function GamePage() { global $base_uri; $uid = params('user'); if (!isset($_SESSION['uid'])) { return 0; } else { createToken($_SESSION['uid']); } $reg = 0; $shit = 0; if (!isset($uid) || $uid == "") { $uid = $_SESSION['uid']; } else { if (!check_registration($uid)) { $reg = 1; } $shit = 1; } $user = getUserInfo($_SESSION['access_token'], $uid, 'photo_max'); if ($reg) { register($uid, $user['first_name'], $user['last_name']); } echo $user['first_name'] . " " . $user['last_name']; echo "<img src=\"" . $user['photo_max'] . "\" /><br><br>"; if ($shit) { echo "<a href=\"/shit/" . $_SESSION['uid'] . "/" . $uid . "/" . getToken($_SESSION['uid']) . "\">shit</a><br>"; } $friends = getUserFriends($_SESSION['access_token'], $uid); foreach ($friends as $friend) { echo $friend["first_name"] . " " . $friend["last_name"] . "<br>"; echo "<a href=\"{$base_uri}/game/" . $friend['uid'] . "\"><img src=\"" . $friend["photo_50"] . "\" /></a><hr>"; } }
public function va() { $usr_info = array('Id' => I('post.usrid'), 'psw' => I('post.psw'), 'lastLogin' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()), 'lastIp' => get_client_ip()); $usrs = M('usr'); $map = array('Id=' => $usr_info['Id'], 'psw' => $usr_info['psw']); $res = array(response => "数据创建失败,请联系管理员以解决问题。错误代码:0。", status => "0"); if ($usrs->create($usr_info)) { if (checkUsr($map)) { //创建token $token = createToken($usr_info['Id']); //清空token session(C('SESSION_KEY_TOKEN'), null); //写入token(重新密码登录代表重新获取令牌) session(C('SESSION_KEY_TOKEN'), $token); $usr_info['token'] = $token; $usr_info['grantTime'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()); $list = $usrs->where($map)->save($usr_info); $res = array(response => "登陆成功", status => "1"); cookie('login', array(id => $usr_info["id"], token => $token), 3600); } else { $res = array(response => "用户名密码验证信息错误", status => "2"); } } $this->ajaxReturn(json_encode($res), 'JSON'); }
/** * Ask them for their login information. (shows a page for the user to type * in their username and password.) * It caches the referring URL in $_SESSION['login_url']. * It is accessed from ?action=login. * @uses Login template and language file with the login sub-template. * @uses the protocol_login sub-template in the Wireless template, * if you are using a wireless device */ function Login() { global $txt, $context, $scripturl, $user_info; // You are already logged in, go take a tour of the boards if (!empty($user_info['id'])) { redirectexit(); } // In wireless? If so, use the correct sub template. if (WIRELESS) { $context['sub_template'] = WIRELESS_PROTOCOL . '_login'; } else { loadLanguage('Login'); loadTemplate('Login'); $context['sub_template'] = 'login'; } // Get the template ready.... not really much else to do. $context['page_title'] = $txt['login']; $context['default_username'] =& $_REQUEST['u']; $context['default_password'] = ''; $context['never_expire'] = false; // Add the login chain to the link tree. $context['linktree'][] = array('url' => $scripturl . '?action=login', 'name' => $txt['login']); // Set the login URL - will be used when the login process is done (but careful not to send us to an attachment). if (isset($_SESSION['old_url']) && strpos($_SESSION['old_url'], 'dlattach') === false && preg_match('~(board|topic)[=,]~', $_SESSION['old_url']) != 0) { $_SESSION['login_url'] = $_SESSION['old_url']; } else { unset($_SESSION['login_url']); } // Create a one time token. createToken('login'); }
function login($data, $ip) { //separate data if ($obs = json_decode($data, true)) { //sanitization $user = htmlentities(preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z ]*/", "", $obs['n']), ENT_QUOTES, "utf-8"); $pw = htmlentities(preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z ]*/", "", $obs['p']), ENT_QUOTES, "utf-8"); //retrieve pass and id from DB $res = json_decode(processLogin($user), true); $dbPass = $res[0]['password']; $id = $res[0]['userId']; //hash entered password $cPass = hashPass($pw); //compare hashed pws if ($cPass == $dbPass) { //generate token $token = createToken($ip, $id); //set cookie to token value $time = time() + 86400 / 2; setcookie("token", $token, $time, "/"); session_start(); setLoginData($_SESSION['user_id'], $user); return 1; } else { setcookie("token", " ", time() - 1); return -1; } } else { return -1; } }
function signIn($username, $password, $name, $dbConn, $id, $module_type) { // never trust data coming from lua $username = htmlspecialchars($username); $password = htmlspecialchars($password); $name = htmlspecialchars($name); $id = htmlspecialchars($id); $module_type = htmlspecialchars($module_type); // hash is created in the lua now // $salt = ''; // $query = "select salt from users where username = '******';"; // $result = mysql_query($query); // $row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC); // $salt = $row['salt']; // $hash = sha1($salt.$password); $query2 = "select user_id from users where username = '******' AND password = '******';"; $result2 = mysql_query($query2); $row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2, MYSQL_ASSOC); if ($row2['user_id'] != '') { $token = createToken($dbConn, $row2['user_id'], $name, $id, $username, $module_type); if ($module_type == '4') { createRedstoneEntry($dbConn, $token, $id); } if ($module_type == '3') { createTankEntry($dbConn, $token, $id); } if ($module_type == '2') { createEnergyEntry($dbConn, $token, $id); } echo $token; } else { echo 'error'; } }
public function va() { $usr_info = array('id' => I('post.usrid', 0), 'psw' => I('post.psw', 0), 'lastLogin' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()), 'lastIp' => get_client_ip()); $usrs = M('admin'); $map = array('id' => $usr_info['id'], 'psw' => $usr_info['psw']); $res = array(response => "数据创建失败,请联系管理员以解决问题。错误代码:0。", status => "0"); if ($usrs->create($usr_info)) { if (checkUsr($map)) { //创建token $token = createToken($usr_info['Id']); //清空token session(C('SESSION_KEY_TOKEN_ADMIN'), null); //写入token(重新密码登录代表重新获取令牌) session(C('SESSION_KEY_TOKEN_ADMIN'), $token); $usr['token'] = $token; $usr['grantTime'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()); $usr['lastLogin'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()); $usr['lastIp'] = get_client_ip(); $list = $usrs->field(array('token', 'grantTime', 'lastLogin', 'lastIp'))->where($map)->save($usr); $list = $usrs->field(array('id', 'expiretime'))->where($map)->find(); $res = array(response => "登陆成功", status => "1"); cookie(C('COOKIE_KEY_TOKEN_ADMIN'), array(id => $list["id"], token => $token), $list['expiretime']); } else { $res = array(response => "用户名密码验证信息错误", status => "2"); } } $this->ajaxReturn(json_encode($res), 'JSON'); // $this->redirect(Edit/logined); }
function EnableCoreFeatures() { global $context, $smcFunc, $sourcedir, $modSettings, $txt; $context['xml_data'] = array(); // Just in case, maybe we don't need it loadLanguage('Errors'); // We need (at least) this to ensure that mod files are included if (!empty($modSettings['integrate_admin_include'])) { $admin_includes = explode(',', $modSettings['integrate_admin_include']); foreach ($admin_includes as $include) { $include = strtr(trim($include), array('$boarddir' => $boarddir, '$sourcedir' => $sourcedir, '$themedir' => $settings['theme_dir'])); if (file_exists($include)) { require_once $include; } } } $errors = array(); $returns = array(); $tokens = array(); if (allowedTo('admin_forum')) { $validation = validateSession(); if (empty($validation)) { require_once $sourcedir . '/ManageSettings.php'; $result = ModifyCoreFeatures(); if (empty($result)) { $id = isset($_POST['feature_id']) ? $_POST['feature_id'] : ''; if (!empty($id) && isset($context['features'][$id])) { $feature = $context['features'][$id]; $returns[] = array('value' => !empty($_POST['feature_' . $id]) && $feature['url'] ? '<a href="' . $feature['url'] . '">' . $feature['title'] . '</a>' : $feature['title']); createToken('admin-core', 'post'); $tokens = array(array('value' => $context['admin-core_token'], 'attributes' => array('type' => 'token_var')), array('value' => $context['admin-core_token_var'], 'attributes' => array('type' => 'token'))); } else { $errors[] = array('value' => $txt['feature_no_exists']); } } else { $errors[] = array('value' => $txt[$result]); } } else { $errors[] = array('value' => $txt[$validation]); } } else { $errors[] = array('value' => $txt['cannot_admin_forum']); } $context['sub_template'] = 'generic_xml'; $context['xml_data'] = array('corefeatures' => array('identifier' => 'corefeature', 'children' => $returns), 'tokens' => array('identifier' => 'token', 'children' => $tokens), 'errors' => array('identifier' => 'error', 'children' => $errors)); }
