} $is_img = false; $is_video = false; $is_audio = false; $show_original = false; $show_original_mini = false; $mini_src = ""; $src_thumb = ""; $extension_lower = fix_strtolower($file_array['extension']); if (in_array($extension_lower, $ext_img)) { $src = $base_url . $cur_dir . rawurlencode($file); $mini_src = $src_thumb = $thumbs_path . $subdir . $file; //add in thumbs folder if not exist if (!file_exists($src_thumb)) { try { if (!create_img($file_path, $src_thumb, 122, 91)) { $src_thumb = $mini_src = ""; } else { new_thumbnails_creation($current_path . $rfm_subfolder . $subdir, $file_path, $file, $current_path, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', $fixed_image_creation, $fixed_path_from_filemanager, $fixed_image_creation_name_to_prepend, $fixed_image_creation_to_append, $fixed_image_creation_width, $fixed_image_creation_height, $fixed_image_creation_option); } } catch (Exception $e) { $src_thumb = $mini_src = ""; } } $is_img = true; //check if is smaller than thumb list($img_width, $img_height, $img_type, $attr) = @getimagesize($file_path); if ($img_width < 122 && $img_height < 91) { $src_thumb = $current_path . $rfm_subfolder . $subdir . $file; $show_original = true; }
function new_thumbnails_creation($targetPath, $targetFile, $name, $current_path, $relative_image_creation, $relative_path_from_current_pos, $relative_image_creation_name_to_prepend, $relative_image_creation_name_to_append, $relative_image_creation_width, $relative_image_creation_height, $fixed_image_creation, $fixed_path_from_filemanager, $fixed_image_creation_name_to_prepend, $fixed_image_creation_to_append, $fixed_image_creation_width, $fixed_image_creation_height) { //create relative thumbs $all_ok = true; if ($relative_image_creation) { foreach ($relative_path_from_current_pos as $k => $path) { if ($path != "" && $path[strlen($path) - 1] != "/") { $path .= "/"; } if (!file_exists($targetPath . $path)) { create_folder($targetPath . $path, false); } $info = pathinfo($name); if (!endsWith($targetPath, $path)) { if (!create_img($targetFile, $targetPath . $path . $relative_image_creation_name_to_prepend[$k] . $info['filename'] . $relative_image_creation_name_to_append[$k] . "." . $info['extension'], $relative_image_creation_width[$k], $relative_image_creation_height[$k])) { $all_ok = false; } } } } //create fixed thumbs if ($fixed_image_creation) { foreach ($fixed_path_from_filemanager as $k => $path) { if ($path != "" && $path[strlen($path) - 1] != "/") { $path .= "/"; } $base_dir = $path . substr_replace($targetPath, '', 0, strlen($current_path)); if (!file_exists($base_dir)) { create_folder($base_dir, false); } $info = pathinfo($name); if (!create_img($targetFile, $base_dir . $fixed_image_creation_name_to_prepend[$k] . $info['filename'] . $fixed_image_creation_to_append[$k] . "." . $info['extension'], $fixed_image_creation_width[$k], $fixed_image_creation_height[$k])) { $all_ok = false; } } } return $all_ok; }
break; case 'save_img': $info = pathinfo($_POST['name']); if (strpos($_POST['path'], '/') === 0 || strpos($_POST['path'], '../') !== false || strpos($_POST['path'], './') === 0 || strpos($_POST['url'], 'http://s3.amazonaws.com/feather') !== 0 && strpos($_POST['url'], 'https://s3.amazonaws.com/feather') !