/** converts the table name into item type * * @return string item type */ function DBTable2Type($table) { $table = cs_strtolower($table); $type = ''; if ($table == 'annotations') { $type = CS_ANNOTATION_TYPE; } elseif ($table == 'dates') { $type = CS_DATE_TYPE; } elseif ($table == 'discussionarticles') { $type = CS_DISCARTICLE_TYPE; } elseif ($table == 'discussions') { $type = CS_DISCUSSION_TYPE; } elseif ($table == 'labels') { $type = CS_LABEL_TYPE; } elseif ($table == 'materials') { $type = CS_MATERIAL_TYPE; } elseif ($table == 'files') { $type = CS_FILE_TYPE; } elseif ($table == 'todos') { $type = CS_TODO_TYPE; } elseif ($table == 'links') { $type = CS_LINK_TYPE; } elseif ($table == 'link_items') { $type = CS_LINKITEM_TYPE; } elseif ($table == 'item_link_file') { $type = CS_LINKITEMFILE_TYPE; } elseif ($table == 'homepage_link_page_page') { $type = CS_LINKHOMEPAGEHOMEPAGE_TYPE; } else { $type = $table; } return $type; }
$file_array = collectFiles($dir,$file_array); echo(' ... [done]'.LINEBREAK); $count = count($file_array); init_progress_bar($count); foreach ( $file_array as $file ) { $file_id = substr($file,strrpos($file,'/')+1); if ( !empty($file_id) ) { $sql = 'SELECT filename FROM files WHERE files_id="'.$file_id.'";'; $result = select($sql); unset($sql); $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); mysql_free_result($result); if ( !$row ) { unlink($file); } elseif ( !empty($row['filename']) ) { $ext = cs_strtolower(mb_substr(strrchr($row['filename'],'.'),1)); $filename2 = $file.'.'.$ext; if ( file_exists($file) and !file_exists($filename2) ) { rename($file,$filename2); } } } update_progress_bar($count); } // end of execution time echo(getProcessedTimeInHTML($time_start)); ?>
function copyFileFromRoomToRoom($old_room_id, $old_file_id, $filename, $new_room_id, $new_file_id) { $retour = false; if (empty($old_room_id)) { include_once 'functions/error_functions.php'; trigger_error('old_room_id is not set', E_USER_ERROR); } $this->_makeFolder($this->_first_id, $new_room_id); $source_file = str_replace('//', '/', $this->_getFilePath('', $old_room_id) . '/' . $old_file_id . '.' . cs_strtolower(mb_substr(strrchr($filename, '.'), 1))); $target_file = str_replace('//', '/', $this->_getFilePath('', $new_room_id) . '/' . $new_file_id . '.' . cs_strtolower(mb_substr(strrchr($filename, '.'), 1))); // copy if (file_exists($source_file)) { $retour = copy($source_file, $target_file); } else { $retour = true; } return $retour; }
function getIconFilename() { $ext = cs_strtolower(mb_substr(strrchr($this->getFileName(), '.'), 1)); if (!empty($this->_icon[$ext])) { $img = $this->_icon[$ext]; } else { $img = $this->_icon['unknown']; } return $img; }
function _format_flash($text, $array) { $retour = ''; if (empty($array[1])) { // internal resource $file_name_array = $this->_getItemFileListForView(); $file = $file_name_array[$array[2]]; if (isset($file)) { $source = $file->getURL(); $ext = $file->getExtension(); $extern = false; } } else { $source = $array[1] . $array[2]; $ext = cs_strtolower(mb_substr(strrchr($source, '.'), 1)); $extern = true; } if (!empty($array[3])) { $args = $this->_environment->getTextConverter()->parseArgs($array[3]); } else { $args = array(); } if (!empty($args['play'])) { $play = $args['play']; } else { $play = 'false'; } if (!empty($args['float']) and ($args['float'] == 'left' or $args['float'] == 'right')) { $float = 'float:' . $args['float'] . ';'; } elseif (!empty($args['lfloat'])) { $float = 'float:left;'; } elseif (!empty($args['rfloat'])) { $float = 'float:right;'; } else { $float = ''; } if (!empty($args['navigation']) and $args['navigation']) { $with_player = true; } elseif (!empty($args['navigation']) and !$args['navigation']) { $with_player = false; } elseif ($ext == 'swf') { $with_player = false; } else { $with_player = true; } if (!empty($source)) { $link_text = '(:flash ' . $file->getDiskFileNameWithoutFolder() . ':)'; $text = str_replace($array[0], $link_text, $text); } $retour = $text; return $retour; }
