Example #1
function breakKey($content, $title, $tag = 0)
    $title = mb_strtolower($title, "UTF-8");
    $array = explode(".", $content);
    $contentReturn = '';
    $arrayKey = explode(" ", $title);
    $arraySort = array();
    $arResult = array();
    foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
        $value = mb_strtolower($value, "UTF-8");
        $arrayCau = explode(" ", $value);
        $result = array_intersect($arrayKey, $arrayCau);
        $arraySort[$key] = count($result);
        $arResult[$key] = $result;
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($arraySort as $key => $value) {
        if (isset($array[$key]) && isset($arResult[$key])) {
            $contentReturn = $contentReturn . replaceTag(cut_string($array[$key], 200), $arResult[$key]) . '. ';
        if ($i == 3) {
    if ($tag == 1) {
        $this->text .= strip_tags($contentReturn);
    $contentReturn = str_replace("</b>", " ", $contentReturn);
    return $contentReturn;
Example #2
function breakKey($g, $h, $j = 0)
    $h = mb_strtolower($h, "UTF-8");
    $l = explode(".", $g);
    $n = '';
    $o = explode(" ", $h);
    $p = array();
    $q = array();
    foreach ($l as $r => $s) {
        $s = mb_strtolower($s, "UTF-8");
        $t = explode(" ", $s);
        $u = array_intersect($o, $t);
        $p[$r] = count($u);
        $q[$r] = $u;
    $w = 0;
    foreach ($p as $r => $s) {
        if (isset($l[$r]) && isset($q[$r])) {
            $n = $n . replaceTag(cut_string($l[$r], 200), $q[$r]) . '. ';
        if ($w == 3) {
    if ($j == 1) {
        $x->text .= strip_tags($n);
    $n = str_replace("</b>", " ", $n);
    return $n;
Example #3
function short_description($string, $len)
    if (strlen($string) > $len) {
        $string = cut_string($string, $len);
        $string .= ' ...';
    return $string;
Example #4
 public function getNotice()
     $query = "\n            SELECT\n                ba.idx,\n                ba.title,\n                bc.contents\n            FROM\n                tb_bbs_article AS ba,\n                tb_bbs_contents AS bc\n            WHERE\n                ba.bbs_idx = ?\n                AND ba.is_notice = ?\n                AND ba.idx = bc.article_idx\n                AND ba.bbs_idx = bc.bbs_idx\n            ORDER BY ba.idx DESC\n        ";
     $query = $this->db->query($query, array(3, '1'));
     $list = $query->result_array();
     foreach ($list as &$article) {
         $article['contents'] = cut_string($article['contents'], 200);
     echo json_encode($list);
Example #5
function server_query_frontlines($ip, $port, $q_port, $request)
    global $server_timeout;
    $q_port = empty($q_port) ? 5478 : $q_port;
    $fp = @fsockopen("udp://" . $ip, $q_port, $errno, $errstr, $server_timeout);
    if ($request == "players") {
        fwrite($fp, "ÿÿÿÿW");
        $challenge_packet = fread($fp, 4096);
        if (!$challenge_packet) {
            return FALSE;
        $challenge_code = substr($challenge_packet, 5, 4);
    if ($request == "players") {
        fwrite($fp, "ÿÿÿÿU{$challenge_code}");
    } else {
        fwrite($fp, "ÿÿÿÿFLSQ");
    $buffer = fread($fp, 4096);
    if (!$buffer) {
        return FALSE;
    if ($request == "info") {
        $buffer = substr($buffer, 6);
        $data['hostname'] = cut_string($buffer);
        $data['mapname'] = cut_string($buffer);
        $data['gamemod'] = strtolower(cut_string($buffer));
        $data['gametype'] = cut_string($buffer);
        $data['players'] = _unpack(cut_byte($buffer, 1), "C");
        $data['maxplayers'] = _unpack(cut_byte($buffer, 1), "C");
        return $data;
    if ($request == "players") {
        $buffer = substr($buffer, 4);
        $response_type = cut_byte($buffer, 1);
        $returned = ord(cut_byte($buffer, 1));
        $player = array();
        $player_key = 0;
        while ($buffer) {
            $player[$player_key]['pid'] = ord(cut_byte($buffer, 1));
            $player[$player_key]['name'] = cut_string($buffer);
            $player[$player_key]['score'] = _unpack(cut_byte($buffer, 4), "N");
            $player[$player_key]['time'] = _time(_unpack(strrev(cut_byte($buffer, 4)), "f"));
            $player[$player_key]['ping'] = _unpack(cut_byte($buffer, 2), "n");
            $player[$player_key]['uid'] = _unpack(cut_byte($buffer, 4), "N");
            $player[$player_key]['team'] = ord(cut_byte($buffer, 1));