public static function check($receivedToken, $receivedData) { /* Recreate the generic part of token using secretKey and other stuff */ $tokenGeneric = $REG->secret_key . $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"]; // We create a token which should match $token = hash('sha256', $tokenGeneric . $receivedData); // We check if token is ok ! if ($receivedToken != $token) { echo 'wrong Token !'; return false; } list($tokenDate, $userData) = explode("_", $receivedData); // here we compare tokenDate with current time using VALIDITY_TIME to check if the token is expired // if token expired we return false // otherwise it's ok and we return a new token return createToken(time() . "#" . $userData); }
/** * This action handler method displays and allows to change avatar settings. * * - Called by index.php?action=admin;area=manageattachments;sa=avatars. * * @uses 'avatars' sub-template. */ public function action_avatarSettings_display() { global $txt, $context, $scripturl; // Initialize the form $this->_initAvatarSettingsForm(); $config_vars = $this->_avatarSettings->settings(); // Saving avatar settings? if (isset($_GET['save'])) { checkSession(); call_integration_hook('integrate_save_avatar_settings'); // Disable if invalid values would result if (isset($_POST['custom_avatar_enabled']) && $_POST['custom_avatar_enabled'] == 1 && (empty($_POST['custom_avatar_dir']) || empty($_POST['custom_avatar_url']))) { $_POST['custom_avatar_enabled'] = 0; } Settings_Form::save_db($config_vars); redirectexit('action=admin;area=manageattachments;sa=avatars'); } // Attempt to figure out if the admin is trying to break things. $context['settings_save_onclick'] = 'return document.getElementById(\'custom_avatar_enabled\').value == 1 && (document.getElementById(\'custom_avatar_dir\').value == \'\' || document.getElementById(\'custom_avatar_url\').value == \'\') ? confirm(\'' . $txt['custom_avatar_check_empty'] . '\') : true;'; // We need this for the in-line permissions createToken('admin-mp'); // Prepare the context. $context['post_url'] = $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=manageattachments;save;sa=avatars'; Settings_Form::prepare_db($config_vars); // Add a layer for the javascript. Template_Layers::getInstance()->add('avatar_settings'); $context['sub_template'] = 'show_settings'; }
function login($mail, $password) { $db = new MysqliDb(); $db->where("mail", $mail); $results = $db->get("clientes"); global $jwt_enabled; if ($db->count > 0) { $hash = $results[0]['password']; if (password_verify($password, $hash) && $results[0]['status'] != 0) { if ($jwt_enabled) { echo json_encode(createToken($results[0]['cliente_id'], $mail, $results[0]['nombre'], $results[0]['rol_id'])); } else { echo json_encode($results); } } else { echo json_encode(-1); } } else { echo json_encode(-1); } }
$user = User::whereRaw('email = ? and password = ?', array($email, $password))->get(); if ($user->isEmpty()) { return $response->withHeader('Content-type', 'application/json')->write('{"msg":"Hatalı kullanıcı adı veya parola"}'); } $user = $user->first(); if ($user->deleted == 1) { return $response->withHeader('Content-type', 'application/json')->write('{"msg":"Hesabınız engellendi !"}'); } $token = Token::where('user_id', $user->user_id)->get(); if ($token->isEmpty()) { $token = new Token(); $token->user_id = $user->user_id; } else { $token = $token->first(); } $token->token = createToken(); $token->create_date = date("YmdHi"); $token->save(); $user["token"] = $token; $user->password = null; $response->write(json_encode($user) . ' '); return $response->withHeader('Content-type', 'application/json'); }); $app->post('/register', function ($request, $response, $args) { $newUser = new User(); $email = $request->getParsedBody()["email"]; $password = $request->getParsedBody()["password"]; if (!isset($email) && !isset($password)) { return $response->write('{"msg":"email ve password bilgisi zorunludur"}')->withHeader('Content-type', 'application/json'); } $newUser->email = $request->getParsedBody()["email"];
/** * Show the log of all tasks that have taken place. * * @uses ManageScheduledTasks language file */ public function action_log() { global $scripturl, $context, $txt; require_once SUBSDIR . '/ScheduledTasks.subs.php'; // Lets load the language just in case we are outside the Scheduled area. loadLanguage('ManageScheduledTasks'); // Empty the log? if (!empty($_POST['removeAll'])) { checkSession(); validateToken('admin-tl'); emptyTaskLog(); } // Setup the list. $listOptions = array('id' => 'task_log', 'items_per_page' => 30, 'title' => $txt['scheduled_log'], 'no_items_label' => $txt['scheduled_log_empty'], 'base_href' => $context['admin_area'] == 'scheduledtasks' ? $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=scheduledtasks;sa=tasklog' : $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=logs;sa=tasklog', 'default_sort_col' => 'date', 'get_items' => array('function' => array($this, 'list_getTaskLogEntries')), 'get_count' => array('function' => array($this, 'list_getNumTaskLogEntries')), 'columns' => array('name' => array('header' => array('value' => $txt['scheduled_tasks_name']), 'data' => array('db' => 'name')), 'date' => array('header' => array('value' => $txt['scheduled_log_time_run']), 'data' => array('function' => create_function('$rowData', ' return standardTime($rowData[\'time_run\'], true); ')), 'sort' => array('default' => 'lst.id_log DESC', 'reverse' => 'lst.id_log')), 'time_taken' => array('header' => array('value' => $txt['scheduled_log_time_taken']), 'data' => array('sprintf' => array('format' => $txt['scheduled_log_time_taken_seconds'], 'params' => array('time_taken' => false))), 'sort' => array('default' => 'lst.time_taken', 'reverse' => 'lst.time_taken DESC')), 'task_completed' => array('header' => array('value' => $txt['scheduled_log_completed']), 'data' => array('function' => create_function('$rowData', ' global $settings, $txt; return \'<img src="\' . $settings[\'images_url\'] . \'/admin/complete_\' . ($rowData[\'task_completed\'] ? \'success\' : \'fail\') . \'.png" alt="\' . sprintf($txt[$rowData[\'task_completed\'] ? \'maintain_done\' : \'maintain_fail\'], $rowData[\'name\']) . \'" />\'; ')))), 'form' => array('href' => $context['admin_area'] == 'scheduledtasks' ? $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=scheduledtasks;sa=tasklog' : $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=logs;sa=tasklog', 'token' => 'admin-tl'), 'additional_rows' => array(array('position' => 'below_table_data', 'value' => ' <input type="submit" name="removeAll" value="' . $txt['scheduled_log_empty_log'] . '" onclick="return confirm(\'' . $txt['scheduled_log_empty_log_confirm'] . '\');" class="right_submit" />'), array('position' => 'after_title', 'value' => $txt['scheduled_tasks_time_offset'], 'class' => 'windowbg2'))); createToken('admin-tl'); require_once SUBSDIR . '/GenericList.class.php'; createList($listOptions); $context['sub_template'] = 'show_list'; $context['default_list'] = 'task_log'; // Make it all look tify. $context[$context['admin_menu_name']]['current_subsection'] = 'tasklog'; $context['page_title'] = $txt['scheduled_log']; }
