array($intFeedID));
         if (!$arrData['enabled']) {
         //Check Interval Time
         if ($arrData['lastUpdated'] + $arrData['interval'] > $this->time->time) {
         $arrTwitterOut = array();
         if (preg_match("/http(s?):\\/\\/twitter.com\\/(.*)/i", $arrData['url'], $arrTwitterOut)) {
             $strScreename = $arrTwitterOut[2];
             if ($strScreename == "" || !$strScreename) {
             include_once $this->root_path . 'libraries/twitter/codebird.class.php';
             Codebird::setConsumerKey(TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY, TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET);
             // static, see 'Using multiple Codebird instances'
             $cb = Codebird::getInstance();
             $params = array('screen_name' => $strScreename);
             $objJSON = $cb->statuses_userTimeline($params);
             if (is_array($objJSON)) {
                 $i = 0;
                 foreach ($objJSON as $itemData) {
                     //No Replies or Retweets
                     if (strlen($itemData['in_reply_to_user_id'])) {
                     if (isset($itemData['retweeted_status'])) {
                     $hash = sha1($itemData['id_str']);
                     $time = strtotime($itemData['created_at']);
                     $arrTags = array();
                     if (isset($itemData['entities']['hashtags'])) {
                         foreach ($itemData['entities']['hashtags'] as $val) {
                             $arrTags[] = $val['text'];
                     // get data
                     $data[$hash] = array('title' => $arrData['name'] . ': ' . cut_text($itemData['text'], 40, true), 'link' => 'https://twitter.com/' . $strScreename . '/status/' . $itemData['id_str'], 'description' => $this->twitterify($itemData['text']), 'time' => $time, 'hash' => $hash, 'tags' => $arrTags);
                     // check max results
                     if ($arrData['maxPosts'] && $i == $arrData['maxPosts']) {
                 if (empty($data)) {
                 //Build Hash-Array of Feed
                 $arrHashList = $this->pdh->get('feedposter_log', 'hash_list', array($intFeedID));
                 $intLastUpdate = $arrData['lastUpdated'];
                 foreach ($data as $key => $val) {
                     if ($val['time'] > $intLastUpdate && !in_array($val['hash'], $arrHashList)) {
                         $strTitle = $val['title'];
                         $strText = $val['description'];
                         $strText = nl2br($strText);
                         if ($arrData['maxTextLength']) {
                             if (strlen($strText) > $arrData['maxTextLength']) {
                                 $strText = cut_text($strText, $arrData['maxTextLength'], true);
                         $strFeedType = 'twitter';
                         $strText = '<div class="feedposter feedid_' . $intFeedID . ' feedtype_' . $strFeedType . '"><blockquote>' . strip_tags($strText, '<img><a>') . '</blockquote>' . $this->user->lang('fp_source') . ': <a href="' . sanitize(strip_tags($val['link'])) . '">' . sanitize(strip_tags($val['link'])) . '</a></div>';
                         $strPreviewimage = "";
                         $strAlias = $strTitle;
                         $intPublished = 1;
                         $intFeatured = 0;
                         $intCategory = $arrData['categoryID'];
                         $intUserID = $arrData['userID'];
                         $intComments = $arrData['allowComments'];
                         $intVotes = 0;
                         $intHideHeader = 0;
                         $arrFeedTags = unserialize($arrData['tags']);
                         if (!is_array($arrFeedTags)) {
                             $arrFeedTags = array();
                         $arrFeedTags = $arrFeedTags[0] != "" ? array_merge($arrFeedTags, $val['tags']) : $val['tags'];
                         $arrTags = $arrFeedTags;
                         $intDate = $val['time'];
                         $strShowFrom = $strShowTo = "";
                         $blnResult = $this->pdh->put('articles', 'add', array($strTitle, $strText, $arrTags, $strPreviewimage, $strAlias, $intPublished, $intFeatured, $intCategory, $intUserID, $intComments, $intVotes, $intDate, $strShowFrom, $strShowTo, $intHideHeader));
                         //Write Log
                         $this->pdh->put('feedposter_log', 'add', array($intFeedID, $val['hash'], $this->time->time));
                         //Prevent double input
                         $arrHashList[] = $val['hash'];
                 //Set Last Updated
                 $this->pdh->put('feedposter_feeds', 'set_last_update', array($intFeedID, $this->time->time));
             } else {
                 //Update Error
