foreach ($filetypes as $add) { $return_types .= empty($return_types) ? $add : ', ' . $add; } $matches[2] = $cs_lang['max_size'] . cs_filesize($max_size) . cs_html_br(1); $matches[2] .= $cs_lang['filetypes'] . ': ' . $return_types; $data['files'][$run]['clip'] = cs_abcode_clip($matches); } else { $data['files'][$run]['if']['file_exists'] = TRUE; $data['files'][$run]['name'] = $file_name[$num]; $data['files'][$run]['up_name'] = $file_upload_name[$num]; $file = $file_name[$num]; $extension = strlen(strrchr($file, ".")); $name = strlen($file); $ext = substr($file, $name - $extension + 1, $name); $ext_lower = strtolower($ext); $data['files'][$run]['ext'] = cs_filetype($ext_lower); $data['files'][$run]['if']['file_is_picture'] = FALSE; $data['files'][$run]['if']['file_is_other'] = FALSE; #check if file is picture if (strcasecmp($ext, 'jpg') == '0' or strcasecmp($ext, 'jpeg') == '0' or strcasecmp($ext, 'gif') == '0' or strcasecmp($ext, 'png') == '0') { $data['files'][$run]['if']['file_is_picture'] = TRUE; } else { $data['files'][$run]['if']['file_is_other'] = TRUE; } } } } $data['if']['new_votes'] = FALSE; $data['if']['add_answer'] = FALSE; $data['if']['add_file'] = FALSE; $data['if']['new_file'] = FALSE;
$order = 'bdf.boardfiles_id DESC'; $cs_att = cs_sql_select(__FILE__, $from, $select, 0, $order, 0, 0); $count_att = count($cs_att); $board_count = cs_sql_count(__FILE__, 'board'); $data['count']['all'] = $count_att; if (empty($count_att)) { $data['attachments'] = ''; } require_once 'mods/clansphere/filetype.php'; for ($run = 0; $run < $count_att; $run++) { $file = $cs_att[$run]['boardfiles_name']; $extension = strlen(strrchr($file, ".")); $name = strlen($file); $ext = substr($file, $name - $extension + 1, $name); $ext_lower = strtolower($ext); $data['attachments'][$run]['icon'] = cs_filetype($ext_lower); if (file_exists('uploads/board/files/' . $cs_att[$run]['boardfiles_id'] . '.' . $ext)) { $file_file = filesize('uploads/board/files/' . $cs_att[$run]['boardfiles_id'] . '.' . $ext); $data['attachments'][$run]['filename'] = cs_html_link($cs_main['php_self']['dirname'] . 'mods/board/attachment.php?id=' . $cs_att[$run]['boardfiles_id'], $file, 1); $data['attachments'][$run]['size'] = cs_filesize($file_file); } elseif (file_exists('uploads/board/files/' . $file)) { $file_file = filesize('uploads/board/files/' . $file); $data['attachments'][$run]['filename'] = cs_html_link($cs_main['php_self']['dirname'] . 'mods/board/attachment.php?name=' . $file, $file, 1); $data['attachments'][$run]['size'] = cs_filesize($file_file); } else { $data['attachments'][$run]['filename'] = $cs_lang['no_att_exist']; $data['attachments'][$run]['size'] = cs_filesize(0); } $threads_headline = $cs_att[$run]['threads_headline']; $data['attachments'][$run]['topics'] = strlen($threads_headline) <= 15 ? $threads_headline : cs_substr($threads_headline, 0, 15) . '...'; $data['attachments'][$run]['threads_headline'] = $threads_headline;
$file = $cs_thread_files[$run]['boardfiles_name']; $extension = strlen(strrchr($file, ".")); $name = strlen($file); $ext = substr($file, $name - $extension + 1, $name); $cs_thread_files[$run]['boardfiles_typ'] = $ext; } require_once 'mods/clansphere/filetype.php'; for ($run = 0; $run < $loop_files; $run++) { $ext = $cs_thread_files[$run]['boardfiles_typ']; $file = $cs_thread_files[$run]['boardfiles_name']; if (file_exists('uploads/board/files/' . $cs_thread_files[$run]['boardfiles_id'] . '.' . $ext)) { $file_file = filesize('uploads/board/files/' . $cs_thread_files[$run]['boardfiles_id'] . '.' . $ext); $data['files'][$run]['file'] = cs_filetype($ext) . ' ' . cs_html_link($cs_main['php_self']['dirname'] . 'mods/board/attachment.php?id=' . $cs_thread_files[$run]['boardfiles_id'], $file, 1) . ' (' . cs_filesize($file_file) . ' - ' . $cs_thread_files[$run]['boardfiles_downloaded'] . ' ' . $cs_lang['times'] . ' )'; } elseif (file_exists('uploads/board/files/' . $file)) { $file_file = filesize('uploads/board/files/' . $file); $data['files'][$run]['file'] = cs_filetype($ext) . ' ' . cs_html_link($cs_main['php_self']['dirname'] . 'mods/board/attachment.php?id=' . $file, $file, 1) . ' (' . cs_filesize($file_file) . ' - ' . $cs_thread_files[$run]['boardfiles_downloaded'] . ' ' . $cs_lang['times'] . ' )'; } else { $data['files'][$run]['file'] = $cs_lang['no_att_file']; } } } } //Files Ende $data['thread_desc']['signature'] = getUserSignature($data['thread']['users_signature']); if (!empty($data['thread']['threads_edit'])) { $data['thread_desc']['checkedit'] = checkLastEdit($data['thread']['threads_edit'], $cs_lang); } //board_safemode($data['thread']['users_nick'], $data['thread']['threads_time'], $options); $data['thread_desc']['laston'] = cs_userstatus($data['thread']['users_laston'], $data['thread']['users_invisible'], 1); //echo cs_html_hr('100%'); $data['thread_desc']['users_icons'] = getUserIcons($cs_lang, $data['thread']['users_id'], $data['thread']['users_nick'], $data['thread']['users_hidden'], $data['thread']['users_email'], $data['thread']['users_icq'], $data['thread']['users_jabber'], $data['thread']['users_url'], $data['thread']['users_skype']);
