function create_cart($type, $trans_no) { global $Refs; if (!$_SESSION['SysPrefs']->db_ok) { // create_cart is called before page() where the check is done return; } processing_start(); if (isset($_GET['NewQuoteToSalesOrder'])) { $trans_no = $_GET['NewQuoteToSalesOrder']; $doc = new Cart(ST_SALESQUOTE, $trans_no, true); $doc->Comments = _("Sales Quotation") . " # " . $trans_no; $_SESSION['Items'] = $doc; } elseif ($type != ST_SALESORDER && $type != ST_SALESQUOTE && $trans_no != 0) { // this is template $doc = new Cart(ST_SALESORDER, array($trans_no)); $doc->trans_type = $type; $doc->trans_no = 0; $doc->document_date = new_doc_date(); if ($type == ST_SALESINVOICE) { $doc->due_date = get_invoice_duedate($doc->payment, $doc->document_date); $doc->pos = get_sales_point(user_pos()); } else { $doc->due_date = $doc->document_date; } $doc->reference = $Refs->get_next($doc->trans_type); //$doc->Comments=''; foreach ($doc->line_items as $line_no => $line) { $doc->line_items[$line_no]->qty_done = 0; } $_SESSION['Items'] = $doc; } else { $_SESSION['Items'] = new Cart($type, array($trans_no)); } copy_from_cart(); }
if ($ord->count_items() == 0) { hyperlink_params($path_to_root . "/sales/inquiry/sales_orders_view.php", _("Select a different sales order to delivery"), "OutstandingOnly=1"); die("<br><b>" . _("This order has no items. There is nothing to delivery.") . "</b>"); } // Adjust Shipping Charge based upon previous deliveries TAM adjust_shipping_charge($ord, $_GET['OrderNumber']); $_SESSION['Items'] = $ord; copy_from_cart(); } elseif (isset($_GET['ModifyDelivery']) && $_GET['ModifyDelivery'] > 0) { $_SESSION['Items'] = new Cart(ST_CUSTDELIVERY, $_GET['ModifyDelivery']); if ($_SESSION['Items']->count_items() == 0) { hyperlink_params($path_to_root . "/sales/inquiry/customer_inquiry.php", _("Select a different delivery"), "OutstandingOnly=1"); echo "<br><center><b>" . _("This delivery has all items invoiced. There is nothing to modify.") . "</center></b>"; display_footer_exit(); } copy_from_cart(); } elseif (!processing_active()) { /* This page can only be called with an order number for invoicing*/ display_error(_("This page can only be opened if an order or delivery note has been selected. Please select it first.")); hyperlink_params("{$path_to_root}/sales/inquiry/sales_orders_view.php", _("Select a Sales Order to Delivery"), "OutstandingOnly=1"); end_page(); exit; } else { check_edit_conflicts(); if (!check_quantities()) { display_error(_("Selected quantity cannot be less than quantity invoiced nor more than quantity\tnot dispatched on sales order.")); } elseif (!check_num('ChargeFreightCost', 0)) { display_error(_("Freight cost cannot be less than zero")); set_focus('ChargeFreightCost'); } }
function create_cart($type, $trans_no) { processing_start(); $doc_type = $type; if ($type != 30 && $trans_no != 0) { // this is template $doc_type = 30; $doc = new Cart(30, array($trans_no)); $doc->trans_type = $type; $doc->trans_no = 0; if ($type == 10) { $doc->due_date = get_invoice_duedate($doc->customer_id, $doc->document_date); } else { $doc->due_date = $doc->document_date = Today(); } $doc->reference = references::get_next($doc->trans_type); $doc->Comments = ''; foreach ($doc->line_items as $line_no => $line) { $doc->line_items[$line_no]->qty_done = 0; } $_SESSION['Items'] = $doc; } else { $_SESSION['Items'] = new Cart($type, array($trans_no)); } copy_from_cart(); }