Example #1
     } else {
         ImageCopyResized($image2, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $thumb_w, $thumb_h, $image_dim_x, $image_dim_y);
 if ($gallery_settings['photo_watermark_text']) {
     $enc = array("&", """, "'", "\", """, "'", "<", ">");
     $dec = array("&", "\"", "'", "\\", '\\"', "\\'", "<", ">");
     // drop the function and use a rgb output.
     $black = ImageColorAllocate($image2 ? $image2 : $image, 0, 0, 0);
     // lets just do a rgb value instead of converting.
     // bugged
     //@todo: drop function and scan image brightness to go for either black or white.
     $colors1 = convert_color($gallery_settings['photo_watermark_text_color1']);
     $colors2 = convert_color($gallery_settings['photo_watermark_text_color2']);
     $colors3 = convert_color($gallery_settings['photo_watermark_text_color3']);
     $color1 = ImageColorAllocate($image2 ? $image2 : $image, $colors1['r'], $colors1['g'], $colors1['b']);
     $color2 = ImageColorAllocate($image2 ? $image2 : $image, $colors2['r'], $colors2['g'], $colors2['b']);
     $color3 = ImageColorAllocate($image2 ? $image2 : $image, $colors3['r'], $colors3['g'], $colors3['b']);
     //move text y
     $mty1 = ($thumb_h ? $thumb_h : $image_dim_y) - ($thumb_h ? 40 : 50);
     $mty2 = ($thumb_h ? $thumb_h : $image_dim_y) - ($thumb_h ? 25 : 35);
     $mty3 = ($thumb_h ? $thumb_h : $image_dim_y) - ($thumb_h ? 15 : 20);
     $album_title = str_replace("\r", "", $data['album_title']);
     $album_title = str_replace("\n", "", $album_title);
     $album_title = preg_replace("[\\[(.*?)\\]]", "", $album_title);
     $album_title = preg_replace("<\\<(.*?)\\>>", "", $album_title);
     $album_title = trimlink($album_title, 75);
     $album_title = str_replace($enc, $dec, $album_title);
     $album_description = str_replace("\r", "", $data['album_description']);
     $album_description = str_replace("\n", "", $album_description);
Example #2
 function loadgame()
     // 4.2 [GameName]
     $this->game['name'] = '';
     for ($i = 0; $this->data[$i] != chr(0); $i++) {
         $this->game['name'] .= $this->data[$i];
     $this->data = substr($this->data, $i + 2);
     // 0-byte ending the string + 1 unknown byte
     // 4.3 [Encoded String]
     $temp = '';
     for ($i = 0; $this->data[$i] != chr(0); $i++) {
         if ($i % 8 == 0) {
             $mask = ord($this->data[$i]);
         } else {
             $temp .= chr(ord($this->data[$i]) - !($mask & 1 << $i % 8));
     $this->data = substr($this->data, $i + 1);
     // 4.4 [GameSettings]
     $this->game['speed'] = convert_speed(ord($temp[0]));
     if (ord($temp[1]) & 1) {
         $this->game['visibility'] = convert_visibility(0);
     } else {
         if (ord($temp[1]) & 2) {
             $this->game['visibility'] = convert_visibility(1);
         } else {
             if (ord($temp[1]) & 4) {
                 $this->game['visibility'] = convert_visibility(2);
             } else {
                 if (ord($temp[1]) & 8) {
                     $this->game['visibility'] = convert_visibility(3);
     $this->game['observers'] = convert_observers(((ord($temp[1]) & 16) == true) + 2 * ((ord($temp[1]) & 32) == true));
     $this->game['teams_together'] = convert_bool(ord($temp[1]) & 64);
     $this->game['lock_teams'] = convert_bool(ord($temp[2]));
     $this->game['full_shared_unit_control'] = convert_bool(ord($temp[3]) & 1);
     $this->game['random_hero'] = convert_bool(ord($temp[3]) & 2);
     $this->game['random_races'] = convert_bool(ord($temp[3]) & 4);
     if (ord($temp[3]) & 64) {
         $this->game['observers'] = convert_observers(4);
     $temp = substr($temp, 13);
     // 5 unknown bytes + checksum
     // 4.5 [Map&CreatorName]
     $temp = explode(chr(0), $temp);
     $this->game['creator'] = $temp[1];
     $this->game['map'] = $temp[0];
     // 4.6 [PlayerCount]
     $temp = unpack('Vslots', $this->data);
     $this->data = substr($this->data, 4);
     $this->game['slots'] = $temp['slots'];
     // 4.7 [GameType]
     $this->game['type'] = convert_game_type(ord($this->data[0]));
     $this->game['private'] = convert_bool(ord($this->data[1]));
     $this->data = substr($this->data, 8);
     // 2 bytes are unknown and 4.8 [LanguageID] is useless
     // 4.9 [PlayerList]
     while (ord($this->data[0]) == 0x16) {
         $this->data = substr($this->data, 4);
     // 4.10 [GameStartRecord]
     $temp = unpack('Crecord_id/vrecord_length/Cslot_records', $this->data);
     $this->data = substr($this->data, 4);
     $this->game = array_merge($this->game, $temp);
     $slot_records = $temp['slot_records'];
     // 4.11 [SlotRecord]
     for ($i = 0; $i < $slot_records; $i++) {
