function print_head_image() { global $gbl, $sgbl, $login, $ghtml; if ($sgbl->isBlackBackground()) { return; } if ($sgbl->isKloxo() && $gbl->c_session->ssl_param) { return; } if ($login->getSpecialObject('sp_specialplay')->isOn('show_thin_header')) { return; } ?> <link href="/img/skin/hypervm/feather/default/feather.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <?php print "<table class='bgtop3' width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 style=\"background:url(/img/skin/hypervm/feather/default/invertfeather.jpg)\"> "; print "<tr ><td width=100% id='td1' > </td> "; if ($login->getSpecialObject('sp_specialplay')->isOn('simple_skin')) { $v = create_simpleObject(array('url' => "javascript:top.mainframe.logOut()", 'purl' => '&a=updateform&sa=logout', 'target' => null)); print "<td valign=top>"; print "<a href=javascript:top.mainframe.logOut()>Logout </a>"; //$ghtml->print_div_button_on_header(null, true, 0, $v); print "</td>"; } print "</tr>"; print "<tr><td colspan=3 class='bg2'></td></tr>"; print "</table> "; }
function createKloxoUrl($url, $action) { global $gbl, $sgbl, $login, $ghtml; $parent = $this->getParentO(); $selfurl = $ghtml->get_get_from_current_post(array('frm_emessage')); $rurl = self::generateKloxoUrl($parent, $selfurl, $url); $url = create_simpleObject(array('url' => $rurl, 'purl' => "a=updateform&sa={$action}&l[class]=kloxo&l[nname]=name", 'target' => null)); return $url; }
function createVlistDriver(&$vlist, $driver) { foreach ($driver as $k => $v) { $descr = get_classvar_description($k); if (!$descr) { continue; } if (!is_array($v) && csb($v, "__v")) { continue; } if (is_array($driver[$k])) { $v = "pg_{$k}"; $ar = implode(", ", $driver[$k]); $vlist["driver_b_s_pg_{$k}"] = array('M', create_simpleObject(array('descr' => $descr, 'value' => "{$this->driver_b->{$v}} ({$ar})"))); } else { $v = "pg_{$k}"; $vlist["driver_b_s_pg_{$k}"] = array('M', create_simpleObject(array('descr' => $descr, 'value' => "{$this->driver_b->{$v}} ({$driver[$k]})"))); } } $vlist['__v_button'] = array(); }
function print_header_feather() { global $gbl, $sgbl, $login, $ghtml; $lightskincolor = $login->getLightSkinColor(); print "<body>\n"; print "<div id=statusbar style='background:#{$lightskincolor};scroll:auto;height:26;width:100%;border-bottom:4px solid #b1cfed;margin:2 2 2 2:vertical-align:top;text-align:top'>\n"; $alist[] = "a=show"; $alist = $login->createShowAlist($alist); $gbl->__c_object = $login; print "<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>\n<tr>\n"; $count = 0; $icount = 0; foreach ($alist as $k => $v) { if (csa($k, "__title")) { $count++; continue; } $icount++; if ($icount > 8) { continue; } $v = $ghtml->getFullUrl($v); $ghtml->print_div_button_on_header(null, true, $k, $v); } print "<td nowrap style='width:40px'></td>\n"; $v = "a=list&c=ndskshortcut"; $v = $ghtml->getFullUrl($v); $ghtml->print_div_button_on_header(null, true, 0, $v); $ghtml->print_toolbar(); print "<td width=100%></td>\n"; $v = $ghtml->getFullUrl("a=list&c=ssessionlist"); $ghtml->print_div_button_on_header(null, true, $k, $v); $v = create_simpleObject(array('url' => "javascript:top.mainframe.logOut()", 'purl' => '&a=updateform&sa=logout', 'target' => null)); $ghtml->print_div_button_on_header(null, true, $k, $v); print "</tr>\n</table>\n"; print "</div>\n"; }
function print_list_submit($class, $blist, $uniquename) { $rclass = $class; $this->print_list_submit_start(); foreach ((array) $blist as $b) { $this->print_list_submit_middle($b, $uniquename); } $refreshpost = $this->getCurrentInheritVar(); $refreshpost['frm_list_refresh'] = 'yes'; $url = $this->get_get_from_post(null, $refreshpost); $refresh = create_simpleObject(array('url' => "display.php?{$url}", 'purl' => "/display.php?frm_action=refresh&frm_o_cname=ffile", 'target' => '')); $this->print_list_submit_middle(array($refresh, 1), $uniquename); if (exec_class_method($rclass, "isHardRefresh")) { $hardrefresh = create_simpleObject(array('url' => "display.php?{$url}&frm_hardrefresh=yes", 'purl' => "/display.php?frm_action=hardrefresh&frm_o_cname=ffile", 'target' => '')); $this->print_list_submit_middle(array($hardrefresh, 1), $uniquename); } $this->print_list_submit_end(); }
function createShowAlist(&$alist, $subaction = null) { global $gbl, $sgbl, $login, $ghtml; $alist['__title_administer'] = $login->getKeywordUc('administration'); // Very special case, when he is a customer without any add vps flag, then there are no top row buttons at all. if ($this->isAdmin()) { $alist[] = "a=list&c=actionlog"; } if ($this->isLogin() && $login->isAuxiliary()) { $alist['__v_dialog_pas'] = "******"; } else { $alist['__v_dialog_apas'] = "******"; } $alist['__v_dialog_info'] = "a=updateForm&sa=information"; if ($this->isAdmin()) { $alist[] = 'o=lxupdate&a=show'; } if (!$this->isAuxiliary()) { $alist[] = "a=list&c=blockedip"; } if ($this->isAdmin()) { $alist[] = "a=list&c=auxiliary"; } if ($this->isAdmin()) { $alist[] = "a=list&c=custombutton"; } if ($this->isAdmin()) { //$turl = "a=show&l[class]=ffile&l[nname]=xentemplate"; $turl = "n=xenostemplate&a=show&l[class]=ffile&l[nname]=/"; $alist[] = create_simpleObject(array('url' => "{$turl}", 'purl' => "a=updateform&sa=xentemplate", 'target' => "", '__internal' => true)); $turl = "n=openvzostemplate&a=show&l[class]=ffile&l[nname]=/"; $alist[] = create_simpleObject(array('url' => "{$turl}", 'purl' => "a=updateform&sa=openvztemplate", 'target' => "", '__internal' => true)); } if (!