function _formatQuicktime($text, $array, $file_name_array) { $retour = ''; if (empty($array[1])) { // internal resource if (!empty($file_name_array)) { $file = $file_name_array[$array[2]]; if (isset($file)) { $source = $file->getURL(); $ext = $file->getExtension(); $extern = false; } } } else { $source = $array[1] . $array[2]; $ext = cs_strtolower(mb_substr(strrchr($source, '.'), 1)); $extern = true; } if (!empty($array[3])) { $args = $this->_parseArgs($array[3]); } else { $args = array(); } if (!empty($args['play'])) { $play = $args['play']; } else { $play = 'false'; } if (!empty($args['float']) and ($args['float'] == 'left' or $args['float'] == 'right')) { $float = 'float:' . $args['float'] . ';'; } elseif (!empty($args['lfloat'])) { $float = 'float:left;'; } elseif (!empty($args['rfloat'])) { $float = 'float:right;'; } else { $float = ''; } if (mb_strtolower($ext, 'UTF-8') == 'mp3') { $args['height'] = 16; } if (!empty($source)) { $image_text = ''; $image_text .= '<div style="' . $float . ' padding:10px;">' . LF; $image_text .= '<object type="video/quicktime" '; $image_text .= ' classid="clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B" '; $image_text .= ' codebase="http://www.apple.com/qtactivex/qtplugin.cab" '; if (!empty($args['width'])) { $image_text .= ' width="' . $args['width'] . '"' . LF; } if (!empty($args['height'])) { $image_text .= ' height="' . $args['height'] . '"' . LF; } $image_text .= '>'; $image_text .= '<param name="src" value="' . $source . '" />' . LF; $image_text .= '<param name="controller" value="true" />' . LF; $image_text .= '<param name="quality" value="high" />' . LF; $image_text .= '<param name="scale" value="tofit" />' . LF; $image_text .= '<param name="bgcolor" value="#000000" />' . LF; $image_text .= '<param name="wmode" value="opaque" />' . LF; $image_text .= '<param name="autoplay" value="' . $play . '" />' . LF; $image_text .= '<param name="loop" value="false" />' . LF; $image_text .= '<param name="devicefont" value="true" />' . LF; $image_text .= '<param name="class" value="mov" />' . LF; $image_text .= '<embed src="' . $source . '"' . LF; $image_text .= ' quality="high"' . LF; $image_text .= ' scale="tofit"' . LF; $image_text .= ' controller=true' . LF; $image_text .= ' bgcolor="#000000"' . LF; $image_text .= ' wmode="opaque"' . LF; $image_text .= ' autoplay="' . $play . '"' . LF; $image_text .= ' loop=false' . LF; $image_text .= ' devicefont=true' . LF; if (!empty($args['width'])) { $image_text .= ' width="' . $args['width'] . '"' . LF; } if (!empty($args['height'])) { $image_text .= ' height="' . $args['height'] . '"' . LF; } $image_text .= ' type="video/quicktime"' . LF; $image_text .= ' class="mov"' . LF; $image_text .= ' pluginspage="http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/">' . LF; $image_text .= '</embed>' . LF; $image_text .= '</object>' . LF; $image_text .= '</div>' . LF; $text = str_replace($array[0], $image_text, $text); } $retour = $text; return $retour; }