                 $this->pdh->put('feedposter_feeds', 'set_error', array($intFeedID, 'Invalid Json'));
         } else {
             //Normal RSS/ATOM Feed
             $strContent = register('urlfetcher')->fetch($arrData['url']);
             if ($strContent) {
                 try {
                     $document = new \DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
                     $document->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
                     $xpath = new \DOMXPath($document);
                     if ($document->documentElement !== null && $document->documentElement !== false && is_object($document->documentElement)) {
                         $namespace = $document->documentElement->getAttribute('xmlns');
                         $xpath->registerNamespace('ns', $namespace);
                     } else {
                         //Update Error
                         $this->pdh->put('feedposter_feeds', 'set_error', array($intFeedID));
                     $rootNode = $xpath->query('/*')->item(0);
                     if ($rootNode === null) {
                         //Update Error
                         $this->pdh->put('feedposter_feeds', 'set_error', array($intFeedID));
                     if ($rootNode->nodeName == 'feed') {
                         $data = $this->readAtomFeed($xpath, $arrData);
                         $strFeedType = 'rss';
                     } else {
                         if ($rootNode->nodeName == 'rss') {
                             $data = $this->readRssFeed($xpath, $arrData);
                             $strFeedType = 'rss';
                         } else {
                             if ($rootNode->nodeName == 'response') {
                                 $data = $this->readEQdkpFeed($xpath, $arrData);
                                 $strFeedType = 'eqdkp';
                             } else {
                                 //Update Error
                                 $this->pdh->put('feedposter_feeds', 'set_error', array($intFeedID));
                     if (empty($data)) {
                     //Build Hash-Array of Feed
                     $arrHashList = $this->pdh->get('feedposter_log', 'hash_list', array($intFeedID));
                     $intLastUpdate = $arrData['lastUpdated'];
                     foreach ($data as $key => $val) {
                         if ($val['time'] > $intLastUpdate && !in_array($val['hash'], $arrHashList)) {
                             $strTitle = $val['title'];
                             $strText = $val['description'];
                             $strText = nl2br($strText);
                             if ($arrData['maxTextLength']) {
                                 if (strlen($strText) > $arrData['maxTextLength']) {
                                     $strText = cut_text($strText, $arrData['maxTextLength'], true);
                             if ($strFeedType == 'eqdkp') {
                                 $strText = '<div class="feedposter feedid_' . $intFeedID . ' feedtype_' . $strFeedType . ' feedsource_category_' . $val['category_id'] . '">' . $strText . '</div>';
                             } else {
                                 $strText = preg_replace("'<style[^>]*>.*</style>'siU", '', $strText);
                                 $strText = '<div class="feedposter feedid_' . $intFeedID . ' feedtype_' . $strFeedType . '"><blockquote>' . strip_tags($strText, '<img>') . '</blockquote>' . $this->user->lang('fp_source') . ': <a href="' . sanitize(strip_tags($val['link'])) . '">' . sanitize(strip_tags($val['link'])) . '</a></div>';
                             $strPreviewimage = "";
                             $strAlias = $strTitle;
                             $intPublished = 1;
                             $intFeatured = $arrData['featured'];
                             $intCategory = $arrData['categoryID'];
                             $intUserID = $arrData['userID'];
                             $intComments = $arrData['allowComments'];
                             $intVotes = 0;
                             $intHideHeader = 0;
                             $arrTags = unserialize($arrData['tags']);
                             $intDate = $val['time'];
                             $strShowFrom = $strShowTo = "";
                             if ($arrData['showForDays'] > 0) {
                                 $strShowTo = $intDate + $arrData['showForDays'] * 86400;
                             $blnResult = $this->pdh->put('articles', 'add', array($strTitle, $strText, $arrTags, $strPreviewimage, $strAlias, $intPublished, $intFeatured, $intCategory, $intUserID, $intComments, $intVotes, $intDate, $strShowFrom, $strShowTo, $intHideHeader));
                             //Write Log