$this->isLogin()) { $alist[] = "a=update&sa=dologin"; } $alist[] = "a=list&c=emailalert"; if ($this->canSeePserver()) { $alist[] = "a=list&c=pserver"; } if (!$this->isAdmin()) { $alist[] = "a=updateForm&sa=pserver"; } if ($this->isAdmin() && !$this->isAuxiliary()) { $alist[] = "a=list&c=datacenter"; $alist[] = "a=list&c=centralbackupserver"; $alist[] = "a=list&c=sslcert"; } if (!$this->isLogin()) { $alist['__v_dialog_limit'] = "a=updateForm&sa=limit"; $alist['__v_dialog_plan'] = "a=updateForm&sa=change_plan"; } $alist['__title_virtual'] = $login->getKeywordUc('resource'); if ($this->isAdmin()) { $alist[] = "a=list&c=ippool"; } if ($this->priv->isOn('vps_add_flag')) { $this->getListActions($alist, 'resourceplan'); //$this->getListActions($alist, 'clienttemplate'); //$this->getListActions($alist, 'vpstemplate'); } $alist[] = "a=list&c=vps"; $alist[] = "a=list&c=all_vps"; if (!$this->isCustomer()) { $this->getListActions($alist, 'client'); } if ($this->isAdmin()) { //$alist[] = "a=updateform&sa=multivpscreate"; $revc = $login->getObject('general')->reversedns_b; if ($revc && $revc->isOn('enableflag')) { $alist[] = "a=list&c=reversedns"; } $alist[] = "a=list&c=all_dns"; } if (!$this->isLogin()) { //Both wall and message not done through message board. //$alist[] = 'a=updateForm&sa=message'; } // Client Traffic history. Doesn't know if I should add the history of HIS clients too, or just use the traffic for the domains under him. So hashing for the present. //$alist[] = 'a=list&c=domaintraffichistory'; $alist['__title_misc'] = $login->getKeywordUc('help'); $this->getListActions($alist, 'utmp'); $this->getTicketMessageUrl($alist); //$this->getLxclientActions($alist); if (!$this->isLogin() && !$this->isLteAdmin() && csb($this->nname, "demo_")) { $alist[] = "o=sp_specialplay&a=updateform&sa=demo_status"; } if ($this->isAdmin()) { //$alist[] = "a=list&c=blockedip"; //$alist[] = "o=general&a=updateForm&sa=attempts"; //$alist[] = "a=list&c=module"; } else { } if ($this->isAdmin()) { $alist[] = "a=list&c=monitorserver"; } else { if (is_unlimited($this->priv->monitorport_num) || $this->priv->monitorport_num > 0) { $alist[] = "a=list&c=monitorserver"; } } if ($this->isAdmin()) { $so = $this->getFromList('pserver', 'localhost'); $this->getAlistFromChild($so, $alist); } $alist['__title_advanced'] = $login->getKeywordUc('advanced'); if ($this->isAdmin()) { //$alist['__v_dialog_tick'] = "a=updateform&sa=ticketconfig&o=ticketconfig"; //$alist[] = "o=general&c=helpdeskcategory_a&a=list"; $alist['__v_dialog_sca'] = "o=general&a=updateform&sa=scavengetime"; $alist['__v_dialog_gen'] = "o=general&a=updateform&sa=generalsetting"; $alist['__v_dialog_main'] = "o=general&a=updateform&sa=maintenance"; $alist['__v_dialog_self'] = "o=general&a=updateform&sa=selfbackupconfig"; //$alist['__v_dialog_ssh'] = "o=general&a=updateform&sa=ssh_config"; //$alist['__v_dialog_ipcheck'] = "o=general&a=updateform&sa=session_config"; $alist['__v_dialog_download'] = "o=general&a=updateform&sa=download_config"; $alist['__v_dialog_forc'] = "a=updateform&sa=forcedeletepserver"; $alist['__v_dialog_hack'] = "o=general&a=updateform&sa=hackbuttonconfig"; $alist['__v_dialog_rev'] = "o=general&a=updateform&sa=reversedns"; $alist['__v_dialog_cust'] = "o=general&a=updateform&sa=customaction"; $alist['__v_dialog_orph'] = "a=updateform&sa=deleteorphanedvps"; $alist['__v_dialog_lxc'] = "o=general&a=updateform&sa=kloxo_config"; //$alist[] = "a=show&o=ostemplatelist"; $alist[] = "a=list&c=customaction"; } if (!$this->isAdmin()) { $alist[] = "a=updateform&sa=ostemplatelist"; } if ($this->canHaveChild()) { $alist['__v_dialog_ch'] = "o=sp_childspecialplay&a=updateform&sa=skin"; } $alist['__v_dialog_not'] = "a=updateform&sa=update&o=notification"; $alist['__v_dialog_misc'] = "a=updateform&sa=miscinfo"; if ($this->isAdmin()) { $alist[] = "o=general&a=updateform&sa=portconfig"; } if (!$this->isLogin() && !$this->isLteAdmin() && csb($this->nname, "demo_")) { $alist['__v_dialog_demo'] = "o=sp_specialplay&a=updateform&sa=demo_status"; } if (!$this->isLogin()) { $alist['__v_dialog_disa'] = "a=updateform&sa=disable_per"; } if ($login->priv->isOn('logo_manage_flag') && $this->isLogin()) { $alist['__v_dialog_uplo'] = "o=sp_specialplay&a=updateForm&sa=upload_logo"; } if (!$this->isLogin()) { $alist['__v_dialog_resend'] = "a=updateform&sa=resendwelcome"; } if (!$this->isLogin()) { $alist[] = "a=updateForm&sa=changeowner"; } if ($this->isLogin()) { $alist['__v_dialog_login'] = "******"; } if ($this->isAdmin()) { $alist[] = "a=updateform&sa=license&o=license"; } $this->getCustomButton($alist); return $alist; }
function getAlistFromChild($rd, &$alist) { $dalist = $rd->createShowAlist($slist); foreach ($dalist as $k => $a) { if (is_string($a) && csa($a, "ffile")) { continue; } if (is_string($a) && csa($a, "cron")) { continue; } if (is_string($a) && csa($a, "ipaddress")) { continue; } if (csb($k, "__title")) { $alist[$k] = $a; } else { if (is_string($a) && csa($a, "mailforward")) { $alist[] = "a=list&c=mailforward"; continue; } if (is_string($a) && csa($a, "mailaccount") && csa($a, "list")) { continue; } if (is_string($a) && csa($a, "mailaccount") && csa($a, "addform")) { $alist[] = "a=addform&c=mailaccount"; continue; } if (is_string($a) && csa($a, "mailinglist")) { $alist[] = "a=list&c=mailinglist"; continue; } if (is_string($a) && csa($a, "addondomain")) { $alist[] = "a=list&c=addondomain"; continue; } if (is_object($a) && csa($a->purl, "image_manager")) { $tmpurl = "a=show&l[class]=ffile&l[nname]=/"; $alist[] = create_simpleObject(array('url' => "{$tmpurl}", 'purl' => "a=updateform&sa=image_manager", 'target' => "", '__internal' => true)); continue; } if (is_string($a)) { $alist[] = "j[class]={$rd->getClass()}&j[nname]={$rd->nname}&{$a}"; } else { if (is_object($a)) { if (!csb($a->url, "http") && !csb($a->url, "/")) { $a->url = "j[class]={$rd->getClass()}&j[nname]={$rd->nname}&{$a->url}"; } $alist[] = $a; } } } } }
