function qqlogin($uin, $p, $vcode, $pt_verifysession) { $v1 = 0; $url = '' . $vcode . '&u=' . $uin . '&p=' . $p . '&pt_randsalt=0&ptlang=2052&low_login_enable=0&' . $v1 . '&pt_verifysession_v1=' . $pt_verifysession . '&'; $ret = curlget($url, 0, 0, 0, 1); if (preg_match("/ptuiCB\\('(.*?)'\\);/", $ret, $arr)) { $r = str_replace("', '", "','", $arr[1]); $r = explode('\',\'', $r); if ($r[0] == 0) { preg_match('/skey=(@.{9});/', $ret, $skey); $array['uin'] = $uin; $array['skey'] = $skey[1]; if ($sid = getsid($r[2])) { $array['sid'] = $sid; } return $array; } elseif ($r[0] == 4) { return 4; } elseif ($r[0] == 3) { return 3; } elseif ($r[0] == 19) { return 19; } else { return 0; } } else { return 0; } }
function iptocity($ip) { // $str = md5($ip); $folder = 'cache/iptocityipinfo_io_cache/' . substr($str, 0, 2); if (!is_dir($folder)) { mkdir($folder, 0755); chmod($folder, 0755); } $file = $folder . '/' . $str . '.txt'; if (file_exists($file)) { return json_decode(file_get_contents($file), 1); exit; } $url = '' . $ip; $string = curlget($url); $arr = array(); $data = json_decode($string, 1); $arr['result']['ip'] = $data['ip']; $arr['result']['city'] = $data['city']; $arr['result']['region'] = $data['region']; $arr['result']['country'] = $data['country']; $tmp = explode(',', $data['loc']); $arr['result']['lat'] = $tmp[0]; $arr['result']['lng'] = $tmp[1]; $arr['result']['postal'] = $data['postal']; $arr['originalData'] = $data; $arr['xtras']['url'] = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; $arr['xtras']['user_agent'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; $arr['xtras']['referrer'] = !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : ''; $arr['xtras']['date'] = date('r'); $details = json_encode($arr); file_put_contents($file, $details); return $arr; }
function countryBids($uid, $country, $bid) { ///api/help/bid/state?uid=&state=&bid= $url = APIHTTPPATH . '/help/bid/country?uid=' . $uid . '&country=' . $country . '&bid=' . $bid; $countryBids = curlget($url); $countryBids = json_decode($countryBids, 1); return $countryBids; }
public function forgot() { $email = $this->input->get_post('email'); $url = '' . $email; $result = curlget($url); $result = json_decode($result, 1); $this->json_($result); }
public function upload($url) { $arr = array(); $arr['url'] = $url; $arr['key'] = IMAGESHACK_KEY; $arr['a_username'] = IMAGESHACK_USERNAME; $arr['a_password'] = IMAGESHACK_PASSWORD; $arr = array_filter($arr); $result = curlget(IMAGESHACK_APIURL_IMAGES, 1, $arr); $content = simplexml_load_string($result); $return['image'] = sprintf("%s", $content->links->image_link); $return['image_thumb_link'] = sprintf("%s", $content->links->thumb_link); return $return; }
function findCity($city_id) { $url = APIHTTPPATH . '/citydetail.php?nearby=1&id=' . $city_id; $cityList = curlget($url); $cityList = json_decode($cityList, 1); if (empty($cityList[0])) { header("Locations: " . HTTPPATH . "/locations/country"); exit; } $cityDetails = $cityList[0]; $cityDetails['url'] = HTTPPATH . '/city-' . url_name_v2($cityDetails['city']) . '-' . $cityDetails['id']; $cityDetails['pageTitle'] = $cityDetails['city'] . ', ' . $cityDetails['statename'] . ', ' . $cityDetails['countryname']; return $cityDetails; }
public function answers() { $data = array('error' => 1, 'url' => ''); if ($this->input->get('kw')) { $kw = $this->input->get('kw'); if (($rs = $this->cache->load('answers')) === false) { $rs[$kw] = $kw; $this->cache->save($rs, 'answers'); } else { $rs1[$kw] = $kw; $rs = array_merge($rs1, $rs); $rs = array_slice($rs, 0, $this->limit); $this->cache->save($rs, 'answers'); } $string = md5($kw); $kw = urlencode($kw); $url = '' . YAHOOAPPLICATIONID . '&query=' . $kw . '&results=50&output=json'; if (($rs2 = $this->cache2->load($string)) === false) { $result = curlget($url); $result = json_decode($result, true); if (!empty($result['all']['questions'])) { $data = array(); $data['records'] = $result['all']['questions']; $this->cache2->save($data, $string); } else { $url = '' . YAHOOAPPLICATIONID . '&query=' . $kw . '&results=50&output=json'; if (($rs2 = $this->cache2->load($string)) === false) { $result = curlget($url); $result = json_decode($result, true); if (!empty($result['all']['questions'])) { $data = array(); $data['records'] = $result['all']['questions']; $this->cache2->save($data, $string); } } } } else { $data = $rs2; } $data['url'] = $url; } //$this->load->view('y/answers', $data); $data['html'] = $this->load->view('y/answers', $data, true); $this->_custom_output('', array('html' => $data['html'], 'url' => $data['url']), true, 'json'); }
function iptocity($ip) { $str = md5($ip); $folder = 'cache/iptocity_cache/' . substr($str, 0, 2); if (!is_dir($folder)) { mkdir($folder, 0755); chmod($folder, 0755); } $file = $folder . '/' . $str . '.txt'; if (file_exists($file)) { return file_get_contents($file); exit; } $url = IPSNIFF_URL . 'key=' . IPSNIFF_KEY . '&ip=' . $ip; $string = curlget($url); //$string = 'OK;;;US;UNITED STATES;CALIFORNIA;SAN JOSE;95101;37.3169;-121.874;-08:00'; $tmp = explode(';', $string); $arr = array(); $arr['result']['ip'] = $ip; $arr['originalData'] = $tmp; $arr['xtras']['status'] = !empty($tmp[0]) ? trim($tmp[0]) : ''; $arr['xtras']['text1'] = !empty($tmp[1]) ? trim($tmp[1]) : ''; $arr['xtras']['ip'] = !empty($tmp[2]) ? trim($tmp[2]) : ''; $arr['xtras']['countrycode'] = !empty($tmp[3]) ? trim($tmp[3]) : ''; $arr['result']['country'] = !empty($tmp[4]) ? trim($tmp[4]) : ''; $arr['result']['state'] = !empty($tmp[5]) ? trim($tmp[5]) : ''; $arr['result']['city'] = !empty($tmp[6]) ? trim($tmp[6]) : ''; $arr['result']['zip'] = !empty($tmp[7]) ? trim($tmp[7]) : ''; $arr['result']['lat'] = !empty($tmp[8]) ? trim($tmp[8]) : ''; $arr['result']['lon'] = !empty($tmp[9]) ? trim($tmp[9]) : ''; $arr['xtras']['timezone'] = !empty($tmp[10]) ? trim($tmp[10]) : ''; $arr['xtras']['url'] = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; $arr['xtras']['user_agent'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; $arr['xtras']['referrer'] = !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : ''; $details = json_encode($arr); file_put_contents($file, $details); return $details; }
function iptocity($ip) { define('IPSNIFF_URL', ''); define('IPSNIFF_KEY', '0b3b2f8bd9f606ba8032ef0b9fbe054041788fb0f9d7c21214cd050a9b561845'); $url = IPSNIFF_URL . 'key=' . IPSNIFF_KEY . '&ip=' . $ip; $string = curlget($url); //$string = 'OK;;;US;UNITED STATES;CALIFORNIA;SAN JOSE;95101;37.3169;-121.874;-08:00'; $tmp = explode(';', $string); $arr['status'] = !empty($tmp[0]) ? trim($tmp[0]) : ''; $arr['text1'] = !empty($tmp[1]) ? trim($tmp[1]) : ''; $arr['ip'] = !empty($tmp[2]) ? trim($tmp[2]) : ''; $arr['countrycode'] = !empty($tmp[3]) ? trim($tmp[3]) : ''; $arr['country'] = !empty($tmp[4]) ? trim($tmp[4]) : ''; $arr['state'] = !empty($tmp[5]) ? trim($tmp[5]) : ''; $arr['city'] = !empty($tmp[6]) ? trim($tmp[6]) : ''; $arr['zip'] = !empty($tmp[7]) ? trim($tmp[7]) : ''; $arr['lat'] = !empty($tmp[8]) ? trim($tmp[8]) : ''; $arr['lon'] = !empty($tmp[9]) ? trim($tmp[9]) : ''; $arr['timezone'] = !empty($tmp[10]) ? trim($tmp[10]) : ''; $arr['url'] = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; $arr['user_agent'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; $arr['referrer'] = !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : ''; //$email[] = '*****@*****.**'; //$from = 'From: system<system@'._base_domain.'>'; //$msg = var_export($arr, 1); //foreach ($email as $to) { //mail2($to, 'IP Check', $msg, $from); //} return $arr; }
