Example #1
 * adds a news item for class $class, with subject $subject and body $body
function add_news_item($class, $subject, $body)
    $class = escape_string($class);
    // class id should be numeric
    if (is_numeric($class) != "true") {
        cust_die("Class field was not submitted in the correct way.");
    $subject = escape_string($subject);
    // subject can only be 75 characters long
    if (strlen($subject) > 75) {
        substr($subject, 0, 75);
        print "The subject field was too long, so it was shortened to 75 characters.";
    // the body field uses a blob, so it doesn't matter how long it is
    $body = escape_string($body);
    $timestamp = time();
    $insert = "INSERT INTO `news` (`class`, `timestamp`, `subject`, `body`) VALUES ('{$class}', '{$timestamp}', '{$subject}', '{$body}')";
    @query($insert) or die("Error adding the news item.");
Example #2
                 $valid_post = @query("SELECT 1 FROM `posts` WHERE `post_ID`='{$post_id}' LIMIT 1") or die("Error getting information from the database.");
                 if (num_rows($valid_post) == 0) {
                     cust_die("Invalid post ID.");
                 // okay, it's valid: delete the post
                 @query("UPDATE `posts` SET `deleted`='1' WHERE `post_ID`='{$post_id}' LIMIT 1") or die("Error deleting the post.");
                 print "Done.";
 print "<table name=\"topics\" class=\"posttable\">";
 // display the posts from the topic, if the user has chosen one
 if (isset($_GET['topic'])) {
     if ($_GET['topic'] == "" && is_numeric($_GET['topic']) === FALSE) {
         cust_die("Invalid class ID.");
     $topic_ID = escape_string($_GET['topic']);
     // get the topic's name, and then all its posts
     $topic_name = @query("SELECT `name` FROM `topics` WHERE `ID`='{$topic_ID}'") or die("Error getting information from the database.");
     $topic_name = result($topic_name);
     $topic_name = stripslashes($topic_name->name);
     print "<tr><th>{$topic_name}</th></tr>";
     $n = 1;
     $posts = @query("SELECT * FROM `posts` WHERE `topic_ID`='{$topic_ID}' AND `deleted`='0' ORDER BY `post_ID`") or die("Error getting posts.");
     while ($row = result($posts)) {
         $body = stripslashes($row->body);
         $timestamp = $row->timestamp;
         $post_ID = $row->post_ID;
         $poster = $row->poster;
         // get the poster's name
Example #3
    } else {
        cust_die("You need to submit your password.");
    if (strlen($pass) > 70) {
        cust_die("Is your password really <i>that</i> long?");
    $pass = md5(md5($pass));
    // see if the pair is found
    $results = @query("SELECT `ID`, `type`, `firstname`, `surname` FROM `users` WHERE `username`='{$user}' AND `password`='{$pass}' LIMIT 1") or die("Error.");
    // if the login failed, log it and tell the user
    if (num_rows($results) == 0) {
        $timestamp = time();
        $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
        @query("INSERT INTO `failed` (`user`, `timestamp`, `ip`) VALUES ('{$user}', '{$timestamp}', '{$ip}')");
        cust_die("Your login attempt failed.  Please try again.");
    // if it did not fail, let the user access the system
    $timestamp = time();
    $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
    @query("INSERT INTO `logins` (`user`, `timestamp`, `ip`) VALUES ('{$user}', '{$timestamp}', '{$ip}')");
    while ($row = result($results)) {
        $_SESSION['type'] = $row->type;
        $_SESSION['id'] = $row->ID;
        $_SESSION['name'] = stripslashes($row->firstname) . " " . stripslashes($row->surname);
        $_SESSION['username'] = $user;
    header("Location: index.php");
    print "You are now logged in.  If you aren't transferred automatically, please <a href=\"index.php\">click here</a>.";
} else {
Example #4
        // okay, they're allowed to mark the student absent...
        // get the timestamp; it's used to see if the user has already been added for the day, and adding 'em if they haven't been
        $timestamp = time();
        // has the user been added?