function print_navigation($navig) { global $gbl, $sgbl, $login, $ghtml; if ($ghtml->isSelectShow()) { return; } $img_path = $login->getSkinDir(); $imgleftpoint = $img_path . "left_point.gif"; $imgrightpoint = $img_path . "right_point.gif"; $xpos = 0; $navigmenu = $gbl->__navigmenu; if ($login->getSpecialObject('sp_specialplay')->isOn('show_navig')) { $vis = 'visible'; $imgpoint = $imgleftpoint; } else { $vis = 'hidden'; $imgpoint = $imgrightpoint; } if ($gbl->isOn('show_lpanel')) { $imgleftpanel = $imgleftpoint; } else { $imgleftpanel = $imgrightpoint; } $imgpoint = null; $navtxt = null; $navigpoint = null; $buttonpath = get_image_path() . "button"; $url = $ghtml->get_get_from_current_post(null); $url = '/display.php?' . $url; $description = $ghtml->getActionDetails($url, null, $buttonpath, $path, $post, $file, $name, $image, $__t_identity); $ghtml->save_non_existant_image($image); $demoimg = null; $ob = $gbl->__c_object; // Hack to fix a bug reported by samuel. if (!$ob) { return; } $imgstr = null; if ($ghtml->frm_action === 'show') { $list = $ob->createShowMainImageList(); print "<!-- Bread Crumbs -->\n"; foreach ((array) $list as $k => $v) { if ($v) { if (isset($ob->{$k})) { $img = $ghtml->get_image($buttonpath, $ob->getClass(), "{$k}_v_" . $ob->{$k}, ".gif"); $imgstr[] = "<span title='" . ucfirst($k) . " is " . ucfirst($ob->{$k}) . "'><img src=\"{$img}\" width=\"30\" height=\"30\"></span>"; } } else { $v = $ob->display($k); $img = $ghtml->get_image($buttonpath, $ob->getClass(), "{$k}_v_" . $ob->display($k), ".gif"); $imgstr[] = "<span title='" . ucfirst($k) . " is " . ucfirst($ob->display($k)) . "'><img src=\"{$img}\" width=\"30\" height=\"30\"></span>"; } } } if ($imgstr) { $imgstr = implode(" ", $imgstr); } if ($ob->isLxclient() && $ob->getSpecialObject('sp_specialplay') && $ob->getSpecialObject('sp_specialplay')->isOn('demo_status')) { $_timg = $ghtml->get_image($buttonpath, $ob->getClass(), "updateform_demo_status", ".gif"); $demoimg = "<span title=\"Account is Demo\"><img src=\"{$_timg}\"></span>"; } ?> <script> var gl_imgrightpoint = '<?php echo $imgleftpoint; ?> '; var gl_imgleftpoint = '<?php echo $imgrightpoint; ?> '; </script> <div class="breadmain"> <table class="breadtable1" width="100%"> <tr> <td > <table class="breadtable2"> <tr> <td><?php echo "{$demoimg}"; ?> <img width="35" height="35" src="<?php echo $image; ?> "></td> <td> <table class="breadtable3"> <tr> <td> <table class="breadtable4"> <tr> <?php foreach ((array) $navig as $k => $h) { $url = $ghtml->get_get_from_post(null, $h); $url = "/display.php?{$url}"; $desc = $ghtml->getActionDescr('', $h, $class, $var, $name); $image = $ghtml->get_image($buttonpath, $class, $var, ".gif"); $desc['help'] = $ghtml->get_action_or_display_help($desc['help'], 'action'); // TODO: Make the seperator a nice image to be in a Theme. $sep = "<td > | </td>"; $nname = substr($name, 0, 19); $bracketedname = null; if ($navigmenu[$k][0] != 'list') { $bracketedname = "( " . ucfirst($nname) . " )"; } $menustring = null; print "<td>\n"; print "<a href=\"{$url}\"><span class=\"breadcrumbsbold\">" . $desc['desc'] . "</span><span class=\"breadcrumbs\">" . $bracketedname . "</span></a>"; print "</td>\n"; print $sep . "\n"; } print "</td>\n</tr>\n</table>\n</td>\n</tr>\n"; $ob = $gbl->__c_object; $name = $ob->getId(); $imgstr = array(); if ($ghtml->frm_action === 'show') { $list = $ob->createShowImageList(); foreach ((array) $list as $k => $v) { if ($v) { if (isset($ob->{$k})) { $img = $ghtml->get_image($buttonpath, $ob->getClass(), "{$k}_v_" . $ob->{$k}, ".gif"); $imgstr[] = "<span title=\"" . ucfirst($k) . " is " . ucfirst($ob->{$k}) . "\"><img src=\"{$img}\" width=\"9\" height=\"9\"></span>"; } } else { $v = $ob->display($k); $img = $ghtml->get_image($buttonpath, $ob->getClass(), "{$k}_v_{$ob->display($k)}", ".gif"); $imgstr[] = "<span title=\"" . ucfirst($k) . " is " . ucfirst($ob->display($k)) . "\"><img src=\"{$img}\" width=\"9\" height=\"9\"></span>"; } } } if ($sgbl->isKloxo() && $gbl->c_session->ssl_param['backbase']) { $s = $gbl->c_session->ssl_param; $v = $s['backbase']; $pcl = $s['parent_clname']; $selfip = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; $curl = "/display.php?{$ghtml->get_get_from_current_post(array('frm_emessage', 'frm_ssl'))}"; $kloxourl = "&frm_ndskshortcut_c_vpsparent_clname={$pcl}"; } else { $v = "/display.php"; $curl = "/display.php?