throw new Exception('Please fill the description. '); } if (empty($_POST['categories'])) { throw new Exception('Please choose category. '); } if (!ft_nonce_is_valid($_POST['_nonce'], $nonce_key . $_SESSION['_nonce'], $_SESSION['user']['id'])) { throw new Exception('Invalid Request'); } if (empty($error)) { //submit the form $url = APIHTTPPATH . '/help/services/add'; $params = $_POST; $params['uid'] = $_SESSION['user']['id']; $params['city_id'] = $city_id; $POSTFIELDS = http_build_query($params); $return = curlget($url, 1, $POSTFIELDS); $data = json_decode($return, 1); if ($data['success'] == 0) { $error = $data['msg']; } else { unset($_POST); $error = $data['data']['confirm']; unset($_SESSION['_nonce']); } } } catch (Exception $e) { $error = $e->getMessage(); } } if (empty($_SESSION['_nonce'])) { $str = md5(time() . '-' . $_SESSION['user']['id']);
$su = str_replace('s', 'shareid=', $su); $su = str_replace('u', '&uk=', $su); $dir = rawurldecode($dir); $dir = urlencode($dir); $dir = '&dir=' . $dir; $dirurl = '' . $su . $dir; $pagefile = curlget($dirurl); $jsonobj = json_decode($pagefile); } else { if (strpos($panid, 'f')) { $panid = str_replace('f', '&fid=', $panid); } $panid = str_replace('s', 'shareid=', $panid); $panid = str_replace('u', '&uk=', $panid); $panlink = '' . $panid; $pagefile = curlget($panlink); $re = '/\\[\\{.*\\}\\]/'; preg_match_all($re, $pagefile, $result); $jsonstr = str_replace('\\\\', '$ma^rk$', $result[0][0]); $jsonstr = str_replace('\\', '', $jsonstr); $jsonstr = str_replace('$ma^rk$', '\\', $jsonstr); $jsonstr = '{"errno":0,"list":' . $jsonstr . '}'; $jsonobj = json_decode($jsonstr); } $dlink = $jsonobj->list[$p]->dlink; header("location:{$dlink}"); function curlget($url) { $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 5);
function doLogin() { global $username, $password, $urlname, $userId; echo "Mata-site is: " . $urlname . "<br>"; $result = curlget("https://{$urlname}/api/sessie", true, "Gebruikersnaam=" . $username . "&Wachtwoord=" . $password); $result = json_decode($result, true); $naam = $result["Naam"]; $userId = $result["GebruikersId"]; $session = $result["SessieId"]; $msg = $result["Message"]; echo "Welkom, {$naam}<br>\nUw gebruikersId is: {$userId}<br>\nUw sessie is: {$session}<br>\nBericht: {$msg}\n"; ob_flush(); }
<?php check_login(); $pageTitle = 'My Messages'; $url = APIHTTPPATH . '/help/messages/view?uid=' . $_SESSION['user']['id']; $returnMyMessage = curlget($url); $dataMyMessage = json_decode($returnMyMessage, 1); if ($dataMyMessage['success'] == 0) { $errorMyMessage = $dataMyMessage['msg']; } if (empty($dataMyMessage['data'])) { $errorMyMessage = 'No Message Found in Your List.'; } if (!empty($errorMyMessage)) { ?> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-12"> <div class="bs-component"> <div class="error"><?php echo $errorMyMessage; ?> </div> </div> </div> </div> <?php } else { ?> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-12"> <div class="bs-component">
if (!empty($_POST['id'])) { $url = '' . $_POST['id'] . '&token='; } else { $url = ''; } $r = curlget($url, 1, http_build_query($post)); $result = json_decode($r, 1); $error = $result['data']['confirm']; if ($result['success'] == 0) { $error = $result['msg']; } } $data = array(); if (isset($_GET['website_id'])) { $url = '' . $_GET['website_id'] . '&cache=0&token='; $r = curlget($url); $current = json_decode($r, 1); if ($current['success'] == 1) { $data = json_decode($current['data']['content'], 1); } } pr($data); ?> <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Create New Website</title> </head> <body>
function userDetails($uid, $cache = 1) { //api/help/bid/mybids?uid= $url = APIHTTPPATH . '/help/users/detail?uid=' . $uid . '&cache=' . $cache; $userDetails = curlget($url); $userDetails = json_decode($userDetails, 1); return $userDetails; }