        $player = array_reverse($player);
        return $player;
Example #6
function class_list($Selected=0){
	global $Classes;
	$Return = '';
	foreach ($Classes as $ID => $Class) {
		$Name = $Class['Name'];
		$Level = $Class['Level'];
		$Return.='<option value="'.$Level.'"';
		if($Selected == $Level){
			$Return.=' selected="selected"';
		$Return.='>'.cut_string($Name, 20, 1).'</option>'."\n";
	return $Return;
function prepare_hoidap_record(&$row_news, $type_image = 'mobile')
    if (isset($row_news['que_title']) && $row_news['que_title']) {
        $row_news['que_title'] = htmlspecialbo($row_news['que_title']);
    if (isset($row_news['que_image']) && $row_news['que_image']) {
        $row_news['que_image_low'] = get_picture_path($row_news['que_image'], $type_image . '_low');
        $row_news['que_image'] = get_picture_path($row_news['que_image'], $type_image);
    if (isset($row_news['que_question_content']) && $row_news['que_question_content']) {
        $row_news['full_question_content'] = $row_news['que_question_content'];
        $row_news['que_question_content'] = removeHTML($row_news['que_question_content']);
        $row_news['que_question_content'] = cut_string($row_news['que_question_content'], 50);
    if (isset($row_news['que_date']) && $row_news['que_date']) {
        $row_news['post_time'] = date('d/m/Y | H:i', $row_news['que_date']);
    $row_news['link_detail'] = generate_hoidap_detail($row_news);
    return $row_news;
Example #8
                <div class="infomainconstructioncol2">
                    <h1><a title="<?php 
    echo $row->{'title_' . $this->language};
" href="<?php 
    echo $base_url . $this->lang->lang();
    echo $row->title_none;
    echo $row->{'title_' . $this->language};
    echo strlen($row->{'short_' . $this->language}) > 150 ? cut_string($row->{'short_' . $this->language}, 150) . ' ...' : $row->{'short_' . $this->language};
                    <div class="readmore">
                        <a title="<?php 
    echo $row->{'title_' . $this->language};
" href="<?php 
    echo $base_url . $this->lang->lang();
    echo $row->title_none;
    echo lang('view_more');
Example #9
 * Tach chuoi tu khoa thanh cum 2 tu
function gen_keyword_search($string){
   $string  = cut_string($string,50,"");
   $string  = replaceFCK($string,1);
   $text    = str_convert_num_code_to_char($string);    
   $text                  = mb_strtolower($text,"UTF-8"); 
   $code_entities_match   = array('&mdash;',' ','--','&quot;','!','@','#','$','%','^','&','*','(',')','_','+','{','}','|',':','"','<','>','?','[',']','\\',';',"'",',','.','/','*','+','~','`','=', '“','”',"'", '‘', '’', '--'); 
   $code_entities_replace = array('','-','-','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','-','','','','','','', '','','','','','-'); 
   $title = str_replace($code_entities_match, $code_entities_replace, $text); 
   $arr_place  = array("     ","    ","   ","  ");
   $title      = str_replace($arr_place," ",$title);
   $title      = str_replace($arr_place," ",$title);
   $title      = str_replace("-"," ",$title);
   $array_text = explode(" ",$title);
   $arrKey     = array();
   for($i = 0; $i < count($array_text) - 1; $i++){
      $keyword  = $array_text[$i] . " " . $array_text[$i + 1];
      $keyword  = trim($keyword);
      if(strlen($keyword) > 4){
         $arrKey[] = $keyword;
   return $arrKey;
Example #10
 * @author Oliver Georgi <*****@*****.**>
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2002-2015, Oliver Georgi
 * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-2.0 GNU GPL-2
 * @link http://www.phpwcms.de
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// obligate check for phpwcms constants
if (!defined('PHPWCMS_ROOT')) {
    die("You Cannot Access This Script Directly, Have a Nice Day.");
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Link Articles
$cinfo[1] = html(cut_string($row["acontent_title"], '&#8230;', 55));
$cinfo[2] = html(cut_string($row["acontent_subtitle"], '&#8230;', 55));
$cinfo_alink = unserialize($row["acontent_form"]);
$cinfo_alink = isset($cinfo_alink['alink_id']) ? $cinfo_alink['alink_id'] : explode(':', $row["acontent_alink"]);
$cinfo[3] = '';
if (is_array($cinfo_alink)) {
    foreach ($cinfo_alink as $value) {
        $cinfo[3] .= intval($value) ? "[" . $value . "] " : "";