{$ghtml->get_get_from_current_post(null)}"; $kloxourl = null; } $iconpath = get_image_path() . "button"; $ac_descr = $ghtml->getActionDetails($curl, null, $iconpath, $path, $post, $_t_file, $_t_name, $_t_image, $__t_identity); $curl = base64_encode($curl); $desc = "{$ac_descr['desc']} {$__t_identity}"; $desc = urlencode($desc); $shurl = "{$v}?frm_o_cname=ndskshortcut&frm_ndskshortcut_c_ttype=favorite&frm_ndskshortcut_c_url={$curl}&frm_action=add&frm_ndskshortcut_c_description={$desc}{$kloxourl}"; $clienttype = null; if ($ob->isClient() && $ghtml->frm_action === 'show') { $clienttype = ucfirst($ob->cttype); } $fullimgstr = implode(" ", $imgstr); print "<tr valign=\"middle\">\n"; print "<td valign=\"middle\" id=\"tnavig{$k}\" onMouseOut=\"changeContent('help', 'helparea');\"><b><font style=\"font-size:10pt;\"> {$name} (</b> {$clienttype} {$description['desc']} <b>) {$fullimgstr} </font></a></td>\n"; print "</tr>\n"; $hypervm = null; if ($sgbl->isKloxo() && $gbl->c_session->ssl_param) { $hypervm = "HyperVM"; } print "</table>\n</td>\n</tr>\n</table>\n</td>\n"; if ($login->getSpecialObject('sp_specialplay')->isOn('simple_skin')) { if ($login->getSpecialObject('sp_specialplay')->isOn('show_thin_header')) { $v = create_simpleObject(array('url' => "javascript:top.mainframe.logOut()", 'purl' => '&a=updateform&sa=logout', 'target' => null)); $ghtml->print_div_button_on_header(null, true, $k, $v); } } else { // TODO: Add this to language print "<td align=\"right\" nowrap><a href=\"{$shurl}\">Add this page to {$hypervm} Favorites</a></td>\n"; } print "</tr>\n"; print "</table>\n</div>\n"; print "<!-- Bread Crumbs End -->\n"; }
function createShowAlist(&$alist, $subaction = null) { global $gbl, $sgbl, $login, $ghtml; if ($subaction === 'config') { return $this->createShowAlistConfig($alist); } $server = null; if ($this->isAdmin()) { $server = "Servers: {$this->getUSlashP("pserver_num")}"; } $alist['__title_administer'] = $login->getKeywordUc('administration'); if ($this->isLte('reseller')) { //$alist[] = "a=list&c=all_domain"; $alist[] = create_simpleObject(array('url' => "a=list&c=all_domain", 'purl' => "a=updateform&sa=all_resource", '__internal' => true, 'target' => "")); } $alist[] = "a=list&c=actionlog"; if ($this->isAdmin()) { $alist[] = 'a=list&c=pserver'; /* if (check_if_many_server()) { $this->getListActions($alist, 'pserver'); } else { $alist[] = 'k[class]=pserver&k[nname]=localhost&a=show'; } */ } if ($this->isLte('reseller')) { $alist[] = "a=list&c=client"; } if ($this->isLte('reseller')) { $alist[] = "a=list&c=resourceplan"; } $this->getTicketMessageUrl($alist); //$alist[] = "a=list&c=ssession"; if ($login->priv->isOn('can_change_password_flag')) { if ($this->isLogin() && $login->isAuxiliary()) { $alist['__v_dialog_pass'] = "******"; } else { $alist['__v_dialog_pass'] = "******"; } } if ($this->isAdmin()) { $alist[] = "a=list&c=custombutton"; } $alist['__v_dialog_info'] = "a=updateform&sa=information"; if ($this->priv->isOn('webhosting_flag')) { if ($this->priv->isOn('cron_manage_flag') && $this->isCustomer()) { $alist[] = "a=list&c=cron"; } } if (!$this->isLogin()) { $alist['__v_dialog_limit'] = "a=updateform&sa=limit"; $alist['__v_dialog_plan'] = "a=updateform&sa=change_plan"; } if ($this->isAdmin() && !lxfile_exists("/proc/user_beancounters") && !lxfile_exists("/proc/xen")) { $alist[] = "a=list&c=reversedns"; } if (!$this->isAdmin()) { if (!$this->isLogin()) { $alist['__v_dialog_dnstem'] = "a=updateform&sa=dnstemplatelist"; } if (check_if_many_server()) { if ($this->isLte('reseller')) { $alist[] = "a=updateForm&sa=pserver_s"; } } else { //$alist[] = "a=updateForm&sa=pserver_s"; //$alist[] = "a=updateForm&sa=ipaddress"; } } if ($this->isAdmin()) { //$alist[] = 'k[class]=pserver&k[nname]=localhost&o=lxupdate&a=updateform&sa=lxupdateinfo'; $alist[] = 'o=lxupdate&a=show'; } //$alist[] = "a=updateform&sa=generate_csr"; $dbadminUrl = "/thirdparty/phpMyAdmin/"; //$alist[] = create_simpleObject(array('url' => "$dbadminUrl", 'purl' => "c=mysqldb&a=updateform&sa=phpmyadmin", 'target' => "target='_blank'")); if (!$this->isLogin()) { $alist[] = "a=update&sa=dologin"; } if ($this->priv->isOn('webhosting_flag')) { $alist['__title_resource'] = $login->getKeywordUc('resource'); } $alist[] = "a=updateform&sa=update&o=domaindefault"; $alist[] = "a=list&c=auxiliary"; /* if (!$this->isAuxiliary()) { $alist[] = "a=list&c=auxiliary"; } */ $alist[] = "a=list&c=utmp"; if ($login->isAdmin()) { $alist['__v_dialog_shell'] = "a=updateform&sa=shell_access"; } if (check_if_many_server()) { if (!$this->isLogin() && !$this->isAdmin()) { $alist[] = "a=updateForm&sa=domainpserver"; } } if ($this->isAdmin()) { if ($this->priv->isOn("dns_manage_flag")) { $alist[] = "c=dnstemplate&a=list"; } } //$alist[] = "a=list&c=domain"; if ($this->isAdmin()) { if (lxfile_exists("/var/installatron")) { $alist[] = create_simpleObject(array('url' => "/installatron/", 'purl' => 'a=updateform&sa=installatron', 'target' => "")); } } if ($this->priv->isOn('webhosting_flag')) { if (lxfile_exists("/var/installatron")) { if (!$this->isAdmin()) { if ($this->isLogin()) { $alist[] = create_simpleObject(array('url' => "/installatron/", 'purl' => 'a=updateform&sa=installatron', 'target' => "")); } else { $alist[] = "a=updateform&sa=installatron"; } } } if ($login->priv->isOn('backup_flag')) { $alist[] = "a=show&o=lxbackup"; } $alist[] = "a=list&c=ipaddress"; if ($this->getList('ipaddress')) { $alist[] = "a=list&c=sslcert"; } if ($this->isCustomer()) { $alist[] = "a=list&c=ftpuser"; $alist[] = 'a=list&c=ftpsession'; $alist[] = "a=show&l[class]=ffile&l[nname]=/"; $alist['__v_dialog_defd'] = "a=updateform&sa=default_domain"; $alist[] = "a=show&o=sshclient"; $alist[] = "a=list&c=traceroute"; $this->getListActions($alist, 'mysqldb'); $this->getMysqlDbAdmin($alist); //$this->getListActions($alist, 'mssqldb'); } if ($login->priv->isOn('domain_add_flag')) { $alist[] = "a=addform&c=domain"; } } /// List dns tempate only for admin... From now onwards. if (!