<?php $pageTitle = 'Selecting State/Province'; if (empty($_GET['country'])) { header("Location: " . HTTPPATH . "/locations/country"); exit; } $country = $_GET['country']; $url = APIHTTPPATH . '/locations/states.php?id=' . $country; $stateList = curlget($url); $stateList = json_decode($stateList, 1); include SITEDIR . '/libraries/addresses/nearby.php'; ?> <!-- body --> <h3>Choose State</h3> <!-- body --> <form method="get" name="form1" id="form1" action="<?php echo HTTPPATH; ?> /locations/city"> <select name="state" id="state"> <option value="">Select---</option> <?php if (!empty($stateList)) { foreach ($stateList as $i => $state) { ?> <option value="<?php echo $state['id']; ?> "><?php echo $i + 1 . '. ' . $state['state'];
preg_match_all($sharepagere, $sharepage, $panid); $s = implode("", $panid['shareid']); $u = implode("", $panid['uk']); //判断文件夹 $dirnum = strpos($panlink, '#dir/path='); if ($dirnum) { $dir = substr($panlink, $dirnum + 10); $isdir = true; } else { $isdir = false; } if ($isdir) { //$dirbaselink = substr($panlink,0,$dirbaselinknum+10); $linkid = 's' . $s . 'u' . $u . 'd' . $dir; $dirurl = '' . $s . '&uk=' . $u . '&dir=' . $dir; $pagefile = curlget($dirurl); $jsonobj = json_decode($pagefile); if ($jsonobj->errno != 0) { die("<p>分享的文件已经被取消或不存在!</p>" . $backhome); } } else { $linkid = 's' . $s . 'u' . $u; if (strpos($panlink, '#dir')) { $panlink = str_replace('#dir', '', $panlink); } $pagefile = $sharepage; $re = '/\\[\\{.*\\}\\]/'; if (preg_match_all($re, $pagefile, $result)) { $jsonstr = str_replace('\\\\', '$ma^rk$', $result[0][0]); $jsonstr = str_replace('\\', '', $jsonstr); $jsonstr = str_replace('$ma^rk$', '\\', $jsonstr);
$params['id'] = $row_rsView['history_id']; $params['fromlat'] = $row_rsSettings['latitude']; $params['fromlng'] = $row_rsSettings['longitude']; $params['fromdate'] = $row_rsSettings['dob']; $params['tolat'] = $row_rsView['history_lat']; $params['tolng'] = $row_rsView['history_lng']; $params['todate'] = $row_rsView['history_date']; $data['params'][] = $params; } while ($row_rsView = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsView)); $rows = mysql_num_rows($rsView); if ($rows > 0) { mysql_data_seek($rsView, 0); $row_rsView = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsView); } if (!empty($data['params'])) { $content = curlget('', 1, http_build_query($data)); $result = json_decode($content, 1); if (!empty($result) && empty($result['error'])) { foreach ($result as $k => $v) { $d = array(); $d['history_points'] = $v['points']['points']; $d['history_points_results'] = $v['points']['result']; $where = sprintf('history_id = %s', $modelGeneral->qstr($k)); $modelGeneral->updateDetails('z_history', $d, $where); } } } } ?> <div class="page-header"> <h1>My History</h1>
$arr['uid'] = $_SESSION['user']['id']; $arr['address'] = $_GET['address']; $arr['lat'] = $_GET['lat']; $arr['lng'] = $_GET['lng']; $arr['url'] = $url; $arr['updated_dt'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $General->addDetails('maps_addressbook', $arr); $General->clearCache($query2, $params2); } else { $arr = array(); $arr['updated_dt'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $where = sprintf('addr_id = %s', $General->qstr($returnCheck['addr_id'])); $General->updateDetails('maps_addressbook', $arr, $where); $General->clearCache($query2, $params2); } $results = curlget($url); $routes = json_decode($results, 1); } $addressBook = $General->fetchAll($query2, $params2, 600); ?> <a href="<?php echo $url; ?> " target="_blank">External Link</a> | <a href="/">Home</a> | <a href="/directionsNoMap">Refresh</a> <script language="javascript"> $(document).on("keypress", 'form', function (e) { var code = e.keyCode || e.which; if (code == 13) { var str =; var n = str.indexOf("addressBox");