    $cinfo[3] = $cinfo[3] ? ($cinfo[1] || $cinfo[2] ? "<br />" : "") . trim($cinfo[3]) : "";
$cinfo["result"] = "";
foreach ($cinfo as $value) {
    if ($value) {
        $cinfo["result"] .= $value . "\n";
Example #11
        echo $row->title_vietnamese;
                    <div style="width:430px; margin-bottom:10px;float:left;">
                        <p style="color:#999999; font-size:12px; margin-left:12px;">Cập nhật: <?php 
        echo get_date_from_sql($row->created);
                    <div class="sreenndtinthitruong" style="width:410px; margin-left:12px; height:70px; float:left;color:#333333;">
                        <p align="justify" style="margin-left:0px; font-size:14px; font-weight:lighter;">
        echo strlen($row->short_vietnamese) < 300 ? $row->short_vietnamese : cut_string($row->short_vietnamese, 300) . '...';
            <div class="linedot"></div>

        <div class="phantrang">
            <div class="back">
Example #12

 * phpwcms content management system
 * @author Oliver Georgi <*****@*****.**>
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2002-2015, Oliver Georgi
 * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-2.0 GNU GPL-2
 * @link http://www.phpwcms.de
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// obligate check for phpwcms constants
if (!defined('PHPWCMS_ROOT')) {
    die("You Cannot Access This Script Directly, Have a Nice Day.");
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Content 89: Poll  		jens
$cinfo["result"] = $row["acontent_title"] ? cut_string($row["acontent_title"], '&#8230;', 55) : "";
$cinfo["result"] .= $cinfo["result"] && $row["acontent_subtitle"] ? " / " : "";
$cinfo["result"] .= $row["acontent_subtitle"] ? cut_string($row["acontent_subtitle"], '&#8230;', 55) : "";
$poll_text = unserialize($row["acontent_text"]);
if ($cinfo["result"]) {
    echo "<tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td class=\"v10\">";
    echo "<a href=\"phpwcms.php?do=articles&amp;p=2&amp;s=1&amp;aktion=2&amp;id=" . $article["article_id"] . "&amp;acid=" . $row["acontent_id"] . "\">";
    echo $cinfo["result"] . "</a></td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>";
Example #13
						<div class="article-box">
							<header class="entry-header">
        if (is_single()) {
            the_title('<h2 class="entry-title" itemprop="name headline">', '</h2>');
        } else {
            the_title('<h2 class="entry-title" itemprop="name headline"><a href="' . esc_url(get_permalink()) . '" itemprop="url" rel="bookmark">', '</a></h2>');
							<div class="post-entry post-content">
								<p class="conetent-string">
        echo cut_string(strip_tags(apply_filters('the_content', $post->post_content)), 42);
        if (comments_open() && !is_single()) {
									<span class="comments-num"><?php 
            comments_popup_link('0', '1', '%');
        // comments_open()
							<footer class="post-meta">
Example #14
        $prefix['cg35_14-18'] = '/14-18';
        $print_url = MASTER_URL . $prefix[$item['dbname']] . '/items/print/id/' . $item['item_id'];
        $print_csv_url = MASTER_URL . $prefix[$item['dbname']] . '/items/csv/id/' . $item['item_id'];
        echo '<div class="item">';
        echo '  <a href="' . $delete_url . '" class="delete" title="Enlever cette notice du panier">Enlever cette notice du panier</a>';
        echo '  <div class="notice">Notice</div>';
        echo '  <h2><a href="' . $item['url'] . '">' . $item['text'] . '</a></h2>';
        echo '  <div class="date">';
        if ($item['date']) {
            echo 'Date : ' . $item['date'] . ' | ';
        if ($item['reference']) {
            echo 'Référence : ' . $item['reference'];
        echo '</div>';
        echo '  <div class="description">' . cut_string(strip_tags($item['description']), 500) . '</div>';
        echo '  <span class="notes">Mes notes</span>';
        echo '  <textarea placeholder="Rédiger une note" name="note" rel="' . $item['id'] . '">' . $item['note'] . '</textarea>';
        echo '  <div class="btn-save"><a href="#" class="save-note" rel="' . $item['id'] . '">Enregistrer mes notes</a></div>';
        echo '  <div class="item-actions" style="margin-top:15px; margin-bottom:25px;">';
        echo '      <a target="_blank" href="' . $print_url . '" class="print">Imprimer</a>';
        echo '      <a target="_blank" href="' . $print_url . '" class="download">PDF</a>';