$this->isLogin()) { //Both wall and message not done through message board. //$alist[] = 'a=updateForm&sa=message'; } // Client Traffic history. Doesn't know if I should add the history of HIS clients too, or just use the traffic for the domains under him. So hashing for the present. //$alist[] = 'a=list&c=domaintraffichistory'; //$this->getListActions($alist, 'ticket'); //$web = $this->getObject('web'); //$ip = getFQDNforServer($web->syncserver); //$ip = getFQDNforServer('localhost'); //$alist[] = create_simpleObject(array('url' => "http://$ip/~$this->username/", 'purl' => 'a=updateform&sa=site_preview&l[class]=domain&l[nname]=$this->nname', 'target' => "target='_blank'")); //$this->getLxclientActions($alist); if ($this->isAdmin()) { //$alist[] = "a=list&c=blockedip"; //$alist[] = "o=general&a=updateForm&sa=attempts"; //$alist[] = "a=list&c=module"; } else { } if ($this->isNotCustomer()) { $alist['__title_domain_rec'] = $login->getKeywordUc('domain'); $alist[] = "a=list&c=ftpuser"; $this->getListActions($alist, 'mysqldb'); $this->getMysqlDbAdmin($alist); $alist[] = "a=show&l[class]=ffile&l[nname]=/"; $alist['__v_dialog_defd'] = "a=updateform&sa=default_domain"; //$alist[] = "a=show&o=sshclient"; $alist[] = "a=list&c=cron"; $alist[] = "a=list&c=traceroute"; //$this->getListActions($alist, 'mssqldb'); } if (!$this->isAdmin() && !$this->isDisabled("shell")) { $alist[] = "a=list&c=sshauthorizedkey"; } if ($this->isCustomer()) { $this->getDomainAlist($alist); } if ($this->isAdmin()) { if ($this->isDomainOwnerMode()) { $this->getDomainAlist($alist); } else { $so = $this->getFromList('pserver', 'localhost'); $this->getAlistFromChild($so, $alist); } } else { if ($this->isLte('reseller') && $this->isDomainOwnerMode()) { $this->getDomainAlist($alist); } } $this->getCustomButton($alist); $alist['__title_advanced'] = $login->getKeywordUc('advanced'); if ($this->isAdmin()) { //$alist['__v_dialog_tick'] = "a=updateform&sa=ticketconfig&o=ticketconfig"; //$alist[] = "o=general&c=helpdeskcategory_a&a=list"; $alist['__v_dialog_sca'] = "o=general&a=updateform&sa=scavengetime"; $alist['__v_dialog_gen'] = "o=general&a=updateform&sa=generalsetting"; $alist['__v_dialog_main'] = "o=general&a=updateform&sa=maintenance"; $alist['__v_dialog_self'] = "o=general&a=updateform&sa=selfbackupconfig"; //$alist['__v_dialog_ssh'] = "o=general&a=updateform&sa=ssh_config"; //$alist['__v_dialog_ipcheck'] = "o=general&a=updateform&sa=session_config"; $alist['__v_dialog_download'] = "o=general&a=updateform&sa=download_config"; $alist['__v_dialog_forc'] = "a=updateform&sa=forcedeletepserver"; if ($sgbl->isHyperVm()) { $alist['__v_dialog_hack'] = "o=general&a=updateform&sa=hackbuttonconfig"; $alist['__v_dialog_rev'] = "o=general&a=updateform&sa=reversedns"; $alist['__v_dialog_cust'] = "o=general&a=updateform&sa=customaction"; $alist['__v_dialog_orph'] = "a=updateform&sa=deleteorphanedvps"; $alist['__v_dialog_lxc'] = "o=general&a=updateform&sa=kloxo_config"; //$alist[] = "a=show&o=ostemplatelist"; $alist[] = "a=list&c=customaction"; } else { $alist[] = "o=genlist&c=dirindexlist_a&a=list"; } } if ($sgbl->isHyperVm()) { if (!$this->isAdmin()) { $alist[] = "a=updateform&sa=ostemplatelist"; } } $alist['__v_dialog_misc'] = "a=updateform&sa=miscinfo"; // temporary, only for admin - on 6.1.7 if ($this->isAdmin()) { if ($login->priv->isOn('logo_manage_flag') && $this->isLogin()) { $alist['__v_dialog_uplo'] = "o=sp_specialplay&a=updateForm&sa=upload_logo"; } if ($this->canHaveChild()) { $alist['__v_dialog_ch'] = "o=sp_childspecialplay&a=updateform&sa=skin"; } } $alist['__v_dialog_misc'] = "a=updateform&sa=miscinfo"; if ($this->isAdmin()) { $alist[] = "o=general&a=updateform&sa=portconfig"; } if (!$this->isLogin() && !$this->isLteAdmin() && csb($this->nname, "demo_")) { $alist['__v_dialog_demo'] = "o=sp_specialplay&a=updateform&sa=demo_status"; } // temporary, only for admin - on 6.1.7 if ($this->isAdmin()) { if ($login->priv->isOn('can_set_disabled_flag')) { $alist[] = 'a=updateform&sa=disable_skeleton'; } } $alist[] = "a=list&c=blockedip"; $alist[] = "a=show&o=notification"; if (!$this->isLogin()) { $alist['__v_dialog_disa'] = "a=updateform&sa=disable_per"; } // temporary, only for admin if ($this->isAdmin()) { if ($login->priv->isOn('logo_manage_flag') && $this->isLogin()) { $alist['__v_dialog_uplo'] = "o=sp_specialplay&a=updateForm&sa=upload_logo"; } } if (!$this->isLogin()) { $alist['__v_dialog_resend'] = "a=updateform&sa=resendwelcome"; } if (!$this->isLogin()) { $alist[] = "a=updateForm&sa=changeowner"; } if ($this->isLogin()) { $alist['__v_dialog_login'] = "******"; } if ($this->isAdmin()) { $alist[] = "a=updateform&sa=license&o=license"; } return $alist; }
function getMysqlDbAdmin(&$alist) { if (!$this->isLocalhost('nname')) { $fqdn = getFQDNforServer($this->nname); //$dbadminUrl = "http://$fqdn:7778/thirdparty/phpMyAdmin/"; if (http_is_self_ssl()) { $dbadminUrl = "https://{$fqdn}:7777/thirdparty/phpMyAdmin/"; } else { $dbadminUrl = "http://{$fqdn}:7778/thirdparty/phpMyAdmin/"; } } else { $dbadminUrl = "/thirdparty/phpMyAdmin/"; } //$pass = urlencode($pass); $server = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; if (csa($server, ":")) { list($server, $port) = explode(":", $server); } try { $dbad = $this->getFromList('dbadmin', "mysql___{$this->syncserver}"); $user = $dbad->dbadmin_name; $pass = $dbad->dbpassword; if (if_demo()) { $pass = "******"; } $alist[] = create_simpleObject(array('url' => "{$dbadminUrl}?pma_username={$user}&pma_password={$pass}", 'purl' => "c=mysqldb&a=updateform&sa=phpmyadmin", 'target' => "target='_blank'")); } catch (Exception $e) { } }