== 0 || $_POST['name'] != fix_filename($_POST['name'], $transliteration, $convert_spaces, $replace_with) || !in_array(strtolower($info['extension']), array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png'))) { response('wrong data', 400)->send(); exit; } $image_data = file_get_contents($_POST['url']); if ($image_data === false) { response(trans('Aviary_No_Save'), 400)->send(); exit; } require_once 'include/php_image_magician.php'; $magicianObj = new imageLib($_POST['url']); $magicianObj->saveImage($current_path . $_POST['path'] . $_POST['name']); create_img($current_path . $_POST['path'] . $_POST['name'], $thumbs_base_path . $_POST['path'] . $_POST['name'], 122, 91); // TODO something with this function cause its blowing my mind new_thumbnails_creation($current_path . $_POST['path'], $current_path . $_POST['path'] . $_POST['name'], $_POST['name'], $current_path, $relative_image_creation, $relative_path_from_current_pos, $relative_image_creation_name_to_prepend, $relative_image_creation_name_to_append, $relative_image_creation_width, $relative_image_creation_height, $relative_image_creation_option, $fixed_image_creation, $fixed_path_from_filemanager, $fixed_image_creation_name_to_prepend, $fixed_image_creation_to_append, $fixed_image_creation_width, $fixed_image_creation_height, $fixed_image_creation_option); break; case 'extract': if (strpos($_POST['path'], '/') === 0 || strpos($_POST['path'], '../') !== false || strpos($_POST['path'], './') === 0) { response('wrong path', 400)->send(); exit; } $path = $current_path . $_POST['path']; $info = pathinfo($path); $base_folder = $current_path . fix_dirname($_POST['path']) . "/"; switch ($info['extension']) { case "zip": $zip = new ZipArchive(); if ($zip->open($path) === true) {
if ($image_max_width != 0 && $srcWidth > $image_max_width && $image_resizing_override === FALSE) { $resize = TRUE; $srcWidth = $image_max_width; if ($image_max_height == 0) { $srcHeight = $image_max_width * $srcHeight / $srcWidth; } } if ($image_max_height != 0 && $srcHeight > $image_max_height && $image_resizing_override === FALSE) { $resize = TRUE; $srcHeight = $image_max_height; if ($image_max_width == 0) { $srcWidth = $image_max_height * $srcWidth / $srcHeight; } } if ($resize) { create_img($targetFile, $targetFile, $srcWidth, $srcHeight, $image_max_mode); } } } // not enough memory if ($memory_error) { unlink($targetFile); header('HTTP/1.1 406 Not enought Memory', TRUE, 406); exit; } } } else { header('HTTP/1.1 406 file not permitted', TRUE, 406); exit; } } else {
function parse_links($message, $width = "100%", $height = 120) { // Global pattern to find distinctive links $pattern = "%[a-zA-Z\\/\\/:\\.\"\\=]*( # group 1, contains all the other groups\n\t\t\t\t(soundcloud.com\\/[\\w\\*\\-\\?\\&\\%\\=\\.]+\\/[\\w\\*\\-\\?\\&\\%\\=\\.]+)| # group 2, match links like soundcloud.com/user/sound\n\t\t\t\t(youtube.com\\/watch\\?v\\=)| # group 3, match links like youtube-com/watch?v=videocode\n\t\t\t\t(youtu.be)| # group 4, match links like youtu.be/videocode\n\t\t\t\t(https?:\\/\\/\\S*\\/\\S*\\.(jpe?g|png|gif)\\b)| # group 5, match links like http://mylink.domain/image.png\n\t\t\t\t(https?:\\/\\/) # group 6, match links like http://example.com/page\n\t\t\t\t)+\\S*%xi"; preg_match_all($pattern, $message, $matched, PREG_SET_ORDER); if ($matched) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($matched); $i++) { // Soundcloud links if ($matched[$i][2]) { if (strpos($matched[$i][0], 'src="') !