         if ($this->header['major_v'] >= 7) {
             $temp = unpack('Cplayer_id/x1/Cslot_status/Ccomputer/Cteam/Ccolor/Crace/Cai_strength/Chandicap', $this->data);
             $this->data = substr($this->data, 9);
         } elseif ($this->header['major_v'] >= 3) {
             $temp = unpack('Cplayer_id/x1/Cslot_status/Ccomputer/Cteam/Ccolor/Crace/Cai_strength', $this->data);
             $this->data = substr($this->data, 8);
         } else {
             $temp = unpack('Cplayer_id/x1/Cslot_status/Ccomputer/Cteam/Ccolor/Crace', $this->data);
             $this->data = substr($this->data, 7);
         $temp['color'] = convert_color($temp['color']);
         $temp['race'] = convert_race($temp['race']);
         $temp['ai_strength'] = convert_ai($temp['ai_strength']);
         if ($temp['slot_status'] == 2) {
             // do not add empty slots
             $this->players[$temp['player_id']] = array_merge($this->players[$temp['player_id']], $temp);
             // Tome of Retraining
             $this->players[$temp['player_id']]['retraining_time'] = 0;
     // 4.12 [RandomSeed]
     $temp = unpack('Vrandom_seed/Cselect_mode/Cstart_spots', $this->data);
     $this->data = substr($this->data, 6);
     $this->game['random_seed'] = $temp['random_seed'];
     $this->game['select_mode'] = convert_select_mode($temp['select_mode']);
     if ($temp['start_spots'] != 0xcc) {
         // tournament replays from battle.net website don't have this info
         $this->game['start_spots'] = $temp['start_spots'];
Example #3
 public function actionLogin()
     global $fr_version, $fr_platform;
     $vals = $this->_input->filter(array('username' => XenForo_Input::STRING, 'password' => XenForo_Input::STRING, 'md5_password' => XenForo_Input::STRING, 'fr_username' => XenForo_Input::STRING, 'fr_b' => XenForo_Input::UINT, 'token' => XenForo_Input::STRING));
     $login_model = $this->_getLoginModel();
     $user_model = $this->_getUserModel();
     $options = XenForo_Application::get('options');
     $navbg = '';
     $style = $options->forumrunnerColor;
     if ($style) {
         // Convert to right style.  iPhone needs r,g,b.  Android needs #rrggbb.
         $color = convert_color($style);
         if (is_iphone() && strlen($color) == 7) {
             $r = hexdec(substr($color, 1, 2));
             $g = hexdec(substr($color, 3, 2));
             $b = hexdec(substr($color, 5, 2));
             $color = "{$r},{$g},{$b}";
         $navbg = $color;
     $authenticated = false;
     $requires_authentication = false;
     $out = array();
     if (!$vals['username'] || !$vals['password'] && !$vals['md5_password']) {
         if (!XenForo_Visitor::getInstance()->hasPermission('general', 'view')) {
             $requires_authentication = true;
         $options = XenForo_Application::get('options');
         if (!$options->boardActive && !XenForo_Visitor::getInstance()->get('is_admin')) {
             $requires_authentication = true;
     } else {
         $user_id = $user_model->validateAuthentication($vals['username'], $vals['password'], $error);
         if (!$user_id) {
             json_error($error->render(), RV_BAD_PASSWORD);
         XenForo_Model_Ip::log($user_id, 'user', $user_id, 'login');
         $out['username'] = prepare_utf8_string(XenForo_Visitor::getInstance()->get('username'));
         $authenticated = true;
     $out += array('authenticated' => $authenticated, 'v' => $fr_version, 'p' => $fr_platform, 'requires_authentication' => $requires_authentication);
     if ($navbg != '') {
         $out['navbg'] = $navbg;
     if (is_iphone() && $options->forumrunnerAdsAdMobPublisherIDiPhone) {
         $out['admob'] = $options->forumrunnerAdsAdMobPublisherIDiPhone;
     } else {
         if (is_android() && $options->forumrunnerAdsAdMobPublisherIDAndroid) {
             $out['admob'] = $options->forumrunnerAdsAdMobPublisherIDAndroid;
     if ($options->forumrunnerGoogleAnalyticsID && $options->forumrunnerGoogleAnalyticsID != '') {
         $out['gan'] = $options->forumrunnerGoogleAnalyticsID;
     if ($options->forumrunnerFacebookApplicationID && $options->forumrunnerFacebookApplicationID != '') {
         $out['fb'] = $options->forumrunnerFacebookApplicationID;
     if ($options->forumrunnerRegistration) {
         $out['reg'] = true;
     fr_update_push_user($vals['fr_username'], $vals['fr_b'], $vals['token']);
     return $out;
Example #4
if (in_array(strtolower(pathinfo($FLIR['font'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION)), array('pfb', 'pfm'))) {
    // pfm doesn't work
    // You can try uncommenting this line to see what kind of mileage you get.