                             $this->pdh->put('feedposter_log', 'add', array($intFeedID, $val['hash'], $this->time->time));
                             //Prevent double input
                             $arrHashList[] = $val['hash'];
                     //Set Last Updated
                     $this->pdh->put('feedposter_feeds', 'set_last_update', array($intFeedID, $this->time->time));
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                     //Update Error
                     $this->pdh->put('feedposter_feeds', 'set_error', array($intFeedID, 'Parsing error'));
             } else {
                 //Update Error
                 $this->pdh->put('feedposter_feeds', 'set_error', array($intFeedID, 'Fetching error'));
Example #13
    if (!isset($_SESSION['objUser'])) {
        $objUser = clsUser::getCookie();
    } else {
        $objUser = $_SESSION['objUser'];
    header("Content-type: application/xhtml+xml");
    $arrPictures = clsPicture::getRecentPictures($objUser, 10);
    $url = "http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . "/" . preg_replace("/\\/[a-zA-Z0-9.]*\$/", "/index.php", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
    print "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>\n<!-- generator='OSPAP2' -->\n<rss version='2.0'\n\txmlns:content='http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/content/'\n\txmlns:wfw='http://wellformedweb.org/CommentAPI/'\n\txmlns:dc='http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/'\n\t>\n\n<channel>\n\t<title>" . SITE_NAME . "</title>\n\t<link>{$url}</link>\n\t<description>" . SITE_DESCRIPTION . "</description>\n\t<generator>http://www.javaop.com/~ron/ospap2</generator>\n\t<language>en</language>\n";
    foreach ($arrPictures as $objPicture) {
        $objPicture = new clsPicture($objPicture->get('id'));
        $link = "http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . "/" . preg_replace("/\\/[a-zA-Z0-9.]*\$/", "/index.php?action=picture&amp;" . $objPicture->getIDPair(), $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
        print "\t<item>\n";
        print "\t\t<title>" . $objPicture->get('title') . "</title>\n";
        print "\t\t<link>{$link}</link>\n";
        print "\t\t<comments>{$link}</comments>\n";
        print "\t\t<pubDate>" . date("D M j Y G:i:s T", strtotime($objPicture->get('date'))) . "</pubDate>\n";
        print "\t\t<dc:creator>" . $objPicture->getFrom('user', 'username') . "</dc:creator>\n";
        print "\t\t<category><![CDATA[" . $objPicture->getFrom('album', 'name') . "]]></category>\n";
        print "\t\t<guid isPermaLink=\"true\">{$link}</guid>\n";
        print "\t\t<description><![CDATA[" . cut_text($objPicture->get('caption'), 200) . "<br><br>" . $objPicture->getHtmlThumbnail(150, 150) . "]]></description>\n";
        print "\t\t<content:encoded><![CDATA[" . $objPicture->get('caption') . "<br><br>" . $objPicture->getHtml() . "]]></content:encoded>\n";
        print "\t\t<wfw:commentRss>" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "</wfw:commentRss>\n";
        print "\t</item>\n";
    print "</channel>\n";
    print "</rss>\n";
} catch (Exception $e) {
    $_SESSION['e'] = $e;
    header("Location: index.php?action=exception&message=" . $e->getMessage());
Example #14
echo my_format_date($news_element['publish_date']);
echo $news_element['title'];
echo cut_text($news_element['text']);
<p><a href="<?php 
echo $id;
	<div class="forum-buttons">
		<a href="/forum/category/<?php 
    echo $var_id;
/new">Create new thread</a>
		<div class="clear"></div>
	<table class="forum-table">
			<th class="forum-header-threads-name">Thread Title</th>
			<th class="forum-header-threads-replies">Replies</th>
    if ($result = mysql_query_cached("SELECT * FROM forum_posts WHERE `CategoryId`='{$catid}' AND `ParentId`='0' ORDER BY `LastReplyTime` DESC", 10)) {
        foreach ($result->data as $post) {
            $teaser = cut_text(utf8entities(stripslashes($post['Body'])), 90);
            $topic = utf8entities(stripslashes($post['Topic']));
            echo "<tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td class=\"forum-item-threads-name\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<a class=\"forum-table-link\" href=\"/forum/post/{$post['Id']}\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class=\"forum-table-name\">{$topic}</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class=\"forum-table-teaser\">{$teaser}</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</a>\n\t\t\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td class=\"forum-item-threads-replies\">{$post['Replies']}</td>\n\t\t\t\t</tr>";
    } else {
        echo "<tr>\n\t\t\t\t<td colspan=\"2\">There are no threads in this category yet.</td>\n\t\t\t</tr>";
} else {
    require "module.error.php";