if (!empty($to_uid) && !empty($_SESSION['user']['id'])) { $messageCurrentPath = HTTPPATH . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; if (empty($baseMessage)) { $baseMessage = "\n\n" . '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Original Posting: ' . HTTPPATH . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; } if (isset($_POST['MM_Message'])) { //submit the form $url = APIHTTPPATH . '/help/messages/add'; $params = $_POST; $params['data']['uid'] = $_SESSION['user']['id']; $params['data']['to_uid'] = $to_uid; $params['data']['message'] = $_POST['message']; $params['data']['subject'] = $_POST['subject']; $POSTFIELDS = http_build_query($params); $returnMessage = curlget($url, 1, $POSTFIELDS); $dataMessage = json_decode($returnMessage, 1); if ($dataMessage['success'] == 0) { $errorMessage = $dataMessage['msg']; } else { $errorMessage = $dataMessage['data']['confirm']; } } ?> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-12"> <div class="bs-component"> <div class="alert alert-dismissable alert-danger" style="text-align:center;"> Send Message<a name="messageForm"></a> </div> </div>
<?php $pageTitle = 'Selecting City'; if (empty($_GET['state'])) { header("Location: " . HTTPPATH . "/locations/country"); exit; } $state = $_GET['state']; $url = APIHTTPPATH . '/locations/cities.php?id=' . $state; $cityList = curlget($url); $cityList = json_decode($cityList, 1); include SITEDIR . '/libraries/addresses/nearby.php'; ?> <!-- body --> <h3>Choose City</h3> <!-- body --> <form method="get" name="form1" id="form1" action="<?php echo HTTPPATH; ?> /locations/cityDetail"> <select name="city_id" id="city_id"> <option value="">Select---</option> <?php if (!empty($cityList)) { foreach ($cityList as $i => $city) { ?> <option value="<?php echo $city['id']; ?> "><?php echo $i + 1 . '. ' . $city['city'];
$longitude = $_GET['lng']; $kw = !empty($_GET['keyword']) ? $_GET['keyword'] : ''; $location = $globalCity['city'] . ', ' . $globalCity['statename'] . ', ' . $globalCity['countryname']; if (!empty($_GET['geo_s']) && !empty($_GET['geo_c']) && !empty($_GET['geo_co'])) { $location = $_GET['geo_c'] . ', ' . $_GET['geo_s'] . ', ' . $_GET['geo_co']; } $url = '' . urlencode($location) . '&sort=&radius=&st=&jt=&start=' . $startRow_rsView . '&limit=25&fromage=&filter=&latlong=1&co=us&chnl=&userip=' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . '&v=2'; if (!empty($kw)) { $url .= '&q=' . urlencode($kw); } //echo $url; $searchQuery = md5($url . date('Y-m-d')); $check1 = $modelGeneral->fetchRow("select * from auto_pre_biz WHERE biz_query = ? AND biz_type = 'Indeed'", array($searchQuery), 0); if (empty($check1)) { $modelGeneral->clearCache($modelGeneral->sql); $res = curlget($url); $results = simplexml_load_string($res); //add in biz table $d = array(); $d['biz_type'] = 'Indeed'; $d['biz_query'] = $searchQuery; $d['biz_results'] = $res; $d['module_id'] = $colname_rsModule; $modelGeneral->addDetails('auto_pre_biz', $d); if (!empty($results->results->result)) { foreach ($results->results->result as $k => $v) { $date = sprintf("%s", $v->date); $biz = array('title' => sprintf("%s", $v->jobtitle), 'company' => sprintf("%s", $v->company), 'description' => sprintf("%s", $v->snippet), 'category' => 33, 'photos' => array(), 'videos' => array(), 'urls' => array(sprintf("%s", $v->url)), 'address' => sprintf("%s", $v->formattedLocationFull), 'address2' => sprintf("%s", $v->formattedLocationFull), 'showAddress' => 1, 'lat' => sprintf("%s", $v->latitude), 'lng' => sprintf("%s", $v->longitude), 'jobkey' => sprintf("%s", $v->jobkey), 'custom_date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($date)), 'rc_approved' => 1); $checkRow = $modelGeneral->fetchRow("select * from " . $tablename . " WHERE jobkey = ?", array($v->jobkey), 0); if (empty($checkRow)) { $return = createNewPost($biz, $currentURL, $globalCity, $colname_rsModule, $resultModule, $resultModuleFields, $modelGeneral, $tablename, 'System0000', 1);