        echo '      <a href="' . $print_csv_url . '" class="download-csv">CSV</a>';
        echo '      <a href="' . $item['url'] . '" class="view">Voir la notice</a>';
        echo '  </div>';
        echo '      <br style="clear:both;"/>';
        // echo '<li><a href="'.$delete_url.'" style="color:orange;" class="fa fa-remove fa-lg"></a> [GUIDE : '.$item['name'].' ] <a href="'.$item_url.'">'.$item['text'].'</a></li>';
        echo '</div>';
Example #15
  * 메시지 목록
  * @author KangMin
  * @since  2011.11.09
 public function message()
     $assign = NULL;
     $req_page = (int) $this->input->get('page') > 0 ? (int) $this->input->get('page') : 1;
     //로그인 상태가 아니면
     if (!defined('USER_INFO_idx')) {
     } else {
         $search = $this->input->get('search');
         //receive box, send box 구분
         $search = $assign['search'] = $search == 'send' ? 'send' : 'receive';
         $assign['search_send_active'] = $search == 'send' ? 'ui-btn-active' : '';
         $assign['search_receive_active'] = $search == 'receive' ? 'ui-btn-active' : '';
         $assign['search'] = $search;
         $assign['total_cnt'] = $this->users_message_model->get_message_total_cnt($search);
         // http://codeigniter-kr.org/user_guide_2.1.0/libraries/pagination.html
         $config['base_url'] = BASE_URL . 'user/message?search=' . $search . '&';
         $config['enable_query_strings'] = TRUE;
         // ?page=10 이런 일반 get 방식
         $config['page_query_string'] = TRUE;
         $config['use_page_numbers'] = TRUE;
         $config['num_links'] = (int) SETTING_count_page_message;
         $config['query_string_segment'] = 'page';
         $config['total_rows'] = $assign['total_cnt'];
         $config['per_page'] = (int) SETTING_count_list_message;
         $pagination_config = $this->config->item($this->viewport);
         $config = array_merge($config, $pagination_config);
         $assign['pagination'] = $this->pagination->create_links();
         $assign['users_message'] = array();
         if ($assign['total_cnt'] > 0) {
             $assign['users_message'] = $this->users_message_model->get_message($search, ($req_page - 1) * $config['per_page'], $config['per_page']);
         foreach ($assign['users_message'] as $k => &$v) {
             $v->title = cut_string($v->title ? $v->title : $v->contents, SETTING_cut_length_title_message);
             $v->print_name = name($v->user_id, $v->name, $v->nickname);
             $v->is_read_class = "is_read_{$v->is_read}";
             $v->is_read_text = lang($v->is_read_class);
             $v->print_send_date = time2date($v->timestamp_send);
         $this->scope('contents', 'contents/user/message', $assign);
         #$this->layout->view('user/message_view', $data);
Example #16
 * @author Oliver Georgi <*****@*****.**>
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2002-2015, Oliver Georgi
 * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-2.0 GNU GPL-2
 * @link http://www.phpwcms.de
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// obligate check for phpwcms constants
if (!defined('PHPWCMS_ROOT')) {
    die("You Cannot Access This Script Directly, Have a Nice Day.");
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Pages
$cinfo[1] = html(cut_string($row["acontent_title"], '&#8230;', 55));
$cinfo[2] = html(cut_string($row["acontent_subtitle"], '&#8230;', 55));
$cinfo_pagefile = unserialize($row["acontent_form"]);
$cinfo[3] = '<strong>' . html(str_replace("\n", " ", cut_string($cinfo_pagefile['pfile'], '&#8230;', 150))) . '</strong>';
$cinfo["result"] = "";
foreach ($cinfo as $value) {
    if ($value) {
        $cinfo["result"] .= $value . "\n";
$cinfo["result"] = str_replace("\n", " / ", chop($cinfo["result"]));
if ($cinfo["result"]) {
    //Zeige Inhaltinfo
    echo "<tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td class=\"v10\">";
    echo "<a href=\"phpwcms.php?do=articles&amp;p=2&amp;s=1&amp;aktion=2&amp;id=" . $article["article_id"] . "&amp;acid=" . $row["acontent_id"] . "\">";
    echo $cinfo["result"] . "</a></td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>";
Example #17
 * Import canned messages from a YAML file.
 * @param string $locale Locale code.
 * @param string $file Full path to the file that should be imported.
function import_canned_messages($locale, $file)
    // Get new canned messages that should be imported.