/** * Show the log of all tasks that have taken place. * * @uses ManageScheduledTasks language file */ function TaskLog() { global $scripturl, $context, $txt, $smcFunc, $sourcedir; // Lets load the language just incase we are outside the Scheduled area. loadLanguage('ManageScheduledTasks'); // Empty the log? if (!empty($_POST['removeAll'])) { checkSession(); validateToken('admin-tl'); $smcFunc['db_query']('truncate_table', ' TRUNCATE {db_prefix}log_scheduled_tasks', array()); } // Setup the list. $listOptions = array('id' => 'task_log', 'items_per_page' => 30, 'title' => $txt['scheduled_log'], 'no_items_label' => $txt['scheduled_log_empty'], 'base_href' => $context['admin_area'] == 'scheduledtasks' ? $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=scheduledtasks;sa=tasklog' : $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=logs;sa=tasklog', 'default_sort_col' => 'date', 'get_items' => array('function' => 'list_getTaskLogEntries'), 'get_count' => array('function' => 'list_getNumTaskLogEntries'), 'columns' => array('name' => array('header' => array('value' => $txt['scheduled_tasks_name']), 'data' => array('db' => 'name')), 'date' => array('header' => array('value' => $txt['scheduled_log_time_run']), 'data' => array('function' => create_function('$rowData', ' return timeformat($rowData[\'time_run\'], true); ')), 'sort' => array('default' => 'lst.id_log DESC', 'reverse' => 'lst.id_log')), 'time_taken' => array('header' => array('value' => $txt['scheduled_log_time_taken']), 'data' => array('sprintf' => array('format' => $txt['scheduled_log_time_taken_seconds'], 'params' => array('time_taken' => false))), 'sort' => array('default' => 'lst.time_taken', 'reverse' => 'lst.time_taken DESC'))), 'form' => array('href' => $context['admin_area'] == 'scheduledtasks' ? $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=scheduledtasks;sa=tasklog' : $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=logs;sa=tasklog', 'token' => 'admin-tl'), 'additional_rows' => array(array('position' => 'below_table_data', 'value' => ' <input type="submit" name="removeAll" value="' . $txt['scheduled_log_empty_log'] . '" onclick="return confirm(\'' . $txt['scheduled_log_empty_log_confirm'] . '\');" class="button_submit" />', 'style' => 'text-align: right;'), array('position' => 'after_title', 'value' => $txt['scheduled_tasks_time_offset'], 'class' => 'windowbg2'))); createToken('admin-tl'); require_once $sourcedir . '/Subs-List.php'; createList($listOptions); $context['sub_template'] = 'show_list'; $context['default_list'] = 'task_log'; // Make it all look tify. $context[$context['admin_menu_name']]['current_subsection'] = 'tasklog'; $context['page_title'] = $txt['scheduled_log']; }
/** * Set general news and newsletter settings and permissions. * * What it does: * - Called by ?action=admin;area=news;sa=settings. * - Requires the forum_admin permission. * * @uses ManageNews template, news_settings sub-template. */ public function action_newsSettings_display() { global $context, $txt, $scripturl; // Initialize the form $this->_initNewsSettingsForm(); $config_vars = $this->_newsSettings->settings(); // Add some javascript at the bottom... addInlineJavascript(' document.getElementById("xmlnews_maxlen").disabled = !document.getElementById("xmlnews_enable").checked; document.getElementById("xmlnews_limit").disabled = !document.getElementById("xmlnews_enable").checked;', true); $context['page_title'] = $txt['admin_edit_news'] . ' - ' . $txt['settings']; $context['sub_template'] = 'show_settings'; // Wrap it all up nice and warm... $context['post_url'] = $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=news;save;sa=settings'; $context['permissions_excluded'] = array(-1); // Saving the settings? if (isset($_GET['save'])) { checkSession(); call_integration_hook('integrate_save_news_settings'); Settings_Form::save_db($config_vars); redirectexit('action=admin;area=news;sa=settings'); } // We need this for the in-line permissions createToken('admin-mp'); Settings_Form::prepare_db($config_vars); }
/api.php?token=<token>&action=catalog returns the list with all courses and lessons of the system /api.php?token=<token>&action=logout logs out from eFront API API returns xml corresponding to the action argument. For actions like efrontlogin, activate_user etc it returns a status entity ("ok" or "error"). In case of error it returns also a message entity with description of the error occured. */ $path = "../libraries/"; require_once $path . "configuration.php"; $data = eF_getTableData("configuration", "value", "name='api'"); //Read current values $api = $data[0]['value']; if ($api == 1) { if (isset($_GET['action'])) { $action = $_GET['action']; switch ($_GET['action']) { case 'token': $token = createToken(30); if (strlen($token) == 30) { $insert['token'] = $token; $insert['status'] = "unlogged"; $insert['expired'] = 0; $insert['create_timestamp'] = time(); eF_insertTableData("tokens", $insert); echo "<xml>"; echo "<token>" . $token . "</token>"; echo "</xml>"; } break; case 'efrontlogin': if (isset($_GET['token']) && checkToken($_GET['token'])) { $token = $_GET['token']; $creds = eF_getTableData("tokens t, users u", "u.login, u.password, u.user_type", "t.users_LOGIN = u.LOGIN and t.token='{$token}'");
/** * Edit settings related to the sphinx or sphinxQL search function. * * - Called by ?action=admin;area=managesearch;sa=sphinx. * - Checks if connection to search daemon is possible */ public function action_managesphinx() { global $txt, $context, $modSettings; // Saving the settings if (isset($_POST['save'])) { checkSession(); validateToken('admin-mssphinx'); updateSettings(array('sphinx_data_path' => rtrim($_POST['sphinx_data_path'], '/'), 'sphinx_log_path' => rtrim($_POST['sphinx_log_path'], '/'), 'sphinx_stopword_path' => $_POST['sphinx_stopword_path'], 'sphinx_indexer_mem' => (int) $_POST['sphinx_indexer_mem'], 'sphinx_searchd_server' => $_POST['sphinx_searchd_server'], 'sphinx_searchd_port' => (int) $_POST['sphinx_searchd_port'], 'sphinxql_searchd_port' => (int) $_POST['sphinxql_searchd_port'], 'sphinx_max_results' => (int) $_POST['sphinx_max_results'])); } elseif (isset($_POST['checkconnect'])) { checkSession(); validateToken('admin-mssphinx'); // If they have not picked sphinx yet, let them know, but we can still check connections if (empty($modSettings['search_index']) || $modSettings['search_index'] !== 'sphinx' && $modSettings['search_index'] !== 'sphinxql') { $context['settings_message'][] = $txt['sphinx_test_not_selected']; $context['error_type'] = 'notice'; } // Try to connect via Sphinx API? if (!empty($modSettings['search_index']) && ($modSettings['search_index'] === 'sphinx' || empty($modSettings['search_index']))) { if (@file_exists(SOURCEDIR . '/sphinxapi.php')) { include_once SOURCEDIR . '/sphinxapi.php'; $mySphinx = new SphinxClient(); $mySphinx->SetServer($modSettings['sphinx_searchd_server'], (int) $modSettings['sphinx_searchd_port']); $mySphinx->SetLimits(0, (int) $modSettings['sphinx_max_results']); $mySphinx->SetMatchMode(SPH_MATCH_BOOLEAN); $mySphinx->SetSortMode(SPH_SORT_ATTR_ASC, 'id_topic'); $request = $mySphinx->Query('test', 'elkarte_index'); if ($request === false) { $context['settings_message'][] = $txt['sphinx_test_connect_failed']; $context['error_type'] = 'serious'; } else { $context['settings_message'][] = $txt['sphinx_test_passed']; } } else { $context['settings_message'][] = $txt['sphinx_test_api_missing']; $context['error_type'] = 'serious'; } } // Try to connect via SphinxQL if (!empty($modSettings['search_index']) && ($modSettings['search_index'] === 'sphinxql' || empty($modSettings['search_index']))) { if (!empty($modSettings['sphinx_searchd_server']) && !empty($modSettings['sphinxql_searchd_port'])) { $result = @mysqli_connect($modSettings['sphinx_searchd_server'] === 'localhost' ? '' : $modSettings['sphinx_searchd_server'], '', '', '', (int) $modSettings['sphinxql_searchd_port']); if ($result === false) { $context['settings_message'][] = $txt['sphinxql_test_connect_failed']; $context['error_type'] = 'serious'; } else { $context['settings_message'][] = $txt['sphinxql_test_passed']; } } else { $context['settings_message'][] = $txt['sphinxql_test_connect_failed']; $context['error_type'] = 'serious'; } } } elseif (isset($_POST['createconfig'])) { checkSession(); validateToken('admin-mssphinx'); require_once SUBSDIR . '/ManageSearch.subs.php'; createSphinxConfig(); } // Setup for the template $context['page_title'] = $txt['search_sphinx']; $context['page_description'] = $txt['sphinx_description']; $context['sub_template'] = 'manage_sphinx'; createToken('admin-mssphinx'); }