function createShowPropertyList(&$alist) { global $gbl, $sgbl, $login, $ghtml; $alist['property'][] = 'a=show'; $this->getSwitchServerUrl($alist['property']); $alist['property'][] = "a=update&sa=backup"; $alist['property'][] = "a=updateform&sa=restore"; $alist['property'][] = "a=updateform&sa=changeowner"; $server = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; list($server, $port) = explode(":", $server); $user = $this->username; $pass = $this->dbpassword; $dbadminUrl = $this->getDbAdminUrl(); $servernum = $this->getDbServerNum(); //$pass = urlencode($pass); if ($dbadminUrl) { $alist['property'][] = create_simpleObject(array('url' => "{$dbadminUrl}?pma_username={$user}&pma_password={$pass}", 'purl' => "c=mysqldb&a=updateform&sa=phpmyadmin", 'target' => "target='_blank'")); } }
static function get_full_alist() { $alist['__title_class_web'] = '__title_class_web'; $alist[] = "a=list&c=dirprotect"; $alist[] = "a=show&l[class]=ffile&l[nname]=/"; $alist[] = "a=list&c=ftpuser"; $alist[] = 'a=list&c=ftpsession'; $alist['__title_script'] = 'script'; $alist[] = create_simpleObject(array('url' => "http://nname/__kloxo/phpinfo.php", 'purl' => 'a=updateform&sa=phpinfo', 'target' => "target='_blank'")); $alist[] = "a=show&o=phpini"; $alist[] = "a=updateform&sa=lighty_rewrite"; $alist[] = "a=list&c=component"; $alist[] = "a=updateform&sa=permalink"; $alist[] = "a=show&k[class]=allinstallapp&k[nname]=installapp"; return $alist; }
static function get_full_alist() { global $gbl, $sgbl, $login, $ghtml; $alist['__title_main'] = $login->getKeywordUc('resource'); //$this->getLxclientActions($alist); $alist[] = "a=updateForm&sa=limit"; //$alist[] = "a=updateForm&sa=change_plan"; //$alist['__title_next'] = $login->getKeywordUc('general'); $alist['__var_backup_flag'] = "a=show&o=lxbackup"; $alist[] = 'a=updateform&sa=information'; $alist[] = 'a=updateform&sa=password'; $alist[] = 'a=list&c=addondomain'; //$alist[] = "a=list&c=mysqldb"; //$this->getListActions($alist, 'mssqldb'); if (check_if_many_server()) { //if (count($this->getParentO()->listpriv->mysqldbpserver_list) > 1) { $alist[] = "a=updateform&sa=ddatabasepserver"; //} } if ($login->isAdmin() || $login->priv->isON('can_manage_dns')) { $alist[] = 'a=show&o=dns'; } //$alist['__title_web'] = $this->getTitleWithSync('web'); $alist['__title_log'] = $login->getKeywordUc('trafficandlog'); $alist[] = "n=web&a=updateform&sa=stats_protect"; $tmpurl = "n=web&a=show&l[class]=ffile&l[nname]=__lx_error_log"; $alist[] = create_simpleObject(array('url' => "{$tmpurl}", 'purl' => "o=web&a=updateform&sa=error_log", 'target' => "", '__internal' => true)); $tmpurl = "n=web&a=show&l[class]=ffile&l[nname]=__lx_access_log"; $alist[] = create_simpleObject(array('url' => "{$tmpurl}", 'purl' => "o=web&a=updateform&sa=access_log", 'target' => "", '__internal' => true)); $alist[] = create_simpleObject(array('url' => "http://nname/stats/", 'purl' => 'a=updateform&sa=show_stats', 'target' => "target='_blank'")); $alist[] = "n=web&a=graph&sa=webtraffic"; $alist[] = 'a=list&c=domaintraffichistory'; $alist[] = "n=web&a=list&c=weblastvisit"; $alist['__title_extra'] = $login->getKeywordUc('extra'); $alist[] = "n=web&a=list&c=server_alias_a"; $alist[] = "n=web&a=list&c=redirect_a"; $alist[] = "n=web&a=updateform&sa=configure_misc"; $alist[] = "n=web&a=updateform&sa=custom_error"; $alist[] = "n=web&a=list&c=cron"; $alist[] = "a=list&c=subweb_a"; $alist[] = create_simpleObject(array('url' => "http://[%s]", 'purl' => 'c=domain&a=updateform&sa=view', 'target' => "target=_blank")); $alist[] = create_simpleObject(array('url' => "/sitepreview/nname/", 'purl' => 'a=updateform&sa=site_preview', 'target' => "target='_blank'")); self::get_child_full_alist($alist, "web"); self::get_child_full_alist($alist, "mmail"); return $alist; }
function print_navigation($navig) { global $gbl, $sgbl, $login, $ghtml; if ($ghtml->isSelectShow()) { return; } $img_path = $login->getSkinDir(); $imgleftpoint = "{$img_path}/left_point.gif"; $imgrightpoint = "{$img_path}/right_point.gif"; $xpos = 0; $navigmenu = $gbl->__navigmenu; if ($login->getSpecialObject('sp_specialplay')->isOn('show_navig')) { $vis = 'visible'; $imgpoint = $imgleftpoint; } else { $vis = 'hidden'; $imgpoint = $imgrightpoint; } if ($gbl->isOn('show_lpanel')) { $imgleftpanel = $imgleftpoint; } else { $imgleftpanel = $imgrightpoint; } $imgpoint = null; $navtxt = null; $navigpoint = null; $buttonpath = get_image_path() . "/button/"; $url = $ghtml->get_get_from_current_post(null); $url = '/display.php?' . $url; $description = $ghtml->getActionDetails($url, null, $buttonpath, $path, $post, $file, $name, $image, $__t_identity); $ghtml->save_non_existant_image($image); $demoimg = null; $ob = $gbl->__c_object; // Hack to fix a bug reported by samuel. if (!$ob) { return; } $imgstr = null; if ($ghtml->frm_action === 'show') { $list = $ob->createShowMainImageList(); foreach ((array) $list as $k => $v) { if ($v) { if (isset($ob->{$k})) { $img = $ghtml->get_image($buttonpath, $ob->getClass(), "{$k}_v_" . $ob->{$k}, ".gif"); $imgstr[] = "<span title='{$k} is {$ob->{$k}}'> <img src={$img} width=30 height=30> </span>"; } } else { $v = $ob->display($k); $img = $ghtml->get_image($buttonpath, $ob->getClass(), "{$k}_v_" . $ob->display($k), ".gif"); $imgstr[] = "<span title='{$k} is " . $ob->display($k) . "'> <img src={$img} width=30 height=30> </span>"; } } } if ($imgstr) { $imgstr = implode(" ", $imgstr); } if ($ob->isLxclient() && $ob->getSpecialObject('sp_specialplay') && $ob->getSpecialObject('sp_specialplay')->isOn('demo_status')) { $_timg = $ghtml->get_image($buttonpath, $ob->getClass(), "updateform_demo_status", ".gif"); $demoimg = "<span title='Account is Demo'> <img src={$_timg}> </span>"; } if ($sgbl->isBlackBackground()) { $imgstr = null; $image = "/img/black.gif"; } ?