        $latest_absence = @query("SELECT `timestamp` FROM `absences` WHERE `user_ID`='{$absent_student}' ORDER BY `timestamp` DESC LIMIT 1") or die("Error checking the database.");
        if (num_rows($latest_absence) != 0) {
            while ($row = result($latest_absence)) {
                $old_timestamp = $row->timestamp;
                // generate the date from the timestamp; compare this to today's date
                $old_date = date("dMY", $old_timestamp);
                $new_date = date("dMY", $timestamp);
                // if the dates don't match, add the user
                if ($old_date != $new_date) {
                    add_absence($absent_student, $timestamp);
        } else {
            add_absence($absent_student, $timestamp);
        print "Done.  <a href=\"attendance.php?add\" title=\"add another\">Add another</a>?";
    } else {
        cust_die("You may not view this page.");
} else {
    print "Would you like to <a href=\"attendance.php?add\" title=\"add absences\" accesskey=\"s\">a<em>d</em>d absences</a> or <a href=\"attendance.php?view\" title=\"view absences\" accesskey=\"d\">view ab<em>s</em>ences</a>?";
print "</div>";
Example #5
    $email = escape_string($_POST['e']);
    if (is_valid_email($email) == FALSE) {
        cust_die("..that is not a valid e-mail address.");
    $string = escape_string($_POST['s']);
    $in_the_database = "SELECT 1 FROM `pass_recovery` WHERE `email`='{$email}' LIMIT 1";
    $in_the_database = @query($in_the_database) or die("Error checking the database.");
    if (num_rows($in_the_database) == 0) {
        cust_die("That e-mail address is not in the database.");
    $real_string = "SELECT `hash` FROM `pass_recovery` WHERE `email`='{$email}' LIMIT 1";
    $real_string = @query($real_string) or die("Error checking the database.");
    $real_string = result($real_string);
    $real_string = $real_string->hash;
    if ($real_string != $string) {
        cust_die("You shouldn't mess with the data.  ;D");
    // update their password
    @query("UPDATE `users` SET `password`='{$cryptpass}' WHERE `email`='{$email}' LIMIT 1") or die("Error updating the database.");
    print "Your password has been changed.  <a href=\"login.php\" title=\"login\">Login here</a>.";
} else {
    print "<p>Did you forget your password?  No big deal, you can change it in a few different ways.";
    print "<ul><li>If you have entered your email address on the options page you can <a href=\"recoverpass.php?email\" title=\"get a new password\">get a new password generated for you</a>.</li><li>If you haven't entered your e-mail address on the options page you'll need to get your administrator to reset it for you.  Talk to him or her about it the next chance you get.</li></ul>";
print "<hr class=\"mainpagehr\" /><a href=\"index.php\" title=\"index page\">index page</a>";
print "</div>";
Example #6
    foreach ($categories as $part) {
        if ($part != "") {
            list($id, $category) = explode(":", $part);
            // we don't want to include the modified category twice
            if ($id != $categoryid) {
                // get the category's weight
                $weight = @query("SELECT `weight` FROM `categories` WHERE `ID`='{$id}' LIMIT 1") or die("Error checking the database.");
                while ($row = result($weight)) {
                    $total += $row->weight;
    $total += $categoryweight;
    if ($total > 100) {
        cust_die("The total weights of your categories will exceed 100; this cannot happen.");
    // 'kay, update the database.
    @query("UPDATE `categories` SET `name`='{$categoryname}', `weight`='{$categoryweight}' WHERE `ID`='{$categoryid}'") or die("Error updating the database.");
    print "Done.  Back to the <a href=\"category.php?teacherid={$teacherid}&classid={$classid}\" title=\"categories page\">class's category page</a>, or the <a href=\"category.php?teacherid={$teacherid}\" title=\"main category page\">main category page</a>?";
} else {
    $id = $_SESSION['id'];
    // print some documentation about categories
    print "<p>Categories are used to weigh assignments differently.  For example, you can have tests weighted at 50%, and 50% of a student's grade will come from his or her tests.</p>\n";
    print "<p>Currently, you must setup categories for each of your classes.  If it is requested, this can be eventually changed so your classes can use the same categories.</p>\n";
    print "<p>Below are links to setup or modify your classes' categories.</p>\n";
print "</div>";
Example #7
        $n = 0;
        $this_semester = $grading_period;
        $other_semesters = "";
        while (isset($semesters[$n])) {