    $parser = new YamlParser();
    $new_messages = $parser->parse(file_get_contents($file));
    if (empty($new_messages)) {
        // Nothing to import.
    // Get list of existing canned messages for specified locale an key it by
    // message value.
    $loaded_messages = load_canned_messages($locale, false);
    $existing_messages = array();
    if (!empty($loaded_messages)) {
        foreach ($loaded_messages as $message) {
            $existing_messages[$message['vcvalue']] = $message;
    // Save only new messages to avoid duplication
    foreach ($new_messages as $message) {
        if (array_key_exists($message, $existing_messages)) {
        add_canned_message($locale, null, cut_string($message, 97, '...'), $message);
Example #18
        <div class="sreentinnoibat" style="width:312px; float:left; margin-bottom:3px;">
            <div id="container" class="carousel-hot-news">
                <ul id="carousel">
$i = 0;
foreach ($this->newsHot as $row) {
    $cat = new Newscatalogue($row->newscatalogue_id);
    $catParent = new Newscatalogue($cat->parentcat_id);
                        <li><a href="<?php 
    echo $base_url . $catParent->name_none . '/' . $cat->name_none . '/' . $row->title_none;
    echo strlen($row->title_vietnamese) < 65 ? $row->title_vietnamese : cut_string($row->title_vietnamese, 65) . ' ...';
    <style type="text/css">
        #carousel li{
            width: 100%;
            padding-top: 7px;
            height: 23px;
Example #19
                            <div class="sreentieude" style=" height:15px; float:left; margin-right:3px; margin-left:20px; ">
                                <div class="tieude">
                                    <a style="<?php 
    if ($row->isVip == 1) {
        echo 'color: #109502;';
" href="<?php 
    echo $base_url . $row->estatecatalogue->name_none . '/' . $row->estatecity->name_none . '/' . $row->title_none;
.html" title="<?php 
    echo $row->title;
    echo strlen($row->title) < 100 ? $row->title : cut_string($row->title, 100) . '...';
                            <div class="sreen1" style="width:17px; height:15px; float:left;">
                                <div class="icon">
    if ($row->photo != null) {
                                        <img src="<?php 
        echo $base_url;
images/iconcamera.png" alt="camera icon"/>
 public function get_companies($companies, $kpis, $period, $sort = '', $order = "DESC")
     $_companies = $this->get_companies_api($companies, $kpis, $period, $sort, $order);
     if ($_companies == "API_ERROR") {
         return "API_ERROR";
     $html = '';
     $error = array();
     // efj 30-Apr-15 getting rid of datasources
     //$html .= '<ul id="source"  class="isotope2 transition" datasources ="' . $_companies["datasources"] . '">';
     $html .= '<ul id="source"  class="isotope2 transition">';
     //$html .= '<ul id="source"  class="isotope2 transition" >';
     $modal = '';
     $i = 1;
     foreach ($_companies as &$company) {
         //if(gettype ( $company ) == 'string'){
         //   continue;
         if (array_key_exists('error', $company) && !empty($company['error'])) {
             $error[$company['company_name']] = $company['error'];
         if (!empty($company[(int) $sort])) {
             $display = format_number($company[(int) $sort]);
         } else {
             $display = "Not Provided";
         $css_ = 'positive';
         $num_is = 'positive';
         $html .= '<li class="cell element-item transition"';
         $html .= ' data-index="' . $i . '"';
         $html .= ' data-ticker="' . $company['entityID'] . '"';
         $html .= ' data-name="' . $company['company_name'] . '"';
         foreach ($kpis as $kpi) {
             if (array_key_exists($kpi, $company)) {
                 if (empty($company[$kpi])) {
                     $html .= ' data-' . (int) $kpi . '="0"';
                     $html .= ' data-' . (int) $kpi . '-exist="false"';
                 } else {
                     $html .= ' data-' . (int) $kpi . '="' . $company[$kpi] . '"';
                     $html .= ' data-' . (int) $kpi . '-exist="true"';
             if (in_array($kpi, $company['drilldown'], true)) {
                 $html .= ' dd-data-' . (int) $kpi . '="true"';
             } else {
                 $html .= ' dd-data-' . (int) $kpi . '="false"';
         $html .= '>';
         $html .= '<div class="companyIcon">';
         $html .= '</div>';
         $html .= '<div class="grid_view">';
         //$html .=    '<div class="_rank">' . $i . '</div>' ;