function sendMailReinitPassword($user) { global $db; global $LIEN_SITE; $req = $db->prepare("SELECT mail FROM `camagru`.`users` WHERE name = :name"); $req->execute(array(":name" => $user)); $res = $req->fetchAll(); if (empty($res)) { return false; } else { $token = createToken(); $message = "Bonjour vous avez demande une reinitialisation de votre mot de passe Camagru merci de cliquer sur ce lien pour continuer !\n" . $LIEN_SITE . "index.php?href=reinit_password&action=recup&token=" . $token . "\nSi vous n'avez pas effectue cette demande merci de l'ignorer."; if (!mail($res[0]['mail'], "reinitialisation de votre mot de passe Camagru", $message)) { return false; } else { $req = $db->prepare("UPDATE `camagru`.`users` SET token_recup = :token WHERE name = :name"); $req->execute(array(":token" => $token, ":name" => $user)); return true; } } }
/** * Edit the search method and search index used. * Calculates the size of the current search indexes in use. * Allows to create and delete a fulltext index on the messages table. * Allows to delete a custom index (that CreateMessageIndex() created). * Called by ?action=admin;area=managesearch;sa=method. * Requires the admin_forum permission. * * @uses ManageSearch template, 'select_search_method' sub-template. */ function EditSearchMethod() { global $txt, $context, $modSettings, $smcFunc, $db_type, $db_prefix; $context[$context['admin_menu_name']]['current_subsection'] = 'method'; $context['page_title'] = $txt['search_method_title']; $context['sub_template'] = 'select_search_method'; $context['supports_fulltext'] = $smcFunc['db_search_support']('fulltext'); // Load any apis. $context['search_apis'] = loadSearchAPIs(); // Detect whether a fulltext index is set. if ($context['supports_fulltext']) { detectFulltextIndex(); } if (!empty($_REQUEST['sa']) && $_REQUEST['sa'] == 'createfulltext') { checkSession('get'); validateToken('admin-msm', 'get'); // Make sure it's gone before creating it. $smcFunc['db_query']('', ' ALTER TABLE {db_prefix}messages DROP INDEX body', array('db_error_skip' => true)); $smcFunc['db_query']('', ' ALTER TABLE {db_prefix}messages ADD FULLTEXT body (body)', array()); $context['fulltext_index'] = 'body'; } elseif (!empty($_REQUEST['sa']) && $_REQUEST['sa'] == 'removefulltext' && !empty($context['fulltext_index'])) { checkSession('get'); validateToken('admin-msm', 'get'); $smcFunc['db_query']('', ' ALTER TABLE {db_prefix}messages DROP INDEX ' . implode(', DROP INDEX ', $context['fulltext_index']), array('db_error_skip' => true)); $context['fulltext_index'] = ''; // Go back to the default search method. if (!empty($modSettings['search_index']) && $modSettings['search_index'] == 'fulltext') { updateSettings(array('search_index' => '')); } } elseif (!empty($_REQUEST['sa']) && $_REQUEST['sa'] == 'removecustom') { checkSession('get'); validateToken('admin-msm', 'get'); db_extend(); $tables = $smcFunc['db_list_tables'](false, $db_prefix . 'log_search_words'); if (!empty($tables)) { $smcFunc['db_search_query']('drop_words_table', ' DROP TABLE {db_prefix}log_search_words', array()); } updateSettings(array('search_custom_index_config' => '', 'search_custom_index_resume' => '')); // Go back to the default search method. if (!empty($modSettings['search_index']) && $modSettings['search_index'] == 'custom') { updateSettings(array('search_index' => '')); } } elseif (isset($_POST['save'])) { checkSession(); validateToken('admin-msmpost'); updateSettings(array('search_index' => empty($_POST['search_index']) || !in_array($_POST['search_index'], array('fulltext', 'custom')) && !isset($context['search_apis'][$_POST['search_index']]) ? '' : $_POST['search_index'], 'search_force_index' => isset($_POST['search_force_index']) ? '1' : '0', 'search_match_words' => isset($_POST['search_match_words']) ? '1' : '0')); } $context['table_info'] = array('data_length' => 0, 'index_length' => 0, 'fulltext_length' => 0, 'custom_index_length' => 0); // Get some info about the messages table, to show its size and index size. if ($db_type == 'mysql') { if (preg_match('~^`(.+?)`\\.(.+?)$~', $db_prefix, $match) !== 0) { $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', ' SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM {string:database_name} LIKE {string:table_name}', array('database_name' => '`' . strtr($match[1], array('`' => '')) . '`', 'table_name' => str_replace('_', '\\_', $match[2]) . 'messages')); } else { $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', ' SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE {string:table_name}', array('table_name' => str_replace('_', '\\_', $db_prefix) . 'messages')); } if ($request !== false && $smcFunc['db_num_rows']($request) == 1) { // Only do this if the user has permission to execute this query. $row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request); $context['table_info']['data_length'] = $row['Data_length']; $context['table_info']['index_length'] = $row['Index_length']; $context['table_info']['fulltext_length'] = $row['Index_length']; $smcFunc['db_free_result']($request); } // Now check the custom index table, if it exists at all. if (preg_match('~^`(.+?)`\\.(.+?)$~', $db_prefix, $match) !== 0) { $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', ' SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM {string:database_name} LIKE {string:table_name}', array('database_name' => '`' . strtr($match[1], array('`' => '')) . '`', 'table_name' => str_replace('_', '\\_', $match[2]) . 'log_search_words')); } else { $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', ' SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE {string:table_name}', array('table_name' => str_replace('_', '\\_', $db_prefix) . 'log_search_words')); } if ($request !== false && $smcFunc['db_num_rows']($request) == 1) { // Only do this if the user has permission to execute this query. $row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request); $context['table_info']['index_length'] += $row['Data_length'] + $row['Index_length']; $context['table_info']['custom_index_length'] = $row['Data_length'] + $row['Index_length']; $smcFunc['db_free_result']($request); } } elseif ($db_type == 'postgresql') { // In order to report the sizes correctly we need to perform vacuum (optimize) on the tables we will be using. db_extend(); $temp_tables = $smcFunc['db_list_tables'](); foreach ($temp_tables as $table) { if ($table == $db_prefix . 'messages' || $table == $db_prefix . 'log_search_words') { $smcFunc['db_optimize_table']($table); } } // PostGreSql has some hidden sizes. $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', ' SELECT relname, relpages * 8 *1024 AS "KB" FROM pg_class WHERE relname = {string:messages} OR relname = {string:log_search_words} ORDER BY relpages DESC', array('messages' => $db_prefix . 'messages', 'log_search_words' => $db_prefix . 'log_search_words')); if ($request !== false && $smcFunc['db_num_rows']($request) > 0) { while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request)) { if ($row['relname'] == $db_prefix . 'messages') { $context['table_info']['data_length'] = (int) $row['KB']; $context['table_info']['index_length'] = (int) $row['KB']; // Doesn't support fulltext $context['table_info']['fulltext_length'] = $txt['not_applicable']; } elseif ($row['relname'] == $db_prefix . 'log_search_words') { $context['table_info']['index_length'] = (int) $row['KB']; $context['table_info']['custom_index_length'] = (int) $row['KB']; } } $smcFunc['db_free_result']($request); } else { // Didn't work for some reason... $context['table_info'] = array('data_length' => $txt['not_applicable'], 'index_length' => $txt['not_applicable'], 'fulltext_length' => $txt['not_applicable'], 'custom_index_length' => $txt['not_applicable']); } } else { $context['table_info'] = array('data_length' => $txt['not_applicable'], 'index_length' => $txt['not_applicable'], 'fulltext_length' => $txt['not_applicable'], 'custom_index_length' => $txt['not_applicable']); } // Format the data and index length in kilobytes. foreach ($context['table_info'] as $type => $size) { // If it's not numeric then just break. This database engine doesn't support size. if (!is_numeric($size)) { break; } $context['table_info'][$type] = comma_format($context['table_info'][$type] / 1024) . ' ' . $txt['search_method_kilobytes']; } $context['custom_index'] = !empty($modSettings['search_custom_index_config']); $context['partial_custom_index'] = !empty($modSettings['search_custom_index_resume']) && empty($modSettings['search_custom_index_config']); $context['double_index'] = !empty($context['fulltext_index']) && $context['custom_index']; createToken('admin-msmpost'); createToken('admin-msm', 'get'); }