            if ($semesters[$n] != $this_semester) {
                $other_semesters .= "<a href=\"assignment.php?view&amp;id={$class_id}&amp;gp={$semesters[$n]}\" title=\"assignments for grading period {$semesters[$n]}\">{$semesters[$n]}</a> ";
    print "{$other_semesters}</div></div>";
} else {
    if (user_type() != "teacher") {
        cust_die("There is nothing for you to do here.");
    print "<table>\n<tr><th>Grading Period(s)</th><th>Period</th><th>Class Name</th></tr>";
    $id = $_SESSION['id'];
    $classes = @query("SELECT * FROM `classes` WHERE `teacher`='{$id}' ORDER BY `period`") or die("Error getting your list of classes.");
    while ($row = result($classes)) {
        $name = stripslashes($row->name);
        $period = $row->period;
        $class_id = $row->ID;
        $semesters = $row->semester;
        print "<tr><td>{$semesters}</td><td>{$period}</td><td>{$name}</td><td><a href=\"assignment.php?add&id={$class_id}\" title=\"add an assignment\">add an assignment</a></td><td>|</td><td><a href=\"assignment.php?edit&id={$class_id}\" title=\"edit an assignment\">edit an assignment</a></td></tr>";
    print "</table>";
print "</div>";
Example #8
} elseif (isset($_GET['delete'])) {
    if (!isset($_GET['id'])) {
        header("Location: messages.php");
    $userid = $_SESSION['id'];
    $mailid = escape_string($_GET['id']);
    if (is_numeric($mailid) == FALSE) {
        cust_die("You shouldn't mess with the ID.");
    $message = @query("SELECT * FROM `mail` WHERE `id`='{$mailid}' AND `to`='{$userid}'") or cust_die("You may not access that message.");
    @query("UPDATE `mail` SET `deleted`='1' WHERE `id`='{$mailid}'") or die("Error updating the database.");
    print_mail("The message has been deleted.");
} elseif (isset($_GET['outbox'])) {
    $id = $_SESSION['id'];
    $messages = @query("SELECT * FROM `mail` WHERE `from`='{$id}'") or die("Error getting information from the database.");
    if (num_rows($messages) == 0) {
        $stuff = "You have not sent any messages.";
    } else {
        $stuff = "<table><tr><th>To</th><th>Subject</th><th>Date</th></tr>";
        $tdcolour = 0;
        while ($row = result($messages)) {
            $messageid = $row->id;
            $to = $row->to;
Example #9
        cust_die("Don't mess with the class ID. ;D");
    $class_id = escape_string($_POST['class']);
    if (!isset($_POST['subject']) or $_POST['subject'] == "") {
        cust_die("You must submit a subject.");
    if (!isset($_POST['body']) or $_POST['body'] == "") {
        cust_die("You must submit the body.");
    // see if they can add news to the class (not needed if they're an admin)
    if (user_type() != "admin") {
        $user_id = $_SESSION['id'];
        $query = @query("SELECT 1 FROM `classes` WHERE `ID`='{$class_id}' AND `teacher`='{$user_id}' LIMIT 1") or die("Error checking the database.");
        if (num_rows($query) == 0) {
            cust_die("You may not add news to that class.");
    $subject = escape_string(htmlspecialchars($_POST['subject']));
    $body = escape_string(htmlspecialchars($_POST['body']));
    $timestamp = time();
    add_news_item($class_id, $subject, $body);
    print "The news item was added.  <a href=\"news.php?add\" title=\"add a news item\">Add another</a>?";
} else {
    if (user_type() == "user") {
        display_latest_news($_SESSION['id'], 3);
    } else {
Example #10
        $date_format = escape_string($_POST['date_format']);
        $time_format = escape_string($_POST['time_format']);
        $school_name = escape_string($_POST['school_name']);
        $number_of_periods = escape_string($_POST['number_of_periods']);
        $number_of_semesters = escape_string($_POST['number_of_semesters']);
        $enable_forums = escape_string($_POST['enable_forums']);
        if (is_numeric($enable_forums) == FALSE) {
            cust_die("Don't mess with that. ;D");
        $track_attendance = escape_string($_POST['track_attendance']);
        if (is_numeric($track_attendance) == FALSE) {
            cust_die("Don't mess with that. ;D");
        $current_semester = escape_string($_POST['current_semester']);
        if (is_numeric($current_semester) == FALSE) {
            cust_die("Don't mess with that. ;D");
        $content = <<<EOT

define("current_version", "0.1.3");

define("server_type", "{$server_type}");
define("server", "{$server}");
define("username", "{$username}");
define("password", "{$password}");
define("database", "{$database}");
define("server_root", "{$server_root}");

define("school_name", "{$school_name}");
define("dateformat", "{$date_format}");
Example #11
 * adds a user to the database
 * $username is the user's username.