         $html .= '<div class="num"><span class="' . $css_ . '">' . $display . '</span></div>';
         $html .= '<div class="name" title="' . (empty($company['info']) ? '' : $company['info']['company_name']) . '">';
         $html .= cut_string(empty($company['info']) ? '' : $company['info']['company_name'], 25);
         $html .= '</div>';
         $html .= '<div class="dd_cb"><input type="checkbox" name="drilldown_cb" d_index="' . $i . '" value="' . $company['entityID'] . '" />Drilldown</div>';
         $html .= '</div>';
         //end grid_view
         $html .= '<div class="list_view">';
         $html .= '<div class="ident">';
         //$html .=    '    <div class="num">' . $i . '</div>';
         $html .= '<div class="name" title="' . (empty($company['info']) ? '' : $company['info']['company_name']) . '">';
         $html .= cut_string(empty($company['info']) ? '' : $company['info']['company_name'], 25);
         $html .= '</div>';
         $html .= '</div>';
         $html .= '<ul class="scores">';
         if (!empty($kpis)) {
             $tmp = 90 / count($kpis);
             $width = (string) $tmp . "%";
         foreach ($kpis as $kpi) {
             if (!empty($company[$kpi])) {
                 $display_comp_kpi = format_number($company[$kpi]);
                 $comp_kpi = $company[$kpi];
             } else {
                 $display_comp_kpi = 'N/A';
                 $comp_kpi = 0;
             if ((int) $comp_kpi < 0) {
                 $css_ = 'negative';
             } else {
                 $css_ = 'positive';
             $html .= '<li style="width:' . $width . ';min-width: 150px;" class="' . $css_ . '">
                         <div data-' . (int) $kpi . '="' . $comp_kpi . '" class="num scores_active ' . $css_ . '">' . $display_comp_kpi . '</div>
                         <div data-' . (int) $kpi . '="' . $comp_kpi . '" class="progress" style="opacity:0">
                             <div class="progress-bar progress-bar-success animate-progress-bar ' . $css_ . '">
         $html .= '</ul>';
         $html .= '</div>';
         $html .= '</li>';
     $html .= '</ul>';
     $result = array('result' => $html, 'error' => $error);
     return $result;
Example #21
    <td align="center" width="40" class="header">&nbsp;<?php 
    echo $language["SHORT_C"];
    if ($row) {
        foreach ($row as $id => $data) {
            echo "<tr>";
            if (strlen($data["hash"]) > 0) {
                echo "\n\t<td align=\"center\" class=\"lista\" width=\"20\" style=\"text-align: center;\">";
                echo "<a class=\"lasttor\" href=\"download.php?id=" . $data["hash"] . "&amp;f=" . rawurlencode($data["filename"]) . ".torrent\"><img src='images/torrent.gif' border='0' alt='" . $language["DOWNLOAD_TORRENT"] . "' title='" . $language["DOWNLOAD_TORRENT"] . "' /></a>";
                echo "</td>";
                $data["filename"] = unesc($data["filename"]);
                $filename = cut_string($data["filename"], intval($btit_settings["cut_name"]));
                // Gold/Silver Torrent v 1.2 by Losmi / start
                $silver_picture = '';
                $gold_picture = '';
                $res = get_result("SELECT * FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}gold  WHERE id='1'", true, $btit_settings['cache_duration']);
                foreach ($res as $key => $value) {
                    $silver_picture = $value["silver_picture"];
                    $gold_picture = $value["gold_picture"];
                $gold = '';
                if ($data['gold'] == 1) {
                    $gold = '<img src="gold/' . $silver_picture . '" alt="silver" align="right"/>';
                if ($data['gold'] == 2) {
                    $gold = '<img src="gold/' . $gold_picture . '" alt="gold" align="right"/>';
 $card_privacy = $obj->public == 0 ? 'private' : 'public';
 $circles = "";
 $info = "";
 $info .= "Viewed: " . $obj->viewed . "<br/>";
 $info .= "Privacy: " . $card_privacy . "<br/>";
 $info .= "Autor: " . $obj->autor . "<br/>";
 $info .= "Date Created: " . $obj->creation_time . "<br/>";
 if (!empty($obj->circles)) {
     $num_circle = count($obj->circles);
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($obj->circles as $circle) {
         if ($i < 3) {
             $circles .= cut_string($circle['name'], 20) . "<br/>";
         if ($i > 3) {
             $circles .= "...";
 } else {
     $circles = "Not shared with any circle";
                                 <a class="fa fa-retweet flipper" 
