Example #1
* Generates pestle command boiler plate
* This command creates the necessary files 
* for a pestle command
*     pestle.phar generate_pestle_command command_name
* @command generate_pestle_command
* @argument command_name New Command Name? [foo_bar]
* @argument namespace_module Create in PHP Namespace? [Pulsestorm\Magento2\Cli]
function pestle_cli($argv)
    $command_name = $argv['command_name'];
    $namespace = createNamespaceFromNamespaceAndCommandName($argv['namespace_module'], $command_name);
    $command = '<' . '?php' . "\n" . 'namespace ' . $namespace . ';' . "\n" . 'use function Pulsestorm\\Pestle\\Importer\\pestle_import;' . "\n" . 'pestle_import(\'Pulsestorm\\Pestle\\Library\\output\');' . "\n\n" . '/**' . "\n" . '* One Line Description' . "\n" . '*' . "\n" . '* @command ' . $command_name . '' . "\n" . '*/' . "\n" . 'function pestle_cli($argv)' . "\n" . '{' . "\n" . '    output("Hello Sailor");' . "\n" . '}' . "\n";
    output("Creating the following module");
    $path_full = createPathFromNamespace($namespace);
    if (file_exists($path_full)) {
        output("{$path_full} already exists, bailing");
    writeStringToFile($path_full, $command);
    output("bbedit {$path_full}");
    output("sublime {$path_full}");
    output("vi {$path_full}");
 public function testNamespaceGenerate3()
     $path = createNamespaceFromNamespaceAndCommandName('Pulsestorm\\Magento2\\Cli', 'foo_science');
     $this->assertEquals('Pulsestorm\\Magento2\\Cli\\Foo_Science', $path);