 * $cryptedpass is his or her password encrypted twice using md5().  i.e. md5(md5($password))
 * $type is the user's type: 1 for "user", 2 for "teacher", 3 for "admin", 4 for "parent"
 * $firstname and $surname are the user's first and surnames
 * $email is the user's e-mail address
function add_user($username, $cryptedpass, $type, $firstname, $surname, $gender, $email)
    // see if there is already a user with the username of '$username'
    $query = "SELECT 1 FROM `users` WHERE `username`='{$username}'";
    $query = @query($query) or die("Error checking the database.");
    if (num_rows($query) > 0) {
        cust_die("The requested username is already in the database.  Please select another one.");
    $add_query = "INSERT INTO `users` (`username`, `password`, `type`, `firstname`, `surname`, `gender`, `email`) VALUES ('{$username}', '{$cryptedpass}', '{$type}', '{$firstname}', '{$surname}', '{$gender}', '{$email}')";
    query($add_query) or die("Error adding the user's information into the database.");
Example #12
     cust_die("You must submit the name of the database you'd like to use.");
 if (isset($_POST['username']) and $_POST['username'] != "") {
     $admin_username = escape_string(htmlspecialchars($_POST['username']));
 } else {
     cust_die("You must submit the admin's username.");
 if (isset($_POST['pass1']) and isset($_POST['pass2']) && $_POST['pass1'] != $_POST['pass2']) {
     cust_die("Please make sure the admin's passwords match.");
 $admin_password = escape_string(htmlspecialchars($_POST['pass1']));
 if (strlen($admin_password) < 5) {
     cust_die("Your admin password must be at least 6 characters long.");
 if ($admin_password == $admin_username) {
     cust_die("Your admin password may not be your admin username.");
 $admin_password = md5(md5($admin_password));
 if (isset($_POST['realname']) and $_POST['realname'] != "") {
     $realname = escape_string(htmlspecialchars($_POST['realname']));
 } else {
     $realname = "";
 if (isset($_POST['emailaddress']) and $_POST['emailaddress'] != "") {
     $emailaddress = escape_string(htmlspecialchars($_POST['emailaddress']));
 } else {
     $emailaddress = "";
 // split the name into its pieces...
 list($firstname, $surname) = explode(" ", $realname);
 // get the set up file
Example #13
 // see if they're in the class
 $class_list = classes_by_semester($the_student, current_semester);
 $classes = explode(",", $class_list);
 // get rid of the empty part of the array
 $empty = count($classes) - 1;
 foreach ($classes as $class) {
     $could_be_in_class = 1;
     if (strpos($class, $requested_class) === false) {
         $could_be_in_class = 0;
     } else {
 if ($could_be_in_class == 0) {
     cust_die("Your student is not in that class.");
 // okay, they are in the class.  Let 'em do what they can do...
 // get the class's info
 $class_info = @query("SELECT * FROM `classes` WHERE `ID`='{$requested_class}' LIMIT 1") or die("Error getting the class's information.");
 while ($row = result($class_info)) {
     $class_name = stripslashes($row->name);
     $teacher = $row->teacher;
     // get the teacher's actual name
     $teacher_name = @query("SELECT `firstname`,`surname` FROM `users` WHERE `ID`='{$teacher}' LIMIT 1") or die("Error getting the teacher's name.");
     $result = result($teacher_name);
     $teacher_name = stripslashes($result->firstname) . " " . stripslashes($result->surname);
     $room = stripslashes($row->room);
     $period = $row->period;
     $semester = $row->semester;
     print "<div class=\"class_info\"><p>{$class_name}, taught by <a href=\"messages.php?compose&amp;id={$teacher}\" title=\"Send {$teacher_name} a message.\">{$teacher_name}</a>";
Example #14
    print $stuff;
} elseif (isset($_POST['addclass'])) {
    if (!isset($_POST['classname']) or $_POST['classname'] == "") {
        cust_die("You must specify the class's name.");
    if (!isset($_POST['period']) or $_POST['period'] == "") {
        cust_die("You must specify the period the class takes place during.");
    if (!isset($_POST['teacher']) or $_POST['teacher'] == "") {
        cust_die("You must select a teacher for the class.  (Perhaps you need to <a href=\"add.php?teacher\" alt=\"add a teacher\">add a few</a?>?)");
    if (!isset($_POST['room']) or $_POST['room'] == "") {
        cust_die("You must submit which room the class takes place in.");
    if (!isset($_POST['semester']) or $_POST['semester'] == "") {
        cust_die("You must specify which grading period(s) the class happens during.");
    $classname = escape_string($_POST['classname']);
    $period = escape_string($_POST['period']);
    $teacher = escape_string($_POST['teacher']);
    $room = escape_string($_POST['room']);
    $semester = escape_string($_POST['semester']);
    @query("INSERT INTO `classes` (`name`, `teacher`, `room`, `period`, `semester`) VALUES ('{$classname}', '{$teacher}', '{$room}',  '{$period}', '{$semester}')") or die("Error updating the database.");
    print "The class has been added.  <a href=\"add.php?class\" title=\"add a class\">Add another</a>?";
} else {
    print "Would you like to add a <a href=\"add.php?class\" title=\"add a class\">class</a>, <a href=\"add.php?teacher\" title=\"add a teacher\">teacher</a>, or <a href=\"add.php?student\" title=\"add a student\">student</a>?";
print "</div>";