 echo $obj->id;
Example #23
.html" title="<?php 
    echo $newsFirst->title_vietnamese;
    echo $newsFirst->title_vietnamese;
                    <div class="contentthitruong">
                        <p align="justify">
    echo strlen($newsFirst->short_vietnamese) < 200 ? $newsFirst->short_vietnamese : cut_string($newsFirst->short_vietnamese, 200) . '...';

                <div class="cotphaithitruong" style="width:287px;  float:left; margin-left:6px;">
    foreach ($news as $rowNews) {
        if ($rowNews->id != $newsFirst->id) {
                    <div class="sreentinkhacnoibat" style="width:309px; height:30px; margin-bottom:10px;  float:left;">
                        <div class="icon4"></div>
                        <div class="noidungtinnoibat2">
                            <a  href="<?php 
            echo $base_url . 'tin-tuc/' . $row->name_none . '/' . $rowNews->title_none;
Example #24
                            <div class="sreentieude" style=" height:15px; float:left; margin-right:3px; margin-left:20px; ">
                                <div class="tieude">
                                    <a style="<?php 
    if ($row->isVip == 1) {
        echo 'color: #109502; text-transform: uppercase;';
" href="<?php 
    echo $base_url . $row->estatecatalogue->name_none . '/' . $row->estatecity->name_none . '/' . $row->title_none;
.html" title="<?php 
    echo $row->title;
    echo strlen($row->title) < 95 ? $row->title : cut_string($row->title, 95) . '...';
                            <div class="sreen1" style="width:17px; height:15px; float:left;">
                                <div class="icon">
    if ($row->photo != null) {
                                        <img src="<?php 
        echo $base_url;
images/iconcamera.png" alt=""/>
Example #25
											<i class="fa fa-angle-down"></i>
										<ul class="dropdown-menu">
											<li><a href="<?php 
echo site_url("profile");
"><i class="fa fa-user"></i>Profile</a></li>
											<li><a href="<?php 
echo site_url("login/logout");
"><i class="fa fa-power-off"></i>Logout</a></li>
									<span class="status">
										<i class="fa fa-circle"></i><?php 
echo cut_string($logged_user->role, 13);
							<div class="collapse navbar-collapse navbar-ex1-collapse" id="sidebar-nav">	
								<ul class="nav nav-pills nav-stacked">
echo $view_menu;
					<div id="nav-col-submenu"></div>
Example #26

 * phpwcms content management system
 * @author Oliver Georgi <*****@*****.**>
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2002-2015, Oliver Georgi
 * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-2.0 GNU GPL-2
 * @link http://www.phpwcms.de
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// obligate check for phpwcms constants
if (!defined('PHPWCMS_ROOT')) {
    die("You Cannot Access This Script Directly, Have a Nice Day.");
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Glossary module content part listing
$cinfo["result"] = array();
$cinfo["result"][] = trim(html(cut_string($row["acontent_title"], '&#8230;', 55)));
$cinfo["result"][] = trim(html(cut_string($row["acontent_subtitle"], '&#8230;', 55)));
$cinfo["result"] = implode(' / ', $cinfo["result"]);
if ($cinfo["result"]) {
    //Zeige Inhaltinfo
    echo '<tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td class="v10">';
    echo '<a href="phpwcms.php?do=articles&amp;p=2&amp;s=1&amp;aktion=2&amp;id=' . $article["article_id"] . '&amp;acid=' . $row["acontent_id"] . '">';
    echo $cinfo["result"] . '</a></td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>';
Example #27
 * @author Oliver Georgi <*****@*****.**>
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2002-2015, Oliver Georgi
 * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-2.0 GNU GPL-2
 * @link http://www.phpwcms.de
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// obligate check for phpwcms constants
if (!defined('PHPWCMS_ROOT')) {
    die("You Cannot Access This Script Directly, Have a Nice Day.");
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Text with image
$cinfo[1] = cut_string($row["acontent_title"], '&#8230;', 55);
$cinfo[2] = cut_string($row["acontent_subtitle"], '&#8230;', 55);
$cinfo[3] = str_replace("\n", " ", cut_string($row["acontent_text"], '&#8230;', 150));
// 0   :1       :2   :3        :4    :5     :6      :7       :8
// dbid:filename:hash:extension:width:height:caption:position:zoom
$cinfo_image = explode(":", $row["acontent_image"]);
if (isset($cinfo_image[2]) && is_array($cinfo_image) && count($cinfo_image)) {