== false) { // If there is old iframe code, skip } elseif (strpos($matched[$i][0], '/sets/') === false) { $sc = parse_url_ext($matched[$i][0]); $message = str_replace($matched[$i][0], '<sc>' . substr($sc["path"], 1) . '</sc>', $message); $message = soundcloud_iframe($message, $width, $height); } else { $message = str_replace($matched[$i][0], create_link($matched[$i][0]), $message); } } elseif ($matched[$i][3]) { $yt = parse_url_ext($matched[$i][0]); // Get a clean embed code, without garbage like "&feature=youtu.be" if (strpos($yt["query"], "&") === false) { $length = strlen($yt["query"]) - 2; } else { $length = strpos($yt["query"], "&") - 2; } $message = str_replace($matched[$i][0], youtube_iframe(substr($yt["query"], 2, $length), $width, $height), $message); } elseif ($matched[$i][4]) { $ytbe = parse_url_ext($matched[$i][0]); $message = str_replace($matched[$i][0], youtube_iframe(substr($ytbe["path"], 1), $width, $height), $message); } elseif ($matched[$i][5]) { $message = str_replace($matched[$i][0], create_img($matched[$i][0]), $message); } elseif ($matched[$i][7]) { $message = str_replace($matched[$i][0], create_link($matched[$i][0]), $message); } } } return $message; }
function gen_pic($code, $id, $file) { global $max_line, $img_width, $line_height, $font_size, $font_path; # error_log("-----------total code lines:------------"); $img = null; $colors = null; $dy = 0; # chr(28)-chr(31)作为颜色代号 $tag = 28; # 创建一张150行的图片 create_img($img, 150, $id, $dy, $colors); $code = my_hl($code, $tag); $len = strlen($code); $y = 1; $x = 35; $row = 1; $pre = $now = 0; p_ln($img, $row, $colors[4], $y, $dy); $color = $colors[0]; # 逐个字符遍历高亮后的代码,遇到 [颜色代号],[回车][空格][逗号]则打印到图片 for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) { $c = ord($code[$i]); switch ($c) { # 4种颜色代号 case $tag: case $tag + 1: case $tag + 2: case $tag + 3: $pre = $now; $now = $i - 1; if (p_code($img, $pre, $now, $code, $x, $y, $color, $dy)) { break; } $color = $colors[$c - $tag]; $now = $i + 1; break; # 换行符 # 换行符 case 13: $pre = $now; $now = $i - 1; if (p_code($img, $pre, $now, $code, $x, $y, $color, $dy)) { break; } $now = $i + 1; $y++; $x = 35; $row++; p_ln($img, $row, $colors[4], $y, $dy); break; # 空格或者逗号(用于折行) # 空格或者逗号(用于折行) case 32: case ord(','): $pre = $now; $now = $i; if (p_code($img, $pre, $now, $code, $x, $y, $color, $dy)) { break; } $now = $i + 1; break; } # 超出行数限制(默认100行) if ($y >= $max_line) { $y++; imagettftext($img, $font_size, 0, 80, $y * $line_height + $dy, $colors[3], $font_path, "xxxxx余下源码略xxxxx"); $y++; break; } } # 根据打印出来的代码高度,截短图片存成文件. $final_height = $y * $line_height + $dy; $new_img = imagecreate($img_width, $final_height); imagecolorallocate($new_img, 255, 255, 255); imagecopy($new_img, $img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $img_width, $final_height); imagepng($new_img, $file); imagedestroy($img); imagedestroy($new_img); }
function upload() { if (!defined('FMPATH')) { define('FMPATH', 'public/vendor/filemanager/'); } include FMPATH . 'config/config.php'; if ($_SESSION['RF']["verify"] != "RESPONSIVEfilemanager") { die('forbiden'); } include FMPATH . 'include/utils.php'; if (isset($_POST['path'])) { $storeFolder = $_POST['path']; $storeFolderThumb = $_POST['path_thumb']; } else { $storeFolder = $current_path . $_POST["fldr"]; // correct for when IE is in Compatibility mode $storeFolderThumb = $thumbs_base_path . $_POST["fldr"]; } $path_pos = strpos($storeFolder, $current_path); $thumb_pos = strpos($storeFolderThumb, $thumbs_base_path); if ($path_pos !== 0 || $thumb_pos !== 0 || strpos($storeFolderThumb, '../', strlen($thumbs_base_path)) !== FALSE || strpos($storeFolderThumb, './', strlen($thumbs_base_path)) !== FALSE || strpos($storeFolder, '../', strlen($current_path)) !== FALSE || strpos($storeFolder, './', strlen($current_path)) !