> <script> var gl_imgrightpoint = '<?php echo $imgleftpoint; ?> ' ; var gl_imgleftpoint = '<?php echo $imgrightpoint; ?> ' ; </script> <br> <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0><tr><td width=100% > <table border=0 cellspacing=0> <tr> <td > </td> <td > <?php echo "{$imgstr} {$demoimg}"; ?> <img width=35 height=35 src=<?php echo $image; ?> > </td> <td > <table cellspacing=0> <tr> <td > <table height=10 align=left border=0> <tr> <?php $forecolorstring = null; if ($sgbl->isBlackBackground()) { $forecolorstring = "color=gray"; } foreach ((array) $navig as $k => $h) { //You have to actually get only the filters of the parents of this object. But let us just print all the filters anyway. $url = $ghtml->get_get_from_post(null, $h); $url = "/display.php?{$url}"; $desc = $ghtml->getActionDescr('', $h, $class, $var, $name); $image = $ghtml->get_image($buttonpath, $class, $var, ".gif"); //if ($class === 'mailaccount' || $class === 'domain') { continue; } $desc['help'] = $ghtml->get_action_or_display_help($desc['help'], 'action'); $sep = null; $sep = "<td > |</td> "; $nname = substr($name, 0, 19); $bracketedname = null; if ($navigmenu[$k][0] != 'list') { $bracketedname = "({$nname})"; } $menustring = null; // DOnt print the last.. That is the header, printed later below this... if ($k === count($navig) - 1) { //break; } print "<td > <a href='{$url}'><b><font {$forecolorstring} style='font-size:7pt'> {$desc['desc']}</b> {$bracketedname} </font> </a> </td> {$sep} "; } print "</td> </tr></table></td> </tr>"; $ob = $gbl->__c_object; $name = $ob->getId(); $imgstr = array(); if ($ghtml->frm_action === 'show') { $list = $ob->createShowImageList(); foreach ((array) $list as $k => $v) { if ($v) { if (isset($ob->{$k})) { $img = $ghtml->get_image($buttonpath, $ob->getClass(), "{$k}_v_" . $ob->{$k}, ".gif"); $imgstr[] = "<span title='{$k} is {$ob->{$k}}'> <img src={$img} width=9 height=9> </span>"; } } else { $v = $ob->display($k); $img = $ghtml->get_image($buttonpath, $ob->getClass(), "{$k}_v_{$ob->display($k)}", ".gif"); $imgstr[] = "<span title='{$k} is " . $ob->display($k) . "'> <img src={$img} width=9 height=9> </span>"; } } } if ($sgbl->isKloxo() && $gbl->c_session->ssl_param['backbase']) { $s = $gbl->c_session->ssl_param; $v = $s['backbase']; $pcl = $s['parent_clname']; $selfip = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; $curl = "/display.php?{$ghtml->get_get_from_current_post(array('frm_emessage', 'frm_ssl'))}"; $kloxourl = "&frm_ndskshortcut_c_vpsparent_clname={$pcl}"; } else { $v = "/display.php"; $curl = "/display.php?{$ghtml->get_get_from_current_post(null)}"; $kloxourl = null; } $iconpath = get_image_path() . "/button/"; $ac_descr = $ghtml->getActionDetails($curl, null, $iconpath, $path, $post, $_t_file, $_t_name, $_t_image, $__t_identity); $curl = base64_encode($curl); $desc = "{$ac_descr['desc']} {$__t_identity}"; $desc = urlencode($desc); $shurl = "{$v}?frm_o_cname=ndskshortcut&frm_ndskshortcut_c_ttype=favorite&frm_ndskshortcut_c_url={$curl}&frm_action=add&frm_ndskshortcut_c_description={$desc}{$kloxourl}"; $clienttype = null; if ($ob->isClient() && $ghtml->frm_action === 'show') { $clienttype = ucfirst($ob->cttype); $clienttype = "{$clienttype} "; } $fullimgstr = implode(" ", $imgstr); print " <tr valign=middle > <td valign=middle id=tnavig{$k} onMouseOut=\"changeContent('help', 'helparea');\"> <b><font style='font-size:10pt'> {$name} {</b>{$clienttype}{$description['desc']}<b>} {$fullimgstr} </font></a> </td></tr> "; $hypervm = null; if ($sgbl->isKloxo() && $gbl->c_session->ssl_param) { $hypervm = "HyperVM"; } print "</table> </td> </tr> </table> </td>"; if ($login->getSpecialObject('sp_specialplay')->isOn('simple_skin')) { // For clients with simple skin this hides the logout button. // The logout link is nowhere. // if ($login->getSpecialObject('sp_specialplay')->isOn('show_thin_header')) { $v = create_simpleObject(array('url' => "javascript:top.mainframe.logOut()", 'purl' => '&a=updateform&sa=logout', 'target' => null)); $ghtml->print_div_button_on_header(null, true, $k, $v); // } } else { $imgstring = "<img width=18 height=18 src=/img/general/button/star.gif>"; if ($sgbl->isBlackBackground()) { $imgstring = null; } print "<td > </td> <td width=10> </td> <td align=right nowrap><a href={$shurl}> Add to {$hypervm} Favorites </a> </td> "; } print "</tr> "; /* ?> <tr > <td colspan=2 id=histtd align=left onClick="tdd = document.getElementById('histtd') ; pos = getAbsolutePos(tdd);histToggleHistory('histlist', <?php echo $xpos ?>, pos.y, event);" onMouseOver=" style.cursor='pointer';style.textDecoration='underline'; changeContent('help', 'Click To Show History'); " onMouseOut=" style.textDecoration='none';changeContent('help', 'helparea');"> </td></tr> <?php */ print "</table> "; //print("<script> navigsetDefaultImage('$imgpoint'); </script>"); }