/** * Question the verity of the admin by asking for his or her password. * - loads Login.template.php and uses the admin_login sub template. * - sends data to template so the admin is sent on to the page they * wanted if their password is correct, otherwise they can try again. * * @param string $type = 'admin' */ function adminLogin($type = 'admin') { global $context, $scripturl, $txt, $user_info, $user_settings; loadLanguage('Admin'); loadTemplate('Login'); // Validate what type of session check this is. $types = array(); call_integration_hook('integrate_validateSession', array($types)); $type = in_array($type, $types) || $type == 'moderate' ? $type : 'admin'; // They used a wrong password, log it and unset that. if (isset($_POST[$type . '_hash_pass']) || isset($_POST[$type . '_pass'])) { $txt['security_wrong'] = sprintf($txt['security_wrong'], isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : $txt['unknown'], $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], $user_info['ip']); log_error($txt['security_wrong'], 'critical'); if (isset($_POST[$type . '_hash_pass'])) { unset($_POST[$type . '_hash_pass']); } if (isset($_POST[$type . '_pass'])) { unset($_POST[$type . '_pass']); } $context['incorrect_password'] = true; } createToken('admin-login'); // Figure out the get data and post data. $context['get_data'] = '?' . construct_query_string($_GET); $context['post_data'] = ''; // Now go through $_POST. Make sure the session hash is sent. $_POST[$context['session_var']] = $context['session_id']; foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) { $context['post_data'] .= adminLogin_outputPostVars($k, $v); } // Now we'll use the admin_login sub template of the Login template. $context['sub_template'] = 'admin_login'; // And title the page something like "Login". if (!isset($context['page_title'])) { $context['page_title'] = $txt['login']; } // The type of action. $context['sessionCheckType'] = $type; obExit(); // We MUST exit at this point, because otherwise we CANNOT KNOW that the user is privileged. trigger_error('Hacking attempt...', E_USER_ERROR); }
/** * Step 0 * Let's welcome them in and ask them to login! * Preforms several checks to make sure the appropriate files are available to do the updates * Validates php and db versions meet the minimum requirements * Validates the credentials supplied have db alter privileges * Checks that needed files/directories are writable */ function action_welcomeLogin() { global $modSettings, $upgradeurl, $upcontext, $db_type, $databases, $txt, $db_character_set; $db = database(); $upcontext['sub_template'] = 'welcome_message'; // Check for some key files - one template, one language, and a new and an old source file. $check = @file_exists($modSettings['theme_dir'] . '/index.template.php') && @file_exists(SOURCEDIR . '/QueryString.php') && @file_exists(SOURCEDIR . '/database/Db-' . $db_type . '.class.php') && @file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . '/upgrade_elk_1-0_' . $db_type . '.sql'); // Need scripts to migrate from SMF? if (isset($modSettings['smfVersion']) && $modSettings['smfVersion'] < 2.1) { $check &= @file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . '/upgrade_2-0_' . $db_type . '.sql'); } if (isset($modSettings['smfVersion']) && $modSettings['smfVersion'] < 2.0) { $check &= @file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . '/upgrade_1-1.sql'); } if (isset($modSettings['smfVersion']) && $modSettings['smfVersion'] < 1.1) { $check &= @file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . '/upgrade_1-0.sql'); } // If the db is not UTF if (!isset($modSettings['elkVersion']) && ($db_type == 'mysql' || $db_type == 'mysqli') && (!isset($db_character_set) || $db_character_set !== 'utf8' || empty($modSettings['global_character_set']) || $modSettings['global_character_set'] !== 'UTF-8')) { return throw_error('The upgrader detected your database is not UTF-8. In order to be able to upgrade, please first convert your database to the UTF-8 charset.'); } // Don't tell them what files exactly because it's a spot check - // just like teachers don't tell which problems they are spot checking, that's dumb. if (!$check) { return throw_error('The upgrader was unable to find some crucial files.<br /><br />Please make sure you uploaded all of the files included in the package, including the themes, sources, and other directories.'); } // Do they meet the install requirements? if (version_compare(REQUIRED_PHP_VERSION, PHP_VERSION, '>=')) { return throw_error('Warning! You do not appear to have a version of PHP installed on your webserver that meets ElkArte\'s minimum installations requirements.<br /><br />Please ask your host to upgrade.'); } if (!db_version_check()) { return throw_error('Your ' . $databases[$db_type]['name'] . ' version does not meet the minimum requirements of ElkArte.<br /><br />Please ask your host to upgrade.'); } // Do they have ALTER privileges? if (!empty($databases[$db_type]['alter_support']) && $db->query('alter_boards', 'ALTER TABLE {db_prefix}boards ORDER BY id_board', array()) === false) { return throw_error('The ' . $databases[$db_type]['name'] . ' user you have set in Settings.php does not have proper privileges.<br /><br />Please ask your host to give this user the ALTER, CREATE, and DROP privileges.'); } // Do a quick version spot check. $temp = substr(@implode('', @file(BOARDDIR . '/index.php')), 0, 4096); preg_match('~\\*\\s@version\\s+(.+)[\\s]{2}~i', $temp, $match); if (empty($match[1]) || trim(str_replace('Release Candidate', 'RC', $match[1])) != CURRENT_VERSION) { return throw_error('The upgrader found some old or outdated files.<br /><br />Please make certain you uploaded the new versions of all the files included in the package.'); } // What absolutely needs to be writable? $writable_files = array(BOARDDIR . '/Settings.php', BOARDDIR . '/Settings_bak.php'); // Check the cache directory. $CACHEDIR_temp = !defined('CACHEDIR') ? BOARDDIR . '/cache' : CACHEDIR; if (!file_exists($CACHEDIR_temp)) { @mkdir($CACHEDIR_temp); } if (!file_exists($CACHEDIR_temp)) { return throw_error('The cache directory could not be found.<br /><br />Please make sure you have a directory called "cache" in your forum directory before continuing.'); } if (!file_exists($modSettings['theme_dir'] . '/languages/' . $upcontext['language'] . '/index.' . $upcontext['language'] . '.php') && !isset($modSettings['elkVersion']) && !isset($_GET['lang'])) { return throw_error('The upgrader was unable to find language files for the language specified in Settings.php.<br />ElkArte will not work without the primary language files installed.<br /><br />Please either install them, or <a href="' . $upgradeurl . '?step=0;lang=english">use english instead</a>.'); } elseif (!isset($_GET['skiplang'])) { $temp = substr(@implode('', @file($modSettings['theme_dir'] . '/languages/' . $upcontext['language'] . '/index.' . $upcontext['language'] . '.php')), 0, 4096); preg_match('~(?://|/\\*)\\s*Version:\\s+(.