    $thumb_image = get_cached_image(array("target_ext" => $cinfo_image[3], "image_name" => $cinfo_image[2] . '.' . $cinfo_image[3], "thumb_name" => md5($cinfo_image[2] . $phpwcms["img_list_width"] . $phpwcms["img_list_height"] . $phpwcms["sharpen_level"] . $phpwcms['colorspace'])));
    if ($thumb_image != false) {
        $cinfo_image = '<img src="' . PHPWCMS_IMAGES . $thumb_image[0] . '" border="0" ' . $thumb_image[3] . '>';
    } else {
        $cinfo_image = '';
} else {
    $cinfo_image = '';
$cinfo["result"] = '';
foreach ($cinfo as $value) {
Example #28
                echo '<script type="text/javascript">' . $link . '</script>';
        } else {
            $link = "attachment.php?account_id=" . $account['id'] . "&mailbox=" . urlencode($mailbox) . "&uid=" . $uid . "&part=" . $parts[$i]["number"] . "&transfer=" . $parts[$i]["transfer"] . "&mime=" . $parts[$i]["mime"] . "&filename=" . urlencode($parts[$i]["name"]);
        $attachments .= '<td><img border="0" width="16" height="16" src="' . $GO_CONFIG->control_url . 'icon.php?extension=' . get_extension($parts[$i]["name"]) . '&mime=' . urlencode($parts[$i]["mime"]) . '" /></td>';
        $attachment_name = '';
        $tmp = imap_mime_header_decode($parts[$i]["name"]);
        foreach ($tmp as $t) {
            if (isset($t->text)) {
                $attachment_name .= $t->text;
        $attachments .= '<td valign="center" nowrap>&nbsp;<a href="' . $link . '" target="' . $target . '" title="' . $parts[$i]["name"] . '">' . cut_string($attachment_name, 50) . '</a> (' . format_size($parts[$i]["size"]) . ')</td>';
        $filesystem_module = $GO_MODULES->get_module('filesystem');
        if ($filesystem_module && ($GO_SECURITY->has_permission($GO_SECURITY->user_id, $filesystem_module['acl_read']) || $GO_SECURITY->has_permission($GO_SECURITY->user_id, $filesystem_module['acl_write']))) {
            $attachments .= "<td>&nbsp;<a title=\"" . $ml_save_attachment . "\" href=\"javascript:popup('save_attachment.php?account_id=" . $account['id'] . "&mailbox=" . urlencode($mailbox) . "&uid=" . $uid . "&part=" . $parts[$i]["number"] . "&transfer=" . $parts[$i]["transfer"] . "&mime=" . $parts[$i]["mime"] . "&filename=" . urlencode(addslashes($parts[$i]["name"])) . "','600','400')\"><img src=\"" . $GO_THEME->images['save'] . "\" border=\"0\" /></a>;&nbsp;</td>\n";
        } else {
            $attachments .= '<td>;</td>';
    if ($splitter == 3) {
        $splitter = 0;
        $attachments .= "</tr><tr>";
$attachments .= "</tr></table>";
if ($count > 0) {
    echo '<br /><table border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" class="TableBorder" width="100%"><tr><td><table border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" class="TableInside" width="100%"><tr><td valign="top">';
Example #29
" width="204" height="185"/>
                    <div class="infomainconstructioncol2 showroom-right fl">
                            <a title="<?php 
    echo $row->{'name_' . getlanguage()};
" href="<?php 
    echo $base_url . $this->lang->lang() . '/' . $url . '/' . $row->name_none . '.html';
    echo $row->{'name_' . getlanguage()};
    echo strlen($row->description) > 300 ? cut_string($row->description, 300) . ' ...' : $row->description;
            <div class="cl"></div>
    if ($obj['start_end_template'] == 3) {
        if (!empty($obj['title'])) {
            echo '<span style="position:absolute; position:absolute; top:22px; left:104px; font-family:verdana; font-size:12px; line-height:15px; color:#fff; text-align:left; width:190px; display:inline-block;">' . $obj['title'] . '</span>';
        if (!empty($obj['description'])) {
            echo '<div style="position:absolute; position:absolute; top:56px; left:134px; font-family:verdana; font-size:9px; line-height:12px; color:#fff; text-align:left; width:156px; height:100px; overflow:hidden; display:inline-block;">' . $obj['description'] . '</div>';
                            <div class="tiles gray p-t-5 p-b-5  m-b-20">
                                <p class="text-center text-white semi-bold  small-text"> 
    echo cut_string($obj['title'], 25);

                            <div class="m-l-10 card_flipped" style="display: none">
                                <a class="flip_sb"
    echo $obj['id'];
                                   title="flip storyboard" href="#">
                                    <div class="white text-left flip_div pagination-centered">
                                        <p><strong>Author : </strong> <?php