$cs_files = cs_sql_select(__FILE__, $from, $select, $where, $order, $start, $account['users_limit']); $files_loop = count($cs_files); $data['sort']['headline'] = cs_sort('files', 'manage', $start, $categories_id, 1, $sort); $data['sort']['date'] = cs_sort('files', 'manage', $start, $categories_id, 3, $sort); $data['files'] = array(); for ($run = 0; $run < $files_loop; $run++) { $files_mirror = $cs_files[$run]['files_mirror']; $temp = explode("-----", $files_mirror); $temp_loop = count($temp); $file_typ_array = array(); $run_3 = '0'; for ($run_2 = 1; $run_2 < $temp_loop; $run_2++) { $temp_a = explode("\n", $temp[$run_2]); if (!in_array($temp_a['3'], $file_typ_array, TRUE)) { $file_typ_array[$run_3] = $temp_a['3']; $run_3++; } } $loop_file_typ_array = count($file_typ_array); $data['files'][$run]['filetypes'] = array(); for ($run_2 = 0; $run_2 < $loop_file_typ_array; $run_2++) { $ext = $file_typ_array[$run_2]; require_once 'mods/clansphere/filetype.php'; $data['files'][$run]['filetypes'][$run_2]['icon'] = cs_filetype($ext); } $data['files'][$run]['id'] = $cs_files[$run]['files_id']; $data['files'][$run]['name'] = $cs_files[$run]['files_name']; $data['files'][$run]['user'] = cs_user($cs_files[$run]['users_id'], $cs_files[$run]['users_nick'], $cs_files[$run]['users_active']); $data['files'][$run]['date'] = cs_date('unix', $cs_files[$run]['files_time'], 1); } echo cs_subtemplate(__FILE__, $data, 'files', 'manage');
$img_info = cs_icon('documentinfo'); $y = -1; require_once 'mods/clansphere/filetype.php'; for ($x = $start; $x < $count && $y < $max_data; $x++) { $y++; $file_raw = $dir == '.' ? $datas[$x] : $dir . '/' . $datas[$x]; $file = cs_explorer_path($file_raw, 'escape'); chdir($target); $type = is_dir($datas[$x]) ? 'dir' : strtolower(substr(strrchr($datas[$x], '.'), 1)); chdir($cs_main['def_path']); $save[$y]['name'] = $datas[$x]; $save[$y]['chmod'] = substr(sprintf('%o', fileperms($file_raw)), -4); $save[$y]['access'] = cs_link($img_access, 'explorer', 'chmod', 'file=' . $file); $save[$y]['remove'] = cs_link($img_del, 'explorer', 'remove', 'file=' . $file, 0, $cs_lang['remove']); $save[$y]['info'] = cs_link($img_info, 'explorer', 'information', 'file=' . $file); $save[$y]['edit'] = $type != 'dir' ? cs_link($img_edit, 'explorer', 'edit', 'file=' . $file) : ''; $view = cs_link($datas[$x], 'explorer', 'view', 'file=' . $file); $save[$y]['symbol'] = cs_filetype($type); if ($type == 'jpg' || $type == 'jpeg' || $type == 'png' || $type == 'gif' || $type == 'bmp') { $save[$y]['name'] = cs_link($datas[$x], 'explorer', 'view', 'file=' . $file); } elseif ($type == 'dir') { $save[$y]['name'] = cs_link($datas[$x], 'explorer', 'roots', 'dir=' . $file); } elseif ($type == 'html' || $type == 'htm' || ($type = 'php' || $type == 'txt' || $type == 'sql')) { $save[$y]['name'] = cs_link($datas[$x], 'explorer', 'view', 'file=' . $file); } } $data['files'] = !empty($save) ? $save : array(); } else { $data['files'] = ''; } echo cs_subtemplate(__FILE__, $data, 'explorer', 'roots');
$temp_loop = count($temp); if (isset($_REQUEST['target']) and is_array($cs_file)) { $files_cells = array('files_count'); $files_save = array(++$cs_file['files_count']); cs_sql_update(__FILE__, 'files', $files_cells, $files_save, $file_id, 0, 0); $temp_a = explode("\n", $temp[$_REQUEST['target']]); $select_mirrow = $temp_a['1']; header("Location: " . $select_mirrow . ""); } require_once 'mods/clansphere/filetype.php'; for ($run = 1; $run < $temp_loop; $run++) { $temp_a = explode("\n", $temp[$run]); if ($account['access_files'] >= $temp_a['4']) { $data['mirrors'][$run - 1]['name'] = empty($temp_a['2']) ? $temp_a['1'] : $temp_a['2']; $data['mirrors'][$run - 1]['id'] = $run; $data['mirrors'][$run - 1]['filetype_image'] = cs_filetype($temp_a['3']); $data['mirrors'][$run - 1]['filetype_name'] = $temp_a['3']; } } include_once 'mods/comments/functions.php'; $where_com = 'comments_mod = \'files\' AND comments_fid = ' . $file_id; $count_com = cs_sql_count(__FILE__, 'comments', $where_com); if (empty($cs_file)) { require 'mods/errors/404.php'; } else { echo cs_subtemplate(__FILE__, $data, 'files', 'view'); if (!empty($count_com)) { echo cs_comments_view($file_id, 'files', 'view', $count_com); } echo cs_comments_add($file_id, 'files', $cs_file['files_close']); }