    // PostScript will work as long as you don't set any kind of spacing... unless you are using Windows (PHP bug?).
    $FLIR['postscript'] = true;
    $FLIR['ps'] = array('kerning' => 0, 'space' => 0);
    if (false === @($FLIR['ps']['font'] = imagepsloadfont($FLIR['font']))) {
$FLIR['color'] = convert_color($FStyle['cColor']);
if ($FLIR['bkg_transparent']) {
    $FLIR['bkgcolor'] = array('red' => abs($FLIR['color']['red'] - 100), 'green' => abs($FLIR['color']['green'] - 100), 'blue' => abs($FLIR['color']['blue'] - 100));
} else {
    $FLIR['bkgcolor'] = convert_color($FStyle['cBackground'], false, 'FFFFFF');
$FLIR['opacity'] = is_number($FStyle['cOpacity'], true) ? $FStyle['cOpacity'] * 100 : 100;
if ($FLIR['opacity'] > 100 || $FLIR['opacity'] < 0) {
    $FLIR['opacity'] = 100;
$FLIR['text'] = $_GET['text'] != '' ? str_replace(array('{amp}nbsp;', '{amp}', '{plus}'), array(' ', '&', '+'), trim($_GET['text'], "\t\n\r")) : 'null';
$FLIR['cache'] = get_cache_fn(md5(($FLIR['mode'] == 'wrap' ? $FLIR['maxwidth'] : '') . $FLIR['font'] . (print_r($FStyle, true) . $FLIR['text'])), $FLIR['output']);
$FLIR['text_encoded'] = $FLIR['text'];
$FLIR['text'] = $FLIR['original_text'] = strip_tags(html_entity_decode_utf8($FLIR['text']));
$SPACE_BOUNDS = false;
if (is_number($FStyle['cSpacing'], true, false, true)) {
    $SPACE_BOUNDS = bounding_box(' ');
    $spaces = ceil($FStyle['cSpacing'] / $SPACE_BOUNDS['width']);
    if ($spaces > 0) {
        $FLIR['text'] = space_out($FLIR['text'], $spaces);
Example #5
function handle_bbcode_color($action, $attributes, $content, $params, $node_object)
    global $web_colors, $nuke_quotes;
    if ($action == 'validate') {
        return true;
    $attributes['default'] = str_replace("&quot;", "", $attributes['default']);
    if ($nuke_quotes) {
        return '[COLOR="' . $attributes['default'] . '"]' . $content . '[/COLOR]';
    // Figure out if this is a default web color
    $pre = strtolower($attributes['default']);
    $color = '';
    if (isset($web_colors[$pre])) {
        $color = $web_colors[$pre];
    } else {
        $color = convert_color($pre);
    if ($color != '') {
        return "<color color=\"{$color}\">{$content}</color>";
    } else {
        return $content;
$FLIR['dpi'] = preg_match('#^\\d+$#', $_GET['d']) ? $_GET['d'] : 96;
if ($FStyle['hq'] == 'true') {
    $FLIR['dpi'] /= 2;
$FLIR['size'] = is_number($CSS['font-size'], true) ? $CSS['font-size'] : UNKNOWN_FONT_SIZE;
// pixels
$FLIR['size_pts'] = get_points($FLIR['dpi'], $FLIR['size']);
$FLIR['maxheight'] = is_number($_GET['h']) ? $_GET['h'] : UNKNOWN_FONT_SIZE;
// pixels
$FLIR['maxwidth'] = is_number($_GET['w']) ? $_GET['w'] : 800;
// pixels
$FLIR['color'] = convert_color($CSS['color']);
if ($FLIR['bkg_transparent']) {
    $FLIR['bkgcolor'] = array('red' => abs($FLIR['color']['red'] - 100), 'green' => abs($FLIR['color']['green'] - 100), 'blue' => abs($FLIR['color']['blue'] - 100));
} else {
    $FLIR['bkgcolor'] = convert_color($CSS['background-color'], false, 'FFFFFF');
$FLIR['opacity'] = is_number($CSS['opacity'], true) ? $CSS['opacity'] * 100 : 100;
if ($FLIR['opacity'] > 100 || $FLIR['opacity'] < 0) {
    $FLIR['opacity'] = 100;
$FLIR['text_encoded'] = $_GET['t'] != '' ? prepare_text($_GET['t']) : 'null';
$FLIR['text'] = html_entity_decode_utf8($FLIR['text_encoded']);
echo '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>