== FALSE) { die('wrong path'); } $path = $storeFolder; $cycle = TRUE; $max_cycles = 50; $i = 0; while ($cycle && $i < $max_cycles) { $i++; if ($path == $current_path) { $cycle = FALSE; } if (file_exists($path . "config.php")) { require_once $path . "config.php"; $cycle = FALSE; } $path = fix_dirname($path) . '/'; } if (!empty($_FILES)) { $info = pathinfo($_FILES['file']['name']); if (in_array(fix_strtolower($info['extension']), $ext)) { $tempFile = $_FILES['file']['tmp_name']; $targetPath = $storeFolder; $targetPathThumb = $storeFolderThumb; $_FILES['file']['name'] = fix_filename($_FILES['file']['name'], $transliteration, $convert_spaces, $replace_with); // Gen. new file name if exists if (file_exists($targetPath . $_FILES['file']['name'])) { $i = 1; $info = pathinfo($_FILES['file']['name']); // append number while (file_exists($targetPath . $info['filename'] . "_" . $i . "." . $info['extension'])) { $i++; } $_FILES['file']['name'] = $info['filename'] . "_" . $i . "." . $info['extension']; } $targetFile = $targetPath . $_FILES['file']['name']; $targetFileThumb = $targetPathThumb . $_FILES['file']['name']; // check if image (and supported) if (in_array(fix_strtolower($info['extension']), $ext_img)) { $is_img = TRUE; } else { $is_img = FALSE; } // upload move_uploaded_file($tempFile, $targetFile); chmod($targetFile, 0755); if ($is_img) { $memory_error = FALSE; if (!create_img($targetFile, $targetFileThumb, 122, 91)) { $memory_error = FALSE; } else { // TODO something with this long function baaaah... if (!new_thumbnails_creation($targetPath, $targetFile, $_FILES['file']['name'], $current_path, $relative_image_creation, $relative_path_from_current_pos, $relative_image_creation_name_to_prepend, $relative_image_creation_name_to_append, $relative_image_creation_width, $relative_image_creation_height, $relative_image_creation_option, $fixed_image_creation, $fixed_path_from_filemanager, $fixed_image_creation_name_to_prepend, $fixed_image_creation_to_append, $fixed_image_creation_width, $fixed_image_creation_height, $fixed_image_creation_option)) { $memory_error = FALSE; } else { $imginfo = getimagesize($targetFile); $srcWidth = $imginfo[0]; $srcHeight = $imginfo[1]; // resize images if set if ($image_resizing) { if ($image_resizing_width == 0) { if ($image_resizing_height == 0) { $image_resizing_width = $srcWidth; $image_resizing_height = $srcHeight; } else { $image_resizing_width = $image_resizing_height * $srcWidth / $srcHeight; } } elseif ($image_resizing_height == 0) { $image_resizing_height = $image_resizing_width * $srcHeight / $srcWidth; } // new dims and create $srcWidth = $image_resizing_width; $srcHeight = $image_resizing_height; create_img($targetFile, $targetFile, $image_resizing_width, $image_resizing_height, $image_resizing_mode); } //max resizing limit control $resize = FALSE; if ($image_max_width != 0 && $srcWidth > $image_max_width && $image_resizing_override === FALSE) { $resize = TRUE; $srcWidth = $image_max_width; if ($image_max_height == 0) { $srcHeight = $image_max_width * $srcHeight / $srcWidth; } } if ($image_max_height != 0 && $srcHeight > $image_max_height && $image_resizing_override === FALSE) { $resize = TRUE; $srcHeight = $image_max_height; if ($image_max_width == 0) { $srcWidth = $image_max_height * $srcWidth / $srcHeight; } } if ($resize) { create_img($targetFile, $targetFile, $srcWidth, $srcHeight, $image_max_mode); } } } // not enough memory if ($memory_error) { unlink($targetFile); header('HTTP/1.1 406 Not enought Memory', TRUE, 406); exit; } } } else { header('HTTP/1.1 406 file not permitted', TRUE, 406); exit; } } else { header('HTTP/1.1 405 Bad Request', TRUE, 405); exit; } // redirect if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $query = http_build_query(array('type' => $_POST['type'], 'lang' => $_POST['lang'], 'popup' => $_POST['popup'], 'field_id' => $_POST['field_id'], 'fldr' => $_POST['fldr'])); header("location: dialog.php?" . $query); } }