+?);\\s*index(?:[\\s]{2}|\\*/)~i', $temp, $match); if (empty($match[1]) || $match[1] != CURRENT_LANG_VERSION) { return throw_error('The upgrader found some old or outdated language files, for the forum default language, ' . $upcontext['language'] . '.<br /><br />Please make certain you uploaded the new versions of all the files included in the package, even the theme and language files for the default theme.<br /> [<a href="' . $upgradeurl . '?skiplang">SKIP</a>] [<a href="' . $upgradeurl . '?lang=english">Try English</a>]'); } } // This needs to exist! if (!file_exists($modSettings['theme_dir'] . '/languages/' . $upcontext['language'] . '/Install.' . $upcontext['language'] . '.php')) { return throw_error('The upgrader could not find the "Install" language file for the forum default language, ' . $upcontext['language'] . '.<br /><br />Please make certain you uploaded all the files included in the package, even the theme and language files for the default theme.<br /> [<a href="' . $upgradeurl . '?lang=english">Try English</a>]'); } else { require_once $modSettings['theme_dir'] . '/languages/' . $upcontext['language'] . '/Install.' . $upcontext['language'] . '.php'; } if (!makeFilesWritable($writable_files)) { return false; } // Check agreement.txt. (it may not exist, in which case BOARDDIR must be writable.) if (isset($modSettings['agreement']) && (!is_writable(BOARDDIR) || file_exists(BOARDDIR . '/agreement.txt')) && !is_writable(BOARDDIR . '/agreement.txt')) { return throw_error('The upgrader was unable to obtain write access to agreement.txt.<br /><br />If you are using a linux or unix based server, please ensure that the file is chmod\'d to 777, or if it does not exist that the directory this upgrader is in is 777.<br />If your server is running Windows, please ensure that the internet guest account has the proper permissions on it or its folder.'); } elseif (isset($modSettings['agreement'])) { $fp = fopen(BOARDDIR . '/agreement.txt', 'w'); fwrite($fp, $modSettings['agreement']); fclose($fp); } // We're going to check that their board dir setting is right in case they've been moving stuff around. if (strtr(BOARDDIR, array('/' => '', '\\' => '')) != strtr(dirname(__FILE__), array('/' => '', '\\' => ''))) { $upcontext['warning'] = ' It looks as if your board directory settings <em>might</em> be incorrect. Your board directory is currently set to "' . BOARDDIR . '" but should probably be "' . dirname(__FILE__) . '". Settings.php currently lists your paths as:<br /> <ul> <li>Board Directory: ' . BOARDDIR . '</li> <li>Source Directory: ' . BOARDDIR . '</li> <li>Cache Directory: ' . $CACHEDIR_temp . '</li> </ul> If these seem incorrect please open Settings.php in a text editor before proceeding with this upgrade. If they are incorrect due to you moving your forum to a new location please download and execute the <a href="">Repair Settings</a> tool from the ElkArte website before continuing.'; } // Either we're logged in or we're going to present the login. if (checkLogin()) { return true; } require_once SOURCEDIR . '/Security.php'; $upcontext += createToken('login'); return false; }
/** * Editing personal messages settings * * - Accessed with ?action=admin;area=featuresettings;sa=pmsettings */ public function action_pmsettings() { global $txt, $scripturl, $context; // Initialize the form $this->_initPMSettingsForm(); // Retrieve the current config settings $config_vars = $this->_PMSettings->settings(); require_once SUBSDIR . '/PersonalMessage.subs.php'; loadLanguage('ManageMembers'); $context['pm_limits'] = loadPMLimits(); // Saving? if (isset($_GET['save'])) { checkSession(); require_once SUBSDIR . '/Membergroups.subs.php'; foreach ($context['pm_limits'] as $group_id => $group) { if (isset($_POST['group'][$group_id]) && $_POST['group'][$group_id] != $group['max_messages']) { updateMembergroupProperties(array('current_group' => $group_id, 'max_messages' => $_POST['group'][$group_id])); } } call_integration_hook('integrate_save_pmsettings_settings'); Settings_Form::save_db($config_vars); redirectexit('action=admin;area=featuresettings;sa=pmsettings'); } $context['post_url'] = $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=featuresettings;save;sa=pmsettings'; $context['settings_title'] = $txt['personal_messages']; // We need this for the in-line permissions createToken('admin-mp'); Settings_Form::prepare_db($config_vars); }
/** * 检查是token登录是否合法 * @param array $token 要检查的token值 * @return boolean/token */ function isTokenL($token) { $usr_info = array('token' => $token); //判断是否有token若有必然在此次登录有效期内 if (session(C('SESSION_KEY_TOKEN')) != null) { //判断是否和session一致,一致说明还处在本次登录有效期内 if (session(C('SESSION_KEY_TOKEN')) == $usr_info['token']) { return true; } else { return false; } } //查询数据库 $usrs = M('usr'); if ($usrs->create($usr_info)) { $map['Id'] = $usr_info['Id']; $list = $usrs->where($map)->find(); //若用户提交token为null,token和数据库不符,当前时间减去授予时间大于有效时间,则该token是无效的 if ($usr_info['token'] != null && $list['token'] == $usr_info['token'] && time() - strtotime($list['granttime']) <= $list['expiretime']) { //更新token $token = createToken($usr_info['id']); //session清空token session(C('SESSION_KEY_TOKEN'), null); //session写入token session(C('SESSION_KEY_TOKEN'), $token); $usr_info['token'] = $token; $usr_info['grantTime'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()); //更新数据库token,和授予时间 $list = $usrs->where($map)->save($usr_info); return $token; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } return false; }
/** * Shows an interface to set and test censored words. * * - It uses the censor_vulgar, censor_proper, censorWholeWord, and * censorIgnoreCase settings. * - Requires the admin_forum permission. * - Accessed from ?action=admin;area=postsettings;sa=censor. * * @uses the Admin template and the edit_censored sub template. */ public function action_censor() { global $txt, $modSettings, $context; if (!empty($_POST['save_censor'])) { // Make sure censoring is something they can do. checkSession(); validateToken('admin-censor'); $censored_vulgar = array(); $censored_proper = array(); // Rip it apart, then split it into two arrays. if (isset($_POST['censortext'])) { $_POST['censortext'] = explode("\n", strtr($_POST['censortext'], array("\r" => ''))); foreach ($_POST['censortext'] as $c) { list($censored_vulgar[], $censored_proper[]) = array_pad(explode('=', trim($c)), 2, ''); } } elseif (isset($_POST['censor_vulgar'], $_POST['censor_proper'])) { if (is_array($_POST['censor_vulgar'])) { foreach ($_POST['censor_vulgar'] as $i => $value) { if (trim(strtr($value, '*', ' ')) == '') { unset($_POST['censor_vulgar'][$i], $_POST['censor_proper'][$i]); } } $censored_vulgar = $_POST['censor_vulgar']; $censored_proper = $_POST['censor_proper']; } else { $censored_vulgar = explode("\n", strtr($_POST['censor_vulgar'], array("\r" => ''))); $censored_proper = explode("\n", strtr($_POST['censor_proper'], array("\r" => ''))); } } // Set the new arrays and settings in the database. $updates = array('censor_vulgar' => implode("\n", $censored_vulgar), 'censor_proper' => implode("\n", $censored_proper), 'censorWholeWord' => empty($_POST['censorWholeWord']) ? '0' : '1', 'censorIgnoreCase' => empty($_POST['censorIgnoreCase']) ? '0' : '1'); call_integration_hook('integrate_save_censors', array(&$updates)); updateSettings($updates); } // Testing a word to see how it will be censored? if (isset($_POST['censortest'])) { require_once SUBSDIR . '/Post.subs.php'; $censorText = htmlspecialchars($_POST['censortest'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); preparsecode($censorText); $pre_censor = $censorText; $context['censor_test'] = strtr(censorText($censorText), array('"' => '"')); } // Set everything up for the template to do its thang. $censor_vulgar = explode("\n", $modSettings['censor_vulgar']); $censor_proper = explode("\n", $modSettings['censor_proper']); $context['censored_words'] = array(); for ($i = 0, $n = count($censor_vulgar); $i < $n; $i++) { if (empty($censor_vulgar[$i])) { continue; } // Skip it, it's either spaces or stars only. if (trim(strtr($censor_vulgar[$i], '*', ' ')) == '') { continue; } $context['censored_words'][htmlspecialchars(trim($censor_vulgar[$i]))] = isset($censor_proper[$i]) ? htmlspecialchars($censor_proper[$i], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') : ''; } call_integration_hook('integrate_censors'); createToken('admin-censor'); // Using ajax? if (isset($_REQUEST['xml'], $_POST['censortest'])) { // Clear the templates $template_layers = Template_Layers::getInstance(); $template_layers->removeAll(); // Send back a response loadTemplate('Json'); $context['sub_template'] = 'send_json'; $context['json_data'] = array('result' => true, 'censor' => $pre_censor . ' <i class="fa fa-arrow-circle-right"></i> ' . $context['censor_test'], 'token_val' => $context['admin-censor_token_var'], 'token' => $context['admin-censor_token']); } else { $context['sub_template'] = 'edit_censored'; $context['page_title'] = $txt['admin_censored_words']; } }