if (empty($check1)) { $modelGeneral->clearCache($modelGeneral->sql); $res = curlget($url); $results = json_decode($res, 1); //add in yelp table $d = array(); $d['biz_type'] = 'Google'; $d['biz_query'] = $google_query; $d['biz_results'] = $res; $d['module_id'] = $colname_rsModule; $modelGeneral->addDetails('auto_pre_biz', $d); //adding ends $businesses = array(); if (!empty($results['results'])) { foreach ($results['results'] as $k => $v) { $detailJson = curlget('' . $v['place_id'] . '&key=' . DEVELOPERKEY); $details = json_decode($detailJson, 1); $detail = $details['result']; $biz = array('title' => $v['name'], 'description' => $v['name'], 'category' => $v['types'], 'photos' => array(), 'videos' => array(), 'urls' => array($detail['url']), 'address' => $detail['formatted_address'], 'address2' => $detail['formatted_address'], 'showAddress' => 1, 'lat' => $v['geometry']['location']['lat'], 'lng' => $v['geometry']['location']['lng'], 'phone_number' => !empty($detail['international_phone_number']) ? $detail['international_phone_number'] : NULL, 'place_id' => $v['place_id'], 'place_id_type' => 'Google', 'rc_approved' => 1); /* $imgShack = new Library_Imageshack(); $imgUrl = ''.$v['geometry']['location']['lat'].','.$v['geometry']['location']['lng'].'&maptype=roadmap&markers=color:blue%7Clabel:S%7C'.$v['geometry']['location']['lat'].','.$v['geometry']['location']['lng'].'&zoom=16&size=400x400&key='.DEVELOPERKEY; //''.$v['geometry']['location']['lat'].','.$v['geometry']['location']['lng'].'&fov=90&heading=100&pitch=10'; echo $imgUrl; exit; $imgs = $imgShack->upload($imgUrl); pr($imgs); exit;*/ $checkRow = $modelGeneral->fetchRow("select * from " . $tablename . " WHERE place_id = ? AND place_id_type = ?", array($v['id'], 'Google'), 0); if (empty($checkRow)) { $return = createNewPost($biz, $currentURL, $globalCity, $colname_rsModule, $resultModule, $resultModuleFields, $modelGeneral, $tablename, 'System0000', 1); }
<?php if (empty($_GET['place_id'])) { header("Locations: " . HTTPPATH . "/locations/country"); exit; } // $url = '' . $_GET['place_id'] . '&key=' . PLACESAPIKEY; $data = curlget($url); $content = json_decode($data, 1); $error = ''; if ($content['status'] === 'OK') { $result = $content['result']; $placeName = !empty($result['name']) ? $result['name'] : ''; include SITEDIR . '/modules/businesses/categories.php'; } else { $error = $content['status']; $placeName = 'No Place Found'; } if (empty($_GET['city_id'])) { header("Locations: " . HTTPPATH . "/locations/country"); exit; } include SITEDIR . '/modules/navLeftSideVars.php'; $city_id = $_GET['city_id']; $pageTitle = $placeName; ?> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-12"> <div class="bs-component"> <?php
$error = ''; $result = array(); $url = APIHTTPPATH . '/help/jobs/view?'; if (!empty($_GET['category'])) { if (!is_array($_GET['category'])) { $_GET['category'] = array($_GET['category']); } $url .= '&category=' . implode(',', $_GET['category']); } if (!empty($_GET['city'])) { $url .= '&city_id=' . implode(',', $_GET['city']); } else { $nearbyCities = getNearbyCities($globalCity['nearby']); $url .= '&city_id=' . $nearbyCities[1]; } $return = curlget($url); $data = json_decode($return, 1); if ($data['success'] == 0) { $error = $data['msg']; } else { $result = $data['data']; if ($result['total'] == 0) { $error = 'No Result Found.'; } } } catch (Exception $e) { $error = $e->getMessage(); } ?> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-12">
<?php $pageTitle = 'Select Country'; $url = APIHTTPPATH . '/locations/countries.php'; $countryList = curlget($url); $countryList = json_decode($countryList, 1); include SITEDIR . '/libraries/addresses/nearby.php'; ?> <!-- body --> <h3>Choose Country</h3> <form method="get" name="form1" id="form1" action="<?php echo HTTPPATH; ?> /locations/state"> <select name="country" id="country"> <option value="">Select---</option> <?php if (!empty($countryList)) { foreach ($countryList as $i => $country) { ?> <option value="<?php echo $country['id']; ?> "><?php echo $i + 1 . '. ' . $country['country']; ?> </option> <?php } } ?>