function createShowAlist(&$alist, $subaction = null) { global $gbl, $sgbl, $login, $ghtml; //$alist[] = "a=show&o=notification"; $alist['__title_mailaccount'] = "Mailaccount {$this->nname}"; //$this->getCPToggleUrl($alist); if (!$this->isLogin()) { $alist[] = "a=updateform&sa=password"; $alist[] = "a=updateform&sa=limit"; } $alist[] = "a=list&c=forward_a"; //$alist[] = "a=show&o=spam"; $alist[] = "a=updateform&sa=filter"; $alist[] = "a=updateform&sa=configuration"; $alist[] = "a=list&c=mailcontent"; $driverapp = $gbl->getSyncClass($this->__masterserver, $this->syncserver, 'autoresponder'); if ($driverapp === 'qmail') { //$alist[] = "a=updateform&sa=autores"; } $alist[] = "a=list&c=autoresponder"; //$alist[] = "__int|a=updateForm&sa=edit&l[class]=ffile&l[nname]=/autorespond/vacation|a=updateForm&sa=autores_vacation&l[class]=mailaccount&l[nname]=$this->nname|"; //$alist[] = "__int|a=updateForm&sa=edit&l[class]=ffile&l[nname]=/autorespond/autoresponder|a=updateForm&sa=autores_autoresponder&l[class]=mailaccount&l[nname]=$this->nname|"; $alist[] = create_simpleObject(array('url' => "http://webmail." . $this->getParentName(), 'purl' => "a=updateform&sa=webmail&l[class]=mailaccount&l[nname]={$this->nname}", 'target' => "target='_blank'")); //$alist['__title_next'] = "Help"; //$alist[] = "a=list&c=ticket"; //$alist[] = "a=list&c=smessage"; return $alist; }
function getTicketMessageUrl(&$alist) { $gob = $this->getObject('general')->generalmisc_b; //$this->getListActions($alist, 'ticket'); if (isset($gob->ticket_url) && $gob->ticket_url) { $url = $gob->ticket_url; $url = add_http_if_not_exist($url); $alist[] = create_simpleObject(array('url' => $url, 'purl' => 'a=list&c=ticket', 'target' => 'target=_blank')); } else { $alist[] = "a=list&c=ticket"; } $alist[] = "a=list&c=smessage"; }
function print_header() { global $gbl, $sgbl, $login, $ghtml; $lightskincolor = $login->getLightSkinColor(); createHeaderData(); print "<body topmargin=0 leftmargin=0>\n"; print "\n<!-- httpdocs/lbin/header.php -->\n"; print "<div id=statusbar style='background:#{$lightskincolor};scroll:auto;height:26;width:100%;border-bottom:4px solid #b1cfed;margin:2 2 2 2:vertical-align:top;text-align:top'>\n"; $alist[] = "a=show"; $alist = $login->createShowAlist($alist); $gbl->__c_object = $login; print "<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 >\n<tr>\n"; $count = 0; $icount = 0; foreach ($alist as $k => $v) { if (csa($k, "__title")) { $count++; continue; } $icount++; if ($icount > 8) { continue; } $v = $ghtml->getFullUrl($v); $ghtml->print_div_button_on_header(null, true, $k, $v); } print "<td nowrap style='width:40px'></td>\n"; $v = "a=list&c=ndskshortcut"; $v = $ghtml->getFullUrl($v); $ghtml->print_div_button_on_header(null, true, 0, $v); $ghtml->print_toolbar(); print "<td width=100%> </td>\n"; $v = $ghtml->getFullUrl("a=list&c=ssessionlist"); $ghtml->print_div_button_on_header(null, true, $k, $v); $v = create_simpleObject(array('url' => "javascript:top.mainframe.logOut()", 'purl' => '&a=updateform&sa=logout', 'target' => null)); $ghtml->print_div_button_on_header(null, true, $k, $v); print "</tr> </table>\n"; print "</div> </body>\n"; return; ?> <body topmargin=0 bottommargin=0 leftmargin=0 rightmargin=0 class="bdy1" onload="foc()"> <!-- httpdocs/lbin/header.php --> <link href="/htmllib/css/header_new.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/> <table id="tab1" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td class="top2"> <div class="menuover" style="margin-top:2px;margin-left:0%"> <?php $list[] = "a=show"; if ($login->isLte('reseller')) { $list[] = "a=list&c=all_vps"; $list[] = "a=list&c=client"; } $list[] = "k[class]=ffile&k[nname]=/&a=show"; $list[] = "a=list&c=ticket"; $list = null; $list[] = "home"; $list[] = "ffile"; $list[] = "ticket"; foreach ($list as $k) { print_one_link($k); } print "<span style='margin-left:39%;'> </span> \n"; foreach (array("ssession", "help", "logout") as $k) { print_one_link($k); } print "</div></td></tr>\n"; print "</table>\n"; }
static function get_full_alist() { $alist['__title_class_web'] = '__title_class_web'; //$alist[] = "a=list&c=webindexdir_a"; $alist[] = "a=list&c=dirprotect"; $alist[] = "a=show&l[class]=ffile&l[nname]=/"; $alist[] = "a=list&c=ftpuser"; $alist[] = 'a=list&c=ftpsession'; //$this->getSwitchServerUrl($alist); //$alist[] = "a=updateForm&sa=ipaddress"; $alist['__title_script'] = 'script'; $alist[] = create_simpleObject(array('url' => "http://nname/__kloxo/phpinfo.php", 'purl' => 'a=updateform&sa=phpinfo', 'target' => "target='_blank'")); $alist[] = "a=show&o=phpini"; $alist[] = "a=updateform&sa=lighty_rewrite"; $alist[] = "a=list&c=component"; $alist[] = "a=updateform&sa=permalink"; $alist[] = "a=show&k[class]=allinstallapp&k[nname]=installapp"; /* $alist['action'][] = "a=update&sa=backup"; $alist['action'][] = "a=updateform&sa=restore"; */ /* if ($this->priv->isOn('frontpage_flag')) { $alist[] = create_simpleObject(array( 'url' => "http://$this->nname:8080", 'purl' => 'a=update&sa=frontpage_admin&l[class]=web&l[nname]=$this->nname', 'target' => "target='_blank'")); } */ return $alist; }
function getCustomButton(&$alist) { $t = $this->get__table(); $sq = new Sqlite(null, 'custombutton'); $res = $sq->getRowsWhere("class = '{$this->get__table()}'"); if (!$res) { return; } $alist['__title_custom'] = "Custom"; foreach ($res as $r) { $v = $r['url']; $v = str_replace("%nname%", $this->nname, $v); $v = str_replace("%realpass%", $this->realpass, $v); if (isset($this->default_domain)) { $v = str_replace("%default_domain%", $this->default_domain, $v); } $alist[] = create_simpleObject(array('custom' => true, 'target' => 'target=_blank', 'purl' => $r['url'], 'name' => $r['description'], 'bname' => $r['nname'], 'url' => $v)); } return $alist; }