function list_integration_hooks() { global $sourcedir, $scripturl, $context, $txt, $modSettings, $settings; $context['filter'] = ''; $currentHooks = get_integration_hooks(); if (isset($_GET['filter']) && in_array($_GET['filter'], array_keys($currentHooks))) { $context['filter'] = ';filter=' . $_GET['filter']; } if (!empty($modSettings['handlinghooks_enabled'])) { if (!empty($_REQUEST['do']) && isset($_REQUEST['hook']) && isset($_REQUEST['function'])) { checkSession('request'); validateToken('admin-hook', 'request'); if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'remove') { remove_integration_function($_REQUEST['hook'], urldecode($_REQUEST['function'])); } else { if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'disable') { // It's a hack I know...but I'm way too lazy!!! $function_remove = $_REQUEST['function']; $function_add = $_REQUEST['function'] . ']'; } else { $function_remove = $_REQUEST['function'] . ']'; $function_add = $_REQUEST['function']; } $file = !empty($_REQUEST['includedfile']) ? urldecode($_REQUEST['includedfile']) : ''; remove_integration_function($_REQUEST['hook'], $function_remove, $file); add_integration_function($_REQUEST['hook'], $function_add, $file); redirectexit('action=admin;area=modsettings;sa=hooks' . $context['filter']); } } } $list_options = array('id' => 'list_integration_hooks', 'title' => $txt['hooks_title_list'], 'items_per_page' => 20, 'base_href' => $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=modsettings;sa=hooks' . $context['filter'] . ';' . $context['session_var'] . '=' . $context['session_id'], 'default_sort_col' => 'hook_name', 'get_items' => array('function' => 'get_integration_hooks_data'), 'get_count' => array('function' => 'get_integration_hooks_count'), 'no_items_label' => $txt['hooks_no_hooks'], 'columns' => array('hook_name' => array('header' => array('value' => $txt['hooks_field_hook_name']), 'data' => array('db' => 'hook_name'), 'sort' => array('default' => 'hook_name', 'reverse' => 'hook_name DESC')), 'function_name' => array('header' => array('value' => $txt['hooks_field_function_name']), 'data' => array('function' => create_function('$data', ' global $txt; if (!empty($data[\'included_file\'])) return $txt[\'hooks_field_function\'] . \': \' . $data[\'real_function\'] . \'<br />\' . $txt[\'hooks_field_included_file\'] . \': \' . $data[\'included_file\']; else return $data[\'real_function\']; ')), 'sort' => array('default' => 'function_name', 'reverse' => 'function_name DESC')), 'file_name' => array('header' => array('value' => $txt['hooks_field_file_name']), 'data' => array('db' => 'file_name'), 'sort' => array('default' => 'file_name', 'reverse' => 'file_name DESC')), 'status' => array('header' => array('value' => $txt['hooks_field_hook_exists'], 'style' => 'width:3%'), 'data' => array('function' => create_function('$data', ' global $txt, $settings, $scripturl, $context; $change_status = array(\'before\' => \'\', \'after\' => \'\'); if ($data[\'can_be_disabled\'] && $data[\'status\'] != \'deny\') { $change_status[\'before\'] = \'<a href="\' . $scripturl . \'?action=admin;area=modsettings;sa=hooks;do=\' . ($data[\'enabled\'] ? \'disable\' : \'enable\') . \';hook=\' . $data[\'hook_name\'] . \';function=\' . $data[\'real_function\'] . (!empty($data[\'included_file\']) ? \';includedfile=\' . urlencode($data[\'included_file\']) : \'\') . $context[\'filter\'] . \';\' . $context[\'admin-hook_token_var\'] . \'=\' . $context[\'admin-hook_token\'] . \';\' . $context[\'session_var\'] . \'=\' . $context[\'session_id\'] . \'" onclick="return confirm(\' . javaScriptEscape($txt[\'quickmod_confirm\']) . \');">\'; $change_status[\'after\'] = \'</a>\'; } return $change_status[\'before\'] . \'<img src="\' . $settings[\'images_url\'] . \'/admin/post_moderation_\' . $data[\'status\'] . \'.png" alt="\' . $data[\'img_text\'] . \'" title="\' . $data[\'img_text\'] . \'" />\' . $change_status[\'after\']; '), 'class' => 'centertext'), 'sort' => array('default' => 'status', 'reverse' => 'status DESC'))), 'additional_rows' => array(array('position' => 'after_title', 'value' => $txt['hooks_disable_instructions'] . '<br /> ' . $txt['hooks_disable_legend'] . ': <ul style="list-style: none;"> <li><img src="' . $settings['images_url'] . '/admin/post_moderation_allow.png" alt="' . $txt['hooks_active'] . '" title="' . $txt['hooks_active'] . '" /> ' . $txt['hooks_disable_legend_exists'] . '</li> <li><img src="' . $settings['images_url'] . '/admin/post_moderation_moderate.png" alt="' . $txt['hooks_disabled'] . '" title="' . $txt['hooks_disabled'] . '" /> ' . $txt['hooks_disable_legend_disabled'] . '</li> <li><img src="' . $settings['images_url'] . '/admin/post_moderation_deny.png" alt="' . $txt['hooks_missing'] . '" title="' . $txt['hooks_missing'] . '" /> ' . $txt['hooks_disable_legend_missing'] . '</li> </ul>'))); if (!empty($modSettings['handlinghooks_enabled'])) { createToken('admin-hook', 'request'); $list_options['columns']['remove'] = array('header' => array('value' => $txt['hooks_button_remove'], 'style' => 'width:3%'), 'data' => array('function' => create_function('$data', ' global $txt, $settings, $scripturl, $context; if (!$data[\'hook_exists\']) return \' <a href="\' . $scripturl . \'?action=admin;area=modsettings;sa=hooks;do=remove;hook=\' . $data[\'hook_name\'] . \';function=\' . urlencode($data[\'function_name\']) . $context[\'filter\'] . \';\' . $context[\'admin-hook_token_var\'] . \'=\' . $context[\'admin-hook_token\'] . \';\' . $context[\'session_var\'] . \'=\' . $context[\'session_id\'] . \'" onclick="return confirm(\' . javaScriptEscape($txt[\'quickmod_confirm\']) . \');"> <img src="\' . $settings[\'images_url\'] . \'/icons/quick_remove.png" alt="\' . $txt[\'hooks_button_remove\'] . \'" title="\' . $txt[\'hooks_button_remove\'] . \'" /> </a>\'; '), 'class' => 'centertext')); $list_options['form'] = array('href' => $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=modsettings;sa=hooks' . $context['filter'] . ';' . $context['session_var'] . '=' . $context['session_id'], 'name' => 'list_integration_hooks'); } require_once $sourcedir . '/Subs-List.php'; createList($list_options); $context['page_title'] = $txt['hooks_title_list']; $context['sub_template'] = 'show_list'; $context['default_list'] = 'list_integration_hooks'; }
/** * Set some general membergroup settings and permissions. * Called by ?action=admin;area=membergroups;sa=settings * Requires the admin_forum permission (and manage_permissions for changing permissions) * Redirects to itself. * * @uses membergroup_settings sub template of ManageMembergroups. */ function ModifyMembergroupsettings() { global $context, $sourcedir, $scripturl, $modSettings, $txt; $context['sub_template'] = 'show_settings'; $context['page_title'] = $txt['membergroups_settings']; // Needed for the settings functions. require_once $sourcedir . '/ManageServer.php'; // Don't allow assignment of guests. $context['permissions_excluded'] = array(-1); // Only one thing here! $config_vars = array(array('permissions', 'manage_membergroups')); call_integration_hook('integrate_modify_membergroup_settings', array(&$config_vars)); if (isset($_REQUEST['save'])) { checkSession(); call_integration_hook('integrate_save_membergroup_settings'); // Yeppers, saving this... saveDBSettings($config_vars); redirectexit('action=admin;area=membergroups;sa=settings'); } // Some simple context. $context['post_url'] = $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=membergroups;save;sa=settings'; $context['settings_title'] = $txt['membergroups_settings']; // We need this for the in-line permissions createToken('admin-mp'); prepareDBSettingContext($config_vars); }
function getToken($userId, $emr = "openemr", $password = '', $device_token = '') { $token = createToken($userId, false, $device_token); if ($token) { return $token; } else { return false; } }
function createSession($usr) { return new Session(createToken(), 0, $usr, expiration()); }
/** * Shows the contact form for the user to fill out * Needs to be enabled to be used */ public function action_contact() { global $context, $txt, $user_info, $modSettings; // Already inside, no need to use this, just send a PM // Disabled, you cannot enter. if (!$user_info['is_guest'] || empty($modSettings['enable_contactform']) || $modSettings['enable_contactform'] == 'disabled') { redirectexit(); } loadLanguage('Login'); loadTemplate('Register'); if (isset($_REQUEST['send'])) { checkSession('post'); validateToken('contact'); spamProtection('contact'); // No errors, yet. $context['errors'] = array(); loadLanguage('Errors'); // Could they get the right send topic verification code? require_once SUBSDIR . '/VerificationControls.class.php'; require_once SUBSDIR . '/Members.subs.php'; // form validation require_once SUBSDIR . '/DataValidator.class.php'; $validator = new Data_Validator(); $validator->sanitation_rules(array('emailaddress' => 'trim', 'contactmessage' => 'trim|Util::htmlspecialchars')); $validator->validation_rules(array('emailaddress' => 'required|valid_email', 'contactmessage' => 'required')); $validator->text_replacements(array('emailaddress' => $txt['error_email'], 'contactmessage' => $txt['error_message'])); // Any form errors if (!$validator->validate($_POST)) { $context['errors'] = $validator->validation_errors(); } // How about any verification errors $verificationOptions = array('id' => 'contactform'); $context['require_verification'] = create_control_verification($verificationOptions, true); if (is_array($context['require_verification'])) { foreach ($context['require_verification'] as $error) { $context['errors'][] = $txt['error_' . $error]; } } // No errors, then send the PM to the admins if (empty($context['errors'])) { $admins = admins(); if (!empty($admins)) { require_once SUBSDIR . '/PersonalMessage.subs.php'; sendpm(array('to' => array_keys($admins), 'bcc' => array()), $txt['contact_subject'], $_REQUEST['contactmessage'], false, array('id' => 0, 'name' => $validator->emailaddress, 'username' => $validator->emailaddress)); } // Send the PM redirectexit('action=contact;sa=done'); } else { $context['emailaddress'] = $validator->emailaddress; $context['contactmessage'] = $validator->contactmessage; } } if (isset($_GET['sa']) && $_GET['sa'] == 'done') { $context['sub_template'] = 'contact_form_done'; } else { $context['sub_template'] = 'contact_form'; $context['page_title'] = $txt['admin_contact_form']; require_once SUBSDIR . '/VerificationControls.class.php'; $verificationOptions = array('id' => 'contactform'); $context['require_verification'] = create_control_verification($verificationOptions); $context['visual_verification_id'] = $verificationOptions['id']; } createToken('contact'); }
/** * 检查是token登录是否合法 * @param array $token 要检查的token值 * @return boolean */ function isTokenL($token) { $admin_info = array('token' => $token, 'id' => cookie(C('COOKIE_KEY_TOKEN_ADMIN'))['id']); //判断是否有token若有必然在此次登录有效期内 if (session(C('SESSION_KEY_TOKEN_ADMIN')) != null) { //判断是否和session一致,一致说明还处在本次登录有效期内 if (session(C('SESSION_KEY_TOKEN_ADMIN')) == $admin_info['token']) { return true; } else { return false; } } //查询数据库 $usrs = M('admin'); if ($usrs->create($admin_info)) { $map['Id'] = $admin_info['Id']; $list = $usrs->where($map)->find(); //若用户给出的id为空,提交token为null,token和数据库不符,当前时间减去授予时间大于有效时间,则该token是无效的 if ($admin_info['id'] != "" && $admin_info['token'] != null && $list['token'] == $admin_info['token'] && time() - strtotime($list['granttime']) <= $list['expiretime']) { //更新token $token = createToken($admin_info['id']); //session清空token session(C('SESSION_KEY_TOKEN_ADMIN'), null); //session写入token session(C('SESSION_KEY_TOKEN_ADMIN'), $token); $admin_info['token'] = $token; $admin_info['grantTime'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()); cookie(C("COOKIE_KEY_TOKEN_ADMIN"), array(id => $admin_info["id"], token => $token), $list['expiretime']); //更新数据库token,和授予时间 $list = $usrs->where($map)->save($admin_info); return true; } else { return false; } } return false; }
/** * Edit a 'it bounced' template. * * @uses bounce_template sub template */ public function action_modify_bounce_templates() { global $context, $txt, $user_info; require_once SUBSDIR . '/Moderation.subs.php'; $context['id_template'] = isset($_REQUEST['tid']) ? (int) $_REQUEST['tid'] : 0; $context['is_edit'] = (bool) $context['id_template']; // Standard template things, you know the drill $context['page_title'] = $context['is_edit'] ? $txt['ml_bounce_template_modify'] : $txt['ml_bounce_template_add']; $context['sub_template'] = 'bounce_template'; $context[$context['admin_menu_name']]['current_subsection'] = 'templates'; // Defaults to show $context['template_data'] = array('title' => '', 'body' => $txt['ml_bounce_template_body_default'], 'subject' => $txt['ml_bounce_template_subject_default'], 'personal' => false, 'can_edit_personal' => true); // If it's an edit load it. if ($context['is_edit']) { modLoadTemplate($context['id_template'], 'bnctpl'); } // Wait, we are saving? if (isset($_POST['save'])) { checkSession('post'); validateToken('mod-mlt'); // To check the BBC is good... require_once SUBSDIR . '/Post.subs.php'; // Bit of cleaning! $template_body = trim($_POST['template_body']); $template_title = trim($_POST['template_title']); // Need something in both boxes. if (!empty($template_body) && !empty($template_title)) { // Safety first. $template_title = Util::htmlspecialchars($template_title); // Clean up BBC. preparsecode($template_body); // But put line breaks back! $template_body = strtr($template_body, array('<br />' => "\n")); // Is this personal? $recipient_id = !empty($_POST['make_personal']) ? $user_info['id'] : 0; // Updating or adding ? if ($context['is_edit']) { // Simple update... modAddUpdateTemplate($recipient_id, $template_title, $template_body, $context['id_template'], true, 'bnctpl'); // If it wasn't visible and now is they've effectively added it. if ($context['template_data']['personal'] && !$recipient_id) { logAction('add_bounce_template', array('template' => $template_title)); } elseif (!$context['template_data']['personal'] && $recipient_id) { logAction('delete_bounce_template', array('template' => $template_title)); } else { logAction('modify_bounce_template', array('template' => $template_title)); } } else { modAddUpdateTemplate($recipient_id, $template_title, $template_body, $context['id_template'], false, 'bnctpl'); logAction('add_bounce_template', array('template' => $template_title)); } // Get out of town... redirectexit('action=admin;area=maillist;sa=emailtemplates'); } else { $context['warning_errors'] = array(); $context['template_data']['title'] = !empty($template_title) ? $template_title : ''; $context['template_data']['body'] = !empty($template_body) ? $template_body : $txt['ml_bounce_template_body_default']; $context['template_data']['personal'] = !empty($recipient_id); if (empty($template_title)) { $context['warning_errors'][] = $txt['ml_bounce_template_error_no_title']; } if (empty($template_body)) { $context['warning_errors'][] = $txt['ml_bounce_template_error_no_body']